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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Jan 1910, p. 4

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r Mite dealers In Guelph on Rvdms- ?“ Big-ed: mwtiticate givine dtp whom!” permission to make a‘ 'tbrrougt ittstvitigaiutn of tin-it pun E”... any lime which Ill-IV ln' aunt er (I. ot any comm-mt. am“ or the municipalities to deal Giins an open question. Owing to the widely dim-ring iegulations pluc- _ ed upon the keeping ot dogs in the tarious municipalities tti the Domi- , lion the Federal Government might have dilfieully m dealing with the putter. 0n the other hand, it the municipalities dealt, will it tndivt- i.v,uetyr, they might be called upon Ctt compensate losses caused " . rinse dogs tron: neighboring muni- "ijrueiiies, as in the case cited, and ,i-where. perhaps, there were luv, it ". 'dliy, regulations concerning the beep- ing at dogs. It, howcvcr, cach muni- eipclity new compelled to have all dogs properly tagged and numbered or else destroyed and their made re. IMllbh: tor any loss incurred through them, the municipality in turn Iooliit to the owner oi the I dog tor compensation, it might go a l long way in solving the difficulty and I doing away with the present injusl I tice. ' 'NVF,'.RTttlATr'. Pttr'.MINFiy', For bargains "t Farms and Town Property son the Waterloo (‘nluuly Real Etrtttte Co. of Waterloo. " is apparent, that some legisla- tion looluug to the protwtlon or ttw tarmer trom losses of this kind " needed. “adhere! Is a matter for the may! or Provincial Govern- -tiost [or we loss sustained, who: " was found that there was no pro- n-sion tor compensating a loss oi ua nature uncut the statues. T-th hwmhip council, however, assumed the responslbmly oi allowing Att. ‘Cressman the sum of mm: dollars, which Is the amount, allowed try statute [on killing dogs lound worry- lng sheep. The toss of the cattle 'ef hog, which Is over o"", lmnmud callus, however, Mr. Urestauan wm Grd- lo hear hlmscll. _ Th0 Board of Directors and Han- il use! are to be congratulated upon .t the splendid nature of this year’s le- ' port, which cannot tail to be most ,. _gtatifying to the twelve thousand g: tf' plicy holders who compose the We in point is that of Mr. Eph. ' Cressinan of Waterloo township, near Breslau. _Some. time ago two of his cattle and one pig were bitten by a hind dog, with the result that the animals all had to be destroyed. Fortunately lor other [armors in ttic nclghborhood Mr. Cressmau killed the dog, and sent its head to Ottawa tor examination lor rabies, which It was 10mm to have. Subscqucuu an application was made to the 'l1'i"-' I too Township authontics for compen- k' During the past lew months farm- f an in ditrerent sections ot Waterloo _ County and other parts of Ontario ,have tmttered losses-jhrough the bit- "ies of their cattle by mad "logs. A “7.000 in was. The total receipts“ there-lad trom $225,033 in 1908 to $251.13: in was, while the assets luv. grown from £503,912 in 1908 to “48.175 in 1009. Notwithstanding the [use crease in the amount at risk the losses were practically the sung as in the previous rear, the' mum being ss,ter in 1908 and 895,090 in 1909. This is attributable to the care exercised by the manage- ment in the selection of risks and 'the corinrvativa policy that has been , [allowe'd with regard to new busi- 1 it» Thu mus] report ot the Waterloo gaining! Fire 1)»er Company, E pe appear? on nether page, shows no diminution in the progress ot this l old uhhljihod and reliable mutual My. The tinagtcial statement shows a net gain ot over 336,000 on tho year's operations as compared with “9,944 in 1908. Tina number of ponde- holed was 13,590 tor a total amount ot $10,158,329, as compared with 12,271 for an mom ot srt,-l T " 'rm," T rutl'T"riiir, -w. . (tTr"'?'-"'"? ' T _ 'e TCT""':.""""" . y r1i'mw I naval!“ ' UV. fig? 'ii'itiii'itiic'21e W ~ . . "m"'""'"-"""""".'"""':"""'"". I wan? .-...::'.:- _ "_"1',.(ti.i,iii4y am»:- . *7 all buds“. “Ln-.3, BODIES FOUND YESTERQAV. _ . r it“ "D. ci . to h. . _ s-o' _. e 7 __ - ' T ' Fm. a": a. was: 1'i'll')',uft/'ft'fiLiliiiiia. mum-t tullla','.t3l(tiill'ii.'_i if l, ‘... att (tbtiilitter; i “‘ W M: “at? saunas " _, -======-=sr-==c==-- "ee'Je"it leer, 'rt, in " j‘ r,r" i," d ' 0-4.. 1 ' /. ‘u. 17iii'iiii'i'iriii,i, athiisett A.“ a _ a. . . . _' 1 . , mml. c'i'i?r,o1,tIC"'.t , “m. 'rttittstit", I _. ..r “fl 1U.tat .5." d _ - _ q "-‘ _ _ " LOSSES "ROUGH RABIES ......._._._____. - ”ya-ohm. Opto ' “To a ”a. on ”than“ In. “iii.“ mi2ti."""' -======zaa=====Trr='-="-"= 1'i'i' A??? mum. Pt, ti . mm 3...". -b'Wet " pu' “on! _ an“: has: m- m- JOSEPH KELLY. ' “an. ':'iiilii4iii?jiii,ti a“... Agia,,, x u l ' . . I t, . - any. 'eTiri.itFiCtieiCyy?.yccts,ett iiiifirleTttlgr."idie" ll "‘"' "itttt _ W sir. re" aa, a "a-. an: Tov- h SUCCESSFUL YEAR ir, A ttnd which tend: to show that R. Martin, a hamlet trom Rah-doc, is also In the water was that 011: mm hat, inscrihrd with the [dun "th M." and hearing the shop mm of John “HIM, Waterloo. A ttand- suclu-l, supposed to have Int-n up property ot hn. Jonah kelly, ." MM up. It contained a card In- ”It. with he um ot In. Peter ArtditiormPtteidrnm, that the body ot Dr. Allan Mclmllnn of SIIdbury In in the Spanish Riwr was mun-d ttF day, whcrs a cont, containing trle- grams hearing his address, was brought up. C'has. Maher ot Motttret1 Iolt the hospital to-Oy. Hit, claim was set- llorl by the company, it in said. His brother, Joseph, is still here. Mr. W. J. "vi! ot this place is reported as gutting along him-1y, and unlrss some union-soon mmplimllm arise he should n-rovor. i M. t'hidvrhose and Auditor 1toMrt- son of the C. P. It. to Arnprior; T. Alissa!” In Wind River; Mrs. C. Houdv to New" Sir. Marie, Ont.; P. Human and his granddaughter, Ciara TIOS, In Bruce Mines. Thc following bodies have shipped homo from here:-- . ant-e ... ...... .me.rer.. b..... 29,540.06 The tirtib surmise as to the possible cause ct the wreck was made to-day , . 579 659.84 upon the discovery, one hundred and ' ' fifty lcet back from the head ot the "'-"-'-eeeemeeer-eeeer-eseee.ees-.u.c--ee- bridge, at. headless bolts holding the _ lishplates of the rails together. It was FREEPOttT _ _ advanced that this coul have been , . done by the wheels 'tly, car shear- /fi'it',r1r'rafci1hrigtutt ing them on alter jumping the tracks. some 'lik and sound ' much him“: This would. accpunt tor Mr. B. . J. keen delight ot his " friend: Pearce s assertion that he lell. many here alter tk 2',Ul"'oe,LQ in very pronounced bumps bolero the the 'Amerlcan Republic when he car he was riding in, the frrtsb-class, visited a “ml; in the kiii2 of Neb- lumhled over on the river lee. But, rash lie-how has many an enter- au an (mu-ml of the L c.. It. pointed training incident to tell us relative out., rt ones not gne, with any as- to his Wes trip.- Miss Ruby summer of truth, the. real cause of Sander tNet Dine has ac- the wreck, because the runoll dwell trpted fruition with the T "my have he" Caused in several Forsyth Co ot Berlin. She mum}: ways. c, . A mild sensation was emailed in town to-day when it, was known that Attorney-General Foy had declared the inquest held at Webhwood on Saturday over six at the victims null and void, because Dr. Jones was a medical other for the C. P. R. Coro- ner W. ll. Howie of Sudbury got into touch with Hon. Mr. Fay late this 'afternoon, and on informing him ot) the circumstances received instruc- tions to hold an investigation of the “idest possible scope. A jury will be empanelled on Tuesday morning. Operating ottit.ials of the C. P. R. and trainmen ot the wrcOed express will likely he called to give evidence. The' last ideitueatias, are not' po- sitive, as the omciahs,are only ad- vancing them on the strengthol a description' wired from Toronto, which seems to tally very well. It is said that the mothorud‘ hrothe _ of Mrs. Kelly wilt be on the seen, early to-morrow morning to attempt proper identitication. The four bodies _ S,',',',' recovered atter the lifting over f om its original position of the firsV class com-h. They were found out in the river, almost in a direct line from the end ot the coach, The end of this coach farthest out in the river is said to have been smashed out siqe the.time the coach made the awful leap to the ice. Many bodies may have been swept out by the current. One of the bodies taken up yesterday was 10-day identified as that of Miss Lonnie Therirn of Mas- sey. Her mother lives in Mairn Cen- tre. Evidence Found in River Upon his next descent, however, he could not locate any ot the three. General Manager J. W. Leonard is still at the scene, and it is ttatd he will regain until everything possible has been done toward the recovery ol all the View”. Four Bodies Idetttitied. The tour hodks brought out to-day were identified as those ot Hermann Hanson, a Norwegian, tickled trom Eugen, Norway, to Christine, North Dakota; Miss Agnes Millroy, lately in :charxe of the postomee at Webhwowl, and whose home was in Cache Bay; Mrs. Joseph Kelly, and the letters little girl, Florence, aged eleven, Whiteclill, B. c. \ -. u... uuvuuurwm to - thelr Earcetteneies' sincere sympathy to those injured in the we”: on the C', P. R. They hope all are do- ing well.” (Signed) Arthur F. Sh- dea, Private Scam." ' layor 0200mm ot Sudhury renew-w ed this message of sympathy Iron: Ottawa late on Sand-y, but its text was not. given out till today. The list ot dead Iron: Friday"! accl- dent is steadily trroqriste..Todar (our more bodies were recovered from the watered the Spanish River by the diver. This brings the number ot those recovered up to M, but the sorrowful hunt is still being kept. up with unabated vigor. When the last of these tour victims was brought to the quince. the diver remarked tin“. Inquest to be Held To-day, Bodies Shipped Heine. Possible Cause of Wreck M."""' - ...-. my. . but two not mum, i*.tiaod. Their Excellowlon’ Byway. Sudhury, Jan. 8d.--"g I. desire by the Governor-General to can: the“: Excettenetes' linen Ivan-1h Bt. I'm: h re. the diver aGriiTi'ri; three more bodies lying 'nr Mina Mnhrl Mailman his return"! Home utter a short that " the home ot hot mum. Mm Lillie loud at Wilma Ctetre..9 large number of the VIII-gen "tmtaefttiiGGt ir, gg_lau_nev. J. B. Bt- - The Death of Mr. Bowman.- Gctt- eral regret was heard on all sides in this neighborhood on the receipt ot the sad intelligence of the death ot NM. .1 ll. Bowman, on Wednesday, Jan. 19th, at Berlin. The deceased gas born here and resided here Pon- tinuously until hr moved to lit-din " yrars ngo. The late Mr. Bowman was Manually loved and. ("cred try all who lsnry him, tor his many sterling traits ot dunner and the itt0tartttx, ot his noble lit: will M be Mt in this neighborhood, where his dailv lite I'll an tupintloa to all whom he came in contact with. The “more, sympathy ot this com- milnlty is "traded to the bereaved widow and rhlldrcn. to his “new trip.- Mina Ruby Sander 2' the Block Line has ac- (rpm! position with the T. F'orsyttt Co. at Berlin. She mulled her new dttttes them last week. " l Misses Ida, bud-d- ud Bertha Ihr. ‘hd, all of Mhtheapeare, were the gut-st: of their cousin Miss Jennie ilallman over ts'ttrtdar.-- Air, Nelson Lntz ot the Royal City Sundtyed with his parents ttere.- Mr. Charlie Mailman made nbusincss trip to Toronto on Monday.-. Mss' Clan Farrow, who has been staying It the home of her sister, Mrs. Amos Her, Hr, ot River View Farm, left last Monday for Berlin, where she ”ports to n-main tor the winter months. l7th Annual Stabement of the Water- 'loo Mutual Ptre Insurance Co. Receipts:- - Balance blought forward $328,171.16 Premiums ..e'..... .....-r.. ,.. }2|.648.33 Interest, tent and Itointsur- The JinanciaI statement was presen- ted by the Manager, Mr. K. Haight, of which the following is a brief ab- stract:- _ Presideilt Waterloo, Jan. 22nd, 1910. All ot mi Med. The retiring Directors are J. _ L. Wideman, J. H. Webb and _ Allan Bowman, all of whomtre eligible for reelection. ‘ .. All ot which is n-speclvlully sub- mill‘J In conclusion we. would ask your attention to the main object of the meeting. viz., the disposal of the several statements before you. ahd the election of three Directors. . 1 Owing to a change in the govern- ment regulations warding the amount of government deposit f for insurance companies your Directors felt warranted in recommending the deposit of 350,000 with the Govern- ment, and this amount is now on deposit with the Government of Unt- arm. - . ,,V_ - urn-a mu! ot insurance at rial: on the, 3135 ot December was 835,778,894. . The net losses tor tte reary tdrs, including the catimatcd unpaid losses, were $95,680 as compared with $95,- 461 for the year 1908. » _ 7,, “.â€" vv-â€"- V: Inc“, including premium notes, Art 3648,- 175.50, as against $893,912.15 for the rear previous. The number ot policies issued was 13,590 " compared with 12,271 tor the yen 1908. covering " volume ot business amounting to $10,758,329 as comm; with 14,037,030 fior vtllc previous‘yelr, and the tantamount ot insurance at rial: on the, Slat ot "--, ---- __-_ - I The total income tor the "rarpriiiri' was 51,188.88 " compared with the r Pttt tor the year 1908 which were ' 5,033.85. The cash assets of the C my tor the past. yen, in- cludi the waned interest estimat- ed 87,915.58, are $372,810.29 as compared with $335,923.83 for the yea: MRM, and the total of assets. __~_- "mm... and the. can surplus of the, Com- pany. and in the residue ot premium nan..- To the lemben oi the Watcdoo Mutual Fire laminae Co. Your Board ot Directors, in pro- nenting thm Forty-seventh Ann-Isl Statement ot the "ttirrot she Com- may, being tor the you ending "he, 31st. of December, me, have pier sure in reporting that the busine- year has Ieiulted in a aubatantiat increase ot Ute premium income on both the call and mutual basin-sat] and n... “A ___ _. - '* To ', Alter the minutes ot the last you an] meeting had been doubt 'Ute directon' upon, F.ttieh in ot , very tatiMtrtory lint-cm. ya put- and by the President, Mr. Wm. Snider. as toitowtuu- ' Ara-me:- Directon' Jor. SNIDER, ' . , . d 'r-tr--.- “ A..- u__ - 'r.rde RC tirrrarr" Tm " out (Inland; Leon Shape, t'iemens ‘ The final: In the District Cup I'ompetmon have” A t and the any Gun“... pinion; fill morning malted " b that; of ' (an (Ir-nun " 0 INF... ("Fm “.3 more: are u lollowmn A number‘ol rinks ot curlers from the neighboring towns and clues, lil- eluding Ayr, Preston, Galt, Guelph and Fergus, visited Waterloo Tum, day and took part in the District ('in Competition. The pines were thoroughly interesting nnd keenly contested and commenced " one o'clock p m. Two rlnlrs from Ayr detrated Preston by 10 shots, while Waterloo was 23 not: up in the game with Fergus. The Guelph Un- ion rinks were victorious over the Royal t'ity rinks. being " shot; up, while, the Gall. Grenites but] the (“It rlnls by 13 shots. For bugging In Full: and To" Tangy an the Waterloo County I-I -I-l.‘ A. g... . . DISTRICT CUP COMPETITION tteai Eauttiro', Por bargain ii, Farms 1nd fropqty ace the Waterloo those who attended were: Mr. Hy. C. (Unable, Mr. A. Otrerhoitzer, Mr. A. Sherman, Mr. Jacob Shantzrhlr. and Mrs, Adam H., Solarium, Mrs. Eli- zabeth Becker, Rev. ts' w ' Mrs. R. Briclmell and YI', ttre; Miss Nellie, 2t. and Mrs. S. S. Det- wiler, Miss '. Lutz, and others. - Jacob E. Shantz is again on the road canvassing tor acreage for the Ontario Sugar Co.'a notary. He in I meeting with a lair share ot success. gm”. Edgar Petey, Nelson Mich. and Walter clinch hue se- cured positions with the Hydro-Elec- tric Co." to assist in the placing ot the steel towers. Alter a number of other Inlet ad- dresses try Solicitor Knight and other policy holders Prtsmt4ttp meet- ing adjourned. .r. .-. . " ln acknowledging the vote ot thanks it. ,tat 'latter'. u tendered Ite: Frank Knight, the ' au-i-Luc....., manager, ml the business .o 1909 . ' . :1 was the largest than history ot the _ BTOP BELSING. company. Ot this increase the larg- .. Hamilton l' est increase was in the non-hazardous _ We “mfg the 'dul't,'Y Board ,1 .class. Relating to what is known Trade woigd tiii very well advised as the moral hazard in insurance Mr. it kind in urging the Legiautim; , Halght said‘he was convinced it this put a stop to the municipal hon , could he eliminated V the Company ing of industries, The bonus syst . would be able to write insurance lot has long been used by eiterprisi otre4talt the present cost. The more) promoters to levy taxes W t _ hazard was not confined to the im- public. _ . , proper and sometimes criminal tMy. -rseseeseue.ese--u.. r tion ot insurers. To lull-hate a - somewhat remarkable instance was - , given of a large tirm which had sus- , tamed a lire loss, discovering when stock-taking some time after the loss had been adjusted that the stock was _ larger than it should be, with the re- sult that " per cent. of the amount , 1 they had received was relunde( to the insurance company. /Caaes ‘01 . this kind Were rare, however, and, $10 ooo th generally speaking, the insurance com- , wor . pany pays more than the ‘actual loss. tl 0 During the year the total lire losses _ oods will I paid by Canadian companies‘was in 'e the neighborhood or $19,000,000, but ordir the actual tire loss sustained by the country was perhaps over double NOTE THESE UN USU that amount. This big amount re- , presented that much absolute waste. Dress Goods . The speaker suggested that a larger _ Over It!) thir, and ends of 307: part of this annual loss might be 4mm many Ityleahoth lair averted it a commission could be t,tfEyitiEGGiiGi"ti', is secured to investigate and pass on all Mhx, 6tht to 'thard, foe '. ' losses. Losses could also he Minced Dre-i Goode, throw! tresue,r'truitdingte; the crec- 1teitiriikeii'iiiiCi"i7. beUae tion ot more. party walls, improve- Milli m.- N the "I" - ment ot tire brigades in cities and Harlem Ire-me. Tire the laying of bigger. water malna‘ so to 81mm.- . d F - .38 that adequate pressure would be , T G , n , available. , Dreia, (I. aim» m1. Fra; ---' -~--v. Hui-II: The m mt khan“. No. " - ' - " SPP.tqtair4iis' instant-Iona! Both reports were unanimously " omeen " than Norway ev~ opted. . wig, Jam the 11th. A large The “on,“ of directors tmmlted in???“ ot s',',','.""'"" and (dead: were In the ibeirrction ot Hum. J. L. H tom}? Jno' :10 ed and . AllanBow- 121Vttt"f", 1',',1'llirgitry,,. mam .or.st. i"f,xr'.t', H Wetrtr ot Installed the :01»me mom with man of Btatr 'md, Dr. . . the assistance of M. M. .J. K. Shin. Waterloo. . . C. R.-Hertr. Krona-toner. I I Hearty Totes ot thanks Were, passed V. C. R.--Jno. Weaver. to the Board. or Directors, a'"tt.e.er., ,m. tke.--a. G. Heller. hunter and Agency» at“. whielt Ree. Bec.-J. E. Miller. bed alt suitably acknowledged by _ Treasurer-Ar. lumber. President Snider and vice-President' Chto.-ar. Herr. Diebet on behalf ot the Bowl- by Br. W.-..H. Herr. Manager Haight and Inapoetor Arm- Jr. W.-At. Cum-i. . _ strong. . Sr. B.-e. Bethune], In acknowledging the vote ot than“ Jr. 3.4. Daimler. tendered him Mr. Fun-Ir uni-m 4L- --- mum ...,::... ......... u..... 829,519.32 Unnamed premium note. 875,835.21 Total»! Aunt: ."T... ....... “8,115.56 Audited and found correct. (Signed) J. M. SCULLY. F.C.A. (Signed) BENJ. new". Ctrl, Wine: on: u ‘usted lone-few. r At a 2tll,tt2, Fund ........... 'L'gtl', Ottm It"! " skip l7 binttitiueas.- In Farms and Tomy the Waterloo County t. of Waterloo. lot ton Hatt, all, ll rv..-,." 16,000... til, I A yr. r ','dhttlt, a! his“. , {I is- ' lhltlliN " in“ humhmu_.. ' ‘ _.' A k In. "my I!“ In“ but but . . . _........ “18.79.” PM! ""eNettt -'eHiqttatte by _ -- - " phi . to: mu. m. Edit)“. n . b.-.. "MIL" mom'- vim can in all!!! an» ......... "6,006.t1 the: a; other all“!!! in 't't1't _ ---' In. Death oe Guelph VII t .e “num-u guest at _ In. his, Alla street. ..+.. ”than $371,910.” an)"; Death of Philip Wngtter.--ttr. Philip moor oi " 'died t mu morning met ','ti/ii,'ist,iy,i, an; _ In: buried ttttttdar [ ”W lg a? Human“! may mt Lube”. ' A um mot-m of um- and. n-l have! were preterit. TI. ”and! have the sincere sympathy ot the CI- tire coma-1h in their m auction. Deemed m well than ten at navellllhlbynll nun an 'heart" oi his W Hall be diam-ed with Int Sunday In the Lutheran church owing to the manic» of the man, Rev. Holme. being snowhoud. ’7 Silk. also “gin: out. " astonish- J. In reduction. so has. of end- In k MUG' “It; worth an: to, " if 750 for . . . ‘- Block and colored silk: : wot-(h from _totse for MM) ,,__ ,_..., .cwuuy tor 38500. Mr. Hitler will hold an oxlcnslvc Auction sale on the and of Frb. ttext.-- The Welluley carniul had to be postponed a second time and will be held Tuesday evening, whither permitting-The fierm- storm last Saturday In. the worst " BC, - A -. ot the nelson. Tin; "ua Ta, Hrrly Moc'rdeded church had tor News Notoc-atr. John ("alum ot numbers tad Mr. John Wettluulet ol Phillpalmrg ml: iitrctmed a very Me horse from Theod Hoerle lat week and paid a landmine page tor trapt; tatt',') I “if: r " pure F t “no " $81!“; i','e11'e know: u 'tit old Greenwood ttotrteatead,ig will ' take possession 'oott.-.. Mr. Christ' Berg bought the tarm ot onb Ill-J ter on the 5th line quite recently . lor "Ann :1. nu.-- - ... . -- yuullC. ‘ . T, -er-eeee.eeeeae. was . sus- I Vin-n _ loss was: _ - met agtd heroin worth from 75c comma or . eGdii from toe Anothrt 1toeeiiiGiUT'L better Mud tom. af the wry - " damn..- 7 t',"ll.u"l' . 's"Ps l" .33 _ Dre‘s Goods ‘, Del-1m 1tt1_e.emyergoa ti'i'ir,'it.A'i'i'ik; tthte, Wilda 100d! worth m 'lllly'l1'irA'lr'lyt'i',.N, . a Dean Good: I The -- - '2,t,htttPtteeirmer- h; _-s--...-- all-w.) _ We think ther, luminou- Board of True would If: very writ advired -if it joined in urging the Legislature to put a stop to the municipal bonus- ing of industries, The bonus system has long banned by citcrpnaing pronotcrs to levy taxes upon the ppm. .-. - .'-Iu 'Td,'rlae,'hf"", . ’orleolpleul'inn vet. , _rEet,ytiiiiiiiVJ'TLcg,, . 'u'P_f,ettrthiBtar,,riti.ii2' ha- Ltteotletti'iuTGiiii7"'ii' tho F “but, c" s' -51 A _ 1 . , f w? 1.5323." Jeter gm 99mm ttbf un. limb Christin a Alt'etrh am her little angler in out“; I te the, tit? hit: button Mr. Witt. “summit or. 'mmm WELLEQLEV i'ig Ariiiiiiii' Kins. Join'ga'é? " GaiiiG ":3 aTut tu, 81.00 031.2; “a . . . tt .000 worth of Surplus Stock mostly Goods will be sold out this week at Ex 1t1ilr,1y'o1.Itioiks Reductions. Silks fylluiiANtta SALE.- 2W ho- 11m.) ( HAmiitoe Board of Very wle advised 41‘ IS the Legislature to I ate, Michal Immu-I ". The innu- "we-.. were en- The Guelph board ot health and the syn-m committee of Ibr city con-r" have you“: recommend-Hm that tht on, can“! Mo "nu-Mine Ir- a. to have a - pol-um mm mm h0u~l_nt m. _-_. mum aunt-u, pl {Topping The young couple will re- aide on a lam near Topping. We ’wish them much joy and happlneu. Another happy and plenum, al- I though quiet event, took pile: here, . it the home oi Mr. and Mrs. John Walton, when their eldest daughlcr, Miss Maggie, was joined in tho bonds oi matrimony to Mr. Fred Hartman, of New llnmburg, It which plate they will reside in the nature. _ l We wish the newly mnrriod couples _ happy wedded lite. Mn. Clemons ot Berlin won the we,“ of Mrs. Froehlich tor I lew. an” int week. t NEW ISOLATIQN HOSPITAL. . ' Por "rtratrts In rum: um! Town Property In the Waterloo County Real Estate Co. at Waterloo. - _ --~-n--.V " the home ot Mr. aim Mal Daijtl Legs, when} their daughter Annie was wedded to Mr. S: tel Schultz, son bt Mr. and In. '2',',,1', Schlitz " , ,,__v - “w u-yu Bettr Petersburg with Mr. and In. Strobe! on a farm returned home lax: Sunday. Weddings-A Very quiet but pleu- nnt event took plum-e gut Tutu-y " (tre, home ot Mr. and " “aim " " " van! no! - Lidiu‘ best II ' --- V _ 7-- Ak' cogs. mu. no tf,'d'lt,t. Fa', 'tTI,. worth "8- h: L"" .3. for - slaw. l" to ":1 2 Also nanny ll... " u. mdmtt lit Mini colored ata from . an“. m, m. .1150 to 816 'dir T"". a tdl Am..- --.__ _--- a... I v-ulllun I can. worth 34.00 for I.” u u u “m”, " u . u . u “I” for " " " " $7.50 for " moot coats worth 810 blamin- Tao " " " 81350. .15 to '18 " for - - “0 India" colored com worth hamLttip Him In on: 0- rm irgged in???" WT." "t 'te- 0 n. men: 'l'PL'ra on.“ left u... Giant-alumni emu-n on». Price as foBowe... . . CUMM' coat r". tttttttr g. " . " "'f 'ttte fdlti m worth and...“ a: h ole-mica“: Mom "a.“ Megan“. be - *reo-ah'riia" In. _ am an. as In. wide wola " {1.25 per yd. for - I I Black tilts an In. wide $trtamasteqd tomtarworiiif"iirii; i an Furs Furs iiiFit 02m 1mm. n, o... -4, .. -. will Strobe! yhoawent a low ~limits; 'l; Gum’s Prints, / Canadian; amirtiiiiiiiiir, f Aahtou'a Prints . ' Grey (Joanna ' if, . t.. Potter’s Prints Bleached Canons " Canadian Prints Lansdowne Canibria . Denim: Grey Shootings _ . ? Cottonades . Bleached Sheeting: _1- ', hockfast Twills Pillow Cotton: A. C ." {lawman l'wills, Turkey Reds _ . s," (tttitairr.siLiiir Chiqti Prints' “ Oxford Shirtings 'r, th'Towellings ' 'murtrmirdijttrhasii-iiiijc','iiis ‘7 . _ ' I Our swam théaajinas‘ia’greaterand betterm- _ lorted than ever; - tin {ornam- Spring‘Sta'plu. _ I We Can Save You Money. T . Poata and Salts mam-2.29 gals-d n. s. B. jlilllagt ll ti 'tsys a..." m. up? u an o'clock 'Nt. a}. the ,'gh'ttlt, ot Mum and fort Chub-um... iriiii.i,r1'u1 no 'rdf,?t,'t, ot “I. Friday February. Ith, me ”my“ I. a. its-na- - mu tte we u an a... msd ooeeey, WW, 0..., o. llalnlnlon um Assurance Win! I. hm '0- am the Aroma locum. 1'utt'uttuthi “I. WVâ€" -...- on nm MO _ a) [ Q“ ' a $2.. ii,'i'i'i'lr!it' "3..., suttgs,i,t In" good clay 01h. up!“ i never Ji 'iif'i'.'i'iiS'tt Pae on "I m Hot fun?” ptesietd, a In” in The undonlznd often fot 0". III. farm than“ I I)“. lot-mm o! B. Agni. ad I Illa north of Du... on Common t, Block B. . The turn m at About 140 IEI‘L m-.-. ' -~‘ I _ , Uncut-wean ua 'md. - a, I I ' u., " . ,'4tt 1Ull,'lt 40: for an..." ‘VIIW _ 3.. . a." I fuller in. "out... and t , _ . on 2.ttirrt'8iirii', a wlft"l"lhffg,t'""'e" I I ““9"!" swam-u. I “W!” . "'"itns / I . Skirt- _ a 1e'i4iitrit" Str', I .31: NOTICE mm fer out; Canadkp timiriiiiiifii,'i. (my thitoni ' if, Bleached Canons " Lansdowne (Jemima . Grey Shootings _ . Bleached Sheeting: _1- Pillow Cotton: _ - ." riiii'_ii-'"i"ii'"i". _,"' 3'87? Y Winter Ixtra- . not. A an,” . trua, Ont. 5"".29

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