y, Ernst’s Piano, Organ, or Sewing Machine Vlolln, Guitar. Inndolln, Banjo, . Autoharp, Accordaon Columbia Machines a Records = Men's solid Icthrr bluchcr or bal shoes, extra heavy soles, regular price $2.50 and $3 sites 7 lo 10.3:an rriro . Piople are quick to recognize a special of truly remarkable low pri- cing, that's why we're had such rar- ly rushing shoe business lately - that's uhy We should haw still big- ger business yet. MORE RUSH PRICES ON 800138: SHOES FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN. $4 75 & $525 BOYS' OVER. cons $339 . llullt of) snappy school lines in serviceable neat grey and darker ma- terial. The cieverest coats you'll see anywhere, sizes 27 to TO, sale price ‘81."? "Y V . .= s . 'r I "Ji',' ' 'd. . a ' . ' ' V» _ in“ . ( in these beautifully fmtshed coats; cut in all the prevailing styles of the [most imported tweeds. The tormer prices “no $12 to $14. Mea's (Normals, character, icdi- viduatity and quality that will ark- peal to mm who know are unhoiied To Clear Saturday at $4 " & $5.25 BOYS' sun's 8389 The maximum of style and roost tailoring‘ is in them handsome little suits, made three piece style in ueat patterns, blues and blacksfsalr ttice FOUNDRY ST. SALE OF MEN'S TROUSE RS A icw hundn-u pairs ot serviccable men’s working trousers with a wide choice ot patterns to select hum. The rv-gular trices have bun $1.75 to $2.25. _ Men’s Suits, a stunning group, which will surprise you by their style, finish and general good lcoks. Materials are mostly twecds and worsteds, in weight tar winter, spring anl fall, all the new models, colors and styles are well represented, suits that formerly sold at HZ to $14. $12 to $14 MEN'S SUITS NOW .795. Becker’s Music Store Clever mw stylts lor winter and spring wear in fine tweeds and wor- steds, in handsome new weaves and cut, correctly cut, lot mm and young men's business wear. 8rges& $9.50 MEN'S SUITS, at85gs. ; Raw FEES Wanted W, In" (“band together all the odd line- in - “on! meat and wit clear the. out " no: own price. " mm like giving good Any. The nylon And gummy no and you hare bound - porch... undo In thin "ore, I mum aim man And liberal titmene That In why this for. u the Ingest null In. home in Berlin. The â€In starts " tt o'clnol _8aturdn_.y morning and wilt continue on“! ovary snide in the whole lot ha Odds and Ends Left Over From the January Sale. Mink, Muskrat. §kunk and l Clearing Sale Berlin 8999778: clothing Go. suitable and much appreciated gift would be a VOL tu-. A large stock at Bottom Prices " 95 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FUR DEPARTMENT , King Swain. “I'll." t - â€In?“ Coon. -33? 1 9S 3189 5.95 T 49 Men's Winter LWderwear, wool and fleece lined styles, shirts and drawers, very {most quality. all sizes, ro- gular 75c, snlc price Men's heavy lined working Gloves and Mitts, made from good strong mute skin, mitts are made with heavy wool cur, gloves have cord fasteners at wrist, regular price 750, Sale price Boys' Underwear, 'wool and Reece lined shirts ated drawers, just the weight tor winter wear, regular NC for Men's Shirts, in negligee style, all the season's latest stripes andtolors extremely handsome shirts, all sizes. regular $1 and 8.25, sale price Men’s Socks, all wool, in grey and colors, goon reliahic weights, regu- lar 25c, sale price I Boys' solid leather box call Much- er boots, sizes 1 to 5, regular price i $2, sale price , Men's boots, box (all. vicl and the“): tan, cwry pair guaranu'cd ggoodyoar welt. A choice at a Me _ boot tor either street or house wear. lRegular " and 84.50 per pair. All 'sizes, sale price Men's working Shirts, . in Shim-s, and dark colors, splendid weight, stfong and durable, regular 50c sale prim: Women’s Bows, Fall shapes, in don- gula and box calf, heavy cxtuuion soles, Cuban heels. blu-lrcr cut, tops. vxlra ftne skins, sins 3 to 7, re- gular $2r50 sale price. BARGAINS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Men's ovcrcoats, a wry fitw scrcct- ed lot of overeoats in the smsun's newest and popular fabrics, display- ing clever tailoring and superior fm- ish in Parry detail, at the scasris start they 'wrrc considered exycption- al values at 810 to $12. Misses tine box calf and dongola patent tip Mueller boots, regular price te, sate prim- BERLIN, ONT. "Ernst’s '49c 19C 1.93 “mum. ammo. man: u . Installation of "mcrrir.-.-The instal- ation ol oiBixyrs of Nlth Lodge No. " Independent Order of Quit-"ova, 'was successfully hold an Thursday "ruin; last by Mr. Meg. Abraham, " D.O.M, ul .'4trnttord, “wig-rimmed by an 'omrmn “all ot tsubordinate omens. Previous to the IIIBMHIHM Ftrms wrre roMom'd on sewn! I-nndidalm try the “slung brethren, “we alter the lnatallatloa the newly nlrcted Noble Grand appointed In: suppolk-n. The business being coa- ched. ttl nut“ to tan Qua-'- a.. V -. News Notes.---. Jacob Morley is I News Note-or-ttNutt- to visiting her "itor, Ira. Dom Met. Mr. Henry C. GtmNi.' who celebrat- " Kelvey. in Hamilton-Ir. Harold ed his and birthday on way, In. H. StuartwcotSuadayathia homeln 2hth. III-1h»! "mu-Vitu- .hia _lteherll.--Hm. leuugblin oi Tor- Borry to report that w. Georg Bed ere onto in the guest ot her sister, In. is quite ill " malt-lla- at" not Jacob Rau.-Mr. and lira. H. L. 'Stalbaun ot Preston visited - " Hauaaaman, ot Grafton, North Da- brother, It. Erastu‘ Cornell hora. Kota, who are on their way to spend last ,reeg.-Hiaa W Shuts. tte several weeks in Florida, called here Hill Crest km. W With nd to visit Mr. Hausamen's sister, In. lricnda in Bern-all- A. Cor- .ed o. Bntter.--Hias Minnie lhndatein oi no". who has M utdr "has! Me London is visiting her parents here.-- iron a month's stay at the home of 'ar. Mr. w. C. Livingstone, accountant in Mrs. Brit-tor in Mlle. in una- All the Standard Bank here, was when ed with Mrs. lrvlae Shanta tor the ing the manager in Taviatoek tor a summer tttottth..-aet" Selina Backer 195 couple ot days last qreeh.--Mr. and accompanied try In. 2Itfg"Aef". - Mrs. Henry Ernst spent Saturday and the latter’a two took a mu. last in Toronto.-Mr. John Bean ot trip to MN) on Sunday. where rice Bright visited Mr. and Mrs. George they were the - ot In. Becker's Bean here last Mondtt-Mr. Adam sister, lira. Andrew Thaler. - lies Rata of Tavistoek and Mr. Edward Elsie lay Hilbert: visited her cousin, " Rats of Berlin spent Wednesday last Mrs. Will Stewert oi Chioopee Road, - in tomt.-Mr. and Mrs. Georgerster- on Sunday.-lir. Wesley Hellman and Ola ling and son Harry oi Plattsvillo his sister Mina Bertie, ot New' Dun- ' visited New Hamburg friends last dee, were welcome visitors at the Ftidar.--Mr. Louis Hahn, President home ot their uncle, Mr. Amos 2dl; So ot the Hahn Brass Company, accom- man, on Sunday.- The many irien - panied by Mm. Hahn, left on Thurs- ot Miss Cornelia Jansen will regret day via Buttato and New Work tor to learn that she is on the sick list. "i the Bermuda Islands, where they will ~Miss Alberta Sherman was a busi- ‘C Spend a couple ot weektc--Hra. Pin..' ncas ‘Visitor to Berlin on Friday. - I."' schenat, while on her way down Miss Jennie Hallman and her brother ay- town one day last week, had the Mr. Charles H. paid a lying visit 9'," misiortune to slip on the icy pave- to the home of Mr. Creasman's in " s meat and dislocate her shoulder-Mr. Strasburg on Sunday aiternoon. c- tm- R. w. Cressman was on a business Miss Clara Farrow, who has but late- trip to Toronto on Thursday last. - ly leit this vicinity and taken up her - Mr. Millhouse and son of Gophen, abode in the County Town, has re- T- Sask., are the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. signed her position with the Star ron Chas. Schlegcl here.r-We are dicased Whitewear Co., oi Berlin, and accept- PS- to note that Mr. John Handstein, ed another with the ToForsyth Cb., rc- who tell and broke his leg some time » of the same Natre.--Niss Mable Hall- ago, is recovering and expects to be man visited at Mr. George Eby's on 46 about again sotm.-Wr. J. K. Barrett Sunday tast.-rMr. Abram Gobi, of - oi Winnipeg, Chief Inspector of the Prairie Roan. Saskatchewan, who is License department, and Mr. J. B. a welcome visitor with his numerous [D Powell, collector ot Inland Revenue, relatives and irieada ot this neighbor- Guelph, paid an ofrteial visit to the hood, left last week tor Budalo, 's Han Brewery here on Thursdtt--Mr. N. Y., where he will be the guest ot M. John Kelley, who has been employed his grandmother, Mrs. Suasanah m: as a moulder in the Hahn Brass Roach and his aunt, Mrs. Beruintt.-. Company's Works here tor the past Mr. Milton Eby oi Bright, a small eight years, is leaving town .ror Port burg, midway between MacImd and 9C Huron-Mr? James Crossett is mov- Calgary, Alberta, is visiting his - ing to New Hamburg with his tam- uncles, Messrs. D. L. Weber and " ily from Palmerston and has rented Amos Hagey, of Chicopec, and other It- the house owned and recently vaeai- relatives throughout this district. - cd by Mrs. M. Bier, who is now liv- Mrs. Peter Shupe and Rev. Mr. and = ing in Berlin.-Mr. Benjamin Krupp, Mrs. Silas Creesman, all ot Berlin, - the well known drover ot New Dun- were recent visitors at the home ot ' " dce, was in town on Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hallman, at ,8 looking tor a suitable residence as it "White Villa." _ s is his intention to retire trom active - -..-- ' business and to live in New Ham, '"------------_-=T.==.=.= / burg in the near luturc. Mr. Krupp T N has many friends here who will be "a"'"""', -j much pleased to hear oi his inten- o ow T tions.-Mr. Charles Peinc and Mrs. [ r Russel? ot Chicago are in town at Suttsetrittors l IC, present on account oi the serious ill- ' ', . ncss of their mother, Mrs. Henry f,',"ttie we, to ob. I c Peine, whose condition is causing “in I: " 'IME, Inner at a I . her iriends much anxiety.-. Dr. and "lull troet. Ogt paymentoi . 1 s Mrs. Walter oi Berlin spent Sunday c g at the home of Mrs. WaNer'a One. Dallar mother, Mrs. Thomas Puddioombc, I Haysvilie.--At St. Agatha on Tues- wawxilaend the Chronicle-Tele- day, January the 17th, .Mr. Fred Iipth,2,'.tt,rgr.ee tn Canada' ' Hartman of this town was quietly mnoimiut3t-rtitlijff. married to Miss Maggie Walton oi . , , Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman in- THE t1 _ tend making New Hamburg their a it I future home, and have the treat wish- “Moms!" - Telegraph T [ . cs oi a large circle of iriends here.-- ' ' it is the intention of the Rink Com- Pany to hold another carnival at the “mm: 'd'll'eti,Tht',t,g 21 ', skating rink here about the middle oi MM t'm't,'t,tud W St February. - Rev. Father Fischer, hot new “a . “I. M in Grand Deputy, paid an olilcial visit of =igh'tt, provide Pi to the local branch oi the C.M.B.A. NI in glam! each week is ,on Wednesday evening list for the tge, thete adiatriouln‘ the " purpose of installing the oiNxtrtr for 'mV. in the ensuing year. An oyster supper or was served in the rooms and a very 'um.‘ I" on pleasant and profitable evening was trtrl spent. The following are the oilicors .='-T==t=Tat.-i-i-i-r----.-.-. '11 elect: Chancellor, J. P. Ran; Presp ---------==='-'==C==T:==z.= tr duet, John A. Hartman; ist vice- tel when: brother Kraus had prepar- co; lprcsidcnt, Albert Fischer; Ind vie. ed the supper which usually more any r-president, Leo Rumig; Recording-sco- panics the function ot installation. a,“ rotary, Alphonso Fischer; Assistant Noble Stand MOW" Geo. Rahn We. ho: lttcordinrerecretary, Arthur Buckel; sided and brother Allan Smith acted s Financial Secretary-treasurer, P. J. as Vice-chairman. _ I , Hartman; Marshall, "Ed. Scherer; dc; Guard, George Wankline; Trustees. Miss Minnie CM! W" the hostess est; J. P. Rau, le. Mlgllarlni, Leo Rumlg of the "Five Hundred" Club on Cht and n. F'ischer.--a picked rink ot Thursday Home“. " the home ttem rurlers from hero, consisting oi Mes- ot her parents, and Mrs. Samuel 'cf, Hrs. it. F. Winn, Thomas Sterling, M. C'aasei, Huron Road.-Two loads ot truii Nor-tiger and“. Rebelski, journeyed swung people trom Berlin visited our can to Bright on Friday evening to 1m rink on Saturday evening taat.-. The S. Hw trophy won by Bright at the New Hamburg 0.W.H.A. team came the ttrtmipiel here last year, “a which out victorious in Ayr on Monday has in lo be deli-Med against all com- Fast by n more of b-A. We term _ m“ on tor thrvr. â€.30.... The attempt to report the serious illness with ing “as not 'tucretrtrtul.-The Oak Grove nnvllmonla ot the youngest daughter Biel Cherie, a Butter Company held their ot Mr. and Mrs. H. Peacock. an" annual met-ting in the William Tell MN Hall how on Wednesday atternoon. . 1nnuat Mrvting.--T'he annual new. Sm The omrprs were appointed tor the Inq ot the Wilmot Agrteuturar"sd tion ensuing year and the annual Mancial ciety Watt held at the Imperial Hotrt The statement, which was prescnlrd lo here on F'rlday attemomt, Jttstttary Iloci-I the mot-ling, was most gratilylng to thr Mst. The artrtuat “To" VII trad I ttttre thr shareholders and patrons. and adopted and the lollowlnn nm- & I'm. 'te-s-ut-trua-st-tu-i- inCmmtrandDtatrget. NEW HAIIURG Our Busy Neighbors m- try Be as “In mi and lay r'a ' be, es- we l! . d xv 13-: ot in- rlt h- um L" can h? ofthe TT - vv-n-I "W01 -., o, R, G. Smith. C. Vital. Henry lot-l- ler, Peter Borg. Levi lute: and 0mm LttutmoetNtter; Auditors, D. Broker and L. Pei-e. The am at the annual spring bone show. which is being - by the Sodoty " Be den, has - I. " My. Apr. 13th ttett, “I the Full Pilr will be held lire OI treeteithe the mu ard "th, I ". . "i"-'"""""' V""'"! the 2lst. The anmnl report was read and adopted and the [allowing ow. cers were elected tor the ensuing roar? President. R. N. Ken; t qu'e- prvaidcnt, Samuel Cuiel; I Jtpflt “dent, AIM-d Rah-195,11} nu. it Halve“; Directors, J. r. an, George M. Fowler. "esttr mm". A, Nun-5 yum“! "um 'Mtrettt “81M out rink on Saturday evening taat.-.Ttd New Hamburg 0.W.H.A. tum came out victorious In Ayr on Monday last by a more of H. We regret to report the serious illness with pneumonia ot the youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. Peacock. _V___--- - "" Thursday Hedging at the homo oi her parents. and In. Snmuel Passe], Huron Road.-Two loud: at swung people trom Berlin visited on: rink on Satan!" (Walla. ".t_'rt.d __ ,,___ - rnwyul' ed the supper which usually accou- panics the function ot installation. Noble grand brother Geo. Huh: pro- sided and brother Allan Smith acted as vice-chairman, - I N. Y., where he will he the guest ot his grandmother, Mrs. SW Roach and his aunt, Mrs. Beruintt.-. Mr. Milton Eby ot Bright, a sun}; burg, midway between MaeLeod and Calgary, Alberta, is visiting his uncles, Messrs. D. L. Weber and Amos Huey, of Chimpee, and other relatives throughout this district. - Mrs. Peter Shupe and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Cream. all ot Berlin, were recent visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hellman, at "White Villa." _ 1 ncas ‘Visitor to Berlin on Friday. - Miss†Jennie Holman Ind her brother Mr. Charles H. pill I lying visit to the home ot Mr. Cremman's in Strasburg on Sunday afternoon. C" Miss Clara Farrow, who has but late- ly lelt this vicinity and taken up her abode in the County Town, has to- signed her position with the Star Whitewear Co., of Berlin, and accept- ed another with the ToForsyth Cb., of the some Nate.--- Mable Hall- man visited at Mr. George Ehy's on Sunday 1ast.-r-Mr. Abram Gehl. of Prairie Rona. Saskatchewan, who is a welcome visitor with his numerous relatives and friends ot this neighbor- hood, left Inst week tor BuEan. connin- . mph“ Ilium", of tho but n " homo m mud- t'nt'tedi mar. hest "m And I In“ g..- ' - New: museum-anon to Mr. my C. tNaatal; who “at, ed " "" W] on may, Jan. with. Mary - "mm. - we no Borrr to £0011 that Mr. Gonna“ Hm tie Wt, to ob tah, .1" mm P-at . small troat. Ort pnyment. of . "and" “w gun lo 115'†" 'ttrt - (on tel! (layup-The Rev. ttae, Humm- 91W pulpit. ', tte Sandi with the Rev. In. "te. ot H_ttte, who we ' was: [Ducting] dilemma trom pm no of 18. And_umnced sperm arr-min; I'D-Mair other In the . 'lllra'fatdltutTi, "lam "In; Mr. WHO. ll, [hwy mnmng-du M ,an old new. boy, tteeoptra position , MRI-W†fax eashier.-Mr, Hbenor Hunky is ' “my.“ PM“ ihmior and Mr. F. B. Sta-phem, . ' Peter-Eighty people trom this m M" . In†(iiiii7ll; Arr a: holiday mm to the hs Ro m“. - maul attd "ttttt,--Mtutr [Irma are a Aum Mth uh "U. ! plunging Mud: this month anâ€, them are farm d Jan Morto. to M Elle Jon Anderson; no Hurley to Band . Hendrick-on; Jam o, 00' to John d lie-rpm ad an†own-Qua I pliant am ' H. mw-wc In] \I and son Fred, of Alexander, New. I ate visitor! here this not. They ham bought the farm at the late Mr. M. l S. Hnnsbcrger at a 5030 figure. This deal was negotiated by the local real estate dealer, Mr. S. B. "Bi+t.--ger. Chas. Neal has sold his barber busi- ness to Mr. Vincent Hurley and Mr. .eo Hurley In: purchased Mr. Nears i building and in opening n quick lunch counter and retrtattrant.-gfr. James S. McClellan. lormerly traveller tor the Waterloo Mtg. Co., in Innitobn, has purchased a halt interest in the machine business of S. B. Biehn. "w, ing to the increase of business Mr, Biehn needed assistance in tin ever- growing Reg! tlsruo and nttuhinoi trtminrssrertr'. Roht. Smithson of l Stillwaler. Mnn.,,hns taken a posi- tion in lltehn‘s real estate other. - The literary society is eontinirrg its meetings and In meeting with greatl sweet-s». Mr. Mllton G. Dare? Pl Preaidemt.--rtte Dc-nlnln- nul- .-._, ,, â€"v --"""""""..r""""""+- a, - - ... - 00““!th and large deliveries oi train are made a'"'""""'-----'------,-,,. daily. This point has passed the ' - f a 200,000 bushel mark in shipping this , . , season. There is still a lot ut grain in the tarmeru' mam-Messrs. M. E. 816 a s an m Wll Phlllcy and James G. Henry, both _ lame tumors, are each buyln e thirty-horse “Flour Guy" 0.5mm GOOD GOODS Low PRICES tnurtiore m tor Ntmiag. mt. -""""------------Lc2UCi",L. are also Invert! lar 'e slum plowin . . . . . _ outfttt, preparing t, start in the5 We "WP.†attig Ptirt! of 3m“. m th. W3: "a i. sprin . Indications are that than: order to have room enough to dupley the new good: we 00 due will go an Inzreqac ol " least lor- on. â€I... oi out Rug. Ind Coat Hahn a the following low - ty per cent under cultivation the coming "t"8et.--Ar. Steinem Ha u l {Tu-Om M " Tttee. "Iâ€. 'C h “t “In. and son Fred, of Alexander, Mam, - - ate visitor: hom. "m, --b ML . ".-_, Jan, 38.~Silloo Jan, lst Allis part at Saskatchewan has experienced the thtest weather ever known. There I: barely enough snow tor weighing, The roads are all in pertect coudition and Inn-n- "__. - commodiw by it]; and expressed ttmniilGiG""fii7i', ol aiding the scheme If they Were ac- nnmmAA-¢-J . ._ A V ."r.-u~-n-wvva Hull) Montrose, Winterboumc. New (305 may and Conatago wen- present and ---" .. - v - i - V†_..-- In luacwl . St. Ry. Co., was present and an- swered all questions relative to his proposition to extend the road, pgo- Vlding the bridge is built. There was much discussion, alter which a strong committee was appointed to obtain the needed lauds it possible and report at another meeting to be called. Representatives from [ “M.--“ .... . A _ -7--. - Prrs. LeVi' Martin ot near Ertiavith, >visited at the home (1 Mrs. Mayor on 3tomitsr.-ariats Florence Shepherd spent a few days with her sister at Bertim-ttuiteU large number trom here attended the lecture on “The Pennsylvania Dutchman†by Rev. Be- tl New. Rote-r. Vernon Boyer ot Berlin spent Sunday at “le View."---. Stanley Sweitzer and sister Miss Inn (1 Bridgeport, were guests at "Rosedate Farm" on Sun» day.--Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Toronto, Sundayed at the residence or Mr. and Mrs. MeAtnat'-ss Nellie t%y- der. Berlin and Mr. M. Durant and Mr. J. A. Durrant ol Thuttertrouene, called on Mrs. Bemis on Saturday.- Mr. and Mrs. Noah EN of Waterloo called on Mr. ma Mrs. Levi Ert, last weeV.-aer. and Mrs. M. Bundle spent Qmday at Bertin.-. Mr. and Jtrrs, Ian-v" 1.--“.7 _. -» hill. ttt WIN, who gave s very practicsl discourse from Phalm 51:12, 18. And summed speclsl services every email; during this week and probably mt -e.--rer. Mr. Lynn ot Berlis will bo present to assist in the seniors. The sacrsmmt ot the Lordt Supper will be dispensed on Sshhstll, Fob. lulu-Ills. Annie Glennie has secured amnion as __ _-_-,_, up...†have gone to Atwood to visit mud: lotu tow darit.--The Rev. A. I. "unmo- exchanged mans last sytfpth. with the Rev. It. Thom It, PPAe uni idUGi iiiGi my a um sum: the evening In - II who, you, m., " “one in attain-ca. Mr. mm e, es the old M In In a y "q.eud an new resident. We "heard to Mr. and In. Inc-boll good when to: any more nu: at married Illa nu Mullen. Briee-aEr.moteet Forrest and“: Mother Tho-m ol Guelph, low-sup L-n- -.-_r_- . -‘ . _ _ _ sum “an. and run. feat" yuan m mu m. Slim “VERNSE muss m. nmlnIqu'l' ttt but ever- . cg] tMau, and nnuhinol It. Robt. Smithson of . "111.â€an lalwn a posi- rhn's real estate other. -, y society is cunning its Id I: media; with and " Into! G. Dar†It! The 09min!“ Bank arr ( ILOOMINGDALC in the Mn} aiGirircroiic week ha ., “I... Cut Run“ with titt r. They " ha: 'het.Nm1liir,kariiriiGTaiiii"." ' the late Mr. M. V on even M..h. cooking you.†. pot figure. rl"i/ I. M ..___J., . . In. can may £35705-“ I - " , mama Sm PM“ 3:00 0" m0.“ Bun ' h 'tat and m. tttted 'llfit tle We. 40-h. and I Mn. cook! bola. iiilaTa, mgr-lo 'ii'"iiiii) 1nd- - " . Reduced MPH“ 87.50 I" Ibo! Rap. In tho]! and and - 1zett can. Bttod l with We... JMo. bolu- and "it.gt'tt'fl'g,'d 'ttrp 00010 l for has" I)... "do! W' an“ -trr-luttt "tW.t,'ot'egfg)tt.'Mrt,ttt 'é1PrFl,,thtf, dtT'atltt Jun-rm In.“ Pun ID ..... Al'll'1%t W“ “m 'mwumw-ww - MIIM - PH. -00 Imago Incl“ Pita m PM 6-H .. w. J.".".'.','.'" tttr gt3Ptt r"! h? tham reg-g. Em - FRiGRiiiViiiUi Tali; GTa volt. tdt J't,'l'dS,e,tt I) In. on Moi put-u mg. I! luau-I - - “so ngghel’s DWeakly sgqmygwg‘: l Weseloh & Bo. '___:', MtShoeBugaiu. " Tumult.“ MOI-Mm all ',',',t,'itttC.ytt1rf.tDecitar, ' iiiiiiC2"2"iC.1'2 iitnat riro-tasdlYgfdN " " m A m"cinuii'"i'c%raaTi'ltTlrl"l',lN1'l,1d mamandSumWSomSQn-hlowuponuud'tht‘ b her d hand-m mu... In“ . t,"alt2,t't21it',tep,' :gln. 'lt1l"arerd,i,tt wank: Other speck]: we are offering a n"duesa price- for in“ l " 00 um Shoe- " suo . _. _ aoo ch's Sho- «mu. (C, .350 a a u "to _ “.0 u a 0- 'qFifii' All hula-mf- Bublml and busing. and Spat!“ and gett'r) of (390th (American) and Gui. A. Mf . WEICHEL a SON V'I'haolinuuobrokenmdwonmtdan orKatloddora a, _c". to nab room for , , Spring Footwear _ j' so King tK, 'ak-islamic,,",';' New Spring 1910 i Prints and Gingham. reduce your cost of living and buy some White Soup Beans, 6 lbs. for 25cm, or Rice, 6 lbs. for 2 sets. In "£1013qu 1"mdmaorruum.toa-hoa,, It , so, 10.. no, "In sud no "e The Mo quality in "Gnu-’3" hm. In“ lab. at): T Ihsnttine Clearing But We do out Repairing] mum?) GROCERY, ouiiiiiii Why Not ZIGK’S, WATER“!!! ".otrtmou New Gingham: iq A; S. HALLIAN New FIRST SHOWING or il,7ai rfi't'a AT $2.75 wuou noun a; Inn-Oak l 'ptSMtg,'t.W"'"""""' Rumlmnmu "egtl.nt Icahn-um plant Int- .tt-tiiu"aiikL"ik1 "w Reduced mteeihtt "In. ‘Q or on autumn $FNq 'ae 11!:de a, a. I... 1l,1,t tttet, “I; TFacia 'rar. . M' 'tlg'tptf . . n h. 4* luau“ Opal-l PM“ was , ": ov- " In, it. ',lit1llita (no. nick-l M an!» ' 30¢“ Inc-nu In..-†l SELW'! Mt ., ' , L."rt - ___ --v - Rmclo Imn. Mm our No.3 Bumps I _: tori“ _ r: _ ' in: Shoes It“ ,5“: " u 'MFr,r'cr?jfse' I III "315’ a“ " i if; m if? _ t- "Fi (5?: T V T C? more: :30 :44 ., my _ 'pies . 'l. < ' £133 It "_tcii"4,l? ihst2. am. _ _:tii: and II. A, 4.? 3 's,'2Mtt xii! hr . it 5nd 140 I". 3% Art '1. C?'rtrr'cr it; M 0 H