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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Mar 1911, p. 6

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[welt and [luvs no a o l hu 1,4le bus haw m- 1‘" It. Llcys ammu- I0 "cryparrnt [align rccumm .nd i‘m moon POISOYQ aw "In mm mm and not: Wattle“ They .1, (be yum MOTH 11h" "tl A '/,"l,plia',,,er",t."'ltc'i"v"iig'if, Ingenu- s.tmtes" id" (“DEW nus mum mu _ A . "N'O Mercury. tin“ 'lll Ina "mptoms-m" Tuiureurestxillim-stex l Pi ' YOUNG cn T'rl-lv I A ' " ?tCAC-hmtrrtrt.rttt ads or tater -trtet ham Emir-n no mugs us"; wmaouy wan-n3: comm, prawn-a I. t's k IM.' thrt if It” ttttt ml! g! JFrtEVr I, Iv A. . No mu" t' l ufroo- My): " YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASE!” mm 9:“ , ’ARIGISE VEINS CUBE” Ue envélop- I ' WET V Ion HOME hWh'll'i"d. . Moore, oi Jnuws Ht., ., 3335 "Buolh’s Kidney "her.littl:, :qughlcr. Chris- six years, of many sym- kidney v,etkncss. She com- ' sore back, the kidney wrrv iteiwnt and [rm-0n- 'especially al night. Her as weak and itvr apprtite This muss] hvr lo bar? I, and tlie lc-l exertion ' would tire hr mun It Li'lIu-y HI ri a? NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Coming”: to His Home for Weeks. Cot Kidney Trouble r. my. Avenue! Griswold St., Detroit. Inch. “I; _4llhttrrt m om mm be “mm ar k Elm-2U. 'd Shau~ ll ma Mayo: (It’ll. I‘CL Liza rah-r, Mary hrs I Lindsay 'ttIii??,,!)??)!,?,,?,!,',,!!,?,,!,',?,!.' Its OLD GIRL Pe, Swarm, Leslie JTagedarn, Very Eerk- ion Israel, Howard hing, Clara Kessel- airy”. in Hhantr, Viuett: Bet kw, ”mold al.- E hector, Evangeline Riebm, Mini Hage- i Hcarth t 'cker, Willie II E: FUN Becker, Walter lieck- trs F' cu Richm, S. No. 7 Waterloo “Hum-y work. sworn strunlmz and ovilhnhlts in youth brought on T Ina-m- ls ms. Utseti I uoiked hard Illa ”lung would [mm s 'ht "mm” was one" Laid up fur a mark at a ttate. My 2,'llt. Mr " im t -l I "tt' an oprration “an: my v my hope-t m. I drank-d I . l tri, r! ,evrral special -. Inn anon form I out nil the? qrttrttedwttr, my I awn r le munvncul toio k u,on alldmtorsas mun brller than I "l 1 ' amm- mylnu ”an I no l hv I I no? walkmmuch and I a I I , im m "rorrti'ittt llwr us " t m to consul] PT. Konnonlya K my '.. as Loin“! hon trauma". fro, , theat hl'narlf Ind - (Iv-w tt, v» mum" anl skit rl. I “mm tl-a ml got Trm New N "rm anv"! 1-, ."y r""""' Kn: _ 'rm-w'vlt How 0nd darling rm ',rrst y ~31"th vwntmv nr t was 'to' 1":th A'wnvmrn'vrl. "Mt-1w"- mmwmmx vrwnvmv‘nt [Hr I'vrw- t mew: Im’trr tbot was ""va v uh ttr-ttr/tem HIM. lvmnl nnlr mm CII.' a we k in n marl-inc up " I..~'m.~ to'Ttrtrrttr, m-w I um ran-m2 SL'I sm-I - loose a any. 1 mm all sum-m knew at Four val-tum: "Palm-M HENRY C. LOCUST. 3f 1va an.\""'r T", T'; It,' IV“. I n\l"'fi "Wilm- "-"Illtvm'd "mum-ml " T " h n l'u'Vln'v'p Prtre. ' REPORT ui Raynor. T1 a lv 1! h" k) oth's Krrlr:e that an: mV, H tTr \c,- l n t. )fontn'ly. vhpucnlIy-n-I ”on used to beer ghoul l In. V: unnamed manger-um: _ ,F Thtre mu lo-t hotrst Are ynn Ininnrlln to man}: "I. n I ' "3 "."l Jo" my tr hug ' 1 rr N w , anon 'X ..t .: mud n!- t,rr, hersit n I 'o for you Con-luck. : r: Aw! y It, v in tor an INN!» T. rtirrt [Ev-MC“... .mimul. Fttrsvsrttood." tr.tastmtrrlpots A”; not Men. I II' ? FIFY,fImPMv?rpI. am or Innate“! junta when l I '13") I or mal house w "-iat ieiitTqGiias uiuUdea GiTTGai a Leota Kessel- Uni M We nun nu bank stocks, nor stocks oi any nthrr kind, as, however, pro- tiiable sunw of these. may be, your The total assets were Increased by $l,76t,11%97, and now stand at $1ti,279,561.58, Of this amount 94.2 per cent. consists oi first mortgages on real estate tchiefly farms), Muni- cipal Debentures, Bonds, and loans upon the Company's own policies, all of which take rank among the safest. securities obtainable. The amount inu'xh'll in mortgages during the year was t1,.'mi,888.07, and in Municipal md School Debentures, 8256.563. Payments to policyholders for death :Iaims, endowments, earplus, etc, were $80i,759A8, being considerably less than in 1909, due to the favor- able mortality experience already re- ierred to. The ratio ot management expenses to income is 16.64 per cent, being a slight advance over that lot 1909, due mainly to the increased amount of new business transacted. Notwithstanding, we con- linue to enjoy the pre-eminent posi- tion in point oi economy for which the Company has long been noted. The income Iron; premiums and in- terest, $3,020,996.39, shows the very satisfactory increase of $271,148.98. Interest and instalments on mortr gages were well met, except in Southern Manitoba and Saskatche- wan, which sutiered from drauth, but from which the payments were, never- theless, fairly satisfactory. The total amount oi business in force, as at Dee. 31st, 1910, was $64,- 55.2mm, the net addition for the ear being t5,593,3ih50. The termin- .tlons were again comparatively mod- erate, especially those by death, the actual mortality having been 8357,- T61.50, or $34,115.50 less than in 1909; and only 39 per cent. of the amount expected. P The total new assurances for the year were 5,209 policies. covering $9,- i32,774, being an increase of 497 po!ieies ior $1,20?,196 over the issue if 1909.. Practically the whole ot this was secured within the Dominion, to which, as well as the Colony oi New- .‘oundland, the Company continues to "srontirte its business. Gentlenterc--The Forty-tmst Annual Financial Statement, duly audited, is 'aerewith presented tor your consider- mon. The year 1910 has been one oi universal prosperity, in which, it “lords us pleasure to say, our Com- :any participated to an unusual de- gree. ' After the minute/ot the last an- nual meeting were diamond ot Mr. Geo, Wegenast. Managing-Director of the Company, read the [allowing erloo, on Thursday alternoon. The reports showed the Company to have enjoyed a year of unempled pros- peritv, the new business written reaching nearlv ten million doll-rs, end the total income exceeding three million. amounts that nre stupendous in oompn'rison with the corresponding Mures of ten or twenty years ago. When President E. P. Clment, K. c, called the meeting to order he Lute the directors and one": ot the Company there were seated about the, board room a large number ot policyholders, many ot them agents ot the Company representing sll noo- tions of the Dominion. The “st annual meeting ot the Mutual Life Assurance Co. ot Can- adn was held u. the head omen, Fat- MUTUAL LIFE HAD MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR D1 RECTORS' REPORT Nearly Ten Million: of New Business Written and Over Three Million Income.--All Previous Records Ssrtrtursed.-attttttal Meeting at Waterloo on Thursday Disbursements New Business Assets Income, '_ - WT“ This“, [mint Ktther6 04‘ "on busittprisi urine" in IMO Inn n when! the high water mark n 901 mill-ans These "tares provo con ("la-surly tlcat the Comtrattyhas nov- rmrhod 1hr position where it (an write nrw Mall-ml met your 'tttite lust mush In volume to In." grainy you“ “than “in to the It allords me much pleasure to welcome you to this the fortyAiret Annu’al Meeting of our Company The fast year has been one ot very great prosperity and expansion in all lines of huslness activity throughout Canada, and in this prosperity and expansion The Mutual Lite has had its lull share. The outstanding lact ot the year in the foarteiat world has been the lamentable lailure of the Farmers Bank, but as no one judges our sound Canadian Banking system by that wretched episode, so no one judges the business of lite in- surance by irregularities which may have occurred in connection with some of the smaller and newer com- panies, some at which a Toronto weekly paper has oi late so persis- tently kept in the limelight. The public are able to discriminate, and it is quite evident that The Mutual Lite enjoys the confidence, of the tttttr- lie to a constantly increasing degree. l.i'e Insurance contracts are no long- or the simple thing that they were at the outset, when tor a fixed an- nual prennum the Company bound :Is-ll to pay a fixed sum at death-- ‘vhvrc. The surplus distributed last war was a substantial advance upon the previous year, while the results on our matured Survivorship Distri- bution policies were proven to he most satisfactory. PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Gentlemen:- The ra'seeutiveYommittee, as in former years, examined and approved all items of expendifure monthly, and President. In moving the adoption of the re- port, President Clement spoke as follows:-- we .7. “wane-v...» .uvuuuuy,-uu has also inspected att the securities in detail, and compared them with the (mice records. All these were found in orderhas txyrtitied by a report of the Committee herewith presented. The surplus over all liabilities on our own standard ot reserve is $2,- 776,253.75, and by the Government standard, $3,042,427.29. The surplus earned during the year has $615,- 083.50, of which 8101.523.” was paid to policyholders, and the balance is held for future distribution. The year's earnings were by far the larg- .st in the Company's history, and nearly double those of tim years ago. As indicating the progress and profitable administration of the Com- pany's atia'.rs, it may be mentioned that the net surplus earnings tor the past five years were $2,282.159.73; and for the past ten years, $3,328: 314.73. which, haying regard to the total assets. business transacted. and in lame. has not been excelled by any other Life Insurance Company any- You Directors take pleasure in testifying to the emcicncy of the otti- ccrs and head office stall. as well as to the zeal and devotion of the agents to the Company's interests. The following Directors retire by rotat'on, but are eligible lot re- election: Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Lau- risr; K. P. Clement, K. C.; Hume Cronyn, and George Wegennast. E. P. CLEMENT, The liabilities acre computed upon the same basis as tor some yeara past, namely, by the Combined. Ex- perienoe Table oi Mortality, with in- terest at 4 not out, on all Madness issued prior to January let, "OO; by the Institute ol‘Actuariea 'Nbte, with " per cent. Iron that date to January lat. 1903; and therealterthe same table. with interest at , per cent. The trutrinesa'utrms the 4 per cent. reserve basis is only 21.14 per cent. ot the total assurances in force: that on " per cent. is 12.84 per cent. and on 3 per cent., 59.42 per cent, so that by lar the largestpujt ot our business is protected by a reserve largely in excess oi the Gov- ernment standard. The mm reserve liability is 813,- 301,984, being 1,242,838 in excess ot that lor 1909. total sham at investment Ion-II in our history at 41 yum'bun tasti- Inony to the wisdom ol rounding our itgretrtatettta to “In chm - timed. Directors an ot the opinion an and: investments involve I “but“: in enterprises which have lo M or tguaranteed Irrotita, while then is ever the liability ot heavy toea, u tastooottmtuatuinae. "he out). tithoet .dding to the Nb. ll In ae. h m Surplus. Linhiiities, All the mrmhon of the Mud ("Hm Matt Contintrr to discharge their dtt- lc-s to tho rnmpldo satisfaction at tite 1toard,-and they haw- carried through the onnrmmlq amount ot 'tpr- r-nl work "ntailr.d by the rummg in- to force of the new Insurance Art, without the regular routine work tre, ng "owed to tmiter In the slight"! deuce. The splrmlid urn-in rrndorrd rr the Medical Referee. the Supt-rin- laadcat ot Am and this Agnew “if" for It." In Mn lupin- 'llLtttttueluttgLtsili'iii, nor are our architects or our build- in; ctttttrttetora, The Inuit lies on- tirely with "w manufacturing tirm in England, who have evidently taken more rontmcts than thev were able to till. tact that. the supply of term cotta has been quite unequal to the demand with the rrgitit that our new build- ing. in common with many other largo undertakings throughout the country hns been " n standstill for months. For this delay Four Di- rectors are not It all to be censuml ten years has trebled, that theassets during the same period have increas- ed lrom tive to over sixteen millions, that the surplus has been increased nine told, and the business in force more than doubled, is to my mind a remarkable showing. Our Vice President. Mr. Bruce, will address you more " length upon the nature ot our investments. Sullice it let me to say that, notwithstanding the somewhat wider powers ot in- vestment given to life insurance com- ran'es by the new Act, we still ad- here to the conservative policy which has placed upon our books a class ot securities unequalled, I believe. by any other Company m existence. Dur- ing the past summer the Managing Director and I visited the West and 'as a result of some changes made in our stall there we are now lending much more heavily in Saskatchewan. where the security is undoubted and the rates good. But we still pur- chase Municipal bonda running over long terms even though the interest rate be lower, and we believe the advisability ot placing some ot our lands in these high class readily con- vertible securities will be more and more apparent as the years go by. In looking over the reports at the company's operations tor a number of years past. l am reminded that in the year 1800 we took possession ot, the remodelled building which we oc- cupy to-day and at the same time took to ourselves our new name of "The Mutual Life of Canada," That name 30-well chosen and which has; become a household word in Canada‘ we have no desire to change, trut) our present Head once building haa,) much more rapidly than we anticipa‘ ted become altogether inadequate, for our business, and as stated at our last annual meeting we lully anil- cipaled that trr-dar', meeting would be her in our new building. The delay has been due entirely to the which even those of us who have heen most closely associated with the Company, have scarcely Teadized. The fact that the income during the past The “gain which rmfha've hetero you exhibit a growth in every depart- met. of the_Compgny's operations Dating-the past ycan our interest earnings htve been good, and 8223.~ 673 more than sufficient to pay both the death claims and matured endow- ments and 824,997 in excess of the total payments to policy holders. We have had no losses whatever upon investments, our death rate has con- tinued remarkably low and very much below the expected. and the expense ratio has been maintained " a very low figure. having regard to the large volume at new husinesa writ- ten. The result of these four out- standing features is that our surplus earnings for the year have been 3615- 083.50 and much the largest sum in the history of the Company. The only new provision worthy ot special mention, is extended term in- sunnce. which In adopted to bring ouroontncu in line, in this respect, with those at our competitors. the t-fit being one now' granted, usual- ly under certain mutations. by all communes. . attir in by 1.10. is on the Iiho a very Initiatory Act. One result " the Act has been to require " .the Companies to amend their policy norms, no " to conform to the provisions ot the Act, the " tect being to make the contracts ot the various companies practically unl- lorm in respect. ot their leading (or. totes. This involved no changes ot any moment in our can, " our poll- c;es have always bee-most lihenl and free from nations conditions. an in all the comradua has been In the put an unN-tlr lugs (w- tor,hutlunhoplu tom neut- ntut'ul reduction In that lutuxe in the nature as . result ot the Improv- ed condition: in hell ore, undo Pot sine by this 'JCllll in the luv. The new human Act, an it lelt the Common. contained some provL alone which elected In. " the only mutual Company In Canada, sono- whnt seriously. but u a result ot reprehentetloul nude, by the Ian;- ing Director and - More the Speciul Committee ol the Senate, up- on. the Bill. that committee so modi- Bed, the hill " to leave us nothing to desire, and in our judgment mic! Insurance Act. which The meeting closed with the. ing of God Save the King. _ CASH ACCOUNT'. income. Ntrt, Ledger Assets, Dec. The usual Votes of thanks to the otticers and agency stall were passed which drew happy responses from the the Company's Medical Director. Dr. J. H. Webb, whose careful selection of risks resulted in keeping domfthe mortality to " per cent. of what was expected; Supt: of Agencies, Mr. R. Earl, 3nd Messrs. “Burrows ot Belleville," Stewart, Irwin, Ger- man, Mills and others. Mortgages ....d.r.r.r.......voso4.s, Debentures and bonds ... 4,994,077.00 To Poiiesrholdtsrsr: Death claims .W..t.... Matured endowments Surrendered policies. Surplus ... ...... ...e.. . Annuities T........ ...... $804,759.18 Expenses, taxes, etc. ..-... 502,780.00 Balance net ledger assets, Dee. “st, 1910 w........ [5,523,103.63 31,. 1969 ....rt. Premiums, net Interest ..w.wt.r. __-e- pm-.. run-vans, nu. ulcuruncy, s - M. P., of Pytrtoot, and others. 'ui','",',','."':...': 31 and 3 I“3:13 293 957 on 'tt report'was Py.""u1tousir adopted. Reserve on lapse; Giiisii ' ' . Ihe election of directors Ins then on which surrender values 'srrd'i,2'el,g,f.ut the serutineera, are claimable .... . 2024 97 “a: 'd',' Ruby. amt D. A. Bean, Death claims unadjusted 35,950.00 repor mg t e unanimous reelection Present ‘value of amounts $12: ttui,rrii'g dimtots, Meesra. Sir not vet due on natured t " . ' we " t 2'rid,', P. Cksmertt, Geo. instalment policies ... ... 104,424.26 gmaa n “m Cronyn. natured endowments un- The usual votes or Hun-In on n... . - , seconded the motion as adopt the report, after which the report was freely discussed try policy holders present, the speeches all being ot a highly congratulatory character. Among the snooker: were the veteran 'rr-manager Mr. W. Hendry, Mt. J. M. Sculiy. P.C.A., the Company's auditor; Mr. C. M. Bowman, ex-Ml’. P., ot Southampton, and a son ot theJate I. E. Bowman M.P.. one. of the founders of the company [arty- one years previous; Mr. ucCramy, the body: when they’re strong enough below. mkiijGGs iii 31113;;33? and in "£th numbers. (Imam an order Itor which we my At * * Hmm‘l‘unblu Dr-ga Puehine can. by homing Ind 'ttat, " MW mm and strengthening the white cannula: of m _ the blood. or 'ttraetertes. Now, we don't ask you to take our Thou white eorp1sseteq out every word tor the tremendously benefteial dime gem that 'tttds entnm-e l' fr.ettpr Physique. Wil oughg coupon It that: require any mt stretch a: eottitd+ to know Iron (gen um I - We have bandied: ot thousand. of unsolicited testimonial; We know or the hundreds of thott- snds It bu cured. We've horn Psyehlno tor . third of . eertturr--att-t I autumn. Nor would our eoniUettee seen " Now it I Hardin” to you were you in our malls. an 0 place. and "to you to know the things ttt III todar. " know. Ynn'll um Woi‘hermoi's Peerless, I th" kid, pique town. PIl'il point, two button dress glove, every pair with the Surely clap. in black and Run, " $1.25 It: hunch! qdteet “on will all you. - mes-gun. with“! u: teit-intemqt from a, mm It now- our eotiee--thu pin Hon It not? Yet our “aide-cc to II 1- not plum-uni. not out or the way, Werttteimer's Majenic, ' of "trat fue kid, pique awn, Paris point. two button dross glovo. hu the. Surety clasp. in black and tans, It 8t.so Alt the risk In ours. an It. cost In ours. You yourself "a to be the sole “the ot All I. an. to: Puchlne. Did you out hear of an” chr- Iu to prove I” cut-nu" plantation 11m slum:- Hm? Do you be! m not um {Iron-tum u out! A. Weseloh BALANCE SHEET, Disbursements‘ Dry Goods Clothin. - Direct from Manufacturers in Europe. Every Pate Guaranteed “emf”? ' Read. 21:45:st A Nosesloh & Go. CT You Can Get FREE a Soc: Bottle of Psychine (Si-Keen) muse we want you to know this wonderful remedy u we 1tnow it. Amok. Kid Gloves $t3,869,T37.og .. 2,245,264.25 .. 775,732.14 $itr,830,783.gi $16,83it,N8.4t WllESELOH'tt $347,764.12 253,319.00 87,246.25 101352330 9,905.91 sing- (Victoria BA?., Colonist.) . l The speech ot Secretary Knot isa "ery noble statement, and it indicat- .es that in the mind at the speak- icr there is " growing appreciation iot the community at intezcsts and sympathy between all section: at the Fhtglish-spmhittg race. It is a new thing to read that a public man u the United.Slates, occupying the political place next to the Presi- dent in importance, is ready to join Britain, Camila and his own cotht try and be prepared to stand against the world. MINARD’S LINIMENT CURES GARGET IN COWS. Waterloo, Jan. 24, 19H. SFCRETA RY KNOX'S SPEECH. sundry accounts w........ ... 11.42036 Credit ledger balances ... 20,01L53 Surplus. Otse. 31, 1910 ... 2,787,280.28 (Surplus on Government Standard of Valuation $3,053,454.42) ".'..r........ one butién wand adjusted .v...... ..,.i... ... Premiums paid in advmce Due lor medical Ices ind Loans on politics ... "H" 2, Premium obligntions ...... Bell estate ... ...q.. ...... Cash, in banks ."................ Cash " Head OtBtx, ... ... Due' and deferred premiums, net ..r.....m Interest due t16,279,S6i.5tt Audited and found correct. You'll um} regret you declslon undo. But can!!! and all a it I. we in» will It Ill) do. hem:- the - of our buying a Foo-m: bottle from your druggiu and giving it you. tree. New if you have any of these an- gnnu. up out the coupon an mail tt Whloh solemn not know. wilt do We In] undoubtedly In, and an. just that tritmte in m. manner. hundred: or We go to great engine a make “"3”" " tbese “'00" bottta. ot Puebla. "e"': " that to an tt o te In e t " I " our a to an an. r ' '""u"' h. a“. :03th II this tutorial prep".- They are compounded in one in tho line-l Ilborltorhl. In upwin- that I: can], In the queue. And Puddl- but!“ than whit. Im- the - null who) tor . col-punch. beau. of certain medial fro-cent bottle of Put-Mu to be (In. lath it cult-In. man's Inc "may. you (no of cost. cums-Ia rum Fall-lo Wonk-n- 1mm Whip}: qeietseq not know. will an GEO. WEGENAST, Managing Director J. M. SCULLYMF.C.A., _ Auditor. Liabilities Night Bro-IL mmu cm Walk Lam ' VIII» Mttetrtq Woun- hrl’ MI. MN Alicia. (that d Btu-d ...... 2,027,133.10 I ..i., 14,732.05 I ..... 811,853.11 l, F...... 119,136.39 ... ... 5,651.34 $16,2N,Sitt.5tt 380,068.81 340,884.61 2,400.00 14,390.23 R'Toclnku' no GuaiGtee - pale from 79: to "go. Ask to to. the Sum, cut chiI-Soft kid Glove. our loader. two buttons, in black and can, I" sit... at 79c. Wertheimer's Carlton, fine on- dressed kid, Putin point, two bet.. ton glow, with Surety clasp, in black- and (rays. at 'coo WiN0SOR.- Magistrate Leggett announces that the meeting for tha. organization ot a Magtistrntctr' As- sociation will be belt} in Toronto- cn March 8, not on the 6th ttstirsr announced. The strong tinaneitrl position of the company is a well known tact, and all that is neceasary to unsure the continued success ot the con- cern is continued prosperity olthe (ounlry, together with an increased realization ot the importance and economy ot cement. to a building ma- terial. The frank statement hi the policy and the general attitude ot fairness ievideiceti by this address. are such as to warrant more than passing Humment. Any lay member ot the Itommunily rroading the Report must scaly icel disposed to echo the hope cxprqssej by the President, that the increased domand and incrercd Emlyn in the year to come will re- '; suit in further" swings in the cost lot manufacture; and " further cab- _ not be but felt by the public at 'large that any mi. seduction that (iii) be obtained will, mordingto i the broadminded policy at the Com- pany. be med u an advantage to the customers' of the Compart- “he concern depending for their profits upon increasing volume of I business. Another noteworthy feature ot we Report is the provision made for em- ployes to become poisessors ot stock. This is, as pointed out, a policy already in force in some ol the largest instltutions, and shows that the Canal: Cement Company are quick to appreciate any means or stimulating interest and mmtidence upon the part of the stall. Especially Interesting is the state- ment that the policy ot the Com- pany is such as to ' towards cquali tion ot the price of cement “"0601", Canada so tar as possible Pthlished etsewhere in this issue is the Annual Report for the pus: year of the Bond of Directors of the (junta Cenient Company, as :cad by the Prelim, to the Share- holders, at the Annual Meeting held in Montreal on the am at Febru- ary, our thlrtr yem' experience with this splendid preparation. In: I fill know- ledge of the “new " thou-uh at and it has male. , f.eluertee (pat in bun has! on A. RI Goudlo Stunt and N'""--.-....-...... Mr Bright‘- It-..........'........... Enact-ad tN-............. L...... I'M-m knot forth.” a R',u'll,'i'l'l 2"ttl'gtt,'ttd --ttris-t " not 'W-o" nuts.- lho no. but» of Pam-n In. IN', drought and direct 's'P,'t',2,r, a you. “have my rum all; an. unbound“. Bud cannon ,'ttMitPigeg co trtfdt I. 'h?..'tlttd , In" ir1?i'iiriii warm." W” " utr. To " INTERESTING REPORT COUPON No. "5 the Dr. T. A swoon u muss - A”... 7...... u... ”noun-u... .._- up -to-Wur N () U M 0 ll

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