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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 May 1911, p. 6

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irt'to send ha"coupnn “as long in making my m-miy Luis ot m'mmr in would 17." onto, but Dominion, t appriri- [51:6 lishinp, ing. that a m tw luifs'fl Canurrans {I to will PS Ba'. King F.d, tor con- ' out that h on re- ',000 front unu- dots- Ftihn oi an If ati-- " it. night Ilii.iiii,ii, '. (furry, rent, T. pi, Dr. wwclland LILY _ rg, h to "ee [nor tt it lden claim rem-M N ation- 3re were Renam- WARD Fund thus jest} 's grvot Ling the' anti. whole li ithin 5m 1. 'n a m?- ' the m for use 18-1t, the King Mal, Pro- Lin- tine, lorm led of The great question with the moth- era to-day is how to interest boys in their own homes, that they may not seek entertainment and pleasure in questionable places. It rests large- ty with lathers and mothers whether" our boys reach port triumphantly or drift to ruin. Sometimes the eye of reason is laid asleep. A club that is needed in this (very progressive town is an anti-tobacco crusade for boys. A boy that is im- pressed it is an unmanly act to use tobacco,’n'ill not be very apt to touch liquor, and indirectly he will help the temperance cause. May God help every father to be a sterling example to his boy. Have one or several of the boys prepare a paper on different subjects, such as "The Evils of Tobacco," “Evils of Liquor," "What is required of a rising young man" to be successful through lite? "What is expected of a manly boy?" Character building and numerous other subjects, helpful and grand, might be given. These things will start a boy thinking. and when a boy begins to think aright. he is on may sale grounds. Only quiet games should be indulged in that will not disorder the home. N In glory in raw“; great and amen structures, um tand a at pleasme w slung sets ot their In panting sum up and nourish, it In a gram; and more glor- tb" wont to band hp a man, to see A boy ot our own panting trout the null beginnings and advantages we hve ‘iven him, grow up tuto a con- qid.rtrtslet fortune, to take root In the world, mud to shoot up to such a height uni spread his branches so wide, that we who just planted tum may ourselves find Comfort and Shel- ter under his shadow. First of all we should have an in, tensive, or rather, on uncontrolahle love lot the boy. The savmg ot boys should be a delight, and an inspirw tion to us. How can we best reach the boy? The hope of the nation will be largely due to mothers; for what great thing was ever done where a mother cast no shadow, what nation is not healed through a mother's ministry? Parents should manifest an interest in anything that interests the boy, and not turn a deal car to their en- thusiasm. How much more enthused they would become it the parents would give ear to them and help them plan some work or enjoyment. Recreation is always necessary to a lull round- ed manhood. Take part in and en- courage any form of recreation that will help the young boy to be hon- est, manly and strong. and avoid that which is weak and debasing. Homes should be opened up for the boys, where they may be entertained and instructed, never forgetting that the boy enjoys a good hearty lunch- eon, and plenty oi it, not too much fancy cake or pie, but the good sub- stantial sandwich, and for variety an occasional soup-supper. . Who are th: ones that can so beau- tifullv and nobly assist in this great and all important noble work-- the uplifting of the boy? Friends and mothers whose boys have grown to manhood, can do a goodly share at this noble work by giving . helping hand to the tired, care-worn mothers of younger lamilies. The unceasing vigilance with which a child must he watched, cared for and clothed, leaves the tired mother little time In the training oi her boy, of which there is nothing more Important in all the world. Fathers should do much more for the training of their children than maul; of them do. God holds them responsible for the sin of omission as well as the sin of com- mission. Mam fathers seem to be asleep in regard to the responsimluv of the training and teaching oi their chil- dren. but some day many of them will have a very sad awakening. A dear boy has gone down The ttrrfttl- ly sad consequences of evil associa- tions, The tome of a father's good example is powerful. Boys are crea- tures of imitation and before their reasoning powers are sufficiently de- veloped and instructed to enable them to reason out a proper course of ac- tion. and saddest oi all, had that brighLboy been guided by a loving father's wise counsel, and his pro- tecting care, he might have risen to be a bright and shining light How Valuable and how important the com- panionsbip oi a lather to his buy Has not the dear troy been sadly ttcItlected---our pint-nu, re.rorntat,orirs and "hushousv:, "til Touch for that Let us “(the up to a sense of our duty, The results I am sure would be most gratifying “ere we to apply our best energy In after years those selt»same boys “oulul rise up and call us bleswd ll<<;eel a boy when he is Home and In return he will respect you “hen ttttt are aged and perhaps helple‘n A boy can demand oi Ins coiuttry. at his parents, titat they us? their invincible (‘m‘rgy and itt0trt- In (Mun-rm his faults alum he Is hum]: rwrl'm‘l ms mulh Min-n he Is 30mm: t boy may dvmand good hunks tsh.ch an ins1rtrctise, and " mm! inrrn live to higher thinking and better living, but oh, such a gluing of books is ttrtHed. that the fumes eat-ed trom them '/"'ault,i"T,,',"gl; ”W. A - Gem-ad With; meeting of the W.C. VII MM " “new” Wam- u winch shout twen- I was: in “mundane. . min; 1ustruetive pup: View}? Mrs. J. H. Shepherd, aitrgduie.-- The tiny tT', LU "the IBoy’ _ -r" et-asoau-rtt, may. lay 4, mu Page 0 That is what thousands oi moth- ers say oi Baby's Own Tablets. We have received thousands of letters praising them-we have yet to re- ceive a single one condemning them. The Tablets cannot possibly do harm even to the newborn babe. They con- tain none ot those poisonous drugs which make the so-ealled "soothing" mixtures so dangerous to the welfare oi the little one. They are a scien- titic medicine prepared by one of the greatest specialists on childhood ail- ments and should be kept in every home where there are'babies or small children. Mrs. Fred McCarthy. Pine- wood, Ont, writes: "I have used Ilabv's Own Tablets and have tound children. Mrs. Fred McCarthy. Pine- wood, Ont, writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have tound them a great remedy lor little ones. I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. fmANTFORD.-- This city will re- orgmizc its Assessment Department. There are now three officials on the work all tho year around. It is pro- posal to make a change by havinga pvrtnancrrt cmce mah all the year atrd two field men at $100 a month oath, to work only in the busy 50215011 trom April 15 to October 15.Thi. will save the city $500 on its present outlay. A GREAT REMEDY SEEDING IN THE WEST ls WE”. UNDER WAY The (Emmi Trunk Inns made . I u rotor at ignorant changes in the wrstern Ontario “nice, which he- tomrezfccii e May T. The train now leaving Toronto at “5 [or (itclpli. Pchmrrston, Southampton and intornu-iint': stations will leave 't'rrcuto at 5.00 pm, arriving at Palmerston 7.50 pm. and souu+- ton Mt 20 pan. out» will step lawn-n Toronto on] laimcrston only at Parkdalc, Brampton Georgetown ml Guelph. The stops north ol Polar crston will rennin unchanged. The train now leaning Southunpton tor Toronto at 5.50 am. will leave at 6.00 am , arrixing at Toronto ll.l0 can ' iii, irG, now leaving Palmerswn at 8.33 a.m. tor Toronto, will leave Palmerston at 2.IO a.m., atopping on A now (3.00 pm 7.35 p.m The train now leasing Stratford at 6A5 p.m. will leave at 6.50 p.m., due in Berlin at 7.45 pmc, arriving at Toronto ut 10.15 pan., instead 0110 The above service is dilly except I Sunday. The train now loading Toronto at 11.00 p.111. daily will run through to Port Huron, arriving there at 155' a.m., Tia Stratlu‘d (not Via Lon- don), an! will be canceled, St. Mary's Junction to London. Winnipeg, Man., April M.-- The Canadian Pacific Railway weekly crop report shows that from 10 to 75 per cent. of seeding has been done ac- cording to locality. Good progress has been made all along the main line and in Southern Manitoba. In the Moose Mountain, Portland and Weyburn sections little more than a good start has been made. Fifteen to 20 per cent. has been done in the Moosejaw district, with a higher per- centage at Swill Current. In Saska- toon and Battle River district 20 to M) per cent. has been done. ...., r.... A new train will leave London at 12.30 p.m., via Strmllord due in Ber- lin at 2.30 p.111. arriving at Tcron-' to at 4.55 p.m. . ly at Guelph, Georgetown, Bram)- ton ma Parndalc. A 113w train will leave Palmrrslon at 8.45 am, arriving at Guelph it 10.20 a.m. NEW TRAINS is more forward as one goes 'South, culminating in TO to 80 per cent. ot seeding completed in the McLeod dis- trict. Ott the McLeod, Lethbridge and Crow's Nest divisions Ming done before the recent snowfall is now showing up well, but this is only a small percentage. Winter wheat throughout all Alberta is reported never to have been in better shape. There was very little winter killing, and farmers are very hopeful ot a good crop, provided they get plenty of rain during the next six weeks Ear: tn" Alberta a fair start has been made in Edmonton district, and work BRIDE 10ilGHFin ti39 POUNDS' WAYNE, Ind --Miss Gertrude May Davis. “right ti39 pounds, aged lg years. was married here taedtry to M. I' McCorrg. who tips the scales at :19. The bride “on- a hobhlo skirt and nicture hat Hr ttuttrantrts " In eradicate dand In”. stop falling and spIitting hair and inmngmp. or mqney back. I} U "ml” “I" Ir" pm that hr wlls a great many mum of Pari- s' an Sago because it gives satishc- tirn CUTS OFF TEN OFFICIALS IT GROWS HAIR y Af .rnoon . r. n Restored and A 'ditsooal Sonic: to the North lrain will leave Guelph at arming at Palmerston at th: 1m: (in. FOR LITTLE ONES day of May 1911. and Inga-rd will be had only to claims of which notice, skull have pron given in writ- ing to Adam Scharman, Berlin, Ont. or to the m’rrsigncd below that date. Dated 29th April, IN1. WM. CRAM, Berlin, Ont., Solicitor tor Executors. ADA“ H. SCHARMAN. ROHT BRTCKNELL, lu'xeeutors. l8 3t. Creditors at George Scharman late of the Town ol Berlin in the Cout/y of Watertco, Laborer, deceas- rd, are hereby notilird tint his es- tate will be distributed 0': the 2"tlu Au old resident of Guelph in the person ot John o'Graiy was hum! dead at 5 o'clock this n'nrning; in the ttoiier-rocr.n ot the Welliugton Ho- tel, where he was employ" as fire- man. While tr? had a grod men] in mother part ot the building, be pre- Ierred to sleep on a couch in the Idler room. Ile was “on rn tl.e slrcct a: late as 10 o'clock, Saturday niglc, and rctirrd in apparently goc% health. The Corns-3r decide' that an inquest was unoecetitiary. De- ceccrd was over 70 years ot age and came to Guelph tsome years ago. It is reported that he has " brother living in Toronto, but his atllrcss is unknown. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF JOSEPH L. BR011- MAN, LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF WATFiRL00, IN THE C0I'STY OF WATERLOO, RE- TIRED FARMER, DECEASED. Nriice is hereby given that all cre- ditors and others having any claims or a mands against the estate ol the said ."oseph L. llrohmm, t?eeeased who d d on or about the 27th day of May, nun, are required lo send by post prerai' or da-liver to the Itir'ersigtwd, solititu;s [er the Rev. ' rmcns Brohman of Mutton. Ont., the sole surviving executor oi the estate at the sail deceasnd. their claims against the estate ot th:. said c'sceased with full particu- lars thereof, and the nature ot the securities, ii any. held by tlwni,nn or [mime the 13th day ct Mag, 1911, {old that after the said last mentioned date the said Executor of tho estate oi the said deceased will proct'e"r to tystribute the assets amongst the parties cntitlrd tlrreto having regard only to the claims nl which he shall them hxn'c notice, and that the Sn! Executor will int be liable for the said assets or. any part thereof so distributed to any prison of whose claims the said cxwutor shall not have had nnlico at the time of such distribution. Baird at lie-rlin tln- 19th day vi April, A " lull, 1'l.r'.Mr'.NT N ltr'.MF'.NT, llvrlin, Ont. Srlu'itnrs lor the said F.xcrutor. 17-M. SUDDEN DEATHS IN 60iii.Ptt Gucllli, April 30.-Crawtord Beers, an or'zly at the Girclph Gum-nil Hospital was totnd and in his room at the h spitcl last night at 11 o'clock. TTe “1:5? if his Pcath is tttt lnuavn. l.'? wasa sun rd Dr. W. G. re:rs, ct Montrecl, and II brother ct Dr. A. Hope Beers of Shzuwille, Que. He (can: hit? on the 17th ot this month from the limpiial tor incuraths at Tomato, where he was employed. He .1110 worled lor a time as orderly nurse at the Toronto General llospitul and had Mitre tlcn worked in InspilaJs in Montreal and Bram? B, Man. EIIALED TENDERS nddrxmerrd lo the Walnut" (Sound. w~ll he Pe crived at Ottawa not" noon. on Fri. day. tthh IT loll. for "In convey- .neo of His ”only". Mulls. on I pro. paced Contract for h ur your Ill limes per week "sch '0’. In" pen BAMBL Ra AND PETERRBURG My?!" “Ugh nut- Mall Contract. Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors rivermmn 1oyAa.i?t.lntt tert - | Closing-Out Sale w-tmo. "Scottish Peer" will commence nis route _ on "or before June lst in charge of the owner. T l " Please take notice that "Red Lord" will be on his old route again this year inclm'd'ng the 4th concession of Peele, in charge of Peter, Ilam- mer, manager. At home at Bam- berg till Aug. lst. _ Notice to Farmers I? A very large stock for so small a village as New Dundee. Nevertheless ive, dwindling down and a good lot of goods left. yet to choose from, and the balance of the stock will be offered at ntupcndorn low figures. This is the last. week to pick out what you need. Everything mus} go. Heaps of bargains for those who come to this sale. Remember the last week for retail choice. Everything must. go at zero prices. We begin to sell the balance of the stock by public suction sales at, 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. every 1ltty for balance of the week, No reserve, everything goes. Keep in mind the date of the commencement of the Auction Sale, May 9th. Don't miss a visit to this store during the last three days of this week. Heaps of new Hosiery. Handkerchiefs. Ribbons. Laces, Silks, Prints. Flannclcttce. Shining; Table Linens, Ladiea' White, Colored and Black Shirt Weiete. Skirts. Under- wear, undrcds of ends of Dress Goods, all placed on the table marked in plain thrures for the end, which simply means giving the goods away. A splendid lot of Dress Goods to choose trom, all must co. To see those goods means you can‘t reeiet buying. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Rubbere, Hats, etc. all go for what we can get. Don't forget this week in big burg-in all through the store, and neat week the closing up by auction sales every day. N _ B There ere 9 Ladiea' very bte coats left, cloth with fur collars, black Astriean. Electric Seal end imitation block Aetricen. These conte are new up-to-hte and high-clan coats. We offer theee coats at about half price to clone out. If not sold thie week by private sales. they will be put up by Auction during the “lee neat week. Iilouse0lleaningTiime Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday This floor will be flooded with catchy bargains in all lines Estate of' E. H. Thamer a Co. loads of goods left yet. '11CTMtE. General Dry Goods Clothing l. W. KINZHS. GENERAL MERCHANTS, NEW DUNDEE,ONT. Auction Sales Last Week for the Berlin It is HUMAN NATURE to want the veJy best article possible for the money we have to spend. This is our policy, and we have reason to believe it is yours. _ Then why not investigate our claim? We are positive on any and every purchase in our House Fur, nishing Department on the 2nd floor. NoTicE--Alwe bring Iize of mom o?' hall with you, sad we can tell exactly what it will cost. you be cover it. We carry a large and varied range of Lace Curtains, Madras Muslins and Casement Nets, Tapestry and Chenille Curtains and Table Covers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles Trimmings, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, FLOOR OILS, Etc., Etc. -A Weseloh & Go. commandos on “any next. May ttth We Can Save You Money Est-W Ill. Utttese, Waterloo Kuhn] Buildinf ‘King qt. Business one. 249, Home 209. Business wlicited for ttret this Companion. General Insumneo Agent. Summer to Buchanan): Co. , (it. guiaa. - I“ “thm't-wmm-g DISEASES. s' an m 'ttter'"", C. A BOEHM "II. In: a "0.000 stock oi Ionian“... OF THE ., Estate Ontario AuM-n‘Mul-I‘. our. A In. UM Oh; to: WUDI‘“! “uncut-M“ totaluutult‘odndoml mm: “In “mmuw~ “in: Gk 3591-: ,Tii7riuisGTEGrfiiaiif. lty at having Cer.. hunt hilt-Md 91m: yaieyyefethttu?.ert' Chronicle-Telegraph Want Ads. Pay (iIiWajl3i a: tijTriteNetitittiuft Ladies' Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists BEBE H 0 I) O tl N 0 0 () 0 D

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