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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Mar 1910, p. 4

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Brieis.-Miss Mary Large spent part oi last week with friends in Brttssels.-3Iiss Belle Fleming loll. last week for Listuuvl where shehas accepted a position as milliner with Miss Gibtrs.--Mrtc. Jean Healing of this place spent ll few days this week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Rotretr 1lettdetson of Lititowet.- Mr. Christian Lit-lily of Nebraska Greens has i'uninieni-ed “on: for Mr. W. T. Shear“. “I'll whom he has hired for the hummer.-- Mrs. $hannon, our public school teacher. spent Saturday at hct home in MitcheU.-Miss .li'xixlt' Chalmers, “ho attended the tuilltttruy openings in Toronto recently, has accepted a position as niillinei "I l‘ieton, ont.- A low from here attended the fun- cral ol the lair Mrs. Wm. bt. Free- born in \\i-llesln~_i l.le Ftulay alter- Buon.-0n Finlay FH‘lllllL', last Mr. David Chalmers 34w in party at his home, "Bee Villa," in honor ot his son Ralph, “ho hunk shortly tor the west. Friends Wt li' present trom Milverton, Millbank, Newton. Brun- ner. Topping, .Kiiigime Stratlord, London, Listowel and Palmerston. Mr. Chalmers had talented singers engaged lor the mttrrtamnwnt, a spe- eial musical programme' “as rendered and short speeilies “ere delivered try the following gentlemen: Address of welcome by Mr. 1'halmrrs. "Our Host" by Mr , Luge, Poole, "The departing one" In Mr. It. Kelly. Kingwood, and "Thr, HUT-ll reunion" by Mr. Thos “lllll'H iisiowcl. At- ter the "hoo-nt wuuxannne “330w er. luncheon “in wuul, alter which those present enymwl themselves by dancing or playing Idlllt‘K until the small hours oi the innininiz, when the gathering dispensed, everyone being well pleased nith the night's enter- tnlmnent. and all wished Ralph every INS: and happinvss in the golden west. Mr PersottaL--.1ir. tl m. .l. Turnbull lett for the Canivli,in Wrst "nTuer,- day last, loading his rat at t,irects on Friday and hiaturdav last..- We hope he may Inn-1 uith tlu. same success that manv wrsterncis have met with.--Mr. Wna. E, Wright ox- peels talc-aw ior Waterous, Flask., next week.--Mr. “night has rented his tarm to Mr. Wm. 1'ummings.- Mt. Ralph Millvr of Li:,towel is home for a " 'lars.--Ur, Adam Strong is making his annual round oi the township as axscasnr. . our load of hugs to the Whyte Packing Co., Aitralford, on Friday last" the record breaking price of $9.10 per cwt was paid.-At llteaue- tion sale held by Mr. Thomas'Waik- er, a sow in pie was sold for $50 and " store pigs wrighing about " lbs. tach' sold for $10.10 filth. Evidently there is no Ila-line in the price ot hogs in sight “hm farmers pay such remarkably high prices for swine. . Items at Interest --ilad the un- Mably mild weather continued amine present wrvk. Many would have commenced the tuaking ol nia- Me syrup. Some have tapped.but the run oi sap “as not sumcient to make it worth while starting so ear- ly as it will almost he necessary to "rtar the trees “ hen the proper tram comes. Some furthers are 50- ing into the business qurte extensive ly and have installed the latest an: most up-to-date outlit. We hope in a later issue of this paper to give a 9eulled description of out: oi the“ ottttits.--The chopping mill at Bht- IIDeVillo has changed on nus. Mr. Wm E. Wright, the lormer owner having sold it to Mt. “in. Holmes. Mr. Holmes intends to run it on ttm'same days as previously and solicits the liberal patronage Iron: the surround-‘ in; community, promising to do Sat, intactory work for his customers.- A petition is being circulated am- on; the 1-csidcnts hetnetn Wallace and Gowaastown, making application tor tree mail delivery. The petition In meeting with quite gem-ml apprir Val and it is hoped the mail route will be in operation during the eon!- ing summer. It “ill he found to he a great eonmniem-e lo the farmers, especially during; the busy season, thus being enabled to rvceive their daily paper "arlt day without trott- ble of going a ten miles to the Post omee, as is newssary with some. The maturingr tor the passing ot the mailman to post a letter will also be disposed with as ma- " do at present. The eonvcnience no doubt will be more appreciated when once the mail route is in oper- ation. It will also save the tarm- ‘ers the expense of putting up Sign posts as the mail box answers this purpose to a nicety.-Hessrs. Knipe, Salter and (label shipped a l A. J. Mtt',itr; of “ammo. 9 mm to Doon on “‘ulnmlny. auiir V FiF aa --e- fweek. w ot changes must be loll-1 thi. not. later than Baud-y noon. Th copy tor clung". mm am he a ht. mu 'rumsua, noon. Dunn] - _ “mooted up to wu. “as am to” and and. known an “who“ are. ".10 ' - I.‘ dogma-in? Fh's'C,'L" and In . hull! hung)“. -- V - DOOM ADVEIIICEII POOLE WALLACE 'ttttttr'"'"" - Bean, Ptoptietot' _nml. am In in“... , ('lm 18-110") . has. Sher 1tta.grrtt, 99- the). ('lass 6-Rissitttt am” old, heavy draught (Entire). Class T-Rising ' ”on old, - lint-gm. titty or mains. T ('lnss '-Ritrittg 3 yuan old, Ayicul~ turnl, futy or gelding. . (‘lass 9--Riritttt 3 years old, Curing 'mr or gelding. (1an "r-Rising an.” old, Rold- Mets, ally or gelding. Class tr-Ri- 2 n old, heavy dratt, Mly or Emu]. Class 124mm; 3 run old, Agrlettl- Clasa Class Class Our annual spring lair is yearly growing in lmporhnocvnnd the nine- teen classes listed below promise to bring out a very large number ot horses to compete tor the liberal miles to be [In on Tuesday, April an» the date ot this year's show. Class l-lleavy draft, Shire or Clyde (Entire). V - C'iasss 3-Perctteron or Belgian I En- tire). f --The mission being held in SLGeo- rge's church here is being well at- tended. The Rev. J. W. J. Andrew ot St. John's church, Berlin. ‘will oftieiate at the cloning of the mission on Sunday afternoon next at three o'clock.--The carnival held in the rink hero on Thursday evening last was quite successful, although the number of those in costume was not. so great as at the one held earlier in the season. The high quality and ingen- uity displayed in intrepretitrg the Harious characters quite made up tor the deficiencies in numbers. The judges were Mrs. It. J. Kerr, Mrs. (Dr) Marty, Mr. Thomas G. Walker and Mr. A. It. G. Smith. and they gave excellent satisfaction. Sonic ot those in costume were Miss Kathleen McGill, Martha Washington; Miss Iida Forster, Jack O‘Lantern; Mrs. Milton Boettger. Spanish Dancer; Misses Gladys Marty and Selma Be- net, two little girls in blue; Mr. l'n‘elman, monkey; Mr. Eric Robert- son, summer girl; Tommy Lantens srhlatrer and Ethel Wagner, bride and groom; George l’incherat, muuled dog; and Mr. James Hahn. clown. GTUE 3.11. was were " water- loo an - last attending tn Item! 0! Mr, “-1 nether. who 1- dledthereonthedthlnat from. illness oak-din. our more In . l -..Mimt Robb sane-nos that the will I. be ready to exhibit new trim-ed spring hats In " unitary WI“ alter -, neat. It. mm a! St.'lary'ahu haw as tn-r.--. Beam Keeley ot BerlinspeatSundayatthehoneol Mrs. 'Jaeob lorlay.-In. R. Jame Kerr and lies Kettles leGill - - mmvmmnmun. .mMi" wum ot Berlin is the - l or New Hamburg "tends.-- We are _ pleased to report that Ire. Simpson LMerner whohasbeea 1xtattined to , the house with a severe attack oi . la grippe is able to be out again. - , nun Vest oi Taviatoeh is visiting , her cousin, in. N. Irtsteieh.-- Miss . Hilda Corrie went to Waterloo on . Thursday to attend the luaeral ot her 5 uncle. the late Mr. w. M. Seylerol t 'rorotno.-au. L. J. Keener ot Bob, lin visited his lather here last week. i r -aus Valentine Rats in a guest at i the home at her son. Ir. B. Rate. _ Beriin.-Mr. and Mrs. W. Furtney ot Elva. Manitoba, were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Schmidt tor a tew days last week.-. was Clara Grail is at present in Stratford, tak- ing a course in China painting iron) Miss Hesmm.--Wsa Florence Puddi- conibe returned on Tuesday Iron a visit to trieadtt in Ayr and aatt.--Mr John K. Roth and Mr. Jacob Bibhle were on a husines trip to Milverton on Tuesday taat.-Mts. J. MeTneiah and Mrs. (Dr.) llaines' of __ Sparta, Mich., and Dr. and Mrs. Winn oi Alvinston spent Thursday last in town, the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. R. L. lt'ttrn.--Mgs John Messner and Miss Messner are the guests oi “lends m mteiptc--Miss Marjorie For who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Guelph, for several weeks, returned home on Friday. - Mr. William Man has purchased the house on Huron street, lately vacat- ed by Mr. L H. Kerr and family, who are moving to Lumiden, saab- Mr. Nelson Schatz who is giving up larming has exchanged his farm on the Huron Road tor Mr. 11ingerich'ts property tear Baden.-- Mr. John Eleanor. manager ot the Electric!“- cr a Stamping works. is on a two weeha' business trip to the Eastern Canadian duea.--. Mr. W. Roth ot South Baathope is taking a earload oi horses and settlers' eliccts to the northwest for his son, who intends making his luture home in, Neuron, .\lberta.--At the annual meeting of the New Hamburg Poultry Associa- tion on the 7th inst., the following ofticertt were elected tor new: Hon- orary Presidents, Louis Point, F. i A. Kraus; Honorary Directors, Reeve Ai1tzeptiesr, F. Goebel, S. Cassel, I John Weber; President. L. G. Peque- gnat; lst vice-president, ll. W. Cul- I hert; Md vicepresident, E. Hall; I secretary-treasurer, George Appel; i Superintendent, E. Loehr; Directors, l S. Sieinman, B. Puddicombe. J. W. , Wright and U. E. Rehberg; auditors, i L. G. Pequegnat and F. DeBus.--. The t hockey match in the O.W.ll.A. ser- ies scheduled to he played here on ' Friday evening between Baden and ' New Harnhurs did not take place 3 owing to Baden delaulting at the _ last moment. The game, (1111", [win , a frnaneiat point ot view, is of no l value, as New Hamburg has lung 3 since had the Lolaycttc eup cinched. f 1“!"th ”but. thw‘dbl'“. U”. Arr. iiiitdk.La-tr-otet1tt. Manuela-Inhab- 'tyi.ftttgeatt.'tgNt tii,--.--.,,". days but ,-.-Mi..stttri. LII- wammuhouJalh. - ML'K!" has gut-Ix. tt1Nttaaicta,tt.ttg': " L r,'.-.,'" 'etttgutftueL'atlt%B; il?1t!it4 mot-Hun M75» “.332. 3--Hacknry or si,?.,'..'",",'.:),);,':,','.') 4-C'arrit hours "in Ire). 5--rtoadstetp in harness (lin- In; t» or. who that a. II week. i ah will “in“ (if “'0' iiUiiii iaiGri)ri%iGT 101%] “It IM tn Class 17--hiitmtr canny horse. - Class ll-singjr drivers. ons., 1B--iil-siiver cup donated by Mr. Jacob Hollmln for the but arm“ or roadster colt rising , trt"" old. filly or gelding. Mr. Edward Kuttennuicr. no“ son of Reeve new. “out “host may considerable anxiety was [on by his pure-u ind Mala lune. writes Iron Seattle that heu- rim " 8: manual uli Ill sound. A torn-ah w tackle-kl delay MM tor MI Not - He a hearth-ll, "Home swm Hotse."--Nr. Miltm Ehy. who: has been around renewing metrds an! ac- quaintances these last few months, left for his home in Brant. Alta.- "rr. Him: “may has also left all ‘community and accompanied Mr. Mil- ton Eby on his trip westward-We deeply regret the has ut our' highly esteemed mend and associate yet we all‘join topthet and wish him a gran! were“ In his new sub” of lilo-The ice went. through here very quietly; no in- firm; canned and ol course the result was no fish were raptured.-3tr. Stanley Rrist ol Kos- suth. Sundayed at the Rivetdale Farm.-Miss durum McKie who has), been attending the, mun B. u,‘ templeted her course last week. r‘ the fact that. the time is not hr hence, when he shall again resume his) duties d preparing his land tor sed- ind.-Restemers are also turning their faces homewud to the little huts n the great prairie Iand.--'rttougtt loathing with all the ambitions of such that have set their eyes on western lands, they long tor the comlortsot eastern lite and admit they regret the day at leaving. Although every honor is tendered the old laminar home sung they never sing " on leav- ing us to again return to their awn homes,' but more likely after they have again settled in their little huts and their thoughts wander home to old Ontario. that the stillness ol their quiet life is suudenly broken by sing‘ Briets.-The last days ot winter on: again coming in their ‘routim. and spring weather arms the farmer Dear Frieqtd.--it is with no small amount of pleasure that we, your friends and companions, are gathered here this evening to celebrate your 21st birthday. We cannot let this opportunity pass without showing in a smnll degree our love and esteem towards you and would ask you to accept this gilt as a slight token ot our friendship and my the-years to come increase that ltiendship is the sincere wish ot nil here pundit. _ We join wt“ U - (that)! Mr. Hallm in hearty ”stimulant; to him in having “and his majority amid such comm! trieqdahips and surroundings. Following was the address:-. ' Mr. Charles Wu. Mr. Charles with a “about gold- mounted umbrella. Thu mipieat ol the silt. while having to admit that he was caught napping, Devonian! made a very suitable Keply. thank- in; his kind kind: for their Mal and much appreciated silt. and which he would long cherish as a mm of his aim birthday. Alter all pne- ent had tendered their best wishes to Mr. Hallman tor may more happy birthdays they started' on their ttommyarritryetr, tired but happy. Mn occasio- ol Hi ”at W]. Me "man than tutu-tad cord-n1 Ireland u. {this aim!“ to them the boson of a. bone. The evening was very hpily‘ - In various pm. unite. ad in um.- ing to the auctions ol the on: pop- ular gumbo-e. [allowing which I dainty luncheo- was and by In. Human and her two than!“ dw- gbters. A plan“ lat-re o! the evening‘s proceeding: m the read- ing of a neatly we!“ “in” by Mr. Clayton Kmtt and " the proper time Min Stall; Holman Irma“ 2gt'lltt'fiiiiutf,ttt 'artr. e no: r you; T'ltffa,ht W a an”: 'd2lrMt'NMlgtr, d. unusual!“ an". were “anus-hand Mullet tatq - - - wi.thewater-atmerhigbuanr um, Holmium-N at P" goes down Emil-tory' u a has Signed, Yoir Friends. CHICOPEE Berlin, March Ist, 1910. Th 'tera, Mt, ff _ to go. Buyout: must not tor- igrt that there no any diiBeaeueg in this lite and that patient - t-nncc is unruly always crow-dim! st-atc-Mrs. John Crow retitled co Gm last Friday, accompmd by her mother, Mrs. Thou. Mil-ll. - Mr. Walter on, M Toronto, wu I visitor at hbt pamu. Thu were nib ”snor- here {who the ”at week Iron qNtertoo, Wallet-kin In "ewkesvitte..-trr. P. Luci in mind " "why-nu at “u- an mm um mun-g Iron in In: tmteas.-ate. Fanny's Alp-hun- er, Btu-Mallet In mun-e. atedi- clm m It" “In! , and.» mum): h an Ono“ M Ch wanna. m u *6tetb't u Dnring the past two weeks con- pl-lnts ot Ind and sometimes hourly impassable to“. have been quite gu- eral. May tnvellerl 1|er dilllcumea In fuelling objective pink ospednlly those who tmd oorms" dil- Pertmtais.--gtisa Maud [insider oi Heidelberg is smiling a week with triettds in town.-Mrs. _Mt'ssllcl’ is spending a month with her.brother, Rev. Geo. Brown, oi Chester-Mrs. l. E. Filsiagzt spat a few days with [finds in Chrater.--Mr. and Its. Gog. Bender and daughter are spending a low days at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. $reBer.--ttisir Hooplin and Mrs. "owl": attended' the luncral ol the late Mr. Hotr.wortt of Waterier. - Miss Edna Eby spent a week with her uncle in Wnterteo.-Mr. 3. (Sim grieh of Waterloo spent Sunday with [fields in town-ttis, Helm!“ (Hes entertained her Sunday school teaete [ er and class mates-on Thur-thy ev- ming. A very pleasant evening ‘14 spent in social chat, etc. ._. ' able $mqrth of the vlth lustrous weakness and nerdy!!- succumbed to an gulch, ol pneumonia orledneaday morning at ftse o'clock. The remains were interred in the 3rd line ceme- tery on Friday alteruoon. The Inner- at was conductedi’by Rev. Mr. Me- ‘Lachlnn, and the large hottest: which lollowed the remains to their last resting place, showed the high esteem in which Mrs. Fathom wns held. She leaves to mourn her loss a huslmu. not! him chlhtmn, Tiz.:-- William, Arthur, Howard, Bertha. narrate. Pearl, Maude, Ethd and Lotianne. Al- so a sister and two brothers. Mrs. Scott at Detroit, Mr. Wm. Loyola. Niagara and Mr. Joseph Loyal "C Los Angles, California. This com- munity gives its int-trot sympathy to the burned husband, lamily and relatives. treins manned to bed tiriiix,urek here attended the reception’and Par- tr at " Bu Villa" Peale. given by Mr. David Chalmers last Friday cv- onlng. All we a good time. with ot Mai "eeioiiLUGiGitt, regret. that we report the death of In. Wm. s. Moms. who "tter seems to be Preva%t.tProtesaor Richardson is to given I'ecture on Tuesday evening in, the Sellool here. He is to spew?» "trohtship, Love and Marriage" and to give agood Progrturtims.-4tteitea number [tom Dotrzart, Ae aged mother ot Mrs. Yen, is " mt hid up with a severe cold. -Ne. Geo. Edrt hats tor the that let! days Been wort- iug at the chopping mill as the pro- priotor has been Uidyr with la grippe.-Mm. up!" is suturing mere- ty from an attack ot Ia'glippc which Briets.-Mitss Olive Omit-d has re- tumrd to ter hum- an" syndiu; two weeks with triads in. and arenas Listmtet.-gtr. Ab. Sim has re. tunml home alter working tor a con- Ne of weeks In 3 Berlin ftmtittrre notary as], painter.-Mr. All“ Yost int Sunday at his home tiere.--Mrs. w. A. Btigtt at the Pooplc's has}; Co., “To business visitors to town on Tuesday last. tor in Iowa on Saturday Iatrt.- Messrs. Jam and Anthony Gm nth attend'd the lumen! d their sis- ter. held in Michipn Int, week.-. Mt. H. B. Lowe was: business visi- tor to (menu on Fridar"uat.- Mr: Albert Steam), rabies inspector To? Wilma: TIL. was; Vinita to town on Many hat. Heats. N. R. and . few a." with mm a?! relatives in town ant vicinity "emttty.-. The “Pink Rose" service conducted In the U. B. chunk on Sunday and-glut unit-r . (lie am ot the RNA. was atbtded " 3 km and nie greeiative attde-.,.-3er. Thu. Mb- er it.,'ol Born-,4“:- business visi- tor in Ion on Satuidav‘ lang, mdini . low not; in tninitsteriat work here and other may .otttttc-- Mrs, "e' "59.." his» - mt Lou: and rend-APE“ u. c. ammo returned to his home in Wal- lmgrran “and” _ luv. after - Mud in“ to my...» - the! no 9.010101 in c has- when,“ - noon no {lotio- mum»m‘m. an rill-cum. 'ttehemrreeAdsrd by “mm! hill-M. " 1km 'toNrtmr..-ahi. B. Iain ttduet-sages.,'."-,)., Ink-Mmu.u “an“, '39:”qu New!“ in? ' Tara- ia"' E‘s??? new“ W has has tnet 3.- Pe" Pntr "IF-c a! M,“ " - __- 1. __-v- _-- tfa'Ntituetgr.t m FLomutLatt CT. JACOIS a"-----' NIH DUNN! KONGWO°D curators Joni-h Stanwor"nnd lnm “ C. llgllmnn. below that date. I . Dated, Berlin, out , Mnrrh 12th, 19to W. I (“ANN _ J . . h'aecutors' Solidlnr, NOTICE is herd” given that dislrt Minn ot the at.“ ot Levi Slam- let. Into ot the Town ot Watrrtoo, Comtty ot $Ntertoo, Ground. will be and. an Apr. lulu. mo, 5nd tr- ad will be In. only to ninth chima ot which punkulns are Itiven In 1hr -tortt Jollah Skull" Ind lnm C. [hum-n. below that date. 'tat. The uric of Mt. Mrkhos "otrarth " miles can. ot "0an and 2. mil- es troqtttoregt ot 13min. which tn to have taken place March Mrd has but: Indennutely postponed. March 24.--Atrcuon sale od Farm Stork and Implements ot Frank Stunt, one hall mile son“) of "upc- ler on the old Eattm lulu. April l.-Joinl $10.1: sale at Wol- Ieslcy Village. 0n returning to his bum about 0 o'clock on Mm- Mr. J. R. Bing man. ot 'Bioomitqtdate, [and ttmt his bright tray mute was missing. The mare wore a blanket and halter at the time. The dcsaiptim ot the ur‘ inn! is as fotlowr.-A white'slm (n ttte totohnd; on the left him] teg a whim sock. 't's height is about 1s.t or 15.2. The appeatanco, thick all cobby. Age rising to [our wars. Its weight Is aha" NM Its. HORSE STOLEN FROM BARN Briets.-Farmer.? Club Met-ling on Friday evetirt', Maul: lath. Mr, Hart of Gait Collegiate lnslitnto will deliver an address. Everybody wehtmne.-i-Mr. Samuel (‘assel srid a team ot horses last week.-.-Mrs. Al- lan Mach, of Toronto, is the gut-st ot Mrs. Samuel Mare-Mr. Joshua‘ M. Slim" is preparing to cred a driving house during the coming sum- mer.--WUter Kerr intends shipping a; all“! of horses to Lunsden, Sask,‘ on March 24th. News Notea.-nutietr Anna and UL .iria Buchirt are spending a few days with trieedtr in thretrrh.- Miss Apes Michnack, from Chicago. Iclt alter spending a tew weeks with the Misses ktgitrer.-Mistres Victoria Ball and Agnes Kaiser attonded the Gra- duating excretion at the Berlin & Waterloo Hoopla] on Tuesday. Both, young ladle: are. also graduates ot that instittttimt.-Rev. Mother Mar- riann. iron: Milwaukee, visited the convent here last week. She was ac- eompanied by the new Superior tor. the orphanage, Mother M. Nivarda, iron Grimm-The Rev. Sister is a' very capable and kind hearted women at such a disposition which wins lavor with all. Slater Nivarda was fSuperior ot a school at Chicago for 20 years. The people ot m. Agatha extend to her a hearty welcome. - Mrs. Reiber received the sad news ot the death ot her dmrgtster-irr-Uw, Mrs. Geo. Reiher, ot Manuela“, Mich. We extend to the bereaved lam- ily our heartfelt sympathy. Notice h unditors "rttHtt"ttAartrttetteer howled. Amdulstmly was made "revere nus no at tho Sum-c we Scum-n, which showed " m a emttrideeabitt period that of tho-e discharged as Fflmreutly cu:~ ed" " par out. were “my Other suitor}; Mn equally .5001 re- sults “‘~ " l) coming to he more Ind more generally conceded that the control ot tihetculolil in a problem [or the local authorities. As there " " tw- engo ot " deaths Iron the dim every yea ll the County ttd Water- loo, we - to have our own local problem to cope with. "Let us their be up and doing." A. J. menus. Auctioned not ttU. 5175mm: “"6“" .7 W tnt t to II F.i2i7iEii this “ I. mm. not“ u not; . his“ all!“ I . c. . II, bu on bi . " Into a. a» ,itititrl.t/ri.' It. dfgtt 'Pe. m m “In" hon: L a _ “tum-umduugm ftp M.muo.; dt I? b.“ m. JN at love " - "Beted 'sTll,f,'lft l“ " ”It" clott- tor that an and can. n I- not haulage. but IMO!!!» nu Monaco. that loves “you "dries a consumptive out YI 331999999: “W‘Wi him any“: M but. a. M, . Ti. "n; garly to 1ueeretuiiuiiiiGar.hr'; - 'll'tatPWt"t farm; m%?.'..::. iLiSiy Auction Sales SALE POSTPONED BY. AGA'I’HA HAYCVILLI W. SNAYLOR. sadirl' Victori aLuvng _I t'--, §qpuh:lcphyn i?! l Nulnmbks mm quality " inn-hos- lwidc tor underwent worth tsc. tor Inc. . 5:18. Imam: it so. a P . - 'l’"" _ " News Victoria Lawn extra qllnl- 'trr pretty puma: in my amp its, worth lh tor Sc. ""1 j,.'.,?,',"'.,",',?,,',",",'),'.' and Drum _ a ... "v . "p c ., "urn. lamnnc " Inches at Incl Never ham shown m JG"ann and ISC. ‘cnlorod and printed troodiie dres- Bkeched Canons " inches at so. we, waists Children’s mt: Sightings 10c. and "ie. land Blame: It Inc and tse I See our special " inch Fhubtoitt- yard. cry Cotton " Ladies night (lawns -'------------.-.- Wotlll 25e.tor 20r. fir-“"9- --A Emtrroi4ery Cotton " incurs A! 20c and Mc. Nalssonks 37 ithrs at L5c., 200. and 250. Brides (‘unbric " inches 12V. Madiplunc Cotton " indies lsr. Long Cloths " inches t2tr. French. Cambric " inches at up and ISC. Every waned hind is to be lounidv hero gt iqterosung prices,-- White Cotton: Scotch Ginehams tor shittings blou- srs ad aprons " inches wide up best. obtainable, washing colors sve- cial at lsr., 20!". and 25c. Dress: Gingham: A big choice In prouy Ginmams all colors_special at 10c, me and 15c. Pc English Galateas In stripes ot dark colors at 15e, 200 and Me. Ind“ Linen: Hauler lfur quality lot my Regular 200 quit1ity for 16e. "on!" Mr. quality tor Mr. $tetrutar MY qudiiy for 23c. For Boys' sluts and Blouses at me 15c, Me. and 25c. . We've got a lot of good things to selUnd we nt eb woman in Berlin aim Waterloo and surrounding, you!” know about them. - We ask you for your own benéfit to n this list carefully: , V ' _ We lave secured the best things toe “We at! ctdhtien'a Sultings, the kind that will we“ and wall well: A look " our immense stock will mn- larch 17th, 18th and“19th when all the Latest Creations in Ladies and Children's Headwear will be shown. . Miss Waller and Miss Philp in chums. Blle" l,llM Mmm The Ladies of the Twin City are Cor- dially invited to attend our Annual Spring Opening which Takes Platte on Millinery Important Dry Goods Mitigation IR Berlin’s Progressive Stat: M l Striped Linens S. “B. 1lllWlilll t " Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Cambrics Waterloo's Greatest Store Opening i' LE“! and Oat-abac- - ‘__._-_ tn plain rotors all new shines spe- ILQI at 159, 20a, Ind 26e. _ Indigo Hen in? Orggndy sag! In pretty mrtoriufiiGGtritiiii,r, and stripes " IK., Me., mud Me. All, Dteu GourGiGGiii be thoroughly dull-k r We shrink and awn " “ml We shrink and sponge " [has Goofs and Suitings wittuer modem shrinking machine which shrinks thor- outhly and have: the material with a tfniah like new. We do " m- trrials brought in to us an. se. vd. In Suiting: tor ladlts'fwut we show a large variety ot put. any mi and diagonal weaves "aging in prices from Tse. tt, 'tas to 81,50. White tape stripe and Mal lins at tse., 36e. and "se. Speck! value at "Trier; White Vostings at "e,' 80e, and 35c. 20 pieces Victoti: Lay}: extra mul- ity worth 15c tor MV. _ ' pieces Vidal;- hm: “(In ity worth 20c tor tse. mmmsmims Persian Lunar. [fangs at tse 30c. and 5”!" Swan “IBIS u f2'tt,!tft.tt 111-! I. mm: Ila-inn

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