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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Mar 1911, p. 3

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â€" Listowel | 1 . Business College | Your Directors _ feel O ests of the consumers, the and beneficial tesnlts for C With the view of c nary advertising, the . cement may be put, fr been received during For the purpose of Al The Sharcholders® of the Company being Tayments of interest « Fosition to withstand otherwise, which condi Cash reserve. We trust, when you consi( our plants were only operated the Shareholders Dvring the current year we cont nuing _ to manufacture a Th‘s ant‘cipated increase will but we do not expect that the two plasts which have been â€" expected that the increased de; manufacture and rlisln'butmn, & these reductions imaay, a. 2 20 _2 2C0CBS Of Manulacturers Engineers and 0‘ ors who realize the advisabi. ity of having !" . Patent business transacted by Experts. ~ x:caryadvice free. Charge tequest, as‘ on kn York Life . [srion, Ne« e .l W#atreai rugtor. D.C_ U.& 4. da heavy shipping season Early in 1910 the fer in Canada. excepti ant.c.yated savings in â€" stil further reduce th The consumption a‘so suffered on aceo heayy shibning ens.. Your Directors b the Canada Cement In presenting the disclosed by the larg amount of current 1i Stock for the year, Iâ€"newals, bad debts â€" Tt > Winter Term opened with an inâ€" crease of 75 per cent in attendane. over 1910. Students may enter at any time. Spring Term from Monday £pri‘ 3rd | To the Shareholders : It is also the The Mercantile Fire Inqguu Company Subscribed Capital........ 250, 0006 Deposit with the Dominion Government ...... ...... .. $117,140, All policies guaranteed by the London nd Lancashire Insurance Company with Arsots of $16,300,638, Alived Wright, Secretary _ T. H. Hall, Inspecior [ C. A BOEHM District Agent Waterloo, Ont. Phore 249. 1 For par‘‘eul rs Canada Cement Co. PROMP $ usc Edwin C. Matthews oc dag 9492 00 onat . ETiT meon., f Meptrmmemmemmemmemmmdinepammeemmmens.._"___.â€"_ :““mmmmm INCORPORATED is75 ad Office â€" Waterioo . an agreement has be>n entered into property at Exshaw, which, added 4. neck mle es ud w of educating the . the Company has put, for which book hkluD C1 0G,0 CCZ CeAT PAi@tel into whereby this Company exp property at Exshaw, which, added n our Calgary Tlant, and put us in the posit:on of anticipating any extraordinary growth Great West Annual Report year, we debts, etc Cersâ€" profits wil! degend on the inc being the maintenanc@ of such a s rest on its bonds and dividends on stand any unforseen emergency that condition naturally necessitates the s ty ‘Uive to them, the employes paving ompany ca orying the stock for ther Ct, all dividends will be credited t t for the emplove for a term his heirs will receive what henefs Silverware | tion of cement during the account of the railways not °2C Case wall enable us to operate nur. pect that the demand wi | be sufficient h have been idle since the organization increased demand, and increased output rlislrl'butmn, and it is the policy of yvour WILLIAM C. Epwarps addrese l that the policy, as the em ployes, and tt for all concerned All of which is s beg to present herewith the nt Company, Limited, as of â€" the Balance Sheet, we call af large amount of cash on hand t liabilities. After providia. the past six you consid r _ y operated 57.6 7 Onnsaqucnuy price oi ovrror Manufacturers | O4¢6. Waterloo Mutual of the Board of Diret;tors _n _ . q ; ) s WIth the annual statement of the affairs and financial position of hpany, Limited, as of the 31st December, 1910 * lance Sheet, we call attention to the Company‘s strong financial position _ as mount of cash on hand, and other quick assets, and the comparatijvely small ities. After Providing for interest on our Bon(s and Dividends on our Preferred have bren able to set up reserves for depreciation, extraordinary _ repairs â€" and , and carry© forward a substantial balance to Surplus Account. ‘ment diring the past year was not as ‘arge as anticipated. Our business { the railways not being able to meet our full requirements for cars during the onsequiently, we carry OVCLâ€"Eeumr last vaar T61 rae aoon uin a strictly high ic public, and a short period in‘[‘isfl!), but look for published a small there has been a months cy, as herein outlined, will and the sharcholders ident the respectfully submitted ic above mentioned conditions, Fer cent. of their capacity, the Business 0m«°249. Business â€" solicited + " ©STeorted to the emploves ap g a term of five years what benefit a deccased emnt C A BOEHENM > Genernl_lnlun nce A4gent, Buccessor ta: Buck brrrough Co. larger natural demand, which « h grade article,, and by selling to operate our plants to better o 2 aws ES our Eastern mins.‘“i'h'(- Ask any C ?.9, Will leave Toronto f[‘fnfi rur:snuJ Â¥ARCBH and APRIL MANITOBA, ALBERTA $ A SK A T C H EW A N Through Trai Special i'nim 10.10 PM. _| fand Touriat & Colonist Cars on all T No charse for berths "c (ompany on behalf of the F a feeling of mutual goodwill, â€" by several large industrial cor possessors of Preferred and C popularizing the use the increased volume of the Con ch a stable position as will ins nds on its Preferred stock, and y that may arise consequent on tes the accumulation of, and th Limited. Winnipeg and West ing@ a fixed amo unt. r};r them , charging a rate of a great is Office 249, House 200. solicited for first class Compacies. Adent for copy of be advisable, a â€"_je STUC, 5y selling it at the lowest possible price. our plants to better advantage than in the past, ent to enable us to‘put into operation either of the ation of this Company . However, it is confidently utput, will resulit in further savings in the cost of your Directors to give your customers the benefit of furtherance of 7'his poli y will erect, this vear On behalf of King St. + Â¥1!, as nearly as identical, and will â€" the use of cement, in addition to the ordiâ€" illustratin® some of the many uses to which demand, 25.n00 applications for same having n S Enmiiimey ) meet our full requirements for cars during the last year 781,116 bartels of cement. t a lower price than cement had ever been sold your Directors are pleased to state that the EP emegloa Di - 1 demand, which demand ased cmploye has Ed ... products were svlcinfitwhat. | _ should use ( Regular Trains Leaving Toronto lo.loru. Ml of cement by selling it at Company expects , and also the fact that during 1910 C profits shown will be satisfactory to the Board oi huildings, i Burning ement throughout Canada this policy, vyour Director Building o the Employes, both in eMcieney rodwill, your Directors deem it exâ€" rial corporations with _ beneficial 1 and Common Stock _ at prices â€" per share per month out of the‘r to of 5 per cent ipterest. _ If the applving for the stock Said stock TS, excepting in exceptional cases, uc td : 1 0ck, and at the same time l;e in a quent on business depression _ or , and the maintenance of, a large Y as possible make will in ure to the m the Company‘s business will insure _ regular a mill to grine machinery, etc., Department can derived frorh fbo the stomach with no perceptible swallowing effort. By constant chewâ€" ‘ng of the food he holds that _ man can be nourished on far less than it takes at present to keep the body in condition. the world. His doctrine is to chew the food 100 times or more gnd it then becomes an emulsion and gocs ttl:m-fi for the loss by death of CHEWS F 1 . | IDC Flaintiff‘s son in the defendant‘s H 0O0D 100 TIMES : factory and also paying costs. â€" Wm. Dr. Horace Fletcher, the _ "chew (';c'de ""‘ platntif and R. J. Mcâ€" chew‘‘ man, is to visit Detroit to aid | owan for defendant. in the toothâ€"saving campaign planned ! 3 , by the dentists of that city. Dr. / O,T"‘;fl‘l‘.“‘ case taten up was | that Fletcher is the exponent of ‘"Fletch 2. ,"!!li@m Hooder, on, behalf of inâ€" erism,"" which has followers all over "‘2°¢ CBildren of Frederick Millor ve â€" ects to acquire, in the the projected plant at in the consumption â€" of after which they leave for â€"their future ome at Douglas, _ Man., where tte best wishes of thoir maâ€" ny Berlin frieeds inllow them. io on o m e n en elaeees ny beautiful end vseful presents, inâ€" dicating _ the high esteem of her many girl friends and others. _ The groom‘s gift to the bride was a handsome set of Persian Lamb® furs. The interesting ceremony was . perâ€" formed by the Rev. W. A. Bradley . After a dainty I‘richeon th: hHapâ€" py couple left on the 5.20 train for Toronto and â€" castern poin‘s Director wouge Mrs. John Rudell, A quiet but very pretty w ® hford Opens The death of Mrs. Hannah Ciem took _ place at the home of â€"Mrs. J“;::f; L“: o tie ens, relict of the late John â€" Rudell Wim. Haslem, Walter street, Macch 1, &s at the Col-t-Hene took place at noon op Saturday â€" at at 3 p.n.., only near relatives NlAfl on u“‘l’ the home, 79 Scott street. While reâ€" friends 0; the bride being lF‘"“"“_ wâ€"â€" t‘ring on the previous night she sufâ€" When Miss Jean Gibson, Berlin, zn ! The Spiing sessions of the _ High | fered a Earalytic stroke from the efâ€" Mr. William Albert Wilaie, of Dougâ€" Co:rt of Jistice opened Monday | fects of which she never regained las, Man., were unitsd in the hol!, at one a‘cleck with His Lordâ€" | consciousness and she passed peaceâ€" bonds of matrimony. The bride SlIP _ custice Latchford presiding. | uy away to her rest. She _ had was given away by ber fatber, Mr. Toer: was m large audience in the | been in apparently good health prevâ€" John Gibson. She wore her travelâ€" cortâ€"room, consisting largely . of ious toâ€" the stroke which m?u in ling suit of blue cloth sad Ca"H#1 jurors ang withesses, her death. a lovely shower touguet of lilies of Among the legal gentlemen Present | _ ‘The late Mrs. Rudell was in _ ber the vadley very artistically arrange! were Messrs. 8. p. Washington, K. 75th year and up to a few years agol with innumerable tiny loops and, C., J. G. Gould, K.C., of Haméilton, | resice} with her uusband an‘s tmL knots of white baby ribbon. I(‘rown Atlorsey Bowlhv _ n .«~ 1 ‘The bride was the recinient ol ma_ T will be stimulated by Directors have ar to grind _ clinker ke the interâ€" most enduring subscribing ate that the were able _ to WILKIEâ€"GIBSON HYMENEAL _ |HiGH courT s, the policy and uniform o h ° ~rown Atl was the recipient of ©4~ mont, K+ #M# reaful nwamamin g2 9 will be be added, in so far m business Atâ€" , W. B. Lo Ir; ine 9 Wilmot. G. E. Lang Sidncy Lai mot. ’ Jacob Mcis Manley .J. August Prrc ' Alex. Stolt ; (to Von FE ! NEW CLASS | f Wednesday a presents, inâ€" things it '\ Wednesday a new classification lor I i the express companies which has been _ (r approved by the _ Railway Commisâ€" 8 sion went into effect. Amoh# ather: i NEW CLASSIFICATION Sidncy l,autemchla;m: larnir, Wilâ€" mot. mo‘ â€"«lacob Mcisel, farmer, Waterloo. Manley J. Mark, gentleman, Wil Augnat Pove, carcenter, Hespeler Alex. Stolt7, farmer, Waterloo. (Â¥to Von Endc, ma« hinist, Preston. Altert Lindner, rrpni‘n-r, Berlin. W. R. Lederman, :tailor, Wilmot. riine Lautenschlager, _ merchant PHSV Dan. Bohleadr r,° grocer, Waterico. Merno B. Bowiness, farmer, _ Woolâ€" wich. f FA. Busch, manufacturer, Waterloo. Fred. Bracndic, farmer, Weéllesley. Adam. Bigam _ farnose Woia _ fries. Alex. A. Baun Albert Becker, Fred. Boflinger to:100. & oth. Bauman, wich. Abrabam M. j Waterloo. as Ephrcim W. Wilson, farmer, Waterâ€" loo. w Clar‘; â€"W. Wilkinson, drover, Galt. . Petit Jury. â€" J. D. Allan,rmcrchant, Gelt. Jcs. Atmstrong, farmer, Ncrib Dumfries. ‘ Heary Abreas, merchant, Elmira. | Ed. Broaner, farmer, Wellesiey. Gco. Brown, farmer, Watcrloo. Tp. Wnn Brydon, farmer, North Dumâ€" .Jo‘hn Mecdonald, farmer, Wilmot. Wesley J. Parkes, dyer, Hespeler. Geo. D. Taylor, tailor, Galt. W. H. Umbach, bookkceper, New Hamberg. _ 7 Walter WiHiamson, farmer, _ Nortth Dumifries. 1 t T 220000 . DOm fries. > Martin Decuert, mechanic, Preston Archibald Hall, farmer, North D:m fries. . John Meconald, farmer, Wilmot. Wesley J. PaIKES. AVOr Hagnolar Byron > E. Bechtei, manufacturer, WiterIco. Jacob Bricker, farmer, Welleslcy. â€" GCeo. A. Bowman, merchant, Woolâ€" wich. *â€"C. and J. G. Gould, K.C., Hamilâ€" ton for the plaintifis and Scclien & Weir, Berlin â€"for defendants. The jerors who answered to the rell call are.zs follows: j Lang, merchant, Berli , _\ ; _\ _ _ ‘1000€f, on.behalf of inâ€" fant children of Frederick Miller vs. Jaca‘ * Kautman. The childsen‘s faâ€" t:er was killeo as the ‘result of is iDg strâ€"c‘ by a board while operatâ€" ing :+ saw in the defendant‘s facâ€" tory last July. S. F. Washinetan . After the rdibcall of jurygrs and His Lordship‘s instructions to the Grand Jury, counsel in the case of Tobias Wanklyn vs. the Habn Brass (Co., Limited, New Hamburg, informed Judtice Latchford tiat a scttlement hec beexr arrived at, the Colondants | givin@ tha nl.Lcia ‘ecan cnd Car l'iCk, farme r Bauman, tailor, Waterloo. , carpenter, Wellesley. T, wood finisher, Waâ€" Grand Jury tisrs. S. . Washington, K. iâ€" Gould, K.C., of Hamilton, A ttorney Bowlby, E. pP. Cle :C., W. M. Crim, H. . â€" A. Scellen, J. J. A.‘Weir Bauman, _ mechanic, gentleman, _ Woolâ€" ansiyn _ vs. the Hahn Limited, New Hamburg, dtice Latchford tiat a he«" beezr arrived at, the giving the plaintif $500 Case Settled. , North Dumâ€" OF JUSTICE 5 ind Doh n t!ton, _ in the county nl West season a,ll(-r about a dozenâ€" dil'l""o" passing through or rewr the _ent oritings, a large perceatage of Galt, in the county of Wat i members being in att>ndance. Resides and the townships of Dumfries, the n.:;'mbfl!. 0:0‘-‘ 60 frinds "L:" erly, Flaniboro â€" West :nd Anca: in ited. The costumes _ were varic . j â€" a large number â€" showing originality | _ Srch a line would fl‘Ha'n'.“ and | caref 2 preparation, all were |a big thm‘g for fl!n-lph, and t tasty _ and pleasing. An orchestra | means business is orunpnxlratrd provided _ exceollent music. Among |the fact that application is the characters were Riding Girl, Sufâ€" | to _ increase _ the capital stock the company to $2,000,000. {ragrette, Spanish Maiden, â€" Winter, smr Girl, Night, Clown, |compmy also asks that it mas A on rale t P ol TLb 90 _ The Nix Oriting Club held a very successful carnival in The East Eni rin‘ _ Wednesday to wind up the season after _ about a dozenâ€" differâ€" ent vitings, a large perceatage _ of members being in attondance. Resides the members, _ about 60 friends wers in ited. The costumes were varied a large number showing oflgintlityJ And caref) bremaratina i Ese NIX OUTING CLUs carNivar _0 PECET, whr‘e for the â€" relief of ; sÂ¥in â€" jrritation it is iavaluazle," a ’ Another famous user of Zamâ€"Bu‘. is ~ Mr. Frank Scudamore, the War p. Correspondent, who supplied Canaâ€" Uâ€" dian papers ‘with their despatches !during the Boer War. Mr. Scudaâ€" 0. _ more says: "Some poisonous dye on Yâ€" my urjetclothing came in contact Â¥~ , with a smaH uncer on my leg and Llood poisoning set in. Inlammaâ€" + tion, pain and swelling followed. My â€" medical _ man‘s treatment did . not > seem to do any gaood, as ulcer after ’ulcer broke out, unril my left â€" le; from knee to foot was cn> mass of ~ , Sores. I had â€" seventcen decp ulcers ‘ + a¢ ohne time. I could not p«. my | _ foot to the ground, and was really [! in a pitifel state. A friend advisâ€"| / ed Zamâ€"B::, and I appliecd this |â€" . herbal baim. It was really wondorâ€" | ! fil how _ it soothed the pain _ and | ® aching arld gee me case. ! _"I continued â€" with it, leaving â€" off + sll other trsatment, and at the end | * <I a week‘s treatment my leg â€" was ;' not like the same. A fow boxes of t: Zamâ€"Buk hbealed all the sores, ang | _ ; bit by bit new, healthy skin covered :: | the ‘ places, which had been so deeply i7 pilt»d and scarrcd _ by ulccration ta‘ ard blood poison. The limb is now [ 1 perfectly healthy, and â€" with no "‘ marks of the old wicers. For this | ‘** splendid result I have ‘ only Zamâ€" ":: Buk to thank," tol ZamrBuk is a cute for piles, eczeâ€" i ma, cold cracks or chaps, uicers, | * ringworm, . poison, cuts, als=â€"esses, | th burns, _ children‘s â€" rashes, abrasions, | £2! and for idl skin imjuries and _ dis. |‘* cases. All druggists and stores sell | A* at 50c. _ box, or post free from Z Buk _ (Co., Toronto, for price. Re imitations nmi $500 | Mrs. Isaac u“hl, 1 of | Mrs. (Rev.) A. ‘p. nt‘s | Japan. ~Miss Rose Ru Wm. | est daughter, died ne: Mcâ€" | ago. The funcral too k the residence, 79 en "I have found liable _ for healing sions; while â€" for s5in â€" irritation it i Miay Tmous to the great « 1 Star City, Sa: j a_sov and Mrs Tells the | The death of Mrs. Hannah Clemâ€" e ens, lelieldfl-l‘uh Rudell j lookplueuma.&umy at the home, 79 Scott street. While reâ€" t‘ring on the previous night she sul. igh | fered a paralytic stroke from the efâ€" ;’ fests of which she never regained 4â€" Anneminnessls & 3 ol â€" the a2 . â€" U _ WASs shockingly sudden as the deceased was apparently in _ the best of health during the day. i Tha Hats 2o on B CC on a chair. Death failure and was sh, Shor"y after telnrnm‘ Zion Evangelical church o‘clock of Sunday eveni B. H:Stlnj' a respected this town, passed awaw interment. Lk ce i. 22007 PeCE on Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 o‘clock to Warner‘s cemetery near Hespeler for intarman t mothe; Cl _ 10 °00â€" NCF Fesidence in Berlin she made many friends parâ€" t cularly in St. Andrew‘s Church cirâ€" eles. .of which she wasâ€" a â€" faithful member.â€" She was a kind and loving a terrible shock to the bereaved chilâ€" dren "ad seventcen decp ulcers time. I could _ not P». my the ground, and was really l state. A friend wivisâ€" nâ€"B:s:, and I applied this im. It was really | wondorâ€" it soothed the pain _ and Mallndid daughter, The Grim Reaper visited the homes ol two aged and respected citizens of Berlin with extreme suddenness during the last few days. Mrs. John Rudell, 1 late Mr to, for price. Refuse substitutes. 1 Sunday evening Mr. d4, a respected resident » M «way â€"while se , 19 Hcott street resurning home from was due to he.}; Lamâ€" about nfnâ€"e 1604 and empowered to ©quip, mainâ€" tain and operate an extension of its line of railway from some point on its _ present authorized line it or near Cooksville, in the county of Pecl, to _ a point in or near the town of Milton, in the county _ of Halton, passing through or _ near the townships | of Torente, Trafalâ€" gat or l-Isquosing; thence northerly to a point at or near the village of Acton, in the said county of _ Halâ€" ton; to extend its line from _ some Point at or near Guelph, in the county of Wellington, to a point at XT near Preston, in ths comty of Wate rloo, passing _ througi or near Ce Townships _ of Guelph, Waterâ€" lo0, ‘Puslinch and the town of Hespeâ€" ler; theues northwesterly to the town of Berlin, in the county of Waterioo, ‘ and southerly to the City af Han. In fact, the proposal ; tortains a line westwar city, but also a southe from Guelph to I‘reston there to Berlin and Har is out‘ined in the clause vides that "The company ired and empowered in 0 > meqmite from A private bill of dinary interest to been introduced ; in charze. cf Mr. P.P. It is un Act . 2C Cene it ,rur(hase of the rgrq Tomnto Suburban R‘nwa’ mina!s ‘and station . use city of Toronto, the t Will Exte;: ::Vestynrd to I cnd the city cof llamiHq Tiuin 1 UNDERTAKING 1 6 m In Mission Furniture, niture, Hall Seat â€" L0 Berlin _ C mures: (Gueiph Herald.) ate bill of more than orâ€" | nterest | to Guelphites has i troduced | in the Legislature, / ~ cl Mri.oR. j. Howiu‘.w" Pa is an Act respecting the / in ty Suburban Railway _ Comâ€" , sams d _ provides â€" for an extemâ€" / once, the radial company‘s lincs | ang onto ° westward io G:ciph ° poirts. As will bo readâ€" ed, if â€" the proposition r(-’ . be _ Legislature‘s sanction, | Paris company goes ahead, it wil) | conta ihie mitw lisla 0 0C Sim;;;;l’s Rotdil' Furnitu;i would _ certainly mean Victor Talking Machines, P Phonographs Genuine Ed graphs, Columbia Graphopt 0r rest the town county of Waterloo. 6 Pretfon snd _ from _and Hamilton. This the clause which proâ€" c company is authorâ€" of Musical Instru Pproposal not only ; the town of Hespeâ€" esterly to the town ounty of Waterioo, thr city of â€" Hamâ€" 22 200 "Pom _ some Guelph, in the ton, to a point at \_ in ths countv of througi or near of _ Guelph, Water > 26 Kinz Si. w;t,-;j Where Yau Can Always 1 stward to this southern extension Dumfries, Be <ard Ancaster branches. French Oak 'i?l::iw All goods_ sold under the firm‘s â€" gu ‘to be satisfactory, You are welcom times to visit our show_rooms and goods 20 t "asure s sanction, i lf‘ansfa,, 5oes ahead, it wili | contains Fith such _ aconâ€" ‘ heirâ€" if lat we hope _ to sÂ¥ and and west through ciseases Â¥, when that lin> | _ Wemon â€" « ,' s.nd u, no home Wanles and that it Westworth â€"1, _ ,, <"‘¢s Piping Room . Hall Seats and Mirrors. Arm Clgin in Early Eng 18 _ madie MUSIC BOOKS orF ALL 4 pecial attention paiM to U Day Phone 37. Night I by The fur Saturday K ‘a shn w Noved _ in the wie and four 0( latter are Louis, A manda. Mrs, * Wilson Parker of Ruckelshruaseq of ters. Stratford | BHeaco Hace in ihe gol C tay, March 1 115 Grange street 31 vears. Mr. P Berlin, but after : gvuarantced Hair is ivistock, tMnS$ _ of 14. FPer large bottle it by mail Post; M..nulzctun’nk Co Mo> that the (Gir s Dinin_g. R&o; 4 Cruggists and stores cv:_? guarantce Parigsian Sage a refund _ your moncy if it faj druggist Ed. y Devitt what thinks . of it. _ He sclls it a Fer large bottle or you can ; it by mail postpaid from . I U sNap ced un‘ DEATH OF HERMAN P l 00000 nvacon â€"The â€" dvag Co in ihe gencred hospitat My, March !, of Herman Grange stroct, at tho age Â¥ears. Mr.ooProp was borm» lin, but after living for a time istock camo to Straiford ate Years ago. Mr. Probj was canter bÂ¥ trade STA \ hauicn sc Parisian Sage is without contains nothing that can heirâ€" it is not sticky, oily SY and prevents as wald Parisian Sag in two weeksâ€" Sams time an ONCC. Jt mal. funcral wil} home Mcney Back HERM ANX I NPWRA s P weeksâ€"cure dandri time ani stop . scal 1t makes the hair luxuriant. PARISIAN siq “}ill Grow-Mm of _ ehe scalp. and children by € it daily as a d is complete wit will la‘o _ placge TNoun. Rev. ()! As a Hair ‘& Co., _ Fort Efltâ€".! o Girl with the At each package. Sold by Ed. M Devitt. . Ruston mill. children SUrvite. s, llonmn, A1mes Vansuld ang _ | of Strfll‘or»:f- a~2*. Humber, at or the county «w including th® . eToSsS tie Tavistoctt zc will Straiford .E Mr. _ Prohl was ind _ has pecf 4 i it Fai PROHL ~27, OllySpr as wel as servicos Dressing U M 0 D H

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