trm i' in menu an. 511 lu 'dil.TON HALLMAN, Prop, Farm Stock and 1trsp1eatests 't'lti:;--10 pigs weighing 150 lbs, 5 {.1411 shunts, w chickens. , 1lljr.1uHNTH. - Massey Harris â€in, Masrey Harris mower, u".'") r'S “unis Cm] rake, Massey Harris 1 ', . mm, (murmur, disc, a set ul‘ Minus, 2 single plows, Ayr No. 21, Emu-v; plow, scum", root pulper, 2 Juan and wagon box, bobsieigV (my! rox, 2 top buggies, cart, cut- ' t :vaaicd carriage, wheelbarrow, “A10, capacity 11500, iron kettle, dou- Luna; and mckyokes, chains, milk JJV. L! 5-15 tiou'rle harness, 2 sets nub harness, collars, grain bags, 1m!- i' [with pair horse blankets. In: SI‘IIIUIJ) I0T'EC'TS.--De Laval "I' walwr, Daisy chum, cooking Stove "l. i, mm. worming closet, 001 .r. 1invgar harm] wooden tub. GltAlli.-:t tons hay, goo bushels 'sl' , Um bushels barley, 30 bushels . i gm“; known as Ox-Bow Farm,‘ llwxl cm the easterly bank at the) '; Lin! Inn-r. The iarm contains :- .74 (um hundred and forty acres o'; l , ms» arable land in a higl oi'r,. mi cultivation, and is described ', MUNâ€; and bounds in a deed reg- rm~l m um Registry otrtce for the ' «A; of Waterloo in book tor the. I‘m whip oi Waterloo as No. 8468. " this about twenty acres is in fall tum. ahout thirty acres in hay V ti' seeded, oi the remaining mwtjww'vvn acres about twertty-five â€max is well timbered bushland, and s'rr, sut sixty-two acres excellent Jras- ‘m- Land joining the river, and well whim-l! The property has a young tit k 't':'ltr'..--Uuw due to salve June .:t., um- due Jo salve July 3rd, ttei- " due to ealve June18ttt, Jersey td', [at cow, 3 tat heifers, 8 year- 'sl.riN. AMEN, Asctioneer, \. C. Cl,rlurDi.S, Clerk. Auction Sale Advertisements Tuesday, Mareh38th, tint mmmung at 1 o'clock Fm. sharp, . mifuumg ctluatth, prupgny, viz.t ‘u le ttill be sold by public union 2m mm of the understood in the Ah My of iileuheim, Lot 8, Crit. _ iuo mum- southwest ut New Dun- 't'r.'llM.4- Hay, Grain, potatoes ml rlrit"siens crush, all sums of ttp ml nmlvr, cash, our that amount , “311:3 tr slit on approved joint min" 'f I pnr cent per annum on ior cast .13 s u! credit amounts. hm for Sale Mum! omiaining about three acres u'opht News, commencing to bear; i (an-fully selected fruits. Us buildings consist of a two and 11.1. Sh-I’A‘y solid brick dwelling "',rs" “All! tine svood-shed attached, Lug»: bank barn containing accom- uzmnn ior about forty head of cat- , 1usirles a commodious horse my There is also a hog stable : arcorumodation oi about forty '..',A. also a first class hen house and inm- implement and driving shed. w' budding are in good condition. :qu properly is situated about one I own ha]: miles west oi Blooming- It. null about three and one hali h , north oi Boriin, and about u one half miles from the town "ujrloo, in the Township of v Hxvetiors of the estate offer , “bl-xv fahn for sale and ask for I‘ll torders to be opened at two mi; m the afternoon. on the ftrst tc' tprit, 1011. Any person whose NM IH accepted will be required to Mm n 1xiihin five days trom the b' of ihts delivery of the accept [ tr', any lender. the sum of $800 00 _ Iii lmlunco ot the purchase l; l lo bn paid within thirty days mn‘h'r. the purchaser to examine l th. lwfnrr' payment ot any of W‘lthuxt- money. Possession of ~qu hunk shall be given immc- w’w llllull ihe payment of the said _ s;' “mum, and a deed of ttans- il l'co said land to be given by m mum, on payment of the w oi lhc purchase money. A _ mnlmcl shall he entered into ~lu- uni I‘VN'IIIOI'S and the pur- , “uh Inspect to the said lands, whim the purchaser shalt 11ng to ll, ml the said purchasr, in which mt 9mm shall be of the cssenre l‘w .1rrm‘mrnt, _ l ml.“ (rt be addrmsed to the For- f 't, ml llrnmmin S Snyder, fir? “m llmliunl, "loomingdale, Ont r.'yuu'.c.-nlack team' weighing ly. yells old, tfrowa mare ris- lo; years old weighing about i many mare cults rising 2 old. Auction Sale Mul w farm is sprcially adapted tor tut-k or dairy purposes. hr the late Benjamin s, dammed. containing about _0F- my 81 Matrys Fun Stock, iiiArenis, Etc. There will be sold 'ay public auction on the (am ot the undersigned, , miles east ot Berlin, on the road leading trom Berlin to Preston, on the north side ot the Grand River, pt Fraction. on r Gawain“ at. 12.30 o'cioek pm, sharp, the (allowing valuable prop- sertr,vir.r, _ Horse-Chestnut team rising iour years old, well matched, weight about 2700 lbs; black horse rising 6 years old, bay mare rising 9 years old good driver, bay mare rising 11 years on uuun, In», many ."""-" -ea'-" --_ in tool to Prince ot Avon weight l,- 100 pounds; tray mare 8 years old Neight about 1200 lbs; bay hots: 9 years old, aged mare in toat to Prince ot Avon, colt rising 2 years old got 'ty Prince of Avon, chestnut colt 2; (cars old got by Prince ot Avon. Cattle-? good Dairy Cows. Cow ‘resh by time ot sale, cow due to :alve 29th April, 2 cows due to calm n June, 2 cows supposed to be in ealt, Jersey cow tresh t months, hel- ier 2 years old, steer 2 years old, l yearlings and 3 calves 6 mouths old, call three months old. Hogs, Etc.--8 pigs three months old; 36 thoroughbred Plymouth Rock lens, 4 White Rock, 7 Bantums. Implenwtts--Matssey Harris binder " good running order, Ideal mower n good running order, Massey Harris lisc drill 13 tubes, nearly new; Deer M 3 horse disc nearly new, Massey 1darris hay rake nearly new, Massey Harris steel roller nearly new, Mas I Household Effects.-- Cream separa- ,tot, Massey Harris make, good as 'new, National cream separator, Daisy 'churn No, 3 nearly new, 2 tables, Ichilds bed, heating stove, 3 benches, 6 chairs. :ey Harris 3 horse cultivator nearly new, Success manure spreader in good 'unning order, horse power with rod: ond couplings, Clinton Inning mill {cw Hamburg corn cutter nearly new et iron barrows, 3 single plows Harness-d set double harness, set .inglc carriage harness, g set buggy nan-mass, 2 goat robes, Buiialo robe, new; I set woollen blankets, 3 pair stable blankets, new. Grain, Hay. Rods. Ete.--About 150 bushels of oats, 60 bushels of barley, 80 bushels or mixed grain, 10 bushels of wheat screenings, about 7ton of hay, a quantity or mangolds, aquan- tity, oi potatoes, quantity corn stalks Berlin and Preston cars stop at the farm. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms-Hay, grain, roots, potatoes,! pigs, chickens and all sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount ten I months' credit on approved joint i notes or 5 per cent. per annum on} for cash payments of credit amounts. t i 3 lurrou' gang plow, Oxford 2 turl ow plow, Detender 2 Iurrow riding 'low, potato plow, Preston seuMer, .urnip pulper, emery grinder, thavy vaggons, large sugar beet box, 3 seat- d democrat, market carriage, 2 top nugglcs, Wilkinson sleigh good as my, sleigh, light sleigh. Portland 'utter nearly new, set gravel planks, I hay racks, hay fork (double har- om) with rope and pulleys, lock .nd tackle, scales capacity 300 pounds )0 rods woven wire fencing, 3 log- ;ing chains, scalding trough, meat ub, 3 set doubletrees, sugar beet ‘orlr, wheelbarrow, 2 iron kettles, :aggon jack, sledge hammer, ropes', ores, hoes, shovels, la: tongs, cross- 'ut, saw, hay knife, vice, whiirietrees, .eckyokes, crowbars, grain cradle, 90 it. iron piping 3 inch, new. Mr. Leonard stated that his com- pany eontemplated an early com- mencemen1 at construction of their line tn Fltratiortl, it being the inten- tion, is suitable arrangements (‘nuld be made to construct our section at a time, and the only “my†have the opporipnity oi tivvidinp, t'rhieh it was to be-thc tinc from Stratum! north tun point In: than a mile west of “rllcslry village count-Ming With thr, Gutslph-h'odprich line or the line south to F,mbro The pretrronco advocated by the committee was In famr of the line north, and ii this is dwidrd upon, the hue south “ill be construrtml later,' it being the intrntinn of the mmpany lo build dun†tn limhrn natunl oil Stratford, March 10,-Mr. J. W. Leonard of Montreal, manager of the CPR. lines east of Winnipeg to the Atlantic, and third vice-president of the company. and Mr. Martin Todd manager of the Gait, Preston & llcs- pcler Electric Railway, were in thy city yesterday aiternoon, and had a Conference with the iinnnco and 'rail- way committee M the city eouucil, and Mr J , It Macdonald, president oi the board of trade, with reicrence in the C P. It, mum-Chou v,ith Stratford 1 Will Extend C. P. R. Lines ADAM H. SCHARMAX, Proprietor ROBERT BRICKNELL, Auctioneer ll~3t. Tuuhy. April 4t 't IM I Auctiqn Sale Pr.‘ m hirther pammlars ot sale nv apply in w, M. Cram, “H Vendor's Solicitor, Berlin, Ont. iwii'iLGL'riir,; Hricknell. Ir3t There will be sold by public auc- tion on the tarm of the late Ephram B. Clcssman. situated) miles east if G,iiiLoit the road leading to Guelph, on t Commencing " 12.30 o'clock p. m., sharp, the billowing valuable prop- erty , vig:-- -..,, W, Heavy hay hare " years old in (cal to Primer, ot Avon, bag mare tis- ing 10 years old in foal to Prince of Avon, good Yamily driver, driver ris- ng 4 years old, horse rising!) years - - - . VA“- " [NI-.1.- n5 I ywlé VII-I, uvuw "a..- ,"H- old, good driver and worker; a Clyde :olts rising' 2 years old, 2 yearling Clyde colts got by Prince ot Avon. t u mm Inch 2m. ton Cattle, Ete.--9 choice Dairy Cows. 2 cows fresh, cow due to calv'e in April, cow due to salve in June, cow lue to calve in July, 2 cows due to talvc in September, thoroughbred Jer- sey cow with pedigree due to calve ', lune l, Holstein cow supposed to be in call, heifer due to calve in Sept,‘ ' heifers rising g years old, 4 heir. t-rs about 6 months old, calf 4 weeks old, call 2 weeks old, 4 head of lat cattle if not previously sold. Pigs and Cbiekensc-2 sows supposed to be in pig, sow with litter at side, , pigs weighing about 140 lbs each, i pigs weighing about 125 lbs each, ; shoots about 3 months old. 8 pigs iweeks old, boar, , pure bred White luck chickens, White Rock cockerel, »0 chickens, cockerel. dog. Implements, Etw-.-Eluura hay load- r, hay tedder. side delivery rake, Jeering binder is it out, mower. mow- r with pea harvester, spring tooth‘ ultirntor, seed drill, land roller, \anure spreader, 2 wagons, 1 new; 'agon box nearly new, democrat, air bob sleighs, cutter. gladstone cutter, 1hree-rurrow gang plow, g- furrow gang plow, 2 single plows, cultivator Juliette, chopper, cutting box, 2 hay racks, tanning mill, 4- section iron barrow nearly new; 3- section iron barrow, agricultural tur- nace, turnip pulper, vice and carpen- ter tools, wheelbarrow, 2 sets ot louble team harness, 2 sets ot single harness, platform scales, cap. 1200 lbs; whimetrees, neckyokes, logging chains, forks, shovels, and many other articles. . MORTGAGE SALE ot Valuable . residence property in Berlin, unlcr . and by virtue of the power of : sale contained in a certain mark gage which will to procured at the _ lime or sale, there will be orer- ed for sale, by public auction at the Town Hall, In the town ot Ber- 'lin, in the County ot Waterloo, In . Saturday the 18th day or March, y 1911, at 10 o'clock in the fore- ' anon, that valuable property being rmmpowd at part of Lot NnmLcr I One on the south side of Weber; 13mm, East, in C. Eby's Survenof‘ ' part " tho saity Town of Berlin, ac-l , cording to and as shown on the 'mehinml plan made for John Bru- hactwr and Elias Ehy, lerruiors ot tthe, said I'. Etsy, med in the Regis- Itry "ttire in! the County ot Water- in. on ihe sixteenth day of Jaw. (ti/s, 1962. as the same is describ- 0.5 by metes and bounds in a nrortgage deed made by one Hd- ward Mussolman tn "tttt John S. Srhwal‘ll, dated 10th day at July MM, and registred in 1hr Itegis- try Omce for the bounty ot Wm. twin: in Hnuk A 39, tor the Town, ot “mm " 1053 o'clock am , ‘nn 1hr 10th day of July, A.D. .1907, m Number 22023. ' , Titling ma SAtt.-'20 per cent, at the purchase money to he paw {(70er at the time I! the sale, and â€in halanw to be paid withinten _.days then-ail†Farm Stock. Implements ml Household Meets Grain and Rootsv-About 300 bush- els mixed grain, 25 bushels oats, 50 bushels of shelled corn, about 10 tons oi mixed hay, about 350 bushels or mangels, a quantity of potatoes. Household Erects-National cream separator, extension table, bookcase, lounge, kitchen chairs. churn, 2 ben- ches, 2 sinks, 3 bed steads. rocker, Star Oak Heater, Grand Pcpinsula range, scales cap. 240 lbs. barrel vin- egar and many other articles. Terms-Hay, grain, pigs, chickens, tat cattle, roots and all sums of 810 and under cash: ‘over that amount 10 months' credit on approved security, or 4 per cent. ott for cash payments oi credit amounts. Auction Sale Mortgage Sale JOSIAH S. CRESSMAN. ADAM S. CRESSMAN, O. S. KOLB, Clerk. J. MICKL'S, Auctioneer IRSDAY, MARCH Mt, Executors Il-gt There will be sold by public auction': on the (arm at the undersigned, 3' mites north ot Hespeler, on the road leading Iron) Kossuth to Guelph, on l commeukiugrnt one o'clock pm. sharp shejoqumg valuable property, viz: Aursats--tnnee mare It years old. dark My Wire 18 yeara'old, chest- nut horse " years old, sorrel mare 4 years old, light bay horse rising 3 years old, got by Prince ot Avon; yearling colt got " Prince ot Avon. Cattle, Etc.--5 good dairy cowl, 2| Isatue L, Bowman, run, on w: '; cows lresh, cow due to calve in 13th dingo! November, 1885, tor the August, 2 cows due to calve in NOV., estate ot the Louis Breithnupt, and , yearlings, 5 spun; calves, ‘duly ree0stered. implements, Ete.-Massey Harris' on the property isa two storey Nude; 6 It. cut, nearly new; Me- brick house with 6 rooms and 3 1.ib- (‘nrniiok [unmet 5 " cat, nearlv'chcn. . - implements, Et-Massey Harris; binder 6 It. cut, nearly new; Me- h Cormick mower, 5 it. cut, nearly't new; disc harrow, Massey Harris| spring tooth cultivator, Noxon seed t drill, hay sake, land roller, 8 horse t power with rods, bevel jack, straight I jack, cutting box, 36 feet 3 In. lea- ther belting, wagon with box, open I buggy, 3-seated carriage, pair Debi sleighs, cutter, 2 lurrow Oxford gangl plow, Perrin riding plow, single iiGr,'l scumer, 4-section harrow, hay racki- wood rack, tanning mill, root pulpcr, platform scales cap. 500 lbs; 'iil'ii-1 stone, wheelbarrow, grain bags, wag-Al, on jack. 2 sets ot team harness, seti single harness, fig nets, horse blan-i 1km. robes, bay fork with 140 leetl lot rope and pulleys, tti/tite/ mskyokes, forks, shovels, heavy log- ging chain, seythes, hoes, rakes, and many other articles. Also about 100 bushels mixed grain. ', Terms-Grain and all sums at su" and under, cash; over that amount 12 [months' credit on good security, or" Any person in ontario may choose (or “NW a year "" places that are any fix?) of the experiments fur 1911 srm'rely sc4mms in "ttect, becausv they In“! apply for the sum} The ma- only prr'trtid to hr hotels by having tpriat will be furnished in lhe “(an (f? rooms for cccommodauon (f thr 'in whirh the toplicr4ions are modwd l trawling pnnliv.“ while the supply‘ lasts. It might be Plum Fraser (Wclland) said he Imm- wr-fl tor each applicant fo make a ofa large Itoirl that war: "rad to sprond choice, for fear the ftrst "N†"P for pull of MN}; Fear. He could not be granted. All material id not. think it would be fair to will hr lurnishcd pnliroly free of (at.Y it so hr'avity. (barn to mrh applicant. and tho $rl0,000 Ymrly, produce will, ot course, become the Hon. Mr. Hanna said that the ftv? property M thi- person who mndnrm psr Cent, tax would brink Rm (im- thp myrrimoni. crnmrnl alum 360.000 trom Toron- c, A, 7,,\VIT7,, Director. to and who!" '90,tmft from nuts-Mr Ontario Muir. Couero, plnrrc. llv â€Might the tax WIN a; Glarlpli, March, mu. , il l wry mmumhln Mir. ttt tum ul the of Fun Stock ad [mph-nuts 18-Testing Grass, Peas and two varieties of vetches . tFr-V . F 19--Tcsting Rape, Kale, and Field Cabbage ..-.. -8. __r.ereN.r_. ., NNeV . F, r'20-Testing three varieties oit'lo- "21--Testirttt two varieties of Alto'.- _ in (Lin-me) t._..s._. Pt'" .v. .rrrr. 2 '.22-Testing four varieties of Grass. 23--Testing three varieties of Field mans. Prr.rtr-. . H. -r-q 3 2t-Trsting three varieties ot Sweet Corn, _... __.-. 'Prrr. .rr _ r .. 3 Ma-Testing two varieties ot Early Potatoes 'trrp- . Tre-Fr i, 2 Mb-Testing two varieties oi Me- dium ripening Potatoes _ T 2 Each plot is to be two rods long by one rod wide rrcept No. 28. which is to be one rod square. 4 per cent. on for cash payments oi credit amounts. GUSTAVB PAULITZKr, Prop. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. o. S. KOLB, Clerk. 12-2t. The members oi the Ontario Agri- cultural and Experimental Unirn are pleased to state that tor 1911 they are prepared to distribute into CT- ery township ot Ontario material ot high quality for experimenls with grains, fodder crops, roots, grasses and duvets, as follows: No. Experiments. Plots, I-Testing three varieties ot Oats 3 ga-Testing tines: varieties of _ _ Soja, or Japanese Beans , 8--Tesung three varieties of llts'sing Corn .r.-r-rr_-..r-. IlO-Trsling. three vaneties of Man- Ir-Testing two varieties ot Sugar Beets for feeding purposes.“ 12-Testing tttree varieties of Swe- dish 'l'urnips _..-.....-..'...-., ttte--.-. 13-Testiag two varieties of Fall Turnips t'r".m.. -e_'._w__, .rr..t_mrrer'm"r' rl-Testing two varieties of Car- rots ttr...'.. .rtv.P...r'. .e_.._ 'r..'"'. 15--Testing three varieties of Fod- der and Silage Corn m... q-rr-"-. 16--TYstirtg three varieties ol Millet li-Ting two varieties of Sung- Fir-rowrd Barley mpt.rt ._.F_..-..__ Str-Testing two varieties at rSwo- rowed Barley ..t....r-.r. "mr-r.. .u. 3--Testirtg two varieties oi Hul- less Harley 'r-..-.'.-..""'"""" ...v._ ga-Testing two varieties of Spring Wheat F......... ...rrerr..-rr ' 4tr--Testir.g two varieties ot Spring Rye ttrtFtP...r' ...._....ert..r. G-Testing two varieties of Buck- G-Testing two varieties of Field Peas ..t..w... tmeFtmrP" 7--Testing Emmer and Spelt" .r..e* 8--Tcsting two varieties of Soy Rugby. April 3rd, ttrtt EXPERIMENTS WITH FARM CROPS. Auction Sale 1&3! “virtual o! manpower I! do 00th oesrtat.rtatteG, pp whieh .111 to product! " a. rum ot sale there Will be only! tori sate by public auctirn at the Iowa 'Hall at the Town at Berlin, in the ‘Couih‘y ot Waterloo, on Saturday the gins/cf day ot April, 1911. at 10 o'clock in the torenmn, that val-mule 'property being composed of Lot No. _ Three on the north side of Frederick 'stroct in the Town ot Berlin, ac-i jort)ing ta plan ot Survey made tty Ll Isatue L, Bowman, P.L.S., on the r 13th dayprt November. 1885, tor the estate ot the Louis Breithaupt, and g', , Dalian Danny in Berlin TERMS OF SALE.-M per cent. of the purchase money to be pai6 at tho time ot sale, and the balance to to paid within ten days thereafter. Frrurtiierhiartiaars ot sale, ap- ply to Tax Bar Receipts on all Over $50 Instead of $40 MWMWH t THE NEW CLAUSES. t I w. K. McNaught, (North Toronto) 'did not Iavor 1he system of taxing 'tho gross ru-ripts. 110 srmpathized (with the object. of getting more mon- (y for licenses, hut did not think thy hill was along the right line. llc (did not favu' the imposition M the l tax on lhr- sale of cigars, soft drinks l I.“ tax on thr- sale of cigars, soft drinks tod: sandwiches, sold over the him, while tht, than who kept a cigar stand outsiu- the bar vsoant‘d the tar. l Hon. Mr. Mackay thought it was doubtful whether it would nct bevir~ [wally an indirect tax, which could be shined by decreasing the quantity (iy/! for a certain price or taxing the ‘pricc for the same quantity. "H I hut my way," said Cot Hugh “at? (Bun-r), 'H vmurd assess a tax at $1,080 a year nu places that are Torartto, March 20.-Instead or cot-l letting five per Cont. of all bar 'rr-, ceipts in excess oi $40 per day the Provincial Government witbcollect the tax on receipts ot more than $50 a‘ iday. This amendment. was made to _the Litpor.License Act when it was [under discussion in the Legislature to- _night. Capt. Mathin (Kenora) oxprcssed the opinion thaf it might bc more owitahlq and fair to charge the per- (cntagc after the total expenses of the halo] ‘had been met. Sees Dunculty. Hom Mr. Masckay asked " there would he any system of avoiding the irregularity hctwvrn hotels run large- ly by the bar n-uipls and thrs?. which were practically saloons. He thought ukpercarrttarce plan was tar better. "That has Int escaped the notice of the Government," said ficn. Mr. Hanna. While this clause could be so administered as to be very o'onrsE- ious, it is interned, sc far as possi- ble to obviate this. There are dim- culbies in the: my oia tlat tax." Geo. H. Gooderhaan was strongly opposed to the tax at all- "ft is put- ting cnc's nose into a legitimate pri- vate enterprise," he declared. “I think it would be very much better ii this tax could be arrived at, by some other means than by going around and enquiring into daily receipts, making lhsmschcs otrjectirstahle. There is nu license holder who would pr?ier to po," a flat license of $1300 additional." $+++++++++5++++++++++Â¥ Mortgage W. M. CRAM, Berlin, Ont. Vendrar's Soliritor. minnow: J. W. DAVEY. srat over '$50 per day License reduction to be tak- en out ot the hand-3 of councils and placed in those ot rate- payers. On a petition signed by 10 per cent. of ratepayers the council he required to sub- mit a isy-law to the people. Inspectors given right to search hotels in option centres. Holders oi summer licenses will not be required to peti- tion for the licenso each year. "s1onopdy" will he no cause tor quashing of reduction measum. Rotpipts to he taxed on all Admihigtrator's Sale by Public Auction Titania] battered tor sale by public auction,“ g! the tann herein- alter unmanned; ot Frank Luhlnnki, late ot the Townsaip ot Wellcsley, in the County ot Waterloo, Farmer, de- ceased, sutriect. to a reserve bid, on Saturday. ttik first day ot April, 19tt, at two o'clock in the alter- noon, the “my: the said Franz Lubinski, containihg by admeasttre- ment five uranium“ less, and being composed not northeast quar- ter of Lot Number Eight in the Sec- ond Concession ot the northeast MC- tion of the said Township ot Wet- lesley, us the 'samo is described by mates and bounds in a deed made by one George Riedel to the said Franz Lubinski, dated the Mth day ot Aug- ust, 1888, and registered imam Reg- istry Office ior the County ot Water- loo ih Book A. E. 18, lor the Town- ship ol Wellesley, as Number 7521. Terms ot Sale. 20 per cent. at the purchase money to betrid down at the time ot sale, . and the balance to be pad within [twenty days thereafter. For further terms and conditions of sale, and particulars of the property. apply to The Tomato General Trusts Corporation at No. 59 Yonge street, Toronto, or to their Solicitor W. M. Cram, Berlin, Ont. Dated at Berlin, on. 14th day at March, 1911. . _ ' Nut for a low toms, saw Premier 11hitner, shall we break away trom the British Empire. ot course not. Nohody (-wr thought we would. The only pPople who hare been ta1kintt about brrakrng awm' from the Bri- tish Empire are Mr. Premier Whit- noy and his politic“ friends, and llwro m roman to NM?" that they "on't "man all â€my my to t/rhtaken literally monopoly which gave license hold’ ers an advantage which they were not intellect! to have. The 'additioual tax at five per cent.,' in his opinion, was [the mint equitable plan that could he devised. As there are several con- tentious clauses fo the bill, it will be discussed. again. One ot these pro- vides that or. local option by-law shall be quashed or set aside on the ground only that a monopoly has been created by limitation ot the number of licenses, and during the time the by-law is in lorce no greater number M licenses shall be issued. In- spectors are given the right to search hotels in local option districts and We holder Ola suininer license shall not Le required to petition tor the license each year. "Gurlph - PtterestPe, Prosperous, Pmgrr'ssive." The slogan was not adopted. the judges stating that in their opinion the ccntpetition had been a disappointing our, the majority M rontrstants not having the right idea of what a slogon Wm. The Guelph City Council offered a prize tor the but slogan submitted. The judgcs wpre 0er prominent citi- Ions who submitted their report to the Council Monday evening, selecting it is expected that asa result of the introductirct of the raising oi broom corn in the village oiTipoury and vicinity, that section will 'rcalizc inc-ream." industrial prospc'ity during the coming years. last scum some 300 acres rd the crop was glow1 and experts claim it to be ot the high- est. quality. A lance increase in nu amount grown this season is anticl- pated. ' GUELPH'S SLOGAN License Roddction. In luture the question M license reduction is to be taken out a the hank, oi municipal councils and left with the electors. Ten per cent. ot the electors may petition the council any time before November I, tuse- ing fora reduction in a certain mink ber of the licenses. The question then must be voted on at the next munici- pal election and svhmittod to ali0 Iper cent. vote. "li/submission of the question is compulsory and it the Joy-law is carried by the electors, tile council is compelled to give it its ‘thinxi reading so that it shall become How. Alter such a question has 'beert decided upon by tho electors in cannot again bt submitted to Ge (people tor three years. All local op- (tion vctes shall be confined to resi- ident votets. BROOM CORN INDUSTRY Hoa. Mr. MacKay thought some the sale of liquor to inen on the change should be made with regard to "Indian list.†Many men now, he said, got Ilium! while they were on the list because the bartenders claim- ml that they did not know the tact. He suggested that the' question of knowledge be eliminated and the judge be allowed to decinc. The question will be considered. “ILL NUT BREAK AWAY ill oodstock Sent inet-rtraow.) Auctioneer, J. W. DAVEY I 1-3 t. H 0 o LI N