, tr. Here's Favorite Prescription Weld County (Md fhiilen' lie-Union and Saengerfest Honorary Ptwaiasutat---E. W. B. Snider. Fix-MIT; Jnc. Seagull Hon. Jam--s Young: James 1giS','E,'i',',',t Ex-M.P. President for the County. L. J. Bren aupt. Est-cute. Chairman for Bo-rliu, Dr. F. H. IGitrfteish. Chain than for Waterloo. C. w. Schir del. Esq. Secretary-Treasurer and Ptoa oter. Allen Huber, Berlin. I Semuryf'i‘lxla's‘u;r land ici',' one}. uiGiaa.: 1reriio, Ont. A snatodk and lus’cal Ivent. Old tenet Exhibition. Grand Cavalcade and Pageant, Old Time Costumes, Pow-wow around Camp-fire, Ground Hug Festival with Potato Pancakes, Waffles, Flap Jack, Haggis, Pretzel, Ete, United Choirs of Ckunty with Band Accompaniment, Patriotic Addresses. LADIES' DAY-Quilting and Spinniug Bee. Bands and Singing Societies of County. Prize for the “BEST GIRL" Home and Buggy, decorated with ribbons and natural flowers Bring your Lunch Basket, Cups, Saucers, Tea and Coffee Pots. A The Mercantile Fire, Subscribed Capital.. .. . ... 250M300 Deposit with the Dominion aovoromsnt ...... ..m... .. "17.140. All policie- gurulceed by the London i IIIU mUva-uuuuv - -- v . or' Insurance Company 1 IIIOOIIPOIA‘I'ID ma . Waterloo county I.“ m - Natalee rm labor Burnt: Subscribed Capital........ 250.com 59 King St. West, Be tlin. De t ‘th th Do i . . aou',z,,",'l ..'."r.e1r'll'll,"llo. We have .vaenf.ies for men Mrerueim mmwl by the London i and women In all lines of work ad White lnmnnoa Campsny} If you are out of employment with lmb of 'Itt,806.68tt. communicate with us at once. All!“ qltrrehe, Secretary INo'gharge Ir, rgglstratlop or t M. mm, Inlpcclot scruff ren ere . t M. mm, Inspector G. A BOEBII District. Agent Waterloo. Ont. Phone 240. _ llutml Business college "r.-it.rt-i.tiw'r-ieetieu.riettCtrt I _ "uiriFiiGaEGrGe-ytt'.tffeetqtr..ett “pd-bu. It quick..- andth “his m.I‘Mvadlo.-C baby. Tho-and. qrfwoars.o haw W to in marvelo- â€in. [tn-ten Weak Walla-Slug. "was“ Women Well Hor-t drunk“ do not ' Ithaca“. and U“. than - you n " it»! a good." Accept no were! mum- in plm of this sol-ma remedy. " can.“ not I drop ot alcohol and not a gmin of ttnbitaormirtd or injurio- M. " I pun {hectic "Inc! " Mi“. native American mall. - - - " What To": (med with an "crew of 7 pet can. in Alton on over 1910. Stimulant!) altar at m ulna. Opt-In. torm from Bishopljc WEEK cr ls Cheaper than lath and plaster and is used as 3 Substitute up: bath and Plaster, " is made ol kiln dried dressed lath, imbedded in hot Asphalt Mastic, and snrlaced with sized éardhoard. It is out in sheets " x 4 (eat) and uniform thickness ot l inch. These sheets are nailed dry to “adding rendy for immediate application ot wall paper, paint or other decoration Being proof against moisture it will not shrink or truck. being therefore successfully used instead ot lath and plaster. No. 1 Government Standard, per brsh. f No. 1 Government Standard, per bush; -- -- Ontario Seed M. Successors llislmpric sheathing is made of some material as Wall Board, but finish I: not nomssarily so ttnr, as it in nail- crl to the “NILâ€?! side M the studs with In": and asphalt side exposed Over the lath, weather boards are 'ttrthmt, or tttttent is npplied, us it, is the ideal material for camel“. anchor or “new work. Mum-imam... In - may, tsoee"Pe_h1eettf For ample. prion, estimate and mm: illonnuion. all on or write lot-day April ard. For â€weal-rs “dry-la. Red Clover Elwin a. Haul-ens We carry a full line of Vegetable "ttatt B. sauna Berlin and Waterloo, Ont, You and Ycur m in ds are Invited t2 Attend the M Rum. PM». am as. Idaho, can... Ar. Alsike TIMOTHY 310.00 Arehtteet CLOVER Wall Board tDoauE:-irCD:CD;rt9 MON D AY. AUG-t) ST 14TH- 1911- i%TaiaaFAGeie _ '90-, r GOD SAVE THE KING AND No 1 Government Standard, per bush. -- gr Lucerne, No. l Gown» ment Standard, per bush. jriiiimgmiagyi8gtBIh'na Canadian Pacific Railway Lands Th" l'anadunn Paciffr Rnlluay Com- [an arr nllvring IN sale a largr Jul at spI-ria'ly sclrrh-d lun‘l along thcir r.cw .sismtoonitaskitrt'tt an! Moosr "asx Laronir MAM?!" through ('mlrnl “helm Thrst lands ahirh 'an he hung“ at $9.00 per at†and Inward. sield wonderful crops-hump" ttttst-of whrat, oats and all small gram, and ttpir eqtral rannot hr lounl tor mired tarming, smelt raising and Girvintt, For turther Information (all on or write EXCURSIONS To Isiah, swam. mm araiiTTi-iiii " a was n. n mun.» any: art. * a s-ga-sae-o-fee. u with! "m""'"'"'"-"""));"" TGa-" - - LOW ROUND-TRIP RATE. Gil a a... was. so d-ylln- "a... __ riiiriiiih SLEEMNQ Pte. LauaC au., curl-inkli- wi6 bani-manhfqnd ttar". "- All ron'nintonunr 'AIPNLCY Awr-..efu'/re"geef-"- """'"""m'tctriii"iahT.iiGiL-" _ my mm tilt no cum ovum Price " an an and upward. Timothy and tlower Scedx s..,GT"i.. - ree too le. at any .ppuuuori «an: be made Alfalfa J'.; Joy. Sensual]. En-MJ’ ; $7.50 14.50 Waterloo omarlo Weather eunuch“. A great snow storm on the 6th an! 7th. Rood! biocisadetr. trains late. Some ot the roads in the country that were open all wlntcr were muted BO that peo- ple were now obliged to drive through the tields. A smashuy on the Grand Trunk at the King street Roads brim; opened on the 8th, snow going away .cry last, nearly all away by the ittttt, Furriers start- ed to work on the land about the 16th. Families .Moxing.- Mr. Mathias Reiners moved [mm Breslau to Ber- lin. Mr. Melina Bowman moved from Bloomingdale to Berlin. Mr. Peter Geigers moved from Berlin to Bres- lin. Mrs. Cath. Shoemaker moved from Conestoga to Berlin. The Grave-Miss Louisa Breithaupt, aged " years. Mrs. I. H. Moyer, near Bloomingdale, nee Esther Web- er, aged " years. Mrs. Jos Reist, Kossuth, nee Magdalena Miller, aged 62 years. The boy who was thought to be a murderer in the Strasburg tragedy last tall was acquitted ll Parisian Sage, the hair grown that Ctarke Bin; guarantee, will not cause hair to grow where tlie hair is thinning out, nothing on this earth will. And we say to everybody, you can have yrnr mum) tack " Parisian Sagi- isn't the best hair grower, hair saver, hair treaotitier and (ban- druti cure on the market Urday. It stops inking scalp an; inning hair and mains hair grow thick yd ryoundrn'ly, or money back, 50 cents tyoundrn'ly, or money back, 50 cents fora large bottle. Parisian Sage makes the hair soft and human and promctes growth. ncss in the back, headaches lint make everything scorn blurred, and a wan-less aching in the limbs., Then: ' and other trials atttiet girls and W0- Imen through the lack of rich' red lhlt-um.‘ nature is calling tor. Dr, Illilliams' Pink1ills have gi an the joy: ol real robust health to thy} and; ot women who are happy to ' Locarc those Fills actually make the tich,,ro3 blood that ma'res ma" (UPS wtll and strong. This stalz-mml' has been proven are! and 0V" again. Here is further prof [mm Mrs, I'. J. Brook, Manllm. Mam. who says: "Alter a busy term nn mun". class work mllowr,d by a short limo of relaxation) aniia sln‘uu'Is two anda hall months normal course in March, I906, I began teaching school. i haWahta- ll‘y rural SLhool, with a large at- Harold " The Brigh'est Itit Comes With Good Health Through .the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills we... “um-E, aw“... . .........‘_ "W“, ll‘y rural SLhool. with a large at- I The majority oi the standing com- ‘tcn Burro. and (onsezucntw a large mums presented reports which were .mmbcr " grades, thus .T mums the [adopted with very little discussion. t work a great nervous stain This ad- The various communications and pe- sdti to the Tenn-Mk ot study, prn- titiuns were referred no the respec- â€ions to inching, soon resarlted in a tive committees. Eight tty-laws 1“run don.“ mndition. When m were read, four at which were timrtty 'mtioiv time (‘BIIII‘ I did not pay (passed and tour money by-laws will mum atlrnliou to my condition m I be voted upon by the “WWW?" on |thwnm un- holidays would lully m ' May 31Bt, , store mp, In! as l roan-nod work I For the New School. Her brightest day ior awry girl and every wort-an is the day when sue lroks well, ieels welf and is well; but with most ol the lair sex such days are rare. Instr-at. they sutter trom a painful banguor, haves terrible weak- Iarrot I suon lounl tlis was not the us:- One morning when I came to breakfast evrryllving rot-10.1 Mon- ~mc and I almost lah‘ed away. The lady with whom I was boarding ud- Ctsrd me to take Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. She always spo':e very high- ly of them, h r daughter having usr'. tlem with the most benrfkial rmu‘ts Ilnllnwing a sown attack of in‘llm- matorv rhrumatism. t rtrvidpd to lakr hrr advice, and Ind unly lien a INA hues uhm I began to Mr prove In hrafth-on, suh i.' WP“ tite as I had t rapidly rainc- .hrnlth, my ur, may healthy glow out I gant'rl in would, I Pin? MINT InItrn rrtNnrtteo'ed Dr. Witlinms' Pink Pills nlhrrn who have “no.0 them with (-qnally tttsrteftrtal results. :1er t ttrrt.rwe tlt. l'llls to br a Maul- ard rpnedv tor the Ills lor which yam rrumnm-nrl them." You can an that Pills lrmn an; [OF “OLD†Ii†REPORT OF S. S. Nth 1, 'I‘I-IHLOU FUR APRIL. Iv-Saas, Meyer, . April It“. 15 Van Ago nut-dirt†Axter 0! by nil at M In. Wit-’0'. THIN “MR ON TOP ht EveryWoman the bair grower csanter, will not w where tlie hair nothing on this Ce. Raynor iivangclin!‘ F'†ll Iz'n sh: l t *II; but F h days l, n trom a l t wrak- i: cut I and a "Flu-u: . I Waterloo County has been “gully honored by the Dominion Government through'thc instrumentality o! the xtorttty representative for North Wat- Minista ot.Labor. Last week Hon. Mr. Fisher, .‘"n- inter ot Agriculture. inlornwd the Minister ot Labor that the Deput- ment proposed making the usual ex. hibit at the International Hygiene Exhibition in Dresden, Germany. which opens in that city In June and wilt continue tor several months. and asked Hon Mr. King to select a suitable mnn ttt uke cbnrge ot the exhibit trom his riding, this being a German centre and it was necessary that the man in charge would be conversant with the German lang- mine. Canada's exhibit is in charge oi the Department oi Agriculture and the I appointment is also made by the Ihr, partrnent. As far as Dr Honsberger lavas conversant with the object oi t the exhibition it deals with the ad- Irant-e being made for the improt ment of sanitation and the public I health of the variohs countries. i' Dr. Honsberger will leave on Thurs- any of this week for Ottawa where he will receive his initial instruc- |tinns. After a few days he will go to Quebec and study conditions in I that ancient city and from there. will to to Gross Island where all the lforeign ships are quarantined beiore lthey enter the St. Lawrence. He has been informed that special atten- I tion will be paid by the Government l to the quarantine regulations as they exist in other countries, This infor- Giation will be oLimportance to the I Immigration Department. In view of the [act that the exhibi- tion is devoted principally to sank tation and public health it did not take the Minister oi Labor very long to get-into communication with Dr J. F. Honsberger. the well-known and highly-respected physician of Berlin The offer was a great as well as an agreeable, surprise to-Dr. Hons- trerqer and was gi-cr. two or three days to consider the matter. I The exhibition will open about the end of May and will continue during tthe summer months. Dr. Hot1strerger will remain in charge tri the Cana- l dian exhibit for two months. On Saturday Mr Francis Giddens, private secretary to Hm Mr. King, came to Berlin and outlined the de- tails ol the position and the exhibi- tion and â€out?' Dr. Honsher- Ker wired his acceptance of the im- portant mission. I Dr. Honsberger inlormed the Tele- graph that he intends making the trip as profitable as he can not only for the Government but tor the town and personally. He hopes to investigate the hospital systems oi I England, Germany and Switzerland. ' and as a member of the Board of Education. and having given special attention to the sanitary conditions ii) the schools, he Intends making a specia‘ investigation of the schools lentil“,- countries, The doctor, hav- ing been prominently connected with Fifi, construction at Berlin's present I.'.',',',','.'.',"',' disposal plant, will also ',make enquiries respecting the sys I terns that have been found successful In an interview with a Telegraph representative Dr. Homrberger stated that he is to represent the» Domi- nion Government at the litmu- tional Hygiene Exhibition whit; is to be held at Dresden, Germany, this summer. The exhibition is held every two years, the last taking place in Washington. The exhibition is a large and important event. represen- tatives being present and exhibits shown from every civilized countrv on the giolw. $5.000 For Hospital Wing, $20,000 for Light Commission, $7,900 for St. Ry. and $4.000 for Sewer Farm FOUR BY-LAWS . TO BE SUBMITTED Berlin Council meeting on Monday evening in addition lo the lengthy discussion on the "nestion at turning out the prorrts ot the Water and Light Commissions to the Town Treasurer. There was an unusual amount of routine husiness transacted at the Hygiene Earttitsitietas Dresden. Gem: my _ For the New School. Secretary rar Pequegttat, of the Bond of Education, applied for the additional “0,000 required to com- plete thr now school on John streak By-Laws Read, Eight try-law' were 'rt-ad nnd con- sidered by the Countâ€. four ot which will be submitu'd to the tau-payers. The by-law to license pawn brokers at a rate of $50 per annum was pass- l portion oi (‘harlrs urn-l will be closed to permit the Lang Tannin: Co to erect the prnpgsotl nrw tan buildings Tho by lam Min; the building line from the sin-M on Maple AventTr nt 35 feet, was pulsed The by-law flsintt the plumbing nrva of the town wax given its "Hr. reading and [many â€and To Be Summit“. The ionowiAg broom will br imb- mm a h m h Icy. -- ,_ A - An- ‘A other countries a Elli“! " , . i' kid tlt,y,ctrss ET . hidmm 5;}; iEi"i"t"e? Ill) , Ci 122 we." “he an I viii tell you w 1 I The Fire a; Light Committee was l authorized to instal underground pip- ing tor street lighting on King street street and on King street south be- I tween Gaukel and Water streets on north, between Young and Water strips along curb belore strips are i incorporated in sidewalk. tGritiutrro0ow_toeeyer- "it st home by the Absorption autumn“ cud will also and some ot this home treatment free for am. with references from yod' own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Setrl no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box Windsor, Oat. . 501 l Friday Mme Thomas Pur- I coll. foreman at the Berlin piano t factory, and who resides on Breit- ' I haunt street. was operating a saw in the absence of the regular employe, I he had the second and third finger at the right hand sawed on and the tit-! tle tipger so badly mutilated that itl had to be amputated Friday ' Alter the accident the injured maul walked to the Hospital where he had the injuries attended ta, As the thumb and first finger at the same hand had been previously partially amputated the hand will be practical- ly useless hereafter. Mr. Purcell has been foreman at the piano tactory for seven years and is a laithlul and valuable employs. l ex tensions viding tor farm. To raise $15,000 to aid the Berlin- Waterloo Hospital Trust in the creo- lion ot an addition to the institution. To raise 87,400 to pay the Street Railway's share ot the cost ot the track entensions on King street trom Water to Wellington streets and from Scott to Albert streets. THREE FINGERS AMPUTA’IED It you have no appetite for meals. can't work, can't rest and are ao- neyed with tco Frequent urinotimn and a burning, saiPatg pain in mak- ing passages. - al-, .,-...- _,.7_.. r, lat night you retire , sin-p that either dccs not . n '. " and moi l (BOUT l E Boom Kil- I Fmrf my Pills, the l' , aranteed rem- 1†I†it 5:3; [mall kid- I E, I, q may and bladder L' trouble. A few doses oi Booth's ' Kidney Pills will wake up the sluggish kidneys :url regulate the urine. t'orrtinued treatment will cure and htaf the weakened kidneys an! restore the air' milk in the natural way. Sold ev- cry0ere 50c box or postpaid Irom The R. T. â€(0th Co. Ltd, Fort Erin Ont. Free trial srnt on .ap- plication. . - (mice, Waterloo lutud Buildirf King St. Bunnie-I Ofriee 249. Home MW. Bumeu solicited for ttmt clu- Companies. This Remedy Writ Restore It Gonna! maul-anon Agent. 8m to Foam 00. sum N0 APPETITES Underground Piping tht' PM" Cthr' l"" at the minimum - Our handsome eytspry's. Suits r_ip.1_ey.tyuif for no c-er rason than-u/GGG-itat Iii';',";,";;;';";"'; Mitt-m we]; EEKEHM Hrre are assrmblmf the very cream of the latest styles pro duced to the fountain hrad of fashion Nowhere could you not Ian"! styles Nowhere will you find anyone more glad to show them to you And " for Values at $4,000 to be raised ior to the sewerage [arm pro- the purchase ot the Butt You Should . , See c. h. BOEHM Thornton 81 Douglas Call and got a T & " mire , lmpiugl'n" s not ce.me, or is troubled and fitiuh, you have Ihidncy trouble yum ttw maximum H mm m1. Come and m IMIFWIIIII I a I". Surpriring values are shown A comparison of our prices and ' Vince you that we are giving"! money. Also a f w Carriages air at a. discount, of 25 to 50 [or will UNDERTAKINGe' 89%|; may: Baby C Wow-00060600 Also order. taken for picture (runo- 4 window and" and fumitun cal-g kinda _ â€.4 no.5...“ a,inaaTdir but. It... "It [In an] Wucrloo. PM“ The MOI! I. For piuul at tht, pl RUFF STOCK at, am I " whole shock oi Nuedtt.itater, Limb." and Wad-II. Band for 30 darts ouly My; But tt2t,ifl,'Si & Co., D ’MINIDN, do» life time, it? all would!“ by buying one, when up]; to see them " ' Mmpson's ' cf style, wn NN. S irir' Hook UND ERTAKING Go-th, tiine, in all ptubabi,litt, 1 buying one, when the "t see them at q . 3 branches. Day PM , 26 King sc) and mttrsiaNton THE S and you vi an? 1' ll U o 0 U M I) (l 0 I) 0