bnse Cer enc ALIocY COovesd, +dA heavy, $.20 to $i55:; rough, $2,20 4 good to choice hogs. $1.40 to #$1.6 ©.80 to $7.%; bulk of sales, $1.50 to Sheep and Lumbsâ€"necelms, "4,00 et strong to 10c bigher; rative, s 40; western, $2.50 to $149; yearling 0 $.50; lambs, native, $£.25 to $5.25 Â¥ini es e allleian Wasae srusus ",6 T09 + _ BEETES, $1.90 to $6.90; Texas steers, $119 to $5.%; western steers, $.40 to $5.60; stockers and feeders, $3.80 to §$.80; cows and heifers, $2.6) to $5.50; calves, $6.50 to $$.25. _ Hogsâ€"Receipts, 20,000; market 5¢ lower; il‘lghl. $1.90 to $185; mixed. 5iz i. onne! arley ....., .. ye l......0.. L.Fhwheat ho ool CHICAGO__ FaS.~~7._Catt 4500; market steadly; beeves, 1 z"exns steers, $119 to §.25â€" wes mb and pelta If S king ...( ©" ) £ Selects, fed and watered, are worth $7.40 i at the market, and $1.13 £.0.b. cars nt‘ e Pountry points. This means that the farâ€" | W he“t, mer gets $7 per cwt. People‘ Representative Sales. Maple Carhelt & Hall sold two lsads of cattle | Snowd1 ~â€"steers and heifers ai $.2% to %.i5, and ] Bran, P cows at $1.50 to $. ward2l. itton * Tk ... itter 5«;;“’,0;.‘.'.;{ g3, per dozen r bush t C n ie â€"changed quotations, Red Clover we 22q 00 00002 N20 21 hoD o W per cwt., and one extra choice new milkâ€" fed veal brought $9.50. Sheep and Lambs, The market for sheep and lambs is beâ€" coming firmer as time _ passes, Sheep, ewes, $1.50 to $.75; rams, $3.30 to $; lambs, % to $6.50 per cwt. Hogs. GALT MirRKETs t ilt, Fe‘. 9, 911 1 wash ed About % or 30 milkers and springers, t:nera}!y of medium quality. sold at um whoice loads of butchers sold at from $90 to $6.15; loads of good, $.60 to $5.80; medium, $5.% to $5.50; common,f5 10 to $5.20; cows, $3 to $5.40; buils, $1.70 to $.15; canâ€" ners, $2.50 to $3. > + Milkers and Springers. * Sovernment bush. kens, each .. toes, per bag per ton .... hogs, 602 calves. Toronto Live Stock. _ TORONTO, Feb. 7.â€"Receipts . of live stock at the City Market. were reported by the railways to be 53 carloads, consisting of 697 cattle, 930 We carry a Fiftyâ€"one heile an muc 20c 92,709. nef, peils, 20 lbs, €r088, 10%e, Porkâ€"Heavy Canada short .c barrels, % to 45 pieces, $25; rels, $12.75; Canada short cut : pork, 45 to 55 pieces, barrel, 325 clear pork, barrels. 3 to 35 plec ’b':ltll pork ,small pieces but fat. TeObaberh Hodin flls 121 L23 C220R AVT Ibs., $17; tlerces, 300 lbs., $25, Lerdâ€"Compound tierces, 275 1bs., 10%c; boxes, 50 Ibs. net (parchment lined), 10%e; tubs, 50 lbs. net., ï¬ralned. two bandles, le; pails, wood, 1bs. net, 11%4c; tin pelils, 20 lbs. #ross 1nL. montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, Feb. 7.â€"There was an im proved demand fro mforelgn buyers for Manitoba spring wheat and as bids in scme cases were unchanged, sales of geveral loads were made for March shipâ€" mient. ‘The demand for Spring wheat flour was fair and several sales were made for export account. Owing to the increasing scarcity of millfeed and the continued good demand a stronger feelâ€" ing ‘has prevailed in the market and millâ€" ers in some cases have advanced prices $1 ton for bran and shorts, A fairly acâ€" tive trade is Passing in all lines of proâ€" visions, Country dressed hogs, $9 to $10: dressed hogs, abattoir, $10.50 to $10.75 per 100 lbs. Beefâ€"Plate. half barrels, 100 ibs.. 38.75; . barrels, 200 Ibs., $17; tlerces 200 io "ane Phbliirc lt $9.60 Alsyke Honeycombs, Honey, extra _ OEcaxX<xa2in2» 22 TA AAXXCXNaAraCA <€ 0 x _ ACiverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures WATERLC 't’ %, Close Lowerâ€"Live Stockâ€" r Waterloo, Feb. C Latest Quotations. ) Emast New ... F, Gllf:q.? Feb,. 7.â€"Democratic caugus _ll.t.‘_» % sÂ¥i+res Es Butter, Butter, «overnment utter, utter, & _ MARKET REP o _ MARKET REPI £ mt An NE g:e-té bush "b;u‘n.â€â€˜g ea! goose, eaakk. Rye. bushel .......... «... 0 88 g-ri:y.h bush;l hl..:z uckwheat, bushel ......, Peas, bushet resssssssscces» 0 T8 Oats, bushel trssessecsecee> 0 40 Toronto Dairy Market. May July TIMOT ty $9.75 LIVERPOOL, CATTLE MARKCTS. . separator, dairy, ib . store lots............. . creamery, 1b. rolls.. . creamery, solids..... newâ€"laid ................ coltl!;noru- seresserave veal calves sold at OME T TCC ntatis . P ied d c 220400 t .1 sheep and lambs and 51 cago Live Stock. extracted, Ib. Seod Co. Successors Y mz S# Veal Calves. Ib. CLOVEpr Toronto Grain Market. _â€"0,900; market 5¢ lower; 50; mixed, $1.41 to $7.15; 5:; rough, $.90 to $7.40; ogs. $1.40 to $1.65; pigs, ‘hof :'ulcs‘, $7.60 to $1.75. full line of Vegetable Butchers. L120 005>.4,000; marâ€" sher; rative, ) $140; yearlings, § | $20°. 3°€2rn extra choice new milkâ€" doren ....,..." Sl:\nl]nrd Standard n the market and millâ€" _have advanced prices id shorts. A fairly acâ€" ing in all lines of proâ€" hogs, $9 to $10: dressed 50 to $10.75 per 100 Ibs. barriels. 100 1bs., 38.75; woa n Coasc uT 20a short cut mess, pieces, $2%5; halfâ€"barâ€" _short cut and back e oba ns s C C â€"Cattleâ€"â€" Receipts, . 12.00 . 5.00 35% 5 â€"O8 0 17 D0 O8 10 23 30 40 TA) Pen oo OEEE 35 pleces, $24.50; ut fat, barrels, N2 AN D EM Aarmee uns rs.i:o to $9 lll’l_ii:ilmgs, per ton ; westâ€" pri 13.00 6,00 97 .10 .12 22,00, Wheat Standard; 00 | Barley.......,,.; 52 | gnu (Standard) . 21.00 40 1.00 0 10 . 07 25 15 n 0 wl 0 t***ttrssee9 &0 2.80 bandles, | Bran ** seeris s s k 2,06 1.10 (Me: tin | Middlings excc.l ... . 180 Lz5 t 1 Screenings []]]]] 100 1.80 130 am ias Wheat per bush .... .. ...... [@5 .85] rd back ! Barley [ ssrt zarreee â€" €0 55‘ Canada | Oats * verras sxexes â€" 40 45 s. $24.50; Pensiirssssesersrnacl.. ... 15 .s0! batrels: | Potstocs per bag ...........0 2g0 [7s , | Hay 1080+.:zâ€" srreake.s. 13.00 16â€"00 & Woose:ercord «+ ns > .... 6.000 700 Butt.erperlb..,....;........ 240 .25 * iEggs per dozen............. 35 40 ta â€" of / Lerd per dbl... LNHLIIE:C .18] . were «on mz i ie o on NEW HAMBURGMARKETIS !1 nd 51 New Hamburg, Feb, 9, 1911 Wheat.........222 r0.s. .g2 .&3’. DRS .. }:!!.! l nlllrn.., . nn..., .85 .38‘ : from | Barley esns a isnn sn es . +lB 47, $â€"9; | Poas r*A is# ssi++s sesenses 190 12 esd COMn, :sns ein ns eccn ol nare ol 198 .60 | * Flour 2.10 270 iButter. per Ib.....s..:l..0l. .24 .25 n.â€:.:gï¬sa.h[:r‘flgun .25 3N ment Stnndarvl, per or Lucerne, N per bush w : 4 ~*~C qUsrter (*hicl(enu...... fixs Duek,.........._. Buttér, per pound Eggs per doz. .. .. Apples, per bag ... Potatoes, per bag \iiibniinitrnontatint 68 224 ;’{eas ay, per ton ...... .. Flour Special Flour Juleet . . .. / . Bran. per ton...... . Shorts, per ton....,, LiveHogs........... Beef, front........., R?f‘ kind quarters . ILamb People‘s Flour, . . .. Maple Leaf Flour . .. | Snowdrift Flour. . . . Bran, per ton.... ... lgfl“:;.’,’(f% opj creenings ‘Rolled Oate 8 |Bye .. .....ll.l..... Barley ......}}}}] !Oats......... ‘Coru.....,........“ ’guttel' i dox.""""> Rgs per doz ...... .. |Chee-e............... ‘Hnyperun..‘...... Stmwperwn.......‘ Pohtoecperbug Turnips per bushs] .. a Pork, dressed. .. ... Quarter Beef, hind Quarter Beef, front |_ Hogs, live. ... ...... . *‘ 4 99. wn... '{:!!d.p::rlb.,.. and Flower xm sn POC CUH 3. Brnn....‘........... Potates per bag ..... Low grade Flour Timothy ' (l’“\'c'l‘nh\nnl kx _ f BERLIN MARKE1S Berlin, Feb. 9, 1911 Flour per 100 lbs asirseksee> 270 280 Bran ** excr iess k> 2,06 1.10 AHiHinsa‘rs ‘ Alfalfa STRATFORD MARKETsS Stra‘ford, Feb. 9, 1911 iovernment Standard o i*rasa Hirs en e vens .82 e‘s Flour........... #50 _ Leaf Flour...... [ 2.35 drift Flour......... 275 per ton............ 18.00 :;fs 20.00 Bcreeniogs ..... 1,.10 | Oate 22.ll.l... ... 1.55 er doz.........,.;; .35 yrun..‘........... per ton...........0 @on ndard) ......., on sll.l.l.l...... 10 cinl............ eOb......: c2... ton:::>:+...... F1OB...:....... quarters ... ... GUELTH MARKETS. Guelph, Feb. 9, 1911 0 Needa WATERLCO MABKETS Waterloo, Feb. 9, 10911 i‘ .10 ies â€" s17 .20 x kk+4 5. 14 uu ) 7.00 lcz c +++~â€" â€" ~10 } .20 «... 900 249 25| .. _9 00 .. 0 7,50 s ... 690 . 10 00 _ 10.10 2.170 19 00 22 00 112 0 7.40 7} .94 1.3 .20 4.00 120 .25 30 bootsidccts cA d J . 30; a , The nave: 1 ;‘6’ 1 ?2 News Items.â€"The carnival held â€" at .. [Jjp ‘j5| the Wunder rink last week was well 22.(,! patronized and proved to be a good .. 19.20, m.(i)liuccesgâ€"l{ev. Joseph H. Byler _ of 35 .27 3q .70 20.00 20 09 1.10 45 10, 007 ) CCCCCSS.~ ’ll)l Belleville 28 Oe | John 1. 2.95 .80 .53 .83 75 1Du0ie Conecâ€" Tenene Becker, Edna Richm, Maggic Baet/, Evangeline Newberry, _ Alfred Hagedorn, Carisâ€" tian Kesselting. Sr. HIL.â€"Leslic Israel, _ Mintha Swartz, Mary Ann Lindsay, Walter Hagedorn, George Wilhelm, Vera Becker. hA o ooo e eoe Onoies o Mennonite Mission, held special | serâ€" '\‘iel:s at the residences of Messrs. | Peter Mayer and Jacob Krop{, and at ,thc Amish Mennonite church _ last â€"| week.â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. Holwell left 83 ) last week for their home in Winnipeg | 'g after spending several weeks at the p3| home of his parents.â€"Mr. and Mrs. () John Issler of Shakespeare called on § }| their friends here last Thursday, â€"| 10| Messrs. Fred Holwell and. Hy. â€" Ratz | . > | were business visitors to the countyâ€" | ;; town last week.â€"Mr. Wm. â€" Goebel a 3| and his cousin Miss Hattie Russell | . 3] visited at the home of his parents at 0; Hamburg on Sunday.â€" Mr. and Mrs. | 0| David Hartung visited their friends 9| at New Hamburg on Sunday.â€" Mr. 8 «John Mayer of Berlin spent _ Sunday p| at the home of his parents.â€"Mrs. A. , )| Herchenreder and Mrs. H. Podann | )| of Berlin spent Sunday with Mrs. )| W. C. Brueckner. ' ‘| Snyderâ€"Shantz Nuptials.â€"The wedâ€" ; wing took place on Wednesday, Feb: | 8th, at the home of Mr. ‘Amos Snyâ€" | fj der, the fathet of the bride, â€" of his daughter Lydia to Mr. J. Shantz of 4. Haysville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan zs Shantz. Rév. Mr. Hallman officiated. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Shantz will reside on the farm of his father, four miles south of Baden. Their many â€" friends wish them a long and happy _ wedded life. REPORT OR 3. 5. NO. 7 wa LoOO For JANUARY. Sr. IV.â€"Fleda Becker, Elden I Walter Becker, Howard Swartz lima Meyer, Anson Lindsay. Jr. IV.â€"Winnie Becker, _ j Richm, Maggic Baets, E vand K Mc(‘lcll:‘nâ€"{n Galt, .Jan. Ist, Mrs Hendersonâ€"Moirâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s parents, West Garafraxa, Jan. 25, by Rev. J. A. Brown, of Fergus, Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. and _ Mrs. Forbes, Moir, of Spires, to George G. Henderson, of Tugaske, Sask. Hendersonâ€"Nimmoâ€"At ‘‘Bly thwood ’ Farm,‘" Pilkington, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J. McQueen, Jan. 25th, by Reb. W. R. Mcintosh, B.D., of Knox Church, Elora, Mr Adam Henderson to Miss Margaret Nifmno, both of Pilkington Tp. Bowleyâ€"Sandersonâ€"At the Methodist Parsonage, Fergus, Jan. 18, by Rev. Charles Deacon, Ph.B., James Rae Bowley, of Nichol, to Edna Lucy, daughter of the late John Sanderâ€" _ M.A., of Milverton, broï¬he-l:v'olâ€"vt; bride, Miss Sadie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robinson, to Mr. S. G. Shannon, also of McKilâ€" lop. Hendersonâ€"Nimmoâ€"At â€" ‘"Rlvikwa~4 ring, a son, Wilfrid Daniel. Walserâ€"In Elora, January 37th, â€" to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walser, a son. Mannâ€"Near Winterbourne, Jan. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mann, a son. Forbesâ€"Near Winterbourne on â€" 1. Kesselringâ€"In Waterioo isth, & we. t i CVC‘. cOsephn H. _ Byler of -H-’.l_* W , _ Pennyslvania, and Rev. L +f lt Byler of Toronto, Supt. o *4 ThA PMwaa4 z.: Rudyâ€"In East Zorre, Jan. 37, © to .,_';G_lf_ln..lï¬uy, 15th 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs Denst ts n Queen street south pENCT: $8, â€" good water y _ small fruits, _Oof _ cultivation larget farm. BADEN HARLOCK Shant?, _ Ruth Cr, Harold Hageâ€" DEATHS NO. 7 WATERâ€" eentre of the , Leota Shantz _ Kessclring, Simcon Kes , Elden Kishm _ Howard Clara Kesâ€" Fe tha Peter Lindâ€" , SNaâ€" Dated Linwood yz cou: _MC wag Claim or claimg notice shall not har been received by them at the time ¢ such distribution. JOHN LIPS; Crosshill, ALBERT HAHN, Linwood, , Executors. Cunigunda Hahn, Linwand + a â€" Tu_CO+ +9i4, She said _ Executors â€" wil proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for said assets, or for any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose Claim Or oelaime Ll.. 0004 S and era,.____;" "28> Of ~ their claims and statement of their acâ€" counts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly Verified by Statutory Declaration â€" if demanâ€" ded. \ And take notice that after the said ‘ first day of March, 1911, the gail Wannes "__ 12 , In the matter of the estate of Wilâ€" â€" liam Hahn, of the Township of Welâ€" ! Iisley, in the County of Waterloo, E Farmer, Deceased. , Notice is hereby given pursuant to _ RRGO. 1897, Chap. 129, and amending _ Acts, that all persons having claims â€" against the estate of William Hahn, ol the Township of Wellesley, in the j County of Waterloo, who died on or j about the 20th day | of November, llsw. are requested to send by post, | prepaid, or deliverd, to the undersignâ€" ‘ed Executors of the said estate, â€" on or before the first day of March, 1911, their names and addresses with full particulars in writingâ€" of their claims and statement of their acâ€" | COUDES and the naku.ll 2 .l and everything else ‘he counry. 4 10 "Ind ‘*t 20‘0s in auy part of harness line: . We carry a takee [| #85t 28rare s : cog s uin eanten t stock and are offering our ‘:2 ""a e it kaurriedg + and is .:‘:'.-:MN at low prices. .mh._:hvo uaned lines, " Yoyu Come here for your â€" next [| it fatm stort sates -::".:u'.“'"" (eg, order. :Tm-. reasonable? Call, write "":l::hnl. Lh Akrke C _ Th sns ...1,’3: J. SKHKAN Tz . huuciumbq,,,., Harness, Robes, Mitts, || . _ Asctionger , 26 ‘°C" ol the estate of n, of the Township of the County of Wat Jeceased . hereby given pursuar NOW . |! E. s. sua Jan., 1911, shall not have s Linwodd? Ercomz. |,, YNDERTAKING DL haur Alsonudirarmi_ . 0. tate of enli;... ): "_"8lAnce is in a good sState of cultivation. For further particulars Apply to Zontlaining 174 acres more or less, in the Township of w ., "1°° O less, in L2 | _ 790!48H STAUFFER, President. S |x. L WEBER, lst Viceâ€"Pmidenl ‘:‘; JOS. H. WOODS, Jna Viceâ€"President. 26t ALLEN SHANTZz, Secretary, f Containi e nesee e ue Alâ€"o orders taken for Dicture frames . window shades and furniture of al} [ ktinds . *Of all except last three meetivgs, Lâ€"zcal Speahers will be added, Three day‘s short Course in Live Stock and: Seed Judging at Waterloo. JOSIaH STAUFFER, President, M. L. V}’EBER, 1st Viceâ€"Pmident JOS. H. wWOODS, 2nd Viceâ€"President. 2â€"6t ALLEN SHANTZ, Secretary, For all __,______2~°C, Daturday, Feb, lith Elâ€"nira, Monday, February, 13;p ’Hcldol °rg, Tuesday, February 1ith Conestogo, \Vedneodly, Feb. 15th, Speatm'_l‘or above mestings: John Campbell, Woodville, D)>, Anuie * Backus, Aylmer, FRED DEDELS, *h me No, 473, _ , Rale cand uc o Pal in 2 ontent |..m“““° @° in English or Greman. Ga.bdulnnlm..‘ owing the value t se fl sd lines, You a altentipn gixen (a $ on guaracteed. P t S Tz x % : itz Bex 711, Beriin â€" j Or Greman. 4 ‘ : ‘ 2s wl CiATBR: J what. sold for All Our to 0 You can save by buying now 100 can save by by sold for All Our 12.0 _ ,_____@"" anae TV l0 f Fourteen miles from Calgary, four miles from Shepard and five miles from Langden, Alberta. Adjoini lands under culâ€"ivation by ï¬uod ueighbors, Own'ir nonâ€"resident mdkl,:u.:nco' use for the land. Would se to Practrcar farmers on easy terms. For further particulars see 44â€"tf s All Our All Our Half Section of Fine wrgln_ Al.and For ld. years . STOCK FOR SALGE: s s @we K Now is your last opportunity to buy cheap Suits and Over , ALLNEW GoUups look at the reductions below, and Jur $20.00 men‘s suits sold for L | saturpars | 10 00 men‘s suits 12.00 men‘s suits and overcoats L.2 1 5.00 men‘s suits and overcoats 6. SATURDAY‘s and overcoats and overcoats favs‘ L. _ NC Crery. @ _ /no atonday. Next shi ment Feb, l 20th, 1911 9. _ehipi t Fel NUKER UNLIMITED, Highest market id. Load e -eiimd Monday, ;extp:un-.-t Te m Tavs SHIPPING Rogs wante m EPH. FERRIER, Berlin, Ont. $15.00 11.00 M