“I can Dr. Mites' Anti-Pain PM! with we atl the time, and " aches 1nd pains there is nothing} com: them. I have Milli and! them. I have and them for rheumatic pains, headache, and pains in side am) both, and in every case they give â€that satisfaction." HENRY COURLEN, ' Boonton, N. J. Pain comes from tortured mes. It may occur in any part of the head or body where there is weakness or pressure upon the nerves. CONCERNING AUTOISTS. Editor Chronicle~ Telegraph. Dear sic-There ts no doubt tbat considerable m Iceling against auto- mobiles exists among darmers in this community and, probably in most oth- “mum...†-...- ,,,, . or places. And there is reason lot such a state of things. It all tutto- ists would use ordinary common sense and "do to others as they would be done by" things would be altogether ditierenC' hut we know that such is not the case, as the following will in- slance. , an"... A farmer living more than a mite tram here was driving along In: road rapidly by an automobile in which were [our human beings of the mascu- line denomination disguised as gen- - " T-AI tlemen. Their prolession was indi- cated by the Ion a black coats which they wore. The tarmer's horse got (tightened and started to run away, and the. aioresaid human beings in- steadot stopping and helping the man as they ought to have done, es- i pecially men who are supposed to have the golden rule and other teach- ings of the Nazarene at their fntger ends, drove right on without in the least slackening their speed. Hoping I thereby to stop his tright-crazed an- i imal the farmer turned him into a ': lane against a gate. The horse how- 2 ever, burst through the gate, smash- 1 ed the buggy, and the unlortunatc -', man was right glad to escape with I his life. It was afterwards learned that the party in the automobile were out trying to fmd out how soon they could cover the distance be I tween two points in Ontario and had ' no time to look after the troubles or an ordinary hayseed. To accom- . plish their object was ot more im- ‘ portance than the life of a farmer- there are plenty ot others-or causing tum a loss of ten to twenty dollars l as farmers are making plenty ot money these days. Relieve pain, whether it be neu- ralgia, rheumatic, sciatic, head- ache. stomache, pleurisy or ovarian pains. his. as at your drugglzt. Ho should - you. " In doc: tot. zen: mic:- Gud a forward prepaid. DI. “ll-1‘ MEDICAL 00.. Tore-n23 OI course alt autoists must not be judged by the above. We know ot others, more particularly of one, whose generosity and liberality can- not be too highly commended.' He was spinning along the country road and just at nightfall while passing a tarmer's house his machine became deranged and could no more be mov- ed. At the same times. fierce thun- der storm was rapidly approaching. T he farmer assisted him to get the machine under tower and the whole party, consisting o! a gentleman, two ladies and a boy, sought refuge in the house. About nine o'clock the storm ceased and the farmer kindly asked the party. to UM over night. They insisted, however. on going home. The kind farmer then went far through the wet pasture field to ket his horses home and having no eon- veyanee that would carry the whole party he went about half a mile to a neighbor to burrow a carriage and took the whole party to the near- est trolley line about seven miles and returned home some time after midnight. Next morning the owner ot thr machine came back, repaired his machine and below leaving gave the farmer a dollar bill. It was a good sound nvguliablo dollar tor which mo trnts worth of sugar or cofiet' could hr bought at any More. This is a fact lot which we can Vourh. The farmer was so astonished at this unrxprrtrd minirwettmt that his watch stopped and in his qrsriUr- tttent he actually forgot in hand bark the prnpt-r changc as 25 owls would haw hevn ample reward lot thr service rendrrr, rsprrially on 'a Sunday night Mum Emma-rs asa rttli, have not mun-h to do. _ COMMUNICATION t4t, Jacobs, Sopl. I7, tttttt mien ls the out - can of 'ich-headache, hm Rifiile, Ei, maymzrmm lumvmmww: by. There is an immense difference between a tonic and a stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that's a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic, a strong tonic. The only Sarsapar0la entirely free from alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says Io. He knows. Ask him. 00951153): Ami-Pain Pills ortiia: ( RI'STH‘FS N. J. 'ak""' . w - men, ttte pull)“ tured In“. To 1lteir (iiiiri' was I: I I my town-ie in where In“. when the "'e'"""". h. ___ men, the proposition they be in Illa“. To Quit surprise, Iowa-er, Girl' wan i [use turnout ol townspmple in the Public “stay In“. where the meeUng took place. ,Addmaes were deli ered by melon! gentlemen tbove mentioned, Ind in ‘addition try Dr. Grove: and some! the nisdents oi Elam. The meeting l wa- thorough)! in srotratuy with the [enterprise Another meshing isto he [held " Elan Wer the sote is tat- I’ll in Guelph. . . -s--iro. rerun. stitbd Eton I“! tog the now d "an; neu- on "op. all mut tiua the no- Plc'I Mia’s prom-J. as â€ml; the gtrtriet and! oi URI“. my did not look ttten last ss,esetiatb" can. not: toe the Llll'p(l3 cl ke talling mam-M with the people at) 0:9an to some ct an Mn; ‘mel, the proposition they Lac in .hald. To their surprise, however, A _-_, A... " '(oncract between Bloomingumc -u ls'ew Germany. l The work on the cement piers ant! Iahutmcnts tor the bridge aurnss tbe aurand River is but; carried on as last gs possible, with a ricw to ieampietioa or the. concrete work by Gi; same date. The steel work will lee don: next spring. l Mr. D. B. Campbell, who has tin whole contract tor the 80 miles ot road at present proiect-the others mentioned above being sub-contracts -is getting his machinery, including steam shovels, rails and dump tarts, .sbippetl to Berlin and Eula and week. He intends _ to cottiptete the ‘ grading between Berlin tttttr' New . Hamburg this tall, He has the com- tradt for til: gratfing, ttact-laying and hallasllng our are 80 mites. All the contracts are to he complet- ed according to the contracts tor by ‘the bylaws of the dilfercnt muniti- palitics. The Peopte's Railway Co.. if the bylaw carries .in the Royal Iity, will be ready to start the gracing at once Fetwren New Ger- many and Guelph,. and tomplctc the same to the city limits by 31st Dec. A provisional subcontract tor ithis work his been depending on I t the bylaw next Monday. l'u Ill "warn. cmurtrucuort work u progressing wry well, to the west ot (hath. (no at the contractors batten Bloommddale and Berlin has eotgV plctec about a mile and: null oi the grading and has remind two or thtee (at loads ot rails and dump nus for completing the work by Dec. 3tst-the stated time in the manna between Bloomingdale ard th a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms ot croup. Chamberlain: Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or men after the emupy cough ap- irirars,' GiGiarnt ttie" attarek. Sold by all dealers. The Elmira Advertiser, published in one of Waterloo County’s coming towns in which citizens are showing 10th private and collective enterprise, speaks at the lark situatiua there in tha following terms: ' A few years ago the Ratz estate l oliered to sell to the village-a tinct) at Land for pail} purposes at the very inimitable rate of eighty dollars an acre. When the matter crime to a into nobody made it bis business to w ark lot the by-laws while a few per- sons, tor private reasons, made it their bosiness to wcre aminst it. The result was that the bylaw was defeated. That defeat has been re- grotted c'er since, even by some TCD" He who helped to brim it about. As Elmira grows. the want at a rark is being lelt more and more. This hurt has induced a do en ol our public spirited citirens to purchase Mteert acres at land, part of it he- ing tine formerly voted on. We un- derstand that their Intention is at once io clean up and level the lac". ing tteats formerly voted on. We un- derstou" that their Intention is at onte io (Iran up and level the tal part ct it, which has still a few trots on it, (lam, more trots on it in the spring and throw it open to the public as a picnic ground, and as a place where tamily parties may feel free to mm ard cap; the shade for an hour or two. The, oas- trrn part n! the ground will 1seietr- clled Iota ball ground an1 there will also be a pod [or boating and bath- in; purposes. THE PARK IDEA IN ELMIRA Improvements In the park will tse) made gradually, but, it the village at any time desires to take the park o"er and ma'e it more ox- iens? 1- and rapid improvement the proprietors are 'agreed to sell it " a “mantle figure. ll the promoters ol this scheme are since!) in thu'r dattaratiors. an! we hate no mason to doubt them, they amour credit, if nothing more at least for lowing that prnrrrly irdart for somr years yet, ttotha" the “Haze mav acquire it for its own. " this Ind nvt ttrendonr ,tlt. prnpm’ly would in all likelihood ,havr trrforp long hvrn rut up and L,iderrw svsuitthie tor park pu'r- m Its. I.C nusi'w,, ' 'lo. CkVtilti' ". "I tatS1'l Jitt'roth','.lf8fd at? AyerCo. Lira“ Ian. at an...“ .3 no. a g. mrNtt - the light (and "ornam- may. J. F, 3K.†In. Haley ll. Cu)"- el, an} cum [an e um MM H mm (tuned with m and“ chic dawn Ink. Belle Elmo. Sell tisr New»: mad N: “no: tor tee yin! your. IQ. u'ui,raatootodaMirerstt gt by aerowd dang-Avon. "" awaited ber mm! at the ttaw stun Police (“M h the MD; A - od women WM mull own. led by t't baud "rt mm the streets to the PUirs CM. yell- in; that (union oi bl trrtst a they clued Along. I'm the which i)storred in "an ot the. mumm- in; a crowd that Med the ttuiroegtr- tare hook-d derialvety. Ii. use": held all P.'" 1"»th hdore her he: uni was um, OWN] il escaping owe-ration u the ptllce made . iuy for her. The tir-teat aft“ " the Crip- penl wefe gone into today, in line with the ptoaecutor'x owning ascr- tio'u "at the doctor at the time ot Belle Elmore's diaaypearance was pressed tor tum an! that the death advantage ot ttte button. The manger 04 a tank mum that Mrs. Criwen mum the inttti- tutxon on Dec. IS, 1909. of tie wiihdrawal of a Mint account which she an) Ceippess had Item there. Bliss Marlon Curmw, " em- tloree ol the Bunyan people, who succeeded Crippen in the management " that lord onee, testilted that the poison Alleged to lure been put- rhaxeo by the doctor, and tunes ot uhich were [moi in the mutilated body, was not used by the tom. ftuQ. She Indeed. however, that Crip- [en frequently bought drugs for his ‘ovn preparations. The witness said that um; Feb- ruary, “hi-n Crippen told her that his wile had gone to America and died there, she cashed (or him sever- at ctre B, (M [or $500. Ste Inst saw the doctor on July 9, when she gave lim the money on a check for 51%. 'illis was jut bride he dis, appeared, an! at the time he stil no tth witmess: "H amour inquires "or me you are to bsorr noting. 1 Say nottiing." Before' (his Criprrn had left sever- al packages with ttte witness. say- ing: "It anything hum-ens to me die these to Miss Lteve." Wren Crippo left the employ ol the medicine company, he [armed a rartnership with Gilbert M. Rylancc under the firm name of Crippon & Rylancc for the manufacture " arti- ticiat teeth. llylance was ulled by the Crown today, and alter telling of his business relatiors with the doctor, testitied "iicriprre,t. alter (clung him the story of Belle El- more's death. aWied that he trad mar- ‘rim Miss Lorene. Later Itnpretor Dew called at the dental cstauistr (meat in the (nurse of his irreatiRa- l tion (i Bette Elmorc's disappearance, and shortly Mterward Crippm left (l note to his rarturr in whichtre said: "In order to escape trouMe.1 lshall tre" ohllged to 558ml. mysett "ora time," Wm. Long a former assotiatc ot the accused man, repeated the tri. derue which he ha’l given at tiltin- quest dorerir.irg how, at the request of the doctor, he had pnnhased a suit of boy's clothing Por Kiss Ce- new on the day that the attendants dropped out ot sight. St. Isidore. P.Q., Aug. 18, "" Ilinard'tr Llnlment Co.. Luau. Gentiemett.--1 lave frequently used MINARD'S LINIMENT and the pro- scribe " lor my patients always with the mo" gnawing results, and I consider it the beat all-round Lut- meat extant. ARRESTED FOR CONCEALMENT OF BIRTH Hamilton. Sept. 2t.--Jessie Sweet, tormerir ot London, Ont., was ar- rested, here today on a charge ot conculing the birth ot a child. The boiy ot the Intuit was found this morning in u val-is: hanging on a reg in tile yarn; woman's tronrd- ing ttoose. The “use ha! Mon hanging th-re tor at last nine manila: and it is summed it hr] (outlined its ghrstly burden all that time. Miss Sweet loll th? warding house 1 kw days up ptt" the “use and other helm ings Were held as annuity. The chird's bully was tound' while thr owner " the house was transtrrritt', the taiiso from the tttlic to amtthrr room. CHARGED WITH THEFT OF 5850 m 410NEY ORDERS Aylmer, Sm“. 20.-Fhrwsst Bauer, formerly d Asimer, was arrested in the village " s'httkrmprarr Mow day morning try Uqrtstatle W. H. Fimh of Aylmrr ttttirqrd with the "1er some lmeinion Mumy 0r- dots missing trom the omre at Bruce Nairnpl Aylmt-r. The ("Hers missing (and be issued tor 3850. Bauer manned one ot the missing order. tor payment at Strnllonl. made payable to M m, with Jam. Durand", his brother- ir-lnw as rrmmor. " was thrs that INI in the urn-st. - was trorght to Ar1mer this manna: Ind Iodgro in the lockuv. . sagmw, am... am. 22.- Eighl term.“ are "ported killed in a wad: an tttr Mirhtgn (haul “may at St. (hula, M. Den“: grt luck- II]. ' Yours truly, DR. Jos. AUG. SIROIS. 'did, we». "" r "a retro an “M mm setielt" at d Imou- “J br tttnt h “It†'oc - od "no. t _ - _ . A uh Darla - I"! " . X, V 'v' 'rf""Se71. , me - te . w . - i ' / _ , .'l'i':1'T7e'7ii1.i?3t':,,5'ii' "r'PellllrJF'ii'iiiFdE "llt.lllltw s2t'gMtt. f a; Wtliirr;r:'e, . _ 's' 4'i'muerr' . ',. -., t _ nuamummnme .". . a... _ " - ,1 b "u' '-, :5 x a t 1“ ‘_-A.‘.W‘ tl A " " l,? MAtpEEtta-agtRANGEN+mg .". "Y l. _--c'-t.') dl'"rtd'tatd tom 2,'er'f, 'e,ift . M tug _ r", a ,3 tgtatiteesvt.aMrrsetMtP"Er.' up. . ".s-t'.-'r 'ete'pi'pap1'd,fkrtil11?l,r'i! ttttttet.' "Ri . F, .. tteg at Atttirmotrare kWh-on _ .5." n,†l"" . ' I†tttst tlon. Ctiltred Sittsm, (IA? - at I < A: last ot theta-3W tfr,',; M“ -1 V‘ will. to 0' "Wu" DWHU . _ _ rt' "'P'W'“ " “mm†tt,tt'tefr tt -- AmE3tL#AdTtiTutALltNlttNNeBmTt4EDOMiMtm 'I In.“ oi Ham to meet i! cow in“ - _ a â€when with no alumnus TAti “M m nun-n- Iolomo l “u ' - ". ltrteta"tatLtet'e [A ru - hum w.“ . ili"li"ie rill-Ila -ttur - II: but. ot IWe â€ll-IQ. lath- - d Wu but - tar, cl â€the nun. mu " tau-ht ot I nth-I dander. n- “was Illn- will can in '0: dim-Ida and INC. has. an tutti-IN to - lined h attgttt Bee'.-. " saga“ n a! law-to no. not. the roman o! intuitions]. .issteereouaciat a! 01in water- tun ol . Ttte calling of this (minute try; the commission was mol'vly tmcmttte iecommertravAioex ct the Stalin; _ Committee ot the Sent: on public balm .ud . irtareeHors of 1001!. The conference will he held on October " next ,gt.cttawu. when it is expected an the when of ttie oommitfge on public health and ot the comission of macrvatim will be tresent, vim-Mr. E. B.Os. ter, M.O., China-1 ll. s. Belm’. Hon. J. A. fault, Hom Spine; (iiih, Sir Salmon Fiesra"cg, Dr. Cecil C. Jones. Don't 1m: your money buying "astera when you c. get 3 bottle p1asters when you can get . bottle " Chamberlain’s Wt for trrett- tr-me cents. A piece cl tiattttel dampened with this linjment is In- rerior to any planet for up back. iii}; "1.? . tile side and cheat, and much chum. Sold by all dealers. GENERAL CLEAN-UP " . tutt1LTON ASYLUI COMING shake-up in the interior economy of the Hnmilton Asylum I: to he' the result at the leweautpttim' held by Fredrick] Inspector John Miller, {eliciting the escare of Mair and Tum-rt. It is sttsted that by fie end of . few more URI-3 there will hardly be an old Winnie ammo» ya mt. It was more." by Miller th It the system was very lax, and It" the employers did just about {as they liked. As a matter diam. on the night tttao Moir and Targ-" gun escaped, the right wrdress and the night wank-r were in the mm» on together when the two imam: murderers walked out ot {he insti- tuition. The " was found that someot the em- ploy-es had Very uncmiable reputa- tions , Gd it was de:Hed try the no inclal secretary's department at Toronto that a cle- was mors- ary. There employ-s are not being dismissed all at once. but are gra- dually being reputed. In lulure, who; a. mm or a wo- man applies lot s position at ttte av ylum, he or HIE will ta asked to turnish tte.sery brat ot references LIN! in but way it is hoped to prevent ttte employment ot person' (i?ii'i conduct would he detrimental to the hatitutlon. Hamilton, Sept. Why-A gerera1 DEATH OF “If? Galt, Sept. 21.-The death occurr- ed this morning of one of Galt's oldest and most highly resr.erled cil- izms in the person ot Jdm arentts- lan in his 78th you. He was to n in Scotland rd came here in “W! with his parents. He was the Did- est our!" in town, and probaiiv one ot the Walters o! ihe game in onada. He played the game first on the Grand River whim passes through here, In! continue- playing the game till last winter. He is sur- vived by his wile ands Inmily cl three daughters and tour sons. At Osmotic Hull, Tonnlo, on ‘ Sept. M: Kat-t1 v. ('arncy.- An appeal by the plaiMitt trom the judgement 0' the County Cotrt ol Huron of May s. 1910. Action tor $20.81, Amount. on. Twinin- Court judgment. mil to not ask» a conch- ante as "and!" as sutmt rtnhw (Gi and other creditors. Defetrhttt humid Carney co1mtrr-clairrtrd lor ttttttTN judgment. Wtttt tor attendant tor 390 on his comsteretaim to be at on ugh“ Division Co-rt judg- ment and tttll Cotatty t'ourtrosts. Appeal argued and dismissed with mats. but without ptpimthc to the rights at other autumn. HERON COUNTY CASE "tUn be arm upon" in an ex- rrrsslon we all like to hear. mud when it is used in roan-cum with Cham- hrrlnin's Polk, Choterq and Diarrhoea Rcmcdy it mm- lhnl it never In“! to cum- mum â€watery or bowel complaints. " In pm! to take complain". " is pic-aunt to his and equally '51th tor children "d ma. sold by all - OLDEST CURLEH any“! hasn't-culture iii?ettiiii?iii,f4!rhi?, iii Wkâ€. may. /1tt"Jgght's,tt,2 1eketh-ddtsttothtrttther, -h-otihaHthatrHbeatr'" rnrad, with and] Se than i - I gnu-maumm 1mm than which lata':',,"",":,',),',',;;,',',.:,')','). ‘in s [and where tuition? lure mu Ue restraint ammonium, either or mind or body} (mules are altogeth- er m we when": yam people get together; they are much in to- gue when a young mum gentle- man culls W tttu sweetheart, _ am am; Taxis and lawman, we are told., he Oiet mansion toc 'glvillg Nations in when a. little 'gtoup is watching at night; beside I a corpse. ' A iarge number at these riddles ‘have been collected and edited by Mr. Fredenicx Starr in a sqries ot 'Philippine studies. Many ot t.tem qs ot course, involved in native as: toms an] plays on native words, and many are quite as stupid "as some civilized humor. A few are really worth quoting lor Canadian readers: .tgr,',itttt. 'iiGU,GuarustutGrtt-rtsGkin. TusIe.a-bauJueridh e-th-r-dh-tsarah-tbe “yin-lip Why in: been deireeirh#r-rrriroerr -turtb-ru. The appearance ottr book of rid- dltl transports us back to the than when the hoop skin. was in blossom and the quantum. on, Mr. Jones. are you at runes?" was quite the thing. These blessings ot the dear dud any: has been re placed try bridge whist, the bobble Mitt and other athletic sports. But time.-Eres. 1 'lhere is a small brook fBied with shc0s.--Mouth. l A slender tree ihich bears only one teat.-rLigtsted candle. l His words are audible but MIB- lee" to understand; when 3m look lat his face you will Loam-stand what he sara-cus. I I saw two boats; only one person " atsoard.v-Shoes. LTfiitit" th;y Some without being (etched. and by day they are lost without being stolen:-T_Ine stars. The mother says. "he! as stand up." but. the children my, "Let us lie tcross."-A ladder. --- _ _ . Come up tttttt here we tstar-d Here he wires with glowing cod on his head.--Coce. _ 7A “that. My among tttorns.-Puue mm. 7 ., 7 _ . "haere, here!" he uys, rut has no mouth.-Forefinger. "e. 9 fll dries I" les. '-.“- The letter c iiecomes o, o becom- MHtti NEW RIDDLES Concrete Fence Posts Like These are sightly, strong, permanent. Concrete it, in many localities, cheaper than wood, for fence posts, and more durable than atmte, brick or iron. Our book, It tells how to make, not only fence posts, but walks, curbs, horse biocks,e barn foundations, feeding floors, well curbs, driniing troughs, silos, dairies, and many other farm utilities where cleanliness, strength and durability are required. Many of these things give to make, and may "What The Farmer Can Do With Bt.gtrtea-tB.VtHi" Concrete" is trent FREE. Gus' so down and it the 8m hings are simple and ioexpen- nay easily be put together in ". CANADA CEMENT "reo.so+rs-roooeooeeeeri' “4-H -1 " "u/rLiui" a a stick and it was [allowed by a tirons-Needle and thread. _ t When held it goes; when let loose it lies down.--Ptn. I throw the eggs, they crow im- mediatelr.-Fireeraeker (Torpedo) When I pulled it is a can. when pushed it is a terst.--Utnttrelia. It he sits down he is high. it 'cu. stand up he is 1ow.--Dog. ' There no two prinzesses who live on the two sides at a. mountain; when one mica both cry.-The cyts. iiowed maize grains; in the morn- ink thy were swept away-Stars. it roi chop it, it heals at once.-- Water. SENTEhCED FOR Hamilton, Sept. 2g.-Mark Pearce at the police court this morning was Bent to jail for _ three months tor brutally kicking his wife. The magis- trate said he would have ordered the application of the lash if the prison- er's wile had not pleaded for leniency. [iijilr'dtiisraytsgraA i†Flour Excellence if “I IN†I "The King†blended. Old Horn :stead Pastry. ...' We deliver all orders promptly. City Mills, 2t4 Queen St. 15. . IRVIN MASTER j "new. " Ion-ohm! lulu. “gnu, up "i' Euhbookuboeasaigsue4eageairtbo-CSsest-duetrra. CNiai-leliaimoudkr't2Sqoeth. 'errgea.tqtr.eat-ra"th"eatartar'ttt""eeAtrooe*hr "-r-r-ett-+r_'seni*-tre'aehr "t---Atrt-et$Mthe8U& . The product of the City Mills stands pre-emi- nent among pure, white, wholesome, health ttn and therefore nutritious Murs. It's not only ne in appearance. but in quality as well. Ask your Rroter ior it and insist on having it. RALPH commas ti'oorcs for only 52.00 . THEIR MK. mun! 3% ltNtN'"tTiia salt."""-',":'"'.':','. " sAMPtECxmESOFTTeBoOttSAND "cANADtANrattM"MAYBESEENATTirrttt "In -BYtmJCANtWrCANADASBESr AeatttMautAt.WEEKLYANO 32mm WIFE your spare tint. The book carefully and simply tells all, The regular price of the book is SOC. We are ilislrilmluz irce, a limiud number, how- ever, and charging up the cost to advertising. That's why ynti got your copy free, if you sign the coupon and sun] it to-day. Do it new. .139?! ~ You may "ml me a rap; n rum" can Do With Cancun." Yum" AIM"!- Subscribe Now. CO.. Limited ...... u. . mummy Sept. 22.-A mm .33 here this morning [ram Detroit 1W“. nounct-s the scdicn death ot Irt. ",pi Wym Yates, a millionaire resident t? of that city and formuly ot BMFj‘af ford who had many Canadian ism-*1 Mr. Yates wasa son of Mr. Hen-f ry Ytrtes we ftrrst chief engineer or,,, the Grand Tram: railway. Mt-trt-f as c! Mutual is a brothrr. j." GENTLEM'EN WHO ARE BALD. Irre:rti_ate' and use (at yourself ", the Art covering in Wigs, and Talk‘ V pets. Prof. Dorenwerd Zahnt Tes. :4 as. Prof. Domweni Patent rote"?' 000 leads of all that! in " Its-[3,; (inns d tire. . [a ' In this varlicular structure the 1; "rnlilalion is period; as light a c; _ mum; is securely adjunct! to the, [ head: can to combed just as your C'"? hair; they make my man look ten: years younger, besid- Ch' the protcelirtt you get from Chi tarrh. Folds, Neuralgia, etc. Call and see them at Wall)†Home. Berd lin on Saturday Oct. lst. DEATH Orr, WYNN YATB. .7! A rnpy of "Wh" QM