nnztenteh the Assis street and a description a be taken fot Phat the 1 prepare a pl enty owiery bentures {: he accepted wh arba assistant to the Enginert abe $1300.00 per anuim to ‘ That othe Engineer‘s repott and plan on the drviation «i0 Victoria â€" street sterin drain be relerred to the Park Lowurd for report That the termter aft €° 0 Ho Hiirseas The Finan ed as Inilow That the gtanted 10 Thai Non iti luspector ef Buildings J. E. (Cook reported for the first thrce: months. Up :o Murch Hst Be had granie.) 23 permits amounting to $13,205, 1: ol which are satisiaciery to the BuilÂ¥ing Beâ€"lsw T1 Tirat Mau Seeretary A. L Millar, of Uh Board oi Heailth, submitted thke ore solution of the Loard asking for the amending ol the Public Mealith Byâ€" law respecting the removal â€" of aâ€" aure and Bxing the distance or hen houses within a ccrtain radivs. Tt Seer â€"Treas. VooR Meluture | gubâ€" mifted the decision on the Light Comâ€" nulssion that the Council â€" submit a brâ€"aw to ruise £7ith to pay | fer emw. track work sione by the Commisâ€" mion last year The Commissioners were Torced to oxperml _ the aboue @mount ol _ mones in excess of the $19,000 â€" received on Debenture No 1027 on account of the Town Cornncil last year deciding to _ extend the pating oi King street fromm Water to Weiliogton streets and from Reott fo Aitert strret, The The report Mr. B D. Lang submilted for the Council‘s approval and filing of | a survey | fur the purpose c, pxteading Maseot Lane. The extension runs oï¬ Scott strect east and paraltel â€" with Irw in streel. The eatension ol this aliev or lane will enable him to sell some Imildins lots ue TL TT The byâ€"law respecting the removal of manure within a certain radius and fiving the distance of henâ€"house at fifty feet from the nearest hcuse created a great _ deal oi discussion and was finally passed after several amendments had been â€" made fixing | the radius for the remeval . of manure within the seavenger area and strikâ€" img out the clause respecting the distâ€" ance for henâ€"houses. The ratepayers of Edward streed were proseut togeiher with Mr.o A. B. MeBride for lbe purpose of _ opâ€" posing the byâ€"law providinx fo. _ the sale of a portion ol Edward street to the Walker Bin & Store Fixcure Co. _ Aiter Mr. MeBride bad addressâ€" ed the Council aad infortmned the members that the residents estimatâ€" ed the damage to their property wouul amount to 2700 _ if the sale t was made the byâ€"law was discussed | at some length and the third rn-:ul-; ing vas defetred to a futrre meeLlâ€" . ies ' id te} Sprinklir the Ch. OW Board a section of the town that present not served by the systemi~and the umire reauin postponed until the boundar seribed in the bvâ€"law be am. UOne of the byâ€"laws tixiug the plumbing area of the town was nul put through as the area provided for t 14e w The roatin© business at tho Besuin Council meeting on Mouday _ evening was TransaCted in less than thirty minules, but nearly two Rours W s occupted in discussing three by â€"laws, Pwo oi which amended the Public Health byâ€"law of the towpn and the third provided for the sale oi sixtcen feet of Edward street to the Walker Bin & Store Fixture Co. LHANC the Hor A50 t Norman t to the 1 U Miprinermen t n antend on * zaw . cting Sanita dition |..\: of Bams‘:l!:; Hen-Hdhï¬Ã©?-’PJeJ Pn | and | Public Health B Want Biâ€"law Amended al:t bepect â€"tendeg £150,147 »othe at InIdC 1 uil Ped reymeer hbe thSH in showing the whe ctill beueft 1P the No pi catha Sant YH xteiad tir An OD id The lmiru reading was until the boundaries deâ€" the brâ€"law be amended law respecting the removal t within a certain radius â€" the distance of henâ€"house terltrral Socicty ommittee recommend td We et Works h Gorbel‘s salary Enagineet be § Committer adepled SUP UE tensn N0 for: town de retnt e £]17.656 11 paitiment be instructed ernli aid In th ¢ Submitted Tthasi 1econment Inspector a the Riopâ€" hefit bÂ¥e the t to Shanih 2 oplan _ and propused t» pi 0d U0 _ it the sale ow as discussed the thisd â€" readâ€" i futtre â€" meetâ€" 11. Burce unt] time ol pC i_ proper Healt! ol Garh §100.00 Webrer Eo abâ€" the sewerase ith Byâ€"laws _ _ Diseuseed by Berlin‘ Council th the Heaith Water Tion uj PETROIT _ COXTEN‘T fo HOU BiHINXD | anall ; Inspec [ , the dn ‘prosec lii taa ToRoXTh Whyie. of th cendition and the same shall be un der the supervision of the Sanitary Inspector "In addition to his other duties t SaPY Lh M es en e es lator extending to the height c« the adjacent huihlings and so constructed as to carry away any offensive »or arising from such maniure. The said Heaith byâ€"law provided for the addiâ€" tion l the iolow ing rules:â€" Bule 3â€"No such manure shall. be placed, stored or kept outside oi a siable or other building, untess he same be placed in a box with a covâ€" or or other receptacle having a eever and such receptacle shall be conâ€" nected with an open shaft or ventiâ€" 1udl (CGO SOAâ€"h svbdit‘y is â€" at present not served with sewerage conneechon. . Reeve Rohleder poinged out that it wouid be unwise to pass the byâ€"law until this section has _ a ncans of disposing â€" of its sewrrage The materity of the Conncil agreed with dteeve Rohleser and ~if was cdecided to deiet the third reading aurftil the area has been changed in the i In â€"la w 11 WIT al 1 _A byâ€"Jaw was introduced upon â€" the recommendation of the Board _ of Health providing that â€" all owners, lessees and vecupants of real property having _ theteon any waterâ€"closet, privy, privy vault or cessâ€"pool â€" shall within one month after the passing | of the byâ€"law oful up _ and ('lusoJ such buildings within certain limits. The area was given in the byâ€"law i and included the north ead of Vieâ€" teria strect which locality in ;uj presenat nol serve® with ehai‘awarn. PRONE.â€"In t uaty th. Eastrin The byâ€"law amending NOW P. of the CLP.R., was in ron ta thort tuime teâ€"lay ea tout rhmjn t frum Gicorgia. Npoarro, mniqratien _ matters h> Sedd vadd 1s the rreatest year in the ty oef Canada _ and the West elooth> bulk oof the strangers 7 12000 00 61060 «410 the other â€" those ul Allan Shoemaker & (Co The town he stated, would save $114 by _ purâ€" chasing tile from Mr. Betgman _ for ordinary street improvement ti» and It the 35â€"inch tile drain is constractâ€" ed irom Wilmot street to Viciworia Park there would be a difference in Mr. Rergman‘s tender. The _ total amount of the estimate â€" based (»nr Alr. Bergiman‘s figures was 59,161,00I aud on Allan Shocmaker & Co.‘s j Iigures was $9,946.00. The estimates i were relerred _ to the Board of Works i [_ Towu Eugineer Johnso ‘ astimates of the concreu to be used on the street meuts hol petitioned for, on the ligures quoted in â€" Paul Bergman, and the o ul Allan Shoemaker & (Co he stated, would save $11 chasing tile from Mr. Bet ordinary street improveme it the 35â€"inch tile drain is ed from Wilmot street t« PaIK there would ha a Ai® be the â€" duty of the _ Sanitary ‘tor to see to the obserrance of regoing rules and to report and tite any. nonâ€"observer thereoi. to keep the same in a ns oc That the tender of W {or rubber boots for the £3.78 1â€"8 be aceepted The report was adopted &A Clothing Co. for firemen‘s lorms oï¬ $23.00 for suit and Palrt ol trousers be accepted N Cinbetn uin fln 118 SMALLPOX _A â€"Mccor Hopetell to day to the Provincial Board â€" of lor assistance â€" in dealing amnallpes | sitmation in Otâ€" aroe airmbecocf osmallpox vontel he c ‘Throsittfation > Thare arne toâ€"ty 36 oasâ€" Nb AWNNDIEâ€"Rantstobicataindaciubt d Javith the largest attendance. ol _ the 1ll w Ke.w and])ur‘s programune . ‘ $ + Co diti n A Cpminunjcation (from the Provinâ€" 6 Eo n o cial Minister of Eucation was read, ‘ e 4 P i and a vacancy on the programme was I.Hm M )ï¬lh‘J It was vrotcd to ©xpI€SS _ apâ€" s uns t en vee ’pru»mhou ol o ltevy. V. xM Duraford, us t % y Lo have the sprinkling carts paiuted . aad fegrei at lus departuce (rom this aud all necessary _ repairs thereto {locality There was also some "f‘-‘t'| ade (mal discusgion of matters pcrln@ning That drivers for the sprinkling | tV the coming evangelistic meet ings, farly be advertised ior followed by the order of the day, The report was ado ted. Awhich was q paper by the Rew M 3 6 [L__ Wing, oi Waterloo, on "The Gift Fire and Light Committee. ; of Toogues." This paper was designed I to handle i ‘ment [ That the tender of the Bértin itope|{? #204¢ the modern movement o o farkhi l us . 1P P aln t trovi&ions of Bvâ€"law BE RECORD Y There special 1 oo gliat Plumbing Areas Eugineer â€"Johnsou submitted | s ol the concrete tile Mkel_\'t ed on the street improveâ€" , )1 petitioned for, one being i ‘gures quoted in tenders oi sman, and the other those i Shopmakar & fuo cenl o0 0 trstrnday proposal 1 a~ Place o f his other duties are 1 polic antin 10r slimate of Tile indu President which an enton aurl] bave PH the BE AN sanitary rlee subst1 entral 1 fun Public the addiâ€" n 2 005 0 1000 448 apread to other ied lands, which now has followers _ in . H l‘“““"f'mau,\' places, including this locality, Weosuulies i Eind w hich wishes to be characterized. d fa.s sf-eking' and receiving _a spfltial * “baph.sm ul the Holy Spirit, carty ing le: | with it the gi1t of tongues, healing by praver, etG., etc. u_ submitted [ The author went through the New tile Mkel_\'t'l‘c.xlamcnl to show that the gilt â€" of imprm'wilhc Holy Spirit is one thing, and one . being i the gilt of tongues _ quite another. tenders _ oi| The possession of the Spirit was to : ther _ those i be continuous and constant. hut i. (ige sc 96 Yiar th.Or said have 1 S uniâ€" and extra it U0Z, % DoOkKEs jor $2.98. Gret : l our _ druggist, or sertt postp "hn..\lomll Medical Co., Building, Toronto Sold and recommended by OB Gits &0 Co, nerite. The world is fuil of them. Hearen ’ bless them. ‘They ate not sick enough , lu'gu.!o bed and rot well enough to thormighly enjoy life. . And to jthis vart host of women with pallid cheeks. werk nerves athing hn?ks and is ordered | functions, Merrill‘s Syatem Tonic can bring comfort, cheer and good health. Thoukamis already have | been cured, for System Tonic atrengthâ€" | ena. QJN' nt:-mu-o‘h, cures censtipation, enriches the Blood with iron, fe~ds the nerves with phoiphorou« arml is withal a sife, economical and plea«â€" @ant to take restoration to health, strength _ And â€" con@equent q bearuty Three weeks‘ treatment in each 14c bor, % boxes for $2.50. Get it from x:‘""_'}r“(éf‘- _or sent postpard hy | affeers Imild mome recoentiy. _ The bears. appreciaâ€" ed with _ seabons opride. ts cor 7 fence â€" conferred upen ithen by the public as constantly â€" shown by the nr oy worthyr donations @rd thes are slav to believe that the pebhs will endorse ‘the sâ€"vere criticisms â€" which asve been mare. The thanks of thar board is boreiy xtended to all caitrisutors for their kindress and interest shown in trh.ilf of the unfortunats. l‘!.‘\\' Wik +S, Il'.li.xl. Dr fStant ait: Pdis un in ]:uls!w to [1P" Hatac :':h-nlln hra io Tis Pn« [face to fae the â€" ouibressi of o dis home recontly. _ The led with â€" szeabons; fence _ confoerred upen public aso constantly nr y worthr domntion 4 inilzmation tewards those in «1e:â€" thority, for the fack of provision _ to isolate seeh cases. _ The members also put thetmnseIves on record as feelâ€" ing very koenly the unjust criticism airected at the management 1y a Iceal _ mowspeper in connection with the â€" ouibressc of discease a4 tie home rreently. O ‘The hear‘s ambrecinl pM9 e 5 Bave gone out sad : I:n:r;x.;; the month, lessing 32 ;hun.v on this diate. o The Treasarer gaxv i satisd lz';;:mL ’ Th o heme is Passing | throuch Ivluud ol affliciiuus at present oc i.nâ€"oltbreak oi dipleseric» % aim clfffifen. Ko Jess thou a cases hare develope! during t} few wis‘is, two 1i which have p faial. _ Dr. Cline (is in almes. stant attindance ard it is dra dis | un inring eforis and groai adde c io the increasing devotic thr AMatéson, Miss Sr:idor, that deaths> have not ceeurred. The Bosed realizes that they face to farace vwath o Serious â€" s1 fiots. _ Th members present Sisor â€" ® 1000 Oï¬ RECREpE g\res aelil o: Monday evening 2t the | tosidenee | ol Mr.oJ, Kauimar, K ing Estrest, west. Time President, Xir. p. [Shupe, | prosided. ! The Matron reported hac ing receivâ€" [<1 public contributions amounting to 'SIT.E'U and cash donation from E. Q, [Ritz ©5.00. 0 15 eafliren wets i‘tmii~ \Regular Meeting | _ Berlin Orphanage The fig cirectors °V UPhouss given the writer. Seme of the bretliven, swhoo take the upposite iew, and whocare icGeatified with the modern movement were present, and there was a en discussion pro and com, but an excelient spirit | preâ€" vailed, and it was an expression _ of views among Christian brethren. Etw ETT «127 lr!'\\'iI)n catry with it the gift of tonâ€" d {gues, even in New Testament times, â€" fand even when it did occur it â€" was aifor a local and temporary purpose. n ! The modern morement, as the author 1 {alescribed its phenomena, is q very nrdim-rvm thing ifrom the genuine gift I]Im' tongues in _ the New Testament, S from God. It is a mistake to place siand does not bear evidence _ of being l"; inuch importance _ on the gilt of i tongres which is an incidental thing, la mistake to hoid that it is for all, ja mistake to say that those who do linnl have it are not filled with the Spirit, a mistake to believe _ that [its possession means a higher state | ’m' grarc, and a mistake to hold that}! |the jargon which sersons utter when |I in a relipious ecstacy is the real gift of tosgues, for who can tell \'.'Iu'l.hrr’l it is" The Holy Fpivrit has a better E4 way to mamiest Himself, enabling | t prople to say "See what the Lorg | 1 bas done for rmy soul." b _ The paper was consicered an able | une by the ministers, and a _ vote|® ol thiutks @ives ho mss B Eul not a f hssn t .~> % * ll Associat l‘.‘ The ;\huu\u'nulm Pasa s ts I ’mauy places, including | sand which wishes to be . hs sceking and receiving l‘bapti.sm ul the Holy Spi 0_ Tho me expressions iznation to $tue gilt of tougucs, which 1901 in a Bible school in ‘hansas, which hay spread Iluml.s, which now bas _ fol Fg . lar _ The Ministerial Association Monday at the Berlin Public: Ob iserable Women rlcuiuhs at present ow ing cak oï¬ diplesorics among No less | thoa a aven develope during the last _ muithly meeting of the 1 the Podlin Orpharage Monday evening at the Mr. .. Kauimar, K ing Tie: President, Xir. pP. s to theit suppvrc:s:;â€" evards those in .;<:â€" lack of provision â€" to â€"_ the New Testament, is a mistake to place bear evidence _ of being nee on the _ gift of is an incidental thing, y v A P 1 which have prove. is in almes. con is dre | to groal siill, devotion o that more Association met m’ erlin Public Library} attendance. of _ the ati fact they ave which arose higher state to hold that utter when the real gift tell whether has a better {, _ enabling â€" the â€" Lorg Merrill Seme of upposilte real gift? Mr.o Reid of Gipe |\'.'||(‘|_hp|"[.'.r. ecly i ssured the 0 a better [49eoa, amid rears of enabling |the Canacian Ministe e â€"â€" Lorg | bricved in â€" Washing buiter, begs and d an â€" able | While Mr. MHonserson . a â€" vote| t & the gavyety by d L1 0 ite of «ave «id ied wC Y oadrly spr epuippone with beine rmanstthie the pattiotie that Canaeéa ’ When _ vou comme to think of what Dr. Yogt has deneâ€"»rought together and dharmonised what is conceder by the New York critics to be the finest chorus on the continent, one _ feels that he has arcomplished a work ot superlative standard â€" and so n uch known the joy of the creator‘s heart, of which MeAndrew writes with such (tine srenmzy . 1 is spaite true, asooweé tuay beo reminded, that the â€" voiee: were there, the material was "only‘ : to be organized into the choral conâ€" duetor‘s instrimenty, _ But the grml‘ achievement | remains, _ the _ making: these hiundreds of voices, these ar ied "sections‘‘ into one glorious har mogic atgresation, entil, in some vhoral creations, it is as i( one magâ€" nificent vocal effort were sending i‘s messages upward,â€""then seemed to go right up fto Heaven and die anjen t the stars _ To do this work in thi icty hesto way,. cuder ometropol San éritic, and the Tasinan Tover oi "Thr Bold Turpin® alike break jotth in applouse, is to have won the giaddâ€" tude on thousands aad to have romsed j the patmetic sardeur of all who Care quite sure that ii J might become whatever person I choose, _1 should sav: "Give me the baton o Dr. A. S. Yogt and youw may have all the tarifs on the Continent." wote s mt nc td M O ie e 10 Ncventron million dellars will I(-lâ€i"l who," s Choral work he !'::xl : by "u-_ Grand Tronk | Pacific ,’ -"51{AFI’I‘flx the word "distr Wriag 1911 ir coustructing new B3050 viceâ€"president in the ore: â€"â€" lines and erecting station buildings ‘of this article. . J’ltl'hflp“' you remember _ the _ old [ throughout the West 0 T.ere will { 13 !11 balloting for members , | fashioned aibums in which you were |te 619 milss of work nadertaxen on ©¥C?utise, every delegate ontit | expected â€"to inscribe â€" your _ personat |the brarclr lines and completed durâ€"}tote shi«l vote fo: tour name preierences; such as, what is your faâ€"]ing the prestn! season. Tiks wilt hudess, and any ballots whi ]vorite Bower, what is your | favorite Huclucde the tCalgary branch, Baitleâ€"|14in frwor than four names s | poem, if not yourseli, | whatpetson {ford branch, Molhvifleâ€"KRegina branch, [Pligible to serve on the exceut | would you clhouse to be‘â€"and a \'nr-,.\ilc:'ta Coal Branch, RegineeBoun« | @0 i@y committes in conneetio ficty of other‘ gueties. Now, c all ary brancl, Muacse Jaw branch, Prin_-c""." protest or question invely these amiable and personal questions, [ Mltert Branch ied Biggar to Calgary. |¢CUYy or indirectly the clup he that which always seemed to be most ,Thcn' will also b> Sb> miles of mn'iu’-‘""‘-“l ner shall. anry imember interesting was the lastâ€"what person iline trac« laid, as woll as 200 miles texecutive be eligible to vetlo . wonld you choose to be. 1 remember ; {urther grauimg on the branch lines. f"““"“i"" raised _ by or affectin an album inscribed with a great tar ; ATrébceiunts are also being made | dub ho represents. | ints of desires. Nuch ratnes as Gtagâ€"| ior the orection of 140 station huild~' 15) ‘The association, threugh [ stone, Lord Randolpi Churchill, :s‘ir]iugs. This is thr largest and inost CA0cutive shall fill :el vacancies Jolhn A. Macdonaid, Paderewski â€" and '~‘1W::lsl\lf year‘s work that the Groas 40y occur on the executive. Albani were to be found therein and | Trunk Pacific as undertaken. The maâ€"‘! / (6) Clauseâ€"Add the follostirar indicated an amacing range oï¬ ambiâ€"{/et.dr of new breich iimes to be con~ UBQC _ "He shall be po<d an a bition and temperament. I think iiA|8Q.<ted will be Jaid in districts hiâ€" Sclaty of forty dolles," vwere to write my choice there now, | therte totally untovched by raitroad | ( Clouse 16â€"To be amenaed it world have changed slightly â€" from|Jetélopment. Rapid | strides _ have 4644 _ as folows: "The laws o that oi long azo. ‘Then nothing but @lréeady lt n â€" made towar‘ds | comâ€"‘62m2, gelinition oi terms, in military berces had any fascination, Mcting time main line between Egâ€"{lion â€" to refeteos s.4l the definit and 1 yearned to be Robertsâ€"the nz\ul‘"iv“luu vad the Coas., ame m to che 24 amaiecr _shall be those ad« \\vlm bad marched to Kandahar 'nmlJPr}‘“l'“l 365 miles of stecl has teen in lfa.t' Wistemm Football Ass who had known fortyâ€"ore years u“l‘.:.d,‘ From Edmonton, guieg Wes:, ition. service in India. Then the statesman| t line is eanpleted as fatr is Pracric: (8) Strike out first senterce of ourâ€"distarced â€"even ‘"Bobs" himseli, [ Creck, which is the entrance to the _ licle XI, prce 31, and 1 would ‘have given much to bejfetUhills of the Rockics, and _ from| . , o_ the Honorab‘e _ Joseph Chamberlain} thke|â€" Coast _ working towards tie:‘ Juriot Cup Competition. in the vear 1897. . But row, 1 an’i‘"'"“â€â€˜; 165 1![“#“ of track has / alâ€" . . . quite sure Uhat ii J might â€" become |"®t‘«~ been laic. . i) (I“":N'Vl‘.“f{ to bro amensed to whatever person I choose, 1 .slxuulll! Ts year the work will on nushen 48 IOlJW®! "Onuly those nlrcore I Poerhaps you remember _ the oldâ€" [ashioned aibums in which you were i(-xpcclml to inscribe â€" your _ personal preierences; such as, what is your faâ€" vorite flower, what is your favorite poem, if not yourscli, | what petson would you chouse to be‘â€"and a varâ€" iety of other‘queties. Now, «_ all these amiable and personal questions, that which always seemed to be most | interesting was the lastâ€"what person . wonuld you choose to be. 1 remember an album inscribed with a givat tar. bricsed in â€" Washingtoa "on cheese, buiter, hegs and ether veretables," while Mr. MHonSerson still further aâ€" ma ya the gayety by descriling Presiâ€" uent Talt is o theldi 0 a club over Wooir heads and warniny theum that he wor‘d shooi â€"df tw did ret come uen c 26606 20 OBe rogoliafiors with their anathence. _ So strrnuous was their plâ€"int ai times that it led them inte n alry with Mr. Goodeve‘s.colebratâ€" s« Teolar berse, o tas highâ€"stepper, which was stabled in | Prelorga‘s box, iA e SOripftive originsiity whic bed> fair to hbold the record for Parliaâ€" mertar. ‘"bulls." 2 CC OPRDUIUT EETC DT to knaw, as Mr. Lake said, "whethâ€" er thiis wis a good thing or net." Two Lovely: Bulls. As the Minister of Finance was nat in the Chamoor at the time, the Conâ€" servativc spokesmen belabored his colâ€" leagee in the regoliafions with their anathence. _ So strrnuous was thrirl plâ€"int ai times that it led them inlrl n alry with Mr. Goodeve‘s.colebratâ€" s« Teolar berse, o tas hi;:hâ€"slrp]rl'., which was stabled ba 0 Prscéara‘s bay hea Government in that Hon. Messrs. Fickling _ and Paterson had _ failed to acquaint tocm with comparative rccords ui prices on poth sides of the international _ line, and sueh _ other uo ‘Phan ma 20010 PG k25 C002 ‘48€ $@Fl dn. an inforug mors this afterro_u. ‘Then he spoke | johal conierence. â€" That invitation i the imins of a cousiderable portion of | i tuir, the result of a proposc.l â€" ap tic Opposition was evidenced by the |croved by ihe intprnacional congress fiuvt that they joined industricusly in | » Chisubers ol Commerce sitting | it his | complaint. Exen Mr. Perley, | Leaxlon. s the Chief Whip of _ the patty, addâ€" The proposals of the calendar . or> ed that it was impossible for the Opâ€" formers are thai the first way . of th. position to express a rewsoned or|.wcar sball be a bank boliuc«s, galles unrcasonable _ opumon on tie merits "Xew Vour‘s D;.," which shall pct uf the proposals without furtier inâ€"| couut with a day of the week, of Ure formation. moilh, or of the querter, _ This leayâ€" Tis | somewhet frank intimation |vs for the rest i4 the vear MJ duvec Paat adolopnlo io s sn e is going ut uisady Opposition at Ottawa is at \ Reid of Greavilts, rda as would bave enabled â€" them Ni Bat 40 ol Gureayville, lowever, siured the House this afterâ€" ogt and Choral Work ‘g: on the Reciprocity ‘Question ©Count y bit may enerete medont merican encine. dn Heland H« \pril TO HASTILY on g_tâ€"aguya is § tl‘i t1 laaghter, tir. is had been gold the honer He oc he on The 4 ron ho c bes Cam nevel wh id 60 The Toror Rosembling acerssory, but stuebd Urad Jna toreteles SuQ en Anothet entirely _ new branch waiil be constructer betwoeen | llegina â€" ani Moose JaÂ¥. a distanes nf 190 it _ Phe Alltsta | Cosl brunch wiil ‘ap| an eatitely new country by ranning a lime from BickerCite on the main lne through the Pacifc Pass Coal fa‘ns.| as weil as _ those of the Yellowneadt j and provision hi«s â€" been miade :or i. miles of it fo be constmictmt this j vect. 1 Prosperity for _ | Western Canada /; 1. T lt : Aininnalia is the Kingdoimn to 6t the seasons Ths propeoals mave besn embodiad i in a Lill which is now pefore the | House of Commons, baving beer inâ€"i troduced by Mr. Robert Pearce, MLP. wl a{tracto1 attention in connectio | with the proposal to save daylight | uy periocically setling the clocks of} is( uce o the Ntavting then with th ll‘?aslltr Sunday, ind soâ€"c lasts, frasts, and dates ( on i1, would be fixed o in every year on the sal the sam: imonts, as wel samedcy of | the week. would _ then and alvays Sunday, and Clâ€"istmas ter 25, would always fa day. â€" Each day cf the n wetld ajwars fâ€") an on °2060 WPsPI0Ts ol ninclyâ€"one days vach, and into fiftyâ€"two weeks of soyâ€" ed thes cach. _ Eoch quarter would thus contain exactly thirteen weeks. According to the proposed scheme o would be divided _ into two months | _ thirty. days each and one uwnlhj ul â€" thirtyâ€"uns days. reported that Montreal share im Uryin® to secure control Torone Roilwie,. uts numier divides exacily into Qi4ual quariers of niuptvâ€"one m Un nohod CCC commurity of the hingdom 4 ihe â€" qvestion of revising | the calâ€" m*« so that â€" a given datr sbhail wayrs fall on the same day of this \\';ré. Inguiry will be set afuot L‘, the Board of Trade, which is supporâ€" lid, in the maiter by the Foreign Wlice ud ts ~ Hone Office. The action is takeu in conscauene Whee ud tics Home G The action is takeu iu 1 uy dirvilation from the nuent to take part in iohal cenference. That i tuir, the resuit nia p , Loados, April 3.â€"Tpâ€" Priti ermment is taking inuncdiate (0 logrilamn the views of tw HiCHeDal | communite 2P ino as To Regula "I he tf â€" smaaller, as a Iras been detised for > humeet divides exactily into four} The sectetaryâ€"treasurer will be at i1 quariers oï¬ ninctyâ€"one days t New Duffcrtin Hotel during the . and into fiflyâ€"two weeks of soyâ€" [furenoun for the wrRose of supplying es each. | Eech quarter would fdelegates with aflg‘liauuu forms _ and contain exactls thirteern weeks. [Teceiving afiliation fees. rding to the proposed scbheme it Besides the usual business of an d be divided into two months fannual imecting, iucluding the nominaâ€" hirty days each and one monipjlion and clection of ofticers, proposed hirtyâ€"on* days. ;an.cndmmls: to the constiiution laws icting thon with the year 1912 [of the â€" game and cup competition Ur Surday, ind svâ€"called movable [ss will come‘ up for discussion. , frasts, and dares depemtent up | _A short meeting of the cexecutive 1, would be ftixed s0 as to fall |COmumittee will io held priet to the l ery year on the same day of fam«ial mecting at cleven o‘clock _ at ; ain: inontu, as well as on the ’tln- New | Dufierin Hotel. ’ ly of _ the â€" week. April “' The sscretary has received due noâ€" then and alvays be | Easter / Uce oi the following proposed amx'nd~' y, and Cloistimas Day, Decens Jmcnt:- to the W.P.A. constitution, cup | 2, weuld always fall on Mon_lcomputmon rules and laws of the $ Fach day ol the month _ also i game wivch proposed amendm=n+< woll always f:2l the simil al Umird is to beâ€" con west over othe Atha Another over th which is to be the anscontinentod hnd 10 Steccnet hingston. Li : eemoie cniil sn uie 425 ing station buildings ‘Ol this article. West 0 T.are â€"owillf (3) In balloting for members [ woerk nadertaken on ©NC?utise, every delegate ontiil ; and completed â€" durâ€"}ftcote shi«l vote for tour names Eo seasen. 0 Tigs wilt ho ess, and any BaPots whis "I he Caléadar anlomeobile S a wind the year 364 (!;Jh $.â€"Ths Pritish Got u in conseguenc; "‘.(j.fl_l, April 1Lâ€"The | thi uo ibs Swiss Govâ€" [OOHig _ of the Westeru F1 in. an nuisru.x-’.\sst.;clquou wil be held in That invitation is | Mea‘s (‘iu‘isliap Astociati E a proposil ap.’.lk:mx-;w-l, ou tGoosl Frid blabria T6 ngâ€"* o (6) Cluuseâ€"Add the follostinir â€" sen ou~ BC _ "He shall be pi<d an arnual hiâ€" Sclary of forty: dollbes." ad| _ (5)4 Uleuse 1¢â€"To br omunced t iyp Léad _ as follows: *"*The laws of the im‘ +Â¥ms, delinition of terms, dnstrue q â€"{ion | 4o refetvos s1al the definithin of he @24 @dnedeet shall be those adepued on by the Wiostem Football Associaâ€" s;, btion." ie: (8) Strike out first senterce of Ar the two oc remails a promticabl« until one ner. If w in tlis A im lowing tary of the association. Tae s c/othe Association, upon . the of such rrgistrations and appr claratias, sasll make a dupl gisiration list, afd retun t duly certified, to the clup for presentation to the cMicia‘ feree." Iyrar cremistraetisan lists, declsrations ing â€" the exact age of _ ruch These declarations (forimns oi will be stopli~d by the assei shall _ be suppliee by the ox committer of the club to swin pleor belengs. and vhon sien the president and seereiary o copmmittee, shall be sent to tn tary of the associatinn Tha o. Tain frwor than four namu '-zligibl:' to serve on the exi !on is1y comtuittcc in connce 'my protest or question iny jectly or indirectly the clup ’;cnls; netr shall. ary memt executive be cligible to ve ig‘sstion raised by or alle {club ho represerts fuD ho represents. t5) ‘The association, threugh vavcutive shall Gill :21 vacanciss nily oecur on the executive. s‘[rps‘ . lice oi the following proposed ancndâ€" Jmcnts- to the W.F.A. constitution, cup Icmupa:t-m'on rules and laws of the | same wis‘ch proposed amendments will jcome up for consideration at the 1911 [fannual mocting. _ °/) sothise out Article JV., page ‘extensis 29, ond substitute the following: "The j clectric; !omcrrs oi the association shall conâ€"< libition sist of a president, a first ard second |of the vicoâ€"presider«, the honorary secretary, g'f‘?'†uin a secrelaryâ€"treisurer, and a commitâ€"â€" teo of six, four to be clectes at the| SIHP annuval meeting and two to e ;zpâ€"! pointed by the president within d luâ€" t 44. tl) Strike out a 2000000 I¢) dading Sontence o toch aclub tompetition sh.?l ho ‘ind conlvy onc) challe mson subject to the pi 177. commencing at â€"12.30 o‘clock. In addition to xepreseutatives of «luys on the executiye o other con: witti@s of tl;. wsyy‘lation, each club is entitled | apad . ic officka (+~ degate. . to Teptgsept each team that it is _ur.ouotï¬--i calerfng. _ _ . Auy neay .c whs, desitious oi afiiliaâ€" ting with the .lscciation may do so al the ipgeting. i M winner atra peri Hie. tin NOTICE OF â€"AMENDMENTSs AunuealMeeting of the W.F. A. is Called by Secretary wis‘ch proposed amendme»nts will up for consideration at the 1911 | mocting. ruh n Tac tin Thke Comstituti rd inatch 1 t Cl fe o ce oo oo lc e e ne t oi t Curistian Asrociation _ Hail any ballots which con C e pril !.â€"T'l'hxt third annual toutr names shall be t on the exccutive or C in connection with question intelving dirâ€" I MTH 11 forins ot _ which the association}, y â€" the exesutives t idei 1 af y memberâ€" of th itiors | shew â€" vach jumor. & of â€" which imembers of the i| districi fticl amisl 1 ames â€" and he repre during the of supplying forms and HAL TOCK inder Football the Young o U ; fantry shall | sousl lo flain Hilh anai HET (M \pill ‘‘Xote? W‘hy, did "You did. A ; »crawIled with a i; papber. Here i1 i. stamd H, ond | .. very Iamorem ThC t1o4f frit uy "Herso & enak chas tuetn U C at save ff quineil fer his 4 {s.pr:m.;. Aso cemen tive to ost is |been impossible o [lhll'll.:_‘,‘ the winter. ; Wore o made in aine I’hux’lrln:gs, but s d Ih(-ully im Kkeeping 4 jexperimeni was ore Cextensive sedle \ {oheeirical mauehmay llhv efty dia pacivres i1s lilustration tllu-se- n co the mounis iz,vuu poles These ate n of 154 per d in the moul the sun to fi four days m sooi comme H 1 Clew put under stran the pole, "At the Strac the Cffvr hBas a o a rather than vusls less been subject and have de. Eva NHE GOT THE Nt V ul U vall yiized The Star pole yards "Waren w Cement Poles Will be Used In Toror extensively street ligh be a good. as addilion D \he wa and ihe ail the 1 LN bro 10U1 nent 18 by day id HW Podd ghting % P 1ds about formators, barden The po M ave PA4Y TY rote, procil onalirty hun‘t amforâ€" Lunk you are Iy in Toron net M rp ippnll Iay lar rate rved Beriin It iN t ts €IH and Lodrew‘s ulernoon o Pradâ€" the cify‘s irrd at Ex ‘completion ow lich are nuow r. and 11. Lee, Hockey 2 proâ€" "4 to whose gaf is means, vl and to Mil Tc it mam poles. 1‘[‘. e number o vacture it sâ€" many a: in the yard d othe _ rate thbiee days 1 Iying in lur three on e yard owil) s for â€" the Pik mhued _ a ich he at dn sure weleuone, t thaut \_ ils sensi i it _ has theâ€" yard er of poles Exhibition some difâ€" heated the ind on "an he city‘s Thi 1 the worlâ€" urth 1othe ne Phe idea m ion, Nlow er to ask {1 POL Nowers with i bouâ€" relurn hapâ€" Ing Asâ€" th _ Iwent ometime top whes injury . fa crected with luor hang nenl pole the eppr proven m pole o abodlar which i harden ith â€" ag« e â€"â€" hav ere lests dâ€" _ The at poles a station manu Th foll 0 () D 0) M 0 0 H