In. Stock, Implements Ind Household Effuts Tun will be sold on the premises at tho understand, halt-mile west ot lutvilh. on Wednesday, February 22,191 I Hor-lute- mam black horses " years old weight 2600 lbs; match- od mm ot bars, 4 ycats old, weight 3800 ttrr, mare being registered, bay [will purpose home, 8 years old, In". " yen" old, Clyde tiuer rising , you: old, black horse 9 years old. h {allowing valuable propeqty:- Cattle-? good much cows, 2 cows trash, t due to calve by the time ot sale; 2 due to calm in June, 1 due to eatee in September, heifer to calm and at February, 6 head of butcher â€we, 6 head of yearling), 6 spring was. ' young _ Implements-Frost & Wood hinder a it. cut nearly new, - "Harris mower ll it out nearly new, Massey Harris disk drill 18 disk nearly new, Massey Harris hay tedder, Frost & Wood hay loader nearly new, Frost It Woodmide delivery rake nearly new, Frost & Wood 8 it. spring tooth cultivator nearly new, 3 drum steel] roller Shunt: make nearly new, double l disk cut away barrow American make; nearly new, Bissel disk narrow, weed-, or, horse rakeqiron barrow 6 section, 2 tingle plows, 1 two-furrow gang plow, a settlers, I nearly new, tur- nip Bower, broad tired wagon with bat, iron axle wagon with truck when: combined, pea rake, 2 set novel planks, 2 pair bob sleighs, 2 cutters I nearly new, good top buggy, open buggy, 3 seated democrat, hay rock. hay and stock rack combined, stoneboat, tanning mill, circulsr saw, Jolliet grain chopper 10 inch plates, - beet box, 2 beet litters, corn marker, g heel: forks, corn boat, iooop shovels, grain double trees, 'neckyokes, loggaains, cow chains, erowttar,foreq has, stone hammer, scales 2000 his capacity, grindstone, emery stone, ladder, step ladder, clover seed sowcr, Melotte cram separator 600 lbs capacity, nearly new, g wheelbarrows, log bunks and quantity, ot. maple lumber. Pigtt--10 Iowa dumto pig itNareh, ' Iowa due to pig in April, 9 sheets: Chieutttr-Atsout 100 chickens. sheep--' ewes; 4 lamp ewes. 'urnesg--g set team harness, 2 set - harness, 3 set single harness, a" carriage harness, 7 wind and Scotch collars, 5 low collars, 2 pets if nets, horse bianketn. Household Etieets--Bedroom Butt, 3 edit-ode, dresser, hall stand. who! 30': mohair, 3 lounges, leat table, centre able, 2 kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, mohair rocker, arm chairs, deck, bookcase and desk combined, Inn]! bookcase, sideboard, sink, hem Chen, clothes horse, Daisy churn near- ty new, coal heater, cook stoves, fur- Iwe kettle stove, baby carriage, bar- rel of vinegar, butter bowl, copper boiler, 3 iron pots, large copper kettle, tniik cooler, pails, crooks, tailors fiat iron, wash machine, flour chest, - press, counter scales 250 “I. capacity, good dinner hell, genuine lull-la robe, and many other artt- clos too numerous to mention. Grain and Rnotm-Quantity of mu!- golds, about 350 bushel or oats good tor seed and about 50 bushel barley. No reslerve as the farm is sold. Terms or sales-Alt sums of $1000 ad under. cash; over that amount ' -ttrs' credit Ott' approved security; a per cent. discount per annum tor cash on all credit amounts, Grain, Chickens and Hogs cash. Decision at Auctioneer to be fhtnl tn case of dispute. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a, m. sharp. Lunch at Noon. AUCTION SAlislE ADVTS. , Arrested for False Pretences Gait, Fett, I‘Z.-l‘hirf Go Friday (“china arrested hoarding house hrm, Mr. llai. Blair. mid to he wan police of Mann! Fares! for goods under fake prrtt-m'rc ple arrived how nnh' a few the husband uorkitw, in a I St "iumpimg" a 'an k a Hum.†Mr: wpnt t', mntsttsrl" Prim' m'r "wk "M Q†m- up IRA KINSIE. Proprietor. ALEX. AMES, Auctioneer .l, nnuan. Chub. Auction Sale .1 e "IV 'an " riul my HI. Ila-h! " Tho tttnt ht nrmzm t th" “ill There wilt be sold try Public Auc- tion on the tarm of the undersigned. A mile west ot Crosshjll on comn1eucing at 1 o'clock pau. aim“). the (allowin‘ valuable property, tat.'. ..gcq.qqrw&' I...†Ln-..“ 9 “an“: All! MiiiiiiJ.P-isay horse 8 years old, good driver, bay horse ' years old, colt rising 3 years old got by Royal Drcwton, cult rising 3 years old 50% by Rozelle, filly risingl year old. _ A -r-m-W_ - .. I Ililnk 'cGFLii, lu'TC'.--5 Good Mitch! Uuws.--c'ow fresh, 15 cows due to calve by time ot sale, cow due to cake in April, [arrow cow, 3 tat cattle it not previously sold, 6 steers, rising 1 year old, belle: rising 1 year old, call 4 weeks old. 1 FIGS & CTHCKENs.-. Sow sup- posed to be in pig, 3 pigs 5 ie':',?,') old, 6 pigs 4 months old. A number ‘of chickens. l l IMPLEMENTS, ETC.--prost a) Wood binder (Ht. cut with sheaf car- rier nearly new, McCormick mower, 5- tt. cut nearly new, hayrakeMeCormick seed drill nearly new, McCormick spring tooth cultivator nearly new.‘ Frost & Wood disc nearly new, 11ttl serHarris corn cultivator new, 'ra-', Mm with box, pair bobsleighs, top buggy, cutter. nearly new; 2 Paris plows nearly new, seufBer nearly new, l-section iron barrow nearly new. Per- fection tanning mill nearly new, scat- es cap 1000 lbs., root putper, 2sets double harness one nearly new, cal. of single harness, horse blankets, horse collars, hay rack, gravel plamsu, grindstone, stone boat, grain angs, wtoietrees, neckyokes, logging chains forks, shovels, ctowbar. sledge hank met, crosseut saw, cooking stove, 2 box stoves,, milk box and many other iarticles. Auction Sale -or-- hr- Stack and lawman GRAIN.-About 200 bushels of oats, about 50 bushels barter, about, 30 bushels peas. _ T'EilyLS.-Akrain, fat cattle, young pigs, chickens and all sums 01810 and under, cash; over that amount " months' credit on approved joint no'.- es or 5 per cent oft (or cash pay- ments ot credit amounts. Thursday, Feb. 23, 1911 ou"', auuuu ao UHBHUIS Udllcy, avvuv 30 bushels peas. l . Implements, Etc.--MasserHirrria 7 TEHNS.-0rain, lat cattle, young it. binder with truck. lorecarriage and pigs, chickens and all sums 01:10 and heal carrier; 2 Massey Harris mow- under, cash; over that amount IO as 5 and 6 it, cut, 1 nearly new; months' credit on approved Joint not- Massey Harris 17 tooth spring tooth es or 5 per cent on for cash pay- cultivator, g Massey Harris M- ments ot credit amounts. blade disc barrows, steel hay tedder, tg-horse corn cultivator, 3 sonnets, NOAH S. SHANTZ, Proprietor. steel land roller (nearly new), 2 sets, A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer, iron hatrows, manure spreader, grain) J. L. HAMMOND, Clerk. ;crusher, 1tFineh blade straw cutter. iturnip sewer, 3 sets bob sleighs, l a ' lumber Wagons (2 nearly new), 3 my V.†_-e-r---- “‘ V-----------" t racks, 2 wagon boxes, 2 wood racks, ilmperial gang plow, National gang . iplow, 2 other gang plows, 3 single Auction Sale ‘plows. grind stone, stone boat, gravel .032. . box, Gurney stock scale, capacity 3,- ' 1000 lbs, nearly new; scale cap. 500 Farm Stock and lmplementm lbs; g sheep ras%r, tight road cart, “' single democrat wagon, 3 seated There will be sold by.public auction ,democrat wagoB, top buggy, open rub- mn the farm oi the undersigned, Wel- h" tire buggy tiearlrnew, Portland :leslcy Tp., on the 9th Com, 2; miles cutter, 1ladg?grhit1gsttl,t.11't'lrt :HOI'HIWOSL of St. Clements, 4 miles row boat, 60 grain bags. ar magi, of Linwood, near Shopp’s Cor- posts, forks, hoes, shovels, chains, luer, on whimetrees, neckyokes, corn planters, l l, and many other articles too numerous [ 'r-a,.- mom“... on In" itoo mention. There will be sold by,public auction rm the farm of the undersigned, Wel- lesley Tp., on the 9th Com, gh miles northwest of St. Clements, 4 miles was-L of Linwood, near Shopp's Cor- ner, on Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, Grain and Roots-About so bus. nats., 50 bus. mixed grain, 10 bus. buckuheat, 200 bus. mangels and tur-, and about 25 bags of potatoes. Homes-Bay mare rising 10 years, supposed to be in foal, hay mare ris- ing 5 years, Mack driver 11 years old, sucking! colt bred by Golden g“. Pigs-Sow ttue to pig in March, 3 sows due to pig in April, 8 Shasta weighing 150 lbs; about 35 hens. Implements-McCormick binder, 6 ft. cut, nearly new, Ducting mower 5 it, cut, Frost and Wood cultivator, seed drill, 10 tooth seeder, iron bar- row, Dominion plow, gang plow, scul- tler, cutting box, pulpcr. Ianning mill, wagon nearly new with box and shell, carriage, 2 bop buggies, bots sleigh, when hay rack, gravel planks, grind stone, kettle skove, wheel barrow, scraper, stock rack, 2 sets of whiffh'trtvs, neck yoke. shovtt, forks, “Tithe. set ot double harness, 2 sets of single harness and nanny other articles. Furniture, ek-Cooking stove lor coal or wood, box stove, drum, pipes, bed room set, with springs and mafr trees, 2 single beds, parlor suit, , parlor tables, 2 rockers, Scene chairs‘ centre table. carpet,, 2 squares of oil cloth, 6 kitchen chairs, cupboard, sewing machine. lounge. table, sink, wash stand, wand chest. high chair. flour chest, lamps, copper boiler. milk ‘rans, pails, one dozen cracks, 4 dozen H‘r-nl jars, wash machine. 2 lulu, ‘rhurn, butter worker and print, bar. (rel tvrth vinegar, 3 cider barrels. [moat barrel, sausagr- stunt-r. 2 meat "Tin-JPN. mmt hooks, and many other [ ,rtielrss. - l Tt'-mq--Pi,tpr. grain, roots, pola- tttcs, Mtoais, and all sums M tlo and undvr. cash: rwer that amount IO months' rrmlil will he givvn on an- Mnrrd iomf mum: or 3 prr cont. " fur t'tVth Cattle-i-cow fresh, l cow due to calm: in April cow due to calve in April, 4 spring calves. call l weeks old, Tuesday February 21, 1911 tt rrwrw- a: 1hr Iarm " sold. F R INY. P,ftr1NNF.ft. Proprietor “V†" 1'l,VA'r1, 1rrmtutnrer P F W‘IIIWRHCR. CFrk 2 ", w. "tt I There will be sold by Public Auc- luou on the turn at the undersigned, ‘known as the "Old Schneidex Hem stead," in Doom 6 miles trom am I and the same distance iron) Berlin, on SW Brad t new: loan Fun Stock. lam-mt! and Household Effects I Standard Brods-Emetine, chestnut. Mme u years old, sited by Re Et- lection and in toat to Jim Todd; _ Meta May, brown man rising A year: ' old, sired by Ora Willis; Blair Boy, bay horse rising 3 years old, aired by Mograzia; Madetl, brown f111y rin- , ing 2 years old, sired try Moguls; 1 Blair Todd, black colt tiling 1 you 1 old, sired by Kentucky Todd. The ; above described fine herd are all reg- istered in the American Trotting ,3 Horse Register, and mtrtiticatets will i be furnished at time of sale. commencing at ten o’chck mm. thump the tolluwing valuable property, viz: Horses-Pair bay gelding; rising tt and 10 years old, weight 3100 m,',!,! pair brown gelding' rising 10 yeartr old, weight 800 lbs; pair grey geld- ings " years old, weight 2600 lbs; pair bay mares rising 5 years old, weight 3800 tbs, well matched; brown gelding rising 6 years old, weight 1500 lbs; sorrel mare rising T years old, weight 1400 Its., in ion] to Baron Howes; bay mare 10 year- old, weight 1500 lbs, in loal to Baron Howes; heavy yearling colt sired by Baron Bowen. chieeens.Lis pure bred White Wynn- dotte Pullets. 12 pure bred Barred Rock hens. "Cattle-15 head yearling; year-olds in good condition. Grain-100 bush. No. 21 seed bar- ley, 50 bush. American Banner oats. Harmer". Ete.--3 heavy brass moun- ted ham 2 , (nearly new), set heavy single harness, set light double har- nevi. 3 sets light single harness, 3 :1 C; _'low lurncw. p. pairs {Latch collars, 12 low collars, Snails horse blankets. Household Etiecttc-Coohitttt stove, sideboard, bureau, haitcloth sofa, ex- tension table, once chair, 6 dining 'room chairs, 2 bedsteads, washstand, sink, etc, etc. may Inch m, I!" Terms-Chickens, seed grain and all ‘sums of 810.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on tur- nishing approval joint notes or a discount of 4 pot on“. tor cash pay- ments of credit amotmu. . Lunch at Noon. Positively no reserve, as the tarm is rented. . BROTHER oF' EX-PREMIER BAL- FOUR. DEAD. Sutherland. Eng, Feb, tr- Three ‘hnnsand miners a! Wearmouth col- mics struck trr-day, It is hand that he strike will spread all over York tnd Northumberland counties, London, Feb. 14.-Col, Eustace J talfour, hrmhet of ez-premier A, J Taitour, died today" THREE THhVSAND MINERS STRIKE. Pekin. Fob Ir-- Army mmliml Mum's are being rstahlislwd to (each 'him-v‘ soldirrs the method ot com- hnltim: huhnnic plague, Auction Sale GEO. A. TILT, Proprietor. ALEX. AMES, Auctioneer. WINFIELD BREWSTER, Clerk ARMY MEDIUM, SCHOOLS IN CHINA. or The undersigned will all by public auction, on Lot 10, Con. I, Tommi†ot Wilma, known " th- old H. alumna: Hem-tun. 4 mile. north- west 0! Nor m, on 'ursdar, Fanny Mrd, I’ll comment; at " o’clock LIL. slurp, the lollowiu “In“!!! propgny: Holstein cutle.-Nomrr 8tr Cloth- ilda. cow No. 9536, calvod Apr“ 11th, 1:01, due to all“ in 00W; lazy Grey, cow No. 7860. «me Feb. 8, 1806, huh; Gim Tip MOI, cow No. 0531, eaimd Feb. 18, 1008, due m 33; Cornelia Victoria 1nd Bea- uty. cow No. 4841, and Jan. 'vt) 1004, (tub; Bell M. PM, holler NO.\ 11505, cabled March M, mm inch; Music Vietoria, boiler No. 11640, ulna Intel: 19, not. dun tum Ethel Pistons, all No. 15010, and Feb. 7, I910; Mm Public, all No. 15017. awed Feb. M, "IO; Gum Pioterie Grey, Calf No. 15253. and March M, 1910; Funk M. “stark, bull No. 10367, and 'Apr. M, 1210; Victor Pieterje, hull No. .010 “Ind my M, 1908; a pure-bred has». Pun-Ind Bobta- Cattle, other Lin Stock. lupu- mb, ctc. calves. Grade Catt1er-8 good (“do Cort fresh or in call giving trom " a " lbs of milk per day. 4 grade hair. cts in calf, 3 yenrhng heifer calves. 4 yearling steers, you-ling grade bull. grade hull , week: old at time d sale, 3 tat steers 2 years old. Homes-- Block pony more " you! old (good driver), boy “Min; 13 no. old (good worker and driver), dork bay more eleven year: old (good worker). more " years old (good worker), coach colt rising 3 you! old. Swims-Brood sow dun to In; In Februuy, 6 brood sows due to " in April, 6 brood sows due to pig in May, " shuts from 3 months up, I pigs weighing about IN pounds. About 40 Hell. 1 Implements.- Brandon! Mowc.‘ Massey Harris Myron (ten-1t). not Massey Harris hay tedder, new Mal- soy Harris binder (6 ft. out, tom supporter), g hay tacks, Stride tin! wagons, 2 wagon boxes, spring seat, 2 sleighs, set gravel planks, 2 Iron "teekrokes, wooden neckyoke. Berlin ‘Ianning mill, hay knife, 10 ft. rope {and pulley, step ladder, now turn!) pulper, Oshawa seed drill with gn- seeder. new Frost a Wood scum, new Frost a Wood cultivwor. new Frost a Wood harrow (4 sections), Deering disc, Oxford gang plot. 2 walking plows; tour, three and tmr horse evencrs, stop]: rack, 2 top buggies. open buggy, 2 Jumper tab. ters, new lamily cutter, light sleigh, Portland cutter, buggy pole and neck- yoke, set plow harness, set teal- harness, set carriage harness (almoit new), 2 sets single buttress. set top Scotch collars, 2 steel collars, other collars, wheelbarrow, big iron (at! kettle, 2 cider barrels, will barrel, sooneboat, scythe, grindstone. quan- tity of potatoes. _ . Jriiat;, stock can be minim! I sale. Vehicles wilt be at Baden Hotel to meet trains evening before and on morning of sgle. Frrther wgiculm Household Etht+r--1 heater tor all or wood, cook stove, Daisy chum, 2 big milk cans, new cram ttttPV tor, Bell organ. Also 14 acres ot tatt when in tho field, to be cropped next may}: Terms-Pat cattle, pigs, chicken. and potatoes cash. All sums of $10 and under, ash; over tut amount ' months' credit upon approved 'sccu- rity, or 5 per cent. per annum ott [or cash. The 19tl rthtion at this indistren- sable collection of concrete, crisp (‘nnadian Pads, edited by Frank Ycigh of Toronto, me well known lr-cturcr‘anrl writer, and author ot the new m. "Through-the Heart of Canada." has been (ssued and is tilled with fresh data at. most interesting and illuminating rharac- hr. It is a marvel of condensation presenting in small space striking ï¬gures relating to "verr phase am department of ('anada‘s resourcvs, trade and national life. Its popularity and wide sale can msily be "ndrrstood, in fart, it is, 18 has Iwen said, "worth its weight in (‘ohalt silver or Yukon gold,“ The human may be had trom the Wading mwsdoalrrs, or tor 25 cents hum the» (‘nnMian Pacts Publishing rm, m1? Spadina Avrmm, Tomlin. 5,000 FACTS ABPUT CANADA. WM. HUEHN, Prop!“- A. FRASER, Audio“. ALF. KAUFMAN, Clerk. Auction Sale Lunch at Noon. Then will be mm by Public Amr) tion on we lam oomph: In Goo. Williams, situated " mm. manhunt ot Berlin on the road lad-7 iitsg from Berlin to Germ lulu, on I Tuday, Feb. 28th. 1911 anew comm at 10 o’clock an. sharp, ul the valuable property " [allow-:- HOR8E9-i6 Horses-Pima, but heavy we a yarn old in teal by ‘ harm Avon, tine black heavy mu 5 years old in toat by Prince Avon. the navy Mack mare 10 year: old. in tall by Prime Avon. Med we, mtmroredtotsesitttoal,uy m [rising 5 you: old good driver. My more rising ' years old good driver,|ln all, I l heavy black bone ' years old. navy‘ltaer ruin bay horse " you: alleged home calves. D ‘good worker, 2 line we colt- rising old, “Rm 3 your: old got by Prince Avon, t Pin and fine black coils rising: yours" old in Mar, is got by Prince Avon, more colt rising months oil 1 year old got by Canada. Gram-- a This will be a good dance tor any barley, " one wishing to purchase good horses. Implemen CATTLE.-' Dairy Cmrtc-Cow 64t. out, , fresh try time ot sale, cow due to cute Dutter «cum in March, 2 cows supposed to ter niacin be in all, a boilers supposed to be loader a: in call, " bend cl cattle weighing ladder att from It to 12 hundred each it not hoescedd previous sold, 17 young cattle rising disc, Mn! 2 years old. _ ;3 sets th HOGS, CHICKENS, Erc.-moodAt Ayr, 1 sow with pigs " side. brood sow Now, It due to pig in Much, 4 fat hogs walking 1 weigh about 200 In: or more, -rrlttt, shoots 3 mos. old, 40 chickens most- at bobale 1y Barred Rocks, 8 ducks, collie dogulot baulin binder, Massey-Harris disc drill new, sets doubl l IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Mceormi& "335. em ' Massey-Harris woman 7 it. cut Giircltttgh, ' 1y new, hay rake, I spring tooth cul- with ch: tivntors one nearly new, steel land mill, goof I roller, spade disc, 2 wagons, truee,tlreyur s ' wagon, wagon box burly new, dem- chains, s I cent. rubber tire top buggy new, steel trees, net I tire top buggy nearly new, 2 bob der ban sleighs one nearly new, cutter, 2 re/tff, and i BOW Willi PrP' I» blue. ulwu no" M"-". _-_ - . - 'r due to pig in Much, 4 fat hogs consulting rods and coupliw. . 11‘ weigh about 200 lbs or more, 6301mm. cutter, buggy, a m. shoots ' mos. old, 40 chickens most- sat bobslclshsn My not, can.†'M" ly Barred Rocks, 3 ducks, collie dog.,tor Malina live stock, grir+t'otitt' " binder, Massey-Harris also drill new, 'tsets double hnrrusss, set M - IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-tteeormiek ms. cradle, wheelbarrow, allâ€: Massey-Harris mower. 7 It. cut Giir,ltttsh, 3-mted mrriage,‘poworp§ll ly new, hay rake, I spring tooth cul- with chopper, cutting box, in“ tivators one nearly new, steel land mill, 2000 lb, scale, turnip W, roller, spade disc, 2 wagons, trueey1reyur SSW, crosscut “V. tqqit1" wagon, wagon box neuly new, door chains, shovels, WENTâ€. 11W cent. rubber tire top buggy new, steel trees, neckyokes, torts, 9cm. "b. tire top buggy nanny new, 2 bob der barrels, erowtmr, 111's! Mgtt sldghs one nearly new, cutter, 2aets “stand many other nrticlu. ." gravel planks, 2 sets-iron barrows. 2i Termtr.--Fat cattle. bogs, ow, harrsas, 2 fanning mills, grain chop- Metre and all sum or 810 all “at. per, cutting box, tread power, eritrereft,; over that mount " molth‘ horsepower, rods and couplings, bevel credit on approved join notes,“ 4 jack, turnip pulper, two-lltrow plow, per cent ott tor cash. _ 2 single plows, boot litter, 2 tc"?r!yl _ pea rake, pea harvest“ with bomber“ WEN-AM 11?]:th Proprietor. gang plow, hoe drill. GiiieGrrGr,V, FRASER Auction“. [min has. “Newâ€; whom, CHAS. HEIPEIJ, Clerk. Mt. lorks, hoes, shovels, devices, um' . C V lcut saw, extension ladder, crowbars me-e-se-ee-Aus-i. ' um, um...“ an..-" --__e.e-e"" and many other articles we numerous to mention. HARNESS.--? Sets team harness, set plow harness. 2 sets single har- ness one nearly new, set rubber 'noun- ted single harness new,' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-M) kin-'1 chen chairs, Crown Huron Inge cook I stove, cook stove, no: store, coll I heater, 3 bedsteads, with spring: I and mattresses, 2 churns one nearly} new, washing machine, 6 dining-room 1 ‘chairs, extension table, 3 small tabl- 1 ‘es, corner cupboard, sink, bench,lawn I mower, tub, 4 milk cans, 2 when†‘one new, stove furnace and . man], other articles. . HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS.-. A quantity oi hay, about 1000 Ml. oats. 1 about 200 bus. barley, a few hundred l bus. turnips, " bass potatoes. No reserve an farm is mid. Free lunch at noon. TERMS-Hay, grain, roots, lain cattle, tat and young pigs and all sums of $10 and under) cash; over-l that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent , on to r cash payment oi credit; amounts. GEORGE WILLIAMS, Proprietor. l E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. ' S. E. SHANTZ, Clerk. " 500 cash and "euriuii, of a iii: amount, similar hail being dtmud~ M of Yam-gs Woodstock, Feb. th-The police net was thrown out this niternoon and gathered in some of the leading f1gures in the Oxiord graft investiga- tion. The authorities this morning received word from the Attorney General’s Department " Toronto in- structing them to take quick action in apprehending M. T. Buchnnan, Byron McCarty and John Youngs. Mo- Carty was arrested by Constable Fred Hill at Thamesford into this afternoon. [Cr-Warden John Youngs ot Brooksdaie, was in town during the niternoon and was placed under arrest by Constable Oston, Chiet Kit- lings went up to Ingersoll nnd brought Buchanan‘ down on the 3 o'clock street can Buchanan and Youngs were admitted to an" iurnisbed by were taken to police headqnnrtern and after an hour or no tsouterenee, their lriende. Youngn. it will be re- membered, was charged with offer- ing money to the Into Juliet Clu- cron for his job. Mectrthy, of Thttnteatord, was not taken before the Mtgistnte. his bail being arranged in the once ot his solicitor, W.T. McMullen. M. T. Buchanan walked In" a “not behind the Chief trom thoear to the police oMee, where hail w†given tor 83.- Auction, Sale Three Men Arrested mmuuuldatmw‘ at W. my.» Hetret, tapo I" " In" nun mm on Punt-hula: yum and t w an» and Janey Vilma. Ton-NI ot W‘- much; at mound my, ling, the louwmgz- . 2 a ,9? Hor-lore, mole till: ' - old in log! to “Mauls, guy 1. _ w a you: old got by Kluszmk Boy more a you: old not " Roy- at Gregor», opting colt. got. by no"! 0mm, boy bone 4 you! old '0! driver, and hone good WW. 1 Cutie-t can “no“ to to. I: can, a boiler: min; a you: on. has: rising a your: old, I â€If" knives. Dunn-n um mm; 4 - old, “Rm Cttiet".-7t880. _ . . itt Chatham, Feb. 14.-chh ohiection T is still made here to the continuance IS at temeent theatres ot "Maine tr that is anything but fit enuncia- l- ment for, young children. The matter " has been taken up by the mini-ten, ak chprch societies. and emu the. Chil- ge dron's Aid and city council. hut try seemingly with little effect. Connors " were appointdi, and the police Inked e, to mukt- regular inspections at the 'e- theatres. Three things. homomhavo r- startlingly failed to put I an» to F the vaudeville artist's "nasty m." Coarse jokes. which rely on that ote " scenity rather than their wit, swear in about the chief Harbin-trade ot per- , formers. Pin and Ptrattry-t% , " ttt pm, in Mar, tat now. a parityâ€) , mm old, mm " ttttAtt: Graia-800 was: out, â€jun, mm, " busheh - “UK "r. linpiemeatr--ier Run}- Mitt. (Ht. out, - Hum- mom . 0:" put, Dutterin mower with p09 In?!†tier attainment. Massey “ml: is; loader and side detiretrr “to M, N (adder attachment nanny new, Tr hoe seed drill, will; tooth oritimtttr, disc, whom " rate, wall may. 1,3 sets iron Ingrown, 2 all)", tr. " Ayr, riding: plow, “uttering 'plow, mullet, 12410113 new If male, luck m. an Auct‘ign Sale In. and: ia W' C, (NtMUrrtshie, Toronto, Petr. th-John Claim, it he had been in the Home yum- day afternoon-t very unlikely ttot (wading-would not have 'worrta’d , mite on hearing Mr Jam Whitley mom an amendment to mnemon- act. But it was: serious myâ€. trom the standpoint or John cuir, man just the game, as be will not out atter the act goes into enact.†1 On the other hand, there mm to , be little complaint about the mount pictures. which have natty Improved dam; the just your from I no!!! ntnndpnint. tt the vaudeville could I! t4rrttoret or dom- away with entirely. there would he no complaint. For the bill will make aB WM amenable so the provisions ot the factories act, and thus make Chung†itrttrtiors along this line was about? ed by a deputation representing the Dominion Trades and Labor Camel! which waited upon the Covet-amt recently. The labor men claimed that Chinese hundries were “Inject to no inspection whatever and feta thus able teeompete yummy ‘with I white 1tutndrietr where standout were Complaints About Cheap Vaudeville Another reform asked tor by ttiede putntion was tut added protection be given to workmen employed in the construction of buildings. A Goun- ment bill in this direction in ‘aiso introduced by the Prime Minister yu- Fieraay. Sir James explained in moving that the bill go to a speck! committee, that it was to â€wide proper scaffolding around hulldhulll course at auction. _ A It, tiire7iaeun'a Aft ? - out“: v'i',',ra,'ii'ii'i nip _ ' ' 'lll'l'lll'. pn