Attar my heart)- congratulations hd Pee 0‘0ng upon the has The home or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Italluvr, was the .seene ot a very happy and pleasing went. on Wmfrtriaiay afternoon. Juni- 8, when their only daughter Myrtle Maud, was united in marriage to Mr. Thom- as J. Dwell, a highly respected and prosperous young farmer of Mary- horoiigh. While Lohengrin's wedding march was hving rendermi try Miss Nara Cooper of Dom-gal the bridal party took their places on the lawn, beneath a beautiful Mormon arch. The with who was given away by het tathvr was prrttily attired in silk landsdnun trimmed with silk i-iiihroidrrml net and lace, with veil and orangv blossoms and carried a white kid Itihh, tied in haby rihhon and lily of thv viilley, Rev. .las. F.ltord, pastor at the Wallace circuit, performed ths, "'rl'mony. Miss Mary haveâ€, sis"ivr ot the groom, actml as hridesmaid and wore a drmm of silk 1 tmttrrrtidcrmt voile trimmnt with Pm- ‘ hroiderot not and satin, carrying a l hnmliwt rd pink tarnatinns. Owing to l illni‘sw Alisa Pcarl 1lottiih, ttitNt ot the grnnni, was iinahlr to he pl'l’Wl‘lll to art thv part ot "owtsr girl Miss I'Zdnn Kalb-i. 1'ottyitrt of the hride, wry Erarr'tully lilli-rl thc “mun Mr Wm. Thompson, hintlirr at the hrirlr, nu groomslnui. . I 603.-..-. ... .17 at, T t='rt'y.-cr.: .17 a. . HDJWWD.......... 11-50 13.00 - Miprton...“ ... 7-09 800 l" I’M-pent)": ..... -30 At, l 1iru.puriruaiiucy..' .08 .14 i, Powhatan-0d .-.--... Pff 1300 in Qatar Boot,hlnd.... 1300 " ott i 9m Bout, from. .. . 50 10.e (" 'eghtive-'LT.".Y.". 't.iii 8.50 JUN: WEDDING Ill WALLACE Inc to 62c Toronto Ireigho;. Oats --cart. western, No. 2, 36ic No. 3, C. w... Mic, at ports for immo- diate shipment, Ontario, No. 2 white, 33c outasiee, 36c on tram, Toronto. Barley-No. 2 51c to 52e; No. 3, extra 4% to 50c: No, Toronto, June ri.--The grain mar- het, while not particularly active, retain their hum tam. to-day except in western wheat and oats, hath of witch are easier. Manitoba wheat, No. l northern Mic; No. 2 northern tng at lake ports for American ship- merits; Ontario wheat, No. 2. mixed winter wheat, 90c to file outside. "om--Ameria, No. 2 yellow, 67e No. 3 yellow, as“; Canadian corn. Bic to s?.c Toronto lrniah'r 'h-a, H ____ “my. grassers at $2.50 to $3 up,to 85.15 tor choicest fat cows. Bulls firm for butcher or export at " to $6.25. Stockers, thoice at " to $5.50 and heavy feeders at St; to $5.25. Spring lambs firm at n, to toc. perpound, or $3 to $6.50 each: Calves farm at $3 to $6.50 rach. Hogs-Mae-t firm but undungvd at fir, l.o.b., and $9.8S to $9,- 40, [on and watered. . GIAIN _-__v... - uw\’ export at 87.75 to $7.85. Butcher cows cavcra wide range from the commonest of the rough unmr- “I on rn . -- City Cattle Market, Tommi, June ".-G'rass-ted cattle are coming in more freely, and, as usual, include a lather large proportion of poorly corr ditioned stun. For the above class ot mule the trade was a liaue slow- er at this market today and pricesa little easier. For the better class of good butcher cattle, whether grass or stable ted, the market was as firm ttgr' ever, the top prices tor thoice butcher and export cattle as raid in yesterday's market being easily dup- licated to-day. The best butcher were again quoted firm at from $6.40 up to 8h25, and (Mira 01mm} at EBB}; Cr.".".".".". -ttyyridiGi I... “Innâ€... 2100 ia,iii'i,liii,'i',,'-'ciiii_ til? 3235:, gm..." .'::: up 616w .iifmii-..:.- iii 1qaMrtfirtar ,, 1M l, lubed. .-: I to-aa}. The best butcher again quoted firm at from $6.40 $7.25, and choice export at to $7.50. Extra choice haw at 87.75 to $7.85. unguhodnnl M and lace, with ml msoms and carried a air lied In baby ritthon Iv viilley. Rev. ' _ at the Wathare circuit, whammy Miss Mary of the groom, new as d wore a drum of silk GUILPB “an". Guelph, Jun lo, mo mum» with! _ LIVE STOCK a co £1.85. covers wide range: GALT MARK! noncst ot the rough Gm,- Jlllu 16 0 to $3 up_tu Cltheetlll'i,,,vt ...... '. cows. Float, pot 100 "in... butcher or export at him, par ton.......... ltrdii1'fff,1T1' Toron to it wera wide range: GALT 11mm: test ot the rough aaltp Jun. 16 wo. to $3 up_tu Cltheet.lll'i,,.,v) ...._. as ows. Float,le ttq..... 2.05 teher or export at him, 1).! ton..........2‘.'.00 oats....--......... 42 , at " to 85.50 3mm. For wn.....--. 2400 at $610 $5.25. Pm...-...-..-....... -85 I. I». u, l†rc'm' EL: IBIrIay..........-..... 50 each; Ii--,-.--.-, quotations . iiiiitiii iGiriiy.y: -ms 135.30 Iggy per m..--...... .09 AI .75 At) .17 .17 Nu municipalities hare now en- dqrsed the Proeottition to take pre- lrronrr stock. tore tout "ttomtt ot $150.00. They are " 'oth"":-. Berlo, “0.000; WIImot 13Mâ€. man. "- ..-..LA -----, M, and Mrs, "mil have, taken up hottsivkrtrring on their [Inn on the lib Con, Marytmmngh. We join with Ihwr many friends in "(aiding 'o them ttcst "ishen tor I long lite .‘ l..I....A, . __ An "njoyatrte time was spent in so- rial intrrroursc, interspersed hy-vocll and instrnmt-ntnl manic. The bride's ru-m’n; dress, was black Pet-de-ook so, trimmed with “My rmtrroHered nvt and law. Guests lo the nnml hundn-rl wrrt- present Toronto, Jrtta, Mich thur, "rayton, Palm: say. 33;: ding repaat was larval, the tables bring decorated with bouquets ol car- nations. The many useful and valo- ahle presents ot which the bride was tho rotipicnt, testily to the high es- teem in which she it held. The groom's gift to the bride wua hand- some gold watch, to the bridesmaid a beautiful silver lash pin, to Ills: Pearl (“With a ring set with pearl: and garnet. To the organist a topaz ttroach, and to the groomunn a gold watch bob. The acting Bower girl'wa's also handsomely remember- Baturporlb ......... Egg-per do-c........ Lndporlb ..-....... Baotporqurmr ow .10 .125 3595 per oiiCCy.". Poll _...-.... BERLIN lARKETS. Berlin, Jun. " I910 Flour W 100 lbl. .... " Trt Bran " . . . . . l " 2,tgt,e, " . . . . . 1.15 'ming' " .... 1.30 When: per bastion“... .90 {Inlay " -- .... . .00 Wonk)“, pahg...... Bay, perm...... .-.. Smw....---.-. ...... Boer.................. Mutton.-.. .--- .... Pork......'-........... Bidet'.-......,.. .... Lambs Ind pelt. ...... Catf8ktncf.. ..-..... Wool......-........... Wool washed U." .17.: I: glide-nu, “of: 7.7.7:...2': fctirity Bhokwhost. . J.U.T..TU." Butter, per pound . . . . . tim, per down. . . . ... . gnu-lam Bacon. - . . -- - L' :12: if Pontoon per 133...... .50 Li'v‘woga-..'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' Sheepskin: ...... .... leow.-..-. .-...... _Drlod Apple. ........ Jakob. Flown...†to, .Irtla, Mich. Allanlord, Ar- nraytm, Palm-non and Roth- " it! Ii - JJJ..".L' Irgi' 931: {cu-gum..." in! and Prosperity the number of about om- rm 1.10.1110 3! I prtsrnt, some trom styiifiicri'ii,"FT,' .75 12.t0 " .10 .07 .76 ll 00 at .18 " Mod 16400 4 tO 1.10 I.†Knowk " Know "It Cress. . Cress, "it Roob.-g Ti Jknc Ei' Relic)»: liii M. A . Gi Seine“: .ai" garet .06 Sch-cl .70 .. math: 1.r, .70 . " ao att .12 .15 .16 .18 nth to "Nu-t trom the food, M 6, blood. Thin dr leak or a will ftm8 in Mi-o-na . ttttd Mood, tun-r n n ,‘__V N'""""-. wally. And " these sane loathing dys- _ pepllcs could only read the “unsold! 10f sincere letters trom people who once stifle-red u badly as they do now, but who have been quietly and permanently cured by the use ol Ill- 'r-na, the mighty dyspepsia remedy that cures by removing th. “use, they will go lo E. M. Devitt this wry day Ind get a large box ot MiNrna tablets. and "an themsel“- es on the right road to henith at once. The price ot MI-o-m tablets is only Mt min, and E. M. Drvitt gnaranloes Crm lo cure Indigestion, "r money bark. Thin er lean or Bcrawnry people will fu-a 1. no: - - - ‘8:- Can indication be curt-d? Hull- dreds ul thou-ud- ol people who suller trom behhhttt at gas; blllouu: new, sour slomath, fullness, mm, shunt-:88 ot breath, bad tute In mouth, foul breath, ml‘om and other ditttrmtgtts symptoms, gm ask- ing themselves that all-slim dallv Attotutt The Cause. And nun, And mum»: mm Witt Vanish. V __ ---V v- "cut " aged 87 yarn. Wagner-M Branuotd. June, Wagner, lonnerly ot New H aged " yous. -. --- """""", one "In, F. C. G. Minty, 'ormertr Manger link a Commerce, Waterloo. Kress-At Waterloo, June 10th, In. Katie Kroc. and " your: and ' months. . Bach-At Berlin, June 8th, John Beck. aged 54 yous and a months. Brown-At Sault Ste "trio. ROM. Brown, lonmrlyvol Littoral. Ptarson-at Dunning. I... u-..“ [ E Hitt--At Preston, June 4th, Willi": 3 Hill. aged " years. I Koehter-..ut N6w Hamburg. by i am, Anny M. (mu-Ind. wite ot Louis J. Keener, aged as years. Btrmetb-at out. my 2911., In. Wm. H. Bum“. her residence a Blair Road, by 88th, Mrs. Jo, new licC ' and 80 yam- Kil;','d/lt'fittea June 2nd, Blind Knowles, " rs. Creas-At Af,;Ud,5gi and, John Cress, formerly ot'Oatt. Roob.-at Berlin-Waterloo Hospital, Jknc 1, Oscar Rook, ot Preston. heBeher-Lat Gait, June 2nd, Miss M. A. Kelleher. Schneider-At Berlin, Martina, Mar. garet Maria, emitter of Anton Schleider, aged 4 years uni 8 mths. . Watson-At Berlin, Jtnth, Mrs. A. H. Watson. aged " years, a months and " days. Gilchrist-At C'oltirqrwood, June 4th. Elizabeth J. sharp, wile of Ree. J. R. Gilchrist. tormedy of Water- loo. Minty~At Dun-m. an nu. . "I Lizzie sromcu adiin min to Mrs.ul§il'1a_';1 Irwirt--swai-at Gan, Herbert C. Irwin. ol MretF-At out. my "its, In. Wm. H. Burnett. her residence a: Blair Road, My 86th, In. Jo, aegh McCartney, and so yours. 1owkr-At out. June meme: aw. (mid ai"traiiF'" - ".tftetPuttrtk Ay N. h- a.†Int. at... In. L, . Cf.i"it/liji?i4h"ihl.' " 1iiigit!i:i'i S.""""""""'"".'" “ " tun: . "I"; - dg t3Ir6-rt Icon-urn. am, y. _ . P_otom.aeko.'g-, " "£29391 l, tormerir a ' that nun-sum daily. we same loathing up. only read the “mum. rate-At Gan, Jun: 'th, C. Irwin. o! Walkerton to Helen Swain of out. paint-n, my; Why 21, ma a main ot ftessh " " um the tttom- llorr mutton "an" ,rhich quickly "with- 's. Elan-cu Ennis. new mum-'5, P'r" n.Mll" , Pie I‘M- e, Daniel Bantu-g, “w my itch. he'd-nu] T arm". W" r',,. ol minor-u the mm. 1.1... TIf In. 'fstgttghfiii' a. bunk. um All Lu“- “Mm. 80H M "a. run-pnquly large ted" nus. Will be sold It a lumi- u air! In giving up hunt-g owing to m Us]... Por Miter â€tunin- apply to In!!!“ P. 0. at a the snub a god ttUte o! mtttiention, no“ In, my loam, om bottom, nalnnl drnter. an. " arm "'4wa bush, am I.†maples. up! orchard. hum: mm" [and will an" [ailing "ring omen; farm all veil land with ":vame large ted" min. Will be to“ It a l-n-l- an -- 200 acres In Huron county, 41.2 and who]! mil" 'ltom Fordwk-h, king two corner iota," sun-ml nerve: la lane, buildim.‘on “new“, gun crane ot farm, have no Ind tar “my Iron him-p; 'xtmtortatste dwelling have. has distance Me phone; new but burn Mstt06, with 24 outside pooh, straw M in rent “I“, which mics . buy cumin! ham, mat-m stables nit-math alt, with 0mm: Doors. water and mm- carrier â€:th "halos; imNemrttt lied 32140, teary "rat two nov‘ rr-hllilg wall; I.†new: clam In we - a... pun-"q Wille- I“. "r. mnllu were interred In the Old Men- nonlte cemetery of the Waterloo egllool district went at here. He we: 00 were. , -th. and tt day- ot Age. The funeral we- conducted by a2p, I. R. sum. 1'. sympathy)! t entire er..teqtttt'ar W to the bereaved (sally, new] - -- -'---'- w an: n Inn in sweet»: nun». mi- - pm". . “gt" "td. "At- berta is all right." A I - storm ‘Ims the "rrhrtter i. better 'qrpreeiatittaat . dry . ---The an ot a " Bre, ttt MIMI)“. my “m "m": 'tttttt - “on! here And it Is matted that about 375.000 [My wem “I m, will hunt. to the grmtttd, “I In W kept "on m... No _ m â€a" to Igim "I! mt: woo-t Ln... AK_ .. _ A June Sth, 1.1.3511," w" . My storm here Uat may: at .5.“ 6 inchesoanVon the ground, it“ an" “wanti- a my. “it lherrsodr' seemed to Mn . aâ€. In n“- -1 A. - - ---e -'-'.l.l.M. - IIIII‘ areoettittq to auction two-thirds of a some at W'I an...“ "I" mm“, M m hm you may hat 1;. .-u-. - lot E, It.“ iGi")iiiiuG7G;C; . mun-w Ietfg.tutitt tt .1- Mum-.5 olllflll'.. “.~_‘._ . mm 1h-tihett.'ithr.,eai."r. Peet.- out atom mo. ve - -. "- - us, In. Jacob KM. a um‘ ."- lit,','-') nu mound hero mommy _e.'St.teeajiiiiaiG run ot Mrs, M“. M1. at typhoid tetrir. At thttp ttt 1"tttag no â€use. uhn are "ttim-att, â€I In. w. Ptek “PM My In W. _ WAIT ma 'Y-The Chronicle-Tele- ttraNN 8ed Anna Emnlog to [BO-AIL nAAu-‘ _ sum: 3qu Anna 'serial/T,, Detroit Saturday, Aug. “I. Good I“! Ch ‘AAA “ --- If 'tht In}! em ml. m...†"',j,t,trattt,lf . t)'te'r',1tii'stiliiit,sttatdtt, B'ogi'aate AMI tiAMttt. °W5M75Tu WWW" do... n. “wanna-ad, 2, In hum,“ o‘ou “WHY-canto woo-t irestaieds-Thd loom Why-us with“. “numb In»: 5011mm" w" T? . A. in"... - III west a 21. r. ir. G. " teip to - r. I. a - a hip to SUI- A low but Imp- Why-0T "nib-Iain! “an; , “and“ grunt: tttse u- a...“ Mt-mlly and poutirrty the brat rim own no“ tor Me I'M 40r N In. “do, all and", "tr 25" RIBWDNS " dm or Buck and Tan, mm hoee Extra value at 20c Salt- prin- pr pair -. ,. . . TABLE â€SENS-A special pm- â€use ol run linen bleached Tam" " in. w 'de mahlm In to Brit this 75r vnluc at per yam. _-. WW The navy rain- last Saturday were somewhat o! . drawn-ct on bush-am 1tteretoee put tout.- to retain the lost true. AN INTERESTING PROGRAMME ls ARRANGED FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY ant Waterloo CttrmMete-Tehnrraptr mailer! an caudally invited to "rub NrLtt.R-atttt yards of choice Tame Illn and Jap. Tannin tor summer ates-es, reg. MY value lor per yd 'k Jule 28.40: 8.19, o-uno 0 " 0am. am! [ Woseloh’s $rirliiiiiiii iiiiiFii=iiiiiciiii;"2i" B0YN' RIIRBI'ID [IDSI'I 'r-tl-iris/aria-a can gnu Hal-y. In: “in!" a... maximum I. B. DUERING. Auctioneer. Per â€Plant-.0 Sale oi Waiver Auction Sula GontiItvesti,Witt Renewed Vigor THE JUNE SALE l5r a A ", a? 'mrrflmDrrttN' t Ir/f,' 'sl _ T 1 i' w a “d """'i"horu-tsaiiii" i)!", , )r ‘“ ahtihtri' “a on“ "tte!e1etttrtri? A , _ 1. cr,':, l . b h" PH llnm'L‘A. A.“ - M - m. I' am ttt Bamboo in Naturat 3nd gm. Just an ttsing m4 Very pro- '" fol "ammeap. u to 32.15 Hearing on! about 350 yards ol than- spring dress [antics in Se" Polorrd Stripe Wares. satin flit... rm Mc Ind “If tor T ., .. "e MN. [ADM-28' TAD-(RED Sl'lTS. The balance of our spring suits are Mod an 'odtorr. us tor $10.75; w tor $15.25; 324 tor 817.25. 1 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. A lurid line ot (‘nmhric skirh with embroider“ lun- nounre all aim my: â€.25 an» H TrFq , Mr JAPANESE AWNINGS. DRESS GOODS puma-puma. mannaâ€; . "many-cum. _ I,l',t'gtyiidiEi'., - "it. any: " Am. £05.qu Ill , f [ . “Bonny-loam. 81 Danni“; . Nonvemymnmbotl khan-(hm; We‘d unquhllne. mu "1' $Meh, Q was. will-hm. - ll,'e'htap,t,uattggtt. ' 1"“ 'ttrett"mkiciiiiii"i'ir. . 2heeiee6iii;iiu""i'iuTuem. Tr an...†'e.te.h.prmma, wan-9mm. ' , 'dit h" BHeh, “can Mrs Age. _ 'htrtP!etikiicieiiiiG.". “I“ “WW. ' I“, Mugsg. _ A if“? "o-UGG-ia;';,"."'; LTlTl'" - 'ei-u.. u ‘MI 'F' _ .nn (Iwnlnllh. .rhPANE.RF, Root, .h...... . "e. 1 mm in Nah-ml and TAPESTRY BUGS “0.5. tor â€.00 Just the chin: and very pro- HALMUNM. 'tttOtt 83.0.40! 'to." wan-m.- n to £2.15 TAPESTIY nuns “a!“ "no h, "I“; “E: irrti'iiiiiijir'r"'i"i"i""" , Hausa: For said We nle per yard 'err. .. .'9.., .. ,...,..,.....lOc SKIRTR. 2 dozen pleated pal-ilrdlrli " Ire, and _ uk- - thlly. reg. â€.50 for .., 'e".f ...'.Z..,......‘2.JI f mums. Averymlmdaum In" (our! Irma. strike tg. "It ""r. ,. t_.... _ __ Ar "may AND snugly". partake (1 these wooden“ Win. 15c goods In choke â€Menu and columnâ€. also nll white muslin. sale '.'P._r.. .-rs.,r_.sreu......,... walk u sale per yard 'err. .. .'9.., .. ,...,..,.....lOc ML'SLINS a GINGHAIS. A an†flouting _ am up a