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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 May 1911, p. 1

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SR. Ernst & Co. Furniture or Springs or Mattresses House Cleaning Time is Here. Men's stylish town-r mm‘cuals marie trom English con-r1 cloth in fawn and grey shades, sizes " to 12, reg- ular $8 to tie, Saturday .-VV'V_trtt .FPee. Waterloo English tweed and tvorsted finished suits for men, in medium and dark shades of brown and greys, shadow striped and checkcd patterns, threc buttuncd single breasted sack models. nicely shaped lam-Is and close lilting collars; linings are ot good quality twilled Italian and Ycnelian linisLmi fabrics, M to " inch c'.cst, sum- ot these suits are almost hali price, Saturday special bargain ...V.P.e_ .-......, Big boy s" bloorucr suits or mm- piece suits, double brvasted modcls with swell built up slim-1mm and lung roll lapels in greys, olives and browns, in English wool mines oi smooth tinish dressy and serviceable, or ordinary knee pants; well tailun-d, good quality twilled linings, iashiotr able hluunu-r with straps and buekles sizes 28 to 33, regular " and tti.50 Saturday Pt-er-e.. v,...... Pr......' ._._.. _....- $4.79 Boys' bloomer suits, double breast- ed, plain coats or with belt at must, shapely lapcls and natural formed shoulders, imported all wool durable wearing English tweeds in dark and medium shades of mixed greys and taint lancy stripes, ehoice twilled body linings, curred litting bloomers with strap and buckle, sizes 21 to 28 Reg. 84 to $1,510, Saturday ."_"--errr__' $2.98 Tail is tho thm, of the your that you may med Unseuonnhlu weather has made a Inil in trash, generally, but we have decided to f rec thingy ot .Haturd by by o!rrviog values hitherto unknown in Berlin Th 're, will be specials in every department, real tseiahr--greU bargains that will app al to nwu of good taste in the utter of clothes. I." no but a few of tho many [may Saving IIISIIM BOYS' Bl OOMER SUITS cPtrt'ss, trousers in a dark grey and Easy Choosing See the New Shoes fttteat, line ol Rugs in Town, as our prions are the very Iowan, We aha carry the " in need Many don't fail to mil ' n “a before buying VOL. St. N (. Is' MEN'S SUITS We are selling at $3.00 J. Latter a Son Money Saving Opportunities All t Over the Store. Berlin, and wo'll covor them with a pair of shoes k or oxford, that are right in every parti~ cular. ZIOK'S SHOE HOME ' SS.SS 'ATIIlOO ”(it PM» "t and you'll begin to wondvr if “my are not the equal in style and quality of most sold at $3 " They are. Feel Pillow Bring us your Feet for Saturday THE b" CHRONICLE Ur? TELEGRAPH. . 280 pairs men's, boys' and youths' boots, box kip leather, trlucherheavy standard scow soles, solid leather throughout. Men‘s all sires ii to lo, rug. 32.25, Saturday bargain mF.trrmr".e 1:i0 pairs wooua's boots, dungnla kid, blucher tops, ran-m toe caps, medium heavy soles, Cuban heel, all sizes 3 to 7, regular $100 and $2.25 Saturday t..rrv..V. prev ttrev)... .VVtVP ".V"V....P. SI .59 Women's line dress boots, patent colt skin and vici kid, beautiful mak- "s and this svastm's latest styles, short ramps, medium tops and high Cuban heels, extremely twat and rer- iect fitting, sizes 3 to 7, Reg. $3.50 and $100 for .r.P'PPe..r. V__._ev...rf .t..t.._-et. . _ $2.98 an Youths" lung pants, suits made up in the most popular models of all wool Canadian tweeds m all desir- able shades, They are all $7.50 to $8.50 values, sires 32 to 35, they go nu sale Saturday to clear 'V."'..-..-..-... $4.95 Mtut's Craverwtte raincoats in grey and lawn with fancy stripe (mt-MC:- livid stvlv. sizes 36 to 41. regular $10 and $12, Saturday _........ "t..tre.mmt- Men's trousers in a dark grey and black alternate strip“ worsted mate rial, well tailored, 32 to " inch Warsl, reg. "cr" and tif, Saturday” FOOTWEAR BARGAINS n In" pivcrs n Ont. Phone 3 I 8 SI .69 ST.SS SI .98 WATERLOO, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNHG, 1&le a Mn made to the F l' R ttttttton 'AA" it was Inuml to M too Imnll for "w nmnunt ot hummus --The member" it “tel O F held In At Hm Itt It In ith may )m ”In, , Miss M, ('lark ot thtsprter who his in?" viniting triends here for a in. l nooks. returned home last week - i There is some danger ot its losinu I our present (“PR station agrnt, " I w I. Hadley, who has Mon "Mi-NI A sun‘ilar pimilinn i-lsi-ulti'ri' Mr Had- : Irv is an if! undecided and his many i friends hope that he will remain here 1'--.Mr Uncut Christman hm: mild his jhonsr on King tstreet to Mr I. " I Hrubachcr of Waterloo tor "750 and Mr Itruhacher win move, here in anon as possihle--Nr Lorna Raw, of Tw was!» is spanning " in" week, at Itis hunn- limo -Mr F Hulsimd of Pir- inn spmtt in ii-\\ day. uith Mn M Better "In weck -ftev, , M Ham- ilton ul Wittterttourne "mm Mud: in (min last week ---Mr l "in" has purvhasrd tho honsr "" nod by Mr Abs Htsy on ”arm strm't and movol min " last “Mk --ur Cktrrmcr f'cp- pin and his hrnthn tnhtsa at Wat riltm spent last Sunday in tht, hone of Mr. Hrtprl, Km; sum-i - Mr, Schmldi of Iii-rim “as \illllVIK hm dtorhtrr, “rs MM "ritual" 1m? uni ---Mrs in tNati sprni last Writ ncsdm' “nth Iii-i nmlhrr in Ht Jar, "in -Miss |.mina anwn nl Insimuv' tr Hui! Hum! law Ill Imu- -.i _. tr, Ilium Lvct “wk Ilnpluimmm'~ Inn I Items oi Interest --yiiss Gladys De- ltsz-is (y: Interest-Mrs ll, Thain" g vitt ri Waterloo Is visiting her cou- who has been reerling lately With her I sin, M ss Beatrice Behrers. tor a daughter in New llnmhurg spent a he; days-Mr. Hy. Fromm who late- few days here looking after her home. ly :s.~vered his connection uith the hold eiteets and property before leav- re ' FYut ra Foundry Ce ' has in " ed mg on an extended visit to Michigan 0 ' with his family tr Art'and, Y"ask ' --Mrs. Hull and her Si n ol New I a.','.- ll win-re he “it eminence a bt,vsirtcss brig assisted her mother Mrs. Tham- ‘ of h s own -.il ss :uiturr. Fulton oi er in moving her household goods, to '8: tbe It. a W Hospital staff, visited more convenient qvaarcvs,--rtr. and t rt her home here last week.-- Reeve ' Mrs. Peter Globe spent a few days 1'hristntan was a bus.ness visitor in t in Yeriin with relatives and int-min. l llerlin last Weu'neadar-- A special -.ur and Mrs. Leo. ILL-tr. and fam- I meeting oi the Village Council was ily were to Tavistock last Thursday .. he'd last Thursday evening to dis. attending the wedding oi their son l puss certain matters pertaining to liettry,--oir, r'cter Wagner of St. the waterworks system. A report Agatha purchased the Royal Hotel . I Mas received by Cue council from the property oi Mr. Philip llerdux ior if Waterworks Committee, " hich was the sum of $1l,00o and will get pos- . adopted. and Mr, N, ll. [loner was ;session‘on or about May 10th. Mr, . piten the contract for various con- ' Wagner moved several loads of iur- . I urctions, extensions, etc ' in regard niture on Monday.- Messrs. Henry F to the waterworks for the year 1911. 'nnd Albert Uttniann are holidaying i . --Mr. Willoughby, photographer. spent I at present with friends in Hanover, t ; Tuesday in St. Jae-abs on business.-- ; Paimerston and Kincardine. - The , ‘ Miss Bertha Uhligher visited tr'ends ' Misses Hermina Koehler and Krueger r, at Fort Haten for a few days-- Mr I of Preston spent Sunday here with l ' i Hy. Zilliax is siriossly ill with an relatives and friends-Messrs. Rein-r . , attack of heart trouble and his many ', Bros and Co, erected a new smolc. Ml friends wish hm a Speedy recovery. stack on their large woollen mills on i --Mrs. ('ollinson and family Ieit last Saturday last-Mr. Harold Bellinger neck to vis't iriends in Drayton and was lransierred trom the 'Wellesley I 1arious roints before leaving tor for branielt of the Standard Hank to an- I home in Edmonton - 53L Addison other branch in Alberta, and left last ! Scharrr has moved into the walk Friday for his new posion.-- Mr. I merits oi Mr. Geo. Klinek, on Church and Mrs. Gustav: Woiwade bppret " stret.--Wr. John Hedrih, sr., who Saturday and Sunday with :rietnls in has heen under treatment at the and around Monkton.-Mr. and Mrs. 1marh.h hospi'al in: several thceks S Leis oi Baden spent Sunday "ta ' his so far recovered as to be able town with reiatives. I . . to return to is home here and Ill ; , tal.e short waliis.-Hr. J. S. Weichet - . _ , , “ho also underwent a serious opera- NINE PINES l, t'on at Guelph a ten; weeks ago ‘is - I again able to te at his oilice - Miss l'ews Notes.-- Mr. Charles Fisher's iarta Hemmerich who has lately ho:se is rapidly nearing completion. ', been teaching school near Edmonton Pcrsonals.--yirs, M. Heckendorn oi has accepted a school nearer he! 1iridsre:oort called at Mr. A. ', home here at Houghton and left for Swartz's on Saturday-Miss Lavina . that place last week.-- Mr. .l. Gibb Lichty spent Sunday at F'loradale. - I has accepted a position in Galt and Miss Violet Htprmurst Berlin spent I intends moving there with his fam- several days at her home here-Mrs. ilv in the near iuture.--Tltc conferener J. Sn der and Mr. and Mrs. Albert ’oi the Evangelical association which Lehnen attended the iur.eral oi the . was held last' week at Zurich decided iormer's brother-in-law, Mr. Erb, [ to allow Mr. Burn, the present pas- last Sunday. - Miss Lachman oi tor of the Elmira cnurch, to remain Bridgeport was the guest oi Miss I another year. This will be Mr. Burn's Elna Gr schow on Saturday.- Mr. ' liith rear in this village and his lid. Linton oi Ayr spent several days l I congregations. both here and at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sim. ‘ Floradale. will be pleasvd to learn Shoemaker last week.--V and Mrs. l that hi, will still continue to labor John Hebe], Mr. and Mrs. J. B. l among then-The Inspector oi tlte Obcrholtzer and Miss Edna Oberliolt- , Metropolitan Bank, Mr. Brown. was Yer were Sunday visitors at the t in town last tveek.-Two cariole loads home of Mr. and Mrs, Allen Shoc- l cl members oi the LO.O.F. drove to maker last Sunday.-- Mr. and Mrs. l lilora last Wednesday evening to as- Jessie Snyder and daughter Gertrude e sist the lodge or that place in irzitia~ of Proradale spent Sunday at the i Con and installation of members and home of Mr. and Mrs. IAhnen.-- Mr. t Ytticers, - Mr. Jake Fhersttr bas D. M. Shoemaker was a business vis- I bought the line residence oi Mr. Nor- itor in Toronto on Monday last-Mrs ( man Schmermunil on Queen strtNi-- Jessie Snider spent last week with l Mr. Albert has moved into Mr. Chas. her daughter Mrs. Shanty. at Berlin. I Wilkins house, vacated by Mr. c. --The Misses Moeser of Berlin were ii Rominger who has removed into his Sunday visitors at the home oi Mr. t house on Factory s:reet. and Mrs. Elias t3hatttz, Mr. Morley u Annual Meeting.--The annual meet- ing oi the Elmira. Board of Trade was held last Friday evening in the olliee of the skating rink. The chiei questions which “on: discussed were the Carnegie Library, and two com- munications nhieh had been "received irom the Boards oi Trade and Lis. trowel and Guelph regarding the pos~ sibility Hi securing an earlier pas- senger train on the C P. R. The committee that “as appointed to in- wstigaie this matter consisted oi Mess,“ AmasaWrngpr. Oscar Yogi. and A. Werner 'l he ofticers for the ruining, year were appointed as fol lows: Pres ' Il L, Weber; Vlmfrus Gio, I. Kiincy, Sec Trras . Geo, 1, Zr-iglrr, Councillors, w ll, Otto. .l S “'ezchel, P P. Stumpi. Oscar Vogt and l “ingot The Carnegie Library queslion was lull in the hand» oi A, “Huger and " Yogi “ho will ("mum-nieaia “in: the, Library Hoard regarding "Io purchasing ill a suitable site I omnammuma Wm... ELM'.RA I waucsuv f"""""""""""---",, i tmmuGriiai"i"a"i", Our Busy Neighbors It, I "mam: t',tl'St, C. . 47*" AW). g l Doering. of 'Alot/dst"' t's-i.ea'----ti.tCi- News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District. lsrsrot, lerlu 'Ftf mull in It, I li, Lil! Hum, an um itrrl Uses “L! I” ot (inclph tspent Sunday with her friends. the Mines Lottie and lkssir Ipin- Miss Gertrdik anrl is ”ending I few week, with her Com m! mum, evening. A special initiation meeting was held before the guests arrived, at which C. Merrireld, Supreme or- ganizer, presided. Addresses by Rev. A. H. Hamilton of Winterbourne who is High Orator, and Revs, Dr. Scan lon and J. n, Burn were much ap- prmtiated, The programme consisted nt vocal solus'hy Mrs. J, Hodrich and Mr, Schwindt. a matt- quartotte hy Mesh“; Amy Hammond, "ithorrt and Dreiginger, and a reading by Miss Angeline Holler. About two hundred gusts and members were present and a wry enjnyahle time was spent by ail.--Mrs. (Ron) Fa- guru and her daughter, Miss Frieda, T uI' Iii-spelrt'. Visited It the homo nl I Mr Thuns lust nevi: --Mr Arthur I Kimmel spent Saturday with Elmira triends-Rev " (irnupuer attended the Missouri Synod C'ottterenre at Se- hrtngville last week, - Mr, Roy Zilliax oi Gtavtmhurst and Mrs, W. Schmidt or Stratlord are visiting their tather, Mr Hy/ Zilllax who is I seriously tll with heart troute-The', North Waterloo License Commission- era granted licenses to our dillerent hotel keepers at a recent meeting held in Waterloo. They are Mr. Hon”, Mr. John Steddick, Mr, Cas- par Monk. and Mr John Allowing who owns the liquor thupt~ Revs P. tlruupner and A Schulz “err at tu, den last week attending the Luth- eran Conference which ' as held in that place --Mr I S Weichrt wash t business visitor in Waterloo last _ Tuesdayr--Mrs F. It l-Irh at Berlin spent Sundm with her trim“, Mrs Mpnno Wtshrr --)hs Iatott zeiglrr nl “atezlun attended the tum-ml at her 'Mepotattghtvr, Mrs ertln, last Slur (Ll) allrrm-uti. “hose (truth ottrt:rpd alter a 'rry short illnvux -Thp \uuni: IzutllN ut the \ " A of the l-Ztanu‘lt- ral 1ssoriatton rntmlainmt the zen- tlI-men "I the Iran”? in a social NT "It”; Last “and” night -\dr Jack llnrnlvrrth in“ ruined Hutu Ma "r“ lmtm, Inir)s ”Hill-ltd in It, ' M, Lil! Hum, an um itrrt uses tir" Pcrsonais.--yirs, M. Heckendorn oi Bert, Mrs. Peacardy, Mrs. LtridEe:oott called at Mr. A. Miss Emma and Grae, ol Swartz's on Saturday-Miss Loriun tity Mich., three brother Liehty spent Sunday at Floradale. - sister, Robert, George .31 Miss Violet llgllmuml Berlin spent FUNK Hammill. oi Puebl several days at her home here-Mrs. am; Mr: Wm. Ntie of Pres, J. Sn der and Mr. and Mrs. Albert many kit-nth extend te t Lehnen attended the iuneral oi the their heartfelt sympathy in farmer's brother-in-law, Mr. Erb, eat‘ement. last Sunday. - Miss Lachman oi Briehc-Rementber the Bridgeport was the guest on" Miss meeting WMrrsday altern( l‘erra Gr schow on Saturday.-- Mr. 1Cth, " the Presram Con Ed. Lintun of Ayr spent several days ters. --Sattrrday evening al at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sim. ty of Mr. and Mrs. Johr Shoemaker last week.-Mr. and Mrs. friends an! neighbors eelel John Hebel, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. umsion of their marriag Obcrhoitzer and Miss Edna Oberliolt- shape of a kitchen slnwer, yer were Sunday visitors at the sey reading an address to l home of Mr. and Mrs, Allen Shoe- Bauer mules suitable ' maker last Sunday.-- Mr. and Mrs. thanked. them for tireir gm Jessie Snyder and daughter Gertrude etc.-Mrs. Elizabeth Clemen of tH,sradale spent Sunday at the is visiting friends and rela home of Mr. and Mrs. Lehrten.-.- Mr. this vicinityc--Born to Mr. D. M. Shoemaker was a business vis- Fre'l trashy, a son."-. M itor in Toronto on Monday last.--Mrs Good and chihrtm meompa Jessie Snider spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Shar hor daughter Mrs. Shantl. at Berlin. Pine Bush, near llespeler. le --The Misses Moeser of Berlin were for Elmira to attend the [l Sunday visitors at the home at Mr. their stepmother, Mrs. and Mrs. Elias Shantz.- Mr. Morley which took place m Sunday llohr was the guest oi Mr. W. B. l 2=z=-crczzzcz:u-rcrrci-ua-s=LEczi: Swartz on Sunday-Miss Vera Ut- 'rr-r-lit-rl-t New and Miss Irene Biehm of Berlin spent Sunday with’ their friend Miss I Ilttttd I g Emma llaase. A- - " of Preston spent Sunday here with relatives and irieadsv-Messrs. Rein-r Bros and Co, erected a new smolc. stack on their large woollen mills on Saturday lash-Mr. Harold Irellinger was transierred trom the 'Wellesley brand: of the Standard Hank to an- other branch in Alberta, and left last Friday for his new posion.-- Mr. and Mrs. Gustav: Woiwadc sport Saturday and Sunday with irlctuls m and around Monkton.-Mr. and I'.rs. er in moving het hocseho!u goods to mure canveuient qcurr'c'rs,--Mr. and Mrs. Peter Globe spent a few days In Berlin with relatives and Intends. -sir and Mrs. Leo. l);etz and fam- ily were to Tavistock last Thursday attending the wedding of their son 1iettry,--olr, Peter Wagner of St. Agatha purchased the Rural Hotel property oi Mr. Philip Berdux ior the sum of $1l,00o and will get pus- session-on or about May 10th. Mr, Wagner moved several toads. of iur- niture on Monday.- Messrs'. Henry and Albert Uttmann are holidaying at present with friends in Hanover, Paimerston and Kineariiine. - The Misses Hermina Koehler and Krueger sey reading an address to which Mr. I Bauer made a suitable reply and thanked them for Unit good whims. I etc.-Mrs. Elizabeth Clemens, rf Gal! I is visiting friesrds and relatives in this vicinityc--Borrt to Mr. an! Mrs. ! Fre) (mushy, a son.'-. Mrs. Israel ' Good and chihrtm 'avcompanied by her sister, Mrs. Ed. Shantz, of Pine Hush, near llespelcr, kn Friday for Elmira to ammo the [um-ta] or i their step-mother, Mrs. Martin I Briehc-Rementber the Institute meeting qurvsday atternoon, May 1Cth, " the Presram C(nncil cham- ters. --Sattrrday evening about thir- ty of Mr. and Mrs. John Bauet's friends an! neighbors celebrated the o.msion of their marriage in. the shape of a kitchen slrower, Mr. Kin- Death ot Mrs. s'chultz.--Mr. im. Mrs. Ncte were eallul to the tei- side of his sister, Mrs. Sthulll, of Buy (My, Mich., and had but recent- ly returned when the sad news reach- ed her: ol her death, Sunday, April 2.rrd from nlrvuus prostraticn and other cvattp1icat'rcis. Mrs. Schultz was “(-21 'known in this twighttorhooa',hav- in been a resident here until in the re enties, they remove ' tr. Bay City, Mi'h. Her lirsband, Mr. CZurles Fellini. p',vdeteurd her sunte years a. o. Mrs. Schultz “Tana kind ment and loving mother.. Site leaves to mourn her ‘1--.:s tour sons and iour daughtns, Harry, John, W.HI and Bert, Mrs. Peacardy, Mrs. Sullivan. Miss Emma and Grate. all 'of Bay tity Mich., three broutetand one sister, Robert, George and Mrs. Frank Hammill, oi Pueblo, Colo., am; Mes Wm. Nate of Preston. Their many trien3s exfend te the family their heartfelt sympathy in their ber- I eatement. I A happy event [mi place at l'e i home at Mr. and Mrs, Andrew [NATL . Kingwood, at three o'clock WMm-s- tday, when their daughter Miss ls abella Catharine In united in mar ragt- to Mr. Jacob, Edward Don “g of Philipsburg, son at Mr. and Mrs. Abel Doeriug. The bride wus hand- some'v attired in white $41: and iwore the eustomary veil with a wreath ol lilies oi the valley. and {carried a bridal bouquet oi cum": F roses. The bride was attended by hr-r sister Miss Addie Knit "t Kingwood, and Mr Hulmuth Wagner ol Philips» burg suppt rtcd the groom. The brides- maid wcre' a gown of pare pink silk and carried a bouquet of pink earns tionl. while Miss Door-Mn of Berlin played the W0 aiding lllll ' h The In idol couple took their place under an arch ut shamrock. and Rev. Mr. Helm of North Easthope otticiated After the a-rz-rnony about fifty guests sat down to a sumptuous dinner, The evening was spent in music. games and danc- ing. The presents were very numer- ous and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Door- ing wiTtake up their residence In Fh'lipsburg. The Telegraph joins with many friends in extending to the bride and groom heartiest telici- tations and best wishes tor their happiness and prosperity. . WEICHEL a s We want to talk paint to you-we want to talk Sherwin- Williams Paint to you because it's so good. It's made of pure lead, pure zinc, pure linsced of", all ground together by special machinery. Come and see us and let us give you information that will save money on your property. \\'714 Williams f lead, pure machinery. ' The far-sighted fellow thinks of it in big type. He realizes the intptrrtance and economy of painting his buildings when they need it so that they'll be protected from the wear and tear of the weather and not rot and go to pieces in a few years. The other fellow thinks of paint in small type and his home and his build- ings soon look Do you think of it as LIMERICK -1 PAIN CII,, Weishel’s Weekly Store News l bt hkethis ' iiriiiiiriiiiiii", t, Manufaeturing Co. lid . Let us give you our prices for anything In}: line. Havhz purchased the business formerly carried on by 1 Albert, inc'uding lumber yard, slaw and planing mil], we be; nounce to the public that we are prepsred to give the beat enti<facti0n to old customers as well as to as many new patro1 We carry n full line of The Baden Lumber ' Manufaeturing Co. Ltd. D. G. S'I‘I'ZINMAN, President PH. E. ALBERT Manager. Timber Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings and all kinds of Building Material Pine and Hardwood Doors, Sash, Blinds Boxes, Shook, and Packing Cases. ANNOUNCEMENT and manufacture a. eomplete line WHOLE NUMBER 3433 Spring Shoes Your Spring about Madam thoul6 be dainty) stylish and should fit is: perfectly. Our disp'ay of Street Drew; Boots, Oxfords, Ties, Strap Sandals, Pumps av d Slipp rs in , col- leetion of the smartest Footwear that's, mule. We'll take p'easure in show- ing you. S 1098 of extreme styles built for beauty and elegance and the more contervtrtive models bui t toe comfort. Patent Colt, Gun Metal Calf, Vici Kid and all new leathers, Cravenette tops, the ‘tage lash, the Military heels, the short Vamps. the ne v strap bundalts,oxrords and Pump. all are here in Spring freshness. y‘ $2 00 $3.00 $4.00 y $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 But after all, Madam, remember its always Shoe quality Shoe service that stand for Shoe satisfac- tion. The price is meaningless until you see the Shoeait lands for. I. RIBlMll & 00. 2 Stores Berlin Housefurnishiugs, General I: Goods, Clothing and Shoes llY. HOFSTE'rTER, _ - A Vice-President. HY. IEATZ, g you require in the build. terloo Paint ? Assis. Manager. .\\'774 of on by Mr. Ems T, we beg to an : Low and WHO

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