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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Feb 1911, p. 5

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a: (v';"'- 0qu: iiirip'tr-s ~29 gamma-u sr:, 's P"u,'fyfM2l'l11it1tf 'ir""'", nun-1’s mum smug _._,_, '. w The C. Y. L. Society entertained their young 'riends to a valentine party Wednesday The evening was new in progresshe euchre. The many friends of Mrs. Frankll'n Good will regret to learn that she is ottgstintrd to the house with a severe attack at tonsilitis. WANTED-APPRENTICE to learn drygoods business, Apply J. Utter. mann. Waterloo. 8-tt. The express tarill that goes into qtiteet on March lst has been com- pleted. and is in the hands ot the agents . The many triemts at Mr. H. B. During will be pleased to hear that he is able to be out min. A plan tor the proposed new light.- Ing system tor Waterloo is being prev Pared by engineer Grosz and will be submitted to the Water and Light Commission at their next meeting. Miss Martha Bockelman was New may surprised at her home Friday evening by her class mates at the Berlin Collegiate Institute. Those present spent an enjoyable few hours. The attention at our readers is directed to the advertisement of A. Wendell a Cm, Berlin, on page one ot this issue, announcing their 15th Anniversary Shoe Sale. The Clara Schumann Club helu their regular monthly meeting Sat- Ian-day evening at which there was a good attendance. An enjoyable Irro- gramme was rendered by the Club when. The works at the F'regh composers were under study for .the month. The stall of s. B. Bucket & Co., and a number ot their lriends enjoy- ed a sleigh ride to Conestoga where Mr. Schweitzer entertained the party'. A pleasant evening was spent by all Mr. Jos. H. Woods has piciras:d the farm of Mr. Geo. t'leghofnat West Montrose. The Farm 'ottt- prises 185 at‘ll‘i and thr' prim paid was $11,200. WANTED-GOOD FARM HAND TO take car to Saskatchewan and work on farm. Apply at this (mice, ti-U Mr. Jakob Ball, has rettrrned front Toronto, where he purchased the no mssaty tools to he used in comme- tion with his repair stop which i; located in the store next to the Bank of Toronto, Rib street. He h wett mnipprd lo do running of watches, clocks, cm. and having in” many ycals rspeia'nre, sati;ractory work is assvred. Mr. Russell Chub oi the local branch at the Canadian Bank at Commerce, is ill at his home in Guelph. Your scribe is Informed that a number of Eur clerks in Waterloo hudwarc stores are obliged to an about with blackerml vyns as the rc- wlt of recent hockey games in which 1by partMripie'cd. HOUSE FOR HALrr--ottuptvd by A. J, “new. Pepphu street, Wat- eKoo. ttgro “I" buy " takenquick- ty. Apply m C K. Hagedorn, Iter- lin, FU. “no m. ghtnrehe ”and. WATEBLOO. FOR HALH--Bay Mare 6 was ou, tine driver, in good torulitiom Apply Winner's Livery. The friends of Miss Minnie Brch- tet' who has bren i'.? for several months past will be pleased to learn that she is ttrralescev,t. The opening meeting for the year at the Home Mission Society ot the Idaho Presbyterian Church, was bold in the school room ot the church last evening. with a large number of ch members and Mend: of the Sir (Ely present, The report ot the an- gtotl meeting at Gait was read and a my hearty vote of thanks was lend- md Mrs, ur, the President. for the [III and interesting report brought from Gait. Mrs. W M n Lochud all Miss Jenn stuart contributed coins, Refreshments were sawed and I Inch] hour enjoyed by all. S!llinn Agvnt's (‘ourso untlinr 0nd "Ilstmtl‘d in Nut Booklet, Write tor it. l'rnlml Tolvgraph and Railroad Stink-l. \nngr and Get- turd tttreels, Toronto Winiam SIM“ . I'rvriidrni, F.tght horn: WWI mm (at ale witt, It Dom-0n Saturday, Feb 18th, to It. and Mrs Chas Moogk, Jr, a daughter. cumin In {In I. we ' "I“, cw , wwv-ww- mu..- l [ It not Apply to t . . Imgm‘ ml'vl "teat “osmium qvith Mung. “his. m..oolyleh. In" l rho house of Rev. Mr. Bockelmann. King street was (hr scent ot a ivory happy gat'heriag on Friday PC- ’cning where about _a store of {In ..iriems of Misa Martha Recid- Imain gauwrrd am: completely sun- prised her. The owning was enjoy- a'olyspent inplayirw 1arious games including a lllllhOPI’ of guessing con- ltcsts, alter which a dainty lunch- 'eon was served. mm spending about threp hours in social enjoy- ment the members prepared tor home lsintrinF"srit'r a jclly good Mix-N" and "tlood Night Ladies.'.', SECOND ANNUAL WV 'er"""" SWEUM "gtn','ht'.','luf'gg a: - an C. “new. C. A. “and. By um Bmther$tatd " it". w. D. Lu, hm sun. J. a. “not Mr. M. S Hail. Isms. B. B. Payton. H. "In an w Maror Gmrtill in “m. “I. 2',r,rd t f/,'l, tor t.N."ti J2utet Jl"'d"f trruut, 'i')Cpilpitr.'tlli'er'i't'ie'l Ite......, ad who“ was». at It. I B. Hanna mutiny - Thr n».- yluv inch! with Mentions ot hearts In mum-nonun- 0! St Valentine's Day. Nearly any were In um and that the Md new at any“ winds u been partaben at the toast tirt VII pro- eeeded with u lollova: The Sunday school and congregation of the Evangelical Church were very lortunate in having Dr. Krurnling, medical missionary in Hum, China, over Sabbath last. The Doctor ad~ dressed the Organized Bible Class and the Sabbath school in a very inter-. esting manner, and at 11 o’clock the large gathering at members and ad- herents of the church. Many very touching incidents were related oi Chinese lite and also sttttering espeei- ally among the poor and unfortunate. The great (Inference between Chris- Can Canada and non-Christian China was clearly shown. He referred to a number of cases that came under his observation for treatment and surgi- cal operation in the Hospital there. One was impressed that the medical missionary has a great field tor rseiulness in heathen lands, and these missionaries get nearer the heart ol the people than any other worker. The Doctor was a surgical praeti- tioner tor twelve years in Michigan lclore going to China under the iur- isd'tt'on of the Evangelical Church. In the afternoon he spoke to the Juniors in a way that interested the litt'e folks in a pleasant manner. A missionary offering was given at the morning service. Dr. Krumling was the guest of Mr. and' Mrs. Wing while In Waterloo. The Kins-God Save the King. C?ttnada-l'ropomd " Dalton! angler, responded to by Walter, Human. Our Brotherhood-pro-d try Ju. Hamilton. responded to by Edwin Kindred organirtrtiomr--Proeed by Rev. J. E. Hockey, responded!» by D. Cunningham and Lloyd Hilliud. Guests-Proposed by Chroma: Sai. der responded to by Menu. D. B. Musselman, H. M. Snider, Fred Sni. der, R. s. Bean. The toasts were splendidly proposed and dialed happy respomes. litter met no; made to the excellent work being accomplished by the Brotherhood and the educative na- ture of the topics til-cussed Int! concidcred at tie meetings. A hearty Tote ot thanks WIS tend- ered ME. and Mrs. Hallman tor their kind hospitality watch was much appreciated. . PRESENTATION TO The Lrdietr-Propotitt' try James Dish, responded to by Frank Tup- holnw. ' At the conclusion ot the toutlist. a pleasant hour was spent in games and soda] intercourse. The l-Zwald House, King St., was the scene at a very happy gathering on Wednesday evening when the triends at Mr. Fl. J. Roos, who purposes leaving 1m Vancouver the curly part of next month-tendered him a ban- quet. and making him the recipient of During the evening Mr. D. B. Mute solumn contributed a well rendered, vocal solo. a handsome club has About twenty- Iivn were in attendance. Dr. Hilliard presiding Those present made brie! addresses expressing their regret att, Mr Roos' removal from town and ev tending him their best wishes for his future success and prosperity. Among those present was Mr. Edward Liersch of Montreal. tbtt old Walerloo boy who spoke of the great possibili- ties ol the West whichJu had visited a numb" of times. The death took place at the Harlin- Waterloo hospital Wednesday evening ot Mr. Jacob Andrus, William street, Waterloo, boot-used sussumbed to an muck of pneumonia 3nd was ill only a few dark, A wile and grown up family smvivc Mm. Mr and Mrs Frank Height micr- tained a large number of ladies mil grnllrnwn to a very oaeeeaatul and most onjm ntrle Progressive Euchre pan) on Friday evening. The SPIC- mus parlors wore most pietttretuttrr with garlands ot smilu. hearts. cup- id; and ull the tr-dmoml decon- tinns suggestive ot the Kendal ot St. VAN-Mine. Ten “his! were ttttw- ed, and one: I my» Ind intercu- in: senate! an. In. M. M Sttrder, Mr. 000. Moon and Miss Hawk: were found to he the tortu- ttttte winner: ot tho handsome prio's A deiltdmrtt - and " qua-um. 'GiiCiiaiii'G I clout on oi thr - ”In.“ - qt this Ion-l ”HAT" OF DR. KRUMllMi IN WATERLOO A SOIL“. EVENING A WATERLOO crr1- ZEN. at " ti. J. K003 ms: Emin- B. Root I“ ”pointed the debate to the conventionol the Library Association at Guelph. A motion Inn panned, moved by Rev. W, D. Lee. and seconded by J. G. Such, regretung the removn! ot Rev. Fuller Span. trom Waterloo and his consequent resignation unmana- |ler ot the Board. The Board eo- .gntulnted him upon " Appointment land expressed their batty good twishes tor his luture m. Rev. {Faber Spec: made n suitable to- l Chill. Flynn $oou mu, custody on Saturday U. E Northrop on the charge at passing a worth1essurheque made payable to himself. He called at various stores and endeavored to cash a cheque tor $1500, but his iti.. rhriale condiu'ortproused suspicion. Chief Flynn was notified and the Irnan was placed under arrest. The committee unwind in - to the Piano Fund Iron authorized monarchs: piaaoatsroetnatt8Artt a mm. The case against C. E. Northrop, who was arrested on the charge oi attempting to get a forged cheque cashed was remanded. It is probable that an additional charge will be laid against him lor attempting to pass bad cheques in Berlin. Mr. J. G. Meyer, tor the past six yum: chief clerk at the Waterloo. Postomce, has relinquished his posi- tion and left reuesday for Toronto, where he will make accounting his profession. Prior to his departure he was presented with a handsome club bag by the Postmaster as a slight rrrognition ot his [nithlulness and rmc'ency while a member of the Postomee stall. His friends will CE- tend their best wishes tor his success and prosperity in his chosen vocation. Miss Hebert-I than, who tor the past ten years. has been a member ot the stall ot S. P. Brick” a Co.’s store has accepted a position at Stratford and left for that city Wednesday to assume her duties, Prior to her departure she entertained the members ot the sun and the 8.8.0. Club at the home of her 3in ter, Mrs. Frank Hum, a very pleasant evening being spent by those “new. Miss Kat: was made the recipient of a ring from the stall ot S. B. Brisker ' Co., and thud- some ebony toilet set trom the B.B. C. Club., this evidence ot tin [nod will and regard ot her friends ttte ing deeply appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bechtel an. nounce the engagelaent at their second daughter, Myrtle Anna, to Clive S, Bean. The marriage will take place early in March. Mr. J t B, Hughes and Miss Hughes left Monday for a visit of seven) days in Toronto. . The manage or Miss Dorothea Moorman and Mr. Richmond Harp Neilson, Manages of the Canadian Bank of Commerce,' at Shelbrooke, Sash. is announced to take place in St. Aidans Church. Bonnv Beach, To- ronto, at tour o’clock on Tuasdny. February 28th. Mr. Byron Snyder, Sunday at his home Mr, and Mrs. J, ton, Aux, paid Mr, Mabel a short visit Mr. and Mrs. hit. Snyder have left on a month's holiday trip to the Bermuda Islands. Mr, J. McLennan, Clinton, former- ly or the stat! ot the Molson’s Bank, spent Sunday with friends in town. Personals-Mr, Henry (lacy. Dill" genial assessor. made his rounds here on Mondar--Mr. Hy. Lutz was a business visitor to Proxionlut Sat» “may morning-Miss Mabel Hali- man has taken a position in the Boehmer Box Factory ot Berlin where she entered on her new duties I iorinighi 'e-M" Amos Pullman has gone on an extended visit to “in home oi her son. Mr, Edwin Hons- perger oi Durand, Michigan - Mr. Jacob Meek ot Didsbury. Attrerta, visited his cousin Ma. Hy. blitz here last Friday. .Incoh who wu I tormrr resident ot this villas in re- ceiving the glad hand from his num- rmus rettttNett And friend- heres trtl M whom no highly delighted um he (has made good in the we“. . Death ot Benlunln 'atrder-- The T many Mend; cl In. Will “and l of Preston Road will tender to her‘ their sincere sympathy In the recent bereavement the baa aultaincd in the rmnnval hy the hand, of death of het lath". Mr Benjamin Snyder. Dewar rd who was in his Wth year was a lliolong resident oi Bloomingdale, but latterly he made hll home with his daughter Mrs. Wicgand, and where he passed malully away early tttst Sunday morning. Ite had been ailing tor some time with infirmiurs due to old and The remains were re- mand In tho_homo of hln non Mr. Per. namlu andrr. who resides on tho old mum! from when the Inn- eral was held on Tmsday aluraool to a: Nomi-gm lenloalu m TRIED TO CASH BM) CHECK Social and Personal REMOVIMi TO TORONTO PRMEl1T'drt0ll FazzbonT 1. Mills, Edmoa- .and Mrs. Geo. this week. . Snyder have Stamford, spent solution was introduced and passed, recommending the adoption oi the constitution and the appointment at the provisional executive committee. The election of oliicers resulted as torruws:-'Presideat, Wm. G. Collum, vice-president, Fred Bran, Secretary- treasurer, Clinton Walie:, eonvenors and Programme committee, Miss Lan- ra Master, Miss Laura Bean, Miss klva Howell, and Illingworth (as. sel. At the com-lusion of the meet- ing the chairman called “ion Mr. Will Graham who intends to leave shortly for the Northwest. As he approached the chairman Mr. Robert Bean stepped iorward and read an dddress at nppretiation ct M'r_Gra- ham's services to the Farmers' Cluy and his nothing, devotion to its in- terests. As a memcmtu at his ma- By friends in Wilmot he was l presented with a Water- [man fountain pen try Mr. Will Col l tum the newly elm-ted president, - Miss Amie McCallum of Stlntiotzl is spending a week wiitt her sistru, Miss Tens MrCaNurn.--Ite%, Mr. Newton at J'athiriil is coraducung a wry snu'mslul mission in Christ ehnrrh, llaysviile. Service is he”. in the mite-moon at 3 o'eiock md in the evening at 7,i5 Many at- tend and listen to the delightfully instructive and comforting duress“ of the missionary. Rev. Mr. Owen took Mr. Newton's services in Pnth- hill on Sand-y 19th. Interesting Debate and Presentation --'me monthly meeting of the Far- mers' Club and debating Society ot s. S. No. 5 Wilmnt was held in the school house on Fiiday Evening Feb. 17th. The programme was an excel- lent me. 'lho debate, “Resolved that the plallorm wields a greater in- itrcettee than the press" was ably fought out by Mtssrs Amos mum and Fred Bean and the negative try Allan J'assel and Clinton Walker. Alter carelul deliberation the judges gave their decision in favor of the unintuitive on points though highly commending the affirmative on their style, language and delivery. The constitution of the proposOt Central Committee was read by tbe Seere- tary. After some diseussiua a rc~ News Notes.-llave you had the mttmps'--Miss K. lat: Sundayed n her home burn-Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scharmnn’x little girl is improving greattr.--NUt' Alma Cornell Sun- dnynd ttt her home ttere.-Did you receive any 1'atera'inrst --Mitcs Min- nir Drmkwardth mmdared stith Miss Nollir Pricknpti.-Mr, and “H Walt” llilhorn haw Irlnrnrd to thrit home in Ltsttott, alter wording: a 1m weeks with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Thnmas "iltrs-m--hfr. Hind Foilrh, Lloyd Fwy. Berlin and Jark Mich") upon! Sunrlm with Mr. Ed 1tricknMl--A numm tram here took in the lorhm‘ at the Metho- dist church. "Mum an Tuesday cv- wing. NIX ARD’S LINIIENT CUBE. HEW CENTREVILLE HAYSVILLE h Mr. Otto Herold who has been con- nected witt “he Ontario Seed Co the past. We years left Tuesday for Brantford, having accepted a position with the Dominion Gunners, Hamil- ton, who own a large farm near Brantford. He will act as seed grow- ing expert tor this enterprise. News Notes.-LRev. Mr. A. Tove" of Guelph took charge of the sonic. on Sunday atternoom-..Dr. Black ut Toronto called on friends here on t:'Mmday.---Misa H. Bough spent Sun- day with Mrs. James Taylor.-- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Benner spent Thurs- day in Berlin.-- Miss E, Snodgrass spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs W. Barbarree.--Mr. Martin Frank in- tends holding an auction sale on Feb. 28th.-There was a concert at No. 6 school house on Friday even- ing which was well attended.-- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Taylor spent Sun- day with Mrs, 1'as'lo..rltgretlmy, Mrs. J. R. Strickland " Berlin. - Mil James Taylor with her son and daugh- ter attended awedding near Acton on Wednesday lattt.--Mr. and Mrs. 'W Barbarree also were guests at the wedding.--Mr. John Smyle is spend- ing a few weeks with James V. Taylor-Master John and Miss Ruth Taylor spent Monday with their grandmother, MOSBOROUGH Pleasantly surpnsed.-on Saturday afternoon Miss Erma Shoemnker was very pleasantly surprised try x mm- her of her school mates prior to her leaving the section for Berlin. The rattemoon was spent in outdoor and iindoor games. Tea was served " 6 ydii', alter which the party return.. l,ed to their homes, having spent a no» "dsrahu,attrsmotm. We an M to {his that the robe stok- nanny Matt w. ' C Personals.--" Bella and Miss Sylvia Shantz spent Sunday with friends in moomingdaie.--Tbe Misses Annie and Shiny Show of Elmira spun; Sunday with In. W. Strome. -Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shoemaker and son Cecil spent Bentley with In. J. B. Otrerholtzer of Bertim-- Mr. Wil- l'am B. Haatre and Mr. Wellington B. Schwartz spent Sunday in Bridge- ,ort.--Mrs. A. R. Stream of Elmira spent a low days but. week with Mrs Milton Strome. _ thoo $8.50 Ettioyat0Entertaitted.-- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shoemaker entertained a party cl young people trom this com- munity to an o supper onWed- eesday evenin¥ The evening was spent in In and games alter which a dainty and moat sumptuous supper was served try the hostess. The party dispersed in the small hours after having spent a most enjoyable time. Wanklyn at, the 'miat, new: In lcen recovered. Thornton & Douglfifg Stratford l Berlin, Ontario ' '+"+"4ie0+'-ro4+re4+e4+o+ro9+roe+orreooseo.a Our Military and Prussian . Overcoats Are marvels of style and workmanship. Every! comet in detail, and yet they arc going at mos this “brim aun- NN-p in and 'MN bour sm- $7.50 mom mun musuu Tho Popular Dress Fabric The Bank: Thu “a? (hand to. mic " N and mm. um I will outrun lat year's out all: in India "Hulls. We no - ed to and you makeup-nu, having on.“ a tartte dip-non ot the“: goods in all the Inuit colon. tor the style at are“ won this material in unduly adapted. being sott, be In! silty. in“ perfectly, giving the slight usurp mt in no pruni- One of The Oldest and Strongest} Banks in Canada Invite. your banking business both PERSONAL and BUSINESS ACCOUNTS, and with it. Inge nunrceamplondid facilities and complete banking connection. and cquipmont, ode fem the he t of banking accommodation to all who but. MONEY T0 DEPOSIT or other BANKING BUSINESS to "some. . _ Assets $50,300,000 Capital $4,000,000 iteserred Funds $4,945,000 Incorporated 1856 MERCERISED HULL 25c Pine quality and pertect tinitrh that will retain the lus- tre um Inning, shades ot trinh, sky blue. emulsion. cream, pure white. rose, black, ete., " in. wide, special at 25c Sm- ihr line at ..t... sum. There are noys', Men's; andemg Mrn's stylrs and H708. and fabrim are Ihr svason's most popular “raw"; and panrnI. y in and 'UN' lhr big srlmhnn thrrr Is still In thump trom in cram. pure white, rose, black. whiting its lustre. all ti. ete., 40 in. wide, special at 25c visible crepe weave that dup- es nicely, special ......... ....llo TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR WHITEWEA‘R SALE ONLY THREE DANS MORE. AT'TRACTttVE PRICES FOR EARLY BUYERS. Potts tor "I Coats for . Coats tor T Link- Boys' FanrY & It. "\crmah an» pat-r ( NINE PNES New Silk Finished . H. Mills & Co. c. A. STEPHENS, Manager “not!” lunch THE MEN'S STC RE Guelph $10.75 “2.50 Coats " $6 " $1000 Coats for $5.15 $5.30 Coats tor ., ry Coats qrvatly reduced toro svi1vts (at styk Death of Mrs. Josiah Raiders-1M; death took place on Friday month... February 17th, ot Mrs. Joshua M; der, in her 81st year. Mrs. Radio; had been ill for some time. SI" leaves to mourn her loss a husband} and two children, Mrs. Putter“ ll Almonte and Harry of Trout Gag ’The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from her late residuum; [Kyoto an service was conducted it ', iiiTo.TiU'i"C, l Bill! Mu. The Box Social which was In“ under the maniacal of the Ladies " or the Methodist Church on Thursday evening last my a you success. - A large numlger Iron Boon attended tho auction - ot Mr. I. Manlly In Wednesday taat.-A prints dam- will be held in Meoarer's Hall Mt Friday evening, Fob. Mth.-mttt Min- sz-s V. and M. Huber attended the Valentine Jetty held by the B. C. t. last. Tuesday, evening in the school room. Briers.-atiss C. Um: of Ham was ue guest at was a. Fol tor a few days this mstrk.--N. sea \Patunbaker spent a tmr with their sister in Preston wtxe--gir. G. Forster ot To! is spending a few holidays with parertts.-Miaa T. Daimler meat day with trieads in German W. Born: On Thursday, Feb. 10th. daughter. Stiliborn.- trom Doon attended the in Preston Opera Hons evening, Feb. 17th. __ "e--.'-... III; Born: On Thursday, Feb. 10th, Mr. and Mrs. John Hum. it, A,,..-... “‘9'" HERCERISBD TITANIA MUM, 35a. A new valve. " Inch. this in and” ot hello, in“, pink. grey, ereams'ete., but titut silky attitth, “an!“ lusty polo: and min-bk. 31,95 very mat is Absoluhly those reduct,ioor.-- _ '7 --'-_ew_e_".- ’I. “I4 at Innerldp, to a. DOOM Toronto Pee, Hoist; a-TF; 'm M ITEI) B ttlin $8.75 $7.45 "8.M Fireman's u;

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