The Directots‘ and Auditors‘ reâ€" ports and Financial Statement ‘were read and adopted, after which the election of four dircctors was roâ€" ceeded with. Messrs . ©C0 Halliman, L. Bowman, G. F. Lackner and John Amos being the only four nominated were declared reâ€"elected Messrs M. S. Snyder and _R H More were reâ€"elected auditors for the vear 1911. \ hearty vote of thanks was tend ered the President, Vice â€" President, Among those present were: Messrs.lgl Menno S. Snyder, Bloomingdale, Valâ€" bi entine Z. Wagner, Wellesley, _ A. C.| ~ Hallman, Breslau; W. J. Waldick, E. Co W. Wilson, Hiram Bowman, David [i»p Shoemaker, Berlin, Irvin Hallman, | ep Eldon â€" Mallman, _ Manager Josiah ! oq Staufer, Chas. Reichert, R. S. Bean, ov Waterloo; J. S. lfa]lman, PetersbUIg; | Io:s Wm. Thacker, Ponsonby; Thos. Mcâ€" an Nichols, Shefield; Jas. Hill, _ Creekâ€" in bank;, Thos. Marshall, Elora; Geo. F. lar Lackner, Robt. Moote, Hawkesville; | stf 4. L. Umbach, Elmira; J. B. HMagey, | The Preston; Leander Bowman, Bloomingâ€" | is dale, .John H. Campbell, Crosshill; | 217 Robt _ Bricknell, Freeport; John | on \mes, Strasbutg; _ JJ. _C. HallM@®D, |rep New Dundee, .). Hartlicb, Bamberg; | 311 ~otman Snidet, Berlin, and others. plus The mocting npeaed at 1.30 o‘clock TI with Presidert NValentine Z. Wagner | a ( in the chair, % ies The 3ith annual meeting _ cf the North Waterloo Farmers‘ Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Library Hall, Waterloo, on Monday afternoon. Annual Meeting Held on Mondayâ€"â€"â€"J. Campbell Appointed President and ~___J. W. RBartlieb Viceâ€"Presdient NORTH WATERLOO n o n et Emt Election of Warden. | The interesting feature of the sesâ€" | sion was the clection of the Wareen | for the ensuing year. The rotation | system has been in vogue for many | years, and this year Elmira was enâ€"| titled to the honor. Owing to the I fact, however, that Reeve Christman | who is ‘a new member of the Council, [ there was some doubt whether he | would _ receive the honor and there I was a _ possibility of the rotation | =ystem being abanoncd this year. ‘( Thrâ€"elsction of the WarkAnn zas es PGmnt einhias Alrathe uki dA 1 &2 8. 1e Town of Waterlooâ€"Christopher N. Huehn, Reeve, _ William G. Weichel, | Dy. Reeve. ' Prestonâ€"Ephraim B. Reist, Reeve. ‘ Hespeletâ€"Lester E. Weaver, Reeve.! New Hamburgâ€"J. F. Katzenmecier, Reove. ’ Ayrâ€"Henry Gmelin, Rsew. f Elmiraâ€"Phi]g‘p Christman, Reeve. mennts jj°006 ACCCSUMaAn of Elmira as \ There was an unusually large numâ€" den by appointing the various st. ber of new faces around the board and ing,. committees, wnich subsequer some time . was occupied in getting ‘elected their respective chairmen. acquainted with the representatives organization was conducted in vlected to succeed those who either harmonious and businessâ€"like mar retired or were defeated at the polls and there was no evidence of w on New Year‘s Day. pulling for the various honors. The _ new members of tie Council § Previous to County Clerk Bowr are Messrs. Huehn and Beggs of calling for the vote for the appo: Wellesley, _ Mattusch of Woolwich, ~ment of the Warden, Reeve Euler Hall, of North Dumfries, Euler and Berlin took opportunity to emph: Rohleder of Berlin, Weichel of Waterâ€" cally deny the report that he |v 1o0, Reist of Preston, Weaver of an aspirant for the Wardenship Hespeler and Christman of Elmira. had been published in a local ne The business in the afternoon consisâ€" paper. Personally he favoreo _ â€" ted of the election of the Warden for rotation system and considered t] 1911, the appointment of the various Elmira was entitled to the honor standing committees and reading the After Wardenâ€"elect Christman _ h grist â€" of _ communications received subscribed to the oath of office since the December session. expressed his appreciation of the !» Who Compose the Council. ; or thus conferted upon him patrtic The County Clerk, Mr. IL J. Bowâ€" larly in view of the fact that i1 man, conducted the preliminary busiâ€" was his first appearance in the Cou ness until the election of the Warden ty Council. . He had served in t and received the certificates of *eleeâ€" capacity of Reeve of Elmira â€" an tion as Reeves and Deputy Reeves of had a little m'unicipal experienc their respective inunicipalities _ ree While he was not very well acquai ceivem the necessary declarations of ted with County Council matters | office from the following members: was not too proud to learn and 1 Tp. Waterlooâ€"Josiah Stauffer, ‘ would do the best he could and wit Reeve, Joseph Abra, Dy. Reeve. [ the assistance of the members â€" an Tp. Wilmotâ€"Samusl Cassel, Reeve, the County Clerk he hoped to be ab John P. Livingston, Dy. Reeve. j to fill the position with credit t Tp. Wellesleyâ€"Honry _ N. Huehn, himself, the municipality he represer Reeve, W. .J. Beggs, Dy. Reeve. , ted and the county. Tp. Woolwichâ€"J. +J. Wilkinson, ) Warden Christman was heartily ap Reeve, Adam Mattusch, Dy. Réeve. _ ‘plauded alter his neat address. Tp. N. Dumiriesâ€"Thomas Hall, | . . Heove. . ; Appointment of Committees. Galtâ€"F. _ Stewart â€" Scott, RSEYE} )0 Aftor the _ routine business was Alex. E. Buchanan. Dy. Reeve, T°BR | transacted the Reeves of the variou. G. Turnbull, Dy. Reeve. , municipalities were appointed as : RediacwdHam | D. | Eulet, RetY®) (oinuitive to strike _ the different \uhol?s Asmusser:, THenty vlm-t'nch, standing committees for the year and Frederick Rohleder, Deputy Reeves. : an adiournment was made far twenâ€" Town of Waterlooâ€"Christopher _ N. ty minutes until the committee was Huehn, Reeve, _ William G. ““c"e",'prpparcd to report. _ Reeve Euler was â€-V; Reeve. . l .o ; abpointed chairman of the committee Prestonâ€"FEphraim B. Reist; ReCY®â€" {and the repOrt was Dresented ramaw. Hespeletâ€"Lester E. Weaver) Boevs | The inaugural session of the Counâ€" ty Councit for 1911 opened at the Court _ House shortly _ after _ two o‘clock Tuesday afternoon with all the members in attendance. Iflaugural Session of the Waterloo County Council Held on Tuesday. at Which Routine Business Was Transacted. | Â¥ 209e) NO OE BMRA â€"â€" q# ‘ARMERS‘ MUTUAL and others gave brief addresses. OfMcers Elected. Immediately follow :ng the _ ant meeting the Board of Directors and clected the following officers the year 1911:â€" Presidentâ€"J . H Ca® ipbell. Vice Presidentâ€"J :; Hartlicb. Managerâ€"Josiah tauffer. Excecutive Cott: itteeâ€" The Pr dent, Vice Pres‘‘ont and Manager (Continued it nex®t week‘s issue Bricknell, J. I. Campbe key, T. McNichols, J. W and others gave brief ad. is 3519, and the amount at risk $8,â€" 217,904. The assessment of 3 per cent on all premium notes in force â€" will remain the same for this year. After all liabilitiecs had been paid _ a surâ€" plus of $17,480.18 remained. The Directors and Messrs. Marshall, A. C Hallman, D Shocmaker, R. Mr. Josiah Stauffer, manager of the Company, said this had been one of the best years in the history of the company, the business having increasâ€" ed by $600,003 in amount â€" at risk over that of the previous year. The losses had been heavy this year, amounting to $19,950.83, the largest in the history of the company, a large number of barns having â€" been struck by lightning and destroved The total number of policies in foree Brief addresses laudatory _ of the Company‘s high standing and proâ€" gressive management were also made by a number of those present. Manager, and Board of Directors for the efficient and capable manner in which the affairs of the Company had been conducted during ‘the year 1910. | _ Councillors Beggs, |Dietrich and Rohleder Councillors Katzenmeter, Gmelin, Asmussen, C. N. Huchn and _ Turnâ€" bull. D10 0,. .9 HEXumAbES IOF the year and ‘an adjournment was made far twenâ€" ty minutes until the committee was ; prepared to report. _ Reeve Euler was appointed chairman of the committee Eand the report was presented recomâ€" mending the following committees:â€" ’ Finance. * Councillors Weichel, Livingstone, Buchanan, Reist, Mattusch, Abra and Euler. i ; as not too proud to learn and he would do the best he could and with [ the assistance of the members â€" and the County Clerk he hoped to be able jto fill the position with credit to himself, the municipality he represenâ€" ; ted and the county. i 21002 9° tne Warden, Reeve Euler of _ Berlin took opportunity to emphatiâ€" cally deny the report that he v?s an aspirant for the Wardenship ds had been published in a local newsâ€" paper. _ Personally he favored _ ~the rotation system and considered that Elmira was entitled to the honor. _ After Wardenâ€"elect Christman had subscribed to the oath of office he expressed his appreciation of the hopâ€" or thus conferred upon him partienâ€" larly in view of the fact that this was his first appearance in the Counâ€" ty Council. He had served in the capacity of Reeye of Elmira and had a little municipal experience. While he was not very well acquainâ€" ted with County Council matters he _2 [ 0 °0# Cierk he hoped to beâ€"able o fill the position with credit to imsel{, the municipality he represenâ€" d and the county. Warden Christman was heartily apâ€" auded after his neat address. Appointment of Committees. After the rouline nusinnee sene Previous to (‘o'uurtiyâ€C-l.;rk Bowman talling for the vote for the appointâ€" ment of the Warden, Reeve Euler of | The County Council of 1911 _ comâ€" pleted its organization for the year at the inaugural session on Tuesday afternoon after the election of Reeve ll’-lnh’p Christman of Elmira as Warâ€" den by appointing the various standâ€" ing,. committees, wnich subsequentiy elected their respective chairmen. The organization was conducted in a barmonious and businessâ€"like manner and there was no evidence of wireâ€" pulling for the various honors. L Campbell, .J. B. Haâ€" County Property House of Refuge g the â€" annual Directors â€" met , Scoit, Weaver, The Presi Hartlieb for Embroidery Flouncing, 26 in de, regular values 35¢, 40¢ an Beautiful Skirtings with elal yard 45¢, 50c, 60c, and 75¢ to . 3 Tables filled with Edgings and suitable for all kinds of underwear 10e and 200000000 Do your Spring Embroidery buying during the next few d; There were never such VALUES FOR THE PRICES WE QUOTE shown in Berlin, Wonderful Velues in Embroideries forLittle Mongy Cloth ing and Dryv Gooda Store â€"Boehmer‘s Old Stand Shoe Store next in Post Office 41 King St. E., Bertin own All Overshoes for men, women â€" and children, at 25 per cent. discount. Omildren‘s lubber Bcots, reg. $2.00 and $2.25 for ... l....l222.0 $1.75 Women‘s Rubber BHoots, reg. $2.50 and $2.75 POT ........... l2 $2.25 Men‘s Rubber Boots, reg. $4, sale pPFICG soss0seinee eovrernce rnnsrernee mnsysonyy $3.25 Men‘s anl Boys‘ Moccasios at T5¢, $1.00, $1.25 and ..:......... ...2...2..2. 81.50| Women‘s Rubbers, sizes 24 to 8, sale price ... ..s........... 50¢ Children‘s Rubbers, sizes 4 to 7%, sale price ... ... .. 40¢ Sizes 8 to 10}, sale price ......... 45¢ Misses‘ Rubbers, sizes 11 to 2, SAI€ PTICC ......... ......... lllllll2.l.2...... 50¢ Boys‘ Rubbers, sizes 11 to 13, sale Boys‘ Rubbers, sizcs 1 to 5, sale PHIOD ..sâ€":2s n rommeyrrrierrriciae snacrereticcses ©5G Men‘s Rubbers, sizes 6 to 12, sale Children‘s Rubber Bcots, reg. $2.00 and $2.25 for ... l....l222.0 $1.75 Women‘s Rubber BHoots, reg. $2.50 ‘ and $2.75 POT ........... l2 $2.25| Men‘s Rubber Boots, reg. $4, sale| PFICC ......00 u22 2llllllll sls o §3 on [ 42 King 8t. E., Bertin Corset Cover Men‘s $2.50 Coat Sweaters, _ in brown, grey and white, ........... $1.69 Boys‘ $1.25 and $1.50 Coat Sweatâ€" 25 Men‘s Sample Coats, all go at half price, sizes 37 to 42, $20.00 for $10.00, $15.00 for $7.50, and $12.00 for $6.00, â€"and $7.50 for ... $3.75 Barrels of Shoe Bargains Sample Overcoats Boys‘ $1.00 Coat Sweater Boys‘ 75¢ Coat Sweater . BOW | lovesin snerics ommc smcs $5.9§ Men‘s $6 Black Coats now ... $4.69 Boys‘ now .... Men‘s Men‘s Men‘s Men‘s Boys‘ Boys‘ Boys‘ now ... Some of these values may seem incredible but when you see hands you‘ll be convinced that A, Weseloh & Co do as ibev ar Men‘s Boys‘ Here are a few Sample Prices Rubbers Overcoats ,'l Boys‘ Suits We will produce the g80J§ $18 New Coats now ... $13.50 $15 New Coats now ... $10.80 $12 New Coats now ... $7.90 $10 New Coats now... $6.95 $8.00 to $9.00 New Coats,. mt nc ememen ... $4.95 | _ Such as $3.00 Suits, now ... $2.3% $8.00 and $9.00 Tweed Coats, | SUCN 2s $3.50 Suits, now ...... $2.89 emonmmnm eamee u... $5.95| GuUCh 2s $4.00 Suits, now ...... $3.39 $18 New Coats now ... $13.50| _ _""" 25 $5â€"09 Suits, now ...... $3.98 $15 New Coats now ... 810.80, Boys‘ 2 piece Suits, Bloomer Knicâ€" $12 New Coats now ... $7.90 | kers, $1500.00 worth to choose from. €1h New (Caote maww . 2. .. |IFOF boys 5 to 16 years of _ ara $4 Tweed Coats now ... $2.95 $5 Tweed Coats now... $3.95 $6.00 and $7.00 Tweed Coats, Black and Grey Coats now Embroidery, with deep embroidery work, special vd bers, sizes 4 to _sale price ......... 45¢ s, sizes 11 to 2, sisollea k2 ie 02 Embroidery Sale CGreat Alteration and Public Benefit Sale Real Dollars Saved g, 26 in. wide, also Embroidery Allovers 22 _ inch , 40c and 45¢, sale price per yard ... 22000 19¢ vith elaborate embroidery work, special prices per wew 10 dgings and Insertions of underwear trimming, ctc ressiscess $8.95 A. Weseloh&CGo. 59c 79¢ M uie en o o e Renciny $1.95 ‘boys from 2 to 7 years. $2.95 | Tweed Suits will all be Yes, Real Dollars 4 Men‘s $4 and S45l]i"me S'hoes.vlvace or button, patent, tan or calf and kid leathers, sale price ............ $345 Sale TCB ......... ......... Men‘s $4.50, $5 and $6 heavy tan calf and black calf Waterproof Shoes, Men‘s $1.25 to $1.50 and $1.75 House Sli»pggrs,r sale price ......... 95¢ 80 Pair of Men‘s Felt Slippers, leaâ€" ther soles, cheap at $1.00 per pair, sale price ... L...l0 .0. ..05. 59n 200 pair Boys‘ strong Tweed Knickâ€" ers, lined with Selicia and flannelette, double seats and knees, sizes 24 to 33. Regular $1 to $1.25, choice... 89c at Boys‘ $6 and $6.50 Suits, now $4 98 Boys‘ $5 and $5.50 Suits now $4.39 Boys‘ strong tweed Knickers, â€" all sizes, double seats and knees, special at 48¢, 59¢ and ... ... ............ 69¢ Blue Serge Knickers, sizes 22 to 28, Mon‘s House Slippers Boys‘ 3 piece Suits, over 400 suits in the lot, sizes 27 to 34, strong and fine tweeds and worsteds, mostly D. B. style. Boys‘ $8.00 Suits now ............ $5.95 Boys‘ $7.00 Suits now ......... $5 19 Boys‘ $6 and $6.50 Suits, now $4 98 Boys‘ $5 and $5.50 Suits now 5444 Here are a reduction, such Boys‘ Boys‘ Boys‘ Boys‘ Boys‘ You To Our 2 Big Stores This Week, the Last Wooek of Our Take nothing for granted, but come at once Crisp, new embroideries, , priced per yard at 5¢, ys 5 to 16 years of age. e a few sample prices. $4 Bloomer Suits ......... $3.39 $5 Bloomer Suits ... $4.29 $6 Bloomer Suits ... $4.98 $7 Bloomer Suits ...... $5.69 $8.50 and $9 Bloomer Suits. our Boys‘ Suits at $1.48 as $2.50 t when you see them with your own eyes and handle o do as they advertise. srrere evcavinee CBG $1 Boys‘ strong offered __ at Suits, now 15¢ $3.95 T ud an es onics U sls h ie c is VC 'F"{“‘ï¬â€œ"w 198. "CAOH . are + waita 3 ' $4.239 $4.98 $5.69 Suits, $6.39 20 doz. extra large size towels, 18 x 38. reg 35%e A special line of $1.40 Spreads, full sizes, (seconds) special ......... 98c 3 special lines are on for this event, in all about 500 yards. Sale Prices ... rerreicossescses â€" 50 Sale Prices ........... nrrertunssesices T%Q Sale prices .. .. .. ......... se 10¢ Fine White Cottons, Muslins, Nainâ€" sooks, etc., areâ€" also shown at very interesting prices from 9c, 10¢, 12%¢ to per yard .......0... . myvrensreotmenmets i‘ Bed Spreads $2.39 | $2.89 | ? $3.39 $3.98 $1.89 Boys‘ Hockey Shoos at $1.50 and ...... 02 _ MeCECOD OO MVSoRimere Ety Ladies‘ fine shoes, in button or lace, reg. $2.50 to $2.75, sale price $1.95 Women‘s 50c house slippers for 35¢ 30 pairs of Womem‘s $1.35 and $1.50 shoes for ....... .2.22... rmessrscsâ€" $1.00 us . . n Women‘s $3.50 and $4.00 Winter Cali in black or tan, heavy soles, narrow or wide toc, sale price $2.95 Ladies‘ $3.25 and $3.50 fine shoes in calf, patent or â€" kfd leathers, sale PFHHOE semnsriee 22olliree eusaserce rrrrissescrs $2.99 Snd e 2 Women‘s $2.00 and leather foxing, sale 150 pair of Women‘s House Slippers all our regular $1.50 to $1.75, â€" sale PCE ............ 222222220000 AF, Women‘s House : Slippars for for Three Days are being Offered for exactly as advertised Below. Heavy Wool Sox, 2 pair f Black Heavy Wool Sox, 19 SOE seirrrerr rerevenss Heavy Grey Wool Sox, 19¢ ' Aere are a few cut prices to give y u an idea what‘s going on. $22 Men‘s Fine Suits now...... $17.95 $18 Men‘s Fine Suits now ... $13.90 $15 Men‘s Fine Suits, now $10.80 $10 to $12 Fine Suits now ...$7.95 $8 to $9 Tweed Suits, now â€" $5.80 40 Men‘s Tweed Suits, some were sample suits and others are the suits that are left over from the season‘s selling. The price range was from $6.00 to $9.00, and sizes left are 30 to 39, and one size 44; all go at one price ... Liles i . «1 cn Men‘s $1.00 fine Shirts ............ Men‘s 75¢ fine Shirts Men‘s 50c Fine Shirts $2.00 and $2.50 720 Work Shirts It‘s Your Loss If You Don‘t Take Adâ€" vantage of this Sale out of Toewels i large size huck fringe , reg. 35¢ pr., for 25¢ Lawns rhvrre verssapes ancrerees price . Fancy Vests now , 2 pair for.. 25¢ $2.50 Felt Shoes worth 75¢ for 50¢ eiress encesscerese $4.00 Men‘s Clothing Dept. in our Shoe Store $1, $1.25, .l $1.95 1 190, or 2 iss mss 5¢ sriecs $14§ 2..... â€" 95¢ and Of $1.50 300 yds. of 60 per cent extra good widlh,‘rog 7 for 2220200000 69¢ 59¢ 39¢ 20 dozen of Heimed Linen Napkins, IG x 16, special value at $1 per dozen, sale priceseach ......._ 0 &2 week. This advertisement is worth 100 TIitrary Votes to you by bringing it to cither of our 2 stores this 35¢ % peces of Bleached Tabling, _ exâ€" tra wide, 60 per cent. pure linen, reg 50c per yard for ... rrrummesccs. B§9G 5 pieces of unbleached heavy â€" Tabâ€" ling, assorted patterns, 60 per cent. pure linen, reg. 35¢ per yd, for ... 25¢ 175 pair in Dongola Kid, Box Calf and Box Kip, reg. $2.50, sale price Boys‘ and Cirl‘s Shoes 130 pair in the lot, regular |$1.75 to $2.00, in casco, Calf Box Kip and Dongola kid, sale price ............ $1.49 pPHOB rrsecals osee. Only 200 pair in the lot, reg. price 75¢, 85¢ and $1, sale price............ 59¢ Little Cents‘ and Girls‘ Shoes 90 pair in the lot. Box Kip Donâ€" gola Kid and grain leather. Reg. $1.25 to $1.35, sizes 8 to 10}, sale nrina 4 Cloves and Mitts Redueed Children‘s Boots and Slippers Men‘s sers ... Men‘s Men‘s Men‘s $2.00 Wool lined Gloves .......; 3 $1.50 Wool lined Gloves ......... $ $1.25 Wool lined Gloves £1.00 Wool lined Gloves seesbdype °* 75¢ Wool lined Gloves vsrrreptagee Work Mitts at same brice« Trouser Values Men‘s Men‘s a kid, sale price 1;1-. ‘s Solid Leather Fine and _ Course Shooes Table Linens Towelling $3 Worsted Trousers ... $2.39 $3.50 Worsted Trousers $2.89 $4.00 Worsted Trousers $3.28 $1.65 strong Tweed Trouse'rs. $1.19 $1.95 to $2.50 Worsted Trouâ€" $1.25 strong Tweed Trousers them with your er cent. pure Liren, . \reg. 7¢ per yard, at same prices'.r veriset Ceeitussicees $1.00 resiciens (BL10 aliees §1.39 $1.99 79¢ 58c 95¢