I Ottawa. Mn! '.s'ri--trohv,r “Mr il-i nod to-day rrganllm: llw lhtrrmation til-gout. The um: “I†lw paid In mlanco ullh thy mu). they luvlrl the contingent, trot Cos 'ankthcy ' Id m [Emir mun “'qule True i' ill also be granted ('Ylicwur) pay d ttchl alllmmnco ', , All the nwmhers of thp ('uuhmzt-nl I Lust assemble " scu-n days' doll l d instructions at the drpot at tht, “In of the service to which 'ltr'y be- z Bog, and for three days I'uth-r an _ have poor In rmlmrkmvnt EurI Englandr I The caralry “I†mwmI-lv at Win. iprg, Toronto and SI, .Ivln's, my? . ' II May 22 The lurid and hors". ar. I "If!" “I†aswmhh- itt I0ruotrm and , t; garrison avllllvn at Hurt»? I [ y assmuhlr .x! 'iittgs'on on May! t mad at Qm-hnv on May 23 All ll"- lgnonntrul "olF, u ill mwmhlr at I hm on Mas 2t , Thr omrrrsr “I†lr‘“\hl€' [In-:uxolu‘s 5th uniiorms or chp human of ser- h In whirl: Mm lv‘um; The non- micxiv nrzl “Th 't, .‘I'.d nwn will lee ihviis “My Hun M. (Mr ".o.s, " 'l bbilimh-m il) armmm "tttttts .Iml tnmlunvvu~~.:mw! Him“ and mm III "'Hut'tr a Ill'h 'neue of mm sun -rs1CNs clothing and In" ran of boots continxont mll rmhark on I on the S N Hmpros: ot Irr- I trom (an-M, and will In": I."- i A _ Itâ€. So II, " tl i tee rt'mru' is Crit' ot bums tke 'o:ttitatt :1 " Fas" . ..f . __.." ‘- ' - C1'l,""st)ul)y/"tjfrc, "s'2tlit'; ttrye, :U"ri.l 2rhr,i,"r"tri, J; .'l'," iii;" anti with. (.‘Iullunl {I “7:283:- '.l."fh1r'e."a,I/isry 'T". " 0 our . ‘ The buiHiagevpvmiiturvs by rro- viruses “e tr-Nora 5mm. $1,511,- 599; Prince Hdaar:l island, $55.00"; New Brunswick, $719,990; Quote; $20,604,30i; Ontario, $3C372,172; Manitoba slo:,:no,x35; sas'atchr- wan, 37,011,321; Al ma. Sung-3|, While Ottawa's i'v;n.lzs were icirly satislactury thry showed a drcrcasr' of $1,50i,i'MO as "rttparcrl “ilh the Previous, ycar. And Cr sttisFariory fcstury of report is thy slatmmul that Irospnct tor 19tl is C'a'n MHz-r was that tor l9“! at Hr: sumo p Isl “var. The stbor Gazette for April just published cmlaim a wry valuable teview d tre progrrss made in building operations in the Dominion during the past year, which shcws an increased trspenditure over 1909 of no less than 41 per mm. Toronto heads the list with $21,127,783, be- inp as since 1mm, the city which I mark the grera'ist progrrss. Mon- treat corms second with t15,815,858; l Winnipeg third with $1.3,llli,150; Van-l convex tocrth with $13,150,365; Cal-'. guy fifth with gamma“; and Otta-VI Ira sixth with SiLIBlim. ’limncnm- rs Saskafoon,’ Hamilton. lil'ginh. Fort William, Victoria :1er lizlmnnlm in the order numrd. I CORONATION C0h'TlMiEtr BUILDING IN CANADA IN INO Mt ever. is that all industries hove been caretully protected, and with the exception of a v " per cent. reduction in the duty on clocks, wholly un- l touched by the trade agreement, This II ample evidence oi the determina- tion at the Government to protect 1h country's manufacturing indus- trims. However, in addition to this we have since had the statement of .lr. Welding that Canada's represen- tatives were offered tree trade in1 mtuguractured products as well as nature] products, to which the agree- ‘ meat is almost wholly confined, but declined to even discuss such a pro- . position. The manufacturers oi trat-l erioo_eottnty have an additional guar- t “tee ot protection if another were-I heeded. in the tact that it is repre-I sented by an inmtential member of, the Dominion Cabinet, the Minister oi Labor. who has in the past and my in the future ,he expected to carefully guard the interests ol all cusses of his constituents. I m TM. to just Another evidence of EW'ireat weakness ot the case ytqaintrt reciprocity. Not being able We tind anything that might hurt the yuitmtrturturer in the agreement itself It! opponents are kept busy creat- " all sorts ol bugaboos to! {tighten the people. The fact, how-I J" tte PrP? erp (pr Joly ,3 _ atyvuinc lumiture manulacturen in.“ Rapids have asked Con- â€In for {twenty per cent. reduc- 3.0- in the duty on turnnurc. This tt has heen eagerly seized upon by T out Reporter and the Toronto I, " an argument against ree, ' ty, and they are already shed- ' oroeidile tears over the ruin 4“! great Canadian industry in _ Berlin sud Waterloo no intu- (ti “iridium.“ up to Wed " - iii-7M A" noon. (and hMTMiit BOGEY iraar (ES: TiCiiiFiGaiGr" vm' "I [an I mm! he 1mm thi 2tgtgtc' tHtumur noon. . - In! change: mu» not he humâ€! that the is rut-n hrttz~r1nan " ml; The nun- .d mm will tt tho pom! "I " "ttirrts and \ .uml un‘n ' ot our MIN In†pair of 3r,- sumo psriod 'ttei, Wm that fi,' tuity all IN 1ht'rt' is, lhtrrmation lw paid In they IIIIIII . tank thcy " True Hm} pay tl um hr alt-0hr] will he settlpd in Iln- mums. .4: the bailiff mark an " imhmrut on "V to-d r . As"ud it hr had avnihiu: to MI) Ittv. hrr srnCnrt. “as passr I, Humor} will trat la, umzlzl sum-ta: ttr-at dull, as 1" “NJ" tr r’mriwd of his lrnfnlmn .l:" la lie tuttre “ml! have to hunk to 'crrc".hinr, ("51‘ tor :' Hung In: h m six and family. Hr Wm ma' lug “la! rrslllulmn hr corlr, glqnyz up r’rrj.1'x'in|z he ha l and in'v'udod as won an prtssiMe to ray h s mt‘H'ws, Tim " r um urrr H'IIHMHP'I nndn Inml‘lwn and if mai, lvrs bad n " [mu bmnzhl m " crls"s hr “(WM tt' a 4:8"! tinu. ha? C at tled itll a tot.“ ol six years in the re iien- I tery. The tmntpneps were [our years for lorgory and two years un the first f (barge of thvti. ()n thrw other char- gprs of Hunt ho Irwin-u two years gratin, ttrrun cuicurrently with the iother charges. Mun'nck 1.0V: his , M‘IIH‘HC." calmly, s‘nwing no (motion ' whatvttr. Hr axlu‘J the luttgo for a New (its in Hu- county jail tVfore rmnma! to Kim sum, in ordvr to sIraighlrn (11.1 his atiojrs. I n mbrr of his clients lor sums w," l gn'galing some lch or twelve thours- and :lnllars. was this afternoon son- I trmeel by the county judge to serve Mrs. Murdock is the nwnm' of sum‘ rmrrrty In Jarvis and whom" this Spunk Emulsion yt â€wind "Fume, " yuharririii,Cii"rt2 it; health and vitality for the Mc and SLO". He'll oHain lk-xall Kenn-II tttunity only at our: all El tre. A, G. Ha done In: thousare.s of I". a!) for you In any even, lose any thing by giving on our liberal guarantoo Rememtse we are hasing our state- ments upon what has already been accrmplished by the use r: chall “93" Hair Tonic and we _ have the right to msumc that what it has I The idea is ti. rush this part ol ‘ the road through at once this then ' later on take up the. more ambitious stherme cl building tu Berlin, Guelph an! other points west, An exte'riou . of the line from llamlltun to Toron- l to when things get running smoot'Ay, : is also contemplate". MURDOCK GETS SIX YEARS A Treatment That Costs Nothing if it Fails sf The new syrr"deate according tothe iairrmatirut lumished by the represen- tatives who were hers, has all the [linantial backing it requires, and t there wUl (e m delay on that ac- "ount. It also has its plans and s r e;.s in good shape, and is pre- irarud to start building operations 3 just as soon as it can make arrigP. ments with the diluent munieipart-, ti 5 interested for entragwes. After 1 larranging here yesterday to get the 'information 'sired Mr. Somenille I and his party left ior Gait to take I , the writer up Here. They claim f that t.'vir eompmy hasa irce hand i and is "at tied up with any of the I . . . . . lexishng electric compulcs. NI 11‘ wants to do is .to get its line _ i quickly. The intention is said to be to use hytinreletrtrie power. The) (empauj figures on circling arounl from (an: and Hespeler to Branttcr4 and down to Hamilton. l l Hamilton. April M.--The unstimu- imsslikc proposition the city has struck yet lot gum in eicetrk railway ccumtion with Gait, Hes- , piler am cther Western point: has just been made by 3 lug: Toronto , synaicate which has: charter, cour- ing this part " the prosirs e. Retrre r. ntatiies of tin;- company were here yesterday with Engineer Somervillz- at Toronto, enquiring “Int pews: the tity his to unravel the existing electric roads to give new companies an entrance into Hamilton over their lines. The new cum‘mny has gone at; ler the situriioa careiutty' and finds e cry entranw into the city so ; lightly tie". up by the lines Cantrell-i l "I " the Dominion Power and Train. f lmlSslvg‘l Company that its only hope _ it tprttimt in.is to get mining rights! ' over the old roam'.. l The uty certainly retained the right in (umcclim with John Puttersraa's road to compel him to give other commas running rights over his route. " ELECTRIC I use PROPOSED as 10' \Ierd te mu Art in lie " Irtok to MINI“. In: h m six and ma'ing “In! m-mg up ("0121 FOR BALD HEADS 1 ll hr had a'nthiu: to Ml) Ill" It.nu~ “as {any I, Murdock Hal la, umzlzl ,ir'tiera ttr-at s I" «will tr r’r‘riwd of his In 4:" la lie tuttre “ml! ‘lm-k to 'crrc".hinr, v'sr tor :' u: h m tlr, and family. Hr ut' lug “1.:1 rrsllluhun tw hung up Wu} think he ha '. mded as won an prtssiMe to czrlt'ns, Til" n 0 ms urrr Prom Whoa to Galt and Other Town: b-eG.ii. c that what it has his oi "rhers, it will any event you cannot by giving it a trial guarantm. Two sires Ilemiattber, you can u-llss in this com- tr storr-The Rex- Havhml. Waterloo. I. â€ms (70 pt rm! and mu) _-- tJ..9ht?torert "alt, Venn-Ams- Mnsmelman Mama Welsh did not rompicr' ruminations (H'NIII? u. "H"? Hrs"ors--No Lullm-s ullunrd Pitss--Not mm "um ttro lailnrrs lrtur‘rn W and w, .xllnurd or one tailnre brhrw " in nbllKaqul sub- jects, Emma alputtrticauy "an: rd, Paswd (M) rrr u~1l and Maude Itrantnt. Frrd Luit, Mnsmelman Nouns Welsh rompicr_ ruminations . - . C01lNF'.RCiAI, Ill-2PT. Nchon Honors-No failures allowed, Hugh l Pass-Not more than two failures sic Lee between 30 and Mt or one failure br- low 30 in the obligatory subjt-cts; or JU? not more "Ian two tailures of 10 per "ONT cent or loss, tr "np failure greater ' than M for um. In Commrrrat sub- Pass- Jrc'ts 9" cent It is pointed out by the stait that in View at the increased dimculty in passing the examinatlnrs, parents who are desirous oi having their children promoted must insist that they do a certain amount, of work at home. "No pupil who docs nut detain time at Im'm- to the prenatal tum of lrssons can exprct In make a success ut his uzr tzt-r tvork," Is the opinion at one of thts Cvlreipat" trachcts. Mun I l‘ummrrrinl Honors (70 Tter rent and " rid Frs hot 70 M, Calvin who has not 1atisiacGriFTiiiiiiiiri the work of the Lower School. _ _ --"e '_.. -.... r-..“ and 60 per cent. on total. In order to have a standard uniform with that required by the Education De- partment, it has been tound necessary to raise the standard on sessional examinations, and hence the number of failures has been greater, Further, more any pupil is not to be promoted from the Lower to the Middle School Standard Has Been lucrgsed and Will be Required to Study More Their Homes When our wrather in Canada is at Its worst, and tu, thermometer mug; ts anyw'ere from twenty rr mort? mow mo. their temrtrai-re is about sixty, bdmv whim] am told it never falls. Durl " our t"tsit it was in c.. seventies and we day 98 whi h with accompanying Icmidity, maft- us Fol rather urcomtortaMe. In Jan'ary and February we wrr: told C' P weatrer is beautiful, there being almost contin'rl sunshine ard he ionrerstvre not " or. 75. One ol the EASTER EXAMINATION RESULTS AT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Whe'l our wr: Mr. Goo. Wagon“, Mia; Director ot the In“! Lila. Who, atoetg um: Mrs. Woman“. spent. sev- eral week: in the Bahama lull-d» and returned a tew days ago. save the Telegraph the "titowtnq Lawns- ting description ot " mp English; Mr. Geo. Regettast Tells ol Ilia Enjoyable Trip South Where tie Spent Several _ Weeks INTERESTING DESCRIPT ION r 0F THE BAHAMA ISLANDS 'nrm "so-V [ tent, .8") an n. "hcr) -- Gordon ' .II'NIUR T"hi'ttF.Rs Honors (ts per cent and 1 No [Minn-s allowed. Pass-. (no ter mmt and t In.“ ___ , -e"ee'"'r.... uumuu. rll'u J. Hockey. Oarcnee Oswald. Arnott Shaun, Irarry )erally, Lilian "nth-Imam Lily Kuniz, Ill-snip Moorc, F.†Himâ€, Carita nowh- Fused (55 pvt cvnl and over) - (a) Yadah Roschman (h) Hrvin Cnssman, Ellsworth Gihson, Fred Form III. JUNIOR MATltiCttATtoN HONORS-xy, lailuros allowed. Pass-Hat No failures allowed; 9" cent on each paper and 55 sent on total. o) Failurrs Imm- than thrre pupvrs and tent, on Intal. 7 - 1lonors--t7o rrr mm and John Scully 70 " Honors (70 per cent and over) - ‘John B. Dengis 87.16, Stanton Lau- tenschlager MLM, Roswell Rata inâ€, Gordon Schaelcr 72.57. . Passed (55 per ant. and own - William Breithatrpt, Wilfrid ltiuer, Paul Hoffman, Roy Winn, Albert Wright, Hope non-man, Louise Broil- haupt. Mildred Ruby. Form " A, Mounts Ci0 per cent and our) -- Melvin Conner 8t M, George â€rm- mrrich M 73. Elmer Mryors " It. Passe" (55 r†can. and over) - Kenyon Bowman, Percy Shelley, _ Hugh Veitch, Irene 11otsu'tter, "es- l Passed (55 per cent. and over) - Henry Becker, Harold Bowman. Re- ginald Devin. Percy Fromm, Wilfrid Hilliard, Olivia Doering, Ida Kuntz, Provida Wulchi. Honors (70 per cent. and over) - Gladys Urelman 57.28. Minnie Shaw 84, Edna Kaufman 8235, Amy Sny- der 8].â€, Russel Halstead 76.14. Passed 55 per cent. and over) - Arthur Kimmel, Mabel Stewart. Form I. Honors (70 per cent. and over) = Harold Lang 90.â€; Harold Smyth 81.71, William Dcngis 80.93, Cecil Ruby 77.21, Grant Harper 73.92, Norman Dotzcnroth 72.43. Ada Wes- elob 7111. Irene lleldman 70.78, Amy Rats 70. Passed (55 per cent, and over) - Carl Ber“, Herbert Boehmer, Clay- ton Fenim, Reginald Rata, Gilbert Reid, Hilbert Wmhel, Egbert Earnke Ruth Bornhold, Mildred Bradley. Form I. A. In: In place cqud to it in the rand. We found a lane numbn- of Cana- dians throughout the South, chiefly (mm Winnipeg, Montreal and: Quebec. Aliogrthrra tritt to this- Southern country is replete with intorcst, while in thvrc in nerd of " rest or de- uiriovs of camping- the rigors ct our Northern winter, thore is said to be In place cqud to it in the rurld. turies ago. The old sive market in Ur: llzlra, xthieh u‘wries the realm? of the city is an o?riect of great irr Rust to tourists. it is still being Preserved in its original state, when tsed by Southern riantors tcr the auction sale at Maves. At present it is a pavilion or resting place tor cit- i ms and tourists. _ This city also has two ot the finest hotels we hare for say-n, “The Ponce fe Low" and “Ale: ar". I l [00: (you! on "I. tl deagus indulged in by tourists is tle and bathing in the ocean. The water in " an wee-Ne “DIRK.- tule, an! a: teaeh ideal. “and: of reoNe--mea, women and ehiHrea-. may Le sun may lorenoon on the ocean beach naming . salt water tap. Form II and Students and m") and m or) at in Omer) d; fo ' per _ not 3.3 rrr The“ grains have the maximum of rich- nets and energy. They Are also the not: delicious. To eat Quaker Outs one. a day for I mouth will show to the limit whit tonic enacts. that bubbling Vii-Ill: one can get from oatmeal. One never new: low good on food is, or wut " can do. na- tll " tries Quaker mu. In Quaker Oats the finest oats-Canadian Crr"rrt-are nubjcclcrl to 62 ulna? Just the rich. plump grams are used. here is only lea ponnasol Quin-r Oats in nbushcl. ' Sir Frederick Borden, in his ad- dress, declared the Armory formally opened, commenting upon the spien- dad building which graced this city, in keeping with the other Government, civic and private buildings he had observed in his drive around the city. i Referring to the tact that. Guelph, in I proportion to its population, had sent more men to South Africa than any other city. he announced that in ad- .' dition to the splendid artillery bri - Ire Guelph will soon have'a city , There is sounding: in oats which ere-rec spirit and energy. o other grain can bring results like them. Everyone knows what out! do for horses. They have the name effect on man. An extract of oats is employed as: tonic. A diet of oats multiplies oue's vitality. That's why energetic men-men of vim and spirit-are said lo"leel their can." llhglLajirina giment Ind. in Canada. th; mmmwmno-ucm FromOntl a We lure a safe, dependable and altogether Ford remedy that is pau- Iicularly mini ted to the requirements of aged people and persons ot weak constitutions who titsiier from ccnsti- pation or other bowel disorders. We are so certain (tut it will relic " tcese complaints and give absolute satisfaction in every panicula" ttW we offer it with our personal guar- ante that it shall cost. the us .r no- tlsing if it [ails to substantiate our claims. This remedy is called Dex- all ()r.’l.‘rlics. Old Fo'ks Should be Caréful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine new ARMORIES m Ginsu)" June: and John Livingstone form- ed the partnership in 1863, and it was unnamed till the oath ot John in 1896. The Toronto General Trust Corporation allege that James Liv.. ingstone has in hand 853,000 belong- ‘ing to the partnership, which he has neglected to distribute and that the James Livingstone, Company, or Yale, Michigan, owes the partnership $110- 000. The executors say that they are dissatisfied with James Living- stone's dealings with property it, New York, known as the White stunt property, which he has been desirous of selling tor 880,000. Three "eshe, from arm-amp“. l . ... “5 â€'""" tram ' - Fhrvintr (“on out}; -,o,ruo,,, Union Station I or'o License for Wnurlmm‘umnty In the Nun-e of Thoalrr, I an I “pared to cnnduct Halos Shopping and and"... for funnel-u or other: having Din‘licL f Tia“ 'fl, t told by Auction main t q "Re ntUra meant". to. worm“... l " t1Tde.ete' hy P?? 'ttht ttte w.c “a. K. 100mm up. ground that he had been such a sullen: "on aging pectorll, an it Ind been impossible to bred: to him the elect. at the judgment ot the or. MAI alone who hem him lilble to "he partttership tor â€8,000. James Livingstone ia a resident ot Baden. Join Livingston, ot Linowel. to have mu chin: on the partnership and“ at one: In 'Narged till then. Delay was tough on halal! ot Jun: Livingstone, the attendant. who is on: nygnty_ yep“ otUe, on tii no. has been ad poi-M interim u- "imrotueaa-ttts.ttranot J. tad/J. Livingston, till June " An 01011 by the Toronto can! Mt corioratiod 315““;7 Tw" J Livia-ton. ot Linotyel. h Foil AGED PEOPLE may run to BREAK mews THE ENERGY roan Your p: At Mabk Wm ' .0"th Togo-t9, April. M.-E. R. C. Club Mm. Between Jas. Livingston and Executor: n- - - r, l L i- _ b, I EI 8-! : tied Jone F , ennui " [ Wat r- f 00:11 l , fam I . le. t Ten l. y g I _ “am Wâ€WM“M““ l mlâ€. King " later!†Fancy Buns. Bread Rolls, Fancy Cakes. '0'er WV, “ij - nvvr'u-Ill y - I B. "tlttttt, 'RM-tr. Sanderson's Bakery â€all " Interim: 'iiiiirtiiiiii"ii"i'iiiiiiiii' " ---- trat orloo Ont. Ranch ; tied on by my tuber the late , Jaloph Hickus I am prepared to ', conduct. sales in my part of ' Watertoo. Weliiugton nod Perth ' Counties. The patronage ot ', "rmerstsndotheril having urtic- p lel tobe sold it troiieitod. I Terms Reasonatue. I Illa" INK"! I Phone tral Waterloo mmmnummmy " Bind Gd%iiiii.,ii7 iioCi Erna pad the Ontu-ln Soul Co â€can.“ aaiiGiiir And VIII-tor on Tum, uni Parm Property All 77 Branches in Cam-ch Having taken over the tmain. tttgt Agctioaeelz ferrnttlr gar- Henry Knoll. Rollin. Money to Loan THE MoLstitiiiiji'ijriii'ir1 â€caused Auctioneer which uhblidud the some, of the Edixon Phonognph lie. in tttepointu-tartbetGe, thew-pl: .odthettemsed--th. npphin rep-dining point. 11:3. in “a point tint convey. the sound hum the Record to the-adieu». And nUhtheee inure-octet, mmmkctmofthcmmmuudolnwnc, Multan. J'""""" u rum-'1', A GENERAL saunas mm napngméii'? G apitat Paid Up, $4,000,000 R est Fu nd . . $4.4 00.000 Total Assets over $44.000.000 " nll Branches J. Doergam, King stru,hiiiiiiaoo him mud-reproduction Plltpttographs - ads. and Agents and Coryrpordeno in all " cipal Cuties in the World. " Branch.- BANKING BUSINES} TBANSAOI'ED. Edison Incorporated 1855 Interest allowed at i,uil,Tt ' Inn-rm. rule. nob. Jamil Insular. lung" Mr. Edison made all tioun4-reproducing instruments possible but he perfected the Edison Phonograph 'tliit.ttt'p'ettttsattwattsNr.tt My. “than clcdn- eeNrr a. Q. '.. - _ iilh',t.41ti1?.tdirTift' 2i'4'SU'.tth'titEtitt l, i ,Glidiiii" l Meat Market :WW’W Jirklrlilllhllll MUTE“) FIRE INSURANCECO. tNCORFORAaED IN In; Total Assets 3xst December. $426.308.1& much-Am GGL. "€131.72. HEW f"t'"oytam eon-m Secretary . I‘m-sum Bond on“ Wuurloo. Ont w... Bun-r. W Geo. "when Yloel‘nn'cl at, Ptwst Mk I... r. . P-Jhg Wilt. no, Thoma Hilliard Ptuidenl and Lin-aging Director "I. IDA RD or DIR IO! ORB m. J H. Wobb. WWI-Ian. In; “bind. h... I. " Widen-I. In" " Iâ€... Alh- Dcw-u. h... M P. . “a. Panh- "- a...“ 3.3;. Frank Halt“. Fret. " a. annular. Iron Mar-- fa! Poll-t. In favor OF TH E tueaeurr' Write for the Neat Little Memo Book and tind out why. our policies are the best, DOMINION “FE â€III. " Int. Aug Wu. " 8lt on“ IRS P. ll. Rm â€(ovum Berlin the Pum- 't'l'8tittt U M I) 0 0 H