, um. um: Drumbo “autumn & mm, Ptotton any}? (:4pr23. St. Jumbo , tc6imattuiassos'aagti- LIPHABDT BROS, Waterloo ' GEO: “AHMER, Conestoga _ WI. SCIIULI'HEIS, Heidelberg WOLFUABDT & co ' Bolin IcIURTRYvHDWE CO., 04h. WWW; he gold, hum the (hildr‘n ont aeautitel., Ilill‘g from hm‘ husbam. iv. A. L: Zing†dciiwrrd a fasten? mrv. A, 1.. 'Ainger, "my “line's t'olledr, Mrs. Lo isa Zing- nnd caught“; Mr. and Mix. Wat, Aier and da‘lgilli'r, Mr. and "Urs. _ haw farm fence is mad. [tom all No.9 hard steel 'lnglish wire éonvened into (in em [around by moat im- ‘v'mcd trptrtr_macttirterr and 1mm“! by a superior pro- 9... This Vite “and: thet add trt and tits Bait, foggy climate "iteittttha-ue lure gun-mac 1. I‘m." I “mm and never - temt for samples ot junk†wire, also formula for _ “gun. ll'vanking on any biand {of 'd','St wire. "-' -i,e.'ti" "trt. r%rr':', C"" Ntert '""2inger1 Mr. Gro. Zuni-r. Mum. '/.iu:rsircaxrri mm Ap- in: Zilyl‘r "f 1mm. '_, ts. Tinecaviuuntrtr"r"htraGirtt" a X 1W Amy. Opinion I “M "tirttgat experience w. I." Pun-o 'bttctt is perfect have†mm“. h is any to out: 9“ can he tendily stretch. ed ov'qt day “the. Ngver Iâ€. at bumps. Never heed. it'rsh6 Lock absolutely "cue. F Ila-w value in to price." I the memtiers of the family were an, namely: Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Ut 7 and daughter ot Detroit; Ind Mrs. Jeirrestrr,vr' at Drtroit; Ed. Zing" of Detroit; Mi. and ‘('has._ K. Grcss an] tlimgltters aypropn'atc addrrss “1.351! “gum, was cvteoratcd in mind Union thrfr1 Saturday, the bmieisg the WWW annihasary f’ym‘ 23250321 and-n "rch nion T,iiririciji honor gal .thc cr- £315.23} cent of (a: Ga, lgaynléu'ls ol ISn-Buk‘heu' cattle, chickens lt was Br 810 >and' ainder, we!“ that amount"!!! months" MlltietfWMV'tim,i,tii. or WWW-rs old. ' twr-h' kood d’airy Lows. in- vt" “orthogh Dhlham cows my n'teis,e Pitle ire all 'm‘ws. iuiit,t,iupeoreti lobe lam-bin NIH; Ihorpualtbred I bull rising . nus -old, 5 f cattle rising 2 years old, 3 ttgist',, trmul, implant uts, Ill .. "e itt5tygee ttir sale. 21951.1 uryi, angina; Mr viii! pom. Mr hula below}! Bf!“ My Males“; Iism; I birttt bay ter' rising, _'tirti'i his? bAii,rishujt A IA! M “In: SI»! Imp. #ghbqsr colts partly. broken Wold. rearthrg colt, tior- .Iggus, Auctimeef 7-36; 'e. u mm. cm sum 5') his Fld by puma a“ b the tum ol the tmdertrit k'mu. ot Knuth. tusd "REUNION " BERLIN SOLD BY GGAiiist "Lawn: on [.uy1tfe miit Preston to NM“? / . "s. itt1it1rttm'ntulrro hmli;xTo Co. Wifencé that's sure ,rAesror%tesok' In: . 'eit,f, 313301 ‘13] mu ction air you i. ‘-‘ "a emu»: " .o'm any Aegrrs, 3 \iékém. We teach everything trom plaim-st shirt Jrttist suits to nibst elaborate toilette, and will give any one "r, who, after having taken a full course of lessons from us, can show us an article in dress making which they caroot,cut, [it and put together. Full course of lessons consists of shirt “aists, sleeves, skirts, coats, wrap- pus, Children's Dresses, Princes; Dresses. Collars, Girdies. ets. Terms tor full course ot lessons is $10.00. This includes a pnth fitting chart given tree. . . Everybody should learn drgss mah- ing. It is needed just as much as to know how to cook a good meat, whetlet you be the wile-or daughter of a farmer, laborer, mechanic, met: chant, or miliionaire. ll'yon do not want " as a prourss.ion, you should at least know how to Innké'your own garments. We have taught over 8.- 000 this method within past 7 years. and as more is no pay in advance so if a student Iinds it not all " re- wmmcnd it to be they have privil- ege to stop. A few day? trial T are gixen trec ot charge. liwnlng class-Taught tor benertt of thow who tannot “In gay lex- sons. Full or only part of lessons may be who" in this class Next class to commence Avril 5th. Fm lull inhtrmatiotCwritr or m 1l.s at "I" rosidrncr on Wlmus, April ith, twhwm In a. m. and 7 p, m. For the Counties of WATERIDO and ox FORD. Summit": gm; nu- toad. Adan-s communications to Fruport. or busing" tert in can ot up Chronicle-Telegraph " W-tu-leo or The Daily 2ttat,,tt Berlin will re cave prompt n It"" Phone No. 734, ring 4, Freeport vt learn 8-H. If on In“. our sale to hi:- the last ISL',',',' MEI! call or mums l-It'eryuiiug will be sold witlnul re- yerve or side bidding, to the highest 'oiddcr. ' " TKRNs.-Suttvs of $10 and under, lash; 0ch that amount, eight months' mm " approval Joint notes, or c, fer cont all for cash. Fat panic. fut nigs, potatoes mu grain, cash. JAMES MCDONALD, Guelph. -. Auctioneer. T' N.B.--The street car oGii'ec%it, “ill! Berlin. Galt and Preston, ar- i.xs in Hespeter hourly, C Licensed Auctioneer Robt. Bricknell mound Auction." . (KNIT! l-..-8 tons in lull row ul milk, ll cows, [mesh with ulvrs at loot at time ot sale; halal": otcirws manly due to calm at aime at ttdie; fat heifer; 2 heiter calves; Shdtfiom bull, red, 2t months, registered; Show horn butt, red, " moths. regiatefgir, blwrlhom bull all, we loan, 5 months, registered. These hullsare tboicely bred. PIGS--30 Yorkshire brood sois, mostly in Fig, mtistered; tt Yorkatti.te loam: registered; “Yorkshire pigs. 2 months old, 10 tut pigs. I GRAIN, ETC.-- 100 ttuthcis oats, 200 bushels, more " less, min?) rain, 30 bags Eureka seed potatoes; ', pure nun Orpingt'qu c'ooh-rels. 4,000 feet elm lumber. one and a "alt and two inch. 'r, . . V _ . r e T r Aachen“ Auction; 3.]. or f j, . "r, . . - . Furl would hula-Isl. """'"'"Y--. - M will to ", . . . $33" t'i/ftp 'fda,' s,.','?,'.',,,',':,,"",'.'?,,',,",':,,."?,:".::',',,.,,'),',-" _ Ami: may!“ iriii cunmtncing ai one o'clock any, the $ts':'uwitstt:-- . _ . The “mum has Ion-hm in- sleuuou tron: Arthur bi. sham»- warth to all by pullic new on tho lulu, Lot M), German Cull!!! Tact. ' Vcluahy, Inch " Kitt If It-tf THr', MISSI‘JS ELLISON DRESS ItTTLNG tM'Moot, m (‘hunh 51., Benin Dressmaking menu. Sign. Badeg, Ont. -"Ti. - ._ W" I "H bin-r, cut-gull, now .. .. ' to In in â€gamma; ',~6g. Inplcmtc. Etna-lunar thUis binder C u. an, hour. and drill. Ilium Haretpt activator, - ' new, Indy-tale, wagon with box, Iatr- I ly my wagon-Mr bob “but: .iiith .box. top buggy, nearly not}? -orea buggy, matter, any ruck. three-lunow I napalm]. a single plows,†semi, ' four-section iron narrow, me. putter, tannin; :mill. not mic! !phnks,, 3 sets oljdoublo hm " I sets 011mm hum. 2 Scotch col: u I hit, just. recolvod' the new.“ on In. unpla- of ,Onullan‘ and rise. oign Wall M} I will f,','."t'g'fd tho public the but vane or and: money u I will furnish all will†etc. to I). pull. up by nun" at whom "In price, «no to be pm a, ' of delivery. . tM Paul “with". fo'mtrte, Rpcri" on lie-but St. P" For nglpsper. Burlap. Room ,'.'igt,'ee, and H.319 Decor-hug. " Wt a onlov ll numb room " Ink!!! foot Th",".'; the new“. noon; Friday, Much 18th _. afar dimhing and back fillirstr of and water piprs terttyt.3ee, .1910: Mr. 1Crene for tender may he obtained It my omce. , . The MuttiesipW.Couneit of .thit Township of Waulwich will moat. "ftte Council Climber " Con- i‘i’tbgo' on Tuudayi the 22nd day of March 1910, " tt o'clock: oils to nit-Imam. . .. . ". -' Grain.' k1te.--8ot, bushels oats, " bushels barley, 8 tons ot Timothy hay. about 500 bushels ol turnips, 35 bags small potptocs. No reserve as the ttrun is.soid. Terms-Har, grain, lamina. pigs, chickens, and all Sums of 810 at under. rash; over that amount " months‘ credit on approved joint notey, or 5 per cent. on for cash payments of credit amounts. T - Towers will be received at dun“ to the nqdersignod up , lars, ll new nouns. orheerbaevow',' nearly an]; 2 bunchâ€, amt-(till stone. horse blankets, " lt. Met, a quantigy..~_ol lumber; glieekyok‘n. 'thiiFetrk.a, logging admins, torts; shovels. hoes, crow bars, l 2 milk cans, Wm“. ttro-ttt m, and may-cum articles too aunt:- FORD B. KUMPF, Wstetloo, March Ith,, 1910. IO-i, .. l _ 1l'l"t,1'l1 II .“f It 1 o'clock . m. than, tn mt h I I d. y _ m, Pet-l " i." bid. Envy bay w“ ' you. oll. by, u, ttttmo " an old. T . -. can. Pip. W.fco.ttpt "to “m "by. t :1!th to wit. 5 Indian mm; a nu. 'tid. “‘" .rut'trt V0." oid, with: S'NIUKDAL'S HOFFARTH. Pica A. J. MICKl's, Auetiontef.' 10-2t W. J. SNIDEB, Clerk. Bhronielo -lhhmlt ht Booms - ARTIST": mm [EH mtidiiiri'hiiiiii'?iiii' _ mur- mm 4 townshlp of In“: I I In: - Md . no "tr. 25rlit"iiel',12r Dinah-lg '“" 'ttuniiaiu7i 2†I. lute-col Isa-h"~,_ .vv " "“H m - Mimi"! your .Nolr it the timi, ls being turned out duly by the . q ' Give.us Mr, next brder and be con. NOTICE: “‘M _ '94:»me un- “um w,- .d . Jedi-Jun“ "GiG7iiF". _ vv' Waterloo, Ont. Aka Jurttter take nothe that I will tmtneditstely alter the said last mantle-rd (has proceed to dis- tribute ttte mute ol the ascend among the parties entitled thereto, 1-itttt'regard city to the claims ot which I shall then ttttve bad my. tice, nnd tilt I will not he mp0s sibke .lor the assets of the and mute. or 'uny put listed, so disrtritgrted, ta any perm or Wm ot whose claim I shall not then hare had notice. o.' , Welles!†in the County "est Water- loo, Fdrmer, who"dled on or‘abom. 39th December, 1909, are tequiuxl to send by post, pig-â€id, or to deliver td me the.tmdersttmed, it: Monitor. ot tEe last wm and Testament ol the and deemvred, on or More the at)! day ot April, 1010, their Ctdisuan and autumn, addresses and description. the full mucous ot their ciaims, ' auteur-t. ot their accounts, and the nature . ot the sc- rutlties (it may) held try them. hymn", Inch tC-The MHII'vdIst here have bun wry mud: agitated on" the 'Ir'r', ot 1osintt their pate tor, Rev. ' . K. "0ng Mobmgall (Mirth. l-deoMon. In: teen seek» in hilt acrvlm. Mr. "an“. had nu-rytrd " invitation to remain hrre a you longer and tell. that he rootd rm crntsidrr the on" from the MM ‘Hlmut the mum! at his hoard. Fm two madam the Loud ditrrtttord the matter and Ill upped guru In by the Humm'm rmtwrgntfptr,. gm] last rr- thg 1:601! to - 3.tr.. “nil-mu mm M a! Imam an .0! NOTICE is hereby given, but- stiant to lie Roving; J5Utmtetrot Ontario, 1597, Chapter 129, Set;- uon as, that “retainers and other persons haying claims ' gamut , the (state ol Anthony II. Hnid, late of St. Clements in the Township Household 1aecu.--oxiord cream separator, glass cupboard. sink bed- stead, child's bed. Winches, box stove, baby carriage, table,' was]; .ttrlt, kitchen chairs, want machine with .wrlnger, iron kettle, kettle, N 'stove, vice and anvil, about " sap pails. 'rerms.-Almin, mngels, tat BOW, fat cattle, poultry, and all sum ot $10 and under, cash; over that amount " months' credit on approv- ed joint notes or 4 per cent. 0! lor cash payments ot credit amounts. Grain, Etc.-. 259 Gli.' ari,TG trustt.'btsrtery, " bush. seed was, aboyt, 200 bush. maligels. Nation " creditors _ v w"' m ~er VV-I v." "3"†ha "l,,8i'tith')q 1%., mm, 'p19tii,'t'jSiiif,iiiii': neckyoko's. logging chains, buggy pole, l forks, shovels, seyUrei, hoes and many out; or attic-lea too numerous to mention. RE ESTATE OF ANTHONY M. "AID, decayed. , - --'"-ee. â€VIN-'1' "I" ‘. Hamlin bat with. ' â€35,0117“ Mr Ilene “IE. 0 mm old.'heuy in, bone tin-3.1 your: old, and m. Cattle, Ete..-a dood' Duly Cows. ' 4-qu due to mm, by “not lily. cow d.ttes to eatm th"Abetr, can _ Inc to cake in my, car in. .to ealve In July; cow d-, to a". In Aunt; u bead ot (It came Rising ' your: old, S. man. like†' culve- 4 month old. . ‘ . _ FTeia9,':'d . fiRthl'iiiib, "£37 (ww'ï¬kmfl (tit a o _ _ "_.,'.. . 5:. f "em1rito.aeiiisrr-ie .Auo-I Thorn/willie; â€mun-w- tb-outloht- tlIIu-nlpai, ï¬lutblunolï¬aw. i'i'iiit'k'5ihtiii an a a mWLdj-dhaum piles ' oejthétmHro. {an aluminium '.ac '1 .,' . ',ol 831mm,:- I 'u't,tiotteiseatrmi. f," _ _ -_.7-- . Dated the PETER Si‘RAUS, Proprieebr. A. J. MICKUS, mrctiomer. ED. K.:\UFMAN, Clerk. No Jesuit no the-farm is sold, I" LOSE PASTOR '. Mail â€on: Nld'olas “an. Execulor. North Dumhlea Ttr., 3rd day of March, 1010 " I 't'rttk* Fa.. M. Ln!“ m. Tig.: out. no. on The March Home Jrmrttat-our Can- adian friend-is the “Spring Fash. ion Number," 'msunctivetr the wo- men will turn to thou [nu-s Ill clothes, embroidered gown, hats, a- la mode, lingerie blames, eur., and of a truth there is an excellent tw- tiortment. Home .lournal’ m mm always to have the luck ot disclosing "just the min; you wanted" and the puttol'ns n! ot a splendid exactness. .' rage" at: the and. The stories a", all good; men's a sketch ot the gnu, painter George Frederick Watts By Katherine Ilnlr; the wait and words ol- Camdian Ban Song written try Tan Moore a enmity ago; "Running Rabbit Stories.“ lu- dian lore tor the childrrn try Ma" iorie Plath-ll; .lcn tir , Ibm Moore Mrs. Sum“; who wnlm “Around thr "culls" has (Ml-r.†M putting interest and worth into the every day doings. The n‘w "ot- tlcullmnl depntmcnt snows lo haw land"! in lamn'nlr soil, tor it is nourishing bloomingâ€. mm mm}:- lor': lplrmls mmnd advice, phi-u small talk In In hrlplnl, mainlin- detartmrnt, "Dittreiminatio in Wall Paper" will Mar mrny nail lags, "ertairtty lot a gonna! plan nt setrrtion betcre any new work " this ln'ls. Attogetb:t t' wrll mum‘lrd number. Mani '2F--Farm stock all! im- Ilcmclltlwl W. H. SWMlIer, 3; miles south ot Berlin on the Stras- bur'; road. ' . After getting “rough WHII the million section, Ste ")ch will timd interesting, etttettairtirtg readimtrrom the editorial outlook to the "joke March 3G-rarm stock and imple- mettta of T'etir Stuns, 1 mile west of Bunk-rt and 3 miles northeast or Wellcslcy. A Maul: ri.-Biacurtit.s supplies; Ea:- penter's tools, lumber, ete.,AMontting to Strut: a: Meisner, Berlin. mun, Mar. 4.--hn amendmem to the I'm-um Disputes Xst will be uhortly Introduced by the" (lovem- mt to trroridr that the employ" who "on." to thumb "Ming "oMttttmq br I at In _'r9eB, tte. Mm]! S3--Farm, stock and im- plements at Nichlmu Ho'Iarth, " miles east ot Berrui, " miles south west ot Brcslau. in} 'n Theda. Mde't'tt a. - anwnw 'siiitthatir, ft.. mention TWP-m, M‘hr and all sum; ot $10 and gander, mull; over ttlat “taunt ' months’ credit otttqV proved joint notrs or 4 [er cunt. on for cash payments of credit am- ot'nts'. ' . E ' "mu-crow: It. walnut. Alumnu- "ANN. MWI-I‘w 1rhsitttttt was“: n " plan a ark wrll Personal n John netwettrr at North " rd, Sash, visit"! re- hrtivvat friends in (his scrum last w -ltastmt spurt muny of his bo days tn and around Wal Itt, his many lrionds M? i plea to â€meet him and foam that l in one of the prmpomna "ms in th R'rst.--Mr. Otto Wirdrrhold ul w Vo span a low darn at. the M Mr, Sinclair Mlorph hm '.-Among those who have had rrr IILIPIK ot In grinn- nro Mr. . "up“; bum Adtrltfi M 'tr fret. {and can n ,m' fortunate phony: to own hogs at the present. tind ‘that they are ' a money-minus asset on the Iatm. tOth high prices for almost, all kinds cl produce surely the farmers in gon- cral ought to be the most contented class at people on the earttc--The Bell Telephone may have rzystretrh- " their It'e,' on the party lints out and west 41 Wollm. The linrs hue been working very good run- tridering the condition the wire: WT?rr in since the storms. However, since the wires have been pulled ihr lim- is in 01%“an condition. *3 mum sad and painful mum Gr prned to the five ya: old 3' ol Mr. and Mrs. T. Kincadr, 'arytror- outth, one day last week school. While one ot the atholarskas "Sing a bow and snow, Mr arrow mm one litue fellow 1' the on: the result ot whiol will! the km ot an eye. This uh be t warn- ing .0 all who hnv “MP-v hate it ot amusing the Ives It Mhool by the use ot a ow and arrow. Where there are ny boys and girls togriher this m of Bport should be cutirolv pr itrd.-The various am-Iicn "fe,, ht dura'rtg ttmpast "w mths w wrll attended, ihe owners rmi fawy prices for articles 01 ““r sate. Personal D John llrtwonlrr of 5orth " ford, Sash, visited re- ot live hogs 1.ratrreached such an extremely high figure that anyone having a number or haml‘ shout rca~ tty tor market would almost peed to pay lo keep them guided, were it rmsihle to.eoatvey them any min. us tho squeal. Farmers '" fortunate though to own hens at of one poittt.-iTho last debate of the season willrbe held on Wednes- day, March sank and an "sseption- ally' interesting dehate is expected to lake pique. The subject its not been decided upon as yet.- The price srs. M. l. Adolph, Wm. Holmes uni E. L. Robinson. the negative by Messrs. H. Faircombc, Wm. Willis, and Jas. Grimm. Both sides were p-flltdebated, the decision arrimt at tir; we judgeé was given? £1;in G the negative by lhe and! margin Mathis“. Gathered by Industrious Correspondents . in County and District. Our Busy Neighbors lrndrd â€10 mm ul arrtun salc of runs-torn! Mork hr'd undvr tho lus-' run of ttre flur'ryh Fat stock I'lutt in (hwlph on March 2m, pur- hauing um of the but animals for saw at a tomtrotrte 'Nm,-.Mt. 1'. Leppnm. lnrmnly ot “dowel, tatm ty a the Canal Roman. us any PP, up a In an ed, and the Intention is to on bulldlng thoroughly rqlllppod with a corttprtr'nt staff. A box governors, ransisling ot 40 I loading Methodists cl 8"an was nppoinird tor the new roll Jr. IIrs- llda Hauman. Jesse Mar. tin, Jesse B. Martin, John Snyder. I Elam Martin. St. Ir-Barbara Gingrich, Cohen Weber. Lorne Weber, Edwin Bauman. Jr. H-Benjamin Snyder, Hanaah Martin, Edwin Martin, Sr. Part IL-Melvin Bullman, or- Pal Weber. u.» m-rn autnnnnd by the special commiUr-v of the Methodist general mutt-mum. The pmmotrrs already have 3150,000 of the $250,000 rrquir- rd Ind H.“ .na-..uur . . ToRoNTo.-.-Thr, establ a new Methodist College ror the Province ot Sn has been authorized by N I'IW M FITHODIST COLLEG E A VII-rag.- month " Jr. Part Ji.-. Orpan Hmntz, Til- man Martin, l-Jlu’as Snyder. Lona Shanta Gauge Martin, Mary We her, You Shuts. Alfred M.,rii.. _ a, ""'""", many "C her, Vera Shun, Alfred Marlin. Part r-tmttert, Snydr-r, erndrl Bru. hachor, Earl Shanta School report of School Section Bo. 21. Waterloo tor the month of Fair ruarv: Class Y-Harvey Schietele. (1...; "'.-Susanaah Gingrich, Leann der Bauman, Lucinda Martin , It. Schicfolo, Jonathan Ci1fi2rd'1t;t Schiekle, Notatte/, Amos Snyder, Gordon 111tizirtwr, Ephraim Sny- der, Israel Snyder, AdemMartin. Sr. IH.-David Snyder, Hannah Martin. Fanny Snyder, Omar Sny- cr'equal, Moses Shana, Neuton We- ber, Benjamin Sander, John Bru- bacher. / [Held out from but week]. A number ot ladies tron) Berlin and this vicinity attended the quilting given by Mrs. Allan Shoemaker on Wednesday, March 2nd. The quilters arrived about ten and workce no- hly until six. A sumptuous dinner and tea were served at an curly hour the guests left for their hom- day.-The trustees of this section de- rs, atter spending a most enjoyable serve great' credit for installing a beautiful new sectional book-case and library in our school.-We are sorry. to hear that Mrs.. David Wismer is suffering from a serious attack a! la trrippe.--A sleigh-riding party com- posed o.' the members ot Trinity Methodist choir, Berlin, taunt their way to the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E..Shantz. Although the choir have visited here a number at times below yet with one acrord all decidrd that this was the most enjoyable time ev- er spent here.-An dogs in this sec- tien are either muzzled or tiM.-.. Porn-to Mr. and Mr.r. Irvine Shoe- maker, a son. Congratulations. - Mr. S. E. Shantz, Mr. Huether, Mr. Allan Shoemaker and Mr. Allan Shantz have burn investing in sonic tine new horses this past week. -Miss Pearl Linton intends‘l'n'ing [or the West in the near future. - Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barthc:amcw tisitrd in our burg last week.-. Mr. Pail Wolfe sold his cow this week for which he received the handsome prim ot $75~TMIZ (harks chrmn and Arthur Hilgartncr visited in Berlin on Sunday. A few of the many friends ot Miss Salome Rollo inger pleasantly surprised her last Tutsday owning an enjoyable time being 'situ-owing to the icy roads, Mr. Thoman, our blacksmith is kept busy 'usettirB burst-5‘ shoes. [Hold over from last not]. News Notea.-mr. and Mrs. Jerry, Weber, and the Misses Camping left Jor their respective homes in the tPctrt.-.xrisset, S. Wanner and' M. Weber or morgue pdd a 4tyittg tiait through here on Saturday and Sodar-Miss Salome Rellinger and Miss Doom-l visited with Miss Emma Sleckler “1' Sunday. Mr. Walter Wildloug, ot Baden spent a lew days with Mr. Neil Waaner's- Mr. Neil Wanner made a business trip to Plattwille on Ttteadar.--The up buckets are ttying high those last few days. Not a very good run this yrar.--Mr. Aaron Rellinger in- tends moving to Mannheim in the near luture. We are glad to hear that Mr. Alfred Israel is im- proving after an attack oLJiLgrippe. Il£_.. “A _. I . . . . - - A SCHOOL REPORT STRASBURG Shantr: . 7 7 aaily attendance BRESLAU e1tatrlishrnent of Etsy, Tracker "I'HPPNI Ind i. A board of of 40 of the Snskatrhevtn, new college. go at Regin- Fs'atskatrhewun, I fir? F Kim} to Hort - for the M