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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Feb 1911, p. 6

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.., .. no" KT"'""""" E mania! preparation tor all vocations," ce "Atloser connection between our "tools and the activities of lite." if For muss who leave school at or be- T 'free (outlaw, the present manual attaining and Household Science cour- £33m should he extended. Fi,', F01 the small number who remain "at';',..?' srhror, more should Abe a general " 1miuslrial School, a special IndustruU #:2801200] (for Mr trades), and ttusTeete if [dell High School. 't? - Fiteee1tti..ttt are based on P" 5: othutive research that includes a 551i.“ to European countries at the J due ot 1909, as well gs far-ruckus Lgyconespondenoc. t" b' Schools and Activities ot Life. " ti. It. Scam lays down two principles: 1; “A good general education as an es- f For workmen and work women on- , med m their occupations by day, ; up: following schools should be cs- fr, trbtished: , The apprenticeship school, the even- ting part oi it provided by the empt0y- 'tj, a bins-ll. fanuumu The evening school, supplementing tho day shop work and other schools. The correspondent). study school, part by correspond-nee. part by p Ital! of traveling teachers. He suggests the appointment ot a special departmental ottieer to assist the various school boards. An Ontario Industrial and Teclinl- ell Coiiegc--- for training industrial teachers. workmen, pupils who have spent. some time at industrial schools and to conduct a. correspondence study sc'mnl, Of all tl.ese, the industrial and tech- nical owning schools, with liberal suppu't from the Ontario Government are the most urgent. ',, r. John Seats. can“: System 3 to! Graded 'etroetis Up to 1' Pumas; swoon [for the Dominion-An Institute of Inmsuial Research, tor the advance- ment of the trades, as it las done for agriculture, mining, ete. For drawing and art education he advises the extenston oi the work in primary and central sobools,a Cen- tral Art School at Toronto, tor teach- ers and workmen in artistic trades, and otlwr schools tn other centres. And, lastly, Dr. Seat!) recoinme.nds I Enrica-i law with "local option," aiHing “cards the power to pass try- lswx compelling attendance at school at children between 14 and 17, under certain specified comt"itsaa. In agriculture-More county repre- trentativvs in continuation as well as High Schuuls, and a director to in- spect all agricultural classes. - . .. .h_AA-- "i"" __ 'a For commercial education-- Better theoretical and practical courses in the schools. , Speaking generally, he advises ade- quate grants for vocational education by the Lcgislature and a special sub- sidy from the Dominion. E06211 advisory committees from school Boards and citizens cqnanv. Rome, Feb. 18_--Burglars or Apar- chisis 1.ooted the vaults of the, _ Ex- change Bureau during last night, getting; a vast sum. probably over one million dollars. They killed two night udichmcn The , lill Amherolla Compulsory Attendance “who, the industrial and tech- ening schools, with liberal from the Ontario Government most urgent. Dnminion Department. ALQBSFSWH, KW SBWQPPML ivening Schools FOR ARTISANS ”I” "ONMIAI'HS AND Itrolns sou, BY and "The answer that Premier Whit- P.ey made to us," said Mr. Gr.srat ,“was not worthy at a ten-year-old '.sehool boy. The premier am Hon. Mr. Hanna practica'dy spat in our hues and I shall never tw anxious. to go back to them. They have not played the game fairly. We have made progress which they said would entitle us to new registatior' but which they have new pracu- cally refused. The Government is un- I worthy of the support ot any per 5 son who has at heart the cause ot ' temperance." I Mrs. D. Waltcrhousc. of Guelph, 'the only lady delegate who took part in the discussion, sunny at- frrmed that the only temperanre leg- I islation are: passed in Ontario was L ereeted by thulkeraist. Hon. W. J. Hanna devoted atarge part of his reply to a caustic Him-ism at the speech at Rev. Ben Sppncc accusing the Cernsyrvative party with treachery to me cause of temperance. President Joseph Gibson, ot the ()mario branch ot the Dominion Al- iianee, used vigorous Language in corn- menting (n the reception given ttie temperance deputation which waited on the Ontario Gorcmmunt ttis morning. The deputatirn went away without the slightest encouragement to be- lieve that either their propusal wouid be entertained tor a minute. Mr. Me'Nvistt asked lot rrovitrcial prohibition and Mr. Gihson dcnunded the abolition ot the thret-tiiths ohmic. The tirst proposition was treated as . joke Ind the tttree-tNts dense wus \igoromly defended by toth the pre- mier and prrvrirtcial secretary. Sir Jun-s Whitney said he, tetieved more ant more in the elBeaty ot hr cal option. Local option was she proper kind of prohibition. and the threo-tituts clause hat! been demon- strated as in the public interest. Loud cries ot "No: no.” “Well. thaue you tor your polite- ness." said the premier dnyly, "bat 1 still hold my opinion." Sir Jas Whitney Believes Local Option is Page: Kine ot Prohibition DEPUTATION SEES PREMIER l WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES FIE“ IE“ tii lullamenl. buildings yawn-y. They Lot cold com. tort trom the Govcrwlent. A . Town”, ‘Fah‘ 16e--Ree. Mr. Mr Trust. at Kuhn ad Janus Gio- In In: tho peUUFd may: tor if; Magi-robre'mum we on tprio Arline. that waited up Prf Baby's Csvn Tablets are a woruier- tut m'dirine for little ones. They never fail to give relief for the- baby when his stomach or bowels are out of order; when teething is painlul; when wcrms make their appar- ent-3 or when, any of the many childhood :.‘lments seize him. What is more they are abs-clutch "53‘s and cannot harm the youngest elm}. limiters have the guarantee of ag‘."ermne“'. analyst to.this erect. Thousands of mothers, through gracertrhwss fer what the Tahlets Have done [or their children, strongly remnnnrul them. Mrs. E. I. Wo-d, Galt, (ML, says:--'" have used Baby's Own TtOHts lor over two years and would ro', be without them in the house. They late a v’o'derfrl medicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets New,“ hy medicine dealers or at 25 lentils a box Irom The Hr. Williams' Mr’lifim‘ ('u., rrockviite, Ont. /er Not Worthy ot a School-Boy "Dr. Plait tCoid me," said Inspeo- tor Duncan, "that until Travers was received as an inmate ot Kingston Penitentiary the roatirion Govern. mom. had no jurisiiction over him." {ray-ms and the Inspector left the per:- entiary and had dinner. They tad to wait till about 1 o’clock yester- day morning before starting on the return trip. They did not take a berth, but came up on the smoking car. Travers was not manaclcd. Mr. Duncan obtainrd some important in- icrmation firm the former bani mfn~ Mer, but said he ebuld not conm [k ieate its nature. ”avers Held tor [mmtor Duncan. _ 'Inspector ot Deeiectives Duncan ‘n'aciei Kingston about 8.30 o'tlock on Htttt'ayevenintt and pro:etsded at mm to the pcnitenriary, where Tra- vets was waiting in the ante-room in charge at Dr. Plan. the Warden of the penitentiary. When the War- den recr‘ivrd p.cti'deaticn [ran Inspec- tor of Detective Duncan that he was taming with an order for the return of the prisoner to Toronto he did not send Travers to the bra her shop, giur hima bath, supply him with prison clothes, In accordance with the rules at the penitentiary. "Had any oiiere, or irtt,imitatirons Eccn thrown out to Tcnvers by any persons on ttie train while Tun-rs was on his way to Kingston?" the Inspector was asked. Inspector Dunun arid “at Tras- “"c as was a hit witness tor the Crown. that He did not volunteer Automation, ,,ttut t but he frankly explained any trattgttte- I 'I'ld lions rdout which he was asked. lib l had been found Inelul in unravelling I dy u the tangle in which accounts ot the. bank had been placed. 1 To Recall Mr. knight. l Th, The Inspector said that it was the son Intention ot tie Crown to recall Mr. ' Was John J. P. Knight oi the Bunkers' IN": I Association, to testin again on a _ BM report that when he had called on ot I Travers mil Dr. W. Beanie. Nesbitt a A (it to inquire as to (he deposit, with the , was l Receiver-Feral the doctor had threa- l, try“ tenet! to throw him out of the win- i the l dow. I Law: ‘3". Knight inn- the box on Friday, , Bovi Or he would have horn questioned anc about " then. bank, "That I cannot say," answered the inru:eetor. "All ttiat I can say is that Travers is greatly unwed at his treatment. He will appear in the witness'box on Tues'day." our. trom Kts-ton about 6.20 yrs- terdag manning, and ‘nltcr Indus infant. and baking a lengthy in- terairw “in. the Inspectcr he was " ortcd by Detestiv.e Armstrong to the jail in the alurnobn. To present any recurrence of the mum. an order of Judge Winchester his teen served on Governor Chambers nu- thoririag the holding ct Tra era as long as his nideme is required in the cast-s now pending as a result, ot the hlnue of the Farmers' Bonk. The Inspector is particularly an- noyed at the action ot Shem! Mow- at. Constabl: Janis, he saieprhoutd have been sent to Kingston with Travers. Seeers and Constable Brawn, two officers under the Coun- ty 32mm. were commissioned. Tcroato, Feb. 20.-Atter tuettdittg Ion hours at Kingston Penn-misty, W. R. Tuvus is luck with Omar-J: (‘hambus ot the Toronto jail. Much disgust.“ with the events of sun:- dly he arrived in Tomato with In specter cl Detectives Walter mm Mr. P. Mowat, tic Sim-iii said yesterday'", hm vxpected the Crown to finish with Travers on Friday. I made inquiries and, “waiving no satisfaction, I issued the order to lake, Izjm' tpAiar,atott on Saturday Knowing. "f%i was first before I clos- ed my office at 4 o'clock on Friday. I do not wish to blame any person in this miter, him the keeping oi Travers at the jail tor so long a time was unrrsmiented. I should have been informed how long he was required asn witness. An order tor his detention here should also have been given to me." 99w”! . PROV 1iiL,lr,,'fii,1r,,CH1NE Bx-Managcr ol the Farmers’ Balk, Who Was Humid to Limestone City, is Brought Back to Toronto Government had No Jurisdiction. OHIO SCHOOLMATES WERE IMRRIED IN WINDSOR Windsor, Fel" P.h--Prrsrtrting a properly signed and attested marzi- use Iicr-nso to Rev. 8. J. Allin.pu- Int at th, London Street Methodist (‘hurrh, Harry Prmb'rrton, trgeh13, and Bath" Karcttets, M, ehitdren of r,ivtlthy farmers licing near Mar Inn, G'do, who Cet awav Iron, home won married hrr' last niv'ii, The Ii. owns" tr.".,'; sceurcd ttout Mrs l, lia- Iidirv, a brai ssxunr. Thr rtuldr:m \u'lr sthooUtsatrR.and “hm Hwy lailrd to rrfsm ta Hwir bores ttt Fridav nlimnmm a search ans instituted It," whom it was round they had tr'm a train ior "ptroit the nun" tt't.S we . notified lo look out tor them A' March ot the mar- riau‘ livs‘nsr " hrs tr-.lat' soon In” the story and Ii was walinnl that tre scarr‘ht-rs an: too lat, in pre- wnt n mum: RM' ltr, Allin datum flu-yummy: people io br of lvgnl an an] say! he had no hum-r) in nrrlnrming It number 'erc'tteaqtr. Mr. Mowat Explains no 'tuatyerdtt. no "Travers Annoyed. Tr , . ' F no iail on Jlleal' 'tL/tti," lr' the. so There are two kind: or corpulclu in Sheriil’s men and placed on tho 9 the ttlttod--red Ind white. o'clock Gran] Tr nr train tor King- Tha rod cannula contain nutrition, stun. About 8.50 o'clod Detective the white doom! diam gonna. McKinney wfft.to the iail to _ “he " tor an! all” the white eorpttsely, him to the Police Court nnd discov- “on. depleted and moot "tBetetttrr ered that. he had been removed. The strong to dmtror the new: of diseno. omcer at once notifed lnspectrr than diam annual: the body. Duncan. on whose orders Disteetlies . ' Armstrong and Newton went. to the “I.” the - of am' the Union Station and Dete.tive3 g t u - _ Murray and Guthrie went to River- " _ dale Station. The train was just. tRt,',',tt,t,rS" herbs were found moving out from she Union Station _ when the one": boarded it nod They didn't knot how or why in found Travers _ with Continues ttttttut 11!". they do t’d"' Brown and Prvertr, the two Sheritt's And it's been)” more herbs build up men. who promptly produced the the white eorptmstea. . proper papers and relused to give up the prisoner. The detectives had no Ttttmt te?, It. contained in Psy. . _ ttttim-tttsy re respostteittte tor the great 'tyrers.w.ith them, nod on B tshow result: obtained tron: Plychlno o tnird of resistenco by the officers of the ot . “an," m Sheri]! they had to leave 'Iraiets in their charge. The train went _ -eeeeeee"PlRe!.rr...ee.telereee through Riverdale Statirn at the . rate ot forty miles an hour and ur- rived at Kingston at 4.30 o'clock “YMENEAL I in the. afternoon. . Travers was tag- - on directly to the Penitentiary. In R1CHARDB0N-LBOULE'd. I the meantime the order tor his re-" I tum to Toronto had been mri'le out A pretty wedding was tioitttttttized and notice of it sent to Kingston at the home ot Mr. out! Mrs. W. H. The Warden merely held Tuners Bounce. New Hamburg, Ont. when pending the mini ot Inspector their daughter, Florence. was married Duncan, who left Toronto for King- to Mr. Chutes Richardson. B.Be., ot stain on thd 1.30 train without tak- St. Mary's Ont. The bride, who wore in time tor luncheon. an Empire gown ot ivory Duchess . _ satin, embroidered with pearls, with Poiice Were Hindered. tulle veil on a ooronet ot pearls _ In a statement on Saturday the and carried 3 bouquet ot white roaet' t lnspe'otor said it was evident that and lily ot the valley. was given a“? l sorne person had been trying to by her father. She was “mm by 1 block the police all through we Far- her cousin. Miss Laura Bounce.- New i tuers Bank investigation. He said York, who were a white satin gown, , Travers had been threatened with a with tunic ot pink chiffon ami errata' liic or: twentr-rear extra sentence fringe and carried I shut ot pink by some one whr. saw him at the Mil rows The groom was supported by it he told all he knew. He was his cousin, Mrnstnnley Richardson of 'examinedtor his sanity at the jail. Toronto. Rmr.W. J. Yaegrr oihciair although the Crown Attorney had nev- mt. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson left to: er given such. an order. New York. the bride travelling in , . navy blue, with Persian hum cont ' . Crown Attorney EXPIIIHS- and large French hat. Mr, and pars. When the investigation into the Richardson will reside in St. Mary's, ”In...” onornn no..-" I n can}. Ontario. i In a statement on Saturday the Inspéstor said it was evident that same pexson had been trying to block the police all through we Far- mers Bank investigation. He said Travers had been threatened wilha tiie or: twentr-rear extra sentence by some one whr. saw him at the iail p be told all he knew. He was examirredtor his sanity at the jail, although the Crown Attorney had new er given such. an order. When the investigation into the charges against Messrs. J. It. Strat- ton, J. J. Warren and the provision- al directors was resumed in the F0- ice Court on Saturday Crown Attor-l ney Corley said: "We are not ready} to finish with Travers this morning. He was sentenced, es your Wor- skip knows, to six years in the peni- tentiary. It was spoken to about having him detained here to give esi- dence by one at the Sheritt'q oiticers at the other trials: It was arranged days ago the Shem; came tgr me and told me it was his duty: to send True“ down today. I was to write to those in whom was vested an- thorny to have him remain over,trut I have been busy here the past few days and did not have time to write." Prom the order granted " J1me Winchester it ”pen: that Trams will In held to mun ham: the ("and Jury " well u the General Sessions and the preliminary ttesp-' in; in the Police Court. The magistrate said that he had never known of their having to W cure m order from the County Judge to bring a prisoner back. Sheriff Mowat and Deputy Sheriff Sewers was: subpoenaed tr. amen: be- fore the Court. Thet Sheriff said that Travers had been shin; evidence but he. did not know that the Crown was not through with him. y The Crown Attorney was not rea-' dy to g0 on, without Tuners. The evidence of Mr, “rims Law- son of tho Department ot Finance was taken. He supplied copies ct the correspondence between Trlvers an! the Gowcmment on the granting ot a charter to the Farmers Bank. A declaration sworn to by Travers was exhibited, It avcrred that ee- rrythlng was all right and legal in the application tor the charter. Mr. Lawson did not kttow what led Mr. Bovine, Deputy Minister cl Fin- ano lo grant the charter. of the " your dealer does not carry "Black Knigln" Stove Polish In stock, and us hiq name and me, Ind we will tend a {all sue till by nun 11ml. is not only the biggest an for the money, but by far the best preparation for polishing stoves, pipes, grates and ironwork. Not . messx liquid or powder, or cake which must he scraped, btrt a large an of Wonder-working paste. Stove Polish "ll-mag“!!! Mr. Lawson Tcsbified Tavern: to to Held Strerir in Court. I... ll "car's-M A wry pretty marriage seminal? took place at the Mtutsar, 16 Ah- ronr; St, on Saturday afternoon at tour o'clock when Miss Flore-me Gunn, niece of Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Bradley was mind in wedloc'u to Mr. J. E. Bennett ot Toronto. The wedding Wm a quiet one as on- ly the immediate relatives were pre- sent. The bride wore her gci'tg- away costume and carrird a ton. quet of bridal roses and Him! the. valley. Miss Alice Bradley, wish of the bride played the wedding manh. After the ceremony the guests assembled in the dining-room where they pisrtook of a dainty dejeu- ner. The color scheme of decan- tion here was daintily carried out in pink and white. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett [cit on the 7.45 train tor Toronto, where they will rpside,the bride wearing " becoming travelling suit of dove grey, ani a. large trio- ture hat ot black satin with touches ot pale pink. MINARD'S LINIMENT CURES iMPHTHERiA. - th not to In; no that the doctors They're rum-me tot tho but!“ to I. ill r i! M s an to an” tum are“. ot thouuud: that Puebla: In: "rod.bMqd. 1'gttglt'l', t ' . statesman-n -eethi-tbet+. [ " 'Btul I cold and um: . teeer" It a}... T.,' g all“ 'd,','." t'llf, man b""gltfg', h In teat t', tet"',,'",,'?,,','.,,'.", _ V _ . _ r", _ can u " net. u: out ten an men II! -. Ir “‘w m It preached to them time m or testimonial: mum; to condom! "tttdit ft tt 'fittTt'tidlt'd, m. _ cures that We)!" has “a. M . r _ .. . ' You mu not new It, but to“, Attd it‘s been“. M that 1017 In! . . there no Jun u Inductive methodl herbs that In ma My vtum (I. Am tMt U“. I I can lain; matched Ind pnetlud. 'ltr/d".')""':'.",',',', in???“ the- - I.” 'Jt'd,gttJ.1't'f m . nu at ot hine "lend "I .m Atl because most ttsort" do ttttt Ltoqr uni 'ire than 3-1: "on to ard'; “it! a! a. hm!“ T , af . the “31““. ot diaau. our and: u an tRttmon ll tit It - tt Ill - , T - _ 1'th an tun inn!- " !IIPII“.'|.I In nonhuman; . t n tor any mm the white corpuselq become depleted and In not madam]: strong to dmtror the can or diam. then disease control: the body. Thou herbs are contained In my. ettimr--tttrr're respomeitrte tor the great resnlll obtained from Puchlno a mud ot I coma" up. A. Weseloh We Talk to Van in 1htr Advertisements IHCIOVOO-rr We are L ' only agent: In the Twin-City for Wert. hoimcr'l Worm. To introduce lbic We It" show Ins " 'tne range of 31mm: M d Whltewnr E f all kinds, price. to It“. every purse and Val- ue- " good so the best. ttor-u-OM, 'A few rah-1 to“ of the Directolre. Speck M. We. BENNETT-GUNS' Just as we would talk with a Friend Face to Face (km-n! l w 'lg,,',,',.',',':,"". - "elollt ilk Go. (nothing With a 500. bottle free from your Wt We will not exaggerate. We will not lead you to ex t one bit more than we can give. Rather would we me you tind things at this store better than we claim than to raise you expectation in vain. We want your confidence. WESllElLOFill'tt Berlin mum: POISON WHEN ll TiM. CAUGHT nuance Clopp'crton at Dalneth, Section, by putting arsenic in the doles " his parents silver wedding anniversary, committed suicide by drinking pruulc acid to-day, while the when were about to arrest him in the 1:10 ot London. Feb. 20.--John Hutchhm, who killed his hither and Melinda: Guernsey. Ink Wuha- CW” Milo-Hon ©tt-ho"tmrtmiA MAuodu Night. I” Chill- and hurl outietate - Wud 14:1!th ”than Tic-Hm w T Altar-0M of Homily. W Ind qum e Now. we don't ask you to take our word tor the tremendously beneath! elect at Phychlne. Fill out an coa- pon below..nnn It to " and we'll give your (Swain in order (to; which we pay him the regular retail who) for I so-cenz home ot Psych!" to In given you (no of can. Now tt you with to an": or pro uni. a, ot the when": In til; tut lend II that coupon: In Grim Natural 'tttt You." fm (Junta. no. " OI. yu-d. New “to.” - Rn sun, a! shade. in puio or design "mt.. Good value at 500 a yard, line we In" In Mock “£1.00 " sin-- In Buck. Tam and Brown: ,tith the SURETY CLASP. the big gut. future. Sure to hold and ee, to open. Every pair gunmteed. .OTlcE All team hom Ctaaatrmatbeaa1r-d - to ottCtnndio Ctterearondemx Dem -li..lqiItll- ment in Windsor, Ont. It you degtie b nee u! rsonally call " our Medial Institute in Detroit u we ”and“ no Jug'e in our Windsor 05025 which ttre, for Correspondence - Laboratory ft?r unadian business only. Address all letter: a. ”has: 17mg for our print: mam. CeEriiiEriiWEriiT]jijTi' aMEsUMDWmgotrrit8rmqeoKBErrr. Nu... s... lltha,lg?A'te2'd'i'fd't 'a.'ls'.'ihWa"cedTir'lattg'gmhTaugat N-EBVIIIIS, LlFllill,lli88 . DElBtLt'rA'rlEO MEN Cor. MichiganAve. 'uidtietswrgdSt.. Moll. Mich. DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, M. W. Bro-cm Gulch Wnt lam-II Wat Vol-0 Burl-s We“ buy Dad-i cm - - M Btmttqti. Night. an.“ - am} you. What It In or 1m. cog-l1 who. " Huang! 1: on I 'u9'ltt,,,3l'a4,',i, null on In... " In - '_""'-'"'-""-",'. ,iriG"'hriirccra ___._ gnfi-rwnOhWMZh: hum-k wading”. In. in up "ar,ttT2tuatnuNptttt union-drum“ - isai. _." -e' 'Gaiirii, Fak _ otrtt--i+ “a tttrn-mms ,tttyi,E',tth'rt,r,i has - ,toeirdt-dtte-fe. At'nthEAt hogan-l iraiairi"iGaTaeii 1-:- d than than "do" and ,'t'r,al2urgt,1'g was I: edietr for each! use may: to symptom; Ind -tlBratMeterr. In. no Intent medicines. This . an tgtt and: d f',t,typ'et'rf,'llr,1"i'arg'g,ut.1 ih't I or wrr 'atshN,tg'ta't'l oMr t,1ttst%Nt. ___ IiiihfGgiiiitaaiTiii “an...“ 1: i.. Itft4. J" hired?“ t“: Atom-victim! Baum“ le,'h',dNa'Mr'lrN,i',',','ti'r,' "my 0.. Nov 'htta'at'at tllll we.- canyon. Whattttt-dtm.rorothemttitt det6t Wu- WEI-n! Bog-tug WhrNiiiiTa' .. "aaaiaU. - - Ima In Winter Avpsnl Ian on", In Underwelr. (dd “In in children‘s uul undies Cf." Swank-n. Out awe-ten. Togo". om Woot Gloves. we...“ not. had -for clearing out. " and my man rpm for "rtirrtr goods. Natural lMug~nnw an: the best And most nth-m wry “no to buy hon 50c and up. t1AL'r.-Jotm leash. who“: er- testod in Bunion] ttte atmttte " a traveier's use at mph lllh and beatingusboudlm, w Jst'rott on suspended mm. H. but the travelling cue while amt and pik- ed into the Brandon] pollen m, 'sarrying it in his but, 1uttllQ tor I night's lodging. 0n V T to my ms bond.th be m "irtrid to so on suspended “but. To tiitiitltti.i'it'i'illG'aai" mm a... Aww. Tey. Immunity ld qua-g J. my gig is! :1; 5337“" Fiiiviiri Lift the tut; .ttttg,1NM . 5, l Fi7Tiiiiriei'CiG Tr. Pr. um M'a"g,l'lt'dt Mrtum.. luau-(mum mmm‘ “all“. eeilt',',"gitN'tf,'2t McCABE WAS MDLED. A. R. Goad! "NB"" -----..- l" 1hntet"g2liutt Ihr? nth-hummi- _ emporium a . n4. .In'omlONWO'WW "q." a... DINO PAY Renaldo-Went a?! u....... hunt-0.... if ..oqe....q.

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