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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Feb 1911, p. 12

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Than um he'nold " Public AUC- thu on the tarm ot the undersigned; 8 In“ an ot Waurloo all three all. a.“ ot St. Anna, on 2tt'gted " lo'clock pm. slurp, on allowing “Mable property, viz: llonaonnny hone ' yarn old - drtver, sorrel colt. rising , years oH_rrtAmt tingle and double, aged - horse, good worker, a colts tiling I you: old got try Hembrino. .tttes-S Good Dairy Cows: Cow In“. cow due _ to Caive in March, - line to tyaNe in April, cow dttei to alto in May, furrow cow, out 4 “I old. ' yearling heifers. 1 Pin and ctsieumr-Brood sow with ri,)' " sideAby time of sale, 9 pigs about 5 months old, " White Wynn- - ' " cut,nearly new; "ll) My Hum mower, 6 It cut. 13 the disc drill nearly new, Petty) MI “do delivcry “In nearly new, Mg hay rake 10 " wide, disc with 10 ln. pm», “son, two I- mm acumen“. pair bob aleighs, Mttd roller, single carriage. S-furrow m Now, 2 single plows. amtim: ittttt know, an not. My rack gMrly new, tanning mill, hay fork dith rope and pulleys, root pnlper, s.ht gravel pinks and many other ‘Grain. Ete.-Abortt 125 bush. oats, I” bull: mixed grain, about 6 tons Timothy har, , quantity or clover hay. a quantity of turnips and man- . Auction Sale In. Stock :3! implements tummy. luck on. 1m ,Hounchold Etreeta.-Magnet cream manor. t.sideboard, extension table, 1081 table, 3 small tables, 6 dining rum chairs, 2 rockers, lounge, kit.- dhn stove, coal heater, coal oil heat- de, btwer stand, bedstead, benches and many other articles. Terms-Har, grain, pips. chickens, took and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 10 months’ credit on approved joint. not- :0, or 5 pet cent. on tor cash pay- ments of credit amounts. There will be sold by pubiic Auc- aba on the hum of the undersign- & lot No. 6, west hall con. 8, s lesley Tp. " miles west of St. 'ianetns and 3 miles east of Cross- I, 'ttesdar, March 14th, tint Cattter-a cows has]: in Jan and Wet, heifer fresh in Jan.. cow sup wood to be In call, heifer in calf, g id. cows). 4 head oi butcher cattle, "tttot previously sold, 6 head ol young cattle. _ Pigs.--' sows due at the time ot ‘Inle. " store pigs 4 months old, about " hens. lawman, Etch--. Many Harris commencing at one o'clock, pm. dhner, the lollowlng valuable pro- Horaes-mare 5 years old in foal, are , years old, Sorrel horse 7 you! old. mac 13 years old in foat, like! colt rising 2 years, 2 sucking 1mphtmettts.--Masser Harris binder,l Massey Harris mower, Massey Harris My rake new. pea harvester, spring tooth cultivator, land roller, seed drill, disc barrow. imn barrow. wood- en barrow. 2 Murrow Verity gang plows. 3 single plows, scumer, lan- ning mill. emery grinder. chopper, talc 3,000 lbs. up, threshing ma- chine. horse power, root pulpcr, 2 wagons, truck, cart, 3-soatod, car- riage. buggy, cutter. set of bob- sloighs, Ira sleigh, 3 hay racks, grain cradle, cream separator, set ol slings. quantity of bass wood and black ash lumber, dry; 2 sets team har- nrss, set carriage harness. set single harness and a lot ot Mth articles too numerous to mention. Auction Sale -OF- ‘Farn Stock and Implements Grain. FAc.--hhout 200 bushels mix- " main 300 bushels oats, a quanti- ty ot Mahmolds .Housrhnldv Hit-11c. - Ward-robe, lounge, a number of chairs. comm cupboard. Trrrur--Young pigs, tat batik. bens roots. grain and all sums oi no and under', cash, m‘rr that am- ount 12 months' mum will be given on approved inint nntrs or 1 per cent all tor cash payments of ttmit amounts. Y. III'TRN'. Clerk JOHN DRI'.\R. Proprietor toy). G, PLANS, Auctiomir ENOS DOLL, PROPRIETOR. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. L. P. DIETRICH, Clerk. Auction Sale Advertisement 83H There will be told by publu: ano- tion on the [arm at the undersigned, Lot 18, Block 8, Huron Road, " mites east at Hay-ville, ' miles west. ot New [Nudes and 4 mites south ot Baden, on . commencing at " o'eloth I. m. sharp, the [allowing valluble property, viz: Hor-tr-Pere-mt heavy mam rite ing 4 years old, got by Illinois; black horse rising 8 you: old, tray home rising 8 yous old, bay horas rising 11 years old, 2 tray colts rising 8 years old, bay colt rising 1 your old. Catthr--7 Good Dairy Cows-2 cows lresh, heifer fresh. a cow: due to calm lag time ot sale, iow due to calve in April, cow due to calm in June, 6 spring calves, 2 yearling ‘heilers, call 2 months old. Pigs-4 sows supposed to he in pig, Yorkshire boar 2 years did. 22 pigs 6 weeks old, T shouts weighing about. 100 lbs each. Implements. Ete.-Whorset power with rods and couplings, have! ink, floor horse power, poplin; binder T Fun Stuck. lupin-nu and Ila-sch.“ Imus it cut nearly new, Giant mower s It. cut, manure spreader. 13.hoe Champion seed drill nearly new, spring tooth cultlvator, Climax cul- tivator. corn cultivator, hay rake, land roller, pea harvester, sell-rake reaper, Home disc, 3 wagons (one with box), wagon box, road" cart, 3- seated democrat, 2 pair bob sleighsu long sleigh, 2-turrow Oxford plow, 2- furrow gang plow, 3 single plows,‘ Cl-horse plow, soother, 5-mction iron ‘harrow, 4-section iron harrow,'2-see- tion iron barrow, 2 bay racks, wood racks, dump cart. set ot springs and platlorm. chopping mill, Watson straw cutter with carrier, Watson straw cutter with Mower, scale cap. 2000 lbs, hay fork with rope and pulleys, set of bolsters, bag truck. 2 sets heavy team harness, set plow bar- ness, set single harness, number of horse collars, set fly nets, stoneboat, grain cradle, gain bags, logging chains, doublet s, nesAyokes, show- els, forks, rakes, hoes and many other articles. . Thursday. Inch 16th, I911 -iiay and Rooiir-atsout 150 bushels turnips and about 5 tons ot Timothy hay. Household Etieets-- National cream separator, sideboard, 4 bedsteads, arm chair, 6 kitchen chairs, lounge, Cook- ing stove, 2 box stoves, kitchen cup- board, extension table, wood chest, wash stand, Babcock milk tester, ben- ches, 3 spinning wheels and numerous ‘other articles. {at one o'ctock, sharp, the lollowing: I Horses-Bay mare 12 years old weight about 1100 lbs., bay horse? 'ycars old weight about 1:500 lbs. black mare 6 years old in loal to itleart ot Oak weight about 1300 'ltrs., tray mare 13 years old weight .about 1300 lbs. Lunch at Noon. Terms-Pigs, roots, hay. and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes or 4 percent. on for cash payments oteredit amounts. The undersigned has received in- structions from Geo. Binder to sell by public auction on lot 84, 4 miles south ot New Germanv. 3 miles norttieast df Brcslau and one mile west M Mostroro' on Cattle-Holstein cow due to calve April lo, an extra butter cow, cow due April I, cole due March J, cow dere March M, fresh cow, itbrrow cow ycarrog heifer, yearling suer, suck- ing can. i'igs.--Sow due to pig in April, sow due to pig May I. _ Implement.s.--Massey Harris binder tt ft. cut, mower, Saxon seed drill; sulky rake, wagon with box, 2-seated democrat, sleigh with box, top buggy, cutter, 2 single plows one nearly new, 3-lurrow gang plow, set barrows, stumvr, land roller, hay Park, fanning mill, root pulpor, whrcl- barrow, iron krtllo. crosscut saw, sat good tram harness,, set single Hens.Ui number oi hens. Mso2 Scratch Collies. l..:r.v‘ss. forks. rakes, hoes, shovels, and various other articles. Terms-Sums of $10 and under, cash, mrr that amount 10 months' stulit, will tw given on furnishing ap- prm'rd joint notes. 5 per cent per annum ON (or cash. Hogs and (owls wash Monday, February 27th, 1911 DANIEL SHANTE, Proprietor. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. ALF. KAUFMAN, Clerk. _ Farm Stock and Implements Auction Sale \l Cll twr.HY. Aucttonersr "toy'mH, l'lt‘rk. Auction Sale CLEARING. 8-31. 'ttt can emu; Stock. Ink-cm and Inuit“ Meets This underlined will otier tor sale on his premises, Lot IT, ' 9, Peel Township, " mile. north ' 0' “arable. on " " o'clock, noon sharp, the tot- towing property, viz:- _ - _ "oair--iwi hare. hone rising " years old, mare rump 8 your: old, horse rising 8 yang om, horse ris- in; old Cattle-3 lresh cows, , cows' dueto calvie in March, cow due to calvc in May, cow due to calve in June, cow due to mlve in Septem- ber, cow supposed to be in call; 4 heifers rising 2 years old. 3 steers rising 3 years old, 7 spring calves, call six weeks rid. Shonhom bull ‘rising 2 years old. Pigs-t9 store '.igs, 12 pigs 7ll weeks old, sow due to [arrow in I April, 3 sows supposed to be in , pig, Berkshire hog. ‘ Poultry-About 65 hens. Implements. Ete.-Necormick bin- der, McCormick 13 disc seed drill. AlcCormlek 2-horse hay rake, Norton I gmower, " ft. cut, Noxon disc ho:- row, iron barrow, Ayr Mow, new. Fergus plow, Paris 2-Iurrow plow, g-furrow gang plow, seuttier, oak plank, roller, pea rake, 2 wagons, wagon bor, 'seated carriage,2 top buggies, botr-steigb. cutter, Fleury cutting-br" with blower. turnip pulp- er, Olinbon tanning mill. scales " 000 lbs. capacity, 3001b. beam scales spend jack, circular saw with truck, circular rip saw, crosscut saw, ton- gue truck, hay fork, 2 hay racks. section grinder, stone-boat, wheelbar- row, hay kréle, 2 sets gravel planks. PA feet iron track and putters, 22 It. ladder, step-ladder, 2 crow-bars, 2 logging chains, 2 iron wedges, stone hammer, sledge, iron kettle, g sets team harness, 2 sets single hermit set tty nets, 42 (cot 5 inch rubber belt, 37 teet 4 ineh leather belt,“ doutrtetrees, neckyokes, 2 robes, pick.‘ sugar beet fork, Daniels' Incubator, Chatham brooder, shovels. torks,troead, rakes, etc. Grain and Roots-About 400 hush- els ot oats, 400 bushels ot mixed grain, 75 bushels ot peas, about 15. tons ot hay, a quantity ol “any”... Household Effects, Etc.-- Magnet, cream separator, cooking stove with pipes, parlor cook stove with pipes, 2 box stoves, glass cupboard, bureau washstand, Tttaisteads, lounge, hang- ing lamp, benches, wood-chest, milk‘ cans. churn, washing mzhine, Minis. pails and many other articles woo ‘numerous to mention. . mangolds. Terms-Hay, grain. roots, store" pigs, poultry,'and all sums ot $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be Wen on approved joint notes, or 5 per cent on, tor cash payments at credit ulna cunts. mining 150 acres more or less on which are a commodious brick veneer- ed house with kiwhen and wood-shed attached, a large up-ttrite bank barn with straw-shed attached with' nicely arranged stables GLTatis,u-l so a silo recently built, and driving shed separate from other buildings, also a power wind-mill on the barn, and an abundant supply at both hard and soft water. There is a first- class young orchard with all the dit- letent varieties ol fruit. There are 15 acres ot [all wheat. " acres oi meadow, 12 acres ot bum (with we.- ter at the same ior cattle) and the ‘rest is in good state ot cultivation and well fenced, mostly with wire fences. This is one ot the good [arms in a good location being o " the 3rd lot from the town line be- ‘tween Woolwich and Peel. School mouse is only a short distance away and imm the buildings we have one It! the ftr. st views in the country. The farm will be sn'd on easy Mums I! payment i.t desired. ISAAC I‘MBACII. Proprietor (L o. CLASS, Auctioneer. Terms of Farm-lo per cent. of the purchase price on day at sale, and terms for the balance will be made known on day of 8810. “any, luck 7th. [Ill HF..SPFmrr'.it (‘lll'RCll CALLS REV F. A. (‘ASSIDY. A [cap 240 lbs. 12 yards carpet, lent The quartorly rtTeciat board tthe table, and many other articles. Hespelpr Methodist church have de- Grain and Rootr-150 bushel oats, ra'dmf to cxtend a call to Ilev. F, A. 100 bush, mixed grain, so hush. bar- t'assidy. mrmerty oaMor of Norfolk ley, about 200 bush. mangels. Fltrrpt worth. Guelph, lo become 'rerms--4Train, pigs, chickens, min- their pastor. It is understood that gels and all sums of 31000 and under Mr. Cassidy will WM the call, rash. over {hat amount " months' cubjprt to the sanction ot the sta- credit on approved joint notes, or 4 Honing committee of the "KW-“WWW" com. on tor cash payments ol 1'onfprpncv. When Mr. 1'assidytett credit amounts, Hurlph he went to Japan as] mis- 'sionary. hut returned-two or three MRS, .131): .H'STI’S. Exocutrix, (rears mm, and brs been making his MR JO N LIPS. Exeeutor. M‘IHYH!‘ in Horn CVPr siinrp. l., .l MtCKUH, Auctioneer. 8-2t a year; oi, colt rising 2 years At thy sum time tm' “I“? there Auction Sale Til: FARM. tion. on “a mm d Joesph B. Baum, a nun south-at ot m- win. 3 miles northeast» d St Jae.. ob: and one-ttatt mile Treat ot Jer- Commencing u 11.80 o'clod p: m. mm. the {allowing umu. prop- cm. 711.: Horaeo-LUttt bar hon. ' you; old weighing 1500 lbs. an bar mu 5 years old weighing uso lbs. pair at dark tar must, win, welt matched. 5 ”an old, excellent driv- nrs; light. hay born " you: old good driver, My mm 3 you: old a not previously wld. Cattle, Ete.-a Pure bred Dorian cows: Cow heal: In June. cow duo to cake in August, a cow: this to calve try time at tales, cow with an at side, cow due to am in Novem~ ber, heifer due to calm in June, 3 yeulings, 6 spring 'salees, bull ' mouhs old, 5 head of [at cattle it pot previously told. Pigs-a trrdod ml. 1 with pigs at. side; " store p155, so chicken. 5 guinoa fouls. implements, Etc..- Insersoll hay _ loader, Waterloo side delivery rakeq Frost & Wood binder , " cut, Mal-j sey Harris 6 It. mower new, mower." with pea harvester attached, hayi rake, seed drill, cultivator with seed box, Frost a Wood disc, laud rol-' ler, Champion sepaeror " in. cylin- der, 45 in. body, Waterloo " horse power with equalizing rods, couplings,‘l nearly new; this outfit is in excellenti running order. Elmira chopper No. 2, [ (d straw cutters, fanning mill, Brant) lord fanning mill, threshers rope IT5: met single, nearly new; hay fork: slings and ropes: 2 wagons, l with box; 2-seated democrat, 2 top buggies, 2 cutters. 2 pair bob sleighs, long sleigh, wood rack, stock rack, 2 hay racks, 2 No. l Ayr plows, ’Adnnce plow, 2 furrow Oxford plow, , dub row Verity plow, iron barrow, 2 scut- tlesrs, hay knife, wheelbarrow, set of , bolsters, emery grinder, grindstone,) manure sleigh, 3 sets ot doubletcam' harness, 2 sets of single harness, root pulper, sugar beet fork, grain bags,' horse blankets, crosscut saw, wagon jack, grain cradle. ieoubletrees, neck? yokes, shovels, tag/truck, forks, chains, scythes, 31mm; cream separ- , ator. sink. box stove, 2 men tube, 2 cider barrels, Budalo robe. I Auction Sale -or- hr- suzk and mph-at: Nebula]. luck 18th. Ml There will be told by public Grain--175 bushels oats, " bushels mixed grain, " bushels barley, 15 bushels of peas, 4 tons ot Timothy: hay. iN . ' 1 Terms-Grqin, hay, Nga, [at cattle, chickens and att mans ot $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes, or g per cent. on for cash. SARAH HECKENDORN, A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. J. H. RUPPEL, Clerk. There will be sold by Public Auc- tion on the farm ot the late John Justus, Con. It, Township ot Welles- ley, two and one-half miles west oi Hawkesvillc and three and one-tttnt miles east of Linwood, on Commuting at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp the following valuable property, viz: Live Stock, Etc,--Bay mare " years old supposed to be in foal, cow fresh, cow due to calm in April, cow due to calve tn May. cow due to calve in June, cow due to cake in Sept,, heifer rising 2 years old, heiier rising 1 year old, sow with 7 pigs at side, about 45 chickens. Implements, Etc-Deering binder i ' tt. cat with sheaf carrier, mower,, Wisner seed drill combined, Mann cultivator. hay rake. wagon with box nearly new. top buggy, open buggy, pair bob sleighs with box, cutter, Berlin tanning mill, cutting box, root pulper nearly new, stone boat, grain cradle. wheelbarrow, gravel planks, hay rack, pig rack, gang plow, single plow, seuttter, 4-section iron barrow,f binder tongue. chat! basket, 2 sets double team harness nearly new, set' single harness, 4 collars (2 nearly new), doubletreetr, neckyokes, spring seats, crowbar, ladies‘ bicycle. scales, Farm Stock and Implements Thursday, March 9th, 19” 'rerms--4Train, pigs, chickens, man- gels and all sums of 81000 and under rash. over that amount " months' credit on approved joint notes, or 4 Auction Sale Administratrix. frat. There will ha wk! try public 31:03 uncouthnumutum In: a. village ol Stratum, m In“ with ot Berlin amt two mile: north at noon, an lollowln; property belong- ing to Ephraim 18. Weber. a lrunning order; fifteen horse power International gasoline engine on truck nearly new; water tank on truck, §niisy chopper 10 inch Mates. 3 inch 1mm: belt. 100 ft. long. 6 inch CtMH ‘vas belt. " ft. long. tb quantity ot lumber belting in various aims and .lengths; am. more in Buzzard cut» ting box, Massey Harris binder with shut earrier, Massey Kurtis mower Sale to commune at lo'clod pm. --or- rartn Stock. kph-nu and [lo-M “has Bay mm 8 yen: old Intuit about. 1350 lbs, heavy tray hon: tiling 4 you: old, sorrel mm thing - old weight about 1800 Ila. heavy chestnut more 8 your: old, in foal. cattle.--' cows due to com In June, boner (test: in November. tat cow, Stat boilers, 31mm; - Hogs, Eta-Brood now with 'e at side, brood sow due to " in) April, brood soc due to pig in Mar,' thoroughbred Yorkshire has” you: old, 8 shoots 6 months old. 9 tat hogs weighing about 200 lbs each. Implements, Ete.--u hone power steam engine in good running order; Waterloo septum: " in cylinder. " ,inch body with tthalt blowor. in good snu- clllwr. ulna“, .-_--._ __VV,“ [nearly new. 6 It. cut; Johnston mower, pea harvester, Massey Harris lside delivery rake nearly new. Deer- iing sell dump rake, hay loader, hay itedder, hoe drill, 3-horsc spring tooth :cultivator, disk 14 20 inch plates, corn cultivator, 3 iron barrows, [and roller, 3 single plows I nearly new, dump cart, 2-turrow gang plow, Imperial z-lurrow plow, potato,plow, 3 wagons I nearly new, 2 wagon boxes, combined stock and hay rnelr, wood rack. 2 ttat hay racks, hay rack. turnip seeder. spray motor, cap. 40 igallons, Chatham tanning mill nearly inew. platform scale cap. 200 lbs; speed jack, split pulley 18 inch by ',.6 inch lace; split pulley M inch by l T inch lace, split pulley 14 inch by ,. 10 inch lace. hay tore with rope and 'pulleys, smll block and tackle, two- '. seated carriage. road wagon. sulky,| two-seated market sleigh, hob sleigh,) I i work bench, 3 logging chains, Chat-) I ham incubator and breeder, 2 sets‘ ' team harness, 2 sets trace chains, , 1 dynamo, grind stone, emery grinder, crosscut saw, stone hammer, iron l','dll'l'l'l1," steel wedge. lorln, hoes, i shovels, doubletreel, mohakes.crow- t bars, and many other articles too t numerous to mention. , Household Etteeu--Larttt' wardrobe, isideboard. child's bed, cradle, Daisy churn No. s, butter worker, Melotte :cream separator, size 1, cheese Cttte 'Iboard. table, 2 barrels with vinegar. 6 cider barrels. couch, 7 kitchen "schairs, centre table. arm chair. six - octave Karn organ walnut piano use, in.teeife table, iron kettle, and many ';other articles} ol {and mangels. 120 bushels Delaware . potatoes. I No reéerve as ram ls sold. , Terms-Hag, grain. roots, fat and young pigs. potatoes and all sums of 810.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit on appro- ved joint notes or 5 per cent. per annum on tor cash payments ot credit '"i"iiirnGGrtutd Rotrta.- 50 Eushels mixed grain. quantify Jtt.oate, My amounts EPHRMM K.. WEBER. Proprietor. H. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. o. s. Kolb, Clerk. 8-3t, Ol assets of Wm. A. Greene, ot Want- erloo, Insolvent. The]? will be oitered for sale try public auction on Saturday, March 4th. 1911, at 10 o'clock a.m., at the premises formerly occupied try Wm. A'. Greene, on the west aide of King street, in the town oi Waterloo, all the assets ot said William A. Greene, consisting of Plant, Machinery. Tools, stock-in-trade. Office Furniture, Pat- terns, and Mtutttraetttrirttt Supplies. Terms, Cash. For further particulars and Inven- tory apply to A. B. McBride, Wat- ertoo, Vendor's Solicitor tor the un- detained. JAS. P. LANGLEY, RC A,, i Assignee. A tint, 4-year-old cow belonging to John Mustard, mar Brussels. took sick rocm'ly. and despite all that could be done, dammed this lite. Investigation disclosed a three-ineh wire nail driven 'into the tapered end 4 the heart, It is supposed hossy swallnwnd the hardware while uns- ing around stomp hoards Auction Sale Tuesday, Math 14th McKinnon Bldg,, Toronto, A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer 7-2t Assignee's Sale Fur- Sud M will he an uphill. A... i tlupumtnmoltbw. ‘ Lot " Con. s, Inn-ct 1...! un- -; mm od awning an I nil-um I ot PtattartlU, on c,! Commencing at 1 o'cloa Fm. in”, “a. toilowi" "Junk My, Tte. Hones-Span at heavy but. lb- ings-owed-rt Twin old city krona alluring M old city krona all period"! M and ham good worker. _ ' Cattto-3 good dairy can who! to be in an. 2 but! at mm 'attle, boiler ruin; 2 nu! old, a yearling hollow r l Pigs and Chgghmts.-6 brood ml ‘nuppouod to be in tht, 3 '“W.” shou- voiding M I” III and, In young pigs and 100 Burnt! Rod chickens. Implements. Etc.-llcComi& bin- der in good running order, locat- mick mower nearly new. hay uh. combined need drill, Frost a. Wood truck disc 14x18 (new). two m- row gang plows, with skimmer: r" " mew), 2 No. " single Arr pm (1 rie'w). not or turrGwr, 8mm?“ turnip grower, lump: wagon '- will pair hob deluxe. cutter - new, tanning mill, hay not, “act not, wheelbarrow, stonobout, mm, cauldron kettle, pork barrel, vinegar barrel, 3 sets than lumen 1'wa new, set single harness, poi: Scotch collars. gravel box, quantity ot good Bass wood plot: tor hay not}, Ben's new root pulpor. Bell'n Norm straw and ensilase cutter. ninr, crou- ' saw, Cyclone grass m, dud:- ing spade, scraper, pick, oro(rurs, whimetreex‘ neckyokes, about 25,13. 4 in. belting, hone blunts, buggy pole, ropes, forks, shovels, logging chains and many other ortlclu. Grain, Etc.--About MA) VIII]! Irish Victor oats, about 300 bush. barter (Mandsheuri), 100 hush. good seed peas. a quantity ot clove: har, " t quantity of manuals. Household Elteets.-Coohing stove. nearly new, heating stove, " dint“, lounge, couch, bedsteads, We. vult- ing machine, counter some: up. no lbs, and many other articles. No reserve as the tarm is sold. Terms-Hay, grain, chickens, roots and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 7 month‘ credit on approved joint notes, or s per cent. per annum on lor can pay- ments ot credit amounts. _ ,/ ABRAM L. HOWELL, Proprietor, t A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. tat Auction Sale I l -0F- _ Farm Stock and hpicncnts The undersigned will sell by public auction on Lot IO, Con. u, Tomb ship ot Blenheim, than: miles south- wast cl New Dundee and 3. miles northeast of Washington, on Friday, 1am Ion. mu commencing at 12.30 o'clock pm. sharp, the lollowing valuable prpper- 1y: " ' t Horses-Bay team 6 and 7 yum old well mated weighing about 3300 ms., bay team T years .oldvgenenl purpose weighing 3500 lbs, brown mate 4 years old, about 1400 lbs. horse rising 5 years old 1800115. driver (mare) 7 years old, pony driver 6_ycars old. cattte-y't cows to“balvc In March and April, 6 calves risingone year old, 20 steers rising 2 years old, 9 shouts. " hens. 'tttpie-ttr-Binder, mrawer.‘ rake, hay loader. hay tedder, seed 'drill, turnip drill. 2 spring tooth' tmhirtt- tors with seeder, land roller, 3 plows 2-rurrow plow, manure spreader, 3 sets harrows, disc barrow. , unions. 3 buggies, 2 sets bouncing, t lump- er cutters, 3 sets double harden and collars, 2 sets single harness, wheel- barrow, tanning mill. scale 2000 lbs. root pulper, 4 sets doubletrees, ' neckyokt-s 4 cider barrels, grindutone. crosscut saw, chains, lorks. steels, National cream separator. 2 iron ket- ties, grain bags, quintlty ot outs and about 40 busttehiitotoea. Household Efrects-About " yards carpets, extension table, centre table. kitchen table, leaf table, " chairs, single bed with springs and mourns. 2 bdswads. bedrrtnnt suite. bureau. 2 washstands, desk, couch. 2 tsinkg, wood box, coal heater 2 box stoves, milk cans. ttower shod. hanging lamp, iron pots, Intel can, mt tub, milk pails and many other arti- cles too numerous to menth-i. Tertnt_itt, potatoes uni chick- Mm cash. Alt snms 01310 and Imdt-r. cash: over that "noun 10 months' cram upon approved security, or 4 per cent on tor ash. BENJAMIN R. KRUPP. Proprietor, I. F'rthFs'F'.rt, Auctioneer. A. K.\I'FMAN, Clerk. Hit Auction Sale Tuesday, March 14th E1

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