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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 May 1911, p. 1

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Wate rlco House cleaning Time is Here. Furniture or Springs or Mattresses PM“ 338 This is the timc of the your that you may need.n few pieces of You are Missing a Good Thing the fam tus 1847 R 'gers brvnd. also china and cut glass '" also carry a full line of Wedding Rings A SAYINus Aeuot'.wi' is often the key that opens when opportunity knocks at the door. The lack of a few hundred in 'mth has allowed "any a Golden Chanee to pass a man by. Ones an account at Tm: BANK our TORONTO with a. few dollars, add to it as you are ablv. and watch the fund and your opportunities grow. We add inn-rust half-yearly. Calcium “(or and anllor. TheBank of Toronto VOL. 51. No. I9 See the New Shoes F.E Shantz&co. Berlin Ont. FROM $1000 TO S1S,000 HOUSES FROM 31000 TO $10,000 Business Properties and .\'nrtlmnt anlu at all prices ”no; To loan. thtrttreramrintg and lacunae. Farms For Sale F. E. Shantz & Co. If in new] of any dont fail to call nu us bufure buying as our p:kes are the very lowest, We also carry the fiaest line ol Rugs in Town "... “I a Eula-lot It, Berth, If you don't sec our stock before purch sing that wedding present. We have a nice line of We are seling at $3.00 d, Letter a Son Aunt. $50,000,000 P. V. WILSON. Managér Watovloo Branch ZIGK’S SHOE HOME The Key SILVERWARE WE HAVE ALL KINDS (tr' 0. Asmussen THE criR0l)0crEsrTELE0RApr1,' '". WATER”!!! and you'll begin to wonder if they are not the equal in style and quality of most told at $3 50. Ttey are. and wc'll cow-r them with a pair of shoes or oxfords that are right in every parti- culalr. _ Feet Fittm s Bring us your Feet King St , Iaturloo Night Phone MT PM no .', I B WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY u. Mt l Meehng ot Hoard oi Health,-- The Hoard of Health met lor the second , time this year last Monday at the ’eall of Dr. A Schulz, Chairman. l An order was moved and cannot! that l all resident owners be warned to put everything into a sanitary condition 'belore the Sanitary Inspector makes his usual rounds. A bill from Wm. Li,i,',tiii,i,i,iir, tor work of disinfecting , places after contagious diseases was accepted and left .0 we town mun- i,cit to pay. The Sanitary Inspector, mu. Geo. lilllgin.\v. ti., will com- t mence his rounds about the l5th of ' Mar. News Notes-The little sun oi Mr I" Bristow underwent an opera- tion " an absceu in the head last week and, is doing, as well as can be rxpected.-duessrs David and Adam Holler have bought the bakery busi» ness from Mrs Nicholas Scharcr and hare atready taken possession.-- Mrs J, F.. Howman and l-cr daugh- ter Rose, spent last Thursday . in Guelph-Ur. and ttrt. H. Wilste oi Detroit, Michigan, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Jae. Christ- mam--3tr. J. Collins. who has secur ed emplovment. in Ha..nu-r moved to that place with his family last week. -Mr. Sallie Hahn of Galt visited his parents here last Sunday. Passed Sueeessiu11y.-- Among the pupils who were successful at. the re- cent examinations at the B.C.I. were the followig-g Klmiraites: Hilbert Weiciiel and llegie Rata. oi Form I; Roswell Raw. oi Form ll. passed with honors: Ellsworth Gibson, Form HI., and Wilbur Rumball who is taking the Commercial Courses - Mr. Geo. L. Zeigler was a business visitor in Toronto last week.-- Mrs J. Collinson spent Monday evening at the home oi Mrs, A. Werner where a number oi her friends met to bid her farewell prior to her departure for Edmonton on Tuesday-The re- port for the Continuation Class oi the Elmira Public School for the month of April is as iollows: Leo- nard Stumpi, Alverto Stumpi, Gus- tave Ruppel, Willie. Allemang, and .tlired Geikie.--Mr. Dram-t of the Traders Bank left ior Aylrtter on Saturday where he wilt spend his holidays.-The tnest/et: oi the Pres- byterian Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. I. Hammond last Tuesdav evening.-- Mr. Herbie Ailemang oi Linwood spent last Thursday at his home here.--Miss Maria Winger spent last Sunday at the home oi Mrs. it J, Mulloy at Yatton.--Mr, Otto Christ- man oi Gait paid a visit to his home here last wevt---Messr.s. Elmer, Lorne and Earle Rata who have been attending the School oi Practical Science at Toronto are home tor a few wreks.-htrs. Adam Ritter has been quite ill with a severe attack of heart trouble. Baseball Club Organized -A meet. ing was held last Friday evening to re-organize a baseball club and the Iollouing were the oftieers elected: lion. l’resuienrs, A. Edwards, Oscar Yogi, T. Dillon. Geo. Jung, Pres., Louis Fischer; Vice-Pres,, Geo. Dar- is: Seer, Treas,, Geo L, Zeigler, Manager. Pete Hedrich: Managing Committee, N. Hollinger and 'Andr Small, It is to he hoped that this summer will, see some interesting games played between the home team and those of the neighboring towns __ The Conference oi the Y P.A. of the Missouri Lutheran Church ot Ontario will he held on the 23rd and Mth of this month in this town.-- The I'll- mira Musical Society are arranging to give another oi their entertaining hand concert» on the lath oi this month --Mr Cameron Glennie of Toronto spent a lew days with his parents here last week - Mr lly Zilliax nho has been so seriously ill "with heart trouhle is improving slowly --.ur Kienzie has rented the rooms shore Mr, Geo Ruppel'l store and moved into them last week, - Miss Minnie Rominger left for Tor- ionto last week where she has secur- _ ed a good situation in an "mee.-- Mr l Davey, lormerly of this place but :1!!!“ oi Windsor, calli'd on old . friends last week -The many friends oi Mrs Norman n ho is at present at low u it w Hospital will hepleas- i ed to hear that she is improving and ,hopes to be able to return to ‘her I home soon --gevernt business men no on the lookout for a sui-tnhlc siti- Mm the (‘nrnugie l.ihrnry which will the voted upon In the near [More - L Miss Ethel Laumm of North Bay it isprndinr, a ten dun with "tends m Jtoun -Mrs ll Schmidt oi Strattorrl is: \Illlan her lather, Mr Hy Zillun tor a ten weeks -Hiscs Emlyn lull her attended the graduation erertises at Toronto l'nii'erslty Inst Fridm iniot, oi the dental students She V uas necompamed in her sister Miss Lillian Laekner of Waterloo - Mr trndt has moved with his lamilv mt.» ttu house mental In Mr kn. i:."' on lung, sum-t --Mr, Sttplnu thinn is mending I tour (“)8 with Iher daughter. Mrs My Pettrm It St .lamhs --Mrs Walter Adams of Hector: fluted her brother:A a. Emu-I ELMIIA News Notes.,--). and Mrs. K. G. Winn are visiting Iriends in Prem c. .-Mrs. Lraper and Mrs. Suggon tpeat Thurse.y in Berrtn.-Mrs. John ()lln..’-l is spinning sent- time in Wottrloo.--Mrs. Cues. Bulmer stem h'atcrrccy in Glenailarc-Mr. E. L. Irtlt.Cac1xur, has returned to Sasha- ttsri,--). Henry Fr-y is visiting her dimmer in L'rtrttc-Misses Ma- m walkway Bella]! s_-em Sun- day tct th:ir.heome.-Mr, Witt lack- mr (I 'l‘uunlo is spur-lug a luv ‘.u’s at his home here.--Areor day Bae, obs-shed in our school on Fri day.-The teacher and pupils were busy in tlie school gn- r.'.: ma ing thtm more attractiw.-FYeahg op- ex'rsziom will soon be completed in this community and [all when! prnxv [nets are sood.-Mr. H. J. Elslcy oi Watvrloo visit: , with his brother oy- a Sjunday.-Mra. J. Zinn spent Mon- day in lulmira‘. _ Items ot Interest-Mr. att,) Mrs. Isaac Schiedcl and family of Preston viuitcd at the lnmc ol the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. C. Gim- tcl.-oir. J. Harold Bowman cf Bruin was a mum-r in our with. lust M:.turday.--Have you plart l Ce 5.9418 in your gar-den yctt-Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Watrgt m-r of the rim-s were the guests e." Mr, and Mrs. Mii.e Albert ot l-llmim over Sun- day, Mus. Waggcrur and Mrs. Albert are sisters-Miss Uno Hellman of 26 Ellen street west, Berlin, visited her 10min, Miss Mabel Hallmah here last Tuesday evening.--Cntertstting parties are all the rage here these warm spring everogs.-Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shanty. and three cifidren all of Ell) strcet, “an-I100 use welcome Sun- day visitors at the home at Mr. tir"ttr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. C. Gim'set of River Lodge, -Mr. Ugh-1| or Collar Street south, Ber- lin, was a business visitor here last weelt.-9er. Human Hortlc, sr., of Riser View Farm and his two sons, Messrs. Norman and Hermm Hertlc. jr., are busily (ngaprd in building a barn tor Mr. Davi". Thater ol Cen- tr'i'vilte, to replace the one lint-t v.7 struck by lightning and burned to the ground Iael August.-Mr. flop “owl and is young son, Henry at Berlin, 1rcrt' on " fishins trip here last Mon- day. Mr. Good succccdt-d in lan'ling a fttre largv specimen: ": the ftshta- mily. Death of Mrs. Beattie-The Grim Reaper has been very busy in our midst during the past week. On Wed- nesday evening, May 3rd, Phoehie Bristow, wife of Mr. William Beanie passed away in her 45th year. Mrs. Beanie who during her married lite lived just east of the 'village was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends who regrot her early de- mise. A husband and two grown up sons mourn hor loss. Died in Mth Year-on Saturday morning death claimed one of the earliest settlers in the person of Mr. Robert Thomas, at, at the ripe age of 90 years and 3 months Mr. Thomas who was ol Welsh descent had lived practically all his life in the vicinity of Plattsviiie He had helped to clear the land'where Platts- ville. now stands. He was one of the sturdy, upright, God-fearing pioneers who has (lone so much to make Can- ada what it is to-day, A wile and grown-up family moon the loan ol g kind husband and father Death ot Young Mam-On Saturday lid, so" ot Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Milne, was called home at thr age ot 25 warn. Hr has he": a patient sul- ierer trom disease ot the spine for shoot two years " was thought that he was improving ior the past thaw-1w tour immths and the an- nouncement ol his detrttt.came as a shock to his mary triends, Ed had a kindly disposition and Wu . gem oral lawn-He at old nnd young, He will be much missed in the home circle as well as by his many triends, Irar “I ard Mrs Funk” - the n fru at you mmh'm' R, hue gath- rrrd r5011 you Ural!“ to rxtro' l , you our ttsl “isms an! haw you “I" 1 ‘j' N? to "w utmost In our mn~n min To slum ya. mt ap- pn m! nu of gm! nrirrtthots “a Imml tott lhts stork. Hut tot " in rinstr ule but II a slum rc- "wmtsrorr at can” mm our rnidttt Wr all wish ya! a long rul [any mama 1m Sigped a h- _Mit a you ”but. HAWKESVIL'LI PLATTSVILLE FREEPORT LINWOOD “I A, Finget amt lamily of Wan-dun spent Sunday here wish Mr. an q Mn. Fred Weppier.--Mr. Itayto Kunschiusk)‘ and Mr. Art Bye ot Galt, smut Sunday at the Ionners home tterm-Mr. as.” Mrs. Jos. hrs and family spent Sunday with Ber- lin triemls.-. Mr. and'Mrs.. Gee. o. Stroll were visiting with tricnds near Elmira last Sc. 'ay-t is reported that w: cl our lurby 1armers “hands to leave tor tin "est next Tuesday.- Mizws N. Thiel s.v:t S-nliay “in ftiend, in Berlin. Mrs. Ru: A. F'. Stout. and Miss Samaulla Bowman left on Tuesday h'a month's tcut through a iew tl the states. Mrs. A. F. Sloltr. went in ti.e interest (I the “INA. at the U. B. Iharch.--Mr. Neison Gross rd Berlin was a t with his au- to on a busimss trip.-Rov. A. F. Ftoltz left tor Niagara District t't to halt! quarterly meetings. Mr. Gatzka of Bloeasingdah, took the pulpit in the U.B. church on Sun- day evening. ENTERTAINED REACHING The Waterloo Public School.Liter-! ary Society, comprising pupils oi Principal l’iaytord's Division, enter- tained the members of the School Board and the teaching stall, at the closing meeting held Friday afternoon from 1 to 6 o'clock. The occasion proved a most interesting and enjoy- able one. After the election of otrr. cers the programme was proceeded 1 with, comprising a short address by l the President at the Literary So.' ciety, Mary Valentine; piano solos by Mildred Dickman and Reinhard Utrer mann, readings by Marguerite Bech- tel, Eileen Hawke, and Marguerite Carthew, and a' solo by Karl :Botl'in- ger. An interesting teature was a debate. "Resolved that wealth has done more for mankind than educa- tion." The negative was upheld by Fred. McDougall, Ada Armitage, R. Uiiehnann, Marguerite Carthew, and the anrmative by Hubert Hasenflug. Mary Valentine. Hilliard Flynn and [ Vera'Reid. The judges were Miss lBeqTen.' ot the Alexandra school teaching stall. and Messrs. Mueller l and Harper of the School Board. I The decision was awarded the nega- tive. The publication ol the club, i "The Eye Opener," edited by Hil- liard Flynn, was also read. Miss l Marguerite Bechtel acted as critic. At the conclusion ot the programme . refreshments were served. A subscriber at Altprsyck', Alta., in renewing tor the Chronicle-Tele- graph writes as 'Cttee:--' always look tcrwat.' every week to getting the C'rttrcttic%-'rHegraph. It is like getting a letter trom home. mm NEW DUNDEE Cleveland No. 9 Gail Spring Wire _ 2 I-ae a lb. We carry a full and complete line of Fence Tools. etc. Get our Prices on Cyclone Ready Made Fencing. Weiehel’sWeekly Store News “'Jrhri's Aqua-H Roottrue in mun man prnxm'lirm “mm ttre, " " a prolectlon comm! everything that cause. molt reaetr-roorrnt" to on to - -tetMt" in a Magic gunmen P, iw, a! a. " lirnth'IH mums! utrmrr,"rk UNI“. "”4"an T'"6Ill|'ill,:~ mnl n nun-Jam nv‘vvs'lry with mu rmnfnvm Hm] of rooftnttr For, mwv mu. “wirhrk Asphalt Roottntt and! no Vare. no Illr-nliun the In“ con " the only co“. wrrrmrt'_ Asphalt "orHirt. ia as' 1.1 " ttot nquxrnl, Maul-Em. tor hum: IN“? " tt human. Ark n- Ilmul (Ms hrnlom trom "rr, sure man mortro "Ind: Roof Your Buildings WithWeichel’sAsphalt Roofing Before you decide on any roottntr for any purpose, you owe it to round! to imcsnzmc weichet'n Asphalt Roonntr. It is the ideal --.--- rooflrtq tor any ttttHong from " chicken Flu-Proof! . ' T , Water-Proof! - ttousr, or lurn tn Duallv ingtitutionB or ttFtrtretltrter. marme palaces. I. Wdchd & Son, Waterloo, Ont. SHIP Having purchased the business formerly carried on by Mr. Erna Albert, including lumber yard, saw and planing m.ll, we beg h an nounce to the public that we are prepared to give the best [ouihle t,atisiaetion to old customers as well as to as many new patrons. _ We carry a full line of , Timber Lumber, Lath, (Shingles, Mouldings and all kinds of Building Material and manufacture a eomplete line of f . Pine and Hardwood Doors, Sash. Blinds and . Boxes. Shocks and Packing Cases. _ “Let us give you our prices for anything you require in the build. - ing line. , I a undersigned otrem for sale the hotelbu-inm at Omssllill with license The Hotel is a good two story led Mick binding with good stabling. Also half we of land and orchard and good, supply of water. For further iitsrueulartr, apply to The Ma Lumbar (b Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Thu Baden Lumber ' Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Haul lashes. for $an "P?- " Show at $1.51», 32,00. 02.50, 33.11), 5u' $3 a», 81.00,,LIM and 35.11). The man who invest; 1'gt'tlt in the nppearame of his she“. find it [unusable to m .le Ibis his place for buying all his footwear. 2 STORES - _ BERLIN Housefurnishings, General Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes ANNOUNCEMENT D. G. STEINMAN, President. PH. E. ALBERT A. WESELOH & CO. OS. WE SHUE MEN (jllllfllilll11 il JOHN w irW0, M annger. ll mam: it mm ulw m m aervlcr. an any olhrr rody-rooft" ever WHOLE NUMBER 3434 u an a ran Milverton There is A ten dency towudn heir let thves these duyn. and upped-t.- ing the siuurtiou, we have provided for our spring trade with a largo line of the but shoes Iho country produces. A - _ A v, H As ususl, sir, rou'il be apt to Ind the Spain“ Shoe that plant. “I ir " ti ht here. No man w t no". of shoes you wotr--tine at course abueu. high or low cuuyou'll surely ttnd here the sort. Maho- that rou'll take pleasure in 'roarlttq For farmers, merh'lnlca' shoe. foe the workingman. for bun-in.“ m. for pwfessmnal men. foe chi-kn. " rollege men, than for Inn-inc”. for iron and fur outing. Eveersn'o particular rrquirement an and with the best I f shoes, mule hull-t he ritrtu. model, width and If”: Inf all kinds. including Pumps & Wind Mille done Jr/ge'."', and efNirntlr. .Also pipe Ittiyg. _All rhyming! 99w "mpsi bummed." Aserrtt%r-tadiiiii, Engines. Engines. Phone 825 18tf $16qu Tab-w all tttttt y-m Shoes for til Ion Repairing HY. HOFSTETTER, Iriee-Preaidene H Y. RATZ, _ Assisi. Manger. 257 Abr. Saran! Victoria St. Berlin Prlou

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