M I". Del-adv Apart. WATEBLOO. The regular meeting of the Mission to have" was held in the Methodist Church, Waterloo, Tuesdty evening. A local party was Med $5.00 and costs on Tuesday ior ridinga bicycle on the sidewalk. Six cans of salmon try have arrived from the Ottawa fisheries lot Sun Fish Lake, Erbsville. The wedding took place Tummy in the R. c. church of Henry Prelss to Rose Morons“. They will reside in Waterloo. An English service was held in St. John's Lutheran Church. Sunday ev- ening when Rev. C. Zamke of Ber- lin ou-upied the pulpit. Beautiful piano case organ, Bell make, in every way good as new, at a bargain. Apply Chronicle-Tele- The fire trigade was called mt on Saturday at 11.15 am. to extinguish a small blaro in the box la:tory ol Mr. J. Schoolâ€, tluecn street. Lit- tie damage rosultc , FOUND-on road 1 mile south oi Berlin. purse containing sum ‘ot money. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying cost of advertising. Apply Chronicle Telegraph, Waterloo. Mr. Frank Good has received word ot the serious illness or his ratignicr Min; I-ana at Baltic. She has horn 'removdi to the hospital at that phase sum-ring from scarlet [For On account ot the new train which went through on Monday tor the tirst time. the Toronto mall can be obtained an hour earlier each morn- mg. Beautiful piano erase organ, cele- brated Bell make, cannot be told lrom new. a bargain. Apply Jraily Telegraph, " King St. W. Berlin IOIAIC and futttineotstt a. “in“ 2tth, Niflrt'8 BBIIB 8nllll Fort Fs'ALF,--HitUKN'EY COLT "rating 2 years old. Apply at Market Hotel, 01 Saiurdoy, May 13th. H. Quutcrly services wow held in the Waterloo Methodist o, In h In Mun- t'uy morraing at which a number “we waived into membership . In tbs owning a mt'n's service was here The pa'shpr preached an "(1410M dis- romsr on the subject "bile Builders“. A men's cttu'r furnished the music and Mr. F. o. (‘lomrnt ol Berlin cotttritrtttmi an efiertive vocal solo. Thet (‘-.Y.l..S. entertain"! about seventy-oe of their Twin-City Irirttr" in the Acadim FFall on Wed- nchay Honing. The Ume wadspcm in dancing ma card playing. star- mman's orrh:stra provided "(client musn‘ tor (he ocusim loo, Sutton Agent's Comm outline and illustrated in New Booklet. Write for it. Central Telegraph And Rtutrond School, Yonge and Ger- nu! streets, Tomntov FREE (“MINING tttt May Huh. Hilh and 17th we ttisrn tree demotts,trtttioo and in- structions In. to do your "wn ttmhtHg alum Chi-Namel gutting goods. rr" Ion-II. Int-uh £1332}: Willlun Shaw, President n. WOLPHARDT & m I7 Kin' m, West, Berlim DEMONSTRATION all The minimum decided not to u- cept the rcsigntion d Mr. Ford s. Km! u gantry ot the Commit sion and â€pound bun the â€use: an“) seeretary-trmurrrer ot the eteiu. trie light. ' Inc! and gas works. A twin»! mum ot the Water aut Light l‘umniuion was laid on Friday evening. There wore ptexnt Mr. Batter, Mr, Miller and Dr. Hill- Tenders were received tor pipes am where he will assume the manger- fittings lor the seuun'x supply irom ship oi the branch at that place, the local hardware merchants all made tunable response. expressing Jas. Rohdtoon's hardware Co., at his sincere appreciation oi their good Toronto. M. Weiclwl & Son were will end friendship. l . awarded the contract. The Mayor and es chairman and Driving to there being a écttiti'der- those present made trppropriate ad- able increase in tic number ot gm dresses, voicing their regret st his manners, a lurther reduction o: departure, and wishing him prosper- toe per 1000 feet was made. Gas ity and success in the West. from April itrt will be $1.20 per M The [allowing wars the address read: leet. Waterloo, May 10th, 19ti. ---------_ To Charles A. Stephens. TO CALL FOR TENDERS FOR PAVING KING ST A special meeting oi the Town Council was held on Monday evenv ing. Alt the members excepting Mr. Veitel were present. The meet- ing was called by the Mayor to con- sider the report ot Engineer Malcolm on the proposed King street paving. The matter was tnoroughly discussed by the council and it was decided to call lor tenders tor the paving at King street trom William to Prin- cess streets, and a meeting " the property owners will he held when the tenders are received, which will be in the course ot about two weeks The clerk was instructed to insert a notice in the local papers running all owners oi dogs in Waterloo that the town constable is instructed to prosecute all those who have not conformed with the law requiring that all dogs be registered in the once oi the town treasurer by May Int. .ADDRESS Mo PRESENTATION A pleasant‘event was that held at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Guenther in Waterloo on Wednesday evening when their son Otto Guenther was surprised and pnsmhed with an ap- preciative address accompanied by a hareriotce Morris chair. The aHress read "oy Mr. M. Shame was as (allows: Waterloo, Ont., May 3rd, 1911. llvar Friend "tto.--wo hate gath- rrod here tomight lo.srrnda tew Su.i J hours as a surprise to you. We wish you happiness and sun- uss and sincerely trust that Fir liio may he spared to enicy many more tttuypy atys and pleasant hows Asa token of rrr esteem we beg to present you with this addrcss and Morris chair, which we huge may ev- cr serve the purpose of reminding yo" of your many friends. We also hcpe Us“. this chair may prove a swim uf comfort to you 2-11 an; Lg: "lav tind rrsl thereu- uhen you arc iatipvad with ioih. - May your happinms inrrr-aso with yum years Is lln- toxin-st "ish of Your Assembled Friends. The recipient mail: a suitable reply in the culogistic address. alter which time present enjoyed a Ltr cial evening in music an] mum's. Refreshments Were also served and the social gathering broke up in the “we small hour! cr' the morning. In - b 'Ga" tie-and Mr.C.A. â€when!†In:- f‘m W P3: 51.3. - d the lat otrerrmttA Pee 1 no Feet Reaping g Punt d I Woodstock, May 9,-.hithouot trot absolutely Lusaka WorArtott Opera -llnust will hare to undergo eonsidrr- ahle strengthening before it, measures up to "In rmptiremrnts of tte Fire and Light CommithN, of tte City Council. The eeatmittre hot the tmi'ding rmmhmi by a Tmontnar- thitrct rucntly with a view to 'trt- I tine ttt rat tttt doubla m to whrthcr or not it was in an nnmIr "minim land ttw report which is now in the hands of the l'mmcil states (he the hoists in thr balcony am only out I third as strong as Hwy mum to be Violin and Pianer-Mr. Wallace, Mans] and Miss Mann. Humorous walling by Rev. K. Boc krlmrcn. After the nu-lk-nt programme " dainty lunch was sen-oi which was nets ruling-rd by a". Messrs. Julius Rom, and August Knnuft were the "civic-nu d a hearty “fr oi thanks tor their Mtcient sor- vices. IS REPORTED TO BE UhSAFE The GIMP hall in eonnrrtieo with the hmm- is cond-" as math and the whole building mu at tr.tN ho strengthened -in accord-mp with the rrrommeataMimt M ttw arctitett. Ad- rti"nnot exft, will Ilsu be provided. "iiiiii:irimusl" - m moms On Weaken-11y alum th pat. roos ot the Waterloo an†at the Bank at Toronto purer“ at the Hotel Levis and presented It. C. A. Stephens. the etBrrietst manor ot the Waterloo brunch “no: it: numbn- ment, with o purse ot gold accom- panied by on when. Mr. Stepth who will leave in a day or two tor Lethbridge. Alta, where he will assume the manager- ship at the branch at that place. made amiable response. expressing his sincere appreciation of their good will end friendship, I . We the customers ot the Waterloo hunch ot the Bank ol Toronto which you have managed slucc its establish- ment, desire before you leave the town to express our appreciation ol the courteous and businesslike man- ner in which you have at all times treated us. We congratulate you upon the tact that the business at the bank has increased satisiactorily under your etticient management and entertaining no doubts of youi entire fitness lor the new responsibility you are about to assume. feel assured no duty to the bank in your new sphere that is within your physical power to perform will be neglected. We wish you an abundant measure of health, strength amrpiosperity in the luture and we trust you will tte- eept the aeeomttptryirtg purse towards which no have all checnully contributed. _ Signed on behalf of the patrons of the Bank cl Toronto. At a well attended meeting of the Beethoven Musical Club held in the Waterloo Free Library Hall Thurs- day evening the [allowing excellent programme was given:-- Piano Soto-Prelude-Chopin-- Miss Beethoven Martin. Baritone sold-Lorelei - Silchcr - Mr. Fritz Stampe. Essav on the lite of Chopin - Mrs. Bowman. Cello Co1o-Nocttme- Chopin - Miss' Evans. Soprano Soto-O Jerusalem, from Coming of the King - Buck - Miss Sander. Contralto Bolo-- Virgins Lullaby, from Coming of the Kiug--Buek --Mrs. Clive Bean. Piano Solo-Miss Wells-- Chopin. Tenor Solo-Boots and Saddles-Buck -Mr. E. o. Clement. Piano solo-Polo/se C Sharp Minor --Chopin-- Mr. staetrler. ---t.- Eational Anthem. N K The closing???“ the Club well he held on May jiaiPzll'e', Mi Mr. Maurice Poun- will give recital at Berlin under the auspices of the Club. The annual meeting ol the Ladies' Aid Society ot the Methodist Church was held on Thursday afternoon. The [allowing omeers were elected tor the ensuing year:--- _ President-Mrs. Geo. Wegenast. vice-Pres-Mrs. E. D. Cunningham Secretary-Mrs. William Snider. Treasurer-Miss A. F. Snider. Collccmr ot tees-Miss Shuh. , Hon. president-Mr. E. F. Seagram Hon. Vice Presi_r- \lessts. J. Hespeler. C. Ruby. W. Carthew and H. M. Snyder. president-Mr. J, M. Lining. Vice President-Mr, W, Cr, Harri- Sec .-Treas .-M r. Tom Sagram. committee-Messrs. Somerville and c. H. Snyder, together with the Pre- sident, Vice President and Sec- Twas. "ii. tee will be $300 for men and 81,00 tor Indies and all fees payable in advance. _ It is proposed to lunn a league consisting ot Guelph, Waterloo, “all. Preston and Berlin, and it is urgent. ly requested that all old players and any intending new players join the club at once so as to form a strong team in the league, " STEPHENS GOING WEST Mr, C. A. Stephens tor the past Me year: manager of the Wan-non Branch of the Bank of Toronto, has heen transferred "to twthtrridgr, Ai- berm. and leave: on Friday next to assume. his new duties at, that plume, “is successor here Mil be Mr. P, V. Wilmn ot Oil Springs, who has al- ready arrived. Mr. Stephens drrrbrtg his residence here has been most pop- ular in business and social circles, and the announcement ot his removal from Waterloo was received with re- gret. by his many trirtutg and lennw inwnsmen, among whom he " held in the Mghesl esieem He has been an active member of Si Ravimir‘x Church, Waterloo. and during the vast four and a half wars has ac cepiahlv aeied as lender at the choir He will have the mod wishes of a no" M friends in the Twin-City for his mores: and prosperny In the t tretrt OFFICERS 0F TENNIS CLUB Annual Meeting Musical Club After an enjoyable visit ot some weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kmutziger, Mrs. Reginald Morley and two children left for Toronto ms. Hominy. en route to their home Mrs. Burnett Bish of Pittsburg is visiting friends in the Twin Pitt VMr. ~Russell VanErery ot Guelph spent Sunday under the parental roof. _ ou-oo-ooo-o-ooo." in Damn?“ In. him-wad antifs: (£5) WIS of Preston Wrre vrcitors at iiiir'typ.ke', cl Mr. Mcnno Devitt on Frir'uy Mr. M. P. Schrmmet ot St. Cle- menu was I Visitor in the Twin- City : vrlday. Mr. E. ts. Moyer of Toronto spent S|uiuy at the tome of Mn. levi Rruegertuua. bs At a muting of the Twin-City Cricket Ctub he†on the 28th. April it was arranged ttat Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5mm be re- l 13rd"! as Club practice . days when it is hoped that everybody will turn out. For those who can turn out thpre \lel be practice every aller- norm and enmity. and all practices will te held in Waterloo Park. F',ubsrriptiorr are now duo and a pronrt remitun6 of the let's 82.00 to the Statuary at Waterloo, would "rally ".lige. Mrs. H. ItS2t retarttei [tom Tavislock where has bcen visiting her sister. b Mr. lid. Seylcr spent Sunday at the home ti his sister, Mrs. J. Chas. Mueller. Mr. Allan Quit-Hail has returned! Mr. Allan Quickie“ has returner! trom a six weeks' visit to the West] Mr. R. E. Payne of Hialo. tWB- eral agent of Nickel Plate road spent Sunday as guest at the home ot Mr. ' and Mrs. S. B. Bricker. I Mr. William Hyde. ot Paris, been spending the week with aunt, Mrs. .lrstus llnl'imua, street. Miss Mary mu, ot wavesh-y, is spending the we) ct the home of Miss Elsie Motmtan, Altar, street. â€in: J. Addison Ttsyhr and son Burden have left ior a tew days' visit in New Dundee _ l My; mu: I'ornish of Toronto is sisiting friends , Waterloo. Mrs. C. A. Henrich, (lam strum. left u: Tursday morning for a visit "I tum months with her son at Moose Jaw, sasrk. Social and Personal A nut-cling ot the swivel. rommission was held on “rdnrsdu rvl'niuz. Those ttrpscttt “on, Mr. C, Shaw. t'ltnilnun. and Messrs, B Sm'don Ju- hus Human and “an" Gray-bill Torah-rs wow our set lot mnstruction of sow-rs on Win" street trrm Yo'rg to Spring straw. m Normal sun-rt trom Park to Lot No. R. The cmuut In nwnrded Mr. l Howl, The prter teing “.05 pet his lot Hogan-Rum a! tub in“! WILE- MEETING OF CRICKET CLUB CONTIMCTS AWARDED has Immuneâ€. lrom kilns bran visiting w", -- __ _ . rris, has lh his . a, Allan slvr. is. -- - A - u r The law requires that all ownrrs ct dogs in the Town of Waterloo have same registered in the office of the Town Treaatrtr your!) cn or borer: May lst. M‘l‘m - - - - v -- _ - In! or 000 gun that!†t we! pronoun. â€'ma.’"hb‘°' p.. “m" 'dt ' which human h -. "m" “a“. Std 2'ta'f lon‘oat-u 7.4 f ban-“.- -s. It..." M h In... a. a. w z.- ‘mu'IMN-h th. May 1'11 “HI We have a. big stock of Pittsburg Wire Fenclng tought " last creased in price 25 per cent. We are going to so" this wm fencing buys at this store is assured of getting the best wire fencing tn the every dollar he spends here is purchasing the very maximum af 'rt') Big Reductipnj lt, numb-aloof our own any}: iii-33735356 No, " H-Ivsnizrd Wirerreein. height on in. lt lira. "my: 12 in. - M Mo per rod. Gnlnnilel w to Punting. height, " Inch“. ft vim. run to In. up". " musing Win Fowl-g Final Notice 40mmrod Pittsburg Wire u WWII! o I . ' in 2',',', c,",',ty,E,egalttl os-aio-Pita-; LD you want “to {also 'tttter. and} u may - MI 911-1330 RGrrt1qtrESt101] t CHILDRENS DRESSES '9e+FH+C+'.+'c+FFt0+" Western thrretttStrktst.i; 1i more ig LriiAt6'i, EPWID'O of out 1" could wish for, only F the result in â€1““ Int. reason only otisrip%tiP giving Utter rdllq aid - helio, chmpgigne, ete.," in t namely trimmed with In. to ".00,upto r.....'...'.:' Sur mods, em. in flue French“ the: cloth, Bongslinc, em: materials light. You tttatt' M. 500. 750, $1.00 and . . . " Galvan-rd Who 2",2t; Ilium In. shyn " In spurt. In tum . at Soo per rod Poultry and and†m '" In" A 'ptemdld “mi ot Po and garden towing male in ' " In . M In. " lo.. 52 in, " "L. mull] be plot-ed to qnnte we... Gui-root tity The latest dude- in In EBALRBST F: Kellario. has the Laced Oper pr rchaser to see jun wh is equipped with 8185, very handy in turning tt is absolutely gonna†or lumpy. V 1 W gravest Exclusive ttt (teases and Box Springs If your dealer does Bot Berlin Heidi: “SWEET DREAMS a .' w" a?“ 10 If an on; at. out, ed m...- . . - g,'.,'??,,'))',','?.;,,!], Ida'.".',',', .3; _'ieh1lEirEt'r1't lulu: VIII} V. . , xipA't9 ll () I) L) Cl H () I) ()