as. ta. Hops in London (Paeitie as“). firm, " " to c, M. _ Montreal Grain and Produco. t MONTREAL. Feb. 21.~Bu51ne- In JH-nltoba spring wheat over the tt.triq “I. very quiet owing to the limited do- m‘d. and the dechno In prices od UM trr-Mid. American com is stronger. and ideseia In halt cent to (me cent per bub-1 " Half. oats qNPl and may. [poll durum! tor tlout. Lair, but snort trad. u dull. Demand tor bran ma shard mod u firm prices. Provlllou furl! tit/T, Palaces steady at we to W W as In car lots. Receipt: of - min: pnd market can. A ---- CHICAGO. You. 'tt.--oenerV oonrl Ito" uum union. to "up. but: "will lo-nnrmu. Pllt m “f be at. (an a My 3 r: that ttat new. m than I It. has“. Ibown In tho “an caught. and. cloning an... um nude; " ' an advance of , to it " %e. on â€and up age to use ml r In" lut night: out. with a "In at to Jig. mm muck the “no u ale-1;: I). but. before, with nor. cap-nu“ huh-925m». .___ ' ..... But", store Iottc......_..0t7 " matter. separator. dairy. lb. 0 tt " Butter. Creamery, In. rolls.. 0 " Oil Butter, ere-mew, solidiâ€. o 2t ' 8 kn. new-tom ...q..rt.reerm' 023 ..... .grn, cold .toratret ...Fr.P... 011 . .... been. lb. v........,........."" om 1bmerisombr, dozen ....r... '.50 .... Howey. extracted. lb m....... oto on Livorpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, Fob. 2L--Chr.sirttr. When. tum. dull; No. 2 red western winter. no neck; fumes any; March. as 11%d; In}. K. 1937613." 1rlour-1vinter gang“, twig}. Country dressed hogs, $850 to '50:. greased hop. abattoir. $10 to 810.8 W " a. mer-mate, half barrels. It) In, 81M6t bunch. am lbs. :11". Heroes, no lbs. = _ 1Ard--Compounu tiercea. = ttm. no; toxemia lbs. net (parchment lined). We: “in. tO "an. nct.. grained mom “in; he: pulls. wood, a, lbs. net. It36et ti- DIJIS, so lbs. gross, lméc. _ mer- Pork-Heavy Canada short cut mell. barrels, $3 to 47, News, ts; hut-bunch. $.75; Canadl short cut and back not: JO 5 ptocea. barrels, $25: Canaan ale pork. barrels. ar to 35 pieces, 334.50; be. pork. small pieces but tat, barrels: tpal 'Hmteed: Bran, Ontario. W.'. to t23t Mnnltoba. an to m: mlddungs. Ontario. 821 to :5; shorts. Manitoba, W2 to tw. momma. :25 to an., 23ot fresh. 'gre; No. ' - dilier--eiiiuidisiis" Jir.Uehi," "No. t' be to 3315c our lots ex-store; extra 249:} teed. 'k to Me; No. 3 C.W.. 371150 to “c; Q , local white. 37%e to 37lec; No. , I write, 36360 to 36bic; No. 4 local whlla. £530 to $6%rr. _ V - _ . Floar-,-Maaitoba wring wheat patents {bug-5w: seconds, 35,10: winter wheat patents, “If. to 85; strong bakers', 34.9: Mrnlght rollers. tt.35 to $4.50: In bags. 81.90 to $2. Rolled oats, per barrel. MAS; bag ot 90 Irs., $2.10. _ __ _ Head bahir'. In; lots ex-store, (an to 'dh, Corn, American No. 3 yellow. 56% to. e. tthsek, to: No. & Inc. _Ch--Westeruts, 12c to 12230; enn- nl','; 11960 to IN. I unet~cholcest 245%- to L5e: BeemMq m to 2339c. Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO. Rh. 2t.--The railwnrs reported 89 unloads hf live stoek " the City Yards, curnislin: of 1363 cattle, 1104 hogs, 518 sheo'p and lamba. ms wives and 9 horses. Butchers. gee. Rownu'ee bought. 310 cattle for tho g rrta Abattoir Company, an Fdlows; utchers' steers and Lelft'rs, $3.30 In "IO; com, am to 5.23; buns, $1.13 to $3.:3 Milken and Swingers. The number of tbe better class or milk- ers and aprlngers was larger tIran ie Inna} markets. Prim»: ranged tet from "i, to $8t each. -- . _,...-“-x ,, Wheat. bulb ._..r. When. some. bush Ive, bushel ...FM'. Barley, bushel w.... §uckv_beap bush .. Ra'ripts of veal calves were larger tl, m tor sou-mime. and â€no: eased off. we bulk selling at from $3.50 to t3 For ch - and Lambs. Thee were 518 ahecp and lambs report- ed on nah. Sheep were thou! stesdy, but Ilmbs were enaietr. Welley Dunn, who handled the bulk, reported prices as tot- Iowa: Sheen. can. Has to new; rams. $1.25 to 83.75; lambs easier, at $6 to $50. One' or two lots ot selected lambs told M bmhel OI“, bulhel ' Hogs. Mr. Harris nunttzd hots un hanged " 'T."sn tor "has. ted and wnvcrnd. and 06.90 to (hovers fur hose, Co " cars at" rountry points. Than muk~ Cn', hraz‘y' hog. wrre rum-d out at Sth, [hr (WI. tess than the “hove stunt'atiotis. . East Buffalo Cattle Market. l EAST BUF'FALâ€. Feb. :ELanlev-Re-l retptty. 75. Market 1mm, slowly. Prtmo) News. 86.40 to 86.77.. butchers grades, " I I " 5. I "ihG,CrreFace sold 12 01101.1 '.csFs and swingers to 9",,24 mer at tro m -. Veal Calves _ ciiixUs-rveeipts, ts. mum 1mm. “um. Pull to cholcn, p; to 5m H: A -- 'utr-T' and Ialnbu I:r-roipls. IN) Mar- krl mil“: lambs me hiahur, (â€halve Inn-Inc. $6.5 in it?†v-xll to hi“ $5 to $6; ' Erllngg‘.§ P, 75.50. Pct t", In 31.2%. I -_"'"CM"t? - rFGrvit'eFemts. ICN), firm. Yorkrrs. " N! to tn $6; nlzs. n1: tn $0.: um: hratv, tTM In t7 to $6.R6. mew YORK. Fab :1. nouns -rtertutrta, KS hrnrl; no (radlnz. "Nitrc steady. (‘ah “(Rove-1pm. so head; n , m" Hm. nom- lmally ltvady. A _ _ .. _ . _ ,.. H stint nndV Land Held} _ 5m. v.'3'.' " w a; Mrs per hm}: per bud. Datum Seed " Successors Toronto Grain Toronto Dairy Market. Red Clover CATTLE MARKETS. New York Live Stock It',, (any " full lino oe \hgvtughlv and Hmvvr (jiiiiidt $10 " Alsike TE'MOTHY $10.00 94% 33% CLOVER? Mi mi Market. m.†ls to b... ".trar',,rr active. â€JO: “A? $3.54. _ rmmhs. $435 II 048 078 pts Slum.†mad NTT TD " m Now .. What._01d ... GG {any loll hiddhngt per too You“)... peg; but Ittjurri I!†nonmsguu w......""... Elm-nut“: Ulis- ter-'". Butter, iiettr...., E"- gaunt“...'burd Hogan's .. ......._ Bogudreued....... Buy pol-ton...... Samantha .... wood." per cord.. Export Cattle .... Butchen' Calls .. @1511; Inoue................- Butter.per|b.. tm.......... Eggs.pardozen.....u....... Hay 'rates-..-.--..] L~ud.perlb............... Hoc.............-..-.. Middlings, pertain ......... Bri..-........-...... Pot-tea pox-Ins .....v'.".... LowgndeFlour r.......'. ELMIBAMARKETS Elmira. I?etr.2t, 1911 Maui.vtrsmour......e-... Middtings per ton Shorts.........,............ Wheat.................... GtroseWheat.....c..-- .t Burleyllla!ling............ .t Peas...........-...... .7 oats...................... .3 Buckwheat...,.,,,.......... .4 Corn ."., _.,............".. ld Hay---.----. 10. flfd'."' 4 "B.--------" J Li%Hogs.-....f-'--. G. Shrepskins............... . " Talk)“ ....-.-.t-..rree.t"" J DriedApplea .. ......._m'-" . Hama..-..-....-.-. .. .1 shrulders....-., .. Baeou........--. . Putatdea path lg titat per dozen ...., thickens. each -..... Potatoes, per bag . _ . . Hay, per ton .... .. .. Bur-aw................ Beef tr..e.errre..... Mutton..........., Pork .w.....tmrm..... Lam h and pelts Calf-Skins .... . Wool _, .q.el Wool “mm. d . Hides.... STRATFOSD MARKETS Stratford, Feb. M, 1911 \Vlu‘nt Standards', m". . Bal~lvy...,...... tPMP- V. (nus QStallldJld) .... . .. Peas......-... m...r.. JV, 1lsy, per ton ..... .... .. 10W Flour Special .. . . .V ... . . . Flour Jirteet,. . ' _.. . .. Fmr Bran. per ton re.Pt _..... Shorts. per ton... .-. . ... . LiveHw,†'ttpt ....r..". ti.95 Beef, front, .. _ . ..... .'-. Hoof Find quarters.-.. iiilUeGT.Cr. .P.8.r... Duck pair 1.3i Butter. per pound.. . . .. ' .24 Eggspm'doz........... .25 Applcs, per bag...... . .. .5! Potato“. per bag ...... .80 Bran " ' “Mining; " Straenings 66 Wtreat per bn,h . Bulk-y .. .. (MN .. ,. i'eas....... F..-. Poratras per lug Hay pu' Inn V .. . ' Wood I er covd . Butler per lit. . . . Egan per dozen . Lard [WP lie, . .. .. ti EW ll AMBURG IARKE'IS - New 11mm. Pub. gs, W)! 'rt' L'lI'VI'li“. , Hunt Standard Wan-mo. Fa 1.10"- I HUH‘I‘Illlll'llt ShunL-u'u) Timothy KERN}! MARKERS Berlin, Feb. 2?. 19t1 r 100lbs ,__,‘. ..‘.. f?. GALT MARKETS (hilt, Feb. 23, 1911 Alfalfa $7.25 913.80 I I "It I'll put but}! .. .21 2t . 10.00 12.0 .. .16 nr .. .15 " .. 22.N .. “no any 5.15 1.0 9.00 “Ml MMO 16.0t Eli0 T .11 6.50 7.or 10 ll) ll?! (I 2.70 2 co it! "l 22 (I) ti.95 7.40 H; .1" A ttt A8 1.00 10.00 .31 .2» Jis" .85 .75 .72 .15 1 W, .24 .25 .50 J 4 .12; JD 10 (m m .03 no .r, 1.06 1.20 1.30 . 7n) nal "Pot ti.tltt 7 ("I .24 .'2.5 f?., 70 tp. .83 .01! .40 28.00 tttol; eir 0 2.5: , '..N m 36 22.00 2].“) 29.00 P2.m 2.61: tMa: .25 . 33 will .50 1.25 126 At, [it JV, .0; .10 no . 07 ’75 2 .91) I in ,85 AV, 2t .74! . Ws " Ar, .ty ti, Auto to" Chilton t Acu. tin Bil poms In“; claim against. tho on“: a Willia- M1. at an Township ot Wallaby. in the County ot Waterloo, who died on " shout. the 20th day at Novembex, new, ue mm lo and by post, prepaid, or delivaul. to tho Mung» ed Executor: ot the said "tate, 0. or hetoro the tirtrt by ot March, um, their names and Midtown with MI partialâ€: in writing ot theit ciaims and Summit at their w- counts and the nature ot the securities tit any) held by them, duly verified by Suntan Declarftims it damn- ded. And take ttoutttt thM m the said tirst day at March, 1311, the aid Executors will proceed to distribute the assets at the aid deceased among the parties entitled “areâ€. having zeganl only to the china ot which they then shall have notice, and the said Execuwrs will not be liable tor said assets. or for any part thereof, to any person ur persons ot whose claim or c!airutt notice shall not have been received by them at the tima of such distrmntion. it is made oi kiln dried dressed lath, imbedded in hot Asphalt. Mastic, and surfaced with sized cardboard, It is cut in’sheets (4x4 feet) and uniform thickness ot l inch. These sheets "are nailed dry to studding ready for immediate application "tt wall paper, paint or other decoration. Being proof against moisture it will not shrink or crack. being V therelote successfully used instead ot lath and plaster. . F Cunigunda Hahn, Linwood. Biocutrix. Dated Linwood, 26 Jan., 1911. sut Containing 10 acres more or less in the Township of Waterloo, in Roun- dale, on the road leading trom Bridge port to Bloomingdale. On it are a good house, driving shed, tuuktnsrn, and all necessary out houses, two good wells, 3 good orchard and berry patches. Would be specially suitable for market gardener. For further par- tieulars' apply to Mrs. Sophie Bur- getz, Bridgeport, Ont. Bishoprie sheathing is made ot same material as Wall Board, bublinish is not necessarily so fine, as itis nail-. ed to the weather side ot Abe studs with um. and asphalt side exposed. UVcr the lath, weather" boards are nailed, or cement is applied, as it is the ideal material tpr gemertt exterior or smote work. For sample, prices, estimate and turther inlormation, can on or write to ls Cheaper than lath and plaster and is used as a Substitute to“ Lath and Plaster. Parkgatc Residence, Phone 1176 Box 4212, Waterloo, Ontario, Can. Bisha ptrits fiuiinc’is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting be- Liiccn us, the undersigned. as Gen- eral Merchants in the Town at Water- loo in the Uourtty oh Waterloo, under the style of S. H. Bricker & Co., has thm day been dissolved by mu- lml ovnsonl tll debts owing to the said Pattticr.shtpar's' to be paid $3 A. H. P.ricker at Waterloo, aforesal ' and all claims against the said Part,- nvrship arc to be presented to the said 5 IL Bricker, by whom the Ramp will be settled. K] Owing to the death of the proprte: _ tor, thte St, Clements Hotel is "ttered For sale. Posstsion given after May ". THERESA SNYDER Exrcuttix Dated at Waterloo/his ftrst day Vebruan'. h, D 1911? - - - _ Liiis' Bibi EleUH Executor. tcrttso. " Clemunts Rota-I for 1:r,h Containing In news more or tern, in the Township of Watrtlott. about ll miles northwest of Rossini). , mil» from 8( hool house of B. S. No. 17. On the fun: Is a lame stone house, larapr hunk burn on x U. Innu- pig stable, hen house. imph-nvm shed. hurto".th shun and A"! necvsur) outtutitdimgr. Wstter in the stables and dweliitttr sup ted hr windmi". Aha" " news of turdwmvd bush and tle luhmrn is in " gm " a nu- uftnllivuiimn Fm Luther parlivnlm-u apply to â€HID DI'IIH'IIN. Notice of Dissolution 11m otdertiibrrrrsd on -r3 fax sal the hotclhmsioess M (Tu sh " with i-l-uw. The "0th in n “and tun Mote "a brick handing wall» [nod Mnhlinp Ahro halt men- of I and and orrhard and good "may of valor. Pre tutther qrrbirttuer, - lo W Farm for Sale Eon! Maine" for Sale E "" G. S . 1mm; Architect, Witness, JOHN LIPS, Crosshill, ALBERT HAHN, Linwood, Exqtmstora, "" FOR SALE I Wail Board was Wlrlifh S. B. BRICKER. GEORGE DEIBEL. IAS. o. MOTUERAL Una Ransom Bro-11ml. In“ in"; ton 4 troms In Pitt, 20 pig! 5 week. old, 0 Sam dun to pig in about. one moat): I Kaila- 2 yam old, Card-go Home 2 - old. Highest arket rice paid. Load every iie'i'i'.ei',i'i'l'lra"r'. glen uhipusut Much _ Mt, l. One mile east of Berlin an toad to '.?amoq Breslnu. SHIPPING Mfrll WANTEB Ill BABE] STOCK FOR SALE 'e"eeee0"e"'ee"ee WW#CWO i-e-ee-tet, ,feteeteetttet.tE For Auction Sale Advtsrtispp1pr1 l Special Lot of Ladies' Boots Quality Higher than Price Special Lots of ladies' and Misses' Boots Regular $1.50. $r.75 and 82.oo, kid and calf boots. Regulars $2.50 to $3.50 patent, kid and calf. Special Lot of Ladies' Boots Regular $3.50, $1 and high grade Iron. only broken lots in these Iims, but your size is among them. M. SCHONDELMAYER HUNGER "RUINâ€. $1.00 l hmm? t Son $1.95 Berlin $2.45 'l-tr-ttIhr-art-d "s-met-tal"- .w tttrar run! "out. Ilium!!! BILL aluminum but. I Wm “(ma-uh. Ma3t.rttabqim"ttvo-" In... Your mun-ulna - mu .m- uhmuaokn‘. um sun but Ta.“ taunt}. Cul, write oe plus. 500 cords of soft Wood wanted at Bechtel'a u.per brick yard. Highest prices paid for good wood. I " (manta-i u Dumb " Guns. " in. , W000 WANTED Atitt0ALtlttiETiiit1 will be he?!) on the samedny and at. 9"rmsm.e ppm 3". 123.43 gym , yo eav4irm a l-ylaw fur " miing “to date of the Arman! Meeting from tho that Thursday in March to the Brst Thursday ï¬n February GEORGE WEGENAST. Running Director. ' Waterloo. Janury 28m. 1911 l man. (which iiriiG;irritFiriisit the“ " Annual looting of The Mutual Life will ha held at. its Head â€or. in Waterloo. Ontario, on may, .ll'cll 2nd, 'OII, It ouio'elodk p.m.. for the pun-paw of receiving rpporttr, electing Direetoer, an train-acting such other business as duty be autumn-d. A Special General 7 Meeting Assurance h. of 0mm 's' is the time to buy your Burgess, Robes, Mitts, and everything else in the harness line. We carry a. hirge stock and are offering our goods at low prices. 1 . -iou"ii; ro; your next order. Wilhelm's King St. Waterloo. Oiling and repairing Harness is our specialty. rPeauaef. to.thy Asp ot _Incorgor: Ladies’ High grade Boats Ladies' patent button new high tow. plain short vamp, angle button lap, new shape, a dressy up to the minute shoe $3.50, and $4 and " Patent lace boot, hobby high toe; plain vamp, pretty patent collar, very new - $4.50 Ladies' patent and Vici kid, blucher boots, new high toe, very latest shapes, giving you more style and quality than you can get auywhere at $3. so Famous Tread- easy Cushion Sole Best made Cushion Sole on the market; gives perfect use and comfort to the wearer. Best quality stock, dressy shkpe - - - $4.00 Manyother very new styles, which we will be pleased to Show you. Distinctly new lines of an. J. BHAN'I‘Z A Few Effects [iToT?1 Ont. - - I tn u; use. or . . IPlalllll'l‘B‘ [GILL In!†Ni. a. ulna _ . I a... You "i woo-Ila- [Inn II In" had or phat-s ' . . _ "T2 k Bos ut, Dunn . '606e6t -0q60.00660060i6600660qq0qq Stewart & Mathews no. Ltd., cult, Ont. Fourteen miles from Calgary, four miles from Shepard and are mile-{rind Langden. Alberta. Adjorining lands under cultivation try lit? not“)? n Owner "rn-resident and has no use for the land. Would ac to PMUHOAI. farmers on (may terms. For further particulars nee 4-H! EPII. FEDIIIEI, lulu. on. Half Section of Fine Vlrgln [and For 'xt"""""""':?'"""'??'",',""', _ 'l A - - A I 'Wg Northwest Farm' Lands Half n million acres best selected lands in the Candi“ North's-t Special excuriion in the spring to see that lands. Write now'for particulars also prices and location. _ 810,00 Black Boner Oveeeata at 22.00 and £20.00 Dunc-ks at 10.00 and 812100 Owned. at Boys’ Wércoats _' " A- few good lgonts muted. SPEGIALS.