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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Mar 1911, p. 11

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with this guu with the go ashatmed of b stoy whebe | lovil when b E1011 shurld Malib : to 6« when baut d Irt UAags pany oi Hemne is Railwav 5 rh *<> pot 6 inz here the head LW 16 ltE Ne item & ul line Wal Was disoil Boartor. Ma Niam Hiotne avtuaferd N condneciink vemmpuny ( Leial? \ Jetfer x s v413 W woeutls Chve: Â¥.cdement Wraut conditions haye Ahm:gâ€"‘lhv Â¥@®imion | was in favor of the el in Caunada stuce 1891, put ouly :n egrecta@ft * ‘ â€" j this wayâ€"gvory Changs dn Contiticas‘ Mr. AMiNer | quotos figutes to prove inow es â€" that, if such an arrangeâ€" that the argument that the produc:ics ment 2s _ this would hate Leen proâ€" of Tarlu products was increasing was Plable to Cansda in JN8#1, it will beo without | foundation, several prouuâ€" much jsore profitable to Canata in ont guthorities beimmg referred to. Thi 1411 "slere as hnet cne siugle arguâ€" meant that while the production it mert Lissl upon the feat of annovac the Ouited State§ would continue to tren or upric the plea of hoyadiy the Secrease the: production of the saime will uppis ~ toodax thiat wonld m produce m Canada would increaso and bate oegqually aophel In 1591 (Lous. ts aford an additionsl market for Chvers ) tWe Caradicae farmet. 11 t3 Large and Representative Crowd _ .;; Endorses the Tariff Agreemett ol iL. t w i hi ks h Larss . upen the feat ol anncs en upoic the phea of hoyadiy th apy ds 0 toodax thiat wonld an equallh aaphed In 18M 0C Lo uppotiet by ul uU sut s Ha‘d thiad 11 anonddd 1 got Lisl class Cuarada wahts fodts affsirs wl mole in H lt mie se ut o Cita { thousants uinss sars, f stm s 2 d o remo mber thal thefe that suaimofimes cotns 1o thiting in Inc goud Uaings iv ds no edher tins . ouf 1 Enus of that a aran ore ashaomed of. HoOKit â€" Meius is surfelied wits a?s ap the Cali¢d Stiates, wlb things of Canadis and alb slungs of Oha, and is is sicknoss be Iniu beticr ut 14. Ho was prrfectly io lell the I miiisl States Waill M th. is hso basas £ Cubs be : 4 idatiadd, mda do in t d adaiys. â€" stmil Wen 6 i Mi Foster elaun seis? tell us fo ‘ix0" 0 NSuir Witham Van edliaon out the | Lo niten did mot sayo too ditustH, where I am. ~ He sauld, slouthips Malthatu > busines MiBsr asked A in that .£"1} cefi c tital ht ul Cumela as wl malid nut then say siay where 1 an u. anse wilh the as iwhich be mad fatimers uand oib Ino uoveloped tin nereaused his ow 1 basks amder | tho 00 U 6 caknse qrmcif ho a E8. GenÂ¥amort l oup an o the fomr Mifler | suid kh Mione. 1t wbchud 1 , Mil 1 have on M Sifton, Mr. against Cau h Ali al ani d Wh avs To II (Cou‘ iZued from page 3) id At wen adin ns does nut imdling still ef menr livâ€" + man â€" al Â¥owill â€" so ina hing of ien Sir "Wduat Hotia thro o ha t t for rla tha l c + Hurioa wtuslnt merx) dn Dtuble is loval to Caba; man | to gsal In ns it fur trark rhal Sinece h Pudnd OB call eruad ‘ \i then : ag6e siâ€" | mm nu . BX d 5611:11 u!.-!i baty i1 th wl al Mi Mr. huas ind the n to l1 i4 thr it Mat Hr al if e wi‘l of the Canadian people, for i these purposes, 1 believe it will be i winy generations at least, that a | large parl of (his monty shall Le| raiscd oy â€" means of a customs d'.‘._\:! But whilte this is the case, we ought to regulce our tatiff and ealect our jduties in such a imanner as will alâ€" !mm irasonable â€" protection to the c nanujacturers _ asd other industrics , throughou‘ the mits ef our â€" Dominâ€" [lon. The manufacturers therefore . i:u'mn that they bave not been hurt . I..-u} the tarift has noi been changed in Gony: way Lo do . thenigumry. Evigentâ€" ?l)’, the troubles tiuat afflict our manrâ€" enfacturina‘ riends are net real but {imaginary. 1 for not believe that eary ] Mimister of Finmance â€" (Mr. Fiekding) {has the slightest aqutention f making ;ny Largain that will operate to the detrimont of any qnanulacturing . conâ€" cetn dn this Dominion. E tbelieve furâ€" Sther that hou. members on thieside \ woeuldâ€"not supp rl the government in [ine altrinpt to do quaterial inpuoy to \Canadran matufacturers. _ In gay ofâ€" imon the mapufacturers of. Canada qpuilt be loducd by this agroemont. They will be belped in this way. 0 As yout thâ€"lp the farners, as yeu more thickâ€" ivâ€" poputate cur western countty, ;5 ‘yiem zive the farmers better prices and Letter marsets for this produce, y0o‘% inake them brtter purchasers ol mantuâ€" . factured products. _ In helping the [iarmer, Â¥965 cnable bim to buy more manuflactured _ goods and pay better ? Wifer reserring to the tacy that the azreemeut had not had the . efect â€" oi ![uv‘wn'iug American fitms establishâ€" | ing brauches in Cavada as was â€" pIcâ€" i«uected he relerted to the British emâ€" ; batze on live cattfe and said: ‘‘They dul it to protect their own ugriculâ€" %‘ullv\\. und thesy anaintained | it | to | protect the British farmer â€" and â€" the ib Biritish breener oof, Hyestock.. Hir. o gorite, opsd there is nu reason | why Canada _ should not become a great manufacturing nation. _ in my opinâ€" ion if this avrangemeut will geuctit the fariners, it will also beneBt our manufuctiurers. J have no patience at all with those who call manufactucers thieves and robbers, who say â€" that they they are parasites preving upoi the people. i â€" respect a man, be be nanufacturer or farmer, who _ is doicg an poacst day‘s work for | an bhom st _ day‘s pay, sid helping to build up this country. _ Some imanuâ€" factorets are charged with being selâ€" I‘sh and nc doubt they are, just as ate some uf our farmers and it imnay bo that â€" the manufacturer, thro h the manufacturers‘ association, weâ€" casionally give prowinetice to their «efsh dustinet. . But while we reâ€" yiirs | revenues dor the building up ui our great entorprisesâ€"for the buildâ€" in, ol the â€" Mudson Bay railway, theâ€" Georgian Bay canal, the Grand Timns Pacite, the Weland Canal/fo: ibe extonsion and imprevement of our reral | pestal system, for everything necessury to develop this great counâ€" iryâ€"while we require revenues _ for =1 have not the slightest prejudice apailst | Canadian | manufactuiers. We bave in Canuda great natural gesourâ€" cos. Me dhave great forust â€" wealth, we have greai nunerar wealth, and there is no country in the world with grester| waterâ€"powets. . But we â€" have something belter than forests aad mines and waterâ€"powers, we bave m:n‘ wl manufacturing skill and atlility, of: business ability ame of commercial en terprise. â€" We bave men of inventive l prives Dealing with the argument that the ag reemeiut wil injurs the mamufacturâ€" its intvanued by Mil Cocbshutt â€" Mr. turlobs, prokect British t sull hate conpudence | that the ntute of thi»~ great countty 6‘ ~ outs is saje in the hands of Sir â€" Wilfrid Lantier and his tollowers at UMttawa, ind 1 believe the Liberais of Notth Waderdlcoâ€"which is a large manufac trims. districtâ€"wecl the same â€" as io. tha‘ the recivrocity. agreement with the I nlted States will be i rnas}! thins for Canada as a â€" whole thal Benelit to Manufacturers t« MLTC Distos ally wopeople of | Birtain | are, eccattse they doo that;y but. thal ai the government ol is To profect Hts catte cattic breeders by imposâ€" crimtaimmingz that â€" embatrge, r teo fair and | generous,! + sensible, to blame â€" the nermment for endeavoring te interests ol Canadian they do under this agtee ime read a letter Hom a mnadian . manufacturer in ofâ€"North Waterioo. _ This ish farmer â€" and oi Nivestock Sit ith them. we do ple of | Britain tX believe i Canada ud 1| agreement 1 be | a â€" whole eve in t)» Sa 41 the | _ Belore concluding his admirable ad urâ€" !dr\-ss Mro Miller quoted the _ state Mr. !mvuls ol Premict L=upriet aud Hon '.\lr Fielding made in the House that ‘flll'l'l' would be no reduction in the lice! duties on manulactured _ goods â€" and We [ in an eloquent peroration | predicted ,ur-,thal instead of there being 47,000 th, Puew homestcads in the west as was ind | the case last year there would _ be ith J 100,000 and this would mean untold ave [ benefits to all classes throughou‘ inc HT ' Dominion. * | we not t All ease liquors will be sold at 15 Icents a drink straight, not two â€" for 135 cents as now. | All barret goods on draught will be Isold at 14 cehts a drink | straight, [not three for 25 cents All soda and mincral waters served pwith or â€" withort liqners will be ‘charged for In introducing the resolution reportâ€" ed above Mr. Antles expressed _ tne opinion that the furniture men were belug benefitted by the _ agreement. Aiter the vote oi thanks by Messrs. Sims and Gofton the meeting _ disâ€" persed with the singing of the _ Nuaâ€" tional Anthein and cheers. Mr. 4. L. Janien asked ]wrmissinu" ut to speak and int a few minutes . he ;) repeated the arguments used by hi"”plm. ¢ last week against | the agreement |;_.%; He maintained that the people were}¢;; j mot sure that the tariftl would | mot} m\_;. be changed, quoiing the message sof; yy the Minister of Finance | to Lunlf'[ i Stratheona as his authority. He 24â€" qop so referted o the gecrease of \h\l_\'yu“. ( on clocks which would be in_iuriuus';“l“ to an infant industry of this towi (ppu. q Mr. Milier dumorously stated that| 9p, the arguments advarced _ by MCfric q Janzen if made in the clock | works};; _ might make the faces oi | the C10CKS i cousyy biush. di he had a farm nrmmdlh.“ which there was a â€" thirtyâ€"f00t fenCC ) (Gepp he would nor object very seriously il‘i‘.‘“ somebody came along and . cut "L}or u two and a hall scet. (Theers.) almdp Dr. Moyer, of Preston, was _ called upon for a few remarks and expressâ€" ed his pleasure at listening to the excellent address by Mr Miller. Dr. Mover was conlident that the agreeâ€" ment would be a great boon to Can ada. Must Pay for . Soda in Liquer When Mr. Milier resumed his | seat the applause was loud and prolonged, an evidence of the fact that the adâ€" dress was well and favorably receivâ€" ed. * Admitting | that the hoiclkeepers have not definitely decided _ on _ the tarifl for liquors, the following schedâ€" ule supplied toâ€"day is not the les« interesting: ].0.F. High Court Every 3 Years is Recommended i This is telt to be absolutely neees sarv, as delegates have to be chasen tor the Supreme Court Meetings will probably takr place in the vear prmior pto the session of the Supreme Cont Protective Association Cl1 a tax of five per certo is put on sugar who pays?" asked a memâ€" ber oi that association, who runs one of the better of the smaller hotels in this city. ‘"‘The public pays, does it nof? Well, bere wé are â€" saddled with a fas on our gross recepts ovâ€" er $880.. We think it an injustce and it‘s going to be a hardship. To meet the loss we‘ve got to charge | moreâ€" there‘s no other way." Forento, â€" Mareh. 2i.â€"IAeFY «britis sold "straight" and a charge for all mineral, soda aud seltzer watesa â€" those are the prineipal points in the new farifi soon to be announced _ by the _ meinbers oi the â€" Hotelkeepers? Toronto, Mar. 238 â€""That all MHigh Courts shall meet tricnnally and that the saving and expenses as to those that now mect annually shall be dcâ€" voted to some other worthy purpose in connection with the work of _ the order." _ This is the recommendation which will go torward to the _ Supâ€" reme Court of the 1LO.F. for approval at the meeting on May 2, when there will be other important business transacted of us, will in the end become part wl that country. . The Germanâ€"Canaâ€" ‘ dians of North Waterioo will remsain logal to the Britiss empire no | mat ter il we have free trade with th j Uuited States or a high tarift wall. Aumexation has nothing whatever to do with this undectakiug "I commend these words t 0 ‘in German Canadian, whose fathers and it forefathers spoke not the English tb language, 1 commend the lojaliy of| . this German Canadtan to my Inends]‘,, ob British parentage, whose fathers |;, came from the old land. The l('tt'fl’;' of this Germaa Canadian expresses, ;; i believe, the seutiments â€" and â€" the p., feclings of German Canadians gener .. ally, und 1 say that the loyalty of x, tlus German puts to shame the fears > and anxieties of our British Canadiau (;; {riends who oppose this agreement. !;,, Mr Elliott Gâ€" Mtevenson, fim Sn preme Chiei Ranger, who has been responsible tor many reorms in the direction of the order in recent vears, in a statement made vesterday admif ted that there would be a proposal to have High Courts meet enlv evers taree vears Will Not Reduce Duty Other Speakers the people “‘”"1;&_{;,000,! w CHERONXICLE.â€"TEI EGRAPT, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, cqgu« _ PAGE â€"~; 6 "~ (f amnet know U answer. + 9‘ Mr. Paul Singet, ow of the lm:icrsl Lord‘ j ihe socicl Democratic party in the :o alâ€" Germar Parliament, pointed out llmi; 94y Ithe tarif increasod the cost of living 1048 |; n q pbeared new trees on the backs of [ "!> / ithe workers as o will. ; that Tae report of the Sochs« Demoecraâ€"| MTâ€"fuic party, Seytember, 1909, says: ‘Il! '."‘.}'j"“is wot tou much to soy that jor a ! l0CkS | consideranle time there lree pot been ; ",’“"dllcs\‘ than â€"1,000,000 ennployes. | in ; """{"i(;rrmam‘. This is in spite of | the j y it}hpset thot â€"@00,060 men are taken cut | "L)of the â€"l_our market fer two o veats ‘inder the conscription lows. } [es dnmiself vath 43 per cont. seap. The drving operation is performed with a 0 pe. ocent fowel, aard the comoing Ins â€" hwar with oa 33 per cent comb He acliesis un 35 per cent colle, al tor isting dfer a 35 poer ernt. col las â€" bitton, armd prebably finis a 25 ]pr! oent. paitaloon cutton nussing. Ineeessitating the tightening of his 35 por eent suspendets. The re qusst for the oreplacing oo the Jylten in the ‘Proper flace as tuct bydns wile in ou 12 peieont. corsct aont other highly ;[H‘(!L'LLJ cloihking fl vots the [netessary stitcling on‘ Ca 34 percent. Sewatns machine, with a 25 per cent. thread, the final act being perfformed with a â€" 40@ per ernt neeade, assisted | by a 30 per cent. thimble. | Adjusts ;ln\ L per cent. artificial teeth, and | then descerds to light a fire in the EFarly in 1908, | alter ac dowin )7 trade, 60,0000 man were unouployed in Berlin, and soldiers bad to be ciulâ€" ed out to suppress unemployed rsiots. In February, 1909, the trow tmos tous a censts of the unemployed in Beclin oud faud 101,300 persuns socig out of work, German _ orgarized workers haye within the year absolutely condemued protection as being a menat? to their interests. Frome is anothor ‘tarifiâ€"reformed" conutirv. _ Ahe foellowing figmies | are taken fram the British | Board of Trade ‘Labes Gazcite : inenw loved Ga ~ Fazice aned | Greal Aud so with Germany. The wo man is eshed to poserve whal a pa t«ise tauriffs have mnade in Getman: 7, L908, _ stukes that *More than 4,° ranges _ for 750000 â€" trode uigemist | Incaatles tÂ¥ themselves laborers were urepployed in the lui‘-ncuc;'q during teu States, 150,000 being rvonlay o‘ ceut. â€" dolls; New York State alone. solwol with â€" Mr. J. R. Clyues and Mr. 2 . and 35 per Gill, both Pritish Labor MP.‘s jiss with 33â€" per ited the Onited States reeent‘y, .« ul!:huue,.s urfiet the result of their ubservations """i"“ per cont â€" investiga ons is stated by theu this ‘per cont nai ‘We found thalt tarifs make nallien !':3.5 per cunt. aires ol a few and miscrale imen '!';'('(':ll crow bar, the many. _ What, therctore, has proâ€"{pipe with pro tection dore. for . theâ€" Ametivan wot‘kâ€" | tyuacce, GxCS men? . firmuy â€" on hi es with 33 pet es dnimsoif with drving operatiu 0 pe. ornt t Ins duar with In deramer lu Girvid N dugh protection muatis Inj heow is it that Russia, with tarifi than the 1 nitro Ntates lswest waze s also in Barope land has the highest wage s Earope and Iree: tratle. be alights upen We lins a 35 p temoves a 35. pel On the wihacle, Urrefore, Viw opponiâ€" clbs ol revipFocity will h« c some difâ€" tieulty in showieg where the avtisat is to b> anjured byo tie argreoment. Protected â€" from tze Cradle to Gtaye. The | workman, slecping â€" peacetully upen a c 28 pr eoit mallress, CoÂ¥elâ€" ed yrith a 39 perccont. quilt sad a .:.’.{-x ei>nt. ecmdorter awakos to ga ce upen | a _ 3Â¥ per cont. chromo hbanzing on the wall, covered with 35 per cent. wi«l paper. Lifting his head Ireim â€"a 34 per cent. piliow, he steps upen a 35 per cent. cerpel, where go w shirl The New York gorrespondent w the Jork, likciy soilitg his 35 per ‘Daily 'I'rlrgl‘.npy'wml Euglish 1'.n||*"“«un,s in the operation rforme newspapgy wriltiug on Apitigyâ€" Before be deaves for work he i, 1908, â€" stiuiva o that *More than 4,> ranges â€" for bis children to I in wautl, aud it has resulters in mot fee, 10 per ceut, petatoes, 15 cent: a frw caogs, iu biue distuplioe ol tim a buslcl â€" He assisls wimseb with i laualy .‘ 0o _ ~ [(38$ ver cent.© kuife and a 304 per. eal pretec vaphir inoice Farfe] Workingmen Love Reciprocity» ph For EFnemies it Has Ma’“(?e'21 1 T1 + pet WQUNo efi and Per a 15 oa â€" 30 pet cent o1 _ in dve seasen he has of the folle wing articles \pples, protected, 10 cents baron and ham,. protected a poodind, cheesel 3 cents butter, 1 cents a pound, SLIPS l eleiking : costifeling on vachine, with the final act frritodn which be carr pail He ma cb s il] cloth France per on int« Germany i0 Frzice and Biiti«n. 4 ak t eent. trousers and $3 pri tra ceut. fuces, sn felier 3 malters on nvatis Iugh wages tuesia, with a bigher nitro> Ntates, has the Jan 30 por cent. tack ut. window blind t. Panee] rightâ€" a _ 55 per cent. fictal teeth, and it a fire in the i. a 25 per cent carries in a 35 + mar, perhaps, 30 per cent coal rs. He then sits cent. chait, at a vered with a 30 Ins knees being pub cent â€" taole (Contiuued from page 2:) Hamn. L654 e? â€" Engâ€" y a‘e in 5 to chromu with 35 his head he steps where bis of i Mis wife smiles at him through | a [15 per cent. winGow, probably think ing of the new 30 per cent bonnet {\v'nuh se has put'chased and glad of !Um fact. thaf he day, too, is over, i\\ith frecdom fjom 33 per cent cloth es wringers, 33 wer‘cent. curtains, 36 per ceut. broo@#, 29 per cent brusi> |¢s. s@ per cent baby carriages, 35 (l'cr vent sleds and a 20 per cent f |dog. Micr a projected supper he a% Justs â€" uis 30 per â€" cent. eyeglasses jlights the 20 por â€" ecbt. gas ecming through a 39 per cent gas meta flisters to lus wife playing a _ few ihyn.n:s on a 80 per cent. organ ant is warmed by a 25 per sent. cloct that the retiring hour bhas come. Tir e and protceted to doath hbe | seek: (bis bed chamber thinking â€"of the lslm;glc of tha morrow is:d succeed |ing days, with the free labor of the [ worki, _ assisted to Canada by hn dreds of thousands of dollars of govâ€" !:.nmnn'. money . _ After a few yeart |be dics, 30 per cent ctape appedrs on {lis door, and he is finally buricd in 2 !‘.!5 per cent. coflin. _ He is protectré lireen the cradle to the grave. j What Reciprocity Will Do. ; What change in the above will ré ‘ciprocity bring forth? _ How will it lalln'l the _ workingman‘s foow‘ The ollowing lists will Aellâ€" > : . Turn About is Fair Play. . Four _ Â¥rars the protected interests nave had things all their own | way. | The Tew have been getting weaithicr, while the many hoee bad to fight as hard as ever for a living wage. Exâ€" pericnce has proved to the workingâ€" man _ that high .protection hbas not mage the â€" employer ooe: whit mote | Apples . ‘Prars . ... | Petolies 'Turuips i Onions . Cabbages Reans. Eggz» Vutter gi'hfi'\'l‘ Potaters Fresh milk Poultrs. IFish .. . ye Before be Jeaves for work he / 4t ranges _ for bis children to regal ‘themsclves with 35 per cent SUg8q canay during the day, with‘ 335 per ceut. _ doils; thar they shall go to sylool with 30 per cent school bags and 3) pur cent copybeoks, . decke@ with 33 _ per cent. ribbons. These :lelllgh armeged, he daily takes his‘,‘ 30 pers cont tool bag, filled with 30 per cont nails, _ 30 per cent. toql§,1 I-J per cunt. axe, carries a 30 pfl!‘ cenut crowbar, lights his 33 per ‘cent. ipi'.w with protscted 50 cents i»pound Tiaceo, baQ8 his 30 per ceut h‘t diruuy _ on bis _ head anc hustles on through the dark of the . nsorning guidea by the light from 30 per cent. yas lamps. HMis daily routing of work may mean showing a 30 per cent wheelbatrow and wielding a 36 per cont pick, bet be works his nine or ten hours, as the case may be, and retutns at night to his well proâ€" tocted home. zencrous towards his eimployees. The Jatter have still to depenc upor their own otganized efforts to secure | the vetterment of wages or conditions. 1t 1j _ thas the jarmer ard the artisan hacd a chance. â€" In the language of reminiscent _ phrascology, "It‘s time for a change." Woodstock, March 27.â€"ihere _ will be no pickle factory established in Woodstock this year. _A communicaâ€" tion has been reccived from the firm of Libbyr, MeNeil & Libby, . stating that owing to the lateness of the season, it has been found _ advisable not to commenee operations. _ There was some little difficulty in secuting the required acreage. About 80 _ of the required 200 actes were contractâ€" ed. â€"Most of the farmers state that the difficulty in procuring help stops them from going into the business, 1t the time of the year the cucumâ€" bers must be picked it takes all the available labot {for the regular farm work Woodstock Gets No Pickle Factory However, the representative ol the compan states that hbe thinks the required amount of land could _ have been secured had he stayed | longer and gore out farther, and next year when the company decides _ to _ open up a Canadian _ branch, Woodstock will be favorable consideted. Eriee Foot. > .30r bush 30c bush 30¢ bush 456. busu Te canZ $1 30t 30¢ 30¢ Presont. Proposed rate. rate 106 a bi4. Free 33 upet cout. Ftee $1. per 10 Ibs. Fret 30r bush. . Free 10c bush Ftee 30¢ bush Fret 350. busi. Free Jt canZ Free 1c 1t Free e lb. Freu i@e. bush Free cent Diaz to Resign? Mexico City, March §9.~.\ report that President Diat will resign is rcâ€" gerded &As not wholly without foundaâ€" tion, though the date of such action is contingent upon the reâ€"establishâ€" ment of peace. ‘ _ Gene to Church For Century. Muskegop, ‘ Mich.. March 29. â€"The possessor of gocd health and retainâ€" ing almo:t unimpaired faculties, Mrs. Marie Esther‘ Sturgeon has just celeâ€" brated her 104th birthday here. â€" (Mtuwa, March 25.â€" ihe Conservaâ€" tive nembers of Parliainent, especialâ€" ty those,from the west, who have been ndicating anliâ€"reciprocity sentimemnts, ;0t further food: for: serious thought toâ€"day when Mr. Fielding â€" brought Qeevn another suppletoentary | return cf additions] conmunications received by the Governimnent in respect to teâ€" ciprocity. _ Of â€" sixtyâ€"six. memoii.‘s, letters, ete., rcocived, sixtyâ€"four were in favor of the agreement, anceonly iwe were opposed. The enaots.eions game jor the most oart from> the west,, _ and indicated the enthusiasâ€" tic support which the proposals _ roâ€" ceive among the Western | farmors. The constituents of Messrs. _ Campâ€" t l, _ Staples, Schafiner, Sifton and sther westera oopunents of â€" reciproâ€" ty voict in no uncertain langua;e their _ concomnation of _ the stand taken by â€" these gentlemen, who,they declare, anisrepresent ratuer then reâ€" present | their Célectors. Most c{ the communications | came frean nonâ€"political / graiftâ€"grewers‘ . orâ€" ganizations in thke Proiric Provinees. The â€" Secretary of the Grainâ€"growers‘ Association of Carman, Premier Robâ€" lin‘s constituency, writes that Mr. Roblin‘s supporters in Dufietin regret very much that he has so absclutely misrepresented | the popular opinion, id he declared that if the qcuestion of reciprocity were put ta a direct vote it would carry by fite to one. The only two dissentients from â€" the general chorus of apptovals were the Boarc of Trads «@ Ingersoll and the Libers} Association efâ€" Masnich, B.C in the | fruitâ€"growitsz district. Lake Navigation Open. 4 Colchester, Ont.. March 29.â€"Naviâ€" wation can now be considered open. (be City of Dervit passed down on riet first trip to Cleveland on Monâ€" lay afternoon. No ice is in sight aere. The Colchostor reef light was ’ displayed Monday night foe tie £73% | tiwe this season. + Mena Raymond,‘ the actress __ who introducess the hatem skict to Teronâ€" to, says of her reception: "People may s.«, that it tequired nerve. Not half as much as to apprar in an At+ lantic City bathing #@##t; not halfl _ as much _ as _ to wear. & fashionablyâ€"cut ball Zress. _ Not halfyis much as to walk down Yonge sireet, as thousands of women do, with enamcled faces cnd rouged lips. Not hall as much as to don some of the outlandish head gear that can be seen anywhete in Toronto any day. 1 have ssen . woâ€" men in regulation skirts get themselâ€" ves up so that a Zulu wouldl not aeeept them as membets of his tribe And yet when 1, in a neat turkan, a sealskin coat. end mufl nare form my skirt into a decent walking costume a lot cof folks ant up on their hind legs and seream with c‘sâ€" may. As a imatter of plain truih 1 was as modestly dressedâ€"in the time sense of modestyâ€"as any woman in the city." _ Commenting on this the Strathroy Age saids ‘‘The feree, acâ€" curacy and scirntific manner in waich Mona delivers her blows nearly us i iiv hec as a Uwhite man‘s hops It is said she has attended church regularly for 100 years. ... May Buy Out Railway. Oitawa, March 29.â€"At the meeting wxt Thursday night of the factory «sites committee of the ‘Greater Otâ€" awa Association, N. Cauchon, the ‘hairmean, will introduce for discusâ€" ion a most important questionâ€"that 1 the {ranchise vf the Ottawaâ€"Electric tuilway. He will urge the advisabilâ€" ty of the city now either extending ‘he life of the franchise held by the sompauy or buying it out. The franâ€" ‘hise of the Ottawa Electric Railway ‘&pirers in 1920, twelve years hence. MENA TALRED RIGHT ol 1 *_* _‘ Black HERd Outrage. ‘ Chicago, March 29. â€"A Black Hand bomb early yesterday ‘wrecked the tfront of the saloon of Botto Banto, Both Ballot Without Result. 7 â€" Albany, N.Y., March 29.â€"The 80th ioint ballotâ€" for U. 8. Senator to: saeâ€" seed Renator Depew, yesterday showed ao :p(bdtanfill departure from the wote of Mondsy night‘s caucus so far ag the ninety Democrats who entered the caucus were concerned. ithin * of the 22nd Taoet poites Pratisu" The perpotrescen escaped. Bunto and his family escapâ€" ed injury. The explosion toRowed close on the hgels of the finding â€"af the body of . ay . unidentified Sivitap in a prairie at 9Qth and Yates averque. Arbitration With France. London, March 20â€"The Government vus asked in the House of Commons cesterday if the Governments of the Jnited States and France were negoâ€" inping a treaty of arbitration, and if he Foreign Becretary would approach he French Government with similar roposals. _ S y ‘n Support of _ Reciprocity ~Sir KEdward Groy said he had no nfqrination. â€" Philadeiphia, March 20.â€"â€"More than 60 per cent. of the stwek" of thePennâ€" zlvchil Railway Co.. was voted at e election yeaterday~in favor of inâ€" creasing the capital styck from~$500,â€" 000,000 to $600,000.000. Only $40,000,â€" 900, of the first $100,000,000..ingrease wili botauthorized for the presept. There was it nsuition of the reâ€" sponsibility of in« father as regards the child in the judgment handed down. That was loft evidently to the separated | partics to scttle between themmselves. Speaking with mforéence to the matâ€" tor, T. J. Lefebvre. attorney for Mrs. Mebert, declared that hisceMent was abnxious to retsi‘n the custedy of her dauznter, | waile othe busband. alko wished â€"to be theo gnardian ofâ€" thie child. s Standard Rules on G. T. R. Toronto, March 29. â€"Siupt. Asheld of the G. T. R. telegraph department has sent out & score of instructors, who will teach all G. T. R. employes the standard rules which will go into efâ€" fect about June 19. 8 Drownirg Near Blenheim. â€"â€" Blenheim, Ont., March 29.â€"Amos McKentie, aged 45, vu;ls1 drowned while attempting to cross the bar at Ronâ€" deau onn-‘)(ond-y night in a small Custody of the Child, Montros1, March 2%.â€"â€"As a reault of the jedivial deere Jast week annulâ€" ling the marriage of 1wo Catholic« heâ€" caus> a Protestimirt an‘tmater porformâ€" ed the coremony a aificulty has arisâ€" en as to the ecustady of a child of the parted couple, who neither of them,‘in court, oppesed the deeree. Two chilâ€" dren were bern to tic couple but on« died. y= 1b #ion: the in ene af ed aft 1N& 8 Montreal, March 29.â€"The greatswatâ€" er power at Cedar Rapids was, sold to Mr. D. L. McG:bbon at a very large price yesterday. C=dur Hapids are 27 miles from Montreal!, and will geherâ€" ate 130,000 horseâ€"power." "Fhe propérty has long been looked uponâ€"as extremeâ€" ly valuable in Montreal‘s power field. Mr. McGibbon siated that prominent power experts in. Caniada wonkl‘ deâ€" Â¥ote their time to the project. _ . e Toronto, Match 40. â€"*We will rqila theorates on the first of May, when the new law goes into effeet" 0 %~~* This was the annonncement nade last night hy W. C. Martin, secretary oi the Hotel Men‘s Association of Toâ€" ronto. The decision was finally made at a gusetiny ef the nssociat‘on in the aiternuon. They have hot yet drawn up their sche dule of invrease, but it will include practically alt goods seld over the barâ€" in Toronto, with ‘the possible exception of champagne, and will be extended also inté the dining» peoms aitl fooms of the Dratefs. pes‘. Brimmef: for injmines : by an Gutiw.l.s Mr. Hel» ily be i< tak tinued PecUiiar Yasurance Action. Kingston, March 2%.â€"â€"An action to recover $2,500 insuraunce h44 been enâ€" tered . by Mrs. Maur; ;}'qqld m, whose bhusband dicd some uine ago. The ac tom is against the London (Guarantes & Accident Co. Plaintiff mlaims that death was caunsed by an. accidept,.. bub while admmtting this. the defapdants elaim the injurt was stistaingd before the policy was issued, afl said inâ€" jury was aggravatod. & At the Caniuin dnce. farmer. Bno rela parll by & pr mow in The indictin cond aguins! nege Tius € expected, and witnesses aupll Crimean: Veteran Dead. _° Brockville, Marck 20:â€"The death is reported from Matiorytown of Nichoâ€" las Wolil Guarch a tha, $s land «n their ing t pobtical viting ~ ATF Mr. 1. $100,000,000 increase of Capital. n mm Former President Indicted s York. Maich 20. â€"lAsrq A Valuable Water Power.. Afr. Ma Hotel Rates to Go Up. was io gnsuition of the reâ€" lity of in father as regards Id in the juagment handed Phat was loft evidently to the d nartics to settle between We aurier n. Ma rt Xp vre understood that there somms settlement made by on lus wite, but the nature would not say. The lawâ€" < o did not think that the Ud seck ‘fo bec réâ€"matried wi the Catholbe Churels M to Visit Ireland M In ti UIy th W a cinty the diningâ€" he hotc4s. Government has Tuzjor‘ fottion of c must necessarâ€" nenp Hiat which mtel man," conâ€" io Switzorland, Critucan War. o le eame to ie se on Qyer eomneutthan cof M s lt alhowa Barnett apâ€" «l cnmagea Eie railway td Manchester c late you‘l r knowingâ€" [ai~e state. iwlition of in Bank rs which failâ€" 1 fitumeiere Robin. i< the aeâ€" fothe Carâ€" tments are a hundred |fi~v‘l|h B mt of the 1@ visit Ire d4oreceivs d had Th »une anâ€" was U 0 0 M 0 0

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