hC â€" qwny ‘ somet 7 M # ral e 4 wnl Miss OH ;’ ;“,“ mean, AMF,. A ie be polite to a YOULE lady -,‘â€.. ton., ~ DiG you not t« en I was in ! arkahire, that it C t s n e 2igg you | Rememuer bow blue your % vgn‘ were six the an hmagina‘on, xc \ 1 was in I Wined in Brit remem cr . when y0 mitted to ant i afammur llcn?' woPhe apcake‘ 4 1 “’.“ ‘=‘ ears, & wit cigo r:{ ahnd an ic nto the back of I k enderyors t~ k 1 m Jine of » sed * disc whils the‘e ma phaaized : <? 0 roundings. Th Thw, in spite of : meemed infinite ‘ment than ho d ="Does it Anstruthcr ".’ m w . 'nns‘thlng Wc suchâ€"malign country L}A'.‘f" wh‘l':‘m call a . ang ,m heel irrital morge‘s ribs to turn that tersmo empbatically : w talke abou ~»rHow far is ~ Can‘t say WB® _ ICC are off right." ghayt is this then: that: we. MAVC éen:10l] owing?" "â€"®A watering trail secningly.. I‘ve not bee this way myself for years, but the tracks all break up dffferent ways ® bit farther on." â€" w Th > month was early . October and ‘October the weather may be perfect ‘upon the northern cattle Jands or i} w .. THere is a whisper al vays; reti a thrsat «i winter in th = ;{f &n in summer, in spite cf the. lous sunshine, you ~annot quite for . ;‘ t. winter: reigns here at least d â€"\’ ) year. * WThat morning, the Jong \flld'.llllh\’ iands had been. stretches of sunlit urple, royal in coloring, boundless in "j_‘ ~with ‘fair brotderies‘ of pu‘ gold whe! the cotton woods shed their vei ; in the little wet gullies; nOW, . in‘ the grey of coming night, these up jands were wild, coloriess and desolate m storimy sea, vold and~ without Ecal whelter «rENDRRFOOT S WOONG ; a dreary outlook in an open rig, dt rorn out horses, h t zjw resented c CEL 3A aav Jt was a dreary outlook for the 1wo women in an open rig, drawn by two irly worn out horses, but it was Mr. astruth g‘rmmed it. C ‘«"Do you to say, Combe, that ‘3‘.‘_“ know where we are?" he ed impationtly, ""®We ain‘t in England, Mr. Anstry , and we Torgot to order milestones -.‘a you were coming," re rted the other, his color rising. T e C= C 2 u2‘ Encoland * Mrs 2 Jocvat mt 4 7 ok o " Aive ain‘t in England, Mr. ADSLO® |speck of lgHt her, and we forgot to order milest0ODe® |qriyen gloom. f heard you were coming," T¢ | _ «"jim bas (&0 y m pther, his color fllh"- "Just\iin thvre ‘‘Eno, we‘re not in‘ England," MIB |a gesolate ~C‘~ Rolt put in bastily, "we are in JIM® | ; gay, Maryâ€"" wen country, and it we are oft the "Yes?" ; As § & moment, it does not mBEY | «per Nr. As a Witle bit Which way, Jim?" You were prctt] " Sim‘s face relaxed at once Like 8 | ~ "Not half $3 n anteited horse he flinched At th9 | on poor Bes#," BB Asuch of the curb, but the light | «1 know, d:8! chad Bosa‘s wife could do WhBt | sountry, and th ~ ked with Jim Combe, the 1970 |por him. He it ‘man of the Risky Ranche. yeteverything tm aAfraid we can‘t make camp 10. | ;) far,." night where we meant to. 1 got fooled | "wyhat Pol‘y ] BÂ¥ the weather myselt. : Didn‘t CaICH |winds know, t We on a ratustorm before MOTHINE: | she drew UP Of JAE , Q. turning so plague? dATk |;ige which sto C RE n Catitrin EVWME NY |~ Cat cade 16 y EBm PREEE C es m“wo can‘t make camp toâ€" We meant to. 1 got fooled se weather myselt.â€" Didn‘t calou ;iuhlï¬om before nwrlltnt turning so plague? dark, you won‘t whins if you do â€"~ You can‘t hunt and keep gry _R M es t is ‘Wget. You can‘t hunt and keep dry Yhe time, If you let ‘he Indian ¢rive ‘ :m"' me, 1‘1); get you to Riley‘s Jw chmp in no time. ‘ 1t‘s rough shelâ€" and bad W‘ it‘s better than ,"" . and ~he k his btuue and moved on abead of the cart, «Do yo! mind ;:r" much, Kitty?" Aisk _M_. i) _ L anw Seabn tha ; ’ B'fllfl bodily conaiipny by ASVIMG "" "**** * _|BEECHAM‘S PILLS | % a bit, dear, between thos for a row Jim has. deve to the Old C« Rolt smiled mysteriously ?*d her hood, but ‘Only to the horses. ~up, mare. Keep close to «se through anythinz." _ "Get ï¬-,â€":’-" hbut â€"we adrit ker, n tall, slight man, 0 . ian twentyâ€"three, stood ‘beâ€" | ntry cart, the collar of F( coat turned over his â€"gigarette drpoping treea 4 an lc{‘s\nt storm driving c‘x of s neck, in spite of o iaclus (hin, weltbred face e of 1 in, We ~ Aiscomfort udmnn. swartness of his getâ€"up en pa roughness of his ‘purâ€" The ladies he was addrezsâ€" e ot the disadvantage of sex, etnite‘y more in thelr ele~ at "we adrâ€"it â€"it, though 1 ~anything like this in that ncd â€" country. I suppose at you call a bliszard," and s heel irritably . into his # to turn that animal‘s (ï¬ï¬‚" empbatically upon the slant Exobius .‘-f;‘?}u mhdhï¬mwntflomtdllmhmm;b- akes we .commit without thinking of m:m ‘These may be slight at first, but they r work, prevent Iva or bring depression and spoil ’“}""‘“‘" What w ï¬ybdh.edon‘&:iefldhotdm not checked in but you CAN check easily and quickly; ‘They will if Naturally Yield To Author id it the tral them * this is RRROTY ed staying here, Mrs, to the girl‘s companion. t up beforo. dark, and m cold.. Shouldn‘t wonâ€" the blizzard that gentleâ€" 1 her friend. r, it you can keep the ween those two. They‘re just or a row. What a vile temâ€" has developed since I went he Old Country, It‘s not like it Most llis of Life h to Brown‘s, Jm*" ~actly. Pretty Dick in Eng:and, Mr * Poontce. Pimited meg Jady with u not tell me . that it never imbis? ~Dou‘t 1e your s4le® six thousand May 1 be por: a fair sample PHILLIPS WOLLE Mr, . Anstru rode up ON & 1 guess he ur familyâ€"to d in Catriboo, )et, MNiable faimmily 1 a famot@s An have nditiony by ha "Do you think 18 u?..m Mr. & tigure oply hbalf v darkness ahâ€" ad, reined in waited, He was too fa have heard, sand yet M _ The figure oply half visible in Aarkness ahâ€" ad, rened in his horse waited, He was too far in frop have heard. snd yet Mrs. Rolt afraid. . Jim‘s bearing, like &1 bis itles : was kéen as that Of & LA DEA "I . don‘t that 9“ fellow knows t,m% he is," muttered Anstruther angrily, o "I don‘t suppose that he does exactâ€" ly.buthlwlul!nd if we let him alone.. Nope of us do that in this darkn®ts." ho ERmgesP w s | CR [( ~"You trust him Rolt." o lties, ~WAA niDg. \.â€" ~â€"*We hayse kT Haven‘t we,° Ki But (the gitl Perhaps her cymT® lence were pot â€" 8 growled> som t‘‘ng and ‘the procersion a foot‘s pace: _ a 100L 5 PRUE: Li "Well, yorr bnrzes scom to have had : mugh of it. it you have not, Mrg.. Rolt," bo raid at last, as . the pait balked resoiutely t the foot of an ¢x~ reptional‘y s ep pitch. ~"Get up, you brutes," and the angry wan laid hg whip savagely .8 0r583 the quarters the nrarest borce. 3 Tt winc<d but etood gtill. ; _ Apain th: whip fo‘l, ard the hors"s lbsclcd so t at t*2 cart pearly turned Lver. " C e n um it. "Pardon T# self cannot £* brutes must 5 imounting. P 1 the British & But he w2° than Nrs. R ?nd es his Lo t, ho wes < held as firo fingers &8 if held him. "Stop t°&‘ There was olce, but i These ar> T them mysel wailt for us. out your he Jim Anstruthor. raisâ€"d his AAt MH0 D mattered aptiosy, and ‘did as ho â€"was | J bid, wishing himself back in England and pretty . Mrs. Rolt .at the devil: | 1 What, ha esed himself, did women want in such a country? However, un | tess he was very much wistaken, she:| would be ob"ged to call him. back to those horses before he tai gone very | tar. Such i! bred brctcs cou‘d not be made to vnderstand anything but the whip. But Mr. Frank Aostruther was very muchâ€" mistaken. Polly Rolt was not only & superb horse womanâ€"&§ good ‘with catt‘e, ber husband boasted, as ‘any cowâ€"boy â€"but she loved them and understood . them; understood them because she loved them, So she stood there in the deep mud and driv« ing bail, pessing her fine, soft hands over the wea‘ed flanks until some thrill of her gentle nature had soothed the poor beasts. ‘Then she stroked their drooping ars, and took the mare‘s mussle datw her arms, putting her face down beâ€" side the bcast‘s, and talking. tender nonsense which beasts understand?* ¢ "Drop the rcins altogether, Dick," she commanded, : ‘"<o%, old boy, come |along, come on ‘rssie, un there, up!" l and with her hand on the mare‘s neck [ she led the way up the steep bank, the broocca sning with ber where mo whip sho "Drop the rcins.AllOR@!MN, 1" °°" she commanded, : ‘"<o%, old boy, come along, come On Inesie, un there, up!" and with hor hand on the mare‘s neck she led the way up the steep bank, the horses going with ber where no whip could have driven them. , L From the top ‘of the bank a tmy speck of light showed abead in the ldrlven gloom. NA ol You forg _ RCB * "Let Mr. Anstrotber down easily. You were pretty bard on him." "Not balf es bard on him as he was an poor Bese," snapped the other. "I know, doar, b.t be is in a strange country, and things are not goli; wenh tor him. He isn‘t a muff, really, and lnt-evetythhu has gone wrong for him so fatr." t e Plt oo dePoLch Site "Aha What Pol‘y Ro winds know, but she drew upâ€"at t side which stood Q TRE, What Pol‘y Roit answered, only the winds know, but her face cleared as she drew upâ€"at the little log cabin, heâ€" side which stood two dripping horses. "I made it, you see, Mr. Al;urunm-." she called in the slang of ‘the West, "go 1 will forgive you. Now come and help us out of the cart, Kitty is too water logged to move without assisâ€" Kk#bo@ nX :.: o &n sn a h 0o e Sn Anstruther hurried . putting his waterproof helped . Mrs. Rolt : ground, as if her skin one half alkalt mud a But she tried not to PPUMT AME CTR CS 030 eck of light showed shead in the iven gloom. "Jim bas <smped, 1 think." *% "Just‘iin thve to save my 1i%e," said Aeanlate vol~e from the box seat. AnCE. â€" Anstruther hurried to the cart, and putting his waterproof over the wheel, helped . Mrs. Rolt daintily to the m\md,ui(hcrnurthdmm one haif alkalt mud already, But she tried not to laugh, and pretty nm.lvrheonuhdmuflfl.nd her eyes bright with the weather, made anmiends, leaning a trifle more than was perhaps absolutely necessary on the n!&oflllc arm and whispering: f ever mind Polly. She doesn‘t ’mun it, but the Boss himself dare not flog the horses when she is near." _dynm‘smlnm d -TM medicine is known, Thicuan waully ant wrege d to muhlilhr&- #+, !‘t, Anstruther is on angry ring in he was t;o savago te yovreelf, Mr. Anstruther. ‘bors s, and 1‘ manage Go on and.ask Jim to Kit‘y ?d 1 can do withâ€" . t{ aak you." Sfad M‘rs Kitty and your . x b.re wll night. The ‘wacte to go, ‘and dis ry~ed.d to make them. arcly on his feet soonsr t wes out of the cart, d ross with the whip in ogit by tre wrist, and y ‘by th:se thin white t ned be.n & wan who : mind Polly. She doesn‘t but the Boss himself dare the horses when she is near." WH rad noth athy and d nothirg. to s&y. thy and her exper ; ons.. Anstrather under his breath, moved on again at “I“n‘n’n Mre 0 k the cart, Kitty is too o move without assisâ€" ring in the ledy‘s zatago to fl:{’ his bat with 8 a long time from the mis Two Stages of Pov dopnient _ _ Imm. # / e "ï¬',", hog hut wiix a seud 1906 maes 7/ q fow anilers, he igriâ€"d to tuitr ness the boT5@8, yu*° B ols Cns 1A dawa s hin ta)‘e take his una« hets "aftpq Pri A P â€" "Well, what can I do to: help?" "Â¥gqu don‘t have to do anything M olt ( Mn l i ut m sulle" ‘ou m Mr, Aum:gtr." called lm‘ trom th doorway. "I should love a great PoB! Ing fire. J am just perished, Aren | you. HaelyI : :03 eE " o wb ut Anstruther plcked 'I "I doubtfully, and around for zomething to _*There are some pines #ully ‘we pissed through Mré. Rolt. «ogde it Bs Through t5; dark and not quile CeF> tain of his direetion, the unhappy wu.l tchaco (tendrrfoot) splashed his way, and onte in thonllymlh back into the work. It was not tault that the axe never. bit twice in tho same place; it wnlxhhendnanmkqnoo hammerthg, until at last a green pine, seven or eight Inches in digmeter, vielded to his persevera®nce. . o. .. L Lh ciple it anlt c titb t it tenee ‘ g“‘m& l{amm;.' tol‘lnldu trimmed klt..d cv:: 1t . in engt on back in three trips lo?ht & $ Jim had been waiting the two trips, and as s00n uw mhl- axe down, he took it up and ppeared for five minutes, bring!08g back a huge burnt "stick" on his shou} der burnt "stick"~than . Anstrulnor _ 2095 i brought in bis three trips. o i o § With half a dozen deft strokes the cowboy cut two short lengths from | j ‘Anstruther‘s green pine, for fireâ€"dog». | 1 tossed all the rest of that gentleman‘s | ; hardâ€"earned loads out of . the â€" way, 1 chopped, split, and kindled his OWD j ; @ry log, hung the billy on an impr0â€" | , vised gallows, and began to cut the | . bacon. ‘ It was all so simple and so quickly | done when you knew how to do it, but it was annoying to have worked for half an hour to no purpose. "I don‘t seem to be much good," said| Mr. Anstruther. + Mrs. Rolt laughed and shook her head at the oov?y "Jim," she said, "you are: an old bear. â€" Why didn‘t you tell Mr. An struther what kind of sticks to cut?" Jim grinned. "I guessed he‘d have known that much." & "How should he? He has not had to chop wood before." | ~"Â¥ou don‘t say! . Is it all coal over | there?" . | "wirs. Roit ignored (he question." . | â€" @you play fair, Jim. You‘ve got to: | show Mr. Austruther how to do things. I u%d:n't. T‘ll go home." .‘ a away ?" * "FYes, right away." : s | ~"EStop and have its dinner first," he 1 | said, with impudent _ coaxing, â€" and ® Wodhcrudhhotbmn.mm» ers out as thin and as daintily toasted & ufltheylmlb«nvnwfllbyo « | professional cook. â€"|" «Won‘t you have some, Miss : Clitâ€" Tweo Btages of P There Was eR OCSC e «It‘s too greasy, Jim. I wondor it you would toast some of it a little more for me, Mr. Anstruther?" | _ Frank hurried to obey her, hut the fire had been knocked together to make a blazse, and the little : flames which shot out, burned his gnvn and | amoked the bacon, but would not toast ford ?" PHTCC Too the younger woman his manner was deferential, if not neryous, and, seeing her advantage, womanlike, Miss Kitty looked at the bacon and sn{ffed, _"It‘s too greasy, Jim. _ 1 wonder if .. manld tnast some of<it. aAittle At, | * ‘"Half a shake, partner. Let me fix that fire for you., M&M." | _ _A couple of touches in the right place . from Jim‘s toe had created ldofl':: | hollow, ever which the bacon cur and sizzled meérrily, but again it was \|Jim‘s doing and not Frank‘s, so that Kitty‘s pretty brow was bent, and though she laughed, there was & strong underâ€"current of annoyance in ~her laugh when Mrs. Roit began innocently to hum that popular American air "You ain‘t no good, . * You c‘aint eut wood, Just kiss yourselt goodâ€"bye;," | The slight upward curt at the cor | ners of Jim‘s mouth ‘did not mend mat |teps, â€" He knew, the air, though An . |atruther did not, ® 5 Th 0 20e Ne wer wl Inle Wl @EPREAERC M OSTaL "Now, I‘m going to be lazy and have a good time," declared Mrs. Rolt, put mwwfl‘& "I knew that woâ€" en t to wash up«" "I1l do that, Mrs. Rolt." _ _ _ h 1. 8. ds ... o0 Bsce db 2OY "Nohm won‘t, neither will you, Jim. t put that ’&I:u down instant~ ga I know your of washing up. you know, Mr. Anstruther, when he mhod.nwdda..lw.nnhu‘ more crockery than all â€" the ~other ranchers in the neighborhood put to fl:ho_t. Fifty &um I think he had. Kitty counted them one day when ghe was in short frocks, and we ~never knew what be wanted so many tor | that poor young Webster took his ! % for. a winter shoot,. Then 1 found out. _ Shall I tell, Jim?*" ; |*""Makes no edds" Iaughed Jim "sq _h-gu you ain‘t what Mr, Anstruther ‘ calls too postic," _ Kitty kn It‘s true, and w’m‘:’m?nmmn her. Vreo we "-'J to see how Mr. Woebster was ptw u-&‘n tound M'" eating hbis E‘“"‘-“"‘m faugh ghocoklek J3 , _ , ¢ w .rlna‘ "= fl:“n:l. and tbo-::.in h::l’ m off the crocker$) MT2, 8 Wail nad stob: when the JAUE ied out, and the off the orockery, . all round the Tire ped for a little while, and no wind them under the fy which ltl v‘ up on the lea elde of th) “'m e ‘l..::â€â€˜â€œ ret of Toge Saline prcend. pnd o ereet fiy of lort in P rant is es s a gre hm-m:flhâ€l‘““ a fiy. Like a groat refleot all the light and heat, af wou all the benefit of the ‘That interior ma to the drear and in which thera we shadows and silen of the firelight thrd Saoue at thate feot rather more wood in that ‘â€" than . Anstruther . had cked up the axe a litt!s d b&d hopelessly ething to chop. _ . pines in that last rough," suggested o womon, aad the eaon c ."H"‘:'fu“g'--!" a“ ane leip IERWIOLE \g_%mmm uk se Aoccnt wineh if bot uiMOIP e 45. t well ag threw 1 bonny Kit man, who shipped h: by every0 /> Prrom the Crmedn.."U which she had unear‘h« saddle bags, to ber g! boots, she. was £8 dulr.lt!y of: discord~as ever fe men. a On anyone <lse, gum have been a horror, sh mudâ€"bespattored.. â€" On. D made you wonder where MOn. On anyons <l#@, gum boots would . have been a horror, shapsless, huge, | imudâ€"bespattcred.. â€" On her they ‘only | wectedigly sant wand, amert ogurd astou: ‘" small and smart could bave been made, Besides, they s ’:u.n.won.ummnm 4 the extrome brevity of Kitty‘s akirts, | ~* 3 (P4 m ||.-'l at ©RTT EY i 7 ‘The fire was the monammn} in that crowd. 1t was he who touched Kitty‘s white thrcat with his rosy finâ€" gers, he who lit the doep blueâ€"of he: laughing ey«s, who threw that vdntï¬, shadow which so omg};l‘ulud the ful curve of her saucy chin, and, because even he became timid and uncertain in such a place, made you wonder whe ther that was a dimple just beyord the ‘eurve of those sweet red lips, .__Yes, Kitty was prétty, and knew it perhaps too well, pntgflvlth that face which has haunted ‘England for so many bappy conturtes, w&l a Chris massing on th> pilHion hind ~old= fashloned fathers long: AgO, looking down perbhaps as Guinevete Or O@wenâ€" doline upon the mailledâ€" knights ot the tournay, or toâ€"day making young men‘s pulses beat as they pass through the Army and Navy Stores, where perhaps one meets more pretty women to the acre than in any other space On earth; @Naw sine. some one," ordered Mrs, â€"â€"*Now sing, some Rolk, > : *./ 4 von N. 0 4 15 camar t a>tn ‘Taking his pipe from his mouth, m had started at Anstruther‘s, words, looked a surprised question â€" at â€" the Boss‘s wife. He had never: dreamed that a man might not smoke in camp, "All right, Jim, it‘s only Mr, Anstruâ€" ther‘s ~English \fril4. Where . we breathe we smoke in B. C, my: bug: band says. He is my law, â€" But must 1 give you a lead?" an4 ‘without wa‘iting for an answer she began to sing the "Old Swanee River" in .a rich m traito voice, which gave to the words an Anfinite rathos as they died away "All right, Jim, it‘s 901 ther‘s ~English fril4. breathe we smoke in B. band says. He is my l&1 1 give you a lead?" an4 w for an answer she bega! "Old Swanee River" in traito voice, which gave an infinite pathos as th in that homeless waste. By a camp fire a song must nAYO ® chorus; without it the gregarious : in atinct of man is unsatisfied, Perhaps man sings, in part, because he is A little afraid of nature‘s gilence, ard of all choruses thoge Frenchâ€"Canadian choruses, rcaring, rellicking, boating ditties, of \ hich Jim sang one or two, have done more to hunt the blue devils from the rivers qt:lowcr,s:am‘ than anything else in the. wor "Né, of course not." ABSOLUTE SECURITY, uullmthtm'-&""' and in m short I was quite ain._ue more beadachesâ€"and I You don‘t rmind i £aivea" »nof only gured â€" my Carter‘s . Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of oked for the ranche, """ Ehe had been -onhlvr‘ all ber amall, spoilt lite. crimgon Tam O‘Shanter, ad unearthed from her . to ter â€" glcaming. gum as &8 dll:g :'lltth apple as ever fell between two See Pac«Simile Wrapper Below. AQenuing song must have A l.’m.“ ancbhe,. WOFâ€" vmhlvrd spoilt lise. H{M was finisl tind a fox try?" â€"~‘Anstruther came bask from the Vale with a start, and perbsps because you vironments in n li}tle supere shoot {oxes there. » "They are 'ï¬, Jim, like our Coyâ€" otes? put in Mrs. Rolt, &.u min‘t no bounty on them then. _ Don‘t they play old Harry with the ranchers?" "_"If they do we pay for it." P ~=Oh, well you see, ! ain‘t been in se CoPe e o ty e "Oh,. well you see, I ain‘t been in England. myself.â€" I was raised in Canâ€" m'“g"l.lpodwwlm.. L knew there were plenty of foxes when my grandfather bhunted the Old. Larkâ€" shire, but 1 fancled that the people would have been too thick . on. the ï¬â€œâ€˜"' tor any wild thing to live. is â€"â€" country is big mb:w‘ think, but theâ€" Yanks bave ï¬t out the ufl:)’ou.b.-'nd will kill most ‘other things before they are through.. _ "When my grandfathér hunted the . Old Larkshire." It was u}‘l‘lml a ulet, ‘matterofâ€"fact way that it took . Lmrubor'l breath away, and yet he, who knew the annals of foxâ€"hunting better than he knew his Bible, rememâ€" bered that one of the best masters the Old Larkshire bad ever had was Eir Greville Combe. \ Counld this fellow in shaps, and flasâ€" mel shirt, who spoke -g_ch_np_p‘ellfx.n. Could this fellow in shaps. AnC l}lpn‘--‘ nel shirt, who spoke such appalling English, be grandson to Sir Grevilie? â€" A quiet smile on Mrs. Rolt‘s face told him that it was so. In after years Anâ€" struther learned to look. through the clothes of the West and see the men beneath, but at the moment a horror took him, and heâ€" wondered how long it would tak» to make him a cowboy, That was what be came out to be, or so he had told his father and bit friends, but looking up he clunt‘ Kitty‘s blue eycs {ixed upon him, & *new that he had Hed. _ ‘F CA PEA o 1 "Do you think that 1 should evir make & eovuh::, Miss mï¬m‘ridt"t' Td e ques was very direc u;l}hd a snubbing, but Kitty had been caught at a disadvantage. ‘There . had ‘been more in her eyes than she meant to show just yet, so she stum ‘bled.n?ln.noun.umn‘hrm.; l"‘;.O.I'I. suppose you would learn to "Thank you. 1 thought that was the one thing I could do," "On schooled horses. You haven‘t tried a buck jumper yet." ; "Yes be has, though," put in Combe, looking up fror1 the plug be wAs whit tling. . n 3 L ts "And you did ‘not give us a chance g{ufluthcmvll ‘That was mean, m." « "There wasn‘t much of a show," "Well, I‘m not sure that you would do much bott r yourself over & post and rails," seid the giyl hotly, "It all depencs what you are used to. I sug: pose you put him on Job. ‘That brute \m "mrow anyone but a broncho "Didn‘t throw Mr, Anstrither ‘aby» | way." * ® . "What! Did not Job get him off?" The ï¬l’. wholo face lit up with plea wa d pride in her friend. > “v-m to be done un‘ess that cay: use had shed bis hide," said Jim quietâ€" ly. "Your friend can ride," and if Jim «put a little too much stress upon "your triend" the rdmission that he could tide was very hoorty and generous for a cowboy who was jealous, ‘The girl knew it; knew, too, that horsemanship was Jim Combe‘s :lut gift. and for a moment her eyes dwelt seriously on that bl: loose figure in ahaps, &ut old friend who bad taught her so much, and borne with her so long. If anly h> could speak English, if only he was not "so Canadian," mM' he pot be the better man of the two f *| having been worthy of SOP PL" Cns o se remeranty Aâ€u‘m.lmonmhmn:h dazzsled by the g‘amor and luxury oft the Old Country, she would have b:en able to arawer. Now she hee.tated. _ _ "After Combe‘s testimonial, which 1 appreciate, do you think I ghall ever make a cowboy?" persisted Anstruâ€" . "Riding.is not all. It may make a cowboy. ! was thinking rather of & Wewternâ€"RiBn." > .0â€"80 5o_ 9 20000 _ "And your ideal of a Western man t t high ane® â€" . 9 020 0 5 op hdhâ€" h â€"20 zie P "Just the m:::n. Your beat West erner is the best that can be made out of the best English material, tem: pered hy such a life as man ought to GALT‘S MALOR 18 i HONORED BY COUNCIL lead." Galt, Deo. 28.â€"â€" The i introduced an innovation moeting of the year last MCnm Eiedie O sa mes c c ie & moeating of the year last night, when by resolution the .chair of office was prosonted to the retiring Mayor, T. E; McLellan. This has never been done before, but â€"Â¥ now become the .re« gular custom. In appreciation of: the splendid . record of Mayor Molellan ‘“fl..n..myeunththhulfl- L OZ" radst Maswictrats the followirrt 3 Bitove, when the song meeling Jast 1d" be. the song â€" ince‘ 4,‘ "ain‘t it pretty: hard to ; redal and nowsdays 11 the Old Counâ€" Lmt hohr J Dt n in Phahs SOAT 'l’rovluo. 4 .d *# ffra \ha t such men and horses As can turn out. â€" Amongst dufter who could do nothâ€" anada, hid been the best youn elf to â€"yOur on tive se wrds, answered ufd it b6. © Peopie don (To be Continued) ad to 86 mt w Ality whs MoLlelan : leadersl warth? Magisty 98â€" ‘The Town pla th s a chance was mean, th | wn Council at the final May March on w" nercial men will be 8 Fion. W. J. Hanne, Pro'm“" tarv and if i is ignored as herbto {ore war Ww 40. 1e s S " e ltgd the men will march ina vody * rhs: method m‘:«;oom ; seemeil 1o 0 te too mild _ for.Mr. James Lumbers, who was cager to have the associa~ tion ~ march to morrow if necessary .. ‘‘Deputations have been up there at Jleast ten times, and so far we‘ve got nothing,‘‘ he said. . "‘The Government laughed and" ’gd absolutely n> attenâ€" tion to us. association should go up as & body and command that : ‘the Government ~appoint . a Royal Com» mission to : make & m;mh inspecâ€" tion of. the hotel acto! ation . of this province, irrespective of â€"whether the ‘hotels are licensed or not." !' ln L !ll Mes W. H. Scott said that the proâ€" blem was one ~f ‘the biggest ever to be frced. by â€" a> Government. "We must arrive mt â€"a policy that will make the Government sit up and take motice," he said.. ‘"It is the duty which ic anleciciut dn 0+ ce of the Government to compel all mun+ icipalities passing local option to Asâ€" sume> the responsibility ol Imw'c accommodation lor the travelling pubâ€" lic, by the license act the Governâ€" ment bas beéen mak ngâ€" a revenue, but. it hat been playing fast and loose. with its responsibility in regard | to mfldm good accommodation, . There are 8,000 travellers in Ontario, who are on the road fortyâ€"five. weeks of the year. We spend $3,600,000 . anâ€" nually for accommodation. *‘ Mr. Joe Zammers; ‘"There ate just as many poor hotels under the license system as : under local option. ‘Hear,. hear:) ‘The hotelkeeper has rights, too. I have met many who have put off improvoements because they thought that local.option would soom be voted upon.â€" Iâ€" claim _ that hotelkeeopers should be given compensation by the Govetnment â€" when local option passâ€" es â€" alter they have made improveâ€" menty." f The petition which will be presentâ€" od to the Government was drawn up by Mr. E. Fielding, the Treasuret. It calls attention to the ‘"poor‘" accomâ€" modation and asks that more inspecâ€" tors <be appointed Ammedtately . petition signe '\SEVEN 4 YEARS OF The officers . for 1912 are as. Aolâ€" j lows: President, Mr. Robert Gemmel!; | yogy Second Viceâ€"Prosident, Mr. _ Jas G.| J First Viceâ€"President, Mri S Stirting; | Offlce Lane: Secretary, Mr. James Sargent; ‘Treasurer, Mr. E. Fielding. All Relieved by Lydia E. I ham‘s Yfloï¬:‘m Bl 0. â€"â€" *For seven gul sulfe: cwryfl:h’é I was bed omm it four or five days es h ‘\‘ at a time ever \ e e y, | month. mdno | & \ | | I could hardly walk. | No a W Lcrarniaohent im my tss [ lache, and was #so s i\ A[nervous and weak :\ 8 D i\ | that I dreaded to o Asee anyone or have anyone move in the P es it id a + }\\y\ fek, | |at a y w i 04 mont x & \ I coul V kX [ I ctar s M | hok [\ Llss NS p bervo t t . that o J see ai anyor f room . [ Y 1 U :: times, and said that I ou h sevadu8000 Situation in General A. Big Problem Dec Uiticers for New Year sc. : 20.â€"The : Commercial of Canada at its anmual evening pressed the loud peseded to declare 1or accommodation in â€" \< the Hep urnecs || Fach Queen‘s Park MISERY ared thousands room. ‘The doo! Fare memedloi o . me at those t 1 ourht to have an 14 broid tumore, na, backaohe, f s tP " "4" ud ) 3 bernaureee weteey rpe reaigre Soornianees 0 "uer, Noprt, Pa ies : uw t mï¬Ã©:' su W Telephone 164 . WI A. L. BITZER, B. A: {Buscessor to Conrad Bitzer,} Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publéc ete. _ Money to loan, ‘German spoken .ux.f&.' UAtairs Cor King & Honor Graduate of Tnronmta c -uy.mf.'suonh- Ridean St, m Balietr uts Repineeter at Ontatio, . Note: Might onile ahowered trom the office. Dr. William Geiger, Sraassen‘s Brock, ,' o8 Puor® 170. ~ Kixa St., WaTSALOD F G. HUGHES. B, MoBRIOK DI.. C,. WqWELLS D, D& idb annie Th sad ILLAR 9. E) Chisego Colmicof Denst! Surgacriest Royal College ot Dental Burgeons of ‘Torrate Dental Office above Mr, Chas. Fischer store Visite Bt. Jacobe every ist and 3rd . Friday in the mionth, â€" Dentistry practibed is ‘all 1b EXPERIENCED . VETERINâ€" ABY SURGEON mm itc tene hn | inpiremes . smhm-\ Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. King St. East. Licentiate of the Royal C ‘® gmhl °"1‘°"" Honor -lunlt-w Toronto. Ofl'fl M floor, Weber Chambers,? King Berlin. : Telephone 202. Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m German spoken. OHN L. WIDEMAN For the vounties of WATERLNO and OXFORD. Satisfaction gm UbrGaicleâ€"Telegraph at Waterico 0 The Daily ‘blznph at Berlin w i}l r ceive prompt attention Paone No. 734, â€" ring 4, Fresport, Ont BeiDg x Robt. Brickne! Lioensed â€" Auctionser Winier Torm From Jan, 209. Is the leading] Business "Oollege in Western Ontazio. It r- three deâ€" partmenss. Com Shorthand and Telegrapy. â€"It is Jarger and better than ov:-. Our m&. much better than chose Business ge, and our m resure high grade positions, A cal tamining is worth many the sost. . If you want a Business course select this school hbeit. Our catalogue is free. for it at ance. Contral Business Colloge Dr. Lederman, D, D. &. DR. J. E. STRATFORD, ONT at‘s Blook, next to ederick St., Berlin. Issuer of Marriaae Liceness 5e Wesl . Deaih D. A. ltm W M ate: loo. X 04 it Nocary