To have thrce departnvmrr,-com. mercin). Shorthand and Telpg no; hy. All tour I'sale 'hotoush and run t tut'. Tho teaching is done by nu en ' Xpel - iemvd in,tr"ctotar end we I I we grad- ual" in good miliuns. Some of last car‘s: ulndenls one now taming 'l'lilii'a per annuul nr better. Studenuu are 'ertetiott each week, This in . 30nd time fur {on to enters Write to: our free cum nguo . ouce Ind lean-n what. we can do for Von. D. A. McLachlan. Princiral. Spring Term From April 3 III-bl!“ 18M. (mace, Waterloo Mutual Building . King tv. Business 011100 249, Home mp. Business solicited n r thet dose Com pm it " WALKERTUX --Nrrt having ran-Mm." tnvited to . mouthtut tvr live days Frank Kerr, mid on Thr, ' lunatic tn tle county Mil here, was “a, tand had “Im- starving Mime" to death, i-tured glass n the “mum" decided to in- ll' n... thir: mn- with "ted [Ming Dr " d and "up†an", ml "tgerm. “and "v a ft'Se "mu n '2 “a: "tfir" Educ“ of lanai-dun" Water! 5nd o' a": who tulip: the adds-bi. ll, of lining " _ Patent hummus ulna-cud gym: wingrygdngefne. (than i'iGTGVe,Te -ciirtaFCaFiieFrir .V .--TO- MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Winter Term opened uilh an in cumin of '75 per cent. in "ttendarce over 1910. Students may rnter at any time, Spring Term hon Monday Anti? 3m ' 'tdiiii"iiiiiiir'iiit"iiiiw hthia and &attrtsi" mod Wright. Secrets†T.i. Hall, Inlpec'ox C. A BOEHM Distrirt Ag t Waterloo. Ont. Phone 249. Eses wasnn'l IAICII “I "" 10.10 m. Deposit with the Dominion Government ...... ...... .. $17,140. All policie- gmnnteed by the London and Lam‘s-hire lnsunnce Company with _ of 'Mk80tk68t?. Central Bizsimss Boll gs STRATFORI), ONT. C A BOEE M ' General Insurance I tent, Special Trains m In" Town“: ". unlu- "In!!!“ M ligand - H nut-lltl‘id In a. d “It‘d CI. The Mercantile Flro “mum Company ' macho-aria 1375 mom» - luau-loo SuhocribedCapibl........ 2tit0000 For particulars uddaeu. Grand Cavalcade and Psgumt, Old Time Costumes, Pow-wow ground C-p-ibn, (hound Hog Festival with Potato Pinata, Wdlles, Flap Jul. Haggis, Pretzel, Eta, United Choirs of County with Band '. Accompaniment Patriotic Addrnun. LADIES' DAY-Quilting and Spinning Bee. Bands and Singing Soc’eties of County Prize for the "BEST GIRL†Hprsc and Baggy, decorated with ribbons and natural flowers. Bring your Lunch Basket, Cups, Saucers, Tea and Coffee Pom Successor to Buchbnrough Cr. Colonist Cars on all 1,5" No chart. for but!“ Thanh Trains Toto-hr. Wining and Wet Listowel Business college â€a ka:v& W. B. Snider. RwM.t"P.; Tor. Benign-n. lx-K.P.; , Hon. Jan-0 Yom: Juno 'dee',',','; Ex-M. P. . Pruidonl for the Com-tr L J. Bren pt, Bx-M.P.P. Chum for Ber in. Dr. tr. H. Rubbish. (>th for Waterloo, C. W. Sclxledel.mi Bursary-Tanner and Home. Anon Huber, u. Ont. {WEEK COMMENCING MON DAY. AUG‘D ST 14TH. 1911. LOW COLWST ' t “futile, ad the toning of tum “I, "ha; m on a rm» WM!!! 92.9w- FURI'I'ID llhl TO EAT Edwin It. Matthews Tho only 9ateat, Ila. (mama: um lumen) Inn. Old new Exhibition. ayeritn and Waterloo, Ont, SETTLE“ T It A IN S .aGaciiq iiFi if: CH." "ietor.. ot as ' P.t?ge and human “In! he“ _ - a." a. Rhin- Train [AM Forgi- 10.1, P... Nh l “Mal-mint l and Towign'". Distrirt Agent GOD SAVE THE KING at considerable Irnxlh hm hr had horn Hum-d to the house of Sam. mid "XI 1‘hurs4av afternoon. by not, and had pallalu-n of Utrer i-sured glasses at whiskey Alter _ It thr third be said be hrcamo and utupmvd and did mn- know > an, a "Mil "w "Thing, In the " MMdMntnhnhlil d F" to bed I. m I. Monday they aprvarrd in Po- titt Court and herd thr charge of stralintt thc sum ot 818.10 trom Alex- andrr \nton, the husband at Minnie Anton. previovs to their departure and “Ink be mm under the int'menee oi liquor at some unknuwn drug irlmn Ittornr'y linwlhv conducted lht- ttrosetmtion and Mr l " Me, llridr nppv-arrrl [or tiu irtv-.tCry' The rvunplmrtant UM 1nton, was the hrs! witness. and told ihe court at runwlvrahlt- lrnxlli him he had horn tnvited to the house ot Sam. 1 PY? un Thrirseuv attrrnoon. by ' The couple vu-rv brought back to the l'unadian sidr without any dim- ullly and allow “Turing lunch Mart- HI ml ihvir hanmward Journey, P. I'. Walker returned to Berlin early on Sunday morning with Salli: llaick and Mrs. Alexander Ferris Anton, uho haul horn captured just aitvr rvacimg the American side' at Vmgnrn Falls by (‘hirf "I Police Mains, oi hiagara Falls, N Y, slump» alter n-cciving a (eh-gram from Chief “NM" rvqur'sting that thry hr arrewu‘d Mr. and Mrs, Anton were married but four months ago in Binghampton, N. Y., the home of the latter. and came hers about two months ago. Irere they lived quite happily togeth- cr According to the Syrian custom ur marrying young girls this case was no cxcrpIinn. Mrs. Anton being barely xm’vntrvn years of age. She is good looking, well educated and had been in America about five months. I Haick, who is a brother-in-law to the woman, arrived in Berlin Thurs- dnv evening and spreared to be on irienily terms with her husband. Cac next morning he is said to have induced two other foreigners fo like Anton to their house and get him i,drostr. With this in view the men Issccccded and at noon Anton was "n pretty bad condition. He was tak- rn to his room where he was seized .wlth a vometing spell. In this con- iilltlon he was leit on his bed, and in iuw meantime his wife was packing ,up and making ready to depart. She ca o as an excuse that she was go- ing to town and would return short- ly. Leaving the house with her suit case, wearing her beat apparel and n company with the visitor, she who spoke to a relative ot hers re- arotrsed the suspicion of a neighbor siding in the same house. On invests- tigating the truth was ascertained. The woman No. 2 thereupon determ- ined to Follow her and it possible _detain her irom leaving. Upon the elopers' arrival at the Beriin depot Haick ordered the" wo- man to the waiting room while he performed sentinel duty outside. Shortly bdrm: the train arrived the girl's aunt arrhed on the scene and induced the girl to return. Unfor- tunately ior her would-be rescuer the train pulled in, The aunt seized her and attempted to stop her from mak- ing her way but just then Haick in- terfered and the couple succeeded in iaking the train to Gait. An exceptional attempt to .gct away with another man‘s wile was frustrated by the Berlin police on Friday when Mr. Snob Haick and Mrs. Alex. Anton were arrested at Niagara Falls while they were trying to get across the line. Haick is married. living in Birghamton, N. Y., and Mrs. Anton had been living with her husband whom she married Gur months ago, in Berlin. Husband Drugged and Wife Goes Away with Her Brother- in-Law " Far as Falls COUPLE WAS llspl CAPTURED _ The first witness tor the defence _ was Minnie Anton, who is a pretty young-girl M about 18 years, an‘l although she has any been in Amer- [‘ica for six months was able to un- _ derstand the English language but 1i'i'ii'i not speak it, Tom Malleck acted as interpreter. She related 'tow her husband had drunk whiskey I on Thursday alurnoonuhul which was not drugged to her knowledge She ' took him to his,rnom and told him 'thal. she [as going but to Han hampton, with hrr hrmhrr in-law She knew he only had 40 routs in his pocket as she had 'warchpd it ttw _ night brtore Hintt their marriage {he had only giwn her trt on and she tttttd to nlurn tl 00 ot this amount to him He had a bed in the home but no More and tired on potatoes and olives He left her alone at rush! and [mix-ally has her a! could to. _ , 7 ('hirf "'Neill told of the arrest oi the prisoners and finding the sum of $20 in American bills on "nick and $100 on Minnie Anton. This closed the case tor the Crown. It was agreed that the evidence already taken should be included in the new case and several other wit- nesses were called to show that An- ton had partaken of whimsy at David'e lumse which was provided try Haiek. John Eassy swore that Haick had come into his store half intoxi- cated and stated that as Anton owed him money and would not pay him back he was going to take his wife mam front him Kassy told him not, to do web a thing as the Hyr- ians in this town did not want to gel a had name, They tried to live respectahly in this town. I The Crown Attorney read the 'see- Con showing the seriousness of the olience, making my person found gurty ol the crime liable to im- prisonment tor Hie, . After hearing the evidence of Dr. J. H. Hem. Crown Attorney Bowltry decided to lay an additional charge to that of tho theft of the sum of $16."! accusing Sahh Haick of having un- lawfully administered or cause to be administered to and taken by Alex- Ander Anton a esrta'n slupilying drug maturr or due: with intent to enable him (Earth Halck) to lake. steal or carry away. the monies of Alex. Antan contrary to Section 276 of the Criminal Code. Dr. Hett informed the court that he had bcen callcd to m Anton early in the evening. He Found him in a stupified condition. He did um. act like a nun under the influence of liquor but, as it he had been drug- ged. He would not suear, however, that the man had been drugged, but declared that he did nut think that the man was drunk: The body was picked up by the cal: cmployes and removed to the house and Dr. Honsbcrger, coroner, was notified. On his arrival shortly after six o'clock, with Chief O'Neill, he made an investigation and ordered an inquest. An aunt ot the cohpmimsnt was the next witness and mm how she en- deavored to prevent Minnie Anton from leaving her husband, but with- out success. The accident was witnessed by tho bereaved wife of the deceased who was sitting at. the window awaiting the rpum of her husband and his sudden death ias a terrible shock to Mrs. Schmidt. in-law he went lo the Ch e? of po. lice along with some friends and noti- fied him of the thelt and the depar- tare oi the couple. He returned to his home and was very iii during the night and vomited grid spat blood As soon as the motormagt slw the buggy turn into the sunny hel ap- plied the airbreaks, the motor Having been previously shut off owing to the car going down the grade at, this point. The car, however, wu,'going at a fast rate of speed and could not he stopped in time to prevent the ac- cident. he came to Ir: muses alter the de- parture oi his win and her brother- A most uniortunnte welder“ took place shortly after im, o‘clock on Friday evening on the Preston Jond [near tire corner oi the Germnn Mills road when .the Patton & Berlin street car leaving Berlin. at 5.05 ran into the buggy occupied by Mr. John B, Schmidt, throwing him a distance ci nearly twenty feet, and causing in- stant death. In falling to the ground the top or the head was split open, but otherwise the body was not ser- iously but“. The victim of the accident had driven to Berlin tor the purpose ot getting his mail and was turning into the gateway ot hia home, the buggy just crossing the track when the car came along at the usual rate at speed, colliding with the vehicle, smiling it tea thousand pieces, and throwing out, the occupant, while the horse escaped without a scratch. _ Aged Retired Farmir Run Down in Front of "is Home on Preston Road and Was Instantly Killed JOHN B. SCHMIDT FATALLY . INJURED BY P. & B. Chit . WHILE CROSSING TRACK )3 Mr tn smrul inklau'tw. Itowir, In. rm"!!! (lawn erlwinz sold as No ll that “as ml up in standard Mv, rlal “mums If rrl (lnvrr an I sus» “HIM 'i '. mg; m Ill m xi Inâ€: I of tlt,, All "t'l" prottue4 by Mr H.1- dx uni urll Ir 'osivil for nnxmx's “011s m1 low rvrmidahn quali- tits, :4vvr-ral tlhvm “Tn: clcu- to tho prorltritirn liu- and tarmor, are cautkmvl \\ hen buying wit to unite than can! lly lot )th lnlvnicut-J by a Trl'wmph rcprt'- sonhlivr, Mr, Eddy said he [mind (nuditions arm-rally Food, the sveis of [00a] do Mrs bring mmâ€; frrst- (lass. Mr. H. I). Edd). ot the Soul Itt- I sIection hunch of U.e Dopanmergt I (I Agriccitttre at Ottawa paid an of- ; Tidal visit to Irrrlin on Saturday and it was the mnlan of this: upper Mgr witlt the boat?! " Miller‘s hands that rosulu-ti in his death-was abso- ' lu'ely unguarded. I was dreply' pain- ed to hear the dvlmdnnt an! seeprrg nl his employrcs descrihe upon oath I tlw splitter as. guard. and while I am alligod lo dismiss the action, Ihe l dismissal witl be without costs. i' Minard's Linimént Co., Limited At the recent Fall Assizes the ' .ury in the action at Miller vs. Kaur man, the plaintiEs rang the children vf tho late Frederick Miller, for dam- ages of $5,000 tor the death cl their father in the delendant‘s lactory, last 1 A strange coinéident. in m'rnneisiion with the accident is that the tdilier .of the deceased, the late Rah, Geo. Schmidt, met his death in a similar manner about thirty years alto, being kiHed. while driving across the G, T. R. crossing at Baden. Hs. l? uséd MINARD‘S LINIMENT fair Crow; found nr thing equal "Y it; sure' Burp. , _ 1 TESTED SEEDS IN BERLIN dismissed. Minnie Anton altered to go back to her husband and live hap- pily with him, but he refused to have anything to do with her. The isttrltrt. Schmidt was in his 75th year, and has heel: a resident ot Waterloo Céunty for many years. He resided in Michigan for some years, but, returned and took up u farm in Mitchel about " years ago; About four years ago he retired and has lived in the house at the com, of the Preston and Boon roads. He was married three times and is survived by his third wife and a family «of grownup children. He was highly esteemed and a faithful member ',ot the Mennonite Church. The inquest, was opened at the hump ot the cleansed at 8 o'clock where the remains’ here View“ ï¬nd the surroundings were inspected utter which an adjournment was made until Monday evening at 8 o'clock when evidence will he heard in the Police Court room. ACTION WAS DISMISSED The following jury was mmlled: WendelLE. Shana. Berlin, Foreman Dnvid Shun. Waterloo Town-hip. William Adler, Wnurloo Township. Henry Wagner, Waterloo Town-hip. Gleason Thoma. Wotaloo " John C. Shun, anloo Tr. Titus Shanta, Watexloo Ty. Daniel E. Shutz. anloo Ty. Henna M. sum, Wougloo Ty. Moms B. Shanta, Waterloo Tn. William Northgrave, Waterloo To. Victor Meyer, Waterloo Ttr. CHAS. E. SHARP. u . tr) 'iiG'G""iir'"iiiii,""iri"iG' 1tr'frtitrtrtttitt lovroswm se'ln T-was atso- amply pain- and sown: â€mm upon oath , a a ."'" l, _ - .1 - - I lard Ars-" . II I ' I L m1,†WM I 'ilis I. 1// INN lain l 't v----. furnwrs in Str lid “m-* wmlrl dr'l , Carte r’s Little Liver Pills C.P.It. had been a/Grii,%o"i,"ia binding the provinct-s together. Can- adians should not forget the national Mr. cociahutt maintained that in the adoption ot the tariit agreement the material interests of Berlin, Brentlord and 'other industrial centres were at stake. The Western larmers already said they would not accept the {er rent. And-among the 800 farmers of the west were numbers who were not even Canadian citizens who know nothing mom Canadian lyditio.ny. Those men were rot loy- " The membership of the' whole agitation did not embrace 25 pu- (ent ol the agricultural population. Mr. Cockshutt was or the opinion; that the larmers were being gold- bricked. He hat) liv‘ed to see prices in the Brantlord marlet trebled. It was the farm products going up al- most 50 Ter cent in the last few years, manulait r.ed artitles ttaa tak- en an tttiatnte of about 15 per cent. What would happen to Canada. The United States oid not warn our “minds as they exported 870 mil- lion last year. They might handle Canadian products and send them I of, of Ameriean ports and carry them ever Canadian railroads. The ! l. . An interesting leature of the mett- I ing occurred alter‘Mr. Coekshutt's“ t Mikes when Mr. Janven game an B oppo‘tunity to any [resent desiring. ' to speak in favor or 'reciproclty' to It ad-Eress the gathering. The imita- tion was accepted by Messrs. Stag t 3rd liilkiab Mtctin Who spoke from , the Socialistic standpoint. The 'ormu t er said that the reason may manu- facturers tere opposing the tra' in agree- ment gas on {mount of the danger ' that they would not make as 'much l momy as they have been getting while ' the farmer would be getting more. -' The Chairman of the Meeting spoke _ i really halt an hour below introducing the weaker ct the' evening during which he: give reasons’why he was opposed to the agreement. One of the main reasons he stated was because one or Berlin’s irdattt.inbsatries, the Berlin Clock works, hal the duty r?2aced train: 30 to su per tent. While this was only a small reduc- tion it .wns an evidence ttmt there was lways a danger of the tarill be- ing $411M with ml the agreement has given a shock to industrial 1toetMenee. Thitremmtrr ivas doing, better than. it has ever been More and there was no necessity for enter- _ ing into this agreement with the . United States. one ot the smimiest industrial {own}: in the province. . " Mc. Cockshutt was: well received and statedAhat this'wns the first op- portotity he has ever had of visit- ing this prosperous town. He had, however, always tottsideret'/ Berlin " lands, and about two-thires of those pressine"rapta-d their appro- val o." the contents ot the motion. The Liberals present voted against it while quite a few did not vote " all. Then was no singing ot the Natirnat Anthem but very mild' IP- piautc when the Chairman amounted that the resolution wast-triad by n ."overwhciming mttlaritr." ' A resolution was read to the meet- ing by Chairman Juan. which was purported to be morrddry In"; F. Adena-ht and A. C. Willong. in which it was maintained that by the adoption ot the taril! ttgreetrtent the laboring men stocd to Me: by Iota ct work and lemming orwagetr, and urging Sir Willa-id Lander not to- ptss .the treaty until . role .01 the electors was taken on the qmllou. When it was submitted to the not ing the Uum'.rman called for a shew - - -- -'-NI. "V" I under the “who: at the You; Got- urvmin Cluy ot um to" in Vic- _ ton; Hall on Fridw "can; In: Bb- tended by a crowd ot ohm! two hun- new. incluqu I mu numb: ot Libenls, Socialism: and othen. The object ot the gathering was tor tho purpose at healing the question ot lecipmcny discussed tram the omsi< lion standpoint, ml while Chair- man H. L. Julen, who woke at cor.- siderablq 'ttttte, Deluxe and the: the mun an) as, and Mr. W. F. i Cco'flhh‘tt, ttt Bmnttord. were atten- tively mum momma dancing that “glamour. The; Mind to arouse any mthusium on“ to the “blac- ruin" charter of that marks. Young Coner cm “In: Wu Welt Att-ed in Victoria Halt SEBURITY. annulus Potroyuealy My all“ RECIPIwcm Atl Ae.q. y Nutt $L ind, If trt tlv nlhl‘r Inn'i. rprt Ho (NV, ativr a trial, vow to nmm- Hm tarmnrs in their Mm" matkrt, “In: it world derrase thrlr power nl pup chasing (murmur. Nuts and sham. doting. ohms uh oomph†"Whrrras wr brlim-v- that " re- Iiprmily inrl'r'cus 1hr piior "I m-n [Ir01mls, as its Pdvocates ("aim II will, then it must inrrrzuo Hr r..| 1! living to run “nth".m In Hu, liy w, by kind "I. cushymr in r (‘anada The lnllt wing H‘sulvmun wa srr,mittet'i- - r Uon6itiuas were "Ai the same in , CanaIia now " in 185i-6tr. The I:hAmleneai'is then were at war within s tl on own countn' and hair no man at' home to prance. There was no war n there at this Aime. The Americans were said to be hclding out the _ 1"e.brrauth. How long ago was it 5 ttat they were wielding the big stick. 5 Mr. Cockshutt was of the, opinion i that he Iarmer was out the whole I (ountry. He believed prices wohld 0 Lawn with a surplus of rio mil- e'icns cfhrnericm products to ke '/rtlrci, into Canada. The imple ment fnatrCcUrrers had lost wcsu-rn : tiadc already with a duty oi 20 per , 'cnt. and with a daty of l5 pen t the was! list ct the workmm‘ ‘was certain to be afiectrd. The A m-, (I'iem ttrift was full of pitfalls sci": Mr. (‘orkshitk Mr. Cockshutt iri'- gued that the Canadian {armorial had a market it." everything Le pm- dueed. Canada was only to tre mill up by a variety of occupations. Tre manufacturers oi 1'anada prodcie ["30 millions in products and tl.e far mars 800 millions. This was no linger an agricultural L'01'ttiry. (".m- ada had borrrnol millions in money lrom Englanj, to brim hrr ltraasiostiiiindi railnais and thaw [interests are being hump-1 Not a :bl's'm-l or wheat that wont south I would PHtr come hark again. "I (losing, Mr. Cockshutt dvclatei il- mainsrring ot the “halo lH'lpl‘Inlll ‘ husinrss was a blow ai lmpvrinl pl" , lierrnre. ll lhe (‘i-iarlimnmln-ai h.†l la British prMercnw tho American I lwheat “hil'h would mine into Cana- , da free would have exactly the same prefereme. Canada selling 1. liw " United Stairs farm prunlnrh was min I a larmer going in a nemlnhminx T farmer to sell his pulme Gr 'tt I "Hiram bought four-fifths of IN truci ", products and that “as Ihr, Irroptr , kind Ma ctrsiumrr bt Canada i " Movmt by F'. Ac:rinrc1ot s A. U. \VINOII. UNDERTAKING In Mission Furnitqre, Dining Room nit Me, Hall Seats and Mirrors. Arm Chairs in Em]? E _ . _ 's. ",efchaurtiiiii'ii?l, All goods sold under the, Kim‘s (tri to be satisfactory. You are welc Wr times to visit our showwtooms a: goods, / ' _ rr" '. .5 o g V _ n a ' ' Simpson: Ihtait Furnltu a V _r I hltuie Ru". Violin Cages. Metronome .. Blow Accordm Victor Talking lacuna; V‘ Monographs Genuine; _,) Ftaphs, CommbiirorapliA Musk B ti of Musicd NE Bj1catiir, . 26 an} s; more!" can will, branches. nusxc:.Bosz by aiitti, Special attention taid to via. Day Phone M. _ Night a'trt-, tt as Hm, l ' "RDN'IF in shot! I Him!“ .n- th" 7-5'v- "In all that was claimed tor it, hm u arrd l Mina very abort “men. n , pur- rd “ rototrVte M. in my “(5 [ my ft?!“ tor _ 'lateral mm... g' me'r. and I had got used Hm'ght that l nun would “hm! saw-n rvport in 'Tl llxrnid' Irlling how bother": l'ui, um III cases. of skin d From the iight-house at P Cou, Head, Bonny Bay, Newlo land, Mrs. W. Young sends tn Fe r'vricncc of lam-Hull. which tortainly act as a true beacon guiding ail when-rs from skin rast- lo a safe harbor ot refuge. 1 Mrs Young says: "I suftermt to 0:18 for seven years, and to gm " tHiight Zam-ttuk has Cured 'lhe discasv Martel] on my Must, 5 Had untnl it extended over luv-k Tlu. iiching and 'burning usprma‘l} “hm the atiected part m-n- "arm-- was terrible; and _ Mum thv Muphon was scratched V I il:h.‘1L I1 turned to bad sores, m-N'd mm! pain. I went toa m, and trivd various prescripti but wm-wrl to get no benetit, so tr .liwr doctor Again] got no h aâ€, so tri'ed a thud doctor, and the! " hr [My Althouwh llwyall did their hm: rnrnu- Igot no relief trom my h LIGHTHOUSE mm tlure would hr no ht vinx this balm a fair trisl v"?! same I'll _l'THrutr:vortrc, be it M this meeting voice its opp: the reciprocity agreement i th. Parliament of Canada: spectfully request the Prqt ('anada not to prrmit the to cu into erect until the d the Dominion have pronounce 'restion at the polls." Crease the price ot what 1 lis table, without injuring d in the Country. Canadian" as and those dependent In lcctixcly constitute the at] market." "ty ll v1 ' Sum: wars is a " ll gum! l persevered with it imrrnvnmvnt it worked it won “a rrally mmdrrful Ilnr Irritminn, slapped tht thc sores began to drv Ill from Ilu- “w "I saw Zam link w M; V . _1& KEEPER’S would he run-d in "rho Family berftfxial Zam- "in disease I hr no harm in long time to "I the, wry as In the going in and up in III. ho N H