tttmate)?,'. a “on mu- h d m itiiere,fe.i,,, n a The Conservative tam! of is" and' 3. mill ot the Conservative b may hte ll year: dterward, down to list.. unkind the following otter ot reci- poclty to the United States: i . Any or all ot the [allowing .rticlcs, ttsatis to say: animais oi all kinds, pun fruit, hay, straw, bran. seeds at nll kinds. vegctimvs, including mums and other roots, plants,‘ trees and shrubs, coal and coke, salt, I hops. wheat. peas and beans, hark-y, rye, oats, Indian mm. buckwheat and all other grains, mutr'ot wheat and “our oi rye, Indian meal and oat meat and itour meal oi any other until. butter, tallow. meats, ttesh, silt. or smoked, and lumber. may tur impurtchnto Canada free of duty cr " I less rate ot duty, than is pro- vided by this act upon proclamation of the Governor-in-Council, which my be issued, whenever it appears to his satisfaction that similar arti- ' lrnm Canada man: he importel aha: my be issued, whenever it appears to his satisfaction that similar arti- cles from Canada may he importel into the United States free oi duty or at a rare oi duty not exceeding that payable on the same under such proclamation when imported into Canada." Free trade in natural products was evidently regarded by the Conserva- tire party, during all these years, as being of great advantage to the Cana- "titutuarrrttr.. or else the char would never have helm made, As an exchange remarks, it is too late now lot those who educated the Canadian (armor along these lines to turn to him now and say that reciprocity not only cannot tseneO him, but will he Neds Notes-Mr. Fret. “mum ( has commenced deepening his wrli. Mr. J. Brown of Rosanne has the rennet. Lu drilling it.-- Mr. Frsd Hausa is improving his buildings try adding a new “combed. Tally 1'tlli.--An enjoyahl? tum was spent (loud Friday at the homo ol Mr. Elias Slum-U. when they up tcrtained a: number " young peotin Lou (ally pujl.--O'cr mmmun ty was well represetttcd at, thc last max-ling of the siurinswsoool Inch: al No. 8 ts'choolhousw corutwir'? by Mr. Peter Silupr ot Bvrfim Mr. Shun proe:i himself to hr an ullxcimt and able coituetor.--Ntss Hannah oil Mr. Jacob Rhodes moved to Williams- burg last wesk.--We are sorry to lose them iront oar midst. an. _.._... __"___t_ " personals-Miss Iretu. Stun-maker is sperrkng Rash-r holidays with her tousin Miss Edna o'serhMtrcr at Berlin-Miss ll S. Wismrr an: Mrs. S. E. Shaun viraitcd at the ham: oi the tornwr's hthrr at Berlin last Monday.-9iits " Van Hle'y is spending her huh mm at bert'.om' in waterlote.--3lr. Allan y,haMr. anl daughter Erma smut a tow days last week at St. t'a'drasimrs.-- Mr. and Mrs. “(mus Bowman and Mix. Salami Y, Shall!) oi Berlin, visi- ttal at the hunw sf IV. I). “imam on Good Mina}: . HOTEL Wf.eti NEARJ All. RENEWED Thr License Cmnmu‘smn [or ttve North Riding met in the Hotel Lewis, Waterloo, an Tuesday for the pur- pose of considering the applications for hotcl and shop hex-lists for Ute year beginning May 1st Practically all of the former (in-1.4m were re- nrnred. the rvalwn hung that of the Walrcr “misc. it IS “pooled that there “ill tw a change at man- nzrmrnl durmg llw present month and it “ax (ll‘CJll‘I to dvfcr granting the lirrnsr mm May full: when a special mectmg “ill tw hold for thc tzrnsithtation of o" application luv; the "tertst' " llwrlni‘x hauling boss tpirx, Thc lirmm‘s manual I'ucsday Inc-".1115“ hm at. would: and h and. blown OI trltter positive inittry mono ('m-rs rN'tcA'Tr'.P. i, [ml [Mums arr plrilant oTCr 1tw - A†_-.-. urn. “In, Thc hrmm’s manual Cucsttay “on as inn-m si-- Bertin--Gco Mos r, Wiiitaut 'Autg,vr liph. I’rrnrr, Itm. “an, .lnwph Zn hrr. F. F. "mummy. Hum) Sh'ple-r Adolph Hui. “m I'n‘vnhaun, slmp and I'Im»! Sir!" “hwy ttatvrlotr-tttlhitm Niruh. Alhrrt Hrrgott. Urs M Imus, Firrry Hal six, .1 I" iiunlaL Plulip Mayer Mrs .1 Mayor. .hm‘ph Small-am shop. Eimrra-- .luhn Shulxhrk. 1llwrt Genta, kaxpar Mogk. Juhn Aucmanr, shun med -theMtttw thi, in. 2tMgh,' Bat um! “mm- . my “I M.“ mu" Im'; he irthuiTtr-"t am. I'm] Mano-u “cum-d " V' Wed. W " - Wellesley Tp-ld Ir,vtrrch, Phil, Brrdux, Lulu Srlmuh, Peter ("the shop, Nick lit-mutt, Alex Schmiu, Philip Kn‘uI/mscn Philip noppra, Ed Martin, (6m I’unu‘n, Mrs John ttehnridrr. Mrs J F,shaugh. Ed Dorrr. "run Knulmraxrr Woolwich " - lohn titoimck, Mrs L, Malling-r. J.x uh Srhuntm, Mirhacl Hruhvmn HAW“ y.irv:ct North Rat 11:.“ Human Wocotcr J It, Mornings-I. 1motlcs III-mun“ Frank .crhrsrrt, (Marin “MIN [He’d over from In“. -. ' - "- In... "ii'i'itg-tsmEs NF, qt Bet?, trethu2?t {Jo we mun -iitiham Ntl’uh. Alhrrt (th Il t.cst',s, Firrry Hal HunhL Plulip Mayer Mayor. .hm‘ph Small-am om Inst. wuli]. r. Fred Roam“ deepening his writ. Rosanne has the ing it.-- Mr. Frsd lg his buildings try -Mtrhrd "a! I". N Pr" "rr.1t “Mr! {own 0F I-I' l OI a family ot clown nine survive, the Abraham in British Columbia, Mrs. cis, Geo, Sinclair at Keewatin, Mrs. Geo. pur- Moore and Mrs, Wm. Moore in Al- ms Doria. Henry, William, John and Mrs. Fm Redtdent at This Com†PM At†at Human]: Wand The [chafing sketch til the Me oi tho law Bub-l- Bock will new iith inter-ll. by nan-Its oi Wau- too county. where he formerly “MIL od:--. The late BmftatLtn Buck was bum 1830. He was the ti th son ot the in Waterloo county, on. on w, 1th we Jacob and Katherine Buck who were born in Pennsylvania toward the close at the eighteenth century. the lamily lining at Swiss curac- “on. l ' Mr Bork wasa man of varied tal- ents. His proper sphere was not on “Ike‘larm but in the workshop. In mechanical operations he was an adept, and bis services in that diree tion were much called for. Pew mm possesso'! the faculty of constructing in the mind and carrying skilfully in- to cxrcution with his hand. anv in- tricate piece a! wortvmutsttip, as d d Mr. Back. One at the characteristics which made him a favorite was his cheerful disposition. At an age when mest people are fretting over the r ailments, he was bright and cheery: I A It- In 1852 Mr. Back war' married to Mary 'Ann Woods, who predeceased him Dep. 18th, 1999. lulu I)...“ .V-.., _ - In 1860 the umily removed to Han- over. County of Bruce, and Irom thefr'wcist. to Alaniumlin Island in 1371, where all was wilderness. es- cept a little clearing begun here and than. _ He heated on a sheltered spot overlooking the hautilul Lake Mindemora where he spent many happy years. - allllltuwa' I“ ...... ___c,,,, . and own ‘when he was under the weather physically, he hada Cheer- tut word and a joke and smile still. Few men possessed "the same ambi- tion an their advanced years. At an age when men think of resting, he was as active as a young man. He would say that he wanted to wear out and not to rust out; and this he actually did. His ambition and spirit of energy were greater than his phy- sical strength; and the heart had to vield before too much strain placed upon it, (or one nl his. years. The end mum tsuddeniv,trut it was no doubt the rese" di the struggle oi a spirit that tried to drive back the weight til years and tau;- liic's activities with the vigor oi bygone days. This ac- tivity oi disposition was natural and he could not when (gr-ling well. dis- obey the natural bent oi his mind. men under protestations trom his tnmily audfri.tytds- -e- “-7. ..-' _---- years, so he was mentally. His mind was bright and alert. and his memory good. He possessed the faculty oi living in the present age and enjoying what was enjoyable with old time ari. mation. In his disposition as in his ambition he still retained his youth. Mr. Bock had been overseer of the wharf at Providence Bay tor a num- ber oi years and he rcioiced at the ex- teasion, which, during the coming . .. ___.-. ' "'.atuo", “my", un..u_., -..- "___-"" _, summer, is lo he made thereto; but God rallcd him away [mm his anti- cipated labors it; Bettortttiutts about He possessed a childlike faith in his Heavenly trauter-ayaith which" has sustained him through many years. On In marriage mumm- arc. writ- ten the [allowing words: "B. Bock, converted to God on llc 29th Dec., 1859, and Mary Ann Bock on 3tst Dec, 1859. May the Lord give us grace to do His mu." D('ll'd. Incl“), "luau", -.__e"e_ W A. Tracey in (‘arnuvon Township, Manitoulin, and Mrs, S. Sinelair at. Providence Bay. to whom the sympa- _ . ,‘ - __IA...I thy of ed, ik7F was tttrt Emulsion is the original-has been the standard for thirty-five years. There are thousands of so-called "just as good" , Emulsions, but they are t not-they are simply imi- tations which are never as good as the original They are like thin milk-- SCOTT'S is thick like a heavy cream. TI If you want it thin, do it yourself-with watcr--- but dont buy it thin. a. ,-_-o tnetieututui' thc pulilic Vis sincerely Ateiut- m nu: n Au. unnam- Milo. ROCK verrstrsatrv-ent.rac-i,r'-s, I “I N an: In. but "on l Swot-usual ht Hm-.-.'. At Hm l which wns swen try the 064101me in the E. M S, Hall [at Fridly even- ‘ing proved a and m. The members themselves met in their owl Hodge rooms " 1 p. 1)., when the taurtatiation ot one“: took place. At 8.30 the “at: and members not in the EMS. Hati, where the ban- quet and presuming were given. During the awning Glut! Muster l’ovlcy of Toronto presented Mr. Fun; with I badge in nonunion or his splendid services cs "DUtriet Debuty Grand Mute! ot Wellington _ Mttrict No. IT." The program v.5 as louows: A mule quartet“ by ‘Messn. Kimmel, Winger. Bailey _ and his)" entitled "the Bill ol Pare." A vocal win by Mrs. A. _ Moses. “Good Bye Summer;" Bread- l in; try Mr. F. mm, “Kelly's ( dream,"' another gramme by those . mentioned below. "Simple Simon." and a trombone solo by Mr. Geo. L. higher The first toast was to the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge, proposed try Mr. L. Weber and repli- ed to try Mr. Pointy tutd Mt. Mulli- gan, 0.00.31.†The next one which In: the District Committee. was proposed by Mr. Geo. Pepper and re- sponded to by the visiting brethren. Mr. 1. Hammond proposed the tout to the village. to which Reeve Christman and Wm. Behrens, council- lor, replied. The last one was to the . nu "- Ba.. mum. to which the . Dr. Vast of Toronto and ms son George visited at the home oi Mrs. Geo. Vogt over the ho1idar-- Master Arthur Kimmel spent Sunday with his friends in Etminc--Mr. and Mrs. D. D. mm spent the holiday with “an..." '... _so.tirinsrviltax--Mrs, K. Jen- Aux, icy-n... -- _,,, ladies try Mr. Faulds, to which the visiting brethren responded. The gathering broke up with the singing of Auld Lange' Sync. Illa Iblvu-u .-. _7,, D. D. Ram. spent the holiday with friends in setiringvOx-Mrs: K. Jen- sen and childhn visited at, the home of her mother, Mrs. Vogt, It: a few - -- _ A u-.. I I rel: Me Inca, nun-u..." ---" . Ruppcl and Willie Allemart-- Mr. Alex. Corrigill. an old Elmira boy, was renewing acquaintances in town this week.- Miss Adell Winger oi Hranksomt- Hall, Toronto, spent Fast/ " her home here. - Among Easter visitors were the lollowing: Miss Gertrude Whitlock ot Whitby I "my Cullen. Mr. D. Gallagher ol Faswf’at her home here. - “nun-5 Easter visitors were the [allowing~ Miss Gertrude Whitlock ot Whitby Ladies' College, Mr. D. Gallagher ol Toronto, Frank Globe, Charlie Mit-. chell, s. B. Jeanneret ot Elma; Mr. Montgomery. of Montreal; Mr, K. Jensen. Gall; Geo. Otto, Iroquois; ML 0. Christmah, Gall; Miss C. Lawson, North Bay; Miss Pauline and Master Grant Harper, Waterloo. -tho Misses Kdna and Grace Erb arirsiasLr Grant --The Misses Edna spent Thursday if “Our baby cries tor l Cough Remedy," writes Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. best cough renwdy on u coughs, colds and crnup try all Dealers. New: of Itttrrrist.-- An (double time was spent on Tuesday evening last when "party ct young people gathered. (a rainy games and am- sic. Lunch was sersrf ty the young kiss and thc party dis- "rs-U in the srocit hours ol the morning. Mr. lsazv Prrssman wnsa humus: visitor in Elmira on Tues- my last. Miss Arnold is scalding, the Kastrr ta-ation under the wr- rmal roof. Miss Susie Almnwas l' v gutst- of Miss Ida spaeurl .. ' ve., - , " tn 1tidntsdcy la Crr sman xisitt' , out Mrs. [xvi last.- Mr. UN; iris airAnity " I'Lsuuun is si III l‘ul al plum lau'nliu IT" I ...... . ,, Mmay lkixl psila man to Bnrlin an “nod Finlay.» HI. Vprttott Wool- mr s tttt a (cw d . N at {hr hm" of Mr I., Crvsstttan Mr ani Mrs, .laro', Span" 1| 51ml liastcr Sundav in 1v,r.iamstrurir--5'ics Ida Span“! of â€~an .nd Mr, W. [lawman (I "ayroil!e WP c mung 0' Mr, I Start , on l-Las'm s'unday--ttr'v Mr I'rias \\\").t gull Sunday in Twan- to mum"?! lhc riMil,iott M thc Mvnnonitc mwcirn.---Mr Lrri (“was man 1isitrf at t" .krmtt at Mr Nor- man Sham: on F' nlay -Mr. I l'rrw. 'l‘.'l “a; a m.~mux \inzhn' in 1'rrMo" In rhursrlar--Hrs 1 ('nwuauln-Ivi a u-r} Mr :‘-.‘I l swung Crt' "" ‘lun 'ar-ur. i. totuct " 'tgr'.' in [tn-Jan qt' two'..'.-- w. It., H t1oltr and Mr, tmt Inn; ' X‘Jn New llam- mwu not" Nanak! My. "_-"" ...,A_A.___.. ouilBusi, "ra-tnetted",',':':':.."'""'""'" " i.ommtrass6Dtstdrt. Meld over item but. week' a and may Ttte l [new mam: met in “on 0". unit!) " , 9.13.. when “allâ€... 0! on“!!! totA ptaee. iuuas “at: and members not Mitsts s. Hati, where the pan-[5c b' ILI'IA NATCHEZ ir, Toronto tor Chamberlain's mites Mr. t u. Fr. "It is the on the market Int noun" For mrte Mr. and Mt,' -d . Jer tl - Miss Mary gun v.5 “to by r. MIC! Bill ol Mrs. A. l" . read- home (or the mum-menu. Cw [stealer ct Toronto was I with! unite: in ttwrt.-. lr. Will "et- Iunu ot Walcllco spent - lMorrdar in town. --TV - ot was Liuio Formt who ha teen sc seriously ct tot he part Wu unis will be [leased to know that ber mail-Mon is inure Mt-kr. J. F. Rim, ILA. Ls in Tommi. fl I] “argue (run the New Humor“ 3PM“: Maury ot winch Board tttrl is Preaiieut to the Ptoviruial Ate soj'nlion of Public Libraries which Us in and“. in Toucan ttis week.-- ihr. Alfred [loin m in Town) on Mom's-y as: denote trom New il'iU,22'ii' public sapttoct Board to the Pro.ineial Educational Assu iauon new in Heath"! is: Tormrtc.--Mr. F.. vlt. Berge has received word trom his 5 " Arthur who moody went to ki.tsviiie, Missouri for treatmetA In his leg whidt through an accident. wont sewn mus ago. iai'ed to de.. _ velop ptorer'vy. Ho Treat througr on _ operation at the trvrtittstiot there last I Milky am is Ling we“ with good - _ _---,. -...- -Mr ~lr gramme of mum emcnts tor ttte , Jown Hi. which we Ircl sure from I tie unsound oi the Commission will j be energetically carries out.. A Fro- . tessi-.nrt landscape gardener has been _ engaged h" corttadtatiorc--Mr. uni Airs. W. L. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst. Mr. and Mrs. John Fuch- an: Miss Gladys Marty ab (ended the concert given in Strut: lord by. ti SW1d choir on Thurs-', day evening iast.--Severtd invitations have come in town for the inau-’ gum] Ball on the occasion of the t opening ol the new armories (or the i Infantry cod artillery regiments which h.- e Gueyph (or their Icad- quarters. The all is under the pa- trmuge ul Sir Frederic', and Luly Borders.-- Ttre lecture in the William "lull Hall on Thurmhy last try Mr.‘ Cameron representative oi the Post Ollie;- Department at Ottawa was yrtli, attended and much interest manifest! o1.-atr. Emmayrel Berger ot Toronto I spent Easter at bis parental hum tere. His many lrieni's will be pleased to hear that he has been pro- moted to the impurtsutt position rs" paying tent-rat the Bay street brawl: ot the Standard Bank, Toreato.--The Henrrurtt Felt that Manutactvring I iCompany have commenced were)? tie,s on C:eir rew factory. tor lwl=i0h building untriial, stones, brick and B"? . in-ro tem accumulated dur- y ing the wintat-Afutra business car- rer of fttty mm inn; which time F he has ts 'icssttdIy conluem‘ a large . earring And repair brsiness, Mr. '|l{ober'. inner has finally decided to iretire as advancing years have made lit advisable for him to take a rest. lee, has hamiej the business over to his 'eorr, Robert, who will condutl it la‘long s'milar liters.- Mr. George spent Easter at his i2riintUrGial (For solo by ull Duluth.) tere. His many lrieni's will be w-.------------. pleased to hear that he has tttren pro- LIMERICK mated to the impurtastt position 'i - paying trill-rat the Bay street brawl: lthMover from latter-1H. ot the Standard Banâ€. Toreato.--The Briets.-A little bird. says, likely Hmnurg Felt Boot Manutactvring rcllidrlng robin, that a wrfi-.'-nsown Company have commoner-d room-l ymng man or this burg will be . a itiU'S on C:eir rr-w factory. tor Igroom on chnosziay on!) the bride [which building lintciial, stones, brick one ot Berlin's lair lulu-s.- Particu- "vad B"? . info tem accumulated duh ' lars tater.--Mr. and Mrs. Robert ing thy wintattcarra business cab, Scott spent a few days last week. cer of fttty pars ' ring which time at Brussels, where they attemfe4 tho he has h'Cli'SS‘l‘Hy cocuucur3 a large‘ tuners-l of thc 1atier's brother-r: carriayy .tnd repair business, Mr. haw, Mr. 'raiwtrr-M_'""PY"' Daw- srPtrrc Luger has finally decided to Soo, cl Preston is wrung this wear, ireiire as advancing years have made into the home which he purchased it advisable for him to take a rest. from Mr. Robert Scott. Mr. Scott He has handed the business over to‘wiil now res“: in Preston.-Mr. Et- Qhis 'eorr, Robert, who will conduct it.I ion and Miss Carrie Martin entertain- along ts"milar liters.- Mr. George ed a party of young people at I.\bury, in aurrir of the Standard [their home , Tharsray evening. April . Bank here but latterly ot the Rich- l31h. Tea was served by the ttes- morri. Hill Branch passed through fuss and ladies prescnt and as usual lore 'it Thursday on his way i- the m "wading†rlcrsant time was home or his father, the Rev. Mr. spent 9t SpriraNale Farm. Abur) ct Granton on a [on months', Visitors over Easter.--The Misses '.t.Ceay.t Mr. Ahury is only re- I .!.',ettf1ti, Mamie an! Alma Tait ot WIN-3 out or the Tor, to Hos ital l 10:01::- at tho germ-till hgme' It wtt:re in has born for some thne, an . rs. -\'. nnc t, res m a The 'cstry meeting oi St. George's ist. Ii. CorneWs.' Miss Aura Lam Church was held on Trad“ CT “"1"“ "in"; rt Kim-an at Mr, Tait's, in:; The war‘ons rerortcd awry Mr. and Mrs. James Henrrrson at surcr-sstl war “i‘h inrrcasrs all Springdale Farm, A, Sirnrcl oi Ber rocrnd. T'o. former “ad 6 we}: ‘lil'l at Mr. Lortstt'try's.--Miss Haha re-apre'rtted. “who": " Armstrong's Mills, spent Nuns Notrs-,tlitcs F.iith ll cm,rort'i Is stun lug 'he holidays with toends m HtqatVC-Mr and Mrs Perg 'd Crux .11! spun Ssh-day a! utr home ot Mr. ant Mrs An’ww Gr'. -- Miss FMa McLean is sport o: th, Faster "s Minn at Mr lwnw in i'1trs"ryr-- Miss Ella and Master llnghu‘al- mers spent part (I Use Tncatiop wAh their ursin. Master (krdnn l ChAncas ttt Tmrping.--Wc are 'rorrr 1o rm†that Miss Arnip Mayirrry is at Imam tontiv.d lo h'l' bod with hummus HM hm! dismsr .n'I is int! "Nita! cr.trt'ttio We hair she will man rero-er.--it r. J, Ms. Raw of Ayr, a arrrluulo " Knox t'r0'gc, m1 "pird ttr putrit " 7.ios ('lmrth 1-1 Sunday last-Mrs Wm. ll, Yost an} hmily mm! â€and Fr: '._r at lot trrother's Mr. I’mn VIM ot l‘mha-(‘n "mutiny Hu, rrnuins of t't INF Mrs Wm. ll. Yum I! \ulvbnrg, “I." dim] tot Fer ct, otiuq “NT: ivzlrnt'l m Hm \llumv: in ram-In; lrrr. Mrs. tost um: thr sun!†u"!- .1 hr Edmund who prrihrtusr, In. She Inns 1 I mm her Iv s “In dr.oghtrr_ Hula Mrs. Hutu Mal and FMrtt 2! tt -tf,e,tttt'qif9t ttGd out no- “ not). Winn Clem-us a! list Bello as ot Two to Bulging): an mm MAI-um: (Held on»: from Int week). K1NGWOOD bofs I' I was about. diseounged and had s lost faith in all kinds ot availed iii eczema cures, when I saw In Id. t- telling about D. D. D. Prescription. I 1, sent tor sample bottle and the third 3- application convinued me that I had iii/ at last got a sure cure. Two bottles u- enacted a complain mae." e I What D. Dsn. did tor this little boy fd lit will do [or an'y akin Meter. A Ji Imild, soothing liquid made up of Oil d- of Wintergreen, Thymol, G ycerine I. and other ingredients, " penetrates lr to the root ot the trouble and washes m, i the disease gums out. the other. Hedda the noun": oi "Mu Inn the - lot is unite} to only a low in this union. while " will lawman at tho beam hm“ which we hope to crop m; coiling ramp-The G.T.ll. have nucddletllcit “and; n oo- town. The interim has been - into one large treitWt room which had bin previously divided into that autumn“. A driveway has been and. by the removing of put ot tr. platter-I so ttat p.- Iron will and it more convenient to load and may! goods. A portion daemuhaLmu-t new: to comply with the repulse» made by the Railroad Communion. The at- tle ttrr'e In also been nude more convenient tor lumen unloading We tstock. Ttte large uncut of ship- was (one hue tequila tint the tuxommeiatVsy stalk! be Cre Lest. -We are phased to know that tro- cient mus-{ions lot s rural mail de livery have baa sent in to tu, Pest 0m Department an". um we my lock forward to the establishment oi ‘thia unite the coming year. "erssottais.-Mr. lune Minx, in. ot Hamilton was ua: guest ot her Hotter Mr. Ben Miller and “so ot her father, Mr. Isaac Miller dt ring 1 the hotidrmc- Mr. Wesley Wiederhoid '; ot Shakespzmc rad kiss Helium Weiderhold oi Stratford Writ spend- iog the holidays at the bomb 0! their sister Mrs. Sinclair Auutph.-- Mr. an! Mrs. Daniel Stile]! and daugh- ter AlmiuJa of Listowel were visi- tors at the home at Mrs. Ben Miller on Sun"! y 1aat.-hir. and Mrs. Wm. Waite a Humbug were guests during the hotidays.--Mr. John Geiger 'ot Hammer is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Gnbet.-itev. I. A. McKel- Irtr. of Trovlnidge will occupy the , pulpit on the Wallue circuit (a Sun- |drn7 next. On March 3tst, 1910, Dir. Angus McMillan, of Port Hood, N. s., wrote a“ m M hi val)- lu. at -.-o. â€has at 3.1. an. hm been tho 1t0CuWt on in can ("this the tact "My little troy three years old was covered tram head-to mod with eo- lemt. I tried over twenty - Meant kinds ot salves and washes but could not see my improvement-in (act it seemed to be getting worse. Cured Br Two Bottles D. D. D. Why not get relief? Simply write today to the D. D. D. Incubation. Dept. W. C., " Calhoun! St, Toron- to, and they will and you . tree um kettle. , Vixiiors over Easter.-The Misses} Ira-ammo, Mamie an! Alma Tait ot l Toronto at the parental home Mr. uni Mrs. -w. Bennett, Proslm at ist. F.. CorneWs.' Miss Ant: Lam an', "ion; ct Kitiman at Mr, Tait's, 'Mr. and Mrs. James Henrrrson at Springtime Farm, A, Sunni ot Ber- _tirt at Mr. Lortsttnry's.--Miss Sch :llilhorn " Armstrong's Mills, spent [Castor week at her bmthcr's.Mr. Al- la Hittorit.--Mr, Hostetler is the proud possessw of a team of matched Ionics. COVERED WITH ECZEMA HELP Rlll ttll BACKS THAT “HE GIN Pills CIII'I Thom Aft in no barrier to the wonderful, not ling. healing profertieu of GIN PILLS, “It grunt (nu-dim Kidney Cure. We have on record nun-y letters frmn men and women 04 60, as, 7o, 75, So Ind over, testifying lo the fit-ti relief they tactiverlAlm taking G N PILLS. lit. Samuel Mani» rtikrathroy, Ont. ttttFed for hrcnly years with minty in bi! hack. Some months Mo, he tried GIN PILLS And after “king only three boxes, was "ttirelr chad. Mr, Martin a now 85 years oi In um! rainy the rohmt health of I vi u mu u sixty. thanks to GIN ttl/tll.'" All eldctfy mic are troubled. more. or Dean. mith kidney and “Add" Tmublr. and pin and weakness in the lack. um ILLS are a gun-tanned cm for all there armada“ Money Wk Muzak! if they tall to (M "'l'l'i'Ttlk"ffa'Tr"t Sample a... got. u or hie I heefe 1t11t,4d'lllk1i'i'i, “Luci: mum» on. Branch. ,Mtgttttt Insular, Ian-gar in 17 Branchenjn (hustle, "-'e'e "e""' C Sanderson’s Bakery King " Intern» Fancy Buns, Bread Rolls, and Fancy Cakes. Minn Stamurd Records. of. Union Grand Opera Monk. Me. to“ (in In "In I“ and" and has: the Famon "atr,'aMtt both Mr,' swam-m and who: aatiervtttocmot.. an “up a“ w you M! or from In. I “NC... HmAn.0'~.IJ..I.LL I iriiauued Ammo-u" 1 t And Val-aton- Wswwwmms’: Phone 9% Waterloo mmwwmuml 'i'iffiit'tiieiit:itigtrst THE MOLSONS BANK Having ' over “In bullo- eu of Auctioneer fitrrrsertr w- Hed "ttr, mr, father 9t lute lied on by my “that we are Joseph Kicka- I um'prepuod-w conduct was in any nt ot Waterloo. Waningtou tn Perth Gauntlet. The part-Inge of farmers and others having mic- lea to he sold is Followed. Terms Mattie. Alllll’ IIGKIII living (“on nut In auction- or'I Deanne for anlo nCounty I an “pared to Conduct Salon tor “when or _n_t.hors having 32m; 2 _ to -t,eGota" ivy toteuoC Amati; â€nine-5M: rmsettrr,' cqnducwd hy me was the tel " mork and the Mm MI it -r||u and the Ontario and 00. Ttter In tNI out pom-I'D rops ' may“. ' . I I um; gusty. Licensed 1mm J. Doevsnm. King Street Waterloo Edison Pjtto)pypgrapllts . - " mm , A GENERAL BANKING 303mm TBANBAGI‘ED. Money to Len â€can Knoll, Iorlln. Capital Paid Up, $4,000,000 Rest Fund . . $4,400,000 Total Assets over $44,000,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPABTIEIT Theda A. an: , did another would!!! “I" when. tsavusq Wt In: When!†when not even the most critical could " Se imp-woman. be multiplied its eutertainiautnttétitr by two. He did thin by producing a Phouomph Record 4 that plus. sing: or alts tviee It loo. u the Standard I Eli-on Records He did this without mete-sin; the she of the tteexted,ronkimritn iiauiihiteatseusedotroid _ instruments gs well as new. He did-it without "eating in any my the clan : rich, musical (ones {at which Edison lewd: I". i always been hm. . He all: this double-length Record "Ambeml." . when “but! Ion-Mn. an. I)": Gd Farm Property. Tiii, Branches Interest allowed " highest. at rent rate. In. and Agent. and Porn-upondnnts in all the Plin- cipul Cities in tht World. _ o Incorporated 1856 Jnfllllhllil WNU l. g 1n name I L Meat Market, FIRE INSURANCE CO. INCORPORATED IN A63 Total Assets 31st December. . mums mtm - Pill Participating tumult“: mu nur- fal PM II m or THE ' Preside-‘1: Ga" M “aging Direct or than one. anloo. om Will-ulnar... MM“. luminanulul. Ann-misc"..- F.go.n-,rtmt- Minimum 3... ml rm: muggy. WI. m. m Goo. but“. VMI’n-NI nl. In“ - I‘M. I. PM Wu, "with. We have the ag,'fAt of.- plving our um: “I; with the elude-l and -M of "ttata 'tt PM is" rote. L ___' In titling of - we Mn» Beef, Pork, Val. blah. - thrrrd Rum and Moe. [out on curing one. "mud. “my. and: "maan Sana-[n ouch In Dom. Wham. Pork am. an. (be... Unl- 8-â€. uni-er upâ€, _. Write for the Nut Little Memo Book Ind Ind out why our politics - the best. DOMINION LIFE John B. mg P. I. no. Secretary - Tran-mm BOARD OF DIBIC-TORS irt-ertu- my"); . um 'at, G A. â€y: I'tlt'e"' brrTL ma Berlin, Ont. " 0 u 51