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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 Dec 1910, p. 1

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E ' I c ‘I- v- v_ - ( $.29 Queen St, s. Berlin, Phone 586 t _ .6 umwwwwW? I"; . i"" Furniture ,l‘. 'r--"""" “MA we ttre mac ot an shown in Berlin or “Merlot will urban-en“! you mil tO we The, nuke useful Xmas Gifts is Gerhard Heintzman 's) l !?ieyy2t, ' 7 Are the Talisman of Happiness f , in tttated Home: . . l j, Other: ft from 25e to $9.00 per pair for Meet, Women and Childn n. w. m headqu‘PV" Fo-re'".' mum us balm. PW Water-1m Von:- Xmas supp??? Mwmmmw -e0eoe 0.... '.-Lu.u-. H o---""""'!-)" at OSes. 'Thin piano is also the pleas trp. l'syut mt. pl up; needs or call at, the Wares Has Arrived . V I ll. l, _ _ ,r L' showing tho biggest awl Have you menuur Pt Child's Roch.“ Thin the chiIIIru-n, Jarerniere Stands mal “my: 388 "zicws SHOE HOME 'iiiiAstmae f 1iitott.it,c What Shall Your Xmas Gift Be? Let " Be am thinking ul g would likv lo have J. G. BOEBSAM “may" for :11 winter isuoh " Vel'. Ehoer, m. Ova-calm". Arcana. - . r' .0 J. LETTER4 SON If yon desire a gift to glmldcn the heart, of your (timid you will tind it {my to make a. mimic» from our complete stuck “felt im 'lttdtstt Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Pieture Post _Ca\rds. Toys tV d Christmas Novnlties and many other articles suitable fut Kim“ presents: N .. . .“___‘_‘ A.“ “M“ lul' Allin" P"'""""! Call and insped our stock We are agents for the Edison I’honograpbs and Records haw just rvceiv- or -Wistertoo. u mil to see Stands make a nice cheap gift, prices note from 75c up to $5.00 . Gardiner, se you on“, Uur prices are our Folding Dull Carta a Thin is mmething that Undertaken nsvu'mym of refinement and purest toottt'4 ("I Sll': v, tits, J, mi} all purses. nicest w! a Very niw line Waterloo Ir l'riéurl n At Doersam’s a Burmese; In dispense ( able in u. tinely appoin- ted home. I: in; poor “my to v la a a piano as 1 'u- corawive piece oi lumi- ture. or a. "warm t ' oe.".. usionnl diversion. Saeh ins,trutrteutr, as the (:ERHABI) ' HEINTZMAN are designc-I fot higher aim line ot Ook, Roll Seat Jotutcte4 Rncke M. If )va 'iéurl " gift ol this kind we r privm arr very renrontblc. toil Carts and Toy Sets aud aching than. is sure to please WATERLOO ONTARXO w rite us your N ight Phone 207 ii,iGiarui was on ma. mm! to 91-91." tet", is; - "In: IV - -eee'-" Evelyn Lulu-er at the Public lino! stall went 1 tew days u It" - last weee.-Mr. Etta. mm at “batons" at Winnipeg In". Fwy with " brother in iowa.--' very :nioyable time w" - teat TtrTrw dny “term when about so who were invited to and a low hours with "Baby." Shula. " being thenc- casion of his tirtrt birthday. Theib - . ___ “A 05. um. Local and Prrew .--K 038")“ "' III. un-u .._- -- --. was quite a baby Show and the litm' ones seemed to annoy “maneuve- very much as welt as their mothers who accompanied them. - The math; Mass held their weekly meeting at the home ot Mrs. tutr-Mr. PM! King has sold his business In Guelph and will shortly remove to Elmira- ‘ Mrs. Wilton and Mrs. P, Amen sim" [a tew days with their friend. Mrs. D. Hottie-r-Mrs, J. H. Utter ot sum", Alta, who is spending a few months among “lends in Ontario, called on Elmira trieysdf last. week-- Mrs. J. A. Schroder pleasancly en- tertained Que members ttt the Puss- hyterian Choir last Friday evertint. A very enioyable time was spent in ' games. music, eus.--Mrsc Geo. Her. . - __-.-" hm. um P. can» 'Iay, Dee. " spent Honda A, Peterson rich and Bri Crests ot St the meat I chinger ettD Station In spent Sundt Snyder in 1 “testing le (host. ot I Lutheran cl to the you tion. His: and by his all supersti will cl Gt W255. sun in Elmira posed new --.ur, My. - - u...- n. on t Our tttiii/flatter-thit l‘cel I“V\l|3ll|y w ....-,V_, oi cruelty to children-Who Elmira! Xmas Fair will take place on Mosul day. Dec. tgttc-Mra. Stephen Winnl spent Monday with her daughter. Mt: A. Peterson at St. JacobsauH. Hem rich and Bron. have engaged Mr, J. Cress ot St. Jacobs to superlnwud the meat deparunoU.-rMr. Art bas- chingcr called on hands at Sunny Station last weeb--Mr. Oscar Israel spent Sunday with his Mend. Mr. Ed Snyder in Upper Wootwidt.-- An ire “resting lecture was given by Rev. own, or setrringville, in St. Paut'sl Lutheran chutch last Wednesday night to the young people ot the congrega- tion. His subject was “Superstition" and by his lecture he argued that A----. In Hu- - .. ...- -- all superstition was contrary to the will oi God.--- Messrs. Killaly and Wass. surveyors oi Montreal, were in Elmira recently viewing the pro- posed new electric route trom Berlin. (--.ur. My. Hahn was nbusincss vis- Iilor to this village last week. "m“ V 'kiiiat 7 '7‘32E The [allowing shows Uw sultan-3‘ ot the pupils in anmdam-c at 8,8. No. I", Wilmot and Wollcsh‘y. tor thv month ot Novcmtwr: - tV.-Mhrter s'tma1ry, V tt1.--raeattora 'iochtcr mr, Mattic Jantri 72, Edwin Wagner 63, l'avllu Wagner Mi. _ - ' ' . cr-.bhrs. Ttt Fhui Hung". .7... H. SIR-MINI? Sud-dry 7K. tittu mauucl Wagner 75, Sangslcr Immune ms, 0er Warper 65, "any Kurd)- tel H, John .lanhi Mt, Lydia t,ichU, -. , “an II liu' II an M. Pt. II Sr.-Annie Roth Hi. AWN Wagner Tti,' Christian Homer titt, Wimp Lris m, Samuvl Janm 67, Alma Wagper la, Pt. II Jr,-- Johnny Hvimpvl 73. Lizzie Jantd 70. Pt. I si-Marr Smithy Mt, "rt- mm Wdgner M, Edith Wanner " “(Mun Haydn In. Annie "arm 77. mm “In” 70. , Part 1 .tr--Fmtttta “agnot Mi, I" mun Hciotprl HI. Nmnmn ttovMru A . I 41- LII vixen-hya- I Illll‘ "up." . w P Part 1 "r--bhttttta “smart a“, I" mit" Hcitttprl in. Nmnmn ttst,'ttr't :0, “an Mun/l 'ri, t,vatt In» M. mum tir.,',"'" .31, I“.:|“m| “an tVI 53. tuthrtsl"t new Yet. XIII-uh" an Uw tott tt. Numb" In Munch" oh In Irmlumv 3 IL... si"Giiiit, Repeat Iv [Lima , Hi"inxtrottom. Turner “Pita [NM Jurucr toHrtt "N Uw standing m, Mind Norm-r titt, MIMI/i 67, w "t,rieeat.rfte m‘ - a um - H" '0" mm Br. u: mm. mm to- gntypauu m 94 Mr. M m mat-av “In”? "W um " “I”! let '“:”C' In, F.uti army; ate, qtrarl does It W 0' " {'th at" #turit] my "e"'""""'" c: -- ”a" int thrmt in” at agitation work! so in ta "dtttd AurohonSIIH tha lot“ “33% - promd - glut”; 4.) LL.udu...' .d n" “I ww._v_. --." V w very mum!“ and inspiring and a: generous t'lltlfvfl' and tor this ' good vats-The r - ol In. J. Can! wiioi'/N0eed M Dean that the i: "eovetug ttmn her new mun-Mr. and teri.Wdattt Linton god Blur visited [this in this ”duty I an Btytdcr.tA may»; represen- In; the Ayr Rum Tom 00. Md. _ kid a ttotterttttmt inn" tho directorate elm " It. Death ot Mrs. Jsustzi.-Mter an illness which lasted only one week, Mrs. Lydia Juntzl passed away " ttet home on Wednesday, Nov.30. The deceased was enjoying her unnl good health but was seized suddenly with a _severe attack ol pneumon‘ is. A nurse was summoned from strattoed and all was done that lov- ing hands could do. . The deceased was 65 years ol Me and spent ull er use in this neighborb ood, She l was an “termed member ot the Ant-1 ish church. She have: . ttunity ot four, Jacob, Mattie, Lizzie and John who is living on the old homestead. Her husband dioda number ot yet" ago. Mrs. .lanizi was a good lrlend and neighbor and was well thought at by all who know twr. The tuncnl k took New on Salurday, Dec. 3rd, entices at ttir' Bethe! Homo nrch near here. He expects :l‘st (3“le trom Michigan in on Thunhy to august. in ,iees.-mm't nil to “and the r meeting oi the New Dundee ry Society id be held in Clap- Hall on Pftrr, Dec. 9th, . at . An “can.“ pregnant}: in ' of preparation 1nd g general - A. _ w.. h 4--.... - and was News Solon-Farmers nu» taking advantage ot this cold “ml-2m and ttrt' hung: in the hush cutllng wood tor (hr nest cold sprit an:', ttw wan-1- man's aw ta" he heard in all direvc unman-Mr, w. K whmldt Ms ur- u-phvu Hrt, t,,rrl .urrmw Mr " Toronto [whli lung I..." . ply} i. ..-. Ho» Iwu‘ wvl stir, Alu.‘ li, ‘VI' wttr) In um“?! slits Ila“ li, ltr" --7I\ trr ”pun. Mas. J. “my .\. w.) lunlr hon". tite hns an attack oi plan g- iay. We wtsttttet “speedy torment -The mm: anda and Sylvia Bowman, Miss I Dyott'ttt, Mr H. Auster and Mr. U Milne mug-d “uh trio" near llauvillr on '4t'atdnr -Mr. and Mn, Anni: Rel- linpwr up! Mor. M. l‘lnhl won Sun- day "nbtots M Mr. And Mrs. h, "cl- Hmtrr'x,‘ Miss Nl-Hir Weotir. hm. Mt" Hunl u maul mrsliiott,- Mr, and “In, ll, 1“!"va "t "In: calhd or Ur, .-ml Mr. t, n. ll-Nmm r-n Sn tttrot.-- “hu td lhlllligvr uni Mire A . ___ .....h. $33K“: BERLIT'S COR“ ER lie; J, Kim! his}: the BREW iarsrty attended. ”Amman “I " W VIVID" l'-\II| in“...-.-, .-._,,, _ mtttlo't represent- mss Pearl seaeitete,.--Nest Sunday 15W 00. Md. loam-1 services, will he held in the was directorate Luttie,tyat Chttretr.u-Tho Chxiggnula- p Kurd Telephone tin! will he held on the evening cl Ice ot the lost! Co. Chrljtw any; The Metttodut 11rr In. an. for the day school will have ttoir's on Ttmob-l M I pew tarftt day, one; ampur. Otto Hoch un- HWPRW- J. ed I " year old pig tor Deputy At'." eortdeetttttq re- Rene Hurst Int quay. which ct u: Bethe! not” pod the an)“. at 525 madness are. He expat:W u-Missa/Beattie Simpson ot Dut- MI trom Nubian ham. is visiting in sister, Mrs. PM) may to ee ttt Koetuatr. Gem L. McKemic w 't "n to “W the on Monday tor Floudale when: he t 9r New Dundee has secured a wanton in a store to he held in Clap: 5.700333 to you, Georgv.--B'e are 'rt, F nu I Miss kw weeks from this “sum will! i'iiii'iji,it'iii?) M 'der'iraue lot f J'" "tastastxting oi ttis 't rlttfl is“ be his My l E. V ir. not!" mzacmw ... . pl jut you‘- council my yin t2ttt' to not mention lt ther ' liq to our: will" tom. with fuck pawn ot the all": at the 1min. the nu; .yut. witVre- ocim the "iteration d ttte electors or "ttttttwie, According to the w yum! they can“; to mount. V The new Wk Sunday-dock 121mm ugh) 'thclr -tt meeting‘ Hart led-oddly ”evening. when the . mun-gt: tor the you were dpcted as loath-n: sol; SchMek. mm. All” ‘Oood,‘l\ait. Supt. an“ M» _trrNir. Me, t,e'eretarr-freaaunir, 'Alln Good cttorister. Teachers. Js G. “um. David t1pheitete, Allin Good, and mss Pearl seaeitete,.--Nest Sunday loam-1 services, will he held in the Luthttylt, Chttretr.u-Tho Chxiigzmle; nn 6PbF_"%- -- . Success to you, 11eorgv.--We are um! " to report was: its. Kuntz is min coward to her let-Mr. Coa. Doerr. ot New mum was last week visiting - m., B.i.. "--r- Hull‘s.) unu- "_.--'"""" n, C. H. Dlhmcr Mt m Tuesday lot Preston when he has secured .3 sit- uation. . New York, Des. l.-(Spctial) - A girl giving her name as Elsie Hic- Naughton; was aietaiaed try lite nu migration authorities on suspicion. She Is believed to be Ethel Lemme. “I i \'1ctor'i;;"u:v.,'lm. L-tspecial), Two earthquake shocks were felt he tonight. No damage is reported. "" Big hmyr .3599 com-launcing next Saturday Dec 10th. Ji. tie ”an t tute PM)”. that Ae-, 'Before. the close of I910 we would esteem it a favor to visit from you and in anticipation of your coming to our E and Horse Show on Dec. 2 3rd pe have decided to hold the samelo continue until the Nine Year. You will reccuvf f: P'" a few days with our advertisement in same my buck page gn‘mg u count of the big doings in Waterlco. . - Call 1n and . ask tor , a Tray- It s yours . for the asking We invite you to can on us, M. WEICHEL & SON At'" Weiehe‘l’s Weekly. Store hon l ABOUT XMAS selling at cost PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE King St. T Waterloo, Phone 260 I! M III-no 552 " Eula-lot It, '0'“- V POI 'i'iii:iijiiwrs MIMI) BROS. _ We intend to nmkt- it rar. You will rect same on back pag WHOLE wanna!!! it a favor to receive another ning to our Pig Xmas Market receive a prize. list in page giving a full ac- ,roIitable visit for Phone 215 Vittorio. Low Prices you 5W it's,

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