In th, arvttisentvnt of Messrs M Wcirhel & Foo, whirl orrupir'd [my six of the ('hn nirlr Tvlcraph In last weok's iww Sept 22, won- "Crud may: indurrmpnts tor a bu sari"; to tkmhvrers, rrdured nth pl iccs iv ing qm t 'd on the rations artirVs. You canto“ attord to miss reading mu pr the list of hatgaim as there is sur‘ to he snwthhu. you desire which van he whirl"! at a‘miallv low mi C; The prices quoted prevail at both sum-s, Waterloo rid Elnira and am good until Nmomlmr at Donâ€! [all to "" armament. Mrs. Imhnrn nulrd grrat changes in Itrrlin and Watrrlon which have taken plau‘ during her aha-nor. Mr. lrhnon is I tarmrr ncar Weftsviih, where hr moved 21 yrars ago. HP is a hrother of Mr, Alircrt l.clmrn ot no“ Berlin. "rs. Undiril‘d Lt-hnon ot Wrlhwille, Missouri, is visiting friends in this vicinity and smut Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Jacob Heier. All her brnlhrrs and sistvrs wvrc thus able to cnioy a visit together alter an in- terval of " wars. On pare 6 (I this issue A. West. lch & Co., of l‘erlin announce their readiness for th. Fall and “inter season and are starting it wilt: n greal 8 days' sale so as to intro, duce to the purple rt Wakrloo IO '.1- ty their Ira,niliu'nt site"; of n:en's young nnn’s and boy's rlolling and lnrnishing. Ttrcir dry goods depcct- ment is also shun-in; “mus. nd of dot- tars' worth of new tall godis tor the ladies. The shor de.artment across the Mrrot is als- "ifcring big ral- l'es in 'ootwear for everybody. A tori I wrteome to comc tor every- body. VISITED comm AHER _ 2l YEARS “mucus SPECIAL FALL PPIU S Prim; ln toxin-(liar with the inumns' syash displayed in the window ot l'estrs M. Wtichel & to', a tucess- ing contest if icing held, the may niing a 25c purchase being cntit- lcd to a gKess. The person guessing martial to tin) number vi the n m- her of weds in the s.uash will BC- curea handsvme (ml oil heater The attendance at the Waterloo market Saturday morning was as large as usual in spite of the inctem- ent weather. There wis a slight ad- vance in the price of produce. Eggs sold at 21 and 25 cents per dozen, and butter at 25 cents per lb. Pota- toes, fruit, vegetables and chickens were plentiful and sold at the usual A number of young peoil.' ot Berlin and Waterloo were in allowance at an engoyable dame given at Minnie port Welliesday melting. Abouttt ty were [rt-sent. The lalr._m;ses 'wtre Mrs. Hail an: Mrs. Runs. WANTED-in experienced clothing salesman at once. Permanent posi- tion. Must speak German. Apply stating age, references, and salary expected to Thornton A. Douyas, Ltd., Berlin. It. The removal ot Mrs.. Sinhbins and lamily to Guelph next week.will be greatly regretted by a. large' circle of friends in Waterloo, especially in the Presbyterian Church, . where they have all taken such an active interest in the welfare tA the con- gregation.p Agents want_d to sell twlished article to prcftt. [an s llcrs. T} cialty UO., Bulk: Ont The fine new G.T.R. depot erected by the Company at Waterloo was opened (or the use of passengers on Monday afternoon for the first time. The ftrst ticket was sold to Mrs. Brown, Watertown, N. Y. ' Mr. Geo. Zimmerman who accepted a io ititn some time are in LU- hardt Bros., hardware stcre, Temieu his lamily trom Gcel.h lo “amigo Tuesday morning. WANTED-n GOOD GENE RAL housemaid Mrs. M. S. Hall- mae, All at strret, Watcrioo. 3-U. At the regular mceting ot t':.e Me- thodist Chutch Fypwcrth Le I,Atc ef- ening Mr. Arthur Solidi: and Miss Wood of Berlin ga e very intuxsl n" addrcsus on Lcague wot". For tsale or "nt-New six 1mm- ed tt Ln ro se. Apply W. B. â€which Alias street, Waterloo. MU The condition of Mr. Chas. Moogk, Jr., who is seriously ill with typh- oid lever at the B. a w. hospital, shows no improvement. His numer- ous friends hope for his speedy recov- ery. ' _ The Ladies' Aid of the Church ot England, Waterloo, intend having “of: tan rummage sale about the ddie ot October. Own]; to thetrrt that Ihre ans 1110mm ct I'Lt'Slth'Is he Intetlng was in! roirry postyoncd. DEVITT'S D868 8rillm Plan. I". Deuuclu An 1m I 0 I A I ' and; In]! line of napping, all - "tatetr net and tresh at T"rf m W’- LOCAL NEWS Dcuuche Are thi " VVATER L00, ITI I AT WHCHEL'S - sell a welt Ph to turtrers. l ig T: Berlin Spa 0n TIA.†allernnon, in In " Iemp1 on thr part of two young men in a buggy to race with a street car, an accident oeeurred, whieh,un- der less favorable circurnstanre. might have resulted very seriously. The horse responded to the urging ot thr driver and was going at u peril- mm speed when " became lrlghtened and the young men found themselves unable to hold the animal, One of the reIM "mire. musing the horse to hlrn mmpletely around, thrown: the driver vlnlently to the ground Fortunately, he was not mmh hurt, and alter rewiring the inn-ken harness they were Ible to (unlinne on their le. MINARD'R [ANIMENT CURES Bl'RNS, ETC. A resolution was passed, moved try Mr. Hon-mu and seconded by Mayor G'raytull, that this Board forward a strong complaint to the Bell Tete. phone authorities at Montreal con- rrlning the utter dissatisfaction with the trlophonc service and that thc Company instal a CNN“ station at Waterloo at once. Business men ordering goods by phone tind that “inn business firms at, Toronto or Hamilton ask who is speaking Central replies, Berlin. The goods are then forwarded to Berlin‘ and the business man has no end ot trouble in getting the same, which are required in a hurry and it is oitcn a week or more before same man be traced. Instances were given ot people trying to get Waterloo Irom Toronto. Central at Berlin looks tor the name in the Directory, and reports the party has no phone. The party, however, insists that person he wants has a phone in Wat- erloo whereupon central tells him Berlin and Waterloo are the some slation. In this way no end of trouble is occasioned, and it also destroys the identity of Waterloo as a separate town. Messrs. J. B. Hughes, J. Moor- man," J. Howrah, Thos. H1ninrd, Mayor Grayhill and others were ot the opinion that something should no done at once to have this matter rrmt'dicd. WERE RACING WI!" At the meeting ot the Waterloo Board of ’liradc Monday evening strong dissatisfaction was expressed with the poor telephone service lur- nished by the Bell Telephone Co. since the central ottice is located in licrlin. _ ' Mr.-.'-. B. Hughes stated there was Ind for suitable actor} sites ' Mr. Cleason Shantz's property. He 'aelieved it would be a good plan it a street were opened up off Victoria, street. runninge ast and west, which would open up this end at the town. A switch could also be constructed to this point which would increase the value of land. " that the Board ascertain how many men Mr. McDougall would employ, which motion carried. . WATERLOO IS DISSATISFIED Mayor Graybill brought up the [uestion ol obtaining a suitable site for the planing mill which Mr. Wm. )chougall purposes. erecting. Mr. Urayhill stated that he had inter- viewed the Grind Trunk ofticiais and they were willing to construct a spur line to the proposed Sew site near Victoria street. The right of {ray could be secured and the ques- lion now is whether the town is willing to grant a tree site and $2,- 300. It is the intention of Mr. Mo. Dtrugat1 to erect a two storey cem- .at block building 30 x 60 tt. Mr. Weichet said it was necessary to have more information and he mov- Those present were President S. B. Bricker in the chair, and Messrs. W. Naylor, J. B. Hughes, Thos. Hilliard, C. Shantz, L. F. Dietrich, George urosz. J. Moorman, C. J. Mueller, F. G. Hughes, C. Wolfe, Dr. Webb, It. H. Bean, P. Weeks, W. G. Weichel, J. C. Haight, M. B. Snyder, H. Smith. J.M. Muir, A. K. Devitt, Geo. Diem-l, Mayor Graybill. Geo. Moore, J. Heveron, Dr. Hilliard, F. S. Kumpf, C. lluehnergard and oth- ws. Saw-rel communications were re- eriatd aad lyled. A strong objection was taken to the poor service the Bell Telephone Company was tiir.iwiratHloo. At- ter considerable discussion it was de- tldt'd to write the Bell Telephone Co. and request that this town be given better service or a central tolephoné station. A motion was unanimously [tuned expressing hearty appreciation of the action of the Grand Trunk Railway in erecting such a modern m1 up-to- date station at Waterloo, which has just bevn completed. The Septemher meeting ot the Thw. nloo Boyd oi Trade held My evening was largely stunted. Que.- Lam; at considerable importance were discussed. Opinion: were heard u to whether Waterloo would be willing to negotiate with Berlin in round to making provision tor the dismal ot their sewage north ot the High School. Most oi the members preo- ent were in lavor ot negotiating with Berlin provided that it be purely I business proposition. The orestion ot giving a sits and loan ot $2,000 to Mr. Wm. McDougtll was discussed but no definite union Question Was Thoroughly â€missed at Well Attended Meeting ol the Waterloo Board ot True. WILLING To “some . ".", , 'u? wnu BERLIN “GAMING 01mm or summon Site tor Proposed Planing Mill. l S REET CM? Spain! Thanksgiving services will he hold (tr. V.) in tho church of the ilnlv Saviour Sunday the 9th Oct- otter, when the Rrsetend l. W. "0d- gins. Rector M St. Paul's, Shinto“, wilt preuh both morning and even- in. mg, Svpt. 30th, the "rerpori" Con- zlvgalilnal church will hold their In- nual Harwst Home Festivtu. A splrna‘irl programme has been prepar- .~.1 an, a ia-w ialentrd singers ot Preston have kindly volunteermt to msm tll weicomr -- Mrs. Cue. lhwk ot Blair spent Sunday at the hamn of Mr, Albert t'oons.-.trr. and Mrs “m Pork and lmle. Irene â€(WI ot Blair spent Sum“ hamn of Mr, Albert t'oons Mrs Rm, Perk and litt Price Strum-yer! undor the toot at Little Germany. News Notes.-Mrs. Martin Boyer and little daughter Cora, tMNhrrnptttti- ed by her friend Mrs. Byers. otBig- lerville, Pa., are visiting Mend! Ind relatives and Mrs. Boycr'a parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob S. Gingrich ot Little Paradise, for a short time.- llr. Benjamin Snyder and (Ingmar Mrs. Witt Redford, of Btoomingdiue, were welcome guests ot Mrs. W. S. Weigand and Miss Alice Snyder for a few days.-Mrs. Nancy Gehmnn ot Gm Town Line, is renewing old to- quaintanres in this neighborhood. - Mrs, James Hrrderson, Mrs. George Martin. Mrs. May llagey and Mrs. "armml ilvilborn were alt invited mesh to a "Cousin Tea" at Cult, Wednesday attcrnoon, at the home ot ths Joseph ss'tattfrer, who has but :v-enliy returned trom . very Clio "Hana ...;_ ., -' - ' Mtcr the ceremony uhich was per- fmmrtr by Rev. W. D. Le? a wed- dim: brrtftast was partaken of after which the happy couple left tor an axlen‘rd trip to the Non twat. A pretty wedding was so1eeraized at the lone of Mr. Chu Mrs. l". W. Thomas, Kiag strut, Waterloo, Saturday afternoon at bro o‘cloc'n orasion teing thy. marriage ot their danglicr Matcl to Mr. S. A. Young d Larchwrtod. Only the immediate relati res were in attendance. The bride who v0 e a 1eattttut gown of s’ull iiak ail r was pi e) away by be: Lthrr. Her tuln sister, Miss Alma acted as bridesmaid while little Mist Florence carrying the ring in the heart of a rose. made an ideal little flower girl. As the bride ttttered the room ttnd tool ner “ace urr'er the rink ant white anh, Irr brother, T-ug, -lr . - Leslie Hayed Vin; “lurid“ from Lohcngrin. A motion was finatiy passed that the Board are in favor of entering in- to negotiations with Berlin in re- gard to taking care of their sewage from the Hosnital north . Mayor Ghyhill, Messrs. Thou. Hit- limi, Dr. Webb and others were in sympathy with the sentiments expres- sodotry Mr. Hughes. T ,._ --.. any I." mPew- able to entering into negotiations provided it was a business Proposi- lion and that Waterloo secure some return tor their service. Mr. J. Chas. Mueller was not in favor of entering into negotiations. Waterloo would have to make big expenditures in order to take care ot Berlin's sewage. " Berlin wanted necessary disposal of sewage in the north end it could be had by expend- ing the necessary money. the same " other large towns are obliged to do. He is strongly opposed to it. Mr. J. B. Hughes stated the - ter should be carefully looked into and it the Sewer Commission helicv- " they could enter into Ill agreement favorable to Waterloo and which this towr would get reasonable return he would be in favor ot it. Dr. Hilliard, chairman ot the Sewer Commission, addressed the meeting. He said that a deputation from Ber- lin was here rmtly and desired to inow if Waterloo would enter into negotiations with them. The Sewer (Commission was desirous ot obtain.. }ing the opinion ot the Board ot Trade and Town Council before taking any action. Berlin was willing to pay their share ot the coat. The speaker said that the acreage Berlin wished this town to take care ot was 154 acres. including the hospital and co- metery. The cost of a disposal plant and trunk sewer, which would have to be constructed, would 'be $43,000, and Berlin would bear one- sixth of the cost and par their por- tion tor maintenance. However " money would have to be raised the approval of the ratepayers would be necessary. Mr. Geo. Dietrot um I... ...... ----- ls Waterloo Willing to Negotiate? The question of this town entering lnto negotiations with Berlin In re- gard to taking care at their sewage north ot the hospital was dimmed at some length. ot the general public, in I hand. some addition to our public mum-gt“ and highly creditable to than who designed it and constructed it, and “solved that I copy ot this retain- non be torwtrrded to the proper gu- thorities ot the G.T.R. _"' _ “-1 u.‘ ahle trip to Fiyot-rridir even- , Svpt. 30th, the F'rerport Con- this Board desire- to plans on record it: thorough applet-buo- ol tn. new railway sunn- recently exacts. In wnerloo by .the Grand Trunk lull- way Co., which it consider: is in every tittod to meet the requirements loved Linn. J. on... was,» conded by In}. B. goon-n, that New and fruit Baum. Th? “New“ noun was I the Hosiau Grii, HAPPALY mama) LIMERICK D!ehet said he was; agree- maid while little Mist ng the ring in the l made an ideal little i the bride ttttered the Iucller was not in g into '."nt0tiatiottts. lave to make big Mer to take care ot " Berlin wanted the Nort . .vvst I Irene pa rental Chorus" waxneu - ms 154 and w disposal would Id 'be , " one- . lei! por- ver as Bed the ould be t a agree- tinrinnn '_% MINARD'S LINIMENT tort SALE â€mum. N NP Ther Pxpn‘l to be "wa." PM a rt " lr d wre'sand Ot thrir rehrn still be " home at F.dre Hill Rum, Alma, Ont. rm nr, lady and will lu- Rita Iv min"! In this t't int}, Mr, th ir in! no; hrmryh tite be mlm ard norm» T".. r0 wow guests â€1'er from the luiluuinz placor--CVrNan:t, "lr. Mt, Thnmas, ('an'orn. Lislot, Arthur, I."A ttwr, "smut s. Palmcrston, lima, "ilora, Hlt"ir, ' lllwhs ilk, ("w"- mn", FTtradale, tir. _t-r, immediately an" which th, hn'dr and grcom Isl! tor an rxlrnsivc wedding trip tn 'a icis Itoints inrlml- mug 11amilt n llv-wland and Hull-aim The hridv's Iran-Hing s it was of navy tl P, with a wry trrvorriwr, with! hat, _ l bumpy event" tcot place a', the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spies (north o! Floradale on Wednesday, Itll 21st when their eldest daughter ‘Annie Elizatcih, was united in holy (wedlock to Mr. .laceb Header ot (Alma. Preriscly at 2 o'clock to the strains at Mendelssoltn's wedding narch, the bridal party took their pnsition under an arm of evergreens like bride being giam away by her PP."- Th? ceremony was perform- rd by Rev. A. G. Burn, ot Elmira, ‘and Miss Melvin). Bender, sister rt jthe groin) presided at 1.2-: with. The bride lou'ed charming~ In a beautiful white silk all over lace wedding gown and bridal veil trimmed with "range blossoms and carrying in her hand a bouquet ot white asters. Her sister, Miss Ella, acting as brUrs- maid was buomingly attired in uh'te silt and carried a bouquet It ink a.ters. The groom's brothcr, Mr. Faint: render ably owtrd as grcomsmrn, The groom's gift to the bride was a srn'trrst nl pearls ard to tit. brimm- maid a eresfent and to the Krooms- man a watch. The prrsents w1re "umpro'rs, vastly and well upturn-d, showing the high esteem in uhirlv the IO " murlr are held over mm huldl'rd guests “ere pnsrut, who patina} Ma mmptuous wedditg, sup- Inn-1w MARKET IS I hEARiNG comm mu The joint North and Eocth Water- loo Wonu'n's Institute meeting which was annsmced for Sept. 20th, was postponed. It will te held in 1M Woterloo Taun [fall on Thutsiay, Sept. 29, afternoon and etching. Good progress is being made in the erection ot the new market building, on the site adjacent to the fire hall and with its completion Waterloo will have a structure well adapted to its needs. The building is oi red pressed brick, one storey in height, with a basement. It is 113 it. long with a width of about " leet. The main Roor will be tarnished with stationary tables, arranged in tour rows the length of the building, and will accommodate over one hundred vendors. In the basement tqr-todate sanitary appliances will be installed. '. I 'tire" to we 153.0“; gnaw. TM lru'r- a s a hishl I _, a,"i,_i,ri",'fNt-i/r"r"r' ’ Mllllnery l -0ptriiirig BENIER-' pu S, M‘P'HMS -. Anyone with wishes to ia Itylishly, LrT2Uici'd,. 901111:eg attired w ll enjoy . few moments spent inspmt- mg b a Thumday. Friday, ' Saturday am, "ttd. an. an. A_Superb Showing ttAall Millinery Opening. You no Coniiall Invited to . . &ur. , attend our Pall â€Maury rsirtrrof ron l Jeweller. 1910 'il' I Remember only M days more. open face, guaranterrd for 20 years, with I5 jencllml movement, reg. price $ll for " Everything must be sold out within the next 30 days. You will find in nearly every line a well assented stock. No old and shopworn stock. Nearly everything new. Below are but a few inducements to you to call and inspect the balance of our selected stock. - ,,,,_.., _- “a. "may Ul Mr. and Mrs. Conrad kappea. The guests present. were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Lackncr 01- Haweesviite, Mrs. V. Barrie]: and her sister of St. Clem- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J.. Horle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Vollmer, Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. Saddler and Mrs Mann ot Heidrlsrr"g, Mr. G. Smock and Mrs. T. Kappes ot Hampstead. The afternoon was very socially spent in interesting conversation. of all Stock including J ewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silver and China Ware, Spectacles, Show Cases and other Store Fixtures. A very pleasant utcrnoon was spent last, Sunday at the home of "... _,,; .- - V -- l News Notes.-Mr, Noah Shantz has returned alter spending about two months in the West...- Mrs, Thos. Rennie and Arthur spent Sunday in Perlin.-aiss Alexander ot Baden spent Sunday the guest ot herlrlend Miss Addie Coote.-.arr. Barbour has returned from his trip to Scotland, and reports having had a grand trip. --Mr. Berg has been busy in this section during the past week with his corn cutter outfit and the result. is the silos are alt tilkd once more.--. Anniversary services will be held in Boyd church on Sunday, Oct. 2nd, when the Rev. Campbell ot Mooretiekt will preach in the morning at 11 and the evening at t o'clock. . l New Suits, Coats Jackets, Skirts, I Waists,FurS. i Dre SIGoode Clearing Sale to buy, just. come and ate the new thing". The sty- lee are so Attractive and the extra value: . so ap- parent, you will be sure to remember us whey pm do get ready Io buy. '1 his store's "vghty power for exceptional value giving was never b.tter shown than in oar new goo"s for the season. We want you For remembe on there days you aremot "pteted "OW on thsettleman's Watch Walthani‘ Watch for $4.65 CROSSHILL strung nickel screw case Exhibition Here. A fine gol E. J. ROOS, dd filled A Final so Days' Wednesday evening a very pleasant i irc', I time was spent when th, _ (hair A Round hm! will!“ top - h ct the Waterloo Evangelical uh uh 'lt'r'M."wg,at,t I u.“ "umHKMq gathered at the home ot Mr. and WM“ '""""ll,%, Ira Snyder to celebrate the filth I . anniversary o? their wedding Ars,' -'-""----------. 'enjoyaije hour or two was spent in I . progressive crollnole alter whi'h i . . a dainty lunch was served. During , P bl , t the (one ol the evening the hast : u Mt o MMt _ rtti hostess were preScnied with two i _ t.rautir'1 upholstered rockers are) as]: Trespasscrs or any Fersotl found apprcciati e address.-m. and Mrs. lierrositing rubbish on lots on cam": 'Snyder were also the recipients at " Albert, Spring and Schneider Sts., Hera] oth,r grins. Mr. Snydw has Waterloo, will he prosecuted. been president of the choir for full" The Waterloo County Real Estate Co. years. 30-ittt And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the' deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having res gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Executor will not he liable tor the said assets or any part thereof to any person or pemns ot whose claims notice shall not ham been re- ceived by him at the time ot such distribution. _ Dated the twenty-fourth day of September, 1910. CLEMENT & CLEMENT, Solicitors for E. P. Clement, Execu- tor of the will of the said John Mills Thorne, deceased. 39-2t. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario" i397, chapter 129, that all creditors rend others having claims against the estate ot the said John Mills Thorne, who died on or about the titteenth day cl May, 1910, are requested, on. or 'eiore the tifteenth day ot Oct- crer, 1910, to send by post prepaid or ddirer to Messrs. Clement aCle- mcat of the Town of Berlin, Solici- tors for Edwin Perry Clement, the sole surviving. executor ol the last will and testament ol the said de- crasrd, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the lull particulars ol their claims, the statement ot their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by' them. or deliver to mcat of the tors for Ed“ sole survivil In the matter of the Estate ot John Mills Thoma. late ot the Tomi. s'.;ip of Waterloo, Mt the County ot Waterloo, Gentleman, deceased. m, Show tho popular mi linen of your patio. In" "an I..- in .. - - u:- popula- mi linen; "or, Int, h a me rial in PIG! and worthy of your notie. Every Itylo now in the culinary wo- 'd is now reproduced in our work room by a "at! d . xprkuced trimmrr Ind and†Our M room' uo coward with delighted pan-om. It b Well worth your time to mtAt our milvicory noun. v _ ï¬""" -- . rah tho Book-tts. and tho Gt", 'mgst-omtt made, can.“ tstg,it9it,tyr,tttat2u,tet. haumwoanmr 'Mt In any III-man: to [in rou tho but. " can. .blo 1hl'r=allr. 0. My " may do, art-sou In cam». exceptional ulna- in Ladle. “I It... Us“. and (lock. A within“ will ounvineo you am In In" spout! I. "or “on to Int. this I woman'- no». smart Tailored slid Don't Mise Seeinf " Ou_rMil inery Home “New†Notice to Creditors Spook! In!» New Tailored 8qu " 810.00 to 815.00 challenge Vain» In New Boats at 08.00 to 815.00 . H. MILLS & CO. 'OMAN'S STORE ,w ----tEPCy:Et---- -- should r-xammc our 2t and I7 jewelled American mowm‘nls, which neither gain nor loose a mimm: in six monthsand wil wear a life timc. ihsntleman's High Smart Tailored Coats Smart Stylish liliinary {snare}? BBI‘JK HOUSE MID Berlin Ontario Intending purchasers of Store open Evenir gs A comfortable brick home No. 05 ChApel Street, Berlin, with tarmac. bxh room, hard and loft. “in and a tred cellay. is ofreredfor Isle. - For fue her parlicul‘nn “dunn- of nip, upply on 1Tp.."TIt,t,go W. M. Cram. 8 ' l “or. 13 char Ss., R art, Berlin. Ont. an Grade Watches _. Corned Lan h Barf " 15c uni-30¢ per can. We can supply Jou with fancy cakes, tarts, e'e. Don't cook and don’t bakg Take lite easier those hot summer days and buy Fresh Salmon " 10e, 12lex 15e, 18e and Me a ' ' Ready-to can. Meats and __ Salmon L. BBUEG Iilll0 phippéd Dried Beef at 18, For Sale WATERLOO Mtr "I "" GROCER