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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 May 1911, p. 2

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TV omcers “I" |.'- solrs Iluv:,tselses with uniiorrtvi of thr Mandi "i ser- Tier lo “huh thr, !v'-v”~; The nun. rommi<xi:nr:l an. I- .w.d men will lair ihrits “HM Il‘m In thc prurtt "I mobilization tii '-':‘.'r m! nllu'v1~.lml murrnnuqu-‘y-u I .XTiun and MW" will rtwnr a tite “rm“. ot mm uni et In”? clothtnq and tno [an of - boots The canhngrnt ttill crnhark on!, on Juli. I on tltr S .I Fimitrvs, of Inn! land [mm Qm'lwr, and troll Irmv Liv. '. . N4 qtpool on the rehnn trip on July 2 - (Miami, Alril L'tr-trrdtur, “rrr IS~ sued hula} rvgarlllnz Ihr, Corouation contingent. Th" mm ttsit hr paid In accordance “I‘ll ilu. rank Hwy hold on the conttn:r,cnt. um Hm tankthvy hold in limr mu: lt'LlnIl‘lél Tkv? will also he wank-II c'liriury 'pay and licld ullnnanu‘ All thr, Invlulwm nl thp ('I'HHIISINII must assemble in: M‘H'n days' dull and instructors at the depot of th" arm of the svnlrv In "hich Hwy tw. long, and inr thrve days iuttlwr an Quebec poor In mnharlunrm ior England The vault} “xll .1~~rml~|u~ at Irim niprg. annnlu and S! .lnhu‘s, Qur , 1m May 22 l'luw ttlet and hots" itt" tilierv “I" .wazn‘nfr a! luv-ohm and thr garrison .IIIIIlrn at Hurhcr Thry assrmhlv .2! “mph" awn Md} 22 and at Q'wh'w' 0" Mas 14 All the dismount“! map. v H] am-mblr at qttrttct' nu Ilas 3: de' hi. been eagerly seized upon by h Gait Reporter and the Toronto _ VII, as an argument against reei- . ity, and they are already shed- . aocidile tears over the ruin Tm. great Canadian industry in T Berlin sud Witter-loo are intor V . Thin i. just “other evidence of “c"gmt weakness ol the case ”mint reciprocity. Not being able $0 tind anything that might hurt the Inmulacturcr in the agreement itself It! opponents are kept busy creat- intt all sorts of bugaboos to {tighten the people, The fact, how- And c., snl'sfnl'inly [natun- or tr, report is thy slam-1w”: that the prosprct lor Mil is ('u-n hettyr Inan "as that tot W!" at 13:” sumo rfrim' Inst wan: tte record m In: of pr, across Ira. ro-tttmud. While “Mum's 11911.5 “911' f. irly satislaclury thry sh-uud a drcrcas' of Sl,50l,‘.HO as tonyarml with the prcvious yvar. The building " rvmliiurvs by rtr- vinces “c tc-Nora Swim. tl/ul,- Mit; Prince I'Ttluurul island, $55,000; New Brccssick, “HUN“; Curio; t20,604,30l; ontario, t3t',:ri3,17'..:; Manitoba shamans, tcar'atrr.rs wan, $7Jll".3‘ll; Al on». $lo,221,- "r, and lilliixh ('nIImLil “7,283,- 161. Sn li, " n 1; .1‘Wun'nl t'..at tre reroru' Is [714' of prcsicitty all The Labor (inn-tic for April just putrlishrd tcnt-aiu; a wry vu.ay.le review ii tlc progrrss made in building operations in the Dominion during the past year, “hit-h shows an increased pxpcnditurv over 1909 of no loss than il per anti Toronto hands the list with $21,127,783, be- ing as sinus l'llll", tre city which main: the grit-TM prugrrss. Mon- treal calms second with $15pu5,859; Winnipeg third with $l5.llli,150; Van- (ouvcr fourth Mil) tt3.l;yt,365; Cal- gary fifth with trr,5h'9,cW1; and Otta- wa sixth wit':: S"o',ie2,5Mt. 'liu".tcorn- ts FkvsLc.1oonv' Ircmilton, ling-inn, Fort William, Victoria an: l~‘.:lninr.tm in the order namcd. net. is that all industries have been carefully protected, and, with the exception oi a " per cent. reduction in the duty on clocks, wholly un- touched by the trade agreement. This " Imple evidence of the determina- tion ot the Government to protect 150 country's manufacturing 'tttdw.,'- tries. However, in addition to this we have since had the; statement oi Mr. Fielding that Canada's represen- tatives were olicred iree trade in manufactured products as well as natural products, to “hich the agree- ment is almost wholly confined, but declined to even discuss such a prov position. The manuiaeturers oi Wat- erloo county have an additional kuar- antee of protection if another were needed. in the fact that it is more sented by an intluential member of the Dominion Cabinet, the Minister ot Labor, who has in the past and may in the future-he expected to carefully guard the interests oi all glasses of his constituents. BUILDING IN CANADA IN I910 silty-nine lumiture manuiaeturers Grand Rapids have asked Con- - tor a twenty per cent. reduc- - in the duty on furniture. This .'TI CORONATION (ONTIRGEAT Letttr, ".00pa unum in " " if I',',', no paid. ti h d dad " h. I. u: in All in brim. _ I. also Insoluble Ind to and: lawn on .ppiieatior DB%d Bean, Ptoprietor mummmmm - do! dung. mm he lo". :0 thit, "I. In» "an Bum-day noon. Day! [or chm..- must. not be . an. m4 a goon. 0:qu in]: ANITIIER BOG“ mum ‘wlcl and hors" Ar /r' ot lunushm and ilvn at Qnrhrc Klugx'dn on May on Mat bt All tlu. whit-bed - " 'r", The nun. d Im‘n will u thc pull” "I H nllu'vx w, and upto , The new sytt'tcate according to the iairrmatiun lurnished try the reprhHNr- tatives who wPre here, has all the tiinaruial backing it 'requires, and ' there W ll in rt. delay on that ac- .count. It also has its plans and s r 0:5 in good shape, and is pre- ll'urud to start building operations ( just as soon as it can make arrrcr,p. ments with the aim-rent municipali- ti s int-rested fur entrances. Ait'r larranging here yesterday to gvt the ', information , sired Mr. .Hornerviik and his party left for Galt to take ' the nyrtter up tlere. They claim ithat, t.'reir mummy has a irre hand iund is in: livd up with any of the l . _ . . . existing i-lz-cinc compoV'P. All it 'want: to do is .to pet its line l quickly. The intention is s." to ibc to me hydro-electric power. The .(umparaj figures on circling arounl from (L-lt and llsspvlci’ to Bratattcrl I and down to Hamilton. l The idea is to rush this part oi the road through at once mi} then F later on take up the mun- ambitious tstheuw oi building 1. Brurlin, Guelph an! other points "esl. An vxteriop. _0f the line from Huntilton to Town- I lo when things get rvnning smooth}; '. is also contemplate"- 'NEW ELECTRIC I LINE PROPOSED Remember we are basing our stair ments “pun what has already been accrmptisheit by the use a' chall "M" Hair Tonic and we have the right to :-,sum(- that what it has done In: thousands of "mers, it will r, for you. In any m‘rnt you czunol lose anything by giving it a trial on our h‘ncral unamnlmx Two sin-s We and $11M. llemar1t'oer, you can nltuin llvxall Rmnrlau in this com- munity only at our slorr-Tlu, Rex- c.ll Ft m: A. G. llachml. Waterloo. demonstrate that Wt? km": what we are tal ing aha '. when wc say that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will grow hair (:1 bald heads, ex- cept where baldnrris h .; heett of such long durotion that the nuts of the hair are entirely dead, the iollitFs dost-I- ant. grown o cr, ond the scalp glared. A Treatment That Costs Nothing if it Fails Wo wanl you to try three larg- Iottles of ItexalP'93" "fair Toni on our p'crsonal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a pony it it does not give ya absolute sat- islaction. That's proof of our faith in this remedy, and it shctdd The nu certainly rctained the right in toanection with John Patterson's mm! to tompel him to give other com;m.i-s running rights over his route. Toronto Syndicate to Build From Hamilton to Gait and . Other Towns llanultuu, April 3ti.-A'tte unit bus- ixcsslikc proposition the city has struck yet for ailing an metric railway cumectiun with Galt, Hts- Pt let an) cther Western points has gust been made by a large Toronto synaieate which Lasa charter, - ing this part " the prmiu c. Repre- S ntatums ot the company were here yesterday with Engineer somervitre ol Toronto, enquiring “but powss the uty has to cwnpel the existing tsltwtric roads to give new cempwtieci an ultra-1w into Hamilton over their lines. Tlw two Comyany has gone ctr or the tiituo'toa ran-lull)" and 'inds e ery rnttame into the city so tightly tn". up by the lines contrcW 1-11 Ly the [hummer Power and Tran+ mission Company that its only hope (I gram: in ts to get running rights can the old mama MURDMK GETS SIX YEARS Mr tttth Emulsion it' Winc tet' .mm..f;.-7 theGdiiGiaCCiiir/e ii; health and vitality for the FOR BALD HEADS YEASTER EMIMEULTS 3 AT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE I The lia’iama lsla'ch eenslst oi as 'group ct sowial thousand in number. I large and small, lying South hasten the coast " l-‘loii.5.. T'." mt st un- p1 rta.t is New l'ro.idence, on which uthe city oi Nassau, the Lusitat oi ithe eolony is situated. Andros, irneutuera, Great Abaco and Great I Bahama, are sane ct the r.'lter more l important islauis all. [fail s tlese there are a large IU mtxr oi smailer itninlmhltod ones. The total popular I tixa is about 60,000 at which 90 1er Cent. is colored. The city of Nas- i:?l', hasa ropuiation ot 12,000 oi which fully 10,000 are (tiered. It isa quaint little town, the streets and houses being built much alter the .Spanish style. The islands are oi ,eoral iormzvtim and the streets of Nassau are alznut pure white. being ieomtrueted of a clay material which herding by exposure to the sun. l At one time the prinupa'i export aims triit. but the present American 3 American tarfl'l destroyed this inius‘ try. “Itile there is still a great idea] cl excellent lruit Crown, it is , for Iceal consumption and some ot it is wasted The ehiet articles of PX- rort are sponges and sisal, the lat- ter teing a fibre used for making ropes an'l hinder twine. Tl-e natives l are said to be tho most intelligent 'and best lehau-d chored poo» I Ile in the world, and , this may iro‘uably be attributed to the wis- administration of British 'lnnst They are a [moi-Fun ed, glut in "dent and very poor pecple. i The presen‘ agitation tor union nith I the Dominicn of Canada arises from a tell i l' at sv.ch a 1 rise wot ld re- ti 1' ir it grout ing an) the comme" e‘al con:iitious gent-rally wl.ieh are 5 Low donned. l'axwrl (M) [‘rr ccat and “sank lhamm. Fwd mm, Muswlmun Norsoa Welsh rump"! , examinations "eruors-h" I.n|urrs allowed 1'oss-Not iu'l- Y'nm tno iaihtrr, lrhu‘rn “I and to annual "r om- lailnro brton Mt in ‘vhlugalun sub. was. hamrs atphattrticaO an”: at " is pointed out by the staff that m new of the increased dimculty in passing tho exantinatiors, parents who are de: irons oi having their children promoted must insist that they do a ccrtain amount oi work at home, “Nu pupil who docs not tlrvottw tinw at tmmr to the prtrpara- tum of lrssnns mu 1'xprct to make a success oi his czr ber wt'rk," IS thv opinion of "no of the t'vltrgratt' tcarhrrs, CtntMF,RCP.hI, DIH'T, Honors-No Failures allowed. Pass-Not more than two inilurrs heiwecn 30 and III or on failure br- low Mt in the ohligalnry subjects: or not more than two laulutos of 10 prr Pent or loss, tr our lailnn‘ ttrrater lan Irt rrr (ml m Commercial sub- The number of failures on the Eas- ter examinations at the Berlin Cor legiate is larger than on previous occasions. This is largely owing to the tact that the standard required by the education department is much higher than it was formerly. In 1906 the standard for matriculation was only 33 1-3 per cent. on any group, e. g. English, mathematics, modems, etc, In 1908 this standard was mis- ed to 33 1-3 per cent on each paper; in 1910 to " per cent. on each paper, while this year the standard required is 40 per cent. on each paper and 50 per cent. an the total. in 1912 candidates will be required to obtain 40 per cent. on each paper and (it) per cent. on total. in order to have a standard uniform with that required by the Education De- partment. it has been lound necessary to raise the standard on sessional examinations, and hence the number oi failures has been greater. Further more any pupil is dot to be promoted from the Louer to the Middle School u ho has not satisfactorily completel the trork of the Lower School. llmmrs t7tt prr ccni attd "tve-tur rid Fm her 7!! 28, Calvin Sn!!!“ When our wyather in (‘anuzla is ad us. worst, and tu. thermonwter mu:- es anyw'e-e from twenty I.“ mom reiow 70m, their ionlporai'rc is atoLt siily, brlow whiOI am told it norm falls. Burl " our xisit it was in c.. seventies and It? day " whi h with accompanying lcrnidity, mtv'e Its fol rather ttrcontiortable. In Jan'ary and F'ebruary wr IWW,? tom Ctr weatter is beautiful, there being almost mutiny] sunshine and he irmrerstcre not " cl; 75. Ono of the Standard Has Been Increased and Students Will be Required to Study More at Their Homes Mr. Geo. Wagenui. admin; Director at the Mutual Lite, wno, along with Mrs. West-nut. spent. lev- eral weeks in the Bahama Islands and returned a tew days ago. save the Telegraph the toitowm6 interes- ting description at his mp ”ms (70 pm rm! and mu) __ Myuxl 30,38. Vesrrm Anus; Mr. Geo. Wegenast Tells ol His Enjoyable Trip South Where He Spent Several Weeks INTERESTING DESCRIPTION OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS n Norsoa Welsh did ttot ruminations III' tl, DFH'T' mim- twine. TTw natives be thomost intelligent Ichawd cMored Peo- the world, and ‘utm (‘nmmrrnal IIU'T) - Gordon man Form llI. .ll‘NIUR .1iATR1CUL.tT'toN. HONORS-NO laillm's allowed, Pass-dat No [allures allowed; Mt Mr cent on raciepaper and " per Fnt on Lula! (h) Failurrs in nut mow than thrce vapors and " rvr (TM on Inla' ',e,"",rri',igfJl, rrr cm! and amt) - John Sou ' 70 66. Passed (53 prr ccnt and m") - (an Ya0h Roschman (h) F.rvin Crrssman, Hllsworth Gittson, Fred J. Hockey, Ctarcntt meld, Arnott Khan”, Harry \erally, Lilian "Mm-Imam Lit, Run”, "who Mrtorv, Fn,: Itirdrr, Curita 1',tsrah- "man (75 p" cent und mrr) - No hum-vs Illmrotlr Passed (55 rrr cent. and over) - Ne',son Bowman, Perry Shelley. Hugh Youth, Irene 11of.vAetter, "rs. sic Lee, Passed (55 p" cent. and over) - William llrcithanpt, Wilfrid Hunt, Paul Hoiiman, Roy Winn, Albert Wright, [lope Itowman, LouiscHreit. Ilaupl. Mildred Ruby. ' Farm II A. Honots (W prr era! and our) ---- Mcisir, Conner 81 25, “Mtge Hrm, merich 80 73, Fymrt Meyers " It, Form II. Honors (70 per cent. and over) - John B, Dcngis 87.16. Stanton Lau- lonschlagor " li, Roswell, Rata 745 92, Gordon Hchaeter 72.57. Passed (55 per cent. and over) - Henry Becker, Harold Bowman, Re- ginald Devitt, Percy Fromm, Wilfrid Hilliard. Olivia Ducting, Ida Kuntz, Provida Waelchi. Passed 55 per cent. and over) - Arthur Kimmcl, Mabel Stewart. Form I. Honors (70 per cent. and over) - Harold Lang 90.11; Harold Smyth 81.71, William Dcngis 80.93, Cecil Ruby 77.21, Grant Harper 73.92, Norman Dotzenroth 72.43, Ada Wes- eloh 7lil, Irene Ileldman 70.78, Amy Rate 70. Passed (55 per cent. and over) - Carl Ber“, Herbert Bochmer, Clay- ton Fenian Reginald mm, Gilbert Reid, Hilbert Waechel, Egbert Zarnke Ruth Bornhold, Mildred Bradley. Form I. A. Honors (70 per cent. and oven - Gladys Utieiman 87.28, Minnie Shaw 81, Edna Kaulman 82 M, Amy Sny- der 8].”. Russel Halstead 76.14. We lound a iarre numb}; 0! iiiii'- diam: throughout the South, ehietty from Winnipeg, Montreal and Quebec. St. Auct: Ctr, is the "l,hst au'. one oi the mot interesting little tities in He United Stat: s. There are hurry blildings, including a tort still in a state oi orcz-llm‘ prozcrm- tiou, built by the Spauisln several (Tn- tvries ago. The old slave market in thi- Him, which ”Turks the (catn- ol the city is an object of great irr Rust to tourists. It is still 1min; plesrrrrd in its original state, when tsyd by Southern l'lantors " the auction sale of slaves. At present it is a pavilion or resting place for cit- iens and tourists. This city also has two of the finest hctels we have P"er seen, '"Fre Ponce (c Lem" arr:h “Alta ar". Aliogethera trip to this- Southern country is replete with interest, while for thu-e in need otr. rest or de- ~irious of cramping the rigors of our Northern winter, there is sud to 'cy In place equal to it in the warm. Ihte of our most delightful experien- (rs wasa ride in an auto on the trmors Daylu'a teach where au- tomobile rats are held annually. The beach is perkctly smooth and about 100 yards wide. and at this point some M miles long, in 1) straight (curse. A mon- pertcct speedway would to impossible to tind, while with the ocean on one side with a lowly Home alwaus tempering the 1uther 'exeetisise, hoot, and the magnificent lute-ls and private resi- drn cs on the other makes llils a sight never to be tto goth-n. are an ptrie l that many mum-m “some bring their automobiles tsith tlem. Toutists trr the mrst part, hire a wth chm". comtncte'l much Iixe a baby carriage and large etulgin to ho” two good sire1 adults. 'lhis is propelled by u col- ored man "t 1 “cycle attached to tle rear of th. chair. Tire streets ace? pads r. 9 so smooth as to make it rovitle tor the tydist to propel such a chair easily and rapidly. Pas- (00 per tent, and or”) - deUgUs indulud in by tourists is we suit batting in the noun. The water is at an amicable tempera- ture, hid tLe beach ideal. Hula-“uh ot reoplc-mea, “omen an} ehiHrtt-- may Le sun may lounoon on the ocean beach winging a salt water bit. im cur upturn journey we visited ,ariovs points in “with including lalm Peach, Datum. and Bt. Att- g.sti.e, an d “hLi'. were Elle;- uilh wink: tourists. Those cities haze magnum-m both and the roads .II'NIUR T. \(‘IH'IRN loo; t _ I'M, tl F.rvin Fred Arnott Lilian i Sir Frederick Borden, in his ad- dress, declared the Armory formally opened, commenting upon the splen- did building which graced this city, in keeping with the other Government, civic and private buildings he had observed in his drive around the city. i Referring to the fact that Guelph, in I proportion to its population, had sent more men to South Africa than any other city, he announced that in ad- , dition to the splendid a . ere t lade Guelph will soon a ity _ giment. 'et'itit2s"ri The” gnlns have the maximum of rich- ness And energy. They Are also the no“ delicious. To eat Quaker on: once I day tor n month will show to the limit that tonic elects. that bubbling vital“: one no ttet trom oatmeal. (in: never nous - good on food Is, or what it cm do. un- tit no tries Quaker Gus. In Quaker Oats the finest oatg-Canadiatt Crown-are subjected to 62 5mm s. Just the rich. plump grams are used. gnaw is only ten ponndsof Quaker on: in n bushel. There is oomelhing in oats which createq mm and energy. No other grain can bring result: like them. Everyone knows what out! do for horses. They have the same eNeet on man. An extract of on: is employed " a tonic. A diet of oats multiplies oae's vitatity. That's why energetic men-men of TInt und spirit-are said to "feel their oats." Guelph, April 2h-- Guelph's new $220,000 Armories were formally opened this evening, being graced by the presence of Sir Frederick Borden, Minister of Militia, who, in the, presence of about two thousand peo- ple, declared the building opened. Mr. Hugh Guthrie, M.P., to whose ef- forts the building is credited, an- I nounced more fully than the Minister, that a city regiment would be organi- i zed-here ol eight companies, though, owing to the lack of offices, for the present it would be but a tour-tom- t pany regiment. It hits not been de- I cided as yet what the uniiorm will be. for though the Kilties are Iavor- '. ed, the cost is almost prohibitive. A I Highland Light Imantry Regiment or i Fusiliers are likely. I Old Fo'ks Should be Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine We lui‘e a sale. dependable and altogether i"erd remedy that is pal- licularly adulted to the requirements ot aged people and persons oi weak tonslitutions who suffer from consti- pation or other bowel disorders. Wc are so certain tuat it will relie " Lese complaints and give absolute satisfaction in every partieula" Him" we offer it with our personal trua'- ante that it shall cost the us a" Im- tl;ing if it [ails to substantiate our claims. This remedy is called Iles- all ()r.rrlies. . Rexall Urdorlits have a Smthi -: , healing strengthening, tonic and reg- ilathc atticn upon the ’uowrls. “my rpmo.e all irritation, dryness. su'o nvss and Feaknes. They restore the towels an! associate organs to morv vigorous and healthy activity. Fhrv are eaten like candy, may "ce taium at aray time without inconvenioace, thy not cause any griping, mum-m, diarrhoea, excessive 1ooaeress, 'hatu- Lne If other cxiaugrreabie mm. Price 25c. and IOC. Sold only at our stone-The Remit Store. A. ll. Haehne1, Waterloo. Juries and John Livingstone loun- ed the partnership in 1863, and it was maintained till the death of John in M596. The Toronto General Trust Corporation allege that James Liv- ingstone has in hand $53,000 belong. ing to the partnership, which he has neglected to distribute and that the James Livingston Company, or , ale, Michigan, owes the partnership $110- 000. The executors say that chey are dissatisfied with James Living- stone's dealings with property in New York, known as the White start property, which he nos been desirous ot selling for $60,000. Ihaxaiiratar THEY FEAR 'ttt BREAK NEWS Toronto. April 86.-E. R. C. Clark. non ha been op Pointed interim ro- ceiverol theuIetsol the tirm ol J. nod J. Livingstone, till June M. An ettort by the Toronto General Trusts Corporation u executors ot John Livingston, of Listowel, to have their claim on the partnership setth at once was emerged till then. Delay was sought on hehnlt oi Juries Livingstone, the defendant. who is over Inventy years of use, on the ground that he had been such a tsutrerer Iron angina pectoris, that it had been impossible to break tohim the cheat at the judgment ot the ol- nciel releree who held him liehle to the partnership tor 898,000. Jtunes Livingston is a resident of Baden. Rude in Canada. NEW ARMORIES IN GUELPH The Vim and Vitality One Get- From Oats FOR AGED PEOPLE Three Blocks from " Med foe In Action Between Jas Livingston and Executor: Union Station, H In the rrn|ra of Thenire, Shopping and Bumm- DiI‘I'icL madman m H. Tmnon. Paco. l t mm. TIIE ENERGY MII In Room "M' with '9".- Inch. Ahmmn‘ "om At Hanson-Na We»; mummmun ' ""9 bl" the WHW" of ”P I virttt our tunnel-mu (Hummer! LIB...“ ‘00“...0" Lilli the choice“ Ind but of l.‘ "h-tor moat: all the "" round. Harm; Mien out an India!» In the lin‘ of "wan we In" or'. Lia-nae for Wntx-rlmdhnnty Beef, Pork, Veal. Lamb, - I Am t npnred to conduct Salon (Tum! Ham: and Baron. [out for flvmon on other,, having own raring] 0nre Maud. uny- Artie!“ to he sold " suction nwd; Homemade 8:“!ng Inch Among thr, Iu-ga ”In manly. as Pologna, Wferterr, Pork Bul- mndncmd by m were the Wnl; our. and Gina an": an". r Flori and tho Mrrner Block and Human Bum . Slot-Ila and the Ontario Sued Co Give Ill . tr:.'i',l"i.?,y, can't-c- WMarloo. ed. Order. III' Mint-II Sanderson's Bakery King " Interim) Fancy Buns, Bread Rona, Fancy Cakes. “SW“M“ Iatorloo Ont. Branch. Jacob linpeler, lung" in 77 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Corrrpordents in all the Pun:- cipal Cities in the Worid. " Brat-choc A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TBANSAOI‘ED. 1rrmrrrtrrorhsaretrsurrrtrrrtrrrrq i3taatttttttttg8tat- l Having taken over the busin- 1 can of Auctioneer formerly car- I tied on by my father the lube I Joseph Mickus I am prepared to j conduct sales in any part of l Waterloo. Wellington and Perth l Counties. The patronage ot L fummlmd others having urtic- I let to be sold in rolicibed. I Terms Reasonable. I “I“! Ichll! 1 Phone in! Waterloo mmmmummmy i'iiEitiej tr,etltttr.lt S2ge',,"Pg W My. or In! mm purl-I. 51M - , M m I. Your pun-M‘s I. tnpocll'ul' .olldwd , I. . "will, um Am. India. a uni Sffeptitdogi, - na, fiflb‘fifl'fiW‘mfifi $tittititit "jihi'i'iiitaa. on Tcra an} Parm Proporty. Which until-had the mummy of the Ellison Phouograph lies in the point of contact between the Phonograph and the [heard-tho mpphire reproducing point. This in the point that conveys the sound from the Reeord to the nudience. And right here is the went, the perfect lifelike tone of the Edison instead of. metallic, Ill-.1 has. THE MOLSONS BANK - _ wish-"1.. mum.- '9r9.ttfAteeto3ttre1 Money to Loan Henry Knoll, Rodin. ”caused Auctioneer A. s. Hallman’s Grocery J. Doersam, King Street, Waterloo SAVINGS INK DEPARTMENT " G xpical Paid Up, $4,000,000 Rest Fund . - $4.4 00.000 T otat Assets over $44.000,000 The’perlecl tiromtd-reprodue%oat at. all Branches Interest Allowed at Mah- lt lull-Pm. rate. Phonographs POTATO ES m "own". All! Rico.” sou) " WANTED Edison Incorporaoed 1865 "but Fui Rm h. Mr.'tNitrtd'. nun- (ll iiiaiGiTiGi In Mr. Edison made all sound-reproducing instruments possible but he perfected the Edison Phonograph M. nanommouoalmco'm INLMMMI. A.y.bA. 31%;? "iiilhet WATEBMIJ MUTUAIE" FIRE INSURANCWCO. INCORPORA'IED 1N st63 Total Assets gist December. $420,808,x& Head OHIO. WIND“ om Thom-s lillim President and Managing Diroctor BoA 'trt or 013801 ORB m. g m W0». Wm 8m. I... 3.0.!)th h... J. L Widen-I. Bm.. In 1mm Alh- M. h. m. P. . “A I” Mu M. I!" Gum. s. no um. In". - Funk Bum. Fret. Wm. mun. - Geo, Diabe'. Viocl‘ru'd nt, It“! “It. In. av. . P.irn-t. War. Berlin . on "f In att - of than. M “I. momm Pcllqhowtn "on Favor-a ml Point: In Mou- OF TH E John B. Fischer P. tr. Rm Secretary - I've-sum Write for the Neat Little Memo Book and bul out why. our [Solicits are the best. DOMINION LIFE c, A. MINI. M um A W." It. on. I... OFF“ 838 Berlin, Out.

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