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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 25 Jan 1912, p. 11

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4 â€" WATERLC ks tA6k The *10l North Wat Nonday af by Certify tha t ted the © book looâ€" Farmets Co., for® the 1911, ani . th to be correet. We ° also certity~ that the _ 8810 w'-'rwusw for the said gâ€",w which this out certificate is endorsed is _ correct and that | the cash balance ‘at . the 31st December 1911, / to the credit of the said Company is as Cash in office ... :. . $3:91 Cash in Molsons Bak.~> _ "Waterl00 ..= i.3 Cash in Bank of Tor â€" aentd.â€" Waterloo ... "" & .:. .â€" R. . More, vign: /; Nh 8. Snycer Waterloo, January 16th To the members of. the North Wa terloo: Farmers‘ Motdal: Fire.. Insurâ€" ance Coâ€"., l Gentiemen.â€"We, your Directors in submitting . this .our: Thirtyâ€"cighth aniual" report, â€" Managers‘ .Financial Statement .and Auditors® : Report for The yeat ending December® 34, ~1911, would congratulate the â€" Company on the _ steady increase in business and the amount of cash on hand. ‘Qur : ‘lqsses â€" totalled up to$11,â€" 749.83. â€" #*â€", PE IRC" E Our Directors â€" have , financed the year‘s business and. are ableto _ reâ€" port that â€" you hold a surplus to the credit of ~ the Company amountâ€" ing to $16119.16 and an uncollected assercsment of $1332.21. The total namber> . of policies in ce afe‘ 3135, the amount. at risk 433 for which â€"the _ Company h premium notés face value to amount of $460,570. _ It is cléarly shown by the â€" steady ; of the Company‘s _\rusinzssl ‘year ‘to yeat that you have the con . of the public in general. A r Directors have . made: w effort to increase its i we are able ‘to show an in Qd o{ risk ‘of © $686,919. ‘ our Directors declaredâ€" an assess merk 6P 3 . for o ow siff ) r#iv un notes in [ rce‘ on w r t aiy â€" of Sebtember â€" 1911, whi on wiuh ~Lat eash on hand ~was sushcien‘ to meel all liabilities of the Company and leave â€" balance ol cash and surplus to $16,119.16.~ ~ j We Jh, conelusion ‘we ‘beg bo ‘call your: aitention to the two principal ob xcu‘ of your meeting here toâ€"day z.â€"‘The Disposal â€" of the Reports and statements ~abott to be read to you and the electior of four Direcâ€" tors â€" ‘whose tetm of office have exâ€" pired, ‘vizâ€"J. W. ‘Hartleib, _ Thos. ‘Marshal}, Jacob &. â€" Maliman . and Soe. B. Hagey, all of whom > are ‘eligible for reâ€"election. A 3 ACr onl nean d wa yrieP P AAP e To c § Manakers Fjoamial Statemem$ es . 4 /+ $ dor. 491 Mo‘ * hand as per last wauqn w % xll':fl:hwiu mpeofithly suh@' ted, 68 45 \f.i‘“:;.m poat Po i wfahy w rA e 4 w wl ue l ns is S is :) N Assessments Collected _ during oltk.:s..... ... ~ ooo .B COn tal lohn F. and: en Tacob W 3 M Ue inder indet *‘wm Bec. 31., ~ that we‘ find â€" the Ssame Directors e Jightaing we have duly audiâ€" ‘ mv w. x the North Water I\.g: Fire Insurance Mu tual Philip, loss of | bat tents by lichtsmg .. xpendituré . 480 .25 its were pfésented . : at the gAn 1485.00 eport damage 1 Car,*ell Continued 1912 to barn _ damage 1 dn broming ... President $1969.1¢ follows ky 12883.38 said 21023.12 2130.18 A m'm 809.16 1000 .00 rou A TB its|Salarics, directors‘ fees and in | auditcrs" feeg ... oc cece9 Agents! 1088 .cc hemmcon La un | Printing stationery and adverâ€" + BE 0 MBE . igme more erter ie n ntrbetint v.e | Agjusting claims and investiâ€" veei |ZAbiMg ~108808 .. kcz s enc ahil f IDLETO§L, ......â€"iczally ie stt plus | Statutory assessment .and li~ CONSE TEOR : o. ey meve cepring rorand rour tExpenses collecting _ assess~ 1498 t ; B&TR | By. NBAE NS 0 k o" s esn o Yas neswaink .. â€"â€"_ ‘ Rudd “_‘ 0 .', ’ P ...-:«--w‘-n-.-‘ At(m by lightming ... wgust Hergott, Nost : 0 4 se . Nes 9Â¥ + » ~ cow ‘by lightning ... Harvey % loss of by lishtning*~...~..<~ â€"â€" ,At!n Schiedet,â€" toss of by* lightning ... .. Anthory Dentinger, Jloss steer by Vightning 1. Withelmina Kay, ~108$ house and contents by Henry Karges, damage bouse by lightning â€" . William H. Lyous, loss Wil house byâ€" lightDINE ...« .c<«~> Lydha Martin, damage to conâ€" tents by lightm‘mg .000 . Francis Brown, loss :o( barn by lightning ... weke eevagee en Mrs. Elizabeth A&\d{; loss of barn ‘and contents by fire... Ctas.. & H. 7Ammerman, loss of house, batn and* driving shed and contents DY fite ... page |2.) MIENLS |....cs0epmipnen 2rnt Travellin3 . expen§se8 ...« Office : FBRt ....coue es ‘Telephone rent messa BUSiNESS | A&K ... «yef en Refund on assessments ... Post office pox rent .._..... Louice repairs and expense Library Hall for annual 2 OW Repayment of loans Miscéllaneous ... Cash om bhand Mortgages ... 00 Josiah Staufier, . Maniger Uncollected : â€" assessâ€" qwents ... Writ ten off Net amount of preium iam Stockie, damage â€" to notes sinkew € 4 w00 any in N Ey i Difice â€" furmiture â€"......... 250.00 "I lost weight and had no appetite. | qpumetnpeaisemmin I tried â€" everything 1 cver heard Of y 438059.42| for piles, as 1 was willing to take _â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"! anything to get relief 1Jt was useâ€" uw,ul.fl‘lnx, however,~ and 1 almost gave Linbilities: none, f up . in despair. .Statistics Increase _ in risk , . One day a friend gave me A same, No. of policite in force 3735 216| ple of Zamâ€"Buk ani told me ‘of a Amount at °risk ... 8001823 . 686919 friend of his who had been cpred, °L Face amount. of prem decided to try Zamâ€"Buk, and the reâ€" _ dum notes = ...0.<>.7.../A005M0 : 85208 lief 1 got was encouraging. . I used f Â¥6: : « «three poxes,. D t‘ the end of that . mbnngrmmeemmmemmmaionem (umelweom tely cured. 1 wish WOULD YOUJ LKE 1 could have got Buk years agor. M rmygmpiu' would haye sivé me a great deal 4) exmatnc > of) ty.". /x " . . 1342 syraxt 7 ] Zamâ€"Buk. will slso be found a sure IT 1s OFFERED FREE: \t:.',“ "ot colds, w # it B o 1i T uic . %| ‘yoison, . _ A fine composition fl&%m;-m.mm, 1 forte, by the MOU composer, J.‘:::-a ‘ %fim eruptione lwflm has been published , chapped . burns brui# by the . Co., of Toronto;, and ‘es, and ‘skin injuries generally. All '&%‘:’.&‘.....“’ of r -tma i ‘z‘â€":;ym a or _ pos [ a o n on io m n cerracs 6 :;u-wc%mrdw s .‘efl“u‘g pianoforte x . @ istered name $ in h ._fl.u. of .h’. package. â€" "‘ w 2t n Manager‘s Statement ; for 1911 Total experditure. on los® Cash on hand A fine composition .â€"fot forte, by the famous comp< Michael Watson, _ has been hy the Zamâ€"Buk Co., of To we‘ are able to make out .. FeAGPTS tmrfiwwnloleroinw"‘*m' Mai tor stmply postage . on um.mmum:'um very mn,nqduwnflnmmoi g pianoforte players, and is .« Wondertally® effective plece of . work To obtaiw a copy, forward .2 cent. g“.;m) to The: Zamâ€"Ba .. Toronto, asking for a copy, an mnfl'nm. t ie Et Hart caen "w‘%u a AT for annual meetâ€" 1808 ".....u,. ... 46.35 n Weeriaicse. umt 125.00 messages.. 22.89 s > :.ib k‘.‘..&...i..h‘::.a ) losk\ of 20 KW df a heil tamage ! loss of a of a colt of a cow Cha of fout 482809 42 _ 250.00 1960.16 14150.00 t a $21022.72 1. J. Campbell, President. 1333.71 15798 F:: ; £ fre 518.00 of Assests to for the pianiâ€" Wv J. been published ot..Toronto;, and our . readers { a copy of this AL 11719.83 127040 11 1084.40 1216.00 48 48 . 04 48 30) 00 153 15.68 24 _ 4,00 4000.00 1804.63 â€" 98.83 503.10 7303.173 1969.16 11.4% 1611 210.00 24 00 33.10 32.00 of . work. package, mti.: M ; copy, und Batt" i Arthabs 79.85 55.89 | 96.35 93.95 42.50 1190.19 00 00 00 49| __It is pleasing. to learn that N. â€" ;‘ag | Sims is still on the official staff | of . ) oo | the British America, and ..is . likely," therefore, to. have for Jong, an outlet g5 |for his passion for woerk,~ in which & , trip as adjuster© or: otherwise, to ; 45 | many a point.at which;h long . ex« ; 9; | perience will be of mvgy | _ to . the {company. ‘ Canada has no _ means ; 89 ‘reachcd the point where the business of fire underwritin: is to be seeu in a 50 | Its perfection, thou;"» â€" great strides ¢ 35 |in advance have been made in vhirty s oq | Â¥ears. . Not, have our communities ‘ 3 4o |been yet taught sufficiently the conâ€" 5.00 | Stant dan{m of fire to life and propâ€" 3 94 | ertyâ€" Happily there are signs that 1 g; | the teachings of _ experience and the 4 .;p |results of. scientific éffort ‘are, in: this g ap |country and the United States, peneâ€" * trating the dense mass of carelesshess 4,00 1;bout the fright{ul Joss that goes . on a‘ag |by fire from _Atlantic to Pacific. 30 35 0 9.16 JA q ; of . an‘ e pryine ht ance , in . ~It w an m of agents of that. . old inogimn thtie Em signed "that‘ pos w& he _ has took the forme of an address and & handsome slivet tea setvice.. And the occasion was marked not. only . . by warm expressions of régard from agâ€" eits far and néar, but by> testimony to the value> of Mr. Sims‘ work . of twenty years and more, conveyed.â€" in eloquent terms by the president and various directors of the company. in the I «[ tuise "upon the unprotending . bot a. time, upon the k ( very worthy carser of this " veteran in insurance. It should: not lost ‘sight of ‘that the emil ~*Of Waterloo and Wellington® § _set cal valuable example to other‘ municipali ties of Ontario in the matter of in surance. Monuments to their . enterâ€" prise exist in such mutuél.fire underâ€" 'ritimeomm as the: _ Mu« tual, the Welthigton, the Reonomicat, the Mercasitile, : the atefloo â€"Mutual, ’the Perth Mutual, and, in the nlc“:: surance field, the out ng Mutual Lite of .Canada, W enterâ€" [prises are connected,.in the memuries of a fastâ€"passing . generation, . the names o( T. M. Stmons, R. S. Strong Chas. Davidson; C. M. Taylor, James Lockie, James (Goldie,.William. ~Henâ€" dry, Hon. James Young. These men, with P. H. Sims and others, worked out the mutual principle in underâ€" writing and rendered & great service to their communities, â€" whichâ€"â€" were mainly the counties we have mentionâ€" . ed. For years Mr..P. H. _ Sims wui manager of the Mercantile, at. Waterâ€" loo, and bore besides his til:lt share in the social and ‘municipal; betterment, of that town. Used to hard work, hq did:gqod service. for scheduleâ€"rating in Toronto in the nineties, and since, and his efforts and those.of. . others saw [ruits in that systeny in its good working order after long effort. . He ;was made president of the Board, and also, if we do not mistake, he: was ila’t&r president of the Insurance Inâ€" stitute of Toronto. w 4 I Don‘t you believe that experience 13 better‘ than ‘hearsay? . If _you s-?u from piles, just iry Zamâ€"Buk. ol ‘ean do. so at our expense. So . lasâ€" |sured are we, of * the result that _ we l\\;m send â€"you a free trial box if you send to outr, Toronts offices Tux name and _ address and a one cent stamp to pay return postage. x Scores ol ‘people daily .emm‘ us Plain Talk Scores ol ‘people daily. acquaint "" . with _ the benefit they have derivec from the use of '/.im-lgfii tor piles. Mr. °F. Astridge, of 3~St. Paul St., St. Catharines, _ Ont., says: "For five» years 1 have sufféred ‘untold agony with protruding: piles: / The pain was so great at limes 1 would | almost scream. : Xo4 Autk Harty â€" Simps ave reburned t appreciation About Piles Que al ber in ~ W interesting * tb in +we acts was ,';""‘,Q:.'km“n nm'.~ ‘Qusen " streat â€"rink est py fhere on #hutsday eyening « before 421 Df 1 ~Of take «se gave round" that maid. ful bouguets . of / Tg, Preston too d acted so m gre balinad deanusdiieurcerdt Well, guess little can be. said. . of the game. . A la., Monsieur Napoleon de Bonaparte, "‘they came,. _ they saw, they conguered."" x " Waterloo was . simply .. POWENMIU®®: Preston dasbed, about them in little circles and when they thought it was ubout time to‘ score, they smashed the defénce and injured the ropes that hold the nets together.. The, nearest the home team could get to the visi< tors was when Thomas Seagram beat ‘Shortt on a bad bounder from centre ‘ice. This touched.the pride â€"of . the seven leading citizens . of Preston and they opened wide the throttle oi‘ their well regulated _ machine . and made the goal umpire tired . raising "his hook six times . in rapid succesâ€" sion. And so that, perio@ of much ‘tfliction for _ Uffielman‘s performets eaded ten to .one, M Just to show that they . had no. hard féelings; Preston >started _ the fipal halftâ€"scoring fout | goals which raised the ire of Mr. Seagram who thought. it about time the home fans started to: cheer and passed â€"â€" Shortt on a shotthat peekedâ€" . out +. of ~@ scrimmage in front: of his | box. Not satisfied with their fourteen . scores, Preston added insult to injury by lregmering three more: times; . con cluding the performance. y e E sidered. ma |from the i# | Wonsan‘s All | Brotnorh 0c. | the . trea o. {ard, all fou | ing yéar Een es Ds%nh the stickiness of the . i¢@, Preston invested some pretty: combinâ€" ation play, their forward: line work ing likeâ€"a machine. They checked back, : shot ‘well, â€". and did . everything essential to good hockey, which won for them the admiration. of the popuâ€" lace. Penalties were few and far beâ€" tween and Tor minor: offences, _ which made the work of Referee Waiter | Hern of Stratford rather soft, 'l‘hil{ is the way they: Hined. up.> > ~ =~~ WATERLOO, L _ Forlet A Seagram ‘ * Roschmann Baver â€" / Mickus Ufelman 0 » e Mulroy Eltherington Raln Walker f Bernhardt Bowmah % T Shortt P 6 ¢ * PRESTON . i ¢ | ‘Referee. W. Hetn, Stratiord. Congregational ‘ke annual congregational . meting. d the Methodist: ; Chureh, Waterlo0, held : Monday evening, Wa® ol a most shtisfactory _ and encouraging charat ter, both in point of attendance and the ‘excellence of 'fllo'm‘l‘p(;l‘llb od. â€". The . yPAL, been ome. of pro gross and ...‘:#-;. n.dul ‘:evs-u‘.t- ments and & un day School e.mfi: has been most marked. â€" The need <of moré accomâ€" modation was by the. 84 perintendent and to provide the needed aro being canâ€" sidered. Reports wore â€" alsd received from the Ladies‘ Aid Sotiety, . _ the Wmm Society, * the Brota '?.a “onk,d League the treasurer enyelope stew ard: all of which revealed & loug Referee, W i Mr . copt Duri w i M ably TY ;v'%v': s" ': t sweet scented .. £ORIE. k g-' part so . well uch better ~than the m .“" m“ ht Â¥. Oscarre Betnbardt, nteen most. be the bee i pptiion H npFI ymmmmofll' en repainted and . decâ€" fine new system _ ~Of tine‘ installed. had beer at Epworth _ League the enyelope stew revealed & floutish ard. presided â€" m soapai + fase" s Meeting h 1 al the | j ton of ‘ t and s C ing es Y uch n 1eTS i no} £ the hich | who f<dy fans ortt | <ax 9 Not res, | % by con ; ice, ibinâ€" a rorkâ€" cked hing ; won opuâ€" ‘ be_ vhich alter This |â€" ‘]man ‘ Ralin ‘ M MAAA MMMOMAMAAE MAM MR 1RA °D4 P dese : eretihenr se 1e ueelere . Sitelh C goae â€" ue ieant e aas va n3 a t : $ heap Readi FOR: ‘Lneap neadIng :s 45 6e s & 5 ¢ | : ~ aoude "A .. in on o S e m es i in se t esd anrramitee elnuuiins vat DT Essie ° Devitt and Mr. D. â€"B. Musâ€", L selman, . a . .recitation by ~Miss «Marâ€" of thett: im Police:Udurg. this morn« mwerite Bechtel, pian> numbers by ing. . Coburn was arrested on Tues fl-: Emma , , ~a@ quartette, by / day afternoon ..by Chief Flynm, _ of 8. H.; M. * MrsaD. B.. Mus« information laid . by proprietor _ and sehman,. Mr. F. Poetch wdd Mr.. Musâ€" Ars. Meyer ol the Park Hotcl. Meyâ€" Iltlnfi-. nd‘fieflou by. an orthes er. stated : that he had been missâ€" va all of, added to the â€" enâ€", ing â€" con#:derable cutlery . and: othet ‘oyment of© ~the occasion. property about b}LQ:‘ recontly and Those present afterwards adjourned | centred suspicions Coburn i .0 _ the Sundayâ€"School _ roomâ€" whers ”flm‘i ‘ young. man who "had etréshments were served ald a. <few | been Nanzing about . the place . _ for hours spent â€" socially. * 4 some timeâ€". Following a . Hgit o Anialt apik cok oA , seardh, & donsiderable portionâ€" . 6 the ‘stolen propetty was . recovered Prinonstr which‘. Snolnded ‘a bunch; . of. . key " had disfppeared soms _ tink nWe had & mR Cleuston, a&mr on nt. of . sc Royal Purple Stocl ful. We found aft her bran or anyâ€" 0t 25 Ibs. during that mer Send Today For Fres.Book‘et. An assorted order amounting to $5.00 we will prepay.. . # r’.hnt we. wish to }gmu on -m uid-‘h that we manafacture. mhinlhbut“pure uréad gives over 0 ‘or, ourdifferent lines from all. or ‘ ?hw; uusow the names i#’a few whm M‘g. our best ueo-leldm:n is for ;«r»u.ta; who La ever used.any line we -_ndugt.'un. alX%e 4 4 [3 Prisoner Remanded for Sentance hut they id lay.ms we NO W M MANVAMAMAUMMAAMAMAA NAMALAE MAAAE 42044 : 0 Royal Purple Poultry Specific LOILTCOUE qaueâ€" da%>in winter: an<well as in make: your heng lay> 4 and yet a.50¢ peckage 50 pailâ€"or airâ€"tlght: tih ,Royal Rurple J. L. Eidt, A. & ° E eâ€"Btock Specif here is a woman in guess ltvu;_‘#m wolt plead Aud In g y & y OwnK ‘Jflv rate ead on . a Obronicleâ€"Telegraph _ and Weekly Globe and Canada nicle:â€"Telegraph and Weekly Mail with free portrait of Qh"x?fifiu:tm '.!";',:?3& tints, 0t fion, R. L. Borded, Premicr t4 M.._.‘._._.\uu-~--'-.--........>-..--...n.o-.-.....,... umnach.mmfi" ‘and Family Herald and Weekly Star‘ with beautifal premiain: pllgnso‘mblued "Home Xguin“.. Chronicleâ€"Tâ€"legraph. and Fnrmer‘s Advocate ..,............> Chrouicleâ€"Telegraph and Montreal Weekly ‘Witness and < 400 'i;gidfn- to ast 280 days 1 ilting .cime, cutre Ohronicleâ€"Telegraph and The Oanadian Farm and Dairy.... ... / 1.75 Uhronicleâ€"Telegraph and Weekly Sun (a farm joutnal) ....... 175 Chronicleâ€"Telegraph ard. The Canadiah Farm,,............. 1.75 Ohronicleâ€"Telegraph and Country Gentlemen ....,........... . 200 Chronicleâ€" Telegraph and. Daily Gl0be, ... 2s u2 lulk es ... 12. 4.25 Carsaicleâ€"Telegraph ard Toconto Daily World . .............. 8:2 .Chronicleâ€"Telegraph and Toronto Dasly Mail;..... ........ . 4.43 "Ohronicleâ€"Telegraph and Toronto Rvening Mail .. .. .. ... .. .. 425 Obromicleâ€"Tolegraph artd Northern Messenger. ... ... .c ... ... . 1 3 opeouisle Reisgtadh and Ths Arestbaliy) _ aul .l .000 8 Oliwonicleâ€"Telegraph and Rev. R. Hicks, 1911 Almanac and Mag» â€"__ MHomesteadiy.s.. . .0 0 (Busea ) C uols «s Chronicleâ€" ‘!‘vlagnph and Daily Witness on trial Regular rate $3.00 . ~ ~ /; winter: as well: as 11 Inst 2 henk 16 last 2 hens 76. days. or taing four times ‘as. much darys. . It Apr-o:onu poulthy. me, cutr Dl’m“ their fl‘l.n‘ln bor lgh t . cyd ‘a will mrobuete w milch cows, calves snd fatie oyal Purple supplies and free bookilets may be secured fron g{“é’i',» %crfin“ o on j J. Weseloh, W naPP® winter as s0h4SA ® rest . anima l m uhi $TOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFIGS Plin . prigoner ... whep Arraignt ore © HIX Worship© toâ€"day . aj o be unconcerned and gave t > friends for referente . as haracter when requested, Me was romanded until Mon I y6u‘ haye ; produce . JENKINS MFG. CO., Lon 14 t ma% recontly and spicions Coburn , a d young man who "had about .. the phce . . for . This is entirety diffe In order for xi n emr.“l this lice one: of our klets, as there, l"lli entirely animais with not: more i smothers them. ~Price 25 ince .bottles Royal Purple Sweat Lin Royal Purple L Royal Purple Lice } Royal Purple G about € vigned inday € Appeat â€"_ nosek @ to h x . poutpmid, ‘oue ol pfr Iqrke 7:1' “‘ poultrÂ¥y, Uight horses, colts and ui to keep and feed ,.*5 without it + [Youth Has & H 81. 56 11 Publi Wat 1912 3 g & P &s

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