PaH W% sls xÂ¥ A @7 TE T4 _ GREAT _ _ Stock Reducing .. COALE .. _ & NOW ON 85 pair Women‘s Fine Felt Shippors, size 0 on $1.00 and $1.25, clearing at 29q, a pair *!.‘. . Many odd lines of. Men‘s and: Women‘s We have marked ‘down all our goodsâ€"for this sale so as to give everyone a chance to buy, and at the mï¬p.udue.matc* #o if you need any . praser." <raeor ts on Rugs, Furniture or Window Shades 7ZICK‘S SHOE HOME For: genuineâ€"Bargains 9 Phones WATERLOO OL, $ JNVESTIGATION ‘will prove that Bishopric Wall Bo mï¬butsnhflmfallï¬-flplï¬ It is th combined with laths, which are necessary t as they ul > 6 oys .000 â€" _ taRed plaster walls, to insure Men‘s Lesther Leggings, wmwwï¬-’fl SPECIAL Saves 75 per cent in Material and Labort Mén‘s $4.25, $2.50, $2.75 Lumbermen‘s © Rubbers J. LETTER & SON WATERLOO â€" w 2 . ._" l at from $10,000 Buys 126§ acres, 2 miles from Berlin. 11,000â€" * 200 y A e 1.** Ayt ‘8;000. ~*©>~150 > â€"=3 : ‘Berlin 11,000 «> 200 .. * # . . *.. *Eimira $0,500â€"©,%. 1X1:**". 4§%~ * Berlin: 6,500 ; * <YI5 » *>â€"> 4: _A «â€" Berlin 4,500 *‘ 88‘ ** ; 6 «â€"_â€" â€" Berlin la,m «e 47 > "® 1 $ u‘i 'w $.000 !. «. ...‘23;~* _ af ... ‘* > De 19 N00 â€" «9210 ~= Ag cX Eons m NC $1.85 $2.00 $2.25 DON‘T FAILTO CALLâ€" ON 20 to 50 por $1.25 4 $1.45 KFelt Slippors, size 3 only, were 65¢.,75¢ e cce eE ie ..% Solid, Stiff, Substantial WALLS AND CEILINGS THE CHRONIGCLâ€"Eâ€"TELEGRAPH. ORNAN C. SCHEIFELE,Archt & Waterioo, Ont thoias . Wisther‘s Hidek. Phone 117( cent, discount. Fine: Shoos reduced to Makes a amooth wait board old fashâ€" damnnssn fln C #4. . Atcetlons Litna‘ '\" ‘Gre . poirnl de t ol t o o w * + BC UE ae j e s s e # oall c en " .. c WaATERLOOG, z,bf ' ï¬ y News Notes.â€"Mr. gnd Mrs, â€" J,; K Hails of Baden,. attended . the {uner of Mrs. â€" ~Jas. ~Bear, father â€" of Mrs Hails, at ‘Clifford, Ont. _ * . Intermediate ~O.H.A. Gameâ€"â€"A very interestingâ€"game .. _of . _ hoc was played ~at~ Baden on« Monday. den which mmb{_tp. home: leam by. Aa / score of 1â€"§. At half time â€"the Badem score was 2â€"0 . in favor ‘of Baden. _ When time . was calledâ€" > ~they were ~ tie, 55. â€"Relâ€" (ree > F. €ook of: Toronto, orderéd the tie to&phyï¬d off 5 minutes cach way, which.resulted â€" in Baden _ winâ€" ning 4 .out of 8. Rithinger : goalâ€">>, «_ â€" IL Miller cover . . ~â€" â€" Scharer Kavtman tover .: Otto Hussell centre Bowman C. Miller â€"~ right wing ~ Bruder Troupe ¢. â€"â€" left wing : Ruehl News Notes,.â€"Mr. Johh "Greenwood from Catswald is the guest of _Mr: and Mrs. E. C. Shants.â€"s _ Miss Nora Detweiler : ol f BHerlin called at the home of MÂ¥. and Mrs.< 3. ‘B. Bingeman last Sunday" â€" Mr. Lancée Watson of Toronto Univerâ€" sity, spent the weekâ€"end the guest. of NMNr. ahd Mrs. J. H.. Shepherd.â€"Born: On Jan. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs.~ Sam Wilkie, a :son.â€"Messrs, > Claytonâ€"Eby: and Shelly from Winnipeg gave : our ‘buarg a short"cal} on Sunday .« Mrs, Bemis #Was vory much surprised . on Baturday when ‘ghe received / a~ = 16 ‘pound turkey by express, © from her: .coudin, AMr. . C.~L. Pétrie, of :.: New Windsor, Til., on the occasion of het Bist birthday, which she celebrated on Monday, Jan. 22nd. : Mrs. Bemis is Still in her usual state â€" of . health, innd'bfl’ mnng triends bere all «join n wishing her many htfl f F of the day.â€"We also extend: mM:;E ::slm m:tl.uny happy returns ot;he ‘day‘ to .~ Charlesâ€" ‘ 6 who on the same day m her 1th bitthday.â€"Mr. Youse from Ti onbury, ‘and ‘Mr. Shoemaker~. . fcom Pennsylvania, students at the O. A. en ty Bs chare"" i. | t\zn' Dobate ; Club and â€" Litetaty] News Notes»â€"Mr; Aylme anid bis ~Irtend, Mr.. Tay] lon. SusX. . who have > be mobth, have : left for Toronto . and Nln;gm Falls ~ enrovta :to their home in the West.â€"Mr. Clordon Garland, is taking a fivo wedks‘ short course in agricultare at ~Simooe.â€"Anniversacy setviees will. bo held â€"â€"nert Sunday "‘WM' :11.:“ &\_hg ; a 4 ove mm m‘m'hmt pP Th BLOOMINGDALE HAYEVILLE cominencing at . 8 o‘cl of ~ the special toatw uma“wa mnt ~will hold Their Hansuld and lend :..Mnnu jor hy ++ bpiott The : Fatiers it t m se ting anyl e Homniont Cl taks pooses . how proprietor 'flm possesâ€" ; I-M March â€"15th. â€"Mr. E. Voll _ of Waterloo â€"was ~martied _ on Monday{ "niofring (o Miss. Eméline â€" Boege! ol‘ St.â€"Clomaits,‘ Rev: .Father Weyâ€" omâ€" * ciating.â€" On Tuesday morning â€" Mr: FElice â€" Leinbart â€" . of _ Linwood. was marricd ~to. "Miss : ~Annic â€" S.â€"Meyers bi . ~A. Cléments.=â€"Mr. W. Koebel of <1" Clemnents© soid a horse to _ H. Schnciaer of ~Beflin for a handsome figure.â€"\iv."â€" Wm, Koobel and Mr. Joc _ Ertel weat to Berlin onâ€"._ & business ° â€" trib. on Mongay:â€". ~Mt. in . â€" tho . <.â€" . Fownablipâ€"Hall. ~â€"The. in intamens it for .. our .. yorngsters on â€" : the. in in pioting the attune f'«'a’m&é ï¬ y OUF 8 4. n;@ ï¬l:t“l; W, Khel on Tue /s«“.',_;;-at;.i cherch next Sund gm-hge Mr. W.: J . Enider â€" " Awas ‘a : business visi~ i eronpfenaneinae visitor "to: Toronte on e Herbors K.. Wilkingon: of â€" Idmontom, Altg., was: â€"tisiting â€", friends. ‘~ â€"hete the : naut _ week,â€"Mrs.. ~â€" Homy â€" D. Dabhmet "has â€" been .. $ laid _ up fot . _# few â€" wecks.â€"Mrlâ€"Aug: â€" Kurschinsky Ofâ€"Boriin, â€" speat . a ow days with hWis".. son.Fred, here.â€"Wodding belis will w:on ~d6 â€"tinging. . The â€"first ue â€" here. in the Teap year. Mor: ‘Aater.â€"â€"The iec haprest is now, : on. Messrs: â€" Hy. Mntwk‘h (e."" w aL dang ts ie junk of, wh â€" ~A1l.: s ,lron;. Mt.~" Schwéitzor‘s dam Briofs.â€"Mr. ‘Peter !Wey has taken a ‘ ‘situation with Mr. > Benâ€"Boppre at St. Clements.â€" Mr. Boppte d#as Wwork es in omm to be _ the otong .â€"â€" Mr. hnd on io wl se â€"igtm to Mr. ~Jusoph â€"â€" Ertelâ€"@fora handsome figurte. _ Mt. Ertel â€"bas now . Om Rati‘s saw mill" ~at ‘Wallenstein staâ€" tion. â€" comwnenced operations on Monâ€" day. ~ There are â€" a‘ large â€" numbet ot â€" logs © on hand > for: ~the. winter: mpmm ts and. Mr. Fred Hause. . ca horses which ate the west. Briefs â€"Mr. and ~Mrs. Thomas AF fan of â€"‘;.Dettalt, ~ spent Wednesday with their ftiends Mr. and â€". Mrs. Jolin Tait.â€" Miss Marjorie Peock and â€l‘l. M. . Hagey, are on the‘ sick list, We ~â€"wish â€" themt a ‘speedy recovery . ~â€"â€"Mt. and Mre. Wil I-*H; and daughter,. Miss ‘Alice: of Bloomingdal® and â€" Miss" Alice Suyder of Berlin, w at Mr. W.. &. Weigand‘s â€" ster‘ Ran.ton Bowmai, spent. the weeksend with his friends in . Husâ€" i. ow momiey she ws * dewr, and family Mrs, . D. S.. Shantz. _ wadded.â€"A <© quiet _ woedding . coreâ€" mony ‘waus solemulied at % Chorch mana> by Rev. Mr. Hetbert Ahe . _bride : â€"who is â€" w ably . known here and a tik solghvorioos alt P mat a nd NINE â€"PINES LIMERICK ay , Mis davughter m .. to be too tsters on â€" : the ion, our.â€"â€" boys to : the : turig_ of The . 1 t Mrs M M i1 and f= resident 3 . life; holv M xXA Toâ€" â€" The oibtly lie adies and M 9 bonds wihtl af asult young { * On Monday ast there dicd at . het ~residence, (\Mi:mwwz; M d wilt _ of : â€"IJacobâ€"Reinhart, â€"jr:,_* in her. 55Th : year. Deccased ©â€"hadâ€"been M ‘ for . some» time with "heart trouâ€" bi», troim â€" which sbe": passed ~ away. She was an active,and faithiul workâ€" er in‘ the ~ â€"Mennonite: Church : .. and she will be greatly mvissed <by _‘ & wide . : cirele : of friends, : who loved her â€" for â€"ber kindly ~disposition and Chrtstian charaetor.â€"She .came. here with her : husband from â€" WatbtHoo county ::l but lot:p‘:at rx dence the wett,; and‘ s 4i here.. â€" Besides a sonowh:.{‘!"."" whd~ one son Wesley, who are left t> mourn Ker _ Joss,â€": there are â€".also 4out brothers and = two sisters _‘ as follows: J. B., Buflalo, M. B., Betâ€" lin; Cyrus and Simon at Waterloo; Mts.‘ : (Rev.) ~Stoltz, New Dundéo; Mrs. A. ~B. Reinbart, Portâ€". Elgin: The funeral took place om Wednesday and was conducted by Rev. ;C.â€" N. Good of ~Berlin. tex. ~< Frod. _ Chappél,one of.â€"the â€"~ Yi€â€" tims ol the _ Dover towdip Wlw-do explogion, js doad. The Owen Sound ratepayers, will .â€" tt : s asked to vote . on a million und 2 Phone 00 and 64 w# â€" is +â€"Patuiers are ng &w’l supply M iran s td gatd. ... § eraty 1 atteuded. and a good ) p Watech _ : . This Space DIEO AT PORT ELGIN WEST MONTROSE ir . prices will â€" E’;i"’“" fuing ‘:.-.i‘i;_f-_:;.’:w :""" N % â€" M B for our announcement of MANNMEIM weae‘ Weighel‘s Wookly Store Nows U Rpady Fencing wi.cs \f ho 41 A G M Sunda nds M ISELLING OU Ai . Meat Market: For Sale W.J. SCHLUETEK are offering this we â€" This is your last chanee to buy good al Yu-m&h’g’mry foot of the family & at a an. ving of 25 to 50 percent. Don‘t i . In future we willâ€"devote our wholeâ€" time to ‘our apvlh"l Goods and CJothing store which wo intendto conduct O 8 Mmr-mk.ndm&k-eekuuhg-uwhm clothing «t red prices, so that a visit this week to ourâ€" two stores will repay you well. © Come and see.. Don‘t miss it . .â€"~ M "cs.. y ecclol. i5 Co, . 3 2 BIG STORES _ .â€". BERLIN‘_ â€" _ / Housefurnishing s, General Dry Goods, Clothing .and Shoes Dentiche Xpothefe. A doss wi‘l relieve. Ritz‘s Use Honey Elixir We are the Sole Agents for this reliable remedy and guarantee every bottle He â€"I have on my list one of the bestâ€"meat markete in the fastest ‘"â€""fq town‘ in Canadaâ€"Preston â€"the Hub for County of Waterleo. ~< This is aâ€" good clean imoney : making.. All that a man requires to do is to take off his coat aud â€"get â€"to . work, the. trade is made: Party interested in other business, . Write or call onâ€"â€" The Home o0f Riâ€"Co Reliable Remedies Here are some records of Keen Kitter Tool service;; SatÂ¥ 20 years: Draw Knife 13 years, Hatchet 32 years, Shears 17 years, Butcher Knife o yearsâ€"and 35 Saws have been sharpened with One Keen Kutter alim taper fle The uniform excellence of i 4 The Â¥ Mark â€" _ That Means Long Service Futter trademark tools @nd cutlery. Special Bargains 1t The Live Wire Real Estate Broker T hat Cough Price 25 cents Draw FOOT WEAR on a‘l lines of TOOLS SHOE SALE for DRUG STORE ‘Berilin â€"© A bottle will cure. Opposite Knox‘s Ais PRESTON, ONT Taols 3883 LOW Prices cen # T w