exses ‘ Pée postn noac.cccl on 18 </â€" Teronto Oairy Market. ‘Butter, atore lots ........... 0 11 18 Butter, seperator. da‘ry, 15. 0 20 :ll itter, creamery, ib. roils.. 0 # 0 % . Butt muu ,. sotids ..:!'0 Chees ‘.2'. N) sxxxaszznreess 0 18 0 17% eese, . vonticeer mn on wnges: 0 M > 1 Th â€" Heneycomt . dozen _ ........ 250 yare "~~ Liverpcol Produce Market. _ FBANERPOOL, â€" July 3. â€"Becf, Xtfa India mess, 735 35. porks prime '&uf* Ts 64; bams, cut, 4 to 16 ibs..â€"70s; bacon, Cumberland cut, s \ 8M â€" §48; short ribs, 16 to 2 lbs., * 6 r r bellies, 14 to 16 Ibs., §6s; long â€" Clear midd light, 28 to 34 Tbs., &s; long ‘‘elear middies, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., §is; +o * n 3 i ~Aard, | pr western, 2s 94; American . wel in pails, 42s 24; cheese, Canaâ€" s e, new, 578 64; . Olan whit w, 57s 64; colored, new, 583 .l.l'- t:arpenunel. cptrlu.n.s; rosin, ‘€ on, : eum, refined, 6%0; â€" B ‘oil, 448. â€" 6. /‘ _\ _ Mor al Grain and Produce. i _ .. MO RE 12{ #%.â€"A . moderate . t was worked in Manitoba spring \ w for export account, and the deâ€" from foreign buyers for cats was ‘miso :.d. but on account of the scarcity ‘ Of lake freight and the limited amount “'}3 cean room now available for August, ‘ export would, not accept the e‘:'s:r-. t ‘focal Gemand for car lots of oats PP Sair. A fair volume of business was /. done in spring wheat, flour for export W mocount for October shipment. "__ _ Oatsâ€"Cansdian western, No. 2 42?%c to A Mi%e car lots exâ€"store; extra No. 1 feed, u0 bmï¬. No. 3 C.W., 414¢ to 42¢; No. \* Â¥ local white, 41c; No. 3 local white, 40¢; \ No. 4 local white, 3c. o A _ _ \Cornâ€"American No. 3 yeliow, 70c; millâ€" y bran, Ontario, $21 to $22; Manitoba, "to $21: middlings, Ontarlo, $24 to $%; 8," Manitoba, $23; moul!le, $% to $31. < hogs (abattoir), $10.% to $10.50 l= lbs. _ Beefâ€"Plate, balf barrels, s.,â€" $7.50; barrels, 200 lbs., $14.50; Merces, 300 1bs., $21.50. %f poundâ€"tlerces, 375 lbs., 9%¢; 50 ibs.â€"net (parchment lined), 9%c; &0 Ibs. net, grained, two handles, «pails, wood, 30 ibs. net, 10c; tin pails, gross, 94¢. £ â€"Heavy Canada short cut mess, % to 45 picces, $22.50;. balfâ€"barâ€" $1150; Canada short cut and back 1 to §5 rleces. barrels, $22.50; Canâ€" @lear pork, barrels, 30 to % pleces, bean pork, small pieces but fat, barâ€" ~ Flourâ€" ;â€"u;iniisï¬:’safla‘mvt‘nan. p“ehm.i firsts, :. seconds, $.90; winter whea e $4.50 to $4.75; strong bakers‘, $4.60; r t rollers, $4 to $4.10; in bags, $1.7§ f §5. rolled oats, per barrel, $1.75; bag of 90 lbs., $2.25 f" f Toronto Live Stock. ~RORONTO, July 25.â€"The railways ; 117 carloads of live stock at ; City Market, consisting‘ of 1781 #tle, 1387 hogs, 1108 sheep and and 482 calves. m f Butchers. Rowntree, who bought 199 fal for the Harris Abattoir Company, .. ‘mrflm as follows :. Butchers‘ heifers, $.30 to $6.10; cows, B â€" g: camners, $1.75 to $2.50; buils, §3.0 M eaey chan‘d * hsn igk: es, §3 t .50; light 6 WB bedin s o sW per onl s Tamon to §8 per cwt. 41 fed and watered at the market, quoted at $7.75, and $7.40 to drovers ~ears at country points. â€". . East Buftalo Cattle Market, ‘RLO, N.Y., July %5.â€"Cattleâ€"Reâ€" &5; market active and _ strong. steors,â€"$6.00 to $5.90; butcher grades, Apte. . 23)... Market active, .. Yorkers, $.20 to $.%5; stags, ; pigs, $6.90 to $7: mixed. 1715 heavy, $1.05 to $i.15; roughs, $# heat, fall, bushe}. .. a& bushel bushel ....... EM. bushe} â€". i , 21%c; fresh, 17%4c; No. esterns, 11%c to 124c; eastâ€" to 12%c. " J â€"Choicest, 2%e to 23%c. , \_â€"â€"_Milkers and Springers. in mllkers and springers, WAS pw at $40 to $60 each. 3 Veal Calves, Dunn, who bought over 20, reâ€" an average of $1.50 per cwt., Of & a in prices of from $ to $8 per cwt. ‘and lambsâ€"Receipts, 1400. _ Marâ€" :/ Iambs, %e lower. Cholce $6.50 to $6.7%; cull to fair, $1.50 to yearlings, $ to %.75; theep, $2 to TLEA if oc m | bigher tha t lnmh--â€"RouT-. $110 head; x; lh"&.- to 4; cuMs, to $:.30. Cmn ts, 233 head; feeling yesâ€"â€"Recelpts t â€" comn:on to $0.5; cul hâ€" $1.12% Toronto to % New York Live Stock. "ORK, Juty â€" 2%5.â€"Beeves _head; no trading; fe CATTLE MARKETsS. WII You Be Ona? Winnip«« Optiong. to % 2A Ab July Every pa that will stay on and that Grain ~Market Hogs. e correct all defects 0 that glasdes will remie viassos to snlt any per , . 629 bead; market to prime veale sold at ®, %5 to 1: choice wes.â€" Quotation tere today withâ€" tere today with= ng the market: 0 % lower: oats High. Low. Close. en ts. * > Mb a .h’ t zf.,ï¬-_u;;é es Vlose Buda Pest 246 $0 §3 to % 0 0 43 { gliss and provi« bes t Stock f wheat feeling ‘*~/+ A A_ Oressman Att STRATFORD MARKETS Stratford, July 27, 1911 Wheat Standard], ,..... Barley . ..s ks ... k 42890 00+ 5t Oats (Standard) ........ _ 8 ll;:“m w.g Flour Special .. ... .....»» . > *Flour Juléet....... â€"..»+» !Bun.pert«ou.:.......... ! Shorts, per ton...... ...« |leoHo¢- 6.60 : Beef, froft........... ... ‘ Beef, kind quarters .. .. .. i Chickems............... _ B1 middlings * _ * IScmnlngu" Wbest per bush . , Barley * w Oats e atoes ifl?osortl:: Apples, barrel fl*flvr:......- tiogs dressed . . ... . Hay per ton ...« .. Strawjper tom .... Wood, wrd Â¥s Export le .... Butchers‘® Cattle . | W heat,... . .6k 600 ++# | Flour, per 100 lbs .. . Bran, per ton ...... Lasd lour, SA.::"...‘.... i.’:.,“"miï¬i.'; Wheat .. Baley .. Ham......0000r>«6«% Middlings, per ton ... Pot. tes per sea es Low grade Flour utter, per Ib. . Kggs, per dozen Hay per ton... Lard, per lb ... anitob» Flour.. Middiings per owt Bbom;nrl::.;c Goose Wheat.. .. . Barley {Maiting ... Live Hogs ... Sheepcml Tallo® ....~s QriedAppleï¬â€˜ Hams .. ... Shoulders Rye .....corlk Buckwheat........ Corp per cwt... .. Hay per ton ..... Oate Duck pair ....... Butter, per pound Apples, per bag ...... Potnovsl,â€:n! gag Berlic, July 27, 1911 Flour per 100 Ibs ...... .... «_ P E1 Butter per ;n’lb Batloy ...... ...« Buchwheat ... .. Butter per pound cBiahase, cadh c. .. .. Potatoes perbag .. Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton .... m;&....‘.... O PSking i5..s!. Wauk ... .1...... Wool washed e mfedeJo ifofoâ€"fsipe Pn fupefefenfuafe fufafaabal | utton,.1» .¢+.+. NEW HAMBURG MARKETS New Hamburg, July 2;, 1911 Wanted to Loan $2500 on first mortgage security Insuranctce Insurancte a apecialty W aTERLOO MARKETS W aterl00; ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, July 27, 1911 BERLIN MARKE1S GaALT MARKETS Galt, July 27, 1911 llin July #7, 1911 (JT .16 ~â€" 16 1200 .18 J5 15 24.00 £2.00 22.0) 6.60 _ 6.76 18 .9} 2.60 1.05 1.40 10.00 12.00 4 ~ @10 /Is 36 .31 10 62 70 .40 .48 .04 _ .05 .04 .07 12; .15 12% 18 ‘s0 .65 72 nture 21.00 1200 1,10 .25 50 15 62 94 .18 10 ‘10 20 70 .. 10 dup.ieate your without a prescriptio show us a few pieces lense. y Should the broken parts prove muflfwnbamï¬hm cate <the original we will make & thorough examigation . of your eyes . â€"_ _ >_ #7 T% . Remember this when you break your glasses. 21 King 8t. W. sbn B count recov friew1 x â€" Drovring‘s Corner syeut Sunday with Mr. ani Mrs. Con. Lantz.â€"The Lutheran | congregation . will hold their Surday Schocl picnic in Mr. Henry Berg‘s grove on Thursday, July 27. With the Young Buffalo Wild Wex Show, . which will _ exhibit in @er lin j».t Monay afterinca and night, July 31, is a group of names to corure with in the arenic world. Chief among them are Anrie Oa\ley, the World‘s greatcs; woman rifle shot;, Ambrose Means, the American cowâ€" puncher, famous throughout the world for hbis reckless exploits in East â€" Afâ€" rica. Means is the man who ha# the temerity to enter the Dark Continâ€" ent armed only with a lasso. He sutcâ€" ceeded in capturing alive rhinocori, lion, tirs, girafes, and other deniâ€" zens of the forest with bis lasso. Frank Bunx:, Montana Jac‘, ‘"Bottle Nose Ecn," Bufflalo Vernon, "Zinct Tooth BilÂ¥F‘ _ represent a quin totte of rough ridirs the li‘e â€" of whom has nover telore zen ga‘lere. under one canvass. lt was . Buffao Vernon who succesded in riding "Old Stcamboat,‘" the worst outlaw brov ckho that they wore able to produce at the great _ ‘Cheyence "Pidnoor # Day" _ fote. Julia Allen, Prairic Rose, and Maude. Burbank are a trio u‘ eq0estrinnes . who â€" are. known thrcughout the world for their, fearâ€" lessuess. There are . upwards of 700 cowboys, cowgirls, Infdian chiefs, Rusâ€" sian Cossgacks, Mexican rurglies an> lariat threwers, Northwestern© Canâ€" adian mounted polite, U. S. ca altyâ€" men and rough riders fromsall quarâ€" ters of ‘thé globe with the Yo t, Buflalo Wild West show. _ The street parade of th‘s mighty monarch of the west is jsaid to be. the most elaâ€" borate _ strect. demonstration â€" eâ€"etâ€" seen with gay ‘tented oxlilition. Coi. Vernors _ Devers, _the _ genâ€" eral manager of this tremendors amâ€" usemert ersterprise, has s;ared no‘ expense to make. this strest pozcant the most glitteringly beautiful anms novel affair possible. . One of the featrices ci the patade is Col. Stew. art ani his 20 o t =n. N‘ol Stewâ€" art is the veteran cx driver of the civil war. A lumber wagon tis property of a HeitJberg farmer with on unustally heavy load of. lumber collapsed â€" on. <ing street_ Waterloo m the Gran# Trunk crogsing, and troke the axle of the wagom. The owner manczed with conci.etable â€" diificclty to clear the . tracks so as not to anstruct tratfic. % No Trouble YOUNC BUFFALO INILDD WEST SHOW. in patent, tan and gunmetal leathers. _ All new shapes, styâ€" les and designs clearing out at Quality Higher Than Price .8 e wm closes dovc_ry Wednesâ€" y Md. on during July and Some lines clearing at Other m}:uring at Boys‘ 2. w shoes, price 1.95 s â€" Boys‘ 4.00 low shoes, sale price 2.90. A Lots of time this season for Oxfords. Buying Oxfords now is the best paying investment you can mi#tke. & r.’ !iglft now while ~All surimer lines are being cleared out.. 7 ARNOLD JANSEN MBA °& $4.00 $4.50 Oszseâ€"Fforc® PHILIPSBURG Optometrist & SON te Roeonomical Fire iaLi k L. m 1 for Us Insaes even Beriin 2.9§ 345 sale TRAINED BUFFALOS _ ACTING BULLS EDUCATED â€" M .. INDIANS VAQUEROS CINGALESE _ RANGEF COwBOYS â€" RURALESâ€" MILITIAMEN â€"â€" €0OSSACKS y j Baits that ¥§ Catch Fish P ‘An We also havethe largest > 7 > assortment of most reliable ’ \E‘) S #â€"_ kinds of ="#192); J _ risulng TACKLE, ETC. a" fax ~\~% Sporting Goods of all + 4 KA desoriptions ‘ " #%. Flntchl.l.-ortmnutof Y Books, Statlonery Etc. The only ag ency in town for Edison * Phonographs, * Valuable Property for Sale ANNIA OAKLEY. _ AMBROSE MEANS CAPT. â€" BOGAKDUA Curtis Liston Capt. O. D. Stevers. \Young Buflalo Fred Burns Prairie Rose Ruflialo Vermon Montana Jack Maud Burbank More Features than All Other Shows Combined â€" . The valuable sitGated on northeast eom:p of =Ing and orâ€" lok . streots. ‘aterloo, _ comprising about .ld‘ acres bf land with good garâ€" dan large orchard. Large brick house, 18 romn'wuhl bath room, automatic lift pump for soft water to bath room, Axtures and sink (hot water and heating}. wood house and smoke homhlhfg barns and dri sbed good ch I he Dreams an Pitse.. '.%P‘Iâ€â€œ.. Srials Of the late Jacob . For particalars m“o..m Bros., wu&; Ont. EERLI CheBeneniqeqcaercecedsnea peene ecneccenencen cnaese | _ J. 6. DOERSAM. _ "Hso _ i August 26th â€" TORONTO â€" September 11th ME and Mes, W.. d s x % ’(&â€"AQ M Canadian National Exhibition Live Stock and Agricaltureâ€" Greatest show on continâ€" ent! _ Special Prizes of $500 each.> Increased Fostival of Empire â€"Pictur ing the glories of the Cor onation ceremonies. 1,5(( performers ‘in uniform Prizes in all classes MACNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS L. YRA Resatoâ€"Atbetic SrTicny? paardy > Participants by the Hundreds Wh The Parade of the Century on t he Public Streets 10 a. m ~ ~pPOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7 P.M. ANNILE OAKLEY CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS FROM EVERYWHERE Fot all Information write Manager J. O. ORR, City Hall, Toronto. It every Field of Amusement Endeayor MEN AND WOMEN WHO KNOW NO FAILURE )i d 2 SHOWS DAILY 2â€" AT 23 AND 8 P. M BIATHS THREE GREAT SPECIALS F TH .ï¬km Bandsâ€"Trotting &‘mâ€"i:e-. «. 4 ‘orâ€" Musicians of the Royal Sh« 500 Household,by ?"‘l a / rm. permission of the King. â€" Sul HOSTS OF OTHER®ATTRACTIONS uy Aftâ€"Gems from Euroâ€" Fmg galleriesâ€"masters rom best collections in Canada and United States. + â€" Coldstream Guards Bantâ€" thers Melted intoSubstance e all others ir. its class _ Mr , Notice to Creditors FURIOUSTARTAR CENTAURS * H S 1 VPENVUVS § SPECTACLES 9 IN THE MATTER OF THEâ€".. ESâ€" TATE OF PETEI&,HREIST. LATEB OF THE TOWwNSHIP OF WaATâ€" ERLOO IN THE COUNTYy . OF _ _ WATERLOIO, DECEASED.. â€" NOTICE is hereby given purtuant to the Revised â€" Statutes ofâ€" Ontarip, 1807 LRApSOD . that all creditt claims against Poter Reist, w fourth day . of queste:! on or â€"| TYPICAL RIDERS FROM EVERY t} ti JLLS EDUCATED MULES CINGALESE RANGERS ROUGH RIDERS FISHING TACKLE, ETC. Sporting Coode of all desoriptions First class assortment of Thrilling Ractes CO8SSACK EQUESTRIANS ORIENTAL HORSEMEN sSsTUPENDOUS td FARTLLI 1 testamen ‘their Chri xeeut i Human and DHD l OT â€" be 1911 Manufactures â€" Greatest display . ever shown in America! Goods manâ€" ufactured while you wait. War Bonoath the Wavesâ€" Showing a battle between a Dreadnought and a Submarine. len thrs and others ~ having t the estate of the sid who died on the twentyâ€" (â€"~ July, 1910, are : reâ€" ~before th; fifteen '0: day 11 to send ty pre er to © Wendcllt® Clemens CAPT.â€" BOGARDUS nly o. the el on shall have n or mt LAND th Br De t ol su rrames aid OUR ( 1911 o ft 10 Comprising 161 acres more or less,in l'wwncï¬p of â€" Woolwich, â€" Waterloo County, about 1 mile from Conestogo village, botde:i:' the Grand River and &ovn-hig road of Waterloo and Woolâ€" wich. : On the farm in.lu'ejioh:y house with kitchen and woodshed adâ€" ,large bank harn barn with corâ€" roof. _ Over $1000 was lswt in nnodellln’ house and barn 3 years ago. New driving shed and pig stable, two good wells, oné as h@use and the other at barn. About 130 acres under cultivation and balange hard wood bush and swamp, land all protected against river wui:lui. Have decided to sell farm as [â€"intend to devote :& whole time to agency out West. 1 accept North West land as a trade. For & qQ:k 19011 year sale less than $50 per acre would be accepted, For further particulars apply to OLIVER SOHIEFELE, 3â€"2m0s Conestogo, Ont. Fou teen miles from Calgary, four miles from Shepard and on L :mgden, A‘berta. Adjoining lands under nlllu#, rs. On :‘;"cm nâ€"resident uunl-unr;‘o ul:se for the land. oal=, : M ‘armers on easy terms. For further particulars see __ _ â€"__ £22% > 44â€"t EPH. FERRIENR, Beriin, Ont. _â€" * MATTHEW SCHONDELMAYEKR,. _ 23â€" 2m0e â€" t mile from Bï¬â€™ï¬numw Live Stock for Sale Half Section of Fine Virgin Land For Sale ob4 ioi T ouaiige dorve 5 yens old. rad 2 w + ot of young Pigs 5 wéeks <ld. (Apply to Farm for Sale We manufacture light and heavy harness, that for style durability and price cannot be excelled. We keep in stock SPeciuI attention given to reâ€" pairing. . A pleasure to have you call and inspect our stock whether you purchase or not. Whips, Brushes, Horse Blankets, Harness Oil, Axie Grease, Trunks, Suit Cases, Etc, King St. New Harness In selecting a. binder it is only natural that the farmer should want the best that can be purchased for the money. He will take into consideration the construction of the machâ€" ine, its durability, its mechanâ€" ical details, the knotter, z: make of the binder and ‘Binder he will find - ‘most effectively,â€"all© that is best in.a modern binder tonâ€" #tuc bin WATESLCO LOUI8 F. DIETRION DEERING NE W Ideal Binder Wilhelim‘s and . 860 & Waterloo. ware W 4C ts o ‘o € # tha ha" but mgm-t.mtugï¬m"' Load every 7th, 1911 * pmebt. A"g Above pcods ‘constantly kept on band.* . J 158 SHIPPING H0O6S WANTE) HA Linwood, DKALE;‘“ * 4d Stain, etc. _ Grain, Flour and Feed Highest market prices paid im cash or 5 cents extra in trade. The undersigned offers scre h.rn?bdng!!ho NQ4 1 com }:;nl;‘e:. for sale ‘at a The v on centre d&.mm Artihur. ï¬:‘.; frrfeg.~~~ ..,.'q:.‘*- e an upâ€" 02 x 74 ft., b !-h: hmhn * :7:'235“â€" farm h“l_ 22â€"2 mos. log house, frame kitchen and first :nub.al barn 66 x 68 ft., % fenced, well drianed and in state of cultivation, soil locï¬inoh-uu farm in the of Wellington. Plenty of good> water, 3 lots, 5 m{mutes walk to Pgst Office at $200 each , a 8 lots closs to G.T.P. ‘©11000, nu:‘:-m-nun Terms For apply to G'rcd'"""ï¬ sult w Eo m terms, â€" For apply on the premises to the owner, JOHN â€" TUOKER:> 26â€" 4t. Aataur Os1. following raluatle lote 1 Cammroses overfowing well. .. Will #ell in. block 28â€"1m0 Girl to do ligh # Good wagor Apply io Mawagen Hank of Toronto, Waterioo: pressive. â€" Critieal Yo Men are certain to ? ciate theése smart sty in colorings aud weaves Woo! Wanted $8, $10, 4812, $15 TO $z0 â€"â€" Lots for Sale IN CAMROSE, ALTA Help Wanted FRUITIT: TREES R. Y. FISH Box 197, Camrose, Alta and Furniture