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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Jul 1911, p. 3

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8B â€" }1' o is & f ~ Head Office â€" Waterloo §-No-fiu. 250,0000 . > * Deposit with the Dominion ght-cn‘- lakl5 sesoiaks $117,140, â€"All p guaranteed by the Londor â€" md Lancashire Ingurance. Co+pary (with Arsets of $16,306.002, * . _ Arfred Wright, Sceretry ° T. H. Hall, Inspecior 0.A BOEHM District A gert Buccessor to Buckterrough: Co. © Offltce, Waterloo ‘Mutual Building ‘%3 King St. Business Office 249, House 200. Business solicited for first classe #i Companies, The Mercantiie Fire Listowe!l Business Coltege :‘o;xu- our gradvates in preliions C ur e aro succemful. Two conre C u â€" mercial and Sboriband. Fali ) erm opens Sept Insurance Company INCORPORATED 1875 C:nera‘ Insur: noe 2 gent, mundl, including P im s & W nd done ptly and <Mciently. Also plx: dtflng. Ab ki id‘s of vew % ndied. / gent for Gasoline 3 for Toronto Air Motor and repairs for this motor always bept on \It is earnestly: requested every reader of this newsâ€" paper see the Bliss agent at once and get a box of the reâ€" &b!c‘s Bliss Native H;rb,g(:gs H ing medicine, the fiigt gl::og purifier: for entire aimdy.:: â€" :A :A s>..~ PERSONAL:â€"â€" EmE 92â€" _ Pergonal experience has proâ€" vedthat it will regulate the liver, give new life to the sysâ€" tem ard strengthen the kidâ€" 'Pq:. It will make rich, red m . a a _ 200 tablets $1.00 and» dollars back promptly if~ benefited quickly and surely f Apply at once to substituteâ€"there is 16 Maynard Avo. Berlin, Ont Bols Agent Waterloo CGounty KEDWIN O. MATTHFWS, Prircijal Waterico, Ont. We can prepare you for Busivers at Medical Repairing 8ol. Kaufman. C. A. BOEHM YOUNG PEOPLE of Ghosts Tne Juxury OF A lase Abr, Sararas 257 Victoria St. Berlin Ti ied on cnrn t ied cencns bertet epectat Day Trips Between Detroil bad Cleveland, Daring Where will you seond Dirtrict Ager 1 hes < 2iP. and we . CQRS! LNE : AcrinPt the not G. Lewis, C P Canadian Pacific â€" Railway Lands Price $9.00 per acre and upwards The Canadian Pacific Railway Comâ€" pany _ are offering for sale a large acea â€" of specia‘ly selected land along their . new Sastatoonâ€"Wetaskiwin and ~Moose ~Jawâ€"Lacombe branches through Central Alberta. ‘These lands, which can be oought at $9,00 per acre andâ€" upward, yield wonderful cropsâ€"bumper â€" cropsâ€"of wheat, ‘oats and all small grain, â€"and their equal camnnot be. found. for miked urmng. stock raising. and dairying. For further information call on of write SEALE ) TENDERS addressed the _ Postmaster General, will "? WR UETDTITOTT uP PR OOTT ue.lv‘edm. O tawa until Noon, o’ Friday, the l1th Ala:nt-. 1911, for U copyeyance of His )ul.‘y'l Mails,â€"or C LLCLOL ELC Pamw wairk d mE Me e mc & p::xo.ed Contract our ye ues . rou trips L nfz' fovr r,l"lmh. Bpecial Rurarl;onte No,.â€"from th Postmaster eneral‘s Pknnr'. UC EP IL Rasstk s FOSUIAMBOCE AMICCCCT C OAPOITEOL O Printed notices containiog furthe information as to conditions of pro rnd(‘onfiqct may be seen and blin‘ oruuolmdn may be obtair ed. a the Post Office of E‘mira and at th Office of the Post OfMice Ispector s Lor don POST OFFIOE DEPARTMENT, Aait Benvige Bnaxol, _ ottaws, 206 June, J911. g. VJ~ Aspenso®, _ i i LtGtands wf_ MAIL CONTRACT amei CALLFAS REALTY ©0, Br.) sasant A #Â¥ King Stréet, West, Berlin. Ont 1 Cleveland PPE ~ f= by machei. ng Jt 'i;li'wl’hl“lldl nf kinac fatsnd # erate perste requlssty by steamers md Aagert Bay 33\ MURDER CHARGE wITHODRAWN Post Scharict,.. wh.as corecth mamé | ..b . , wh.s: Cor. Gawitali, oo trimd Mor the . l‘m murder an* mmo' of the of . her: bab6é wasfouund â€" in Victoria lale on the afternoon . of July 3, look a surprising turn â€" in Police Caurtâ€" Fridey â€" when she appearsd â€" before ‘His Worship. Magâ€" istrate ‘Weir. ‘The courtrdom : was crowded with curioig ones, both men and wome», and it was not until 1030 that the braring was opencd. . When all the evidence hat been presented the P t e t aB T that the hearing was overcd. . When . all the evidence hat been presented the charge of _ murder â€" against woman was withdraw» and “ wilk be is mince His Honor Judge. cmnm“ morning on the â€" less gerious charge. & The accused who is not over twenâ€" ty years of age, sat unconcerre@y in the cinir before the â€" Magi strate while: to crowd stood. gaping at her. She was in ; an unusually â€" cheery . mood for ce in her procéeament, alâ€" though â€" ske showepsigre of aneasiâ€" ness wher a‘l cast their glances toâ€" wards lor.â€" Sh:â€"wore a white dress and carried a small parcel in her arms. as she awaited ol _ the court.. . From all @7 inces she did rot reali‘e ~ the seriousness of | tim offence Tor which she was being tried. The young woman was ‘undefended. Though shs was asked through her inâ€" terpreter whether. she ~wanted a lowâ€" yer ‘she replied in the negative and her hearing proceekt . Crown A ttorney Bowlby â€" prosecuted. The charge of murder id concealâ€" ment <f ~pirth was than read to her t= which she pleaded not . guilty, She coodld sprat English sightly in a very broken . mroan. â€" Upor» being told that lthis was only a preliminary bearing the real trial to come _ im October she ‘â€" rst into & rage and stated that she would @.solutely refuse to wait un til that time. . ie Annic Gawitzki Friday was arraigned telare Judge Chisholm: on the charge of ‘concealment of ~birth No esidence was takew but the ccurt appainted H. J. Sims to defend tet. TeXing the advice of. ter counsel the yourg; woman clected to te tried by a jury at the Fal Assises which open on Octoter. Shovld ske decide otherwiss ‘she ~will be tried py the County Judge. In the mean ime she will be confined im joil. ... â€" The "u;z_xifimi:; imprisonment . on the charge is two years. Spanking does not cure children of bedâ€"wetting. â€" There is a constituâ€" tional cause for this trouble, . Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. 501, Windsor, Ont., will send frce to any ‘ mother her. suocessful home treatment, with full instructions. . Send no monz‘{ but write her toâ€"day ifâ€" your. . children trouble you in this way. Don‘t blame the child, the chances are it _ can‘t help it. ‘This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. WINS SECOND SCHOLARSHIP Th Berlin frienits of Miss Beatrtite Donald, daughter of Mr. M. M. Donâ€" ald, proprieter «i _ the Prestai Proâ€" gress, <ond formerly of Berlin, will be pleased to learmn that she took second scholarship out of a class of 175 canâ€" didates that wro inations in Galt DCt ite . chusch an for ~burial. RESULTS ARE GOOD t â€" Mortem Examination Of Bibs Founad in Lake at Berlinâ€"Evidence o Insufficient Te results o§ tho extran‘t â€" CX! lnations hil:_ at the Galt m Institute in JSune were ann Friday rad the results are except alty good and â€"will probably | ratk t h as (tny «othor place in t.= vince.. O:% of 175 pupils who ® W B TH I Berlin News Your Health relimimry hearing shou‘.d be the PEHAD proved family â€"re thi wite o§ tho éxtrance exany ho + at m_cmw in June were announce? OD o. gxaminations, 137 ;as €°, exaivalect to 75 per cebt o pet cent. bettor t‘ eo . las! The scholarship was wow by onomh *k hoi it m ; , t a 1 Lintom: of _Vh\orb% A F wrote the entrance exaotnâ€" i to . Blconem .cemetery I ( it aid to health e teliable and Miss Beatrice f re exception M( An‘ medy El [ INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE m. At the regular meeting of the Town Council |_ byâ€"law providing for the abolition oz the. Sewer..Commission and _ the future maragement of the system _ by the Tosn Council wa$ wiven its _ third reading and. finally. Is Now the Sewer Ccommittee Ald. Pieper is Appointed lazitics allegod to beâ€"made by . Fore $ Rickermana . as the m::‘hn .‘ . new : Sewet GCommit -ndJ f Alds. Pieser, Rohledar, Kronz,~Scidlâ€" ling and the Mayor..Ald. Pieper. was appointec as chaoirman althougls â€" ho vaminates Reeve Robleder for the position. $ An opinion was feai from the Town Solicitors respectinz the projpccal: to havi _ over the management to the Water Commission in whicle they © staâ€" ted it could be done . providing _ it was unlerstood that the Commissionâ€" ers were only trustces or : agents of the Council. Ir introducing the: resolution . Ald: Milis stated that the committee would he empowered to ask the Water Comâ€" mission to assume the management of the plaat and in case the Commission sume the management until| such time as there may be an amaigamation of the various Commissions, The business trans@oted at the meotâ€" ing. was largely. routine and. was trarsacted with very little discussion. Mayor _ Schmalz presided andâ€"Reoves E it:, Dictrich amt Rohleder and Alds. Mills, _ Donke, P{eper, .. Winterbait, Schilling, _ Uttley and Weber > were present, > . 5 C â€" ‘The Council unarimanusly decided to appoint the: members who had. coar ductos the investigation of the irreguâ€" Cost of Body. Guard. Cart. W. M. Cram, of "*C" Squaâ€" (roo, submitted an account due in conpection with the essort furnished for His Excellency Earl Grey on his vi‘t To Berlin amounting to $61.00. Ety S C ie WE o eR e L doy of the late~â€"Mayor . Graybill of ~Watâ€" erloo, who passed away too weeks ago and who took an active part ‘ in the June meeting of the Board -ul‘ . at the Commencement Exercises . a. tew days later. The deceased~ was a lregulu attendant at Board meetings: , and his opinions on questions . feâ€" ; specting the management of the â€"inâ€" , stitution were always received _ with respect and appreciation. The Board ';unzod the loss. the Hospital ~ has sustained in the death of Waterloo‘s sentative and â€" Dr.: Minchinâ€"and Diebél were the movers »of ~ the .lowing ngomm of condolence:~ Regolved t this Board. â€" of Prustees of the ~Berlinâ€"Waterlao Hospitai, at its regular meating, desipes to place on regord itg sin« sers regret at the sudden ard â€"unâ€" timely death of a colleague, Mayor Levi Graybill of Waterloo, who has for years been & valued and useful member of the Board _ of Trustees and as representative of the town of Waterloo was always interestod in the: welfare of the institution and that his unexpectâ€" ed removal by tie Grim Reaper will prove a great loss to the town he so ably represented and RE OL JNION 0F CONCCLENCE The Berlinâ€"Waterloo Hospital Board at its regular â€" meeting . on â€" Friday evening, A¢lt very ka_uly_m absence ASULLIL BLX s nicmoaietWirbetnaibniiivedeieg=nd each week Mw In ADDI TION to the.big <aâ€" REGUâ€" LAR INCOME is assored. _ I‘H tell you how. Make. a<list of the ten names and addresses. Bring: it with you. You ngedn‘t miss> ball game or. fishing trip.. Bring your parents it you choose. Come early. E. M. Devitt, Waterloo, Ont: ONE SHARE OF TWO THOUâ€" SAND DOLLARS. I shall give to every boy who sells to ton of his friends a stgndard fiveâ€"cent article ! * _ Oongtantinople, ; July 24. \ ‘fire which started yeaterd UBRTCT ‘The ‘busicess transacted was latko~ ty toutine. _ The Lady ~ Superintendâ€" ent‘s report: Jor June showed ~ 287 days for free pavients and 465 for pay patients, a gotal 6t‘ 752. / The â€" re teipts from pay pationts amounted to $603.48; 38 were admitted during the month and 49 were discharged, 21 reâ€" maining in on June S0th. _‘The receipt ol $3.56 as a donatior from the congregation of the Church of the Holy: Saviour, Waterloo, con , and *T iews . 0 ‘Meagsrs, E. Lippert and A. Q." SRIOA town town he so abDily EPVIUA to the Hospital in which a peouliar interest, and sympathy of the Board i PAE O TAE OSE An wb ©EM00 C090 200 0M W4a Awhe Pay service, and the â€" kindness _ of Meagre, E. Lippett and A. @.‘ Shreitâ€" et in loaning chairs and ‘tables free dcumfuwwm amflw-flm. In: recognition 6f the valuable serâ€" vices being rondéred by the â€" House tag PWPW T ALT V \ VO mE P OS pid t kefhre to the Hospital in which he took x pefll;ll' lnt:;:“..o::: that the sympathy of is ex * ed, to the bereaved family u?f‘oâ€" Yatives, and! that a copy ‘Ol _ Wi8 'e”“lw * m“‘ to Mrs. Graybill and daughters of . the deâ€" ceased inuy gummarized Local and Personal Mrs, . Young BOYS .56 as a. donation tion of the OChurch uw om;n:: # the â€" kindness _ o he Boa eatetday .> was , after Ave thow | | loyalty . for t ~tions. © PRESENTED TO PARK BOARD Appreciates Gift. On motion ‘of Messrs. Rittinger an ) @ofton â€" the members of the Park Board acknowledged with their bect tharnks thsâ€"receipt ol the communicaâ€" tion of the Princess of Wales Chapâ€" tor of the Daughters of the Empite presenting te the . Boord the statue of â€" Queen Victiia wlhiâ€"h they ta e erected. _ ‘The Pack Board consicers it a pleasant dutyâ€"not orfy to . acâ€" cept the statue but also to. preserve it in a mammner befitting the generosâ€" ity of ‘the donors. Pars is Engaged. The ~ Athletic . Committee reported thit owing to the park having. been ‘leasc('. to Allen Huber for the Old Sattiers‘ Reanion from Aug. 14th to Scttlers‘ Rounion from Aug. l4th o Aug. 19th an@ to the Trades and Labor Council on Sept. 4th, for | the Labor.. Day wclebration, the _ Berlin. Baeball club will be required to . at range the schedule ercerdingly . Want Dill Street Opened, â€" W.. M. Reade _ appeare >bclore the Boar% arl the members of the Board tf Works on behalf of the residents of Dill glreet ang asked that the itrect be opened to the. purk. I% was pointed out thit by prening the street it would be a great convenâ€" ence to a large number of citizens. {Thz maiter will be takten up at. ah cal ly date. k . & 39 "Waat Cl ond SHIHhnaP uo e c L t On suggestion n‘ Chairman Hibner it was decided to put up notices thait autoists will not be allowed to drive, their motorâ€" cars faster than â€" cight miles an hour. 2 4 . Accourg£s were passed AmUMMTMU®G O2C $1028.75. ‘The members presoist werte Cl:atmn Hibner, _ Messts. . Rittager, Jauzen, Gofteu, Mayor Schymalz and ectetaty DeBus. f "manYy coonp Stratford 50¢ Quting Hats in allâ€" colors... 25¢ * One Jot $2.00 light felt Hats, ne * All Straw Hats, men‘s and boys‘ Sh&POS â€":.,...â€"*.¢ sreasuprant m»..;.‘a at 4 price. / t iW x [ Any 25¢ or 50c Hat Band in> "the One lot 30 doz. 13‘(2.,......‘.;..! f MHONBG * .1.112.:c28e ricrne Lh : use terert in trad BB One lot 23 dozen Caps......... 8 Come and save money, now is your time;, all T. & D. goods are up to date no matter reduction. ; Y ,~ Thornton & Douglas Ltd. to be pieked up h st go and many ot S letic Underwear, _ in all sizes, _ to CCAE Bb (Wi4. ... smm ises (cngnctose i .»â€"»0s >=u4 * 380 h fancy cotton Sox, the. 25¢ kind, * and dozens ‘to ‘choose from, to t mt per pair........ 18e One lot of Boys‘ tweed . knickers, sizes ’l‘fv‘ §4, regular T5¢ to $1.00, § CIOAL &b :11â€"â€". :Hg: »rerc td ) oo ncvn cb iss MBG Men‘s unlined , ‘black and _ dark striped lustre d Russelt sord coals as follows;â€" .. $2.00â€" Couts {0r6: ........~.......... " $4.50 $2.50 Coats for ................... "$1.88 $3.00 Coats for ..........._.... $2.25 ahd fiture genéraâ€" AE w to bulld that new m %, | sidewalk or dairy your _ dealer o(no"’nl;’afi youe '1'I ;'m‘:n you wit ® rCaNADA" Cement. "Rot only will this ensure your getting a pure, uniform and strictly hrew cement, that will gflltfl e N elong rmlnuey of the ng you bulld, but it will also entitle mh enter our Prize Contest, And in winning & mtdw.m”“h:':mo:' J per more thin bay mu' the cost of mm} strictly h?-ficao cemeRt, . UMES IDC gm(n e N elong rm-nuey of the ng you bulld, but it will also entitle m to enter our Prize Contest, And in contest you stand a good chance of winning .yr-. that will perhaps mote than pay for the cost of the work. Every farmer in Canada who uses "CaANâ€" ADA"" Cement is eligible to eo-w:. "mmov:&lh-w-u«nml = ::.'. 4 these prizsa will be ded as whike "D~â€"tite 6 io [?)‘ in im PT NCPR L tompiete description, $3,600 in c and $1.00 _ Ath in all sizes, t« FURNISHINGS Come Where the Variety is Greates UNDERTAKING Special attention paid to Undertaking in & branches. â€"Day Phone 37. _ Night Phone 658. _ _ Right in yourâ€"busiest season when you have the least time to spare you are. most likely to takeâ€" diarrhoea. and lose several â€"days‘â€" time, unless you have Chamberlain‘s Coli¢, Choâ€" lera and Diarrhoea Remedy â€"at < hand and take a dose on the<firstâ€"appearâ€" ance of the disease.â€" Forâ€" sale by all Frightenea by the sight of an . apâ€" proaching â€"motorcycle the horse _ atâ€" tached to the dclivery rig of Mr. Her, the forist, late Mon@ay afterno00, doshed down the Qucen street . hill with the sevenâ€"yearâ€"old daughter. of the proprietor â€" as an occupant. Cros sing â€" King street the child . was thrown out of the rig to the pavo ment and knocked uncaiscious for ~@ short time. She was. carried . into the Wadper House where she was givâ€" en attention ord asice from a .. bad shaking up ‘and a fow brviscs she is uninjured. _ The horse received â€" seyâ€" eral guts while the shaft of the rig was baily smasheck â€" â€"_ * HORSE WaS FRIGHTENED BY A MOTOR CYCLE er of the motorcycle stopped alter before the runaway occurred. Betlin, July 24. â€"Pan German . secâ€" @." . tion of the Press are o&lv advocatâ€" of ing war to uphold the rights p, f and dignity in Morocco. ' be given to the farmer Simpson‘s Retail Furniture Store 1t CLOTHING ntfl!-.' The horse received . seyâ€" guts while the shaft of â€" the rig baily smashe:k * is not â€"known whetber the awnâ€" ven io the farmer ?uuu how aby pat Where you find the big Furniture House there you will usually find. the b‘g values and the best styles â€" Our atock is the largest in Western Ontario. â€" Carload buyâ€" ing makes our prices possible. . Our prices are aly the lowest. ns h oi t es Cash Prizes for HATS axzing is a time of ‘house cewming, 35 doz, . new fancy for â€"each. > .:; .. ".. o Pn it Men‘s in kinds, big 8 dozen Men‘s{fancy e mm,mu&n‘." _ patâ€" terus, regulatly w ~$2.50 â€" 4 to clear at ...« .z....)..if » . $4. Men‘s $3.50 Summer T F Mena‘s $2.50â€" Summer ‘Trousers $1.90 100 Boys‘ Suits to clear at greatly reduced prices; o n oi i 97 Men‘s Suits fronl $6.50 to $22.50 reduced almost one third in price. ‘ ‘â€" Eeaps 2 P 1 Notice how we have purposel j and ’l‘:poiol certain ”gmrv x.l’iw in order x give large and small users of “n“ 10 .gr‘:t}o:v:: {i'i-‘v"ffi prizes “U" and %.--vfi..qu,.guy of cement used has go bearing whatever on the reault. The: l{fl:l’ who :lcnfl:mul the bnt‘ phoâ€" of as asmall a thing as a Wa m or a gate post, has um & & . BALO POU T C G srhis mivds cÂ¥ idand w TE $ h of as small a thing as a nurnt m or a gate post, has as mu< chance for prize "C" asa man who sends & p?at.omu ph of nolonu-fial the same ap "I9," son't 1.5 back from enhfla"m.O you think you don‘t know anything about concrete work. It‘s very simple. . Beâ€" m have a 180â€"vage book that we you free on request which tells you all about conorets and how to make and use it. in this book, you‘ll find comâ€" plets instructions for the mkla of alâ€" most everything you can think in the m tarm -\&uu. floors, vate, trough*, m ”4.'_; L lmesa (*OThat the ~ o omsde â€" Mâ€"-en in PCPs only youâ€"1t w terest you. #o #gand whether you intend to prizes or Rol. . _ _ Cc uy Toas doms: * Farmers Of SEALKD TENDERS addressed the Postmaster General,> _ will . received at Ottawa until â€" Noop, Friday, the lith August 100 for) convey nce of His Majesty‘s Mail a proposed Contract for four ‘yes times per week each m be t w Hawkesville and St. Jacob‘ MAIL DELIVERY] feom the P master Geâ€"cral‘s pleasure . . . Printe1 notices containing fuet information as to conditions Of ; :oled Contract may be seeb, Ai lank form-ny be obtained at | Post Office of Hawkesville and B4 Jucob‘s and at the of the Post Ofi e Icspector at apee s s . Post â€" OrFrIOE _ DEPARTMNMEN _ _ Maim _ Servide*_ BhaXCH, Ottawa, 26th June 1911. ~â€" â€"_. a. C. un-u‘a-. e A m (27.3+.) Superintendent. MAIL CONTR shown by phétograpA ATENTS ProduceF P ies * 5. P Aeventern ie <+ Send 1 to our own clien $1.38 Q uelph ho Addtens . . ) c 0+« +4 bi ~ lt paire doulses and wd

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