: P ghetnlinn in by the â€" members uf ies, and all feli 1h: stin by the Union meeting gtcr('sls of _ the work for The Annual Pravyer and Pra vice of the Women‘s Home Foreign Missionary Societies « Waterloo Presby terian _ Chure place at the resular midlâ€"week on “‘rdncxl.l) erming, the W. President, Miss AML _ Bruee, prc An excellent progaranc was 1 n A premincnt gast lema representative _ of {j hat ke would not be s e good butcher cattle t and good export cat April, May and June ad offered a {farmer 61 er cattle and 74 for t Easter. This farme owing the value, refus iss _ Clins Airs, wa pleas prise® by hor shopoomaiss ol Rosehmato & Ce Butioy w esday evenmng and phosenfed andsome parlor Lump, aecoiip. an address exptesstus of their m and good will Tins oevis bhe regard of her friends was n recated by the recipient. & Son; H. Schaub, clerk Office; T. DeBus, sten. C Students enter every ; 100 are already in 2tten five teachers. It‘s . a g« Ne Presbyterian Sabbath the _ rendervoss for a nu bovs Fridavy semnins 5o ar New positions â€" for College students: i1 Berlin Felt to.; L. & Rev. k. P _ Missionary > / ~#ervices in i bovs Friday evening, for _ the se of _ presenting thei 8. 8 T, Miss Eleanor Watson, with a token of their appreciation‘ of 222. N QOuly one curling game was Tuesday in which J. Hespeler from D. c. Kuntz, the score b 11.0 w.oG. Weichel won by from J. J. Weir. The gan tween rinks of Martin Snider W. Schiedc} was postponed ow the fact of deco No 3 Ifrin= 4. : l 9, c 0. ~unningbam ent o =" _ the Brotherhood uf the Me %j church very pleasantly at his * on Tucsday eveniog. |_ Affer EY business mecting | a few hour MOREPTREGIEAIibbiah tss e .3 counts of the late Geo Lichty. _ Re ward to finder at this uflice 3 3t ~«dd4 7 bargoip Solocrge Munartt=g;" in. Read advertisement on anether 19 #a POE0E SR DCETIIOTM & S uTe and the Chtonicl&'!‘el;-grapl: Office,â€" Waterloo, a smal} book containing. ac 7 counts of the late (ieo Lichty. â€" Reâ€" ward ba inall ol 222 ky . o 2 MuKar, BB . 9 Missionary Secretary, conducte >#ervices in the IPresby terian Bunday evening | with great ; &nee, giving a most interesting impressive description of the being accomplished in the y mission fields taken up by the byterian Church of Canada . home of â€" the . Efe inaugural meeting of the Sewe @mission was held on Monday eve nitig. Those present were Messts Cleason Shantz, M B. Spyder, Jul 48 German and Mayor Graybill. Mr "C.. Shantz was appointed chairma; for the year 191; Accounts to â€" th, amiount of $60.10 were Passed. cRAILWwaAY l-.'ll!'L(’\'Bll‘]N'l' i6 an Agent a d To legraph Cperator is good bit incss. _ Contral Telegraph School, Yonge Stre t, Torunto, prepares yu . in â€" short _ tiine. Write â€" for informaâ€" tivy. PRESENYTATiONS bo The business formerty carried on b the late _ Martin Schade corner of King and Pripeess Sts., has been tak €u over _ by Mrs, Solomon Ieaty. The _ Royal Arcanum Club beld ; Â¥ery enthusiastic mecting last night Jor the purpose ol clecting officers. The Watcrloo curlers plared a friendly game at Gall on Tubsday evâ€" ening. The game was a close and inâ€" teresting one al! through the Granites winning by a cloek margin. «_ DKVITT‘s DRUG stoRk _ Phene 217, â€" At the weekly market mornilhg: eges sold at 30 doz;@Hd butter at 25c 1. ____, _ Kopaks * and fullâ€"line of sup; 10 09 2,2C SUTPTISCH to teher cattle bring 61 and export caltle 71 and 8e y and June. He said he e farmet 61 for his butâ€" ind 71 for export cattle This farmer, howeve;, value, refused the ofier * 00-_9-_-_:-«:;-7. enjoy i oc 5 7 * AEBD} TOFHA â€" ochure} vening{ with great accept ing a most interesting _ ani e description of the wor complished in the various elds taken up by the _ Pres Church of Canada. Between Ufelmann‘s â€" stor 20005 Rannc was played hich J. Hespeler won untz, the score Veing 30â€" Weichel won by default yably spent in tleman â€" stated " Jull.line of sugplics, stock new and fresh a SUROnC was Shil,l"‘! ets ol both Socict the stimulus afford D. Cunnin sham of the Superintendent ; The game _ beâ€" Thke bonc of Mr. an: lartin Snider and (. § Haight, John street, w postponed owing to | 0( a unigue g;lllwring o. 8 lfring too soft. J ©Yening _ where the offie . members of the staff of for Berlin Business Mutnal Fire Insurance C H Schilter, bkpr. ontertained _ to an eye L. Heit, sten. Hall which | was setrted in i . clerk Berlin Post manner by ihe hostess a sten. CP.R. New Mr. _ Shoh very approp very _ week. About ered a foast to Miss 0| l altendance, under who bis resigned het po S + a good school. the company _ to â€" accep °t and Praise ser |Position â€" in Calgars nen‘s Home and Mr. Haight, manager ~ Societies of the pPaDÂ¥, on _ behalf oi the Han "hlll’l'll. took fdireciors smull _ aftice uF t amidâ€"week service ,in highes! fsrims ef omm a number surprised ‘ bring 6 meetling of the Sewer s held on Monday eveâ€" present were Moessts. M. B. Suyder, Ju}â€" Mayor Graybill. Mr appointed chairmay 1. Accounts to Hu" D were passed. De vtsche WA'I'HRLOO, The g:ime to be in tln r She comin: ° Itaise ser |POSl Home and , AMi ies of â€" the p Pany Chutch, took J dited Telegraph C ts dSoI8igh conducted _ the presiding. s shared W.F.A S TY«4«x«« LXAz «1 the Mcethodist at his . home After a short _ hours were â€"games _ and cl Saturday 30¢ to 38¢ Per Lo 37¢ per lb. 0¢C corner of has been takâ€" entertained to Th W in 250. yorung | son of Aj and Urs lt m Stroh vwhe havd d ts fracti El several thays ago 3. PDOEICSommg miorly towards recovery and it fortunâ€" q{;l: will not be neerssary to ampu L t qislle Â¥he class afternoon at mortings wil At the con »leasant soci esh at list patsonare y exening, was organized Sunday school . The remainder of spent very pleasan tcrourse Apctlfck. recognition _ of Haight prosento a bureau trimk directors, and q on bebalf of (f Miss Graybill graceful manner The follom Hipy o #eardon d â€"Miss Sentrbant Treac [ 8 220500 manager _ of the conâ€" Pany, on â€" behalf of the board of directets | sual aftice staff, stuke in highest ferins ocf Tthrefireteney and faitbfulnes:s advoin s manifested by Miss: GrnodulH and the conthesy â€" an|] censideraten a)u t oexfonded by ber Lo every nemper ef the staf, anc ia recognition _ of their estecm, _ Mr. Haight prosented Miss Graybill with a bureau. trink from the board _ of niaa n & 220 CHOr ut Misston bad Committonâ€"Mis racher of Clgss.â€"At the Himb night on by FORMED aA BIELE CLass ie o ARomna stt Verd rown his efforts among them more and more with success. The minister lh'c-n closed with a prayer _ for the Society. The young people then remained for a sovial hour during which refreshâ€" ments were served. Every one wen‘t bome with the impression thai they had had an enjoyable and profitable tire. Among those present was Mrs. J .\ll’oln;l__\\ hose bis éf dae occurred Tc day us har d Pnl lc _ ali P88 mall a mat ) at 2.30 a‘clo will be held conclusion of social hour w Oscar Beeb, I‘tes. Marti Albert Wahl, Vice Pres Arthur Uuehnergard, Pr Cont. Scho W.oB Knauft, Vice Pres Waterloo, Jan. 16th, 1911 s Pss °° °/C Fou as husband and father of your family and as pastor of our St. John‘s congregation. ° In the name of and by order of the Martin Luther Society and the Soâ€" ciety of the Confirmation Scholars. Gratefuli« ciety of Gratetuliy vinin agile _ _ _ | CC 40 USe it for your relief and for the enjoyment â€" of your lesiure hours. For this Purpose we pray God, that it may please the Lord to bless yoiut with good health, and to preâ€" sefve you as husband and farhes " O« many years in whi your relief and for your lesiure hours. °_ _ "CVÂ¥ srowing. You understood how to procure this success and _ to attract our hearts in thankful reâ€" membrance through your loving dirâ€" ection. . We can therefore not allow _ this opportunity to pass by without makâ€" ing due recognition, however, â€" in a modest testimony, whilst we request you to accept this chair. We _ hope coufidently, that you may be granted many years in which to use 16 â€" for incert vame y; )3 ; 905 n order to celebrate your birthday and to show you that in the few years you bq;e been with us, you have won our love. We acknowledge with upright | thankâ€" fulress, that our societiés since you have been with us, have made great progress, and acknowledging the great pains you take and that the wise exâ€" ercise of your kind circumspection are continually growing. You understood how to procure this success and _ to attract our hearts in thankful reâ€" membrance through your loving dirâ€" ection. 6 Mocker, of â€" Lookout â€" Devitt. uf â€" Misstonary t rf Dear Pastor:â€"We have gether toâ€"night in order your birthday and to sh in the few years you ha; Us, you have won our lov Rev hy 4c t 1 Rev.â€" Mr. Bockeimann Recipâ€" ient of Hanssome Gift From Young People of Church Whilo the society of the coufirmed scholars of Rev. E. Bockeilman _ met on Monday night, in the basement of the church, a large number of _ the vider Young People‘s Society sudâ€" denly walked in with the greeting to their minister *‘Surprise!"" . A most beaut ul rocker with handcarvings reâ€" presonting Rachel‘s Tomb and Simâ€" on‘s House in Jerusalem was brought in and the minister requested to ocâ€" ! cupy it. Mr. 0. Neeb, president of =| the Young People‘s Society then read 1 the following address:â€" N @ ndetr of the evening pleasantly in social i PRESENTED socie t tm3 held at the Methoâ€" . Walterlon, on Thursâ€" Miss _ Nellic a Ladis‘ Hikle: Clasy â€"$* ®pending | se m â€"commeefion with the Mr. R. IL. La oef the ehureh Orer a _ bitsiness visitor send efliceis were elected Miss Uladys ss Hhazr) | Mubtin from a pleasa as â€" Miss Elina 1t {rtends 1 Mr. Wm. Dobbin has returnea~ to â€"*â€"__________ U D ; his home bere after spending _ some ANG PRI:SENTAT“)N . lime in Detroit. *~ i Mr. A. IL Cochrane of the Waterâ€" of Mr. and Mrs. Frank l0 Manufacturing Co., is in Owen in street, was the scene_ Sound on business. . â€" gathering on Friday <â€" Mr. W. Steyart, Hamilton, was â€" a 6P the officers and _ the Sve°st of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Thomas the stafl of the Waterloo _ for a fow days. e Insurance Company were ©_ Miss Elsic Eckert, Totonto, is visâ€" to an â€" excellent dinper â€" 14"g at the home of Mr. _ and _ Mrs. setved in a very dainty 5 Icvin Hamel. he hostess at six ‘clock. } Mr. Herman Moogk, Weston, spent veoryappropriately delivâ€" F.lunda_\" at his home in ‘town. to Miss Olive CGrayhill ; Mpg, Hesterman, Rochester, is visitâ€" | gned hber position with ing friends in town. 1 to accept a similar | a brautiful goid the coffies .\.Iafl'. _ responded to Social clock and busific d quarteriy of the Meeting was spent . Bockeimann as th Mia Mart. iss Mutiel H eVvery Nnnday I‘res. Martin Luth, So. W PSZmy 2o EsSS husband and father of lug= 1 present was Mrs bir ¢f da« ceccurred at of the minrsâ€" rmimitte mmï¬ ind Dovo i Martin: a i : enitg _ was Miss social _ inâ€". turned month , Pres. of the Scholar League Pres. & 1911. ved by â€" this the young peoâ€" c grateluiness, in the work r 30 years, ays dear to WITH CHAIR , pastor ha ve come «1 _ of watrh which in a Wt Mr._ Hatry _ Sin pson left on Monâ€" morning for his home in \rthabaskaâ€" ville, alter a most enjoyable (Cbristmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John B Snider and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Simpson and famâ€" y will _ remain for a week or Tw t London lncml.: Miss Miller of 1 onger VMr. and Mis. Trvin Sim returned _ to Winn.peg aft some time _ in towp. Mr. Cla Vhaifer at Rirss foa \t1 M; ES mira visited Waterloo friends day, Mr. and Mis 1. Koch a Tena Ratz of Tavistock were «4 the home of Mt. and Mrs. MceDougall over Sunday. Mrâ€" Chas. K reutziger has to Winnipeg after spending weeks in town Mr. J. A. S business vigitor Mrs. Robinson, of Calgarr, _ Alta â€"the guest at the home of _ Mrs â€" .J. Sterling for several days. Mr. and Mrs. M. T F.thel Hs â€" Miss Perkins has left for J wherse:‘g will spend five _ or weeks L900 Rer tha 1 Te . Herman MNMoogk, Weston, â€" spent day at his home in ‘town. s. Hesterman, Rochester, is visitâ€" {riends in town. toâ€" M W At Mclinda Zimmerman has â€"reâ€" to Lanark after spending | a at her home here. Social and Personal tladys Devitt has returned pleasant visit with Emira Nollic Biggs of Burlington N¢ _ several months in town 11. Laidinan, Hamilton, is a visitor in Waterloo. M M W B 1. F. Scagrap, J. Reully ... M Hartman...._ [. Hartman _ & Avery .0. Lo Witt 2002022 â€" Steffelmeier Scagram ang The Waterloo Gun Club he‘d annual live bird_sweep at the 1v0 park on Friday afternoon proved intrresting to those P Messrs. E. p. Seagram, L. Bc A Avery and A. E. Hersoul the winbers, being first, secon; and fourth respectively. The following is the score: 1st. * 2nd Lh s us 0 _ E. 1J Avery Seully Witt Hartman KRech of the home few adans S. Seagram Bowman ... Aonual Event Held at Waterloo ~ Park on Friday Proved . lnteresu'ng ‘. Seagram Ist Bowinan _ 2nd. Avery 3rd. Dr. Armi sult of bis mï¬,’; Wedneday. "He E. Hergott avery *....... Bowman . Wilt ........ Steffelmcier aoo ie oo e nnie _It is thought that when in of turning out the light he wi by a fainting spell which can to luse his balance. Owing heavy weight of over two | pounds ; he fell to the floor with great force. F. Seagram Bowman _ E. Hergott Scully =___ uy PMRHTArafiihs m anncas d @20 fell to the floor, a distance of about nire foct, and fractured his spine Since the accident the lower extrem m'.. were paralyzed. LIVE BIRD SWEEP hristman of st i# M+ooa DEATH OF Hergott, 4th Smith, London vr in town > rgolt Ulue: Rocks (10) â€"Simuder have g after speniing and Bovman ‘Ing out the light he was scized ainting spell which caused him : his balance. Owing to his weight of OVOL _ two mss 4 Fatistock wa ef Mi o fa this werk Miss and Out Winners hoch _ and â€" Miss Bechtel of ~t DR. ARMITAGE tEAmira 1 AMrs B over _ two hunored to the floor beneath for London, e at, 480 p. m. cn was 60 years of age. on Sun returned several guests Win . divided mo 18 SUD P togefiicr ’aml four sistei iwatd, Hany, C9 I Maude, all of y away as Deceas: d _ was was 28 yrars of her marriage six BPCB _A _ reci/pr \ * IEIPSIIIN was receites n ns here announcing The sad 4 Louisa Reuel, wife ef â€" Mr. Heinrich, which occurrted at M Sask. Tuesday evening. She su to an attack of pueumonia brief illness The remains â€" brought here for burial The question of the rates to be charged w no definite action â€" w; matter will be firin.. "jy l c 0 C300 500e 2 200 CHner and Light Commission was held _ on Mopday afternoon. Mr. Bauer _ was again appointed chairman. _ Accounts were passed as follows:â€"Water deâ€" pactment $1142.35, Eas â€" departinent $539.37, _ and electric department $517.51. The Insurance Company reported one of the boilets at the water wotks pump house as being in need of a new plate. This will be repaired at once. A new steam trap blower and separator and to be purchasedâ€"for the \ gas works. Washing t .,,. StX DEATH OFMRS. HEINRICH WATER ANQ Light dsn Oe PH! was appointed to conier with Mr. Moogk, town engineer and secure sstimates as to the cost of the proâ€" posed _ improvement _ and a special meeting of the Board will be â€" called at which estimates wil be submitted ond the matter further consideted. prising Messrs. Muir bill was aumninisat « WFo 0200 2oatd (iscussed the question ~m jnorasing Aheâ€"cmeseNoidation" ol the Tsolation Hospital erected near Scagram‘s farm.$3000 was originally voted for this purpose. _ The present structure is one storcy in heighth and it is proposed to raise the roof and add an additional storey in order to provide the requisite accommodation. _ It is necessary in cases of diphtheria and scarlet fever to isolate cases so as to avoid the danger of contagion and this is not possible at present. The sum of $900 of the $3000 voted is available for the crection of thc, additional StOFCY. MA committsn manm. four sisters, viz The Ainaugnral The inaugural mecting of erloo Board of Health was Thursday _ Mr.oJ. M. Muir vlected chairman for the y The â€" Board discussed the ~T~A2G raging 4h6 m mospmaids MEETING OF "°C action was taken will be further considered Chatles 10â€" o REECIOrY Y Aclgfiys mneimg The sad reatir of el, wife of â€" Mp. Alfred ich occurred at Mooscjaw y evening. She succumbed of pneumonia â€" after a The remains will be for burial. was botn in Bad n and ‘ + of ase. _ Previous to . six years ago she had / annd lowe ~ vears 1wo se nul uon with f COMMISSION MEET meeting of the W BOARD CF HEALTH sn eece nc William, E4 ber of the vla. Lillic, _ After th and Kate transacted hnd oeluld mt brethers of the $3000 voted e erection of _ the A committee comâ€" r and Mayor Grayâ€" light and power s discussed but and Mrs \Im)sr]au ‘ aged _ two ng of the Watâ€" i was held _ on Muir being reâ€" the vear 1911. had for The ater theran Church, Waterloo, was held in the Sunday Schoot tuom of the church Fuesday evening with a goodly nuin ber of the members present. After the routine huriname had i. The first annual inecling of ‘heran Brotherhood of St. Jol theran Church, Waterloo, was the SMunifauw shAmei 2c t N well to inxï¬wl these buy ing. Walk... 00000200 _"C 800. The Schage Washer iy a machine of SJpCoer ineut and is used in hundreds of nom, i4 Berlin and Waterio + and vicimity. ‘\ny one desiring a washer wanld u) Princess streets, Water pnrchased _ and taken 4 Sol. Reattv. The manut "Scbade _ Wasber® will anm® o watr; meotdry 10 same will also be sold LUTHERAN BROTHERHOUD MET ON TUESDAY MANUFACTURE or SCHADr: WASHER Tho business cartied Mr. Martin Schade eor Will Be Continued . â€" Beatty Takes Over °| brubacherâ€"In Bertlin, December 19th, j Mrs. Christian Brubacher, aged - 59 years, 6 months and 237 days. _| Andersonâ€"At Galt, Jan. 10th, Mary Anderson, aged 90 years. Campbell.â€"In Galt, Jan. 7th, Victor Campbell, aged 33 .years. f Wilsonâ€"A t Galt, Jan. 16, John Wilâ€" son. * Umbachâ€" At New Mamburg, _ Rev. ’ Joseph Umbach, ; Wallaceâ€"At Galt, Jan. 13th, William . Wallace, aged 67 years. ’.('larkâ€".\l Galt, Jan. 7th, Wm. Clark. | Dolsotiâ€"At Galt, Jan. 5th, the infant ‘ son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Dolson. Nelsonâ€"At Aalb on o .l mus son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas -[â€");)l;)'n. Nelsonâ€"At Galt, Jan. 7th, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nelâ€" son. Watson. â€"At Galt, Jan. 11th, Mrs. Wm. Watson, aged 83 years. routine buginess had been 7O »chade eorner nf King rtreets, Watcrloo, lhas ; and taken over by Presigent, Mr. â€" Ja a washer would manufacture of sold The mA on by the lat Jobhn‘s Loâ€" be eontinne] epetate the by _ Mrs Cete â€" Sol. § dti beer ns (lor the !| LEPER MISSION made of the nt; by Mrs. T. W. Cotr. Sec., Mrs. Carmicha! Treasutet, MPS CC, Spphr TBE sponty bies hreh Pesina and « ork, Pitce hurdined odeffanl t a beon Luised dhring fh6 soar fea fia work. Ten cluldren of j« pDbOt ) pau rntls have been adoypted by this organ Vation Special _ mention may t ud e ts 2 I Viceâ€"Pres Shork. ; _ , q,___ 20°° money if they â€" fail to relieve any discase having its oriâ€" gin in the kidneys or bladdet. Postâ€" paid from The J:. 1. Rooth Co . Ltd. en e Sss Fort Eric, Out. ted by E. M. Devitt coming worse. I lcarned Kidney Pills. _ One box ; complete and lasting cure. had a beadache or wazry and I feel like a new pers Booth‘s Kidney Pills are druggists, 50c box, under to refund your money if eC â€" ) _: _" °Z voe sa My _ back _ was tributed, and weak and caused B ’/ FH ;:v:vule claims me _ much â€" suficrâ€" [d MV l bj "alm'::n pivet ing through the , 7 â€"z * DATED at night. 1 had N| Id" CL day of Janu wy doctored for R w. at. CRA x, years, but all to ‘p’l’.q 2â€"2t, no avail. Nothâ€" ing benefitted me â€" l and my conditicn was gradually beâ€" J _‘___ on Revoom ue coming worse. I learned of Booti‘s 1 Mrs. Hall, 81. Flo, Thomas, Ont., says, years with headaches tressing nature. _ T/ on me suddenly, ‘anq days at â€"a time. T vally accompanied by ness that would leave any house duties. My â€" back â€" was weak and caused a me â€" much suficrâ€" ing through the Sec., Mrs Es * vomeee: 1 yeund _ 2 ‘n Canada . Invites your *banking business both PERSONAL and BUSINESS3 ACCOUNTS, ang with its large resources, splendid facilities and complete banking connections and equipment, ofâ€" fers the best of banking . accominodation to al| who have MONEY To DEPOSIT of other BANKING BUSINESS to transact. for rs. .J. Brown Mrs. Carmic} ANNUAL MEETING efictent work d w i Pnd time. These were lalgoa o Waterloo, Mrs Sold under a guarantee 2zy spell ‘ person. * s of a most â€" disâ€" They would come d would last for spells of | dizz;â€" me unable to do gradually | beâ€" d of Booth‘s gave me a re. 1 have not sold by all of The bldest and Strongest] Banks in Canada Uaran since untis T70 uts thoâ€"bat veased will be digl "#!! be had to the TAKE _ NotTICHE that having claims against Theodore F Weber, la (f Berlin. in the f““-‘m °* Senin, in the retired farmer, 4 to dâ€"iver to S for Only 1} miles from the centre ’tovn of Berlin. Queen street Fairly good buildings, â€" good supply, good variety _ small _ land in good state of would cachange for larger WILLIAM HaA Hlox 772. Ber Notice to C h'l‘A!(El ‘.\I'OTI(JE that b:" p aving claims against {t est: Da.nief Kcneehing. lato‘ol the ship of W-.terloo'. in the Coup Waterloo, Farmer, deoeuod, an quired to deliver or send by m August Israel, tho Executor ¢ estate, at -‘iu-uburf P.0. Ont. particulars in writing of any claim, before the twent â€"seven of January, 1911, on whyich dla estate of the said deceased will b tributed, and regard will be had to such claimg of which notice | have been given to the said Exec as a bove. _ 4220 ACRE FARY FOR SAL, of m\ lina â€" We steh Febru «lc sif Berlin . 911. 1020 2CCri ncr, decease d, ar e or send by ma the Executor ol uburf P.0. Ont., writ ng of any e twentÂ¥â€"sevanihk Xe , Ber| 11 cutor + Ont., pa d this