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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 May 1911, p. 5

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Station Agrnt's Corosr, outline and mustratrd in New mm. Write tor it. ('ontml Telegnph and Ramon! whom, "one And Get- med streets, Tom-m nia. uhrro he will continue his high srhool work For a number of years he has boon a popular sludrnt at the ll C TI and he will be much missed try triends here, New posthots fur Hmhn Itusims, .vle'prsrMiss S Slough“ l'ollrgl' student.,: mug Bran ttkp1. 2n! t'itr-Prc.s.--hti,s I-Zlgna "ocks new" Us” then, t' Thicl. sicn Cy. Hcrllt-n A “Mr, U. Kissnrr. om." yrl Vtiru-l'res.-Niss llaml Martin. HrI-ithaupl Leann-t cc, t, 'rry, "m. ith t"itv-Prvs-To rea Winner of 'rcs (:ran1Tr-mk. Tomato; l'. Muse the Humo'lnmd and clrrctrrt hy svlman. sum Gronr & Co,,' N. lt. thot orianiro'_ion. Mailman. bin Gros “ms, I Slrr- 5th Vice-Prem-Miss N. Ml'llti.l‘. Ml, If. Johnson, I ('umri A. sutretary--.Mr, Tttphotos. llrirlu-r. A. Hul’hr'h and " Hill all Treasurer-Mr. o. Geiger. in tho Head (mm- A the Mutual Lily (u (havlualrs " the " "A'. -----------..- 'li',',',,,?"""",'"". Iluulun surr nl pus: IADDIFI'I “I 'I'llucnnl Miss Hilda [loos has 1vit for Tren- ton where she will act a; teacher in one of thc schot-ls -tor two months. We have openings trom time to time for iirstclass mechanics capable of advancing to good forerttanships in ditterent departments, We are a growing concern and need men on ac- count at increasing facilities. Our line ot work includes Patent Shop, Foundry, Blacksmith Shop, and Ma- chine Shop, Apply by letter only to G. W. Sparks, 17t Robert St ' Tor- onto. 16-3t Between threw and four o'clock on Friday aitcrnoon an alarm was sent in to the tire hall from Mary street, where the grass and fence had caught ftre. The lure was extimoished by the firemen before much damage was done. Mr. Irvin Swiss of Heidelberg has resumed his duties with M. Weichet and Mon, after an absence oi about seven weeks, ol the estate of the late Mrs at a handsome tigure. The comprises sixty-four acres i situated near Erhsvillc. Mr. A. l'rstadt has again purchased the ice cream and confectionery busi- ness iormerly carried on by him on King street, Waterloo, and has as- sumed possession. he pleased to learn that he has born appointed manager ot the Winnipeg branch oi the Canadian Bank of Com- merce. He was formerly manage: of the Bank at Moot, Jaw. Mr. Henry Meier rt-ct-utly purchas- ed the homestead from tlu- executors Um oi the .lk-ll Telephone 'hc's guy wires dropped an the muley wire on Monday which caused the interruption in the car service 'ul a short time. The many friends oi Mr. K. M. Saunders formerly of Waterloo will ity. Apply A. K. Freeman, Watch loo. ti. Rev. D. J. Cornish ot Groatcn, cc- cupied the pulpit in St. Saviour's An- glimn ('lurch on Sunday, preaching two very aceeptonle sermons. Mr 4llll . El IS,', h' ly lil C“ V lhl Q ' Fu' ‘ a an prices on Were fencing at Conrad Bros, Waterloo. Rm "i"tr- tiscment on page four. SERVAST WANTHD-sMALL FAM- Work common ad Tuerriaf on the sta- tion laun. The mm are lillin; it up, after “hill they .'.ill sm’ gran; seed and Ietue it. This mill and wry much to the attra,tovenec, or the gouuds surrounding station. Mayor Grayhill and Mr. s. B. Brick- er ruins-Ming Waterloo, attended the bouquet and inauguration of hy- uo-t'lu'tlic power in Toronto. _ Mr. R. B. Welliver formerly ot El- mira, is at present Mayor of Red Deer, Alberta. and one oi its most prominent citizens. WANTED AT ONCE-BOYS To learn trunk making. steady work. Doering Trunk Co., Ltd., Water- loo. 18-2t. The place on King street owned by Mrs. Steucrnagel is being converted into a ttuit stand. Messrs Gallagar and Ritzer will occupy it. A local party was ruled $500 and costs on Wednesday for riding ' a bicycle on the sidewalk. crs, cperators ior ce ering Goin- es in paper box factory. Apply 59 King SL, W. 29-5t. Born-ln Waterloo, Friday, April 2tst, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buck- by. Irr.'LP WAN'rH0-s"rAYmt.s, END- Messrs. Wm. Ed. O‘Neill ot Elmira and Frank Good oi Waterloo shipped two loads at cattle and one ot hogs on Saturday. l’hou 817. bout-ch Apotheh WATEBLOQ I'lllhn SI". Pro-Melt Richard Dun-tum left tor Sm “V1113 DRUG 8'nllll and lull line of sugpliu, Ill stock new and uh at Goo-ho lam-'0 KODAK! late Mrs. Heier, ' farm and is Mr. (ll-"gr (Dun-I 'd Ratertooanit Muss Semttio Nthwn'lmr of Peters- hum. daughirr ot Mr. and Mrs. Ja- (0h ru9tweitrer wrrn quietly married M, the livangrlical ”(MILO on May an" by Rev. M, L. Wing Mr. and In, (it-In! will reside in Walt-Nun. Their - mm: will extent but let'? kr ttttde ”can“, a!» ltr Miss hum. (oh 1 ot tl At a meeting of the lipworth League of the Waterloo Methodist t'hurch Moiday evening, the annual rlvction " e.Ners took place. The reports presented indicated a pros- perous year and the meetings during the rustling yon-r pr'amiw to IM of a most hclptul nature. The Brother- hood of the Church will m'TiJiote with the League and ta'ie part in the meetiu,s. The [allowing omcerst worn 'riveted. tor the your: Prrrsidvnt-r.'. ('unanlm-n. 1'icv-r'res,-Miss S. Momrk, 3'59 1'itr-Prcsc--Mi,s I-Ilgha Huck- A hearty wait: ot thinks was tend- ered Mrs. Sheppard for her splendid paper. Following the programme light Ireshments were served. Mrs. Uitehnann was iendered the thanks ot the union tor her kindness in opening to them her home. .The T.ctu. held a most success- ful parlor meeting at the home of Mrs. J. 1'itelmann on Wednesday at- ternoon. The meeting was formally opened and business transacted alter which Mrs. H. Sheppard of Rosedale Farm read a very able paper on "The Boy." This subject is one very near to the hearts of all mothers, and “as then freely discussed. A life long resident of Waterloo county passed away on Thursday in the person of Henry Erb, Lexington, at the age ot thtnine years, 2 months and nineteen days. Deceased was the son of tLo late Daniel Erb. On November 23rd. 2873, he married Elizabeth Burkholder, who with two children, Ida Minerva and Zepheniah, survive him. The (uneml will "tre held on Sunday Interment will take place at the East End Mennonite church, Berlin. Ily-law No. " to provi I, tor ne- wssa y sprinkling ot shoots an". try- law No. 403 to provide for licensing and regulating (-lectli: waiters, li- wnsc to be $2 per annum. This by-law also provided for inspertorot etertrie wiring thrown...» on... .-.._ LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS Petitions tor Nut: Wars. Mr. A'i'ison Taylor and owns pe- tition-d fora four-foot cement walk on south side of Blgin street and Mr. Pall Bergman and others peiition- e". for a low-foot cement walk on Torch side of Fngin street. Beth petitions granted. Mayer-Grayljll was appointed a delegate to represent Waterloo at the Hydrc-Htectrie demonstration to be held in Toronto. Petition) tor cement walks to be w.strueted on the north and sol“! side of Klgin street were granted. Sacral by-laws anda big budget ot awe-tits were passed. Communications. Mayor Graybill read a letter from Messrs. Weeks, C. Shantz and C. Mueller asking that Council place necessary tire protection in vicinity oi corner of Foundry and Brb streets. Illr. J. C. Mueller, who was present. ‘stated that there were not enough hydrants to provide protection tor property ot the Globe Furniture Co.. Mueller's C'ooperare ind C. Shantz. He suggested that Court] plate two new Lydrarfs in the vicinity of these properties, which would give the necessary tire protection. The matter was rrterrett to the Fire and. Light Committee who will report at the next meeting. A letter was read from the Mayor in Gulph asking that as many Ma- yors it towns and cities in Canada l as possible attend Coronation of I King (ieone next motth, and tht. showim the loyalty of the towns and l rities in Canada. No action wax: taken. Ratepayers in the vicinity ot En: and Foundry streets, asked tor bet- it!" the protevUon. At the my stain ot tin Water- too Town Council and". for as con- struction ot ccmtide'alh tor the year 1911 were received god opened and the (UINJIC'. vim tvu'ded to Mr. ll. B. Ducting who: tender was the lowest. Mr. Past Bum was awarded the contract tor the construc- tion ot cement curbing. Waterloo Town Council Transacts Routine l, Business at the May Session Monday l Evening TENDERS AWARDED FDR . SIDEWALK Mill CURBING MARRIED " TUESDAY DIED AT LEXINGTON ’. C. T. ll. Iii, tTING wiring throughout the tow}, a; BF-laws Passed Dr. F, J. Weidrnhammcr, BIL. who has carried on a successful me dival practice in llawlesvlllr the [nut fire, years has moved to Tar- t4rlon and has Own“ up an "Tue m the t'rsirkmct, hrmvrly occupkd (by the late In. Armittrge. lit-“III . "rrs uni-rial atlrntion to diseases ol I Ilw ov, car, Home Ind throat. derided to hold the II non on Mu.“ t Inn-Inna of the, Martin Luther So- (it-ty ol Ni. John's Luann" church wag-hf“! (n Mun-day rvnjn. It wu ot rach line, Instead of the motors man changing trom one end ot the cat to the other at the and of the lino. the car will br lurnod try mun: nl the "y ,, This will allow M one pnlo luring rrmorrd, mu- m of mn- trailers null brake, from the rm" rnd One lender will also he din. ponsod with. The Merlin and Waterloo street an are now using no "y'tt" at the end 17-3t Mr. August Emer. who had his In: broken in the accident at the water works in November, has issued a writ against the town and will sue for damages. . The death of John Itoeckrter, bro- ther of Mrs. Mary Ritz and Mr. Chas. Beecher of Berlin, occurred at his home in Tavistock on Wednesday, in his seventy-third year. Deceased had been in failing health for 'some time. Two daughters and one son survive. His wife died about two years ago. A sister, Mrs. Presr, prich of Preston, also survives The luneral will be held on Saturday at- tornoon The annual meeting ol St. ionr's Ladies' Aid Society wa on Wednesday allernoon, at th ol the President. Mrs. A. B. M with a good attendance of the hers. The reports presented w a'most satisfactory character, the following ottieers were elm: aeclarnatimc-- President-Mrs. A. H. McBri: 1'iee-Pres.-.aers. W. J. Sterl Secretary-Mrs. U. W. Wells. Treasurer-Miss L. Hughes. Tea was served at the close, [ opportunity allorded of saying bye to two or their most members, who are leaving town V. M. Durntord and Mrs. C. A. hens, both of whom will be 3 missed. menu " " winn- BOECKNER or unswocx . Choolck-‘l‘clomh. may, any d, an; P... s [ox-ward cheque [or this amount. 7 Mayor Appointed Delegate to Hydro- Elm-trio Demoeastraticn. A motion was passed moved by Messrs. Weichet and Sanderson that Mayor Graybill regnscnt the town at the Hydo-EieetFic. demonstration,. Mrs. Grunge W grant ct 850 to t ciety. The Clerk l forward cheque [or Mayor Appointed the inspector to receive £1.50 time there an trom I to " outlets an! I $3.50, where there are tram " out- _ lets and mar, a rebate ot 50 cents is to be made provided only on: trip is n cetrstrr. Contact Awarded tor Construction of Sidewalks. Tenders were received and meat". tor the Construction ct cement side- walks for the yet): Mttt and the tender ot Mr. li. B. Dieting being g the lowest was accepted. 3 inch tile drain m.--....... _..,,,..,.....,....." 4 inch tile drain o-...,.......,.....) ti inth sewer tile drain---.-- 9 inch sewer tile (Irwin _..,......,......": 13 inch sewer tile drain _...-...,..,') HrEIi-wurk’laid upon memenf $20 per I Remove» To “16an Pall Bergman, Contractor. Gettrlemen:-Ttw undersigned do hereby offer to furnish all lr-‘rr an“ material, necessary to complete the work contemplated in the [ongoing specifications at prices given below, 1“,- per sq. tt. Cement walk w....-"..... v"..-..-.,. _.,....n0C Streel, crossings ..rm........ ,.....l...,...l7c Private .r.re-ttrm.. F----- Io..- Extra f0iing Extra [rah-cl The undersigned do one: to furnish all labor and material tc complete the contemplated work in the lore- gohg 'specifications, at prices given below, viz.: -- Curb and gutter 42c [at lin. It. Driveways, 13c fer " tt. , inch tiling, per lin. ft. 5c. The tender ot Mr. Aust Bergman for the construction ot cement. curbing wag also accepted. Rate per hour for labor 2 Rate per hour team with Brand ot cerncnt--Htar. Rate per hour tor law: 22y. Itate per hour team an! man "c. Bray! of cemenb--Naticnat Durham. OFFICERS ELECTED WILL SUE TOWN F-Mrs. A. H. McBride. '.--Mrs. W. J. Sterling. --Mrs. C. W. Wetts. r-Miss L. Hughes. served at the close. and urge Wogenast asked for $50 to Children's Aid So- P Clerk was instructs, to H. B. Ducting Contractor are leaving town, Mrs Society was iii, Its. C. A. Step- will be greatly of sarGg good- labor S2ke on, at the homo . A. B. McBride. cc of the mem.. sscntcd were of character, “a were elected by St. Say- Per Cu h and an active Mrg. Roy S, Bram hold her post nuptial mplion Tuesday alternmn at her new lnmo on George street, Ste was wearing her wedding gown ot uhite law and was atttusted m [arriving tty Mrs. D. Mu "mut,Hertin. The rooms were "Vagrant with spring blossoms, byaeinths o-mt r nmatisrts in th, drawing room, uhilr Mttortiisi dp- rorrgt d t',. tra-tar-lv. in the rhnmz hum. Morn Mrs Hrrltrrt M Sny- dc-r pn-urlmi Ulhrrs who “No! wrrw Mus, (‘liw “van. Mrs. Fred Sui-".1, Mr," Sidney Gottrltav, Mrs Ilnrrv Hahn, Miss Bean, Min Rrott, Miss Mollmuall and Mm I an MH, Edwin dlu'araitSl. Miss " a pleasant Burlington. Mr. Sidney Otto spent Wednesday I In Elmira. Miss Ethel Hrspeter was in Toronto I on Wednesday. - i Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hass spout. Wednesday in 'Nvistock. Miss Id: Martin has returned irom a pleasam visit with friends all Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snider have re- turned alter spending the Easter holidays in New York. Mrs. John'Zinn of Baden, formerly of this place, paid Waterloo a short 'et Thursday Mrs. A. B. l for a [elf _days Mrs. M. S. Hallman and Miss A. Florence Snider have returned from a three days' visit in Toronto. Mrs. Lendsbcrg (-5 Spirit Lake, Iowa, is visiting Mrs. Julius Knauri for a " (lays. Mrs. A. B. McBride is in Toronto Mr. J. A. Smith oi Lord business visitor in town. Miss Einma Bean is spending a week with friends at New Hamburg and Wellesley. her parents. Mrs. Elizabeth Bean his returned to Waterloo after spending live months with friends in Michigan. Mr. George Bruce is a business visitor in Elora and Fergus. Mr. Chas. Kroutziger is spending the day in Elmira. Mrs. Harhottle of Morriston is vis- iting at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Hilliard. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Abbot ot, Ed- monton are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hilliard. Mr. Abbot is a member of the legal firm ot Boyle, Parlee and Abbot. . Rev. and Mrs. V. M. Durniord and tan-ll)” loft v. Saturtay for their l luture home in London, where they‘ will be followed by the good wishes at a large circle of friends in the I Twin-City. Mrs. R. A. You"; of Mackey, Hm. has returned to her home after send- ing a few weeks at up home 1-5 her parents. Mrs. Chrifst Heinrich Mt TucS'lty for Moose Jaw “here she Will visit her son. Social and Personal l ENJONBLE RECEPTION 'P'000o'e00000o-o--o- ion was a Pittshlrg Win Fencing No, 0 (3de p, In “A “the.“ node of our own apooul m1, (Ah-aw by on an "test In- pm process. when lacuna the Joule-I - n tof. ', longo_ on no - We have a. big stock of Pittsburg Wire Fencing tought at last year's pri creased in price 25 per cent. We are going to sell this Mr? fencing " the oh buys at this store is assured of getting the best wire fencing on the market, every dollar he spends here is purchasing the very maximum nf genuine var Jjl(tipi)iyh? Mr. Albert Lee is receiving the bear- ty congratulations of hi.. Twin-City frionds on passing the Bank ct Corn- nurcc examination in Toronto on Monday last. He will enter the local branch on Monday next. John D. Rockefeller would go broke it he should spend his untite income trying to prepare a better medicine than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy tor diarrhoea, dysrntry or bowel com- plaints. It is simply impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Sold by all dealers. Big Reduction in “can undo. lul- In " dttHeertt n ten for tPrrireeejtstpodatT"Tre" 'ii m ste'""""'"" 't'JihTl'Wlrtlol Mttabumt W _ fGu 'd _ A ittsburg Wire Fenc nu G8a"'epE"..TmoBT6ro. wrapu. - uncut-nan, - n - gonna win! I: can nun-g" that!“ win. This welding midi .troretts and Mac.- coat. The ',,'d - 'ttea Peyg2s.etetettt!ti7tirt7'ieeirAreui. TIT: um ha .7, One BoMd P1000 ofSIcel Throughout. - - 7 Bo cummtwimmt “pm. Winn .ioetrea.'tr weld-d " everyth yo _- - -.----- A--.“ _._. m. -_._u.__ -IA- a,” .- - . - _ th, PITTSBURGH PERFECT WELDED PEN MW atrlvttttinrd Who Fonda ' he'ght M In, shy: "et", 'fat,,',',' pd.“ $1 t CHILDREN'S DRESSES "eee+r+e-'.ureeo+tare+tot+t, “~- i NW Com l appeal could the " last be giving helio, some!) 37.00, T resedl, cues I materi " Me CHIL] lawman- nnd Jeweller. The newest 1911 do: You will find a Itikttd and libel of each transation, Wing the cast. have the pleasure of sense; you? The Bank A SAVINGS ACCOUNT is often the opportunity knocks at the door. The In cash has a'lowcd many a Golden Chane, 0113' an account at THE BANK or dollars, Add to it as you are able, and " opportunities grow. We add into: _. Bar Pins, Collar Ph Belt Pins and s Variety is the tlin " Me, 75c, 51.00 and ..... The latest all-doc in India reamed; ete., in fine French popli than cloth, Bengalims, ete. th materiala right. You cannot L There is no (“nation . appennn‘e of our new 81... could wish for, every partbuh the result is perfect ready to v last reason only stimulatts " giving better value And l ft helio, champaigne, etc, i ’~' somer trimmed with ".00,qu .'.......... _ ,, Correct Style Correct Styles Sum le tunity" We have I nice variety of JAE: You want the moat durable fem: mean: long use, pericct service. real. - you want the fence that but. well. In neodn u perfectly as though and. to You don't want meter a “am. You want the strong“; fence made. . MEA CH Mi "eutrt UI ' "sets-OBO,-," C. A. STEPHENS/ar, WatOWo XL“ The R thf/lry..'n'i,'i' th AsHHgIF§sJ I Berlin, Ot a E I J Chr, has " nnd l ft r., i ’r . . . . _ 's prit ll t) 0 Fl I) ()

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