Sept 32nd, lillk Thomas Mnlhrsnu. McNally-Ito-tson Saw. "std,F. n'ln “Illa R. Robina Mastin--ylcmvain-At Berlin, Sept. 22nd, Marie Mcliwairr to Wm. Mar- tin. Pratt-Mat-mo-v-At Lisluwrl, Hept. lllll, Annie Way 11acGillivary to Wm. Chas. l'lalt. Newari-Turut,un-At Pvit'rrs, Sept. lllll, Margaret U. Turrmun to Amos Newart. Anwr--Lanin-.At Milverton, on Wpd- nevdav, 8111!. llth, Mr. 'Frank J. Irou, ot london, In Miss Sarah Lanin, "I Jlornington. lh t'all"ru-- Itrt 'ourt-- (m 11idnvsday afternoon, at the "sidvnce of the. bruic's par-axis, Elma. by Rut J. D, FTtsr,uson. 1ltss llolla Mrt'ourt, datum†of Mr. and 1trsi. Hugh Mrl‘ourt In Mr. .I. McCallum, of Grey. Yottrur-Thom.ts-At “ah-Hun, S1131. 2i. Mattel Thomas to S. A. Young, Lari-hwtml tHass-Hahn-At I/lnura, .\‘rpl, lel, Ed. 1'lass In Lillie Hahn. 1'rwtyitt--s'misi--tt North Floradaic, Sop! Elsi, 1310;! llvmlrr to Annie Spnw 1lrtght--itvII-t, launxlmnk. Sept. lllh, I.ottie Mae "NI to “who†Wright, "akriaV Mathcsmt--hirut-on lhwrnllr rum-l son. . Hileorrt--xear Prrsttos, F'ept. g2nd, to Mr. ard Mrs. Jas. llilhorr, a son. Hasey-'--At lawman", Fipt. 33rd, tn Mr. and Mrs. [min 'ilagry, a son. 1!eekarr-Irs liprlin. at the “AV. Hospital, on Svpt. 2tith, to Mr. 'alu: Mrs, J. K. Box-lâ€, in (11mm Mum-l south, a sun. nrie'ier-tn Berlin, (m b'tidav My“. 23rtl, I) Mr. and Mrs. l,',l "rickâ€, a daughter. 's'chipplin,sr--tn Herlin, on Sept. 21st to Mr. and Mrs. (has. F. birthp- ling, I5 Oak sin-N, a sun. Holle--,tt l'onesirgo, Frnl. 20th to Mr. cnd Mrs. Ity. i.oye, a '2drl tor. t4troh.--At (‘umxlngm Hut 22111, to Mr. and Ills. 1lrhin Fttrolt, a. daughter. I Wirgar.d-At Preston, Hull, 13th, to . Mr. and Mrs. William Wiortot. of Preston Road, a Laughter. Etsy-At the Berlin-Waterloo Hospital on Sept. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan A. Eby, a daughter. ' McMiiian-In Elmira, Sept. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, a daughter. Martin-In Woolwich, Sept. 18the to Mr. and Mrs. Renewal Martin, a son, titroh--At Conestoga, Sept. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stroh, a daughter. Koch-Near St. Jacobs, Aug. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Koch, a) Ion. l Mbvr--At St. Clements, Sept. 6th, I to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meyer, a,' daughter. I Wey--At St. Clements, Sept. 17m, ! to Mr. and Mrs. “on L. Wey, a f daughter. - "tuse-ttl-Near St. Jacobs, Sept.’ 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert . Haierrnchl, a son. I Wolte--At Elkton, Mich., Sept. 21st,’ to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wolfe, a! Roar, new winter wheat flour b tun: delivery $3.155 a $3.79 buyers' bags at the mills. Mill Manitoba bran $20 per ton; si: 332 per ton, trac'i, Toronto;. th bran $20 per ton; shorts, tat' ton on track, Toronto. Toronto. {St-pt is dull . In Ontario buadstuG and no change whatever is HJJC-l' in local quotations. Local dealers' quotations are as lol- Iowa: R'hcat-4mtario, No. .2 winter wheat 900 (a 92c outside, according to location'; Manitoba wheat, No. I. ti.03r, cld .wheat, premium of 2c; northern, 81.05;; No. 2 mtthern No. 3 northern $1.01} at la'.e ports for immediate shipment. oats-Cart- ada western No. 2 39c; No.5 Cana- dtr western, Clue at lake ports tor immediate shipment; Ontario, No. 2 white, (Me a 35c outside; No. 3 white, 32c (P 33e outside, 350 (ii Me on traeb, Toronto. Com-Amer- ican, No. 2 yellow, 01c; No. 3 yel- low fitrge, Toronto heights. Peas- No. 2, 79c at Mc. Rye-No. 2 670 I: (We outsiile. Barley-- New, at 55e fl Ste orts'iie, tor milling, and at 48oior teed. 1Plour-- Mani- toba ttour quotations at Toronto are timt {atoms $5.90; 93(0an pauntse $5.40; stung bakers, $5.20, 90 per cent Glasgow heights, 293; â€Marin _ Tte run was only mohnto and e ", ttrrthirtg was'sold well before men. Lambs steady to a shade tirmer. Sheep steady. Hog: steady. and unchanged at $8.75 l.o.b. and " to $3.l0, led and wa- T w P" 7mm. Sept. 37.-8t+ walh"dl'lt: 11m " can with use, he“ a uh Pt ,m . th, Lats may and unto. :50 my Lfurrrit ard 100 cal-ml. The wet weather h- 'Att:) attend a little um: Vainea., which a... . Good to medium hutch“ cattle and awaken: and teeders In steady demand an! arm at recent quotations, goo! leader: in particular holding their own. d w kinda, the' clly enema: yet by being light tong bulls, pure- tyr yhich were 1nclineu' to be mien to: . time dragged “on; daily. La- ter the trading name 110:: trick, â€In; . study lemma to: tune King-on Rusmlllr MARRIAGES hrti,nott.-At Washinston, F, rvln U. "(N-“y. to Robinson (turned, M "n; emu-"r an 3.5.73! In s at the mills. Millteed-- Iran 820 per ton; warts. ' track, Toronto;. Ontario BIRTHS atwth King LIVI ‘ITOOK GRAIN C . "".'"" _.-.., """"r . Helm, aged 50 ytars. at the P.-W. , Faulhamr-utt Wellesley, Sept. 17th, 35th. to MR ill-m" John Faulhan'r, aged 77 yours. til litattt strvvt "tterr-In Ellictu on Sept, 17, Con- I rad "our, aged 52 years, 3 months Friday 51-91,] and 7 days. I Mrs. “our! !ii,aiii--ri Poole, on Saturday. Sept. . nth, Philip Helm, aged 50 years on Sept. 21st and J months. hos. F. Fjtrp- bhrkmeivr-Irt Logan, on Thursday, a sun. Srpt. 15th, Mrs. Eckmeier, aged 90 Srnl. 20th tel years . road, to r lu- fer J. HESSENAUEB & SON In patent. kid an! mnmow_ all In"; designs nnrl may... Mu, shouin Cunt-1M a“. and $150 to. our L-dou' Brut-Io A'. 9.75811â€! to F 75 h a "tmetal, kid and "atom, " $3.30, M and 84 50 udla.’ New Fall 03.00 and 33.30 m Lao. Ibo... We are the again; for "ART Fs'tt9.s" for Women. (yrcAtrslqrt--At Galt, Sept. 21, John I McAuslan, aged " years. .lsurdiUCrt Galt, Sept. 22, Geo. H. l Mauser, aged 62 years. ' Uress--At Gait, Sept. let, Mrs. Elizabeth Cress, aged 90 years. Flhirley--Near Zion, Sept. M, Mrs. Noah Shirley, aged 54 years. _ Dickson-At can, Sept. M, John Dickson, aged " years. . Hall-ht the Berlin-Waterloo Hos- ( pital, Sept. 19, Mrs. Roht. Hall, _ aged 32 years. F'roelich-In Waterloo, Sept. 19th, John C. Froelich, aged 61 years. Irelm--At Poole, Sept. 17th, Philip uni... .---" .... on; of Art Shoes are always on the outlook for the newest styles anrl mokt up to the minute lasts Art Shoes are sold all over Canada and have hosts of friends in almost vvpry t0w1 and city. In this styic we show you one of the nmvcst creations in wometis footwear. Thermsk, BERLIN W, “V--.“ 74“! navel. “UM, I sein. 22nd, Edith MeBain to w. A. Bothwell. l Darwin-Cotter-At Galt, Sept. 22nd I Elen Mary Cuber to Joseph Dar- wm. (Parkin-Burnet-At Galt, Sept. 22nd. l Minnie Nettie Burnet to John t Parker, Toronto. irSage--Tobian--At Berlin, Sept. 22ml ; Lilly Dorothy Tobian to Wm. Sage. , Gray-Scott-- In North Dumfries, Sept. 21, Bertha Scott to Norman Gray. I MT SHOE i Rotyveii--MeBain--At Oppmm- E onomlcal Fire Inn-um oo. iiairTGiiiiiip.y.:y. "WW," “1...... Kay "ton....-........ 'atittt2i"g;cir/-r: per oxen......... i"2'h'lgll,or.".':.c:y..: 5iiliiii; EMT: his? Ont. Flour per 100N Brln " middling! " {Ermine- _ " _ trtiGTiilri um ..'.'.' iriii7aiiGiiiii w.....'.".... A Stylish Shoe THE BERLIN MARKE'IS Berlin, Sept. ar, 1910 DEATHS ONI'ARIO ' C -'-------------------, I T Ltars. I I _ 'tm .'. 22, Geo. H. l a Is†It. r '2tst, m! tmtitm Sales ti','" _ 90 Fears. I c Wer Road, The Thrill 4f the lat Pisrhrr, 3 miles won! ot m Prknbnrg road in "F. It, mnnld- A. , y The tarm ot the lam Georg: Wall! is Mort-d tor sale, con-lulu; at [our- 'tren acres. more or less. Onitls I stone building (houso) and bank barn. It is situated one mile north ot Donn and tour miles south of Berlin. on the bank: of W thand River. F, r turther particulars apply on the Pretty- ism or write or call on executors, ABRAHAM WOLFE Blue Lake, Ont. SAMI'EI. SHANTZ, 371 King St. East. "" Berlin. Out. 1 -----., Oct NV..- -'"""' o. W a part of the ma Town ct Water- Il., Lo, and ho ing a frontage on Mary a' I Street of 66 tech with a depth ot flg 121 teetpn:ore _or less. .22! (n the Iroierty there is a two- .20 story brick. house, 24 feet my 30 â€I feet with brick Vatehen attached. The ‘Oalhouse contains eight rooms and a aria ( bathroom, and has all modern comm-l " names. I. "mum. auctioneer October Ist-uve, Stock. Houuehold Etrectr, etc. of J. B. Beer. in the village of Doon, on road leading to Blair. 11iil Under and by virtue ot the DOW- .06 ers ut sale commune in two mort- _15 gages will: will be produced at et,! the time of sue, there will Le ot- -10 (cred for me by Public 'Auetioa MO on the premises hereinafter men- fioued, on Friday the Nth day ot October, 1910, at the hour or It Nov. M.-; l t He Uri. '21.--h'arm stock and imrlrmcns ments of Milton Piohl, 4 miles northwest of New Dundee ant: 3 miles east ot Haysvillr, on the Huron Rand. ' on. 27.--Farm stock and Implements of John Gmsglueck, 21 miles southwest of Berlin on main road leading to Mannheim. Oct. 8, I H...“ mum-y u we tune of ale, and the balance within fifteen day: there- A. J, 'mttttth.ataartrer- alter. . b , ‘ I For (unim- information and terms Oct. "-:,','o.use'Htt ftu ot Mrs. ' apply to thy undersignpd. Wm. Richer, Elgin St., in town t Dated 17th Sepmr- Mtttk of Waterloo. I Iov. 29.--F'arm stock and Implements (I tic-try D. Dahmer, one mile west of Crnestogo, one mile east of St. Jacobs and 5 miles northwest of Waterloo. 37-t t.- I Icnry n _ ....‘ ......, Berlin, ' 12mm: " . ti--Reat estate, farm I'mplr‘nwnts and housel bulong‘inx to ttre chln "a. per cent. of the purchase mom ey to be [8131 at the time of sale, and the halame within thirty days thereafter. The progeny will be so†subject to a rescue lid. _ FIJI information may be bad on apHieartion to PY to be [gin sale, and the h: dag; thereafter, Farm For Sale It mind-1| ~15?"an- lltlher partials" I!†an -rtttatt Mills J. 8.--Reat estate rt the late J.- cob Blic'tcr, comer Erb a: Quem Sts., in the town 04' Waterloo. in the town k inlerloo, time owned by George J the said Irorirbr Lair-n (winter, 1910, at the hour ot 2 o'clock in the alteration, ttUt vaun- tle Hinze residence and lot situate on the west side of Mary street in the town of Human _. _---- Farm tor Sale _ -~._°- "mm-us, the said [IL-petty being Lot No. 317, in /'oln Hoilman's Surrey or quart A. AL _-.. - , “roams eight rooms and a room, and has all modern comm- r. Terms of Sale. [ per cannot the purchase mom to .brrtv'9 at the time of MILLAR & SIMS, Veo'or's Solicitors. Berlin, not nut-ring, Auctioneer l 1910. Waterloo, at, on; George tusetttlN, 1d a I Mtrert- mom l a of I , hirt Y 1 TI hint-1. late " acrcs with harvest and menu. 3 miles south ot Home with eight. rooms, ha other building, ip good Ct Billy terms. For tum!†pr apply to Farm for Sale or Rent " acres with harvpxt “a a_--_ 38-3t. . WW - "an", ".Nu.t"et lor business purposes. Terms-Tel, per cent. ot the pur- chase money " the time of sale, and n... Inna-n- _,:... ___. i The Executor: ot the estate ot the late Jacob Sticker will otter tor ale by public auction, on the premises. on , Saturday. the eighth day of Oetotrer, I 1910. at two o’clowk in the woman the property occupied by the late Mt. Bricket at the' time d his death, be- ing thorcsidence, with land adjoin- ing, on the north-west corner of Ert, and Queen streets in'th’e town io! Waterloo, having a ltontago ot about sixty-six feet on Queen street and about one hundred and thirty- two Icet'on Erh street. alley-SIX we: on Queen street and about one hundred and thirty- two feet-on Erh street. There is upon the property a large two storey brick ruldeuee, with a substantial brick barn. ' The Property is located centrally in the town, and is readilv animus-Wm- Auction Sale JOSIAH H. WEBER. Exccutor. ROBERT BRICKNELL. Auctioneer. GEORGE LATSCH, Clerk. I Also on th, sum day will be otter- ed tor sale M not previously and the real estate consisting d 1 35-1000! an new luitu‘fxa [or marketing. (In it is a six-mowed frame uwellin; house, In]: barn, pig stable, good welt, fruit has and Megan-y on buildings. For turttier rttrtteriara awlv to terms. For infill†pirj'Giiiri , to JOHN SCHUB'I'Z. 40 Albert St. Mouth, Berlin. -- 8141. - a .7~-_-, - - l“!). " leather ties, " lather pmows. a “I" this, 3. quilts, 2 blunts. I Aarmtorteta, 3 sheets. matron. gent robe, pails, clocks, jugs, fruit “In an a vain-my of diahea and also I lot at other articles too numerous to mention TERhrtr--Ntc P lot at same pipes, a coal oil‘ Innis, (on oil can, Inna-n. , 53:11:; sales. Inge wince scales, winger. sewn! cones grinders, a rant reds. 1 thaLu‘ u . _.- - -- tyr TOWN fROPERTY - Lu"'""'."." w. Fl “Inâ€? tta fat'etgitt',',fyt:' cm. .mlm M. Srft1ttst_ha.mre, a... nu V ,7. V‘__.-wr. cum-gr one“ 1'tietPeeter' "A ttqtrrr, " ,i?,i'ii7,i"ttr:'"iir., Alt?," "a: tte _ . , tern“ "'tati8tttstah. operty is located centrally in I, and is readily available‘tor purposes. s. B... among, AMOS WEBER, Executor: JAMES c, HAIGHT, ‘Ar:~ v; C.".r,"T,tt.' Firm-tors Cti'Jrie'iror. .sets1riii'dr, mo. and unple- ot Berlin. I. barn and I (mama... ’. ma: no!“ anV to Com-inn: 174 acres more or lean. In the 'itll/f/tll, of Winn-loo, “put " miles northwest. of Kouutb.‘ , mile 'an r"f,,h'l blame "ld; 8. JI,t , .I On I It‘ll . Im II. Itâ€. “'0 b,tJ Ina-n00: " 1'ttt1ig,e,bSi.ii) home. i plenum; oh ' Vacuum; Ibop " 'I noun-nu 'ltttlel, gt. Wilt? In dl) tabla. and dw " up eg,', by wind-mu. About. " um of mwood boob and the humane u in . good at.“ of emulation, For tutti)"- particular. Apply to FRED DEDELS. a." - - twli Situated t mile loll“) of Blooming- date, 0013th of 81 octe- od- ted for 'i,i'i'i'i'i'i?hii,1i, Good but gum ad fume Welling auto on roperty Also 2 acre. good orchard out?! new" outlaw walls. For further portion!" Inn I l 2 haiku 18 mos. old. " hood Iowa. 4 in pig, 60 pig. 8 ad 4 moo. old 2 good won-ho hon", tt and 12 your. ol , fuer continue 2 yar- old. A nly to M. 1hshorfdeimtiG ‘ 'tte, auto! Bel-1m. on Bmhq road I’m-n- ..- -- Farm for Sale I "w - not. or I in th 't'grliriEiti2dr,t Fiii"iE,'il'S ','it'i,th'r,'id .25 "I 7 0n (baht-humbrlokh are Inuit-I burn. and " nun-nu out. iriiifati'lt [and Peut tW'saffd',iifi 'tpgthtP/f,il tthr. tl . turf-nim- "thmrim to 2l °" Your: an?!†l Farm for tGig Situated About one In" mile west of Jose tubal-g. court/Icing 60 not. of Mind. Un the an in a bank barn not: ' 'MGS/get, home and no; “any out lldingl. shout 8 um of bush including hemlock. prnr, eta. 1sbootttaem. ouluud. Farm in well (ahead and good yprintr water on pro- mâ€. Quick ale desired. For turs, or Maulâ€- apply to F" CHARLES 808m. all-lino Jcnpbnbm-g. Ont. “and A. . caiés'xw. â€2’.†“a III-mm V ten-um Tia-bib?" Grtrit, iiEiiiEieip/hv.'l,'=1rlgtt' anthem Arptrto Pttgood ___, iiai7.."ti; .' hitting mum»; “-v_. w "an... ..e. I“. room co Ute lug. was, all». tur. St 'iii?it',i'.tt Stairs: wand-h1- l Thu nu. Uwrh than. on,“ Ell: & View“. 8.3., Wangâ€. oamed an. In. ttet/tdies' 5. othmed Idea-rem . PHeto. a“... " 'e,.1e2eyt.. a m- w ira"il “In...“ A I‘___ -A-. T I .lhtjnluï¬-nctrhgull . 1efyrrV.uus b... g: , 'tret.',,'. 2tMehE2iiiih " z was HOME FOR SALE 4n- ron an: ALLEN S. WEBER. R. R. No, I, Bei Farm for Sale For Sale Farm for Sale Am for Sale BGiiERhii", Beidtraroit w-vm‘ In at t. EM 1-. the 't"tt"'1t"tr-s+seseeesree,sse,resss,,s,,,,,,, -,,.:: Thornton a Douglas ‘0 new mun M,v_--. "lah',", a. .35 'l'l'lA"i'iapy. 'll "Ahtgf Try-5h]. also. Mtttie' hw Moha- ' n N has“. tetytiiiiiuilGl'rir= " 3813M“ ttht, ,'tri',ftrl.i, 'tt mun ' hm. up. 9... ltl'lfi'fgggt2.hd Js"e.'rde IP... .r.. lll)llilliiimmiiig.kis "In uiFumn. HI eitmukct rim aid.Loulowry 9:05:11 irlrfil"r?'r"/e"ll'1llfiiet,1 Oct. T. & D.’s is the House 31mm ms mum I] _ mu Ile Post (an, foot lot. No. 11, omudo the town "mitt. Fuhlnount. 4pm, :3 999D posmdii Men's from Sth, to 32.00 per garment. Borc {mm ttSo to Me per garment. C-'-""'"'"""""'-----. The do for “rah-uh!" cloth. is done. You: follow- lot tho at two "a: loan-d {may tmth and att tin . 'a,t',ty, and “MR,- dhh" that the “not could put on their clothes. The "action In. an in u m All know it would. Today phi]: style. tmteail--no (an. and no military cm of any kind on them. But don't form that eon-net. styl- for 'AMG',',','.' an um vary on. {trout hon Unto'fm' elderly men. It your "or doesn’t know It. dtthrrmiG can. to us And we’ll be Bud to thaw you how the Mtth ther' (In Band tamses dlstingubb between 3mm chum for you; no. minted 'tytesy toroida- Inon. t to awe 3'42 Come in and let us prove will only cost you a little tit We make u speéially of underwear-ity . hobby with In All the winter lines are now ready and we will gucmnleo our prices to be from 10 to 25 per cent lower than you will pay else. where. For Bale Plaid Stiles Prevail 'rt1tttihlij"it's, 7 _ â€Human. . - V._._- "n fa) . I. y cost you a little time anit's bound you money. 'Wiasa,,., Mar. OTHYMI ll BM M, "at. of Berlin, tn . - Inâ€. . 1e “fl! sou 408m FOR. Whit we pr it Next to Conrad‘- Hnrdvnro Show King St. _ Wuterloo. l for the Cold Fall and Ill-tu- Walt"? We have slugs new luau- ment of anything in this line which we an; offering st low prices. Give In sCall. HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR Blankota. mm. * Robes,» In}; Wilhelm’s L111 mm: I?