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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Mar 1911, p. 6

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. Foster, of St. John St., Fredâ€" 1 ,N.B., says: 1 have found more 1 relief from Booth‘s Kidney Pills | all else I have ever tried for ‘ tism. The pains in my limbs ‘ f . bave lessened .. greatly â€" and 1 . am better and â€" stronger than in years . previous. My appetite has p built, up and I eat and _ sleey better _ than _ I â€" have â€" in _ over years. â€" My generai health | is ly improved and 1 can credit this | to Booth‘s Kidney Pilis." [ is is the Booth Kidney Pills way e wondertiul Pills are sold under a | antee to refund your money 1i fail to relieve any suffeter from | imatisin or auy trouble having its n in the Kidneys. They _ cvre ache, dull shooting pains, _ thick cloudy urine, gravel . and stome,‘ matism and sll discases | of | the | éys and blasider I oth‘s Kidney Piils are sold by alt‘ gists and dealers, 366 box, _ er paid from the R. T. Booth Co, , Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guarâ€" ed by 1. M. Devitt L. McGill, Galt‘s well jeweler, _ received the sail 1 the death of his mother, eGill, of Paisley and Mrs. Chas. â€" Wiley, Mill were last night bonored bÂ¥y hirty of their friends. It was ntyâ€"fifth anniversory of their e. During the evering, Nir. g. Wiley were presented with ow silver tea service and an MATISM CLRED h 24.â€"~The Canadian Poâ€"| ery; Company, Limited, of tompletcd a deal with l â€" Preston, by which buys out the ~Rush business. The linc 011 ‘couducted by Mr. Rush | fittings and _ cattie ~The Preston factory will | Â¥he stock is all | used > | he plant will be moved to | /pccurred last night at 11 Mary Aitkin, wile of the x‘ Bennett, of this town, 3rd year. Deceased | la; affering from heart trouble | time back. She moved to| th her husbanc and family 1 fjarm in Beverly. Two | Mr. Burnett died. . Deceasâ€" Li!ed by three daughters. C. Dictrick, the wellknown seman, toâ€"day bad m sale of is ~ standard bred â€" harses res. were realized. iih occurred yesterday afâ€" M Mrs. Martha Dunham in year. Deceascd had recon i}l ) weeks and she took typhoi1 nd dfed yosterday alternoor. ral took place this aiternoon t View Cemetery. MENâ€"Y3U NEED NERVE ‘ddi Nervous System Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. IJIMS Anstrument before I bed four or five hours ," 1 cau say that GIN yund-enndldnll in the house."‘ _ "J 9 1M d slsA 6k Jud sold :nh a po'shiwe y back if they fail to . Naotional Drug aud ce didâ€"write us for GIN PILLS and see w msuch thzz will do the u‘nl’lr' ze boxes TWO GALTITES 2/ fifteen minu‘cs KENNEDY & KENNEDY or 6 for $2.50. 5 CY A; & 24 E"hnnuo the sample of GIN PIL1 S { before I had . 1 nad to get BY BCOTWS OTICE -." NERVOUS DEMMLTY, YARICOSE VEHINS, BLOOD s AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER 7 URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Frco Booklet on Diseases of Men. If unable to call write for _ quEsTon LIsT FOR HOME TREATMENT ~ArY INDI8SCRETICNS AND EXCESSES MAVE UNDERâ€" MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves conircl ali actions of the body so that anyâ€" thing that cebsitates them will werken cll organs of * system. Early Inciscretione Aud Excesses bave is ined thonsancs of promiâ€"int young men. Unsstural Drains sap their vigor nnd vital.ty and they never develop io a proper condition of manhood. They remain weakâ€" linzs, montally, pbysicslly and sexuaily. How you feel? Are you nersous and wen‘, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dork circles under them . wesk back, kidoe}s irriteble, palyitation of the heart. ba Jiful, debil.tating dreams, sojiment is urine, pimples en the face, eyes surken. ho‘low cleeks, careworn exâ€" presion, poor memory., 1.feless, diâ€"trustful, lock energy and streng h. tired morning®, rest‘sss nights, changeâ€" ablo moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair Joose, etc. This is the condition our New Method Treatment is nnd we 00. GUARANTEED TO CURE 4 ta Lave treat>J Diseases of Men for almost a life, tine eud do not bave to experiment Consult us FREE OF CHARGE ‘ LEGISLATURE _____‘150 LYBSCRUSHED TOâ€" > > LEGISLA _;_m.loURNS“w DEATH IN NEW YORK: FIRE Hon. Mr. Hanna Gives a hik cription of the Work Done account day A feature of _ the closing session was Hon. W. J. Hanna‘s information regarding some cf the results which have followed the initiation of the corrective and reformative idea at the new central prison farm at Guelph. He was speaking in answet to Col. Hugh Clark‘s motion for a _ return, showing what work had been accomâ€" plished and what work is _ contemâ€" plated. E214 uind nc db t ut to satisly is curiosity as to the new‘ system, and it was on that account . that he moved for the return. \ Mr. Hanna spoie of the negotiaâ€" tions leading to the purchase of the new farm and the placing of prisonâ€" ers on the farm. These men were put on their honor as much as POSâ€" sible with some supervision, of course and were placed in temporaty quarâ€" ters. The vegetables grown last year were sufficient to maintain the new e e L ns ‘ Throughout the winter a night ,school was maintained, and a teachâ€" er from Guelph went to the prison l(or two hours every night. . The 10â€" : sults had been most surprising and satisfactory. [ | The men had doue a good deat . oi work on the farm, and were especial~ 1y proud of the concrete bridge built _over the Speed River. i1 49 ) ul 1. oi hnd d o in prison and the old institution at To~| ronto. In addition to this, a great deal of other crops were produced.. A herd of dairy cattle had been _ seâ€" cured, and milk for vatrious public institutions would be supplied . A large amount of other work also was done, such as fencing, grading, drainâ€" ing and stonecutting, in preparation y roansidlnw mhich will start in An Iflta- h:m Camdu mfi‘huddnmd to our nadian m nce m- ment in Windsor, Ont. _ 1f you desire to }flg and stonecutting, in pr°par@ for the building which will start a lew days Mr. Clari: said theA House The best answer as to what was being done for the men could te given by the mea themselives. . The answer that more than 100 men gave to the quest.on, ‘"Why don‘t you run away?" was ‘"When we get up in the morning we are not livirg | in the dread of the cell that is to be closed uron us at six o‘clock at night." ‘The result was that on‘y 20 per cent. of the accommodation would be cells and 60 per cent. dormitories, which would accommodate 40 men each. wil tell you whether you are curable of not. The whole proposition _ from the outset had been one of anxiety, but owing to the attitude . of the men themseives that anxiety has been disâ€" polied. About year from next fall it was hoped to finally move ail the _ men from Teronto to Guelph. Mr. Hanna thanked the minister of justice | for his hearty coâ€"operation in the apâ€" pointment of a parole board. MINARD‘S â€" LINIMENT _ CURES BURXNS, ETC. at New Prisons Night School me gok in $0006 ©M** AMOO""" 0 l in the smokko ment of the sessional ! cf smothered in m.‘::#( in . a facâ€" me ol the membets tory fire yesterday im in _ the â€"wson _ moved _ that worst Gisaster New York has known who were away . on since the stcamsbip General Slocum s of on public _ duty , Wa6 burned to the water‘s cdge _ of se of on PUPHC CV"" |ive North Brothcr Island in 1904. Te dn Eomcs ding Curious would like Nearly All _ the_ Victims | Were _ Htalians Employed as Shirt Waist Makers and . Were Seized With a Panic > Kew*‘Yor., March 30. â€"UN" _ ! c¥éd and {fty personsâ€"uinetecn , of them Jews and Italian girisâ€" Wett (rus) ed to death on the pavements 9 OOR zi Mothers, fathers and othet relatives, literally mag with grief, stormed the police lines ot the Mcrgue all night and tcâ€"day shricking, sovuing, and i2 * _ _ sose Sehting with the officers smS MuSUnd Eesns some cases fighting with the officers in their frenzy. Narrow Escape (@ Partnets of Firm Nearly all, it not all, the victims were employed by. the Triangle Waist Company, on the vighth, ninth, and tenth fioors of a tenâ€"stary lcity buildâ€" ing at 2334 Washington place, on . the western fringe . of the downtown ) P 20002030 iinery WEeqnens COO09N m C whblesale clothing, fur and milltinety cistrict. _ The partnets 1f the firm, Isaac Harris and Max Blueck, es cared unscatheG from the office on the tenth foor, carrying with them over. an adjoining ra( Blanck‘s . $w0 young daughters and a governess. ‘There was ouly one light fire escape on the building. . How the fire startâ€" ed will perhaps never be knows, _ _A corpmer on the cighth floor was its point of origin, and the three uppet floors _ only were swert. â€" On the ninth foor _ fity bodies were found. Sixtyâ€"three or more were crushed to death by _ jUmpiDg, and _ more than thirty clogged the clevator. shalts. The luss to property will n@> ©400° M®®" 0 L0 /.0 dle to $60,000. _ Wayfarere on the opposite out in single file to _ an side of the street shadod their eycs ledge running the length of 1 against the setting sun and _ saw the ing. windows of the three upper flonts oii the. building black with girls crowdâ€" Forty Ginls Saved. ing to the sills. ‘The only fire esmpc! was in a small court yard of the i Forty girls were brought buildfag. â€" ‘"Don‘t jump; don‘t jump!" , safety. . There were so ma yelled the crowd. â€" The pressure from tacular incidents, so IhaD naddened hundreds behind and the | scenes, so much pothos an urging of their own fears were too | that â€" the minds of onloo! strong. â€" Four alsems were rung in‘ stunned. * Sacme fiftcen minutes. _ Before the | â€" Fire Chief Crock®® saidâ€" engines could respond, before the nets . amity is just what 1 have could We stretched _ or the ladders xdictiug. ‘There were no 01 raised five girls bad falien from the ‘ escapes on this building. 1 eighth and ninth floors so heavily that | advocating and agitating t] they broke through the glass and ircn ‘ cares ie put on buildings . roof of tke s ibâ€"cellars and crashes as, this. This large loss through | the vyery strcets into the dve to neglect."~ If You Have Scaip Of Hafl ‘"*. ‘"""" Tuiai the Tn t Trouble Take Advantage Council was beld at the Tp. Hail, of This Offer â€" Bacen, on Monday, the 20th day of Ma.rch 1910, pursuant to adjournment We could not jmer { from the 20th ol Feb. _ Members all 1 ot alford to so strongly ‘ present except Mr. J. P. Livingston. endorse Rexall ©93" Mair Tonic an» The Reeve presiding. ltonbiuce to sell it as we do, if it | The minutes of previous session id not do all we claim it will. | were read and confitmed. IShoulrl outr enthusiasm carry us away, Moved by Wesley Erb, seconded and Rexall ©93" lair Tonic not |by A. C. Hallman that leave be give entire satisfaction to the users, | given _ the mover to introduce a byâ€" they will lose faith in us and our |Iaw to appoint Pathmasters, Fenceâ€" statements, and in conscyrence . OUt Viewers and Poun|iâ€"Keepers and that Wusiness prestige would sufier. said byâ€"law te now read a first and We assure you that if your hair is second iime. _ Carricd. Read a first beginning to unnaturaliy fall out or | and secont time accordingly. if you have any scaip trculle, Rexall | _ Moved by Aâ€" C. Hallman, secondec u93" Hair Tonic will promptly eraâ€" "by M. Schultz that this Council do dicate â€" dandraff, _ stimulate hairx | now &0 i to Committce of the whole growth and prevent premature baldâ€" on byâ€"l ==â€" Carried. â€" A. C. HMa+ ness. man in the chair, when tho following o _ tolficers were appointed, viz.â€" statements, and in CONSC@ICNEE . """ Wusiness prestige would sufier. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scaip trculle, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eraâ€" dicate â€" dandraff, _ stimulate bair growth and prevent premature baldâ€" Our faith in Rexall ©93" Hair YFonâ€" ic is so strong that we ask you to try it on outr positive guarantec that your money will be cheerfuily refunce ced if it dacs not do as we claim. Two â€" sizes, 50c and . $1.00. Sold only at â€" our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. A. G. Hachnel, Waterloo. New â€" Hambrrz, March 36.â€" _ The new | Trinity Lutheran Church, ecstâ€" ing _ about $15,000, which is built upen the site of the cli church, was croned here toâ€"day. . The dedication ceremonies at the three sorvices held were attended by overflowing audienâ€" ves. Srecial trains were run from toth Stratford and Berlin, bringing over five bundred prople. _ The local thoir â€" was assisted by choirs _ from Stratford, Waterloo and Berlin, and ceveral iethems wore finely rendered by â€" cach. ‘n the morning the local band played sacred â€" music outside the church. The pastor, hevy. Mr. Zarnke, wiss _ assisted by seseral prominent Luthcran nynisters, | including â€" Rev. Mr. Klacbn of Sratford, Rev. _ Mr. Maas «* Zurich, and Revs. Messrs. Lucas, Veit, Langholt and Voss. The church ds a h.gisome one, built _ of white brick, bas two towers and two main ontrances. â€" 1ts scating capaciâ€" ty | is wmoul â€" six â€" hundred. _ lt is lighted by _ Mydroâ€"d ctric power. Hâ€" juminated win. ows adorn the buildâ€" inz â€" throughout. The â€" ecrnerâ€"stone was bald ast obulr Soervic s s#ill was â€" laid Nast Juiy Soervices still toe held on Monday and Tuâ€"sday. Libe vral subscriptions were nmade lowards the building find, and there is only a ocmpatatively small dobt rematining. HAIR HEALTH Fell to Their Death. will nat exceed only MYC ESCIDET 1 , yard of the | Forty girls were brought d y, don‘t jump!" , safety. There were so many e pressure from taculat incidents, o many | ching . and the | scenes, so much pothos and & fears were too | that the minds of onlooker ; were rung in stunned. ~ Eon t e Ese e e o on 1+ cce med the no longet SUPPD!} 11 night | first breath of â€" fla1 md in | edge of _ a Pile 0 officers | eighth foor, five I | ting time, hupdred of Firm ‘ fare the casbiers‘ victims ‘ oifice buildings . & Je Waist l place scores of m i1, and | office hours worket ty buildâ€" | One of them saw on . the l window and throw wuntown hind her danced them ; ber two â€" and eraess. / ing escape ! wire startâ€" 4 ging l A ed 0 vaults below. ‘In as Beut 1 was out. _ in half an hout Ltu its work. _ Probably the t was full in tweaty minutcs. bundred hands, fi‘e hu‘-dlud‘ol wours, were employed by waist company. Constant In such a constant stream did . the lalits overfiow from the windows that the fire nets siretched by the first campany were soon filled teyond capacity. Twelve bodics weighted ore net to the breaking point, still the bodics kept on _raining tr, the paement, through the mesnes could PR TY Amnavt +mani. When the no longet support them. When the first breath of flaus curied over the edge of _ a pile of sbirting on the eighth foor, five minutes before quitâ€" ting time, hupdreds were in line be fore the casbiers‘ win‘ow. In _ the ofice buildings actofs Washington mlace scores of men detarincd behlnd oiice buildings ACLOE® . T/ T place scores of men detaincd | tot office hours worked at their de One of them saw a git) rush to window and throw uP the sash. hind her danced _ a seething Cur of yellow . ficame. She climbed the sill, stocd in black outline rinst the light, besitating then w E uesd S ANâ€"iGe ~otim et: wRbw ETD OO !gmity is just what I have been preâ€" xdictiug. ‘There were no outside fireâ€" â€" escapes on this building. 1 have been adiocating and agitating that fire cSâ€" cares ie put on buildings just: such as, this. This large loss of life is due to neglect.""~ The â€"732nd Fenceâ€"Viewersâ€"Leii _ Mastcr, M. Nabrgang, J. V. Hallman, Alex. Mcâ€" Dovald, Hy. Wespler, G. Lautenachâ€" lager, Andrew Zoeller, A. Stemn, J. t P ESUC, voor 14A+ and Poundâ€"K eopersâ€"â€" Lavtenschlaget, D fel, H. J._ Sticle ner, _ .John War nt Val. Giebe and J Jacky, N. S 1 Ab. R. Shantz Committee rose and { ou! pd, the Reeve in the Chair Mo e in ons en dnc Moved Lby Moses Schultz, seconded by Wesley Erb that byâ€"law No. 484, be now read a third time and passec. Carried. _ Read o a third time _ and passed accordingly . Mored by Mose: Schutts, scconded ty A. C, Haliman, that the followâ€" ing _ accounts be passed â€" and that the: Reeve â€" isair â€" his orders on the WILMOT TP. COUNCIL Stream / w. ‘In as bour the fire in half an hout t had done Probably the death list m cf ity. S. Lichti, J. L. Hidt and session of Wilmot Tp. persâ€" (Gico. Miller, _ A> er, D. Devitt, Aug. Knipâ€" Sticfelmeyer, Peter Wag War nor, J. K. Schmidt, and John Sicber®. â€"rose and Council resumâ€" ment of the ught down to many . sPC many hborrible ; and suffiering nlookers were the Shirt wâ€"â€"*This tal CANADIANS EBAT EGGS We Bought Over Nine Milfion \Eggs From the United States Last Year and Large Quantities from China. \iu'r‘i-r:gwihei fiscal year ending March 31, 1910. From the United States alone 757,316 dozen eggs came . to Canada. China sent us 87,075 dozen, while small quantities â€" came â€" from Great Britain, France and Japan. Our egg exports amounted to 164,â€" 835 dozen, but only $9,917 dozen went â€" from Canada to the United States, so that we bought from ~the Americans 717,399 dozen more . e£€S than we sold to them. Canada sold 33,465 dozen eggs to Great Britain, 20,947_dozen to Newfoundland, 10,700 dozen to Bermuda, 2,196 dozen _ to the British West Indieés, 44,100 dozen to Cubs, 12,555 to St: Pierre and a few dozen to British Guiana, Mexico and China. Deducting our total exports of eggs from our total imports of eggs it will â€" be found that Canadians consumed 738,489 dozen more eggs than the toâ€" tal production of eggs in Canada. T Mess e mc _ + */8: 3 ‘A. Weseloh â€" |©2 Stores MB O Code deesnae iess The duty on eggs coming into Canâ€" ada is three cents per dozen. 1t the Reciprocity Agreement goes into . efâ€" EUE O3 7 PCR E O TT Ls Ley Reftueven cnes e c T lect this duty will be removed and the importation of egg$ will | greatly increase. A board of tarif experts, recently appointed by the United States Government to compare Canadian and American prices, has reported on the Canada imported 893,324 dozen eggs 111. al 4 Aveanlh sns Sss 1 price of eggs at Bullalo, Toronto, Burlington, Vt., Montreal, Lancaster, N. H., Sherbrooke, Que., Ogdensburg, N. Y., Prescott, Ont., Bangor, Eastâ€" port and Calais, in Maine, â€" and St. Stephen, N. B. Boston, March 33.â€"Isaac S. Dryon, who claimed to be the bugler â€" who sounded the charge at Balaclava, is dead at Everett, aged 73. If you are sick or run down We are recelvicg many thousands . And since these herbs are compoundâ€" _ And we do that to show our entire of requests from every part of Canada ed in Psychine, we know why Psychine confidence in this wouderful preparaâ€" for the 5Â¥â€"cent botile of Psychine, is <o phenomenally successful in treatâ€" tion. '&mcu we buy from the druggist and inp disease. A confidence that bas been based give iway. . on our thirty years‘ experlence with We kn w use is Indicated in TInprecedented intcrest is being take® the {onoo:m'hz;;::‘.e‘: 8 this splendid preparation, with a full in Psychine. * knowledge of the bundreds of thow â€" sapds of cures it has made. And it is doing some very remarkâ€" able things, making some very extrA ordinary cures. Xot more than we anticipated how ever. With onr third of a century‘s exâ€" pericnce with Psychine. With our knowledge of the hundreds of thousands it has miready cured, in mind We have the most absolute confiâ€" dence in what it can and wil} do. Since sclentists know now all about the white corpuscles of the blood, or the phagocytes, the scavengers which dovour every germ of dizease that enters the body. ‘your Druggist will give you FREE a 50c. of Psychine and we will pay him. General Dry Goods Clothing Emds ecmpensation for Berlin We now show, we finally believe, the greatest stock of boys‘ and children‘s suit values in the county, the new doubleâ€" breastt d coats with the new peg top fitting bloomer and straight . knicker, pants. _ ‘Ne have increased our boys‘ department this spring and doubled our selection, and if quality, style and designs count we should clothe every boy in the county. ‘ Boys‘ mannish looking two piece Boy;:hudfihnd-milhub, black and blue suits, made by men tailored from men‘s fabrics by mon tailors, perfect fitting, ‘ 4.50. 5.00, tailors. _ 3 50, 400. 48 5 00, 5.50, 6 00, 6.50 up to $9.00 5 50, 6 oo, 6 50, 7 vo to $9 00 7‘â€"â€"â€"## Our Boys‘ Suits at $3.00, $3.50 to $4 50 are winning many a new A. Weseioh & Co. FROM MANY COUNTRIES NEW HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, ETC. Boys‘ Suits The statement of prices prepared is for the menth of January, 1911, and the result of the enquiry is shown in the folloving table: IAMil eereasd PresCOtt, ORt. ........luull2200082 Lancaster, N. H. ....0000000 27 SherbrOOKC, QU@. ... .. .32 Burlingt0N, V6. ... sceces .37 Montreal, Que. ... .....e> .35 Bangor, ML. ....lu2 zes .30 Calais, Me. ... en 28 Eastport, Me. ... .cc~~> .36 St. Stephen, N. B. ... .33 1t will be noted that the prices in Canada were considerably higher, than in the United States. Reciprocity will give Canadian farâ€" mers the privilege of selling their eggs in the United States at lower wrices than they can get for them in Aupbetunar To & Canada, and‘ it will give farmers of Australasia, the United States and tweive other foreign countries the right to send egg§ into Canada free of duty. The report of the United States Government experts also deals with the prices of other farm products in the two countries. _ The Canadian Century will publish the â€" figures in s o t waad FORMING .A WORLDâ€"WIDE .PEACE MOVEMENT b 2 d aha n dlihal s mt future issues and those who _ read them will he convinced that Canadian farmers have nothing to gain by reâ€" ciprocity with the United States. Buflalo, N. YÂ¥. .. ‘Toronto, Ont. ......... Ogdensburg, Washington, March 23.â€"France and Japan are declared by leading diploâ€" mats to be joining with Great Britâ€" ain and United States in the formaâ€" tion of a â€" worldâ€"wide peace moveâ€" ment. Windipeg, March 23.â€"Liberal _ Opâ€" position in the _ local House will unite with the Government this . afâ€" ternoon in _ opposition to Dominion Government vlans for the extension of Manitoba‘s boundaries. Now. wo don‘t ask you to take our word for the tremendously benefcial effect of Psychine. Fil} ont the coupon below. mail {t to us and we‘ll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him â€" the regular retail price) for & 50.â€"cent botile of Paychine to be given you free of cost. La Gripre Bronchia: Cough Bronchiti« Werk Langs Hemorthage« Weak Yoice Bore Throat Spring Werkneas Anacmia Karly Decline Fem:lo Weakne Catarrhal A ffeet} Indigâ€"«tion Catarrh of Stoms Poor A ppotite Night Sweate Chills and Fevers Obstinate Congh: Mleeplosmne=a a nd laxpngitie and Mervous Troubles _ Dyspepsia ‘nfloflm- of Pienrisy, P?neumonia Grippe. We «ill andoubtedly buy An immense Stock of Read this: (G) se orerescevresnacsins .32 i. H. sprmcsmne i ¥§. Isrics omens P N. B.o 22222222200 .33 Wholesale Price per doz Bronchial Coughs Werk Langs W eak Yoice Spring Weakneas Karly Decline Catarrhal A ffections Catarrh of Stomach Night Sweate Obstinate Congh« laxpngitie and Ontario .40 Jur s‘ Suits at « ,50_33 $1 95 are u?oq’us'.n!: Below will be found a list of Canaâ€" dian patents recently secured thrcugh the agency of Messrs. MARION « MARIDN, Patent â€" Attorneys, Monâ€" treal, Canada, and Washington, D.C. Any iafcrmation on the subject will be sapplied free of charge by applyâ€" ing to the above nomed firm. . Nos. 131,517.â€"Samuel Mercure, St. n."ul' Lcardboards. 131,636â€"Simon Fortin, Quebec, Pq. Water filter. 131,640â€"Arthur _ Gauthicr, Portncnt ! Stgtion. â€" Paper winder. 131,651â€"Harry A. Hillcoat, Ammnerst, | N.S. Piano friction pins. 131,659â€"Walter Kunde, Dresden, Gerâ€" many. _ Carries for suspendâ€" ing manual implements, cspcâ€" cially â€" writing _ implements, tools, etc. 131,660â€"Heari _ Labre, Levallois, France _ Resilient wheel. ‘""The Inventar‘s Adzisor‘ will be !sont to any address upon request. porating apparatus. 131,550â€"Camile Thiebaut, _ Paris, France. _ Machine for manuâ€" facturing corrugrated popers pt POSTMASTER HAY OF LISTOWEL PASSES AWAY he was held in the highest personal regard by all who knew him. He is survived by one son, Dr. H. R. Hay ct Wiarton, and three martied daughâ€" tors, _ viz., Mrs. J. J. A. Weir id Mrs. A. E. Rudell, Berlin and _ Mrs. Geo. Yates of Clinton. His â€" wife who survives, was a daughter of the late Postmaster [lacking of LAstowel. Mr. Hay was in his Tist year. The funeral totes place at 2 o‘clock on Monday alternoon. ° A confidence that bas been based on our thirty years‘ experlence with this splendid preparation, with a full knowledge of the bundreds of thow sapds of cures it has made. To Btrot mnd NHMMDOR. . .. 0s cabes se es esc aes ftreet and Nomber... Ny Drogafst® Name. .600 2000 seesese> Suits as $2.95. $2 75 r OC are unccualled in P ATENT REPORT. 193â€"195 Spadina Ave. Tsronts accenrt your offer to try 4 06. bottle CourPon No H5 Read_y_-w\Vear (Portneut) Que. Eva Furnishings D M

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