Teronto Live Stock. TORONTO, March 2#.â€"The rail ways reported 70 carloads of live stock, consisting of 933 caitle, 12%5 hogs, 289 sheep and lJambs, 136 calves and one horse. The sheep and !amhb makket Aas)strong at Monday‘s quotations,,~ y m, who bought the Inslk. jlinted prices as follows : Ewes, fil> to ; rams, $ to lu,m; yearlinz lamlbs, $ to $150, apring lambe, $4 to $8 each. $5.00 to $.55; common, $ to $.25; cows $3 to $; bulls, §1 to fo. Milkers and Springers, There are few of the top quality coWs being offered these da*ts, the buik being common to medium. that are coming forâ€" ward. Prices runged at from $10 to $60. Veal Calves. Recelpts of veni ealves w liberal and prices easier for the :-ul... offerings. There wes, as usual, u wide rangeâ€"from $1 to 38 per cwt. Y â€" Eggsâ€"Fresh, Mc to 2c. Cheeseâ€"Westerns, 1274c to 12%c¢; cast» erns, 11e to 12c. â€" â€" e â€" Butterâ€"Cholcest, 2i Migc to "5l4c. §%; loads of good. $.6) to $.80; medium, flourâ€"Munitobn spring wheat patents, firsts, %.00; seconds, $.19; winter wheat patents, $.50; stroug _ bakers‘, . $4.90; .tnnllgt rollers, $ to $1.25; in bags, $1.76 to $1.8. Oatsâ€"Canadian western, No. 2, 3§%c, car lots, exâ€"store; extra No. 1 feed, 38¢; No. 3 C.W., HÂ¥4ec; No. 2 local white, %e; Wo. 8 local white, $%%c¢; No. 4 local white, wR:;l.l:t‘-] catsâ€"Per barrel, $3.90; bag of 99 Tos., $1.%. _ Cormnâ€"American, No. 3 yellow, Séc to Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, March 28.â€"Closingâ€" Wheatâ€"Spot dull; No. 2 red western winâ€" ter. no stock. Futures firm; May 4s $%6, July 6s 3d, Oct. 6s 7%4. Flourâ€"Winter patents dull, 27s. 4 Hopsâ€"In London (Pacific Coast) firm, §4 10s to £5 5s. Beeftâ€"Extra India mess easy, 107s 64. Porkâ€"Prime mess, western, quiet, %e. :::.â€"Mtcut. 14 to 16 lbe., quiet, Baconâ€"Cumberland cut, 3 to 30 ibs., al‘t.fll“; short rib, 16 to 2 ibs., quiet, ; clear bellies, 11 to 16 lbs., quiet, 6e 64; mamnmnum.uulu. @ull, 57s; long clear middles, heavy, 3 to within one cent per bushel of the prices bid. Round lots sold on spot toâ€"day at $6%c for No. 2 Canadian western, afloat, May, and it is reported that 1,500,000 bush. els have been sold for export from here this summer. The local trade is quiet. ‘The demand from forelgu buyers for spring wheat flour was fair, and sales of several round iots were made, but the local trade continues quiet. Eggs are active and steady. Supplies of potatoes are becoming scarce, and the market is strong at 90c per bag in car lots. |___ 1 to â€"Common firm, 19s. Petroleumâ€"Refined steady, 644. Linseed oilâ€"Steady, 4e 64. Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, March ?3.â€"There . was some demand from foreign buyers for Manitoba spring wheat, but, as blds were 84 lower, no business was worked. The enquiry from European sources for oats is good, but exporters in some cases elaim that they caunot be bought in the west and laid down here afloat, May, Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, store ‘ots ............ 0 17 Butter, separator, da‘ry, Ib. 0 22 Butter, creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 2 Butter, creamery, solids..... 0 3 Eggs, newâ€"laid ............... 0 19 Eggs, cold storage ........... 0 11 CBuese, !b. ..A....:â€"â€"......... 0 18 Honeycombs, Cozen ......... 2 50 paying the following prices, and no morte; hat is, selects, fed and watered at the market, $.99, and $.60 to drovers for Il’*{l f.o.b. cars at country <points. Thick, fat hogs, over 22) lbs., were being culled L! We per cwt, less than the above quoâ€" tions. Liverpoot closea id to %d hbigher Om wheat, and %d higher on corn. Antwerp» Se lower, and Berlin wheat \4c bhigher. Winnipeg Options. Cl . . Migh. Low. Close. “"h-c- ose. Osxn‘ & w my ..... 91% 0 91% 925, â€" 91% _ 91 July ... 09% 91 0 §3% 0 9%% !& Liverpool Wheat Futures Ciose Highâ€" or, Chicage Lowerâ€"Live Stock CHICAGO, March #.â€"Thru slow but Sure widening of the discount on May wheat, that option toâ€"day for the second time within 24 hours broke this year‘s low record. Closing (igures were easy, to %e to %ec to %c under iast uizht. finished 4e up to a shade down; Onts sit an advance of u sixteenth to %6 to %c, and hog products showing Tc to 2Tike to 30¢ decline. â€" Hogs. The railways roported 1%; hogs from 11 sources. Mr. Harris quoted and was EAST BUFFALO, March _5_â€"\,’1[1].-' eceipts, none here; market steady;; lme steers, $6.60 to $6.90; butcher grades, ' .20 to $. Calvesâ€"Recelpts, i0, market slow, e pwer; cull to cholce, .50 to $8.2. | Sheep and Lambsâ€"BReceipts, 2800; marâ€" et for lambs active, 10c higher; sheep ! ow ; cholce lambs, $6.75 to $.85; cull to Ir, $ to $.50.. yearlings, $.50 to $.90; cep. 33 to $.35. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 100. market active, 16¢ gher, yorkers, §1.50 to $1.55; stags, #.78 . Prime quality butchers sold at $.80 to Wheat, bushel ....... Wheat, goose, bushe! Rye, bushel .......... Barley, bushel ....... g:!t :ulhelb......... ckwheat, bushel .. Peas, bushel ......... 65_ j“";)",:}i’. nleevd,_:l% Zd‘l_-o;fl..; uly od sight is nne of the greatest ngs; blinda«ss one of the most ul affections. A realization oldynu.l' sanes® withont them will aid you ore to :;.mn'--cut.- their worth. es are therefore or gans of great t nce and should 1» protected solicitade. Our expert Optician y to help yeu. -ed barleyâ€"Car lots, exâ€"store, 4c to East Buffalo Caitls Market. alue of Sight HELLER Bhos. near Post Office, BERLIN. , extracted, jb.. m PVWeZ CCR 220 99) + , 11 to 18 the., quiet, 4s 64. Toronto Grain CATiILE . MARKETS. Sheep and Dambs. MARKET REPORTS Butchers, CÂ¥ LorpRer alry, lb. 0 22 . rolls.. 0 28 lide..... 0 23 sexresssss 0 39 rrsecinere @AF asssrences @19 serrre+s« 2 90 rsarecanre D 30 in and Pro xoto Bre; 4% _ 4% Market. 0 i8 second& to §0 &% $@ | â€" New Hamburg, Mareh 30, 10 $% . Whent............ ;...... 80 Q 29 ~, OMB .. .....l.2.2 2222000200088 srrn, LBMT Y iss cseescnciernnanes 148 0 194 â€" Poas ............. ... .100 ~70 §‘ii _ COPD..... 06e . cce e .56 Flour...................... 200 * |l'utler.perlb..,A..A....... d 'l":‘l-' | Eggs. per dozen.............. .18 :.“:!Huyperun....,.........lO.(l) L\)d,perlb........,.....,\.lï¬ n tom ::....:.+ 5 Br\n"'mlflw % Wheat nar | Wheat per bush . | Barley ’9{‘?:" Middlings " Screen ings Flour per 100 Iba Barley................0. 48 _ .50 Oats (Standard) ........ 34 .5 i;eas .65 â€.70 ay, per ton............ 10 00 2. 0 Flour Special ............ 2.10 Flour Juleet....... ..... 2.00 Brap. per ton............ 21 00 Shorts, per tom........... 22 00 Live Hogs . ............... 600 6.b Beel, front............ :. 84 @tef ind quarters...... .9} C iciionfl.........,..... 50 .tid) Puck palt .............. 14@ 196 Butter, per pound....... 240 .25 Eggs per doz........... .21 ~8 Apples, per bag....... .. .50 5 Potatoes, per bag ...... .90 0 STRATFORD MARKETS Stratford, March 3), 1911 Wheat Standardj. _..... __ TNYOOLsrrrs:@cisssssere. es Wool washed .......... \Omis...................... .85 _ .3$| The Canadian Pacific Railway Comâ€" MBail y l2.l2llll.l......... .150 .48|jany â€" are offering for sale a large Peas .............0.....1.00 070 _ .70| «wa of specicely sclocied land along COPD...2.2s0202000222 2202 .> 56 56 lLthcir _ new Sis :atoonâ€"Wetashiwf i Flour,..................... 200 260/and Moose Jawâ€"Laccmi e branches |Putter, per ib. ) ..00.0l0.... 42 +2)|through Central Allerta. Tixse lands, MBSF ts enc 01000 12.04| which can be bought | at $9.00 per [ Lard, per Jb ............... gl6 _ .J@/anit and _ upward, yicle wondertful ]HBDL :. . .. â€"ann=srasctarcices BB 15| cropsâ€"dumper cropsâ€"of wheat, oats Midd] ngs, per ton ......... 22.0v,ani all small grain, and their equal Br-u-.......i,...“.............ll).oo m{‘:’l!cannut be founi for mixcd farming, Pottes per ne se en e k 6e «A0istoch raisirg â€" and dairyinz. _ For Low grade Flour .......... 2’“m:(urtlu'r information call on or write ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, March 30, 1911 Mani ub» Filour............3.00 m T ew Shoru::r?wt............ Whent .:.....crrccerscel.s Goose Wheat.............. .83 Barle; [(Ma‘ting............ .85 Butch<rs‘ Cattle ...... Ontario Seed Go. sujéonon No. 1 Government Standard per bush. $10.00 No. 1 Government Standard per bush. * Red Clover | . ,'flmothy NEW HAMBURG MARK ETS New Hamburg, March 30, 1011 WATERLOO MARKETS Waterloo, March 30, 1911 We carry a full linc of Vegetable and Flower LERLIN MARKE1S Ber ic March 30, 1911 GALT NARKETS Galt, March {0, 1911 $90.50 Alsike T IMOT H‘Y W oat ters...... and ... . CLOVE®R i.++ 600 â€" .5 84 Frxaass .9} 50 .ti0) 2...... 10 AN TD .10 .82 A+# or Lucegne, So. 6 Govirn ment Standard per bush, ‘i can now be recovered and made as good as new at low cost this spring. â€" We are catering especially to this trade. * * Box Couches, Bedroom, Skirt Shirtwaist and shoe Boxes AÂ¥0 4 Gove per bush., The Commerolal Uphoistering Coâ€" UPHOLSTERE] Canadian Pacific . Raitway Lands toe and low heel, Big Girls® Gunmetal button or lace: Broad toe, low heel. Special Saturday. J. HESSENAUER & SON Men‘s Box Calf Boot«, Bluâ€" cher cut; new nobby, shape, all solid. â€" * M â€" . $2.45 Our $1.95 Special . Ladies‘ or Men‘s kid or box calf shoos, Blucher cut; new shapes, splend d values at $1.95 Many other equally good values. $2.45 Ladies‘ patent and kid boots button or lace; new and up toâ€" dats, Tranks, Suit Casâ€"s, and Bags at special prices. Big Girls‘ Boots, broad ASK FOR HOMESEEXIAS®‘ PAMPHLET LADIES‘ ols w t'r-;'-‘f‘ia"." "‘I"""' M-â€"&Cfl.tfuk.l,“ Price $9 per acre and upwards Quality Higher Than Price APHIL 4, 10 _ aY 2, 16, 30 _ J08E 13, #f LY 11, 1 _ A%0. i 2 SEPT. 4, 19 Second das tickes from Outaric stations to principal Nedhwest points at FURNITURE LOW ROVNDâ€"TRIP RATES WATERLOO â€" ONTARIO Urder the Bank of Commerce _ FARMERS This is for You CALLFA® RFALTY CO. 28 King Street, West, Berlin, Ont Special Trins leare Toronto 200 p.m. on Early application must be made Alfalfa MEN‘S EXCURSIONS $7.50 $14.50 ‘rnment Standard $2.45 â€"ANBD YOUR BOOTS Seed« Waterioo driving shed and a. m:a""" $wo atory stome house. ‘ For fa particulars Apply to. ppoly . 114â€"mo, Bituated in Wilmot Tp. Block A. Lot 14 and 15, on Huron Road 2 miles east nf Hayaville, comprising 115 actea inclndm, 15 acres of maple busb, 25 acres in fail wheat. On farm is a large hank birn with straw sbed and double Creditors of George Gerbig, late of the Town of Berlin, in the County of Waterloo, (Gienticman, deceased, _ are hereby notified that his estate â€" will be distributed on the third day _ of April, 1911, and regard will be had only to claims of which notice shall have been given in writing to Katic Gerbig, Berlin, Ont., or to the underâ€" signed before that date. 11â€"3t Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 R.S.O. 1897 and amendâ€" ing Acts that all creditors and others having claims against the estate â€" of Moses Reist late of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterioo, Gentleman, deceased, who died â€" on or about the 12th day of February, 1911, are required on or before the 10th day of April, 1911, to deliver or send by post prepaid to Levi Snyder, Hespeler Post Office, one otf the exectors of the last will of the said deccased, their names in _ full with their addresses and full particulâ€" ars of t° ‘r claims and the nature of the secrr ‘y, if any, held by them and that alter the last said mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate of the said deceased among the perâ€" sons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claimw of which _ they shall then have received notice â€" and will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated this thirteenth day of March, 1911. IN THE ESTATE UF MOSES REIST, DECEASED. And take notice that after the 12th day of April, 1911, the said Frederick Holwel, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said The Silver S;ring Creamery Company Limited, among the persons entitled _ thereto, having regard omly to the claims _ of which be then shall have had notice, and that the said Frederick Holwell will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any persons of whose claims he shall not then nave received notics. Dated at Berlin the 7th day of March, 1911. _ Notiee is hereby given that _ all pcrsons having any claims or demands aja nst the milver Spring Creamery Company, Limited, are req@uested to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned, solicitors herein for Frederick Holwell, the liquidator of the said Company, their names and addresses, and full particulars in wr.ting of their claims, ments of their accounts, ture of the securities, if Bishopric sheathing is made of same material as Waill Board, but finish is not necessarily so finc, as it is nailâ€" el to the weather side of the studs with lath and asphalt side exposed. Over Abe lath, weather boards are mailed, or cement is applied, as it is the ideal material for cement exterior of stueco work. For sample, prices, estimate _ and iurther information, call on or write Notice to Creditors is than lath and :fln and h?w'u a Supstitute Lath and Plaster. It is made of kiln dried dressed luth, imbedded in hot Asplhalt Mastic, and surfaced with sizéd cardboard. It is cut in sheets (4 x 4 feet) , and uniform thickness of 4 inch. These sheâ€"ts are mailed dry to studding tca‘y for immediate application _ of wali papor, paint cr other decoration. Being proof against moisture it will not shrink or crack, being therefore success‘ully used instead of lath and plaster. s > FARX FOR SALE Box 422, Waterloo, Ontario, Can 7â€"Gmo# Notice to Creditors MILLAR & SIMS, Solicitors for the said Frederick Holwell, Liquidator 10â€"4t. For Auction Sale Advertise A. L. BITZER, Solicitor for the said Exccutors 11â€"3t. the matter of the Voluntary Windâ€" ingâ€"Up of The Silver Spring Creaâ€" mâ€"ry Company, Limited, and The Ontario Companies Act. Notice to Creditors JO®SHUA M.SHANTZ, + Haysville, Ont ORNAN C. SCatIfELE Architect. at Berlin, Ont., March 13th M. CRAM, Berlin, Ont., Executors‘ Solicitor particulars and _ stateâ€" Phone 1176 , held by °_ Will pay good price for farm _ in ‘ good section; soil must be first class. (Will take smail or large place if it ‘suils. Give description and lowest l[r'c!-. I want the best I can get for ‘ my money. Will deal with â€" owners S(me. real estate men need not _ anâ€" | swer Address Box 50, Chronicleâ€" Telegraph, Waterloo 8 That fine property consisting of five acrtes of land situated 4 mile north of St. Jacobs or the Elmira road. On it are a good 8â€"roomed _ brick house, good bank barn, and other !mntbuilrlingu. Also _ good _ orchard. | Would exchange on Berlin property. | ©. GEORGE, Eleven Scotch Collie Pups for sale at $10.00 each. Best _ cattle and watch dogs _ Apply to Aleo orders taken for picture W. dvlndow shades and furniture of all J â€" K SBHILDN N;‘fz CO Komdenos O-r.ugm and Duke .?puu THE EMPLOQYERS‘ ASSOCIATION cexsarily nc:sted Further informaâ€" tion can be had at Hy. H_lie, Conestâ€" 0go, Architect. J. A .STEIBS, Bec. Buiiding Committes. Heidelbarg, March 20th., 1011 _ 12 3t Sealed tenders addressed to the unâ€" dersigned will be received u‘p to noon the 3rd. day of A&rfl 1911 for a New School Hcuse at Heidelberg. Plins and specifications can be seen at secretary‘s office. Tenders may be seg‘mlo or in bulk. Lowest or any tenders not neâ€" 10â€"4t. ance Compiuny will be he‘d at the HEAD OGFFIGE of the Campany in the town of WATERLOO. Ontario, on Tuesday, the 13th. Day of April 1911 NULICE is hereby given thit the Annu i General Mceting of the Stockâ€" holder: of th Mercanti‘e Firgy Insarâ€" ance Compiuny will be he‘d at the MERCANTILE FIRKR INSURANCE JOMPANY â€" Tenders Wanted 500 cords of soft Wood wanted at Bechtel‘s upper brick yard Highest priccs paid for good woo J. 2â€"tt Watgrioo County Free Labor, Bureau 59 King St. West, Berlin. We have vacancies for : Phone No, £79, > Box 711, Be _ Selet conduscted in English or German _ Special attention given to reâ€" pairing. .A pleasure to have you _call and inspect our stock whether you purchase or not. We manufacture light and heavy barness, that for style durability .and price cannot be excelled. We keep in stock Wilheim‘s King St. Wate Annual Meeting Whips, Prushes, Hoerse Blankets, Harness Oil, Ax‘e Grease, Trunks,â€" Suit Cases, Etc. New â€" Harness UNDERTAKI NG year past a Farm Wanted wOdOd WANTED FOR SALE For Sale F. W. PROBST, St. Clements oF St. Jacobs, P.O 8â€"2m0s. apies, Aramn uin aige nage cnner Ferire a, Al s o‘n s u Nive wner nouâ€"resident uul hu‘:ngo use for the En'd farmers on ensy terms. For farther particulars see 44â€"f j EPM _ FES Half Section off nc Virgin Land For Sale Money To loan Conveyancing and lnlilnloo 56566555555500 0r, Phene 552 Farms for Sales ‘ FROM $1000 TO $15000 HOUSES, FROM $1000 TO $10,.000 Business Properties and Northwest Lands at all prices . E. Shantz & Co. 38 Frederick St., SHIPPING H0GS WAXNTED § «64