F airanirii'%iiCtriiuurixoo.. ' _ hammocks“... minutes!» F“ hid-3mm" noon. Dam-l , J Mil-gunman! up to Wail- ,- _ " mm") n, " is stttql PM A linal pttrrt to" any his rash to the ('um‘t of Am pcd ma": by the prisonvr's counsel Ml. Dana-y. has tuilv ', "iid iiAkiaeruGrtusiivar%Gi. 'Afl'fPttrd any. a . use Seasick, May 17.-.-Tlre death watch on Edward Jardine, who will be hanged on June 16, reports that he is the happiest mm in the jail. He is gaining in Iwalth an! regards his positiea lightly. his unly twinges of conscience bi-fmnn-g him wl en Rev. K. Ross visits him,. Mr. Ross is the only om- allmud uiih him l'XCl'pl his guards. Besides amusing himsrll by tumor- SMion with lis welders, Janine turs a mouth orgun, which v.1; prrrurvd at his request. He plays it welt. Lately his rorridor â€ran-o 'ttttter. ted with rats, and traps wen- 'wt to catch them. The prison-r hits special drlizhl “inn ol" is taittured in naming it attcr sumo can†ofti- lial or "(hurt who h ure4 in his tritl. Alruudy' he has caught "no lor the ju tie, his counsel, Ily- l'nwm pl'osu'u- tit and srver.l M the jurors, hosi Is vahvs (“Turn of the court. ' _ Hearing ot Dr, Mome's lmlinn Root m I themeht they In" wnrlhy " n Itâ€. My sun-Wag Um huh-rd pen! From the very first l upturned "lid fir,',tta,',W' mom I found my (roub- h m ty but surely leaving me, I! before long I arm- more knew win! h to! to he tree from the harassing of he. d the .itmeots that had long sick- - and weakened me, So t b I"1 - h Dr. Ion-’0 Indian w. that on gut an my new! " withâ€! "I an 'eeU? you how 'reat mr Matt-v2 n. Ctmtetietiver com Inht mind by bitiousners wot " Fi?, mm ot gy tokme‘ Every day - am ttte sic min efteet M the: nth-tts, I longed 'l,'h,J/,',e' medi. ehe'thu should permanently drive them â€RUINS IS HAPPY WHILE CATCHING RATS IN CELL m Dr. Dame'- Indian not "I! puny! our our-Mo " htémling Mary of "rai'ei"ir"oGui,,'s, heerabtt suffering}: _ lt is sometimes argued by advocat- es ota low tax-rate that the raising of the assessment will rtrsult in a corresponding reduction ol the tax- rate. While this is all very well in theory it is not u-ril'u-d by experi- The St. Catharines Journal draws attention to the danger oi raising assessments to unduly high iigurrs. Among the dangers which it enumer- ates as sure to ensue are those oi intlated values of properties held for speculation, ot driving capital to oth- er cities and towns, of leading peo- pie to withdraw their savings from local banks, security and trust com- panies and depositing them in some outside institution so as to escape increased income tax: Cities have been known to raise their general as- sessment so high that to use a provincialism "the bottom has drop- ped out of business" and a reduc- tion has taken place to save the sittr. ation. One of the most notable figures at the Coronation will be Canada's Premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, In this connection the Toronto Globe ap- propriately points out that Sir Wil- trid Laurier will be the oldest Prime Hinister at the meeting, reckoning by years oi continuous "ttice-holding. He represented this Dominion at the tirst of these Conferences held [our years before the Australian Federation was inaugurated, and iourieen before the Boer and British States in South Alrica became consolidated into one federal dominion. He will when the Conlerence meets be the only member Present who was a member ot the tirtrt of the series. Partly for these Treasons, but still more because oi the high esteem in which he is held ‘all over the Empire, his will easily he the most conspicuous personality in an eminently historical meeting od an unprecedentedly critical occa- sion. Fortunately, as long experience has abundantly proved. he is little likely to blunder into any attitude that will hereafter prove embarrasy sing to the st tte men at Canada in' dealing with the place of this Domi- nion in the Empire. whether in time of peace or in time of war. I Span“ - '37:“. c,trttaxr"- -r _ Aes" “LEI 'tittftutt,ngtrttN2,"tSt't 2iEiihi'ii'iieYii' "irireu, and Mttlvd is“ run-HI a! nih- uul- know- on â€do: ya. R.§milh,of 1v.itutjptg, Mun , w! 9"“MW 1rtsnriiieeet,r Yatthr,' I In“ Dr.J.F.W '2'. .lht'A'fe'.mt1"11 Al Route“ Germ-y SHE Int SURPRISE] HIGH ASSESSMENTS Liver Ooribliiic' TttE CORONATION “lull-hm i! I Most of these are twod-natrred and hopeful, some few However. are in- clined to complain and "wish they had never seen the Mindy canary." Thcy are a fine class of young men am) will mite good citizens. The is- land is abbot one and a halt miles in Iotgth, and admirably adapted' tor this purpr BP. Btsidos a system ot wa- lior works, it has electric light, tcle- graph an alumina tommurtieation with tu. main In". and aimed. "hily mail from Quotes. l TTr system sot quarantine ttere is ',an admirable um, and is suid iv he "one of the best ii not the best in Ellie would. I I spent the lorrnoon in visiting the Hospital and Inside a numb†of Ger- man immiqrants hwy, by coo-“ers- 'ing with them in their own lan- ' wage. NEW ELECTRIC TM mmpam' uill "w its prawn! track tmm Hamilhn to Brantbtb an! th, n rut new“ runnnv Irnm thnr to tralt. Thv caravan)“ also ink-Ms, " thr mml which Jaw Patitrson a le ml tironrirr, i:' Iain! to hail! from Hmnilhm In Wa'rrlm and Guelph, ms "trorgu. t, ron a [up lim- with it, ttrs (Mn; this aity I q-a‘rl mnm‘ ting ti-rs Nth mum (SWIM am. Galt. The mmpany in lnrmlv â€tending its gnu-nun: plant at lit-:1": Fall! In trretmro'imt tor New lines. ma IIS'I tor [up "has!!!“ it untan- Metre nuling to It: otter clause MI mi m In" with l- l.“ ttte cup I 'N.., ,9 Ac Hamiltuu. May lh--ft “as an- mum-rd this morning tut the ths million & Trmsil lint was making arran'rmvnh tn run an eiettHc tine Wrong}: Hamilton to can. There are two clutches, Roman Ca- (Italic and Episcopalian with resident ctergymrrs two physidaus and a stat! ol nurse». ba'rry, dairy, etc. 1.cd, via Livnpmnl on the Empress if Hritui ', "no ol the ("P.R. steam- "rs. It I have tnwpassmd too much "I your alu am Gtuabte spur. kindly pardon. foam trulr. . Leaving Quebec Wer a lew hours Guelph to Lon’nn, through Berlin and spent on such historic spots as the Wrodstoek, “fouling to the prom Plains o.' Abraham, the Citadel, tars of the People's Railway. a line Esplanade, and wt tarp-tun; I the iuto4ed eventually to coma-t Toron- Champlain MarLct in the Lower to with Detroit, Md torm the back- Town to which the habitarrts of the hone oi a network ot ioteruriran lire: varicus parishes, along the Mt. Law- extending from t‘u'lingzvrao! and ow- rence are cori.o:yed by large rice in Sound to Ocderieh, Port Huron steamers with their baskets of pro- and Port Stanley. dice to supply the wants ot thr, The emtract ton the road, it is ancient city. I lelt at 3 tt.m. on said, has been let to the Acme Con- Saturday via the Government steam- struttion Company at Toronto, the er “Mite" to visit (Hesse Isle, some papers being signed in Toronto res- I thirty miles down the river. Amongs tereay. These present were Mr. W. a number ot ishotfis along the north A. Bug. Managing Director ot the shore, this we stant'ts out mum pru- Peoyie's Railway; Mr. H. D. Van ininently Han the others, and at first Norman td H. D. Van Norman a ,sight. gives one the impression ot a Company, fnt:mciers at New York and .summer resort, buildings large an! Detroit. representi'i', a syndicate of 'small, all owned by the Go‘ernmeut l'nited States capitalists, and Mr. 'tgrtd occupied try its employes, are It. M. .Jallray of Detroit. Mr. Van :'swattcreo along the water front, Norman .o:id that his tirm had in- or grace the eminemes ot its south lilrwritten the bond istme. Tlc com- ern shore. A tall shalt ol granite on i paliy's charter authorizes bonding In: ' its highest and meat prominent went I $35,000 ren mile ot roa Wed. relurds the fact that in Isle-1 when i The municipalities of Twister-k. [mime and pestileme tryphttss Fever) , Blenheim townti'ip, Wellesley ten» £were threatening to depopulate Ire- ship, New Hamburg. Wilmot town- land, its iahaLitcots by thousands 'ship, Wo'erloo township. Luther left the island to ware the plague. Iii:?,,"',',',',)'.,', Fergus, village, Berlin an! and loam a gra r: in America. A IGuelrh, it is stated, have wfserihod small pillar at the tent oi the huge for preterm] stock amounting to hock, gins the names ot torty-two $295,000 an! indivi'bnls have taken .lrish priests who voluntarily sacri- I up about “50.000 stock. ticed their Ii us in ministering to thel Mr. Bun! said that when work I wants 11 their sullen"; country- had settled down more tlun a mile ol men, and they with over tive thott- steel would be laid a day, and ears sand Irish immigrants lie hum-.0 on wmld be running between Berlin ami the tow land to the rear, the only Guelph in the early autumn. midi-mes remaining being the huge "M-"-".--."-"'--."-""-"-.--'"-"--..'.----- trenches plainly visible, even at this date into which their ladies as well UBSTIONS ASKI as those ol the physicians and nurses . Iwere pranisc'ntsly laid. . ll Dr. Marlincau and his estimable Mk. have entertained me so we", Hut I am dmost (cmptd to go in- to qttarantirw for the Bummer. Min suturing the inlurmation I desire I shall return to Ottawa m Trrsday to again may“ with Dr. Morr'ircomert, "INTI"! (larval of Public IVatth, and sail In Fliiay " xt trent Quebec tor London, lint This is Grost. Isle, the chief quar- antine station of the Dominion Go:- "rcmetA. A medical olliccr Jnects every incoming steamer, [might and passench and inspects its entire passage: population. Those deck-d with contagwus disease, are taken to thr lslan.) and plaeed in the Hospi- tat, whilst those expcsnt lit small pox sun-limes the entire passenger. list; are Narerh in 'i'warantine on the island. At present there are ninety- szwtn in the Hrs-ital sullnling with measles, stark-t lever aod chick-oz, whilst two are convalescent trom sntalt-pox and one (run cholera. Be- sides these some two hunoard all M- ty, mostly English immigrants are hold in cottages on account ot hav- ire, been espose:k to a single case of smali-pox. 3mm: Teleuqh. Dear ts'tr--Apr_ to my pic-inc Icicle Ming am... I mu endea- in! to give you a law not“ In an nip. Time and - turbid any re- lax-nee to Ottawa, its mngMthcmst public Whigs, hut-mu] Show, parliament buildings. pit-tumult» scen- ery, etc, excepting to teier to the tact that while diam“; my 'pn- posed trip in the Dmxtment 0! La- bor, with Ho... w. L. M. King.the mutate: in charge, 1 saw all about one "New“: ct the close rel-law ships existing ulna-n the Minister an) Us constituency. North 10ter- hu. The lurrlthinu, chairs, tables, etc., were all In! Berlin manufacture. whilst a huge bong-ct an the tale was, I was told, thr gilt ot our good mend, C. M. Bezzo. hut om' Berau' Important htt-matttettt is lad: mom Isle, by M, am. " Ytttt â€ml: tt Beterrtt Breter, Peers .. . -- _,'--, A _ of Ambitious Scheme J. F, ll! th SHHRGHR LINE PLANNED I The census also delves Into your otherwise private mam; as in the matter of wage-earners. thus; Hours ot working time per week a chief occupation. Weeks employed cup.Cton or trade. Weeks employrd in I910 at other than chief occupation or "we. it any. Hours ot working time pol week u other occupation. it any. _ Total taming: in HM trim, other than chm oeNirtott or Nude, " any Schedule No. t comprises the popu- lation try name. personal description. ete., and the following questions will appear on the census paper: Name of each person in family, place ot habi- tation, sex, relationship to head of lamily or household, whether single. married, widowed, divorced, or legal- lv separated, month oi birth, year ot birth, and age at last birthday. The lollowtng questions as to citizen- ship, nationality, and rellgion also appear: Country or place oi birth. year of immigration to Canada it an immigrant, year or naturaliution it. formerly an alien; racial or tribal origin, nationality, and religion. Five questions appear under the heading ot profession, occupation, or means of living, to wit: Chief oecupation or trade, employment other than at chief occupation or trade. ii any, em- ployer, employee or working on your own awn-ml State where person ls employed. as "on Iarm," “in woollen mill," "at totmOry shop," in am; More: cw, Weeks onmluym in mm " chief oc- From the lollowing information gleaned from the schedules and in- structions issued under the direction ol the Agricultural Minister. and of direct importance to the big cities. Toronto in particular. may be learn- ed some idea of the immense amount ol labor entailed. and the success of which can only be obtained by the co-operation of the Canadian people everywhere in this Dominion. The census, or gathering of tsta- Rate of earnings per hour when tistics with respect to the internal employed by the hour. I atiairs of the Dominion of Canada, " you are insured the Government ' will take place on the first tA .June. wants tolmow, and asks the amount "ll. and all inlermation gathered on lite, against accident or sickness,’ shall have reference to the same date, cost of insurana: in census year. unless otherwise specifed " the Your education 'and language will I schedules, or determined by the Min- also be looked after, as you will be ister oi Agriculture. called upon to answer the month: at The municipalities of Tnvistock, Blenheim towniip, Weitesiey (our ship, New Hummus. Wilmot town- ship, Wo'erloo township. Luther township. Fergus. village, Berlin an! Guelph, it is stated, have wfserihod for preterred stock amounting to $295,000 an! indivi'bnls have taken up about “50.000 stock. Mr. Bun: said that when work had settled down mole than a mile ot steel would be laid a day, and can Wald be running between Berlin and Guelph in the early autumn». QUESTIONS ASKED BY Will be Round Next June to Ask Gld You Are. What You Bo and What You Own Steel is to be laid right “my and can no to be nurati= before the [all on an interurlun umrlc [and trom Guelph to Lonr'nn. tttrotnth Berlin and Wmdstock, umrding to the pr0ttxr- ters of the People's Railway, a litre iutoHed eventually to contact Toron- to with button, Md torm the ttack- bom ol a network at intorurban lire: extending from t'ccUrtavroo' and ow- ("A Sound to Ocderieh, Port Huron and Port Stanley. During the past few tgtttqghn the, "I". Ins-um.- - to auto. magemt ot the Woolf- lbilvq I the cacti-cut," he III. â€In M Curr-q our. been We; vim rub the "b between Toto-to or) maniacal. amnion in the Prcvlnoe “labor in lean tine than the“. nu across the line um: a View who“: take. at our with. stock manning tho bolas " the "fer-l will int-Ilia deepen. parlor. and prise in order tht the work a! Bullet. can at the not! mien tyne." (unwitting the write-u bunchesinn " is plow-ed to manta the rota this nation ot Ontario could be pro- " Hydrerueettir poultr. min: with. This week the Iâ€! "U " molars ot the enterprise have ten in Main Line not Decided. Toreato owl the Knit " their "e- Mr. K. . Jdny, the weib%tomm Ewan“... have been given out tor Catalan promoter, we: the we publication. A motor. trom the ti. Mining III. Van Norm hunch Ween City this martini says: I with than who hare torm+ted the, Steel is to be laid right “my and‘ scheme. lr: Yan Nornn- my: - cans are to be minim: before the [Ill ery do†will Nb made to keep the an an interurlnn ct.strtc rand trom line . ."reoNe'i' railway" in tact u Guelph to Lou’nn, through Berlin and wen " tn name. and it win " tar " Wrodstock, atx'ordittg to the From 3 possible be kept. entirely Independent tars of the People's Railway, 3 litre ot the established "enumeration tn- iutoHed eventually to contact Toron-y feyyu c.t tttq country. A bond 00- to with Dotroit, mt! tom the back- l tum " proposed, but m stock ham oia network ot intorurban lire: bonus will I" with it. “d the “we extending from UeTtnproo, and 0w- l t.r!t.O,zav will be hert strictly m Sound to Ocderieh, Port Huron! within rethtiOB. He 5.†over 8300.- and Port Stanley. .000 o.f the sure has already been Poe cmtract ton the road, it is irtrutm'rittedo tor " Gtteitrtt, Berlin and cuid Inc ' In! In thr, Arno. 1‘1“.-. strtAte.d. at tf E I . iiiii .32“... 33.11:... "3.1:: K o a Illll sum "Platt',', "s""C'JT and tfeetAtter.iiruii; " Att mo. at an - an. _ as; 1Ҡ.l,tltttgttd, , math! Better Figure This Out ms 'tunso J0 an _:" Iiitigt " FR0ltr"r0R0M'tt Tafnewnfhéï¬iéiu-ou THE CENSUS MAN i The route a the main line is: _ matter um has not yet been decided Us it is desired to magneto the (irieii:ii) below the details rfemt- strut-um auto “lunged. It Is, bow- lcrcr. the inn-Mu. am the tine shall pass through wry town of im- portant: letween Tonmto rd De tum. For motive ponvr. Mr. Van Norman thinks it probable that I [rights-sick polyphme count, ob- ', taint-d from Hrdro-Kieetr.ic Commit" ‘sirn, will be used through the med- ium ot a trolley system; but In Bays Schniulo No 1 is Intended lor the (arming community and mix to and Ute products at the tum and the who Revived by the “mm tor In: grain Reery Hm! ot gain is Included in “In. that, spring wheat, nutty, only, rye, can lot muting. buck- a6mt, ham. no. an, Inked (button: tor Evrryhody Schedule No. , n ttttended tor the heads at families and aims to get (Mom-"on coax-mil; the lmit crop ot 1910. and the numbet ot hearing and nurturing mm frees In tftrt, also "Ir amount of guy-s pram“! Weeks of dettfiity In year, due to sickness or due to mink-at. loss of salary or other can-logs caused by skim-33. or caused tty accident Volunlnty allowance to employvc or employer tor lost time through sick- no“ or â€clout in census rear. Com- -tion by employer under statute in comm: yr" for lots of lite by ac- cident or (or Injury by oxidant. Compensation by lunar-nee In census year tor loss ot Im- or (or sickness or Injury. Single. married, widowed, divorced, or legally separated. . Month oi birth. Year oi birth. Age at last birthday. Country (specily Province or ter- ritory.) Racial or tribal origin. Religion. Profession, occupation, or trade. Month of death in census year. Disease or cause of death. Place of death, it it occurred away from home. (0ch name of place. hospital or other particular address.) Name attending physician. Physician's post-ov addrrss. Nature of In" or injury caused try accident in comm; year. on lite, against accident or sickness,’ cost of insurana: in census year. Your education and language will I also be looked after, as you will be called upon to answer the months at school in 1910. whether you can read or write and the language commonly ' spoken, the cost of education in 1910 for persons over " years of age. " college, convent, or university. With regard to your physical condition, the following questions confront you: Whether you are blind, deaf and dumb, crazy or lunatic. idiotic or silty. " you are unfortunate enough to come under this head you must specify at what age the intirmity ap- i neared. Schedule No. 2 deals with mortality. disability and compensa- tion, an" these are subdivided into . twenty-t, 3 questions as follows: I Mr. Van Norman ezpocts to remain in Toroato until tho eat ot the week alter which he returns to the Ut.s ited States to attend to the writing at the Comma)â€: bond issue; but he expects to come petmanently to Toronto in the neat future. is just possible that the ttasotire- electric system. in which each car. is a unit, generating its own current, may be adopted; this system, while 'xurqtaratively BPW, " ("an goo:' results in reeeu'tremtstrtteted ma» ial lines in the United States" . {lame oi persop by Schedule No. a. ion-st products in "10, dealing with timber. waaey or itat, excluding ash, birch. elm, maple, oak. pine and all other timber. The iniormation needed. is the amount in cubic teet and the value In dollars. Logs tor lumber, etc., asks for the amount in board measure, and the Value in dollars ot elm, hieAory,.hem- loch, oak, pine, spruce, and all other lop. Miscellaneons products include hark for tanning, lance posts, tire- wood, hop and hoop poles, masts and spars, piling, railroad ties, shaves, stave bolts and heading, telegraph poles (including telephone and other pole. for ell-chic wires), wood tor pulp, and lnrs and skins oi latest animal: undressed. Schedule No. T, dealing with farms and urban values. ash for statistics with relerenoe to farms and urban live stock and nursery stock sold in values (real estate and live stock), mo; dairy products consumed on farm, sent to factories, or sold in 1910; other Products or the . tarm, such as wool, in Mm, eggs in 1310, honey and was in mo, maple - and - in 1911; hired labor on farm in 1910, total amount. of weeks employed; the amount paid tor hired labor, including board; value of all lands and buildings. not manufactur- ing etrtattlhrhments or mines owned in Canada. outside of enumeration Uiy, triet in 1911. l We don‘t " you to My Gttt PtLtgg hind an what they will do tor you. tthstptr mite '19. minty ttth mun-d "will 're-troi-'. hee. Theo, " you are unable tttttt the - lite bo-ht your dale I. writ; u._nnd we wil1_npplz P" tt the at": tor "a v."- Egg-2': III I n 'l'S u "I Jl'llettlUYA'% n't one bu...†w. ' LWII. In In any wonder that we all GIN PILLS with It Iron-clad pan-he d whack " "I? fail IU,". Rik" We know that Cl. PILLS 2'ate Ita" in the ',taelhtll',,e, In?! a" a can any true: K at, m and Rheum-lull. GPA PILLS have and thong-Ids at an. _o( Kidney Tumble that m mu rice -soe. a bi." C Ate ,2. GIN 'rTri,%uu",'J'GUf,L'dr, the large: whole-h Amd house in no Brlttth. his. _ -- _ _ _ ber of animals and animal products, and the number of pure bred animus registered or eligible for registration in Ion. Inasmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing it it does not ttenetit you, we Inge you who are sunning with indigestion or dyspepsia to try Rex- tdi Dyspepsia Tablets. A 254mm box confining enough medicine for, M- teen darts' treatment. For chronic cases we hare two larger sires, " cents and 81.00. Manner you (an obtain Rexall Remedies only at-- The Rexail Store. A. G. Hum], Wntertoo. HIST 30X WEED HIS [ME Illia Dyspepsia mar be completely hulk com! it properly mama. We sell a Capital Paid Up, W88fd'2 remedy that we positively guarantor- Rest Fund . l' 9400.000 will completely relieve Indigestion or Total Assets ovep 844,000,000 dyspepsia. or the mejicine usad during _ the trial wilt cost" the Tel nothing. in T7 BrancheKirt Canaan. amt! Agent- and Cotrrprnderu II " the Fun- This remedy has been named Rexall . eipat Untie- lam wmu. " Dyspepsia Tablets. Certainly no . " In.“ "rv ' on" told be more lair, and our A GINIBAL BANKING BUSINESS mum out: should be proot positive that = ' Rex!" Dyspepsia Tablets are a de- tt " "IRS 8" I BE P " " " t repdable remedy. . n n _., H -,.,;A_‘ _n-__-.I _A x 1.x; ' ---. -4... Bdore teasittg Shams “A: man- ing Emperor Willi": mind a wei- come trom the wrong-[lei branch of the British nay u, two aeroetoo pilo- tad by “tutu-nu flying over the Hollelllolleru. The Kmreror and Empress an". Primes: Victoria Luise were _ the guests “night nt a - arater party at Buckingham Pdace. The Prince M Wales. the Duke and Duck ass of Conmusht. and other men-ten ot Ronny were in attendmce. a commie: tlr.' am carriage. and Owen Mary, the Empress. Princess Wetoria Luise a! Prints- In" the was). Four “Ilium tollowo‘l with their Majestks' sum. Enormous crowd: “Monger! the route [mm the station up Grosvcnor place amH‘on- stitution Hill to the Palm. and cheers greeted the party ttrrogtrout the drixe. Tho King and Queen and other members ot the British Royal umily met the visitors a the View! Sta- "on. ad all were (Mun in state to Buckingham Palace. King George, (in limpet“ and the Prince odWtrb. Fri-eu- Vhwh lame. who univ- " 'utatiut an lupin! W [out w. - d lando- tadv and vet! m- od with " ouch-um which "ttr Mind the Blowers noon! â€and†It“ tho-Brunt. Tip Get- - “on! sun“ .1: has la n wed‘u will: to King only In! Queen Mary, and primarily to ho present at the Ian-lung ol the Na- tional Xanadu to Que- Victoria ' the Pluvemr's gmwsm. _ Huh his. For GIN PILL. (Continued on page 8t IT IS ("HIRE 'trr “PM“ '80-. In. Pugh The original (It. "I. I... by Now MOI. Cit-Deal Co. at g...“ DOM and mutual on, oi Ctr I!“ n! lulu _ a can†In. labor In.“ _ " King St. West, Bellin. We have vacancies for men and women in all linesof work If you are out of employment communicate with us at once. No charge for registratit n Ot ""ihp rendered. I a Fancy Cites. Sanderson's Bakery mum Ont. Brunch. Jam thetreter, Imp! Fagin", Bread Rolls, and on Town and Farm Pioperty. THE MOLSONS BANK Honey to Loan Hoary Knoll, Inna. r 1'" w". an " " . 12:13.sz I“ Daub-0.1 You int “1 it. tt it don-1 tire ya- II‘M don allow poetry-p you my luck. Thar. tho (who wit only guru?“ know about it; ','.'dttM, . out couldn't m _ It. Wealth-r - In. Gui-'0! td','rafttgtt , It eel-hilly do“ - good - (In 00;? Creams: West Noni AT A. s. Hallman’s Grocery 90 King a E Berlin, Ont. Capital Paid Up, #000,000 Rest Fund . _" ,400,000 Total Assets over 844,000,000 a all Bunche- Inun-ut Illowed at high. " (II-mt "to. POTATOES WANTED _ Laifk at the MG, -__ it you, Anna-a. "qteio0eMFqqoq m moor-no: (a',.';!)'.,!',,!:,),)).:' 1li8lNU FIRE INSURANCE CO. aNCoRPORATED IN 116; _ Total Maggi: imam. I 'e"rr ~_-_.'~,y:fn§uup a.“ mum out PreauGGiiiiu,iuir'sri0ireeeor -.r. A kiwi" - - Profits - all macaw-v. â€We" PM. hur- ful mm In hm OF THE - " DIM)†DI. J I. '0». . Writ. [or th. Neat Little News Book a“ - out Thr out policies are “I. DOMINION LI'F E In a "no â€nuns“ lulu ll t) bl N () O