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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Mar 1911, p. 1

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' _'.,'- .'_ swmesr l", 'l' Spring Clothes This is the suit we want the young man who thinks he has to go to a tailor and pay a high price in order to get a pertect fitting suit to see. All the style patterns that have been introduced try the best Canadian cut- ters, for this season are cmhodied in this suit. It is made in fancy wor- steds, single breasted model. We lecl eoMdent that these suits cannot be duplicated anywhere in Berlin for ... T . We have specialized on a $12 Suit and teel that our o0ering will equal hything to be found in Canada, made from the latest tweeds and fancy worsteds in a large variety of In to date patterns and finished with every detail wanted by the fashion- able dressers. The linings and trimmings are oi the very Mest qua- tity and we are an": this suit will New every man who will see it sizes 34 to 41 "'.'rtr..e...., MEN'S SUITS at " oo Te every reader who who ldvmilement on which we Ire Idling at all prices from " a piece. To evory reader who who will bring us a ”ENS SUITS at " no All the smartest styles that can be produced, fabrics in entirely new et- lects and models designed by the most expert tallors in the craft. These with are beautilully made, pre- senting detail. The young men es- 1lccially will appreciate the smart and allective styles presented, l Saturday, April Ist only F'),,,,,!,,?,,:'!".'!?.].);.;' MENS SUI rs at 5am 'to showing is magttiiicettuy com plete he. lemmas in Spring Clothingand 1 ot not. only one but several of the best in Canada. the recognized leaders are with our our position as Berlin's leading and l on him and suggestions have been cmbo the advantage of every Berlin man who l tity at reasonable prices. "ill get one cf if J. Letter a Son BB; Ernst & Co. We have just received a fioo line You orttsjt to You- to Come Here Saturday and Inspect Berlin's . Finest Display of the _ - Unframed Pictures mm”! Um." FREE of charge " go so. " Berlin, mac “5.0.0.: PIOTIIIIE. ms.ool _ ,,__ .'"' u, """""""N' Bl Spring Clothingand representing the several of the best known tailors ' mined leaders are authentically stylish Berlin's leading and largest Clothiers stions have been embodied in these 5]: try Berlin man who wants sum-Hath $12.00 I Double breasted models, well torm- ‘ed shoulders and shapely lapels, choice imported English tweeds, very classy labrics. A good range of pat- terns in stripes and over plaid Mtccts twilled linings, knee pants and bloomer pants, sizes 28 to 33, Reg. $6.00 and $7.00, Saturday P..P9rrr. ..t.m-., BOYS BLOOMER AND THREE PIECE SUITS I prs' English an plain knee pants in and medium stripe throughout with st ton, sizcs 24 to 28, and 90c. To clear lit“ "lo-O 2.1 BOYS ODD chxgis' l Men's English Covert cloth rain- ceats, a smooth rutely woven mater- ial, made sltouerproor in fancy stripe and plain dark Oxford grey, cut in single breasted style. Italian .0“: lining, suitable for spring wear or ior wet weather, sizes 35 to 46, Reg. “.50, Saturday """'rrr.mm. MF-- S3.50, Salad;- l Men's trousers, Me English worst- eds, dark colors in wide and narrow striped patterns, side and hip pock- ets, good serviceable trimmings. 32 to " inch waist, regular 83.00 and Caan u--.»~- MENS TROUSERS swig WW 100 " to one of loose ', embracing all ot cupping of this Inglish and Canadian tweed pants_in assorted neat dark clothiers is such that our I these spring clothes- to superlative style and qua- stripe patterns, lined ‘ith strong durable cot- to 28. Regular 3:, Mc clear Saturday .""e..rrt.. n; all at the many " the best productions lilors of men's clothing stylish tailoring. More, Ont. sa.ss ST. ss SI .98 59c. - "m"... .._ IV! .F0- scph's Hospital, Guelph-str and Mrs Walter tdam and family spun Sunday with Mrs Adam's hrmhrrs. The F.verett Bros --Mrs, F? FINN is visiting her friend Mn Andrrw F'orrrstrr at Mammary for a low datyt--. Miss (Murillo “and and Miss Hilda lib) allowird thr Han Schumann Clrm at 11UterVo his! Sunday and afterwards Us” loll luv Gait “Iv-ll Hr; rvt'nl KmuM‘ with the” aunt, Mrs (‘has Jaw-urn --Mrs. John Chiltm. st. has but quite Ill In}: ain‘t" several dun. "e"'-".'.. nun-r- Cull" suocei-dcd in winning the prizes at Mrs t (lollimon'n progressive cuehte Patty last Monday evening. Mrs J, Cotets ol Gienntteit and Mrs " Hall oi Galt WPrp also present, and a very pleasant titre was spent by all -The test mammaunns worn held last work in the school here [or the entrance pupils, thus giving ,sevrral days' holidnyn to the High school department of which Mr, Ham-' mond has cttarge--The Home Show “Ill be held in un- town on the 7th ot April --There has been a change ol' conductor. on the (l T R, train Mr Deans has been tranrstrrred to Niagara Falls: and Mr, Brandt has charge of the Elmira ttranch, Mrs McCullough oi Hamilton wished at the home cl Mrs, J, Sin-ll hunt-ck J -Misrs P Small returned to her home I last Tucson alter having undergoin- a '"tcct'sstut operation at SI "o- l unnk'u IlA,,,‘. . ' WATERLOO. ONTARIO. -. ........w... who Lately bought the house on Queen 'iueet,owned by Mr, Each. " mov- ing into it this week with his family -Mrs John Sonnet". Mrs. Merner and Mrs. Anderson Sam-d" "ere the three sneerssl‘ul ladies aim sweet-dud in winning the prizes at Mrs J (Tollinlon'u prugressivr ouchn- party last Monday evening, Mrs J PM“ A: nun-hr - “ -""eee ....~. will: part 5 of the meeting a lunch of ice cream and cakes was served try some oi the ladies.- Dr. Scanlon will lecture in the Methodist church on "Old ed Home" on Wednesday evening. March tk Mth. There will also he a program td of music by the choir after which l- there will be a “box social" in the Kr basement of the church. There will . he an admission fee cl silver Collec, tion eicepting those who bring boxes 8 to be auctioned ot-Mrs. Wm. Nor-' man. is seriously ill at her home here. ; Her sister, Mrs. o, S, Sugden of . Hawkesvme spent last Sunday with - her. Her many lriends wish her a F speedy recovery-Miss E. Porter ot , the Public school stair, is confined to . thehousc with .tonsiiitis. Her place ; is being filled, temporarily hv Mia: Ruth Rat: ot this place.- Mr. I. ' Hammond. principal or the Public school, is taking up the proposition l of commencing a “Penny Bank Sys- . tem" in connection with the school.-. ' Mr. Geo. b, Ziegler spent Sunday l last with friends in Hamilton, Ortt.-. Mr. Noah Martin is laid up with t blood poisoning ol his "m.-. Mrs. A. t Schedewitz visited lriends in St. l, ‘Jacobs last week-Mr. Ezra Zeigler h oi Batons, Winnipeg, coiled on his * brother here while on a business trip tl to this part of the country-- Mr. " Wm. Kuhn and family returned home h; last-week alter spendinga few weeks er, at the home of Mrs. Rahn at Mar. Kl eoln, ont.--Mr. neryle Gibson, of er Toronto, spent last Hunday under the pl rarentol roof here.--Mrs. Miller of an Wellesley spent part ol last week in I t Elmira with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. i Pi t'steurrnager-oriss Edna Erh has .92. been laid up for a few days with '_1 ttripr.e.--Miss Minnie Rolnihger visit- sir ed lriends at Floradale last week. - u. TI... u“, '1 --- of -"-__ .suuuu'l- "III- i lger has bought a lot lrom Mrs, J. ) Ratz, sr,, situated between the lat- + ter's home and that owned by Mr. I. A. Jeaneret. Mr. Winger expects to l build a Me residence on it this com- ing tmtnttter.--Mr. Heckerdorn "who lately bought a house on Queen St, moved into it last week.-. Mrs. Hy. Muth is confined to her home with an attack ot 'rleurisy.-- Miss Lavina Hilborn spent several days with friends in Berlin 1ateiy.-Vrs. Aaron "olter, of Bright, Out, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Steddiek, who is still quite weak from her recent at- tack " rleurisy. Mrs. Steddick still requires the care oi a nurse. and it will be some time before she regains her former strength.-, pleasant time was spent at the Presbyterian church last Monday evening when the mem- bers of the Guild held their social evening. The attendance was not very large, owing to a large number being sick, etc., however those Ivho were able to be present spent an ew. l joyable evening together. Miss Edith ! Behrens read an interesting paper on , Mozart, and Dr, Kalptteiseh read one i on Mendelssohn. Mr. G. Ziegler, played a flute solo. After this and Eds-ink "'e+ '36 Items of 1tterest-Mr mend, Mrs. J. Col- slace.--One of the old- I l-Ilmita is " last n, namely a little new door to UL 'nm try Mr. Michael Grosch ol Mill'erton, 'c"arily trv Mm place.- Mr. I. I of the Public , the Proposition Pur"ry.-- Miss Lavina several days with 1ateiy.-Vrs. Aaron it, Out, is visiting J. Steddick, who is from her recent nt- ““5 paper on jseh read one G. Ziegler, er this Part of ice cream Amen Win- ,--uuu.\ -- mm I. HIM! " tr rspcrtding pg tew wn-h with her m tor, Mrs. A. ll. Firtr.--Mr, Pom mum who In Ind In this tau 't' Stu-I‘m to Mqeqq0. .0."- - ,.~-r‘.‘.u u-‘rul "(I 'l95T" tttdisposition as to be able to be out 'tgain.--Mr. Philip (‘hrislarnn spent Sunday at the homeol his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Harper, of Fa- tawtoo,-Mrir. Wm. Doerbeeher at St. Jacobs mum her son here in born last Wei-Mrs. James Glennie spent ta few days with her trirmd, Mrs. Wal- ter Teitrh of Wimterttmtrste last I‘m-k l-l-IU,?. Wm. Norman who has been very serimmly ill, has somewhat Im- protV--Mr. l‘olson who bought him lots on Queen street trom Mr My. Hahn m preparing to build a fine residence nn them in the early spring There are some tony or lur- ty-tive bonus (only up this summer. “hid: speaks we" tor this little vit- lage.-.\ll.w Agnes Chrisitntan " mm? I" with a threatened attack ot ap- Pt'n'lllls -Miss T. 5'0” " 'r spending an lew urn-h with her 3w i ter, Mrs. A. It. Firtr.-Mr, v.4" - last Thursday evening. All report having had a very pleasant time.-- Mr. Adolph Werle is lying seriously ill at the home of his mother on Arthur street. with pleurisy. Mr. Werle's condition " such that he re- quires the attention of a nurse. - A line horse belonging to Mr. Sol, Wolfe sustained a fracture of im- right tore-M, last Friday afternoon I while being ridden horseback. At rrrst it was thought necessary to do away with the animal, but .finally it was decided to try to save the horse's life by Putting the broken limb in a ’plaster of paris splint, which was so oomplished successfully and Mr. (ttlie expects to save his horse after PII, which is a valuable 'nBre.- Mr, "ltley Luckhardt spent last Sunday nith his parents in Torooto, Mr, Charlie Mitchel of the Metropolitan Bank. Guelph, is at his home here suf- tering trom an attack of the mutnph'_- -.The many friends of Mrs. Dan Raw will be pleased to hear that she has so far recovered from hor mm... THURSDAY udumua. MARCH an 1"..-” “mu who is able to be around --lths. Jas. Austin of Wiwm- sin is heme to visit her mother Mrs. .190. Clemens.-- Mrs. R. New man of the Northwest is also visit- ing her mother. _ i (Too late for Last Wr'ck.) News Notes-army changes have when place unis spring; farms are changing hands. The Doehn Bros., hare exchanged [rams with Mr. Har- locx ', A near Berlin.-. Mr. Stewart has sold his farm ti: a gontleuian ot Frontenac County. He likes this rounty fine.-Mr. Henry Reich has 'purchased the Jscae Reist farm an! has taken possession. Mr. Reist mov- ed tc. his son-in-law':, Mr. Rosenber‘ gar near 1htndee.--Mr. Andrew Thal- cr’s sale was well attended and good I prius rtMireo under the able man-l moment If Mr. Taylor who wieide.t ' the hammer.-. Mrs. Jno. Clemens of . Fischer's Mills is improving slow-y 1 who is able In ho "nu...- ' Hrters.--Mr. Ed. Hammond of King-, wood spent Sunday with his oousinj Mr. Stewart Martterrr.--Mr. Christ Hiepter had a sumsslul auction . sake of his farm stock and innate-l ments reeetttly.--Mr. and Mrs. Abe Siogner who were recently marriedl moyed to their new home near Mill- .5 bank on Thursday last.- Mr. Carl I Opper has been engaged by Mr, T. 3 [Shutter for the coming tumtmer.-Mr. l and Mrs. Wm. Henry, or. Newton, , spent Sunday " the home ot Mr. : and Mrs. James ngberry. I .--A meeting will be held in t future to organize a club to: young men ol the village. --h was held at the home ttt Mr Fuller on Saturday list. A time was 'qrent.--Kr. Oole of intends gaming his aw mill at his bush in Doon this week Public school examinations we in the Doon school last Wed: Thur§day and Friday. tar reiovered from her recent - - - nu. JIM! Foster moved into the house lately occupied by Mr. (hi-how. Mr. D. Wilma; moved into the house lately mated by Mr. Mud-ll, And Mrs. John Baler into thé house lately oo- cupied by Mr. Willong, Mr. Adap Slender into Mr. Chas. Tut's house and Mr. Fred Samurai into the house lately vacated by Mr. Step- pier.--" private have null be held at McGuvey Hall on Friday evening _A moi-n- _.:n L- I _.. - - Briets.--Mr. Ed ' News Notes-ttr. S. Daimler of Berlin was o visitor to Dome on traturdnr-.ams Alina Thom: attended the weddinior Miss my Donner to Mt. Arndt' in Berlin last Fedrtrar--asrrine moving has com- menced in the village. Mr. Noah Onshore has moved his household el- feats mm Planar Mr. James Poole: moved into the house lonely mind by Mr. (in-how. Mr. D. Wilma; moved into the house lately vacated by Mr. Rand-ll, And Mrs. in»... "..., t-m, -. . - KOSSUTH POOLE (in.-. Mr. Stewart ti: a Kcntleulan ot . He likes this Henry Reich has Cole ot mac, Wednesday; LEELEGRAPH. for t _ --.. m. anally hair, place a small piece veiling across the top of fore pinning on the hat. Before beginning to St cover them with hot watt them stand fifteen minutes can then be removed mail i The children ot the Birtle, Mani i who school hare been allotted to th, I Auxiliaries and Mission Bands of thr {Guelph Prestrrteriat, the "Waterloo . Auxiliary lacing asked to Provide a complete outfit of winter and summer clothing for a boy of twelve years. i . Also clothing for the children, ‘('hristmas gifts and quilts. Bed and table linen are always helpful to the school. Uncut material and yarn ‘arc needed to teach the girls to sew and knit. Boys' clothing made of duck for summer, and moleshin tor winter, is much more durable, and looks better thanulything else. The children's ages range from a to " years. No _° T'.... ' ~-<-vvml be held " the residence of Mrs. f D ' I Nathan Chapman.-. Mrs. Peter Chris- oersam S B, I tie h " the mislortune to la" dcwn _, " the cellar steps on Saturday alter- E D 'tr S O N noon and ltatum'. in leg. Mrs. Chris- F tie is one of our planters and we} . t 9 'gicnly regret to hear of .her paintu' .. 6? ttCeidet.8. Wotan however, that she , F: Y' [may soon be out again.-- Mr. Chris- I "' If) ?ii tian Otto is unable to leave his house l I and continues to surer a gocd deal. I y "V ' - I _ ".rr.tTtr-rr-- . I l lh"sqietiSTm6 MEETING _ I -.. - .. C I: The regular monthly meeting of the . " Presbyterian WEN. Society was held I ' . in the school room of the church on I Wednesday afternoon, when an inter- I l eating and profitable meeting was en- J. a. DOERSAM Joyed, and several new members added I I to the roll. ' To keep a hat on straight air “I-.. A -- Presbyterian W.F.M. in the school room Wednesday afternoon eating and Profitable iored, and several nu to the roll. The service an Tlrtstlay be held at the reside Nathan Chtomro.-. Mrs, tie h d the misfortune the cellar steps on SI noon and Indium; her let lie is one ot our pionce gleztly mgret to hear o accldeLf. “We-bore heave may soon be out again.- tian Otto is unable to let and (antinres to sure: a to the newly wedded couple. Locar and Iersomu.r-'rte week night advices held in St. James Parish during; the season of Lent. Are well attended and much annrn-iuml ' sllllc11i?tilEi-.jiLiij,""i" =" -- “-10, ugly“: Val ot the audience. . The progrtmrnn was interspersed throughout with tnuttic by the orehtstta.- Mr. Sam- ml Case] mwitalntur St. James' La- dies' Guild on Ncetdsy anemoon. Happily Wedded.--, very interesting e.eatuutv, placa- at the usidence m Mrs. Nelson La Fortune on Wednesday afternoon, Much 8th, when her datttrhter May, was united in ctnarri- ' age tc Mr. Wesley Vance of Hawks- . ville. Only the immediate friends t ot the bride and groom were at an? uremony whieh was performed by l Rev. Mr. Owen, pater ot St. James ' (hutch. We extend 'eoetgratuiatiorss . to the milk Wedded rout-In ' Ne We ofkr to our customers what we believe to be the best line of tacls made-the celebrated Keen Kutter Tools, which were awarded the Grand Prize at the St, Louis Exposition. The W." _......,--w , Alan R. G. Smith M I the Initiative. Mr t principal of New. Hm acted as judge I I a manner. His via-cisim negathe met. with the Val ot the nudirm-o '1 fl vvfoulu """rtea the that. The feute,Ntesuvd taat the study cl science cn the lam at- lurdg more pinata than the stray ot “tenure was aoly debat t. Messrs. J. M. MchJum mu Dr. Ford ot statesman upheld the ne- ; guide while illingtrworth (PM u I All- n " “ --- tnde mrk covers a complete line of tools and cutlery, even including some tools that are not "cutters." Every Keen Kutter Tool is guaranteed to be the best that brains, money and skill can produce. Toot Booklet free at our “one. (Too late tog but Itueretttiatr Dmsate.-' meeting ot the ty', tg. not Sodety was held I Hotse m Friday event "lite presidrm mu Con Marian W.F.M. Society was held a school room of the church on sday anemoou, when an inter- nnd Profitable meeting was en- and several new members added The Best tools Lges range troin a to Tf adult clothing is required. -r""" '"'" ""“ Tho undersigned otrem for ole the I small pxeee at tulle or bonelbvnineu- at Urosshill with lie 1'80. a the top of the head be- The Hotel is a. good two story led on the hat. hrick building with good Mabling inning to seed raisins A100 but me 1 f l “dam! orchard and rich hot water and let Isa-d supply of water. For further . _ t pauculut. Ipply to 1 "teen minutes. The seeds l HN WI 10 , removed easily. I a 1mm JO rr ' , I WBhl's II..'..!..)))).,).-].-...)))"),")", News] tum; her leg. F our pionwrs t to hear of -""-qCe"'m'...Br. - kg o . Smith was dew": on 58 held in St. James the season at Lent. he and much appreciated. Th'tstlay evening will the residence of Mrs. HAVCVILLI - a a. No. ' will was held in the School Friday ettnlair, March 17. Ive. Mr. J. H. Smith, New.Ha-mburg school go I I a very impartial -fyhrision in tavor ot tle with the hearty appre- .-, .. , tog [at week Dmsate.-Ttse If S S. No. ' mu co.t.ba o-air/ii' feute,Ntesuvd taat [rs. Peter Chris- uc to [all dcwn Saturday after- leg. Mrs. Chris- with" thin Thy prUrGG., __ WATERLoo ‘: Gs added f; .. u. vacuum]. ormuuo 1; ', Mani- “WWW“..."u. (ed to the \- t h tde," Farm for Sale I Panza. id - , $1323; f ufg,tig2,tryets,irteomsorum, in Are You In Need of Waterloo wide a I F summer years. children, Bedand to the i rarTare, J o sew l, de of in tor I le, and t .'. The I new Anon th -ldV - vv-Wl'lw uncut. " mile- notthwut of Ko-su'th, j mile COAL? from school house of S. S. No. 17. On We handle all kinds of d, the term in e leg. stone house. large coal of the best quality. goin- henk barn ll) It ' large is stable. hen will be filled promptly n at ‘homo, implement shed? blechmith able micro. Give us a trial. Co: shop and MI near-my outbuildings. next to Flour Ira, me Queen St Year in ttgiant as It',', trgeer, 'IT, Berlin. . led win mi . In. mu " lee',fd,'d bush and the balance is in a. GEO. BRAMM good 8 no oteeltivatiod. For hither 208 Queen St. ti. "I Particulars apply to ' .. . T-""'"'-". "I! 'g.81t, My!» of l Uolltdni 17t acre-11.0... or in !.iirl;llll'pWi Wlterloa 11m lt Hotel [when for Sale . - "" V“ 09.0... 0.0.. We've Drug Shoes In the new styles with High toes in high or low shoot in grant variety in all leathers. $2.00 ta.so 83.00 to $4.00 for tho Young Man . FRED DEQELS, mum's out no: mu Hmmwiuu, _ 'rtiiEiiirriii, Briers!» Ont. No Trouble We are making Kuttcr display m- We want you to set: If found defective replace with another. We. bra nc letus thstfit we guaranlvc 'anded Keen K WHOLE NUIBER 3428 Waterloo I Generat Dry Goods: Ind Sheen, . Bookstore 1tf..e1 4 Sewn in pig, "dt 680m till a to pig in 2 Heifers 2 years o', 2 Yen-a old. , - -W" _.- Patent leathoan Button or Inca lea oxford ties or I out a “up N Beautitut new styles in the short w in high or law heels in all leather $1.00 $1.25 $3.50 $3.00 to 84.- For u. "rintt M. W051 203 Quail-Egg. ."""'gr phone Oomnhoroté In nu We'vo madc‘apooial ”will for conhrmation in shoe. and “I”: for tho young man or yOung Udr Ch to he manned. You'll be M trettirg - what yen want it 14 thtnfirmation 8h: s'rocfCjYiii-giiijire"' to Show Goods p, W“ '-'vrry, tool Klztter. prom u and at ,Airiii, 'd'C, I' Cuff. Coat YW,' P Mill, me queen = all“ a Keen xt Wonk. " , m pigs ti week. old. _ in about. one month-1 o'd, Carriage Ho". l, L “db Cit. u, Clothing "o $3.00 to b.oo 1 low Pl'lcos alumni Raven“ plum. A Youl We will Itatr Need of L! in Born 'ii'ii'ili,t. at a: etc. fd his. . $ch

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