1'Hptttntt--At "wk". to Mr. and Ihv.rohtt ll. Chapman, tormerV ol marina, goon Mayor â€cattle. ot London, stall-s that the only way he an suggest to mun: lactation for London is to have a tract ot land which can be given lot; [notary sites. He, explain- that " will be nmsmry for the “who“ men to bring this about, as the council can not make such a MAYOR WANTS FACTORY SITE} that and modrrn music and in the "rhoxtrtir lmn' lmulm'l years ago. The modem music will be from thr diiterrat works of this vrrti"ry-ihese ttetgtiltr will be cxplainml at he meet- lng this ovmlng. The concert will he ‘Iwu by Waterloo ialrnt excttttsivetr, QMCémonlndlcaokunom out a my A nation The ttretitg this owning m thc I My. Hail of singers promises to be V2!!! Minded as "'rranany members I ot he different ("Mirth choirs have ttlgrtitied thrir intention of Irving pre- lent besides manly vocalists who arc not toilnwlcd will! the church (hairs. I Media; at 8 pin. It may tw "rlt ' to state right here that it is not thr. intenl‘iou of pinning on a (omic only, 'l to given timer†ot are, The annual meeting oi the Woman's "Home Missionary Society of the Guelph Presbyterial, will be held next. Tuesday. in the Presbyterian church, Waterloo, commencing at to a. m. Dinner and tea will be served at the church, tor the convenience of the delegates and their friends. In the evening Rev. A. E. Mitchell at Hamilton will give an address on Home Mission work, and a very hearty invitation is extended to all Twin City friends, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend this meeting. The " lar unveiling, of the Mock Plr'l'id7,',1 was held last evening, there beinga good attendant-c. Owing to the fact that the meetings close early, it is desirable to begin promptly at 7.45. The members who intend to be present, are thererore kindly requested to be on hand promptly at this hum next week, when the discuslsion on the Woman's Franchise bill will be continued, to- ttether.with the neumls which have been introduced. F b reagllngs will also be given to two new Bills. g _ ' Hus. arm itii' tttit/tat/egg:', [of Wu In Farm and Tom: m "may!†can On Monday evening Miss Margaret Mobougall hospitaMy uncrianml about twenty-fire friends in honor of Miss Edyth O'Donnell, who was the recipient ot a granite shower, compris- ing' many useful articles. A very pleasant few hours were vnjnyrd by those in attendance. Mr. I'atvatitw Mickus ol .Peauand was a Tisitor in town Wednesday.-- Mr. Home: Zick Dundas has returned alter a visit in town.-.Mr. J. Koch ot Tavistock was a visitor in town Tuesday and Wednesday. dt hug-ins in Stoves gt Weichole. their ad on page t. ' Berlin and Waterloo will meg-t in a professional league hockey game at the Waterloo rink Friday CYetg- irg. '. 2,ittrgsi,t,1egstg,t,egting Tudors u inhmd‘ some _ {unanimity pac Mrs. J, ll. Webb will he the hostess of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Hr t-iety at her home on Thursday ct- temion, the 27th lush, from. 3 to If o'clock, anda wry kind invitation is extended to all the ladies ul thetor. grrgation. For bargains in Farms and Town Properly sq; the \Vatcrloo County Real Estate Co. ol Wtiterfoo. ftelti stone wanted at once. apply to J. Letter & Son, Watertoof-Ft. WhNTE0-00OD GENERAL SER- rant, Apply Mrs. Stephan, 58 Water St., N., Berlin. rat-t Mr. Jacob lor.; Meyer claims lo hire a Ireparatirm ot ointment who‘ll wittat applied to iron-n limbs claws out. the trust. lie states that. several local citizens have bun treated with excellent results. There was a goodly number in at,- tvndahce at the regular weekly mar- bet Saturday. Prices were about the same as last week. FIELD STONE WANTO'D--CUT In the Methodist and English chumllu ot this town the National Anthem was sun; " Eur-day’s ser- vices in commemoration of the ac- cession ot King Edward vn. to the British throne. Messrs. J. Letter & Sun are instal- ling a new plate glass window in their new wan-rooms on Queen St. “(I Light: Commission was held on tsuttttdssr. TI! 'mt. than. MT. _Dm'toehqt Amulet. A meeting oi the Waterloo Water E. tit. DEVI", mum. ml The semi-annual lnslallal‘lon ot om- (TN ot the l. o. It. F. was held in (ip, rooms last Honing. ftttirers lor he vnsnlng war wow installed hy D. D. (l. Mast" F. “his. all" which retretrhmrno were screed and I so- clal hour pleasantly spent. x ' A special meeting ot the Town I c, uncil was held on Tuesday evening _ t in the Council Chamber. There were i prom-rut Mayor Graybill in the chair 1 and Mcssrs. Suggill, Iluelm, O'Don- nell, Sanderson, Conrad and Kutt. " l Architect Moogk submitted plans lor the proposed new market bttild- I . inn, but no action will be taken un- , til the next regular meeting. l Councillor lluelrn brought up thet matter regarding an increase ot tral- ! F ary tor the firemen. He stated that i ha, In": mse.---A__. . __ INS] ALLATION OF OFFICERS The chairman ot, the Board ot Works was ‘authorlzcd to engage mm to keep all crossings and roads mm ot snow alter any severe sn'g-w storm. . Teaehprs" salaries l t'aretakers" salaries Hal. on Iaxatories and closets . School supplivs ' Repairs I Rent [or kindergarten Fuel , Irater [alts Vâ€.-. l..-um uuu ioyntl ihey were paying in some places $25 a year, whereas Hip tiretpert C hprp are receiving Ms per year and in addition are safeguarded by insurÂ¥ ance. Alter some discussion the matter was referred to the'r'ire and Light Committee. Mr. Dermul’was present and ottorrd to crush and deliver all stone tor ' town tor $1.25 per yard. 240 at:- Imn was taken. ,,7,_...... any Bum he had ascertained the salaries to Iiromcn in other places and '1eer.-Chtur. Wrogt, St. Trear-char "Amati. Fan-Wm. mm, Cottdurtor--Homer Hind. S, F-.Cham Emir, tir u, IT.--,'. k. my . 1rH2l.0.-Ateo. sen-em l, SN th-rt. J, Rooe. R.tt.V.G.-No. “can. L.S.V.0.-JOII Mall. 1h.B.tkeyggaiqt, Iii. P, M.--Hertry M: N, (Ga-Prod ',khlotr. The lolldivlng oGG were install- SPECIAL MEETING Receipts. "s I "'09 tat c,n hand Jan I, 1909 403.06! Received from Town Treasurer 9736.34 Government grant 310.09 ' Special Government grant 262.50 , Kindergarten: grant . 50.63 i Special grant re military instrueq g li...... tions Rent for The reports at the Secy.-Treasurer and Auditors ‘wu‘e waived and tiled. Treasurcr's Statement: The 't roasun-r presented the fol- lowing report:-- _ Messrs. C. i "mint-laud C. Ilueh- nergard wee re-apprinted auditors tor the year 1910. Dr. Noecker, chairman a Conrad and P. Woelkr Member Library Itoat Hat-hurl re-appointed. . Finance Committee-Mr. Harper, chairman; Messrs Conrad and Waller. The {all poin ted _ Property Committee-ctw, chairman and Messrs. C. A. L. Feick. Fosilion Schiulel tion for Chairman elect ol the Waterloo Pal;- f tic School Board. ." School I sunagedilG' Three were present Messrs. Dr. Rancher, Found, llarpu. Schick], Mueller, Waller, Feick and the Psecy., A. K. Devitt. Dr. C. T. Notch-r retired from thm w. Schick! in elected chum toe the you In my, or. Nader. who In; and thy position my to- "trtatrly during the past three yum. The Various mum [or the yen were named and the report ut the ts'ecy.-Treas. showed a balance in the new". "1" "mu†“the! loud - Ut'eit Wl'wué 0. WM t"t?E â€ft. acquit-rm“, tuti] :"n u-u-v‘; " ;;val: . an. “A “I. lot the "new "At.tiMeBi “I“: llama. Mr. " Total C. tr. “If!!!“ -.r. Hus. Muller 1".iri-itfeiU, We! L." â€(momma we salaries paid en in other places and loud '0 paying in some places $25 wherpas thp tiretpert T ter," â€ring Cart n-- N“? _ ' m of thairman and Mr. C. W. el was elected to till the poi- " the year. following commuters were ap- C. W. SCHIEDEL, Disbursements 50.00 . tchool rosidtm-c 169.00 I acmunal. _". va’S. 't , _" t [SHAWN te" _ I" 3cm a at Emil...- “In 'd,Ai-"i'ii., A A, trurekiratk magcment Commute - chairman and Mcssas. w. Notch-r retired trom the TOWN COUNCIL '""""OHN' plans occupies the lucrative and responsi- , market bilild- irk position ot manager ol S. ll. win be taken ttrt- ' Knox & Co.'s store at Chatham, Ont. F meeting. The ewnt was a very wit-t one and brought "P the I took place' at the home of the , increase ot tral- !britle's parents, the immediate reia- 'ul/ue,',',,",' “W; . Ines ol the contracting parties being mm 1'l'ld'ge present. Rev..w. l Lee, pastor at some CII,,',',":".],',' the Presbyk-nau Church, olheialerl. I than; C G'; The bride and groom were unattendel'. 9‘; year and "I Mr. and Mrs. Zielr will take up u d ed by insuL their residegce at Chatham. discussion the I A legion ol lriends and acquaintan- to the'r'ire and (es in the Twit, City will extend hcarUrst good wishes and Irlicita- resent. and otioed I lions lor their every happiness and r all stone tor prosperity. Hoard-Mr. C, Met $11,011.53 7704.03 l 53mm s 910.31 I 208.M g t36.23 I 110.00 656.31 30.15 ' Mueller, Woeller, ""_"I wrm limp 11“ tiny Tiettt n‘nr Bruin“. Phiiirrtk “Hinton and Nmeanah at home. The ttmrrat tttet vim trom his late "simmer Merino sun-t, Waterloo, Saturday Marni“ at ' o‘clork to th, R. I'. Plum-h {pr srn'im, Home w Monti Illum- "t.rterr [qr woman. We "- trid out sympathy to the hen-mm. were died at Waterloo on Wrdrtes- Iia‘yiau and team-at of this place in the Person ot Mr, Joseph hYhickier. lie was in his 71st -ear and had been a sullen! trom gropsy " a period ol three months. The deceas- ed had been " employee ol the Wa- terloo Mtg. Company lot the past In years. He resided in ilessnn pro- vious to coming here an! Was also a resident of St. Clements tor many years following his trade as (ITIX'II- in. "e is survived " his wile and: family of six children. liz,:-- Mrs. Rnwles. Gladys, Alta, Joseph. od liq-amnion, Mrs. Wm. Senna", I The nuptials. of two of Waterloo's ,most popular young people took place Tuesday at 4 o'clock, the occasion 'being TN, marriage ot Miss Edythe l Katharine O’Donnell. daughter of Mr. iand Mrs. Thus. O'Donnell and Mr. Edmund H. Zick, son of Mr. all“ I'Mâ€. Conrad Zick (i this town who DEATH or AGED RESIDENT. Ptr yuan: , [.m- and Town The school board are to be (our mended on the elm-lent. manner in which they have carried out the wishes of the electorate in the ere- lion ot such a splendid and welt- equipped school. It not only tins a long-felt want but is a credit to the town. Three rooms were made vacant at the Central School by the transfer- ance. of several divisions to the new school. One of these rooms will be utilized gs a teaehera' room, the, other as a gymnasium and the third will be used by the Cadet Corps. l A noteworthy feature in the con- struction obthe building is the [out I that a' portion ot the south side of the building has been constructed so as to be rtreproot. Stairways lead from the among! to the ground fioor l The main entrance is to the north of the hpilding and there is a wide, spacious" hallway on either side of which are places for statuary which it is proposed purchasing at some I-tture time. Them Its also enhanc- es ttt the mar. Ytcre dim! at Waterloo on either side ilhich'arc only used in case of fire. The exits on? ot easy access and the pupils in case of an emergency such as a rm, .arising can leave the building promptly. The cloak rooms on the first and second floors are situated on the south side of the Wilding, Within that part which is ftrepropt. An utr-to-date system of heating and ventilation has been installed, which is most emcient. The sanitary arrangements an": alsb up-to-datc, the closgts being located in the base- The basement is also capocious and is divided into two manna, one tor the girls and the other for the boys, the latter room being the larger. There is tMxxrtgtmmgtrtion lor tittr pupils in each ot the lour rooms which are equipped with quartered out teacher's desk and modern desks tor the school children. The metallic ceilings in white add very much to their attractiveness and nppearanh. There are large windows in each room which provide (or 't abundance _ ol light. ( - not Inca-live yen. ' T The brew submitted to nine the my snout. 815,000, was ap- proved by the atop-yen. and tin money has been well upended. _ The school. with in locum oi the i"eot.tutt'der-d,r-it". .a- .uuto'mtatteiaiqPi1-u-r,i,. " _bein;olredpte-edhrwk and ttmd. . [ stories in height. Thom no live room not; n basement. 0- the tuat loot in the Km naphtha-If in charge ot Mia M. Wuhan, and that _ Primary DiVisioI in chute at liar Boast“. On the would Boor are three rooms with swan-mutton tog the Junior and senior second CW . in charge ot Miss Hue] Martin. who is the Principal oi the new school. all the 9.511. Chuinchuge ot 'Miss P. Beaver. There is also a nucleus room on this Boor at the north ot the building which will be utilized as a teacher’- room _ and which will be tarnished with n table, chain. etc. me I" - VI“. - “but tiieiitttri?i. "tid Wie a . ml EiniCieiit con-nu â€Em - _ » - a .,.d' 7 ii "ft. ' _." "3 v ", SttrdlNtirutg one“! F v" F _ F - MMrlt up. may . M ;. -at'.,' :4 e - _ 'tarMihrttgtt C,' (it C v . . Mum-3 - a t." . _ I $L,tiu1ueteaeitteitricl. f . 7 I school,“ couch-01w --, '2. 1 “‘Fw . ‘ .2. . .] _ Potion-manual uu- __ = ( uonuucommu. In“ ""ee"r, LT; .. . l 1oNirtttr.o-r-atttto "l t.. . - l Cantu] School. and tho and cl 3 . _ l then-Wham not. up . ..e. , â€mutual since-slum. A 4 The briaw submitted to nine the 4 my W5 815,000, {a _ A. - ' WEDDED IN WATERLOO. Em: w, "on J. "Glider skip " dawn! by (In. Liphatdt a S. B. Brteker ll. y. JKr0er The stte6ule cum“ â€In" plan-d at the Wattrhto rink Int. evtn'nt re suited " follows: L. G. "who: J. B. Snidvr The programme """tr"""' as lollows: Opening "ereitses-Hrrnn- Prayer. Piano Solo-sited-Mr. J. Sug- gars. Chairmast's AdFss--Mr. Jas. New own, r Qtsarint.-,'t. Ellis. Jack Ellis, ll. Ellis, ll. Wildguxt. h'solo--Mr. Ed. Bracey. . lteading-Mr. Albert Lev. Hsio-Mr. Ed. Bu'schlin. Ttrttdittg--Mr. L. Sinclair. Folo-Mr, H. Wllogust. Address by Rev. W. D. Loo. . Piano Solo-Mr. .L. Thomas. F,'oro--Mr. A. Lad-Inger. Quartet-J. Bruegeman, Orin-l, F'sit- llc-r and Snyder. h'soto-fk1tcted--Mr, E. Gallally. Iteatrrttg--Mr. A. n. Melinda "sohr-Mr. J. "rttetreman. Duet-Jack and Joe Ellis. , ItctrtshmrnU. The Men’s Battle Class ot the" Pres- bytctian Church helda most success- tul social evening, when a capital programme was greatly ergoyod by about sixty men. Rdrcshmems were served at the close by the young ladies in the choir. who made the kinks“. and most attentive ol wait:- a mother to the homeless waits un- trusted.to her care. She was o'. a kind and lovable disposition, and “as deeply revered by the band Ist rush-Is under her charge, and highly 112:;pr ed by a large circle ol citizen; mm whom she came in contact in Mr capacity as Superior. Univewzl lt- gmt WI" be felt at her untimely de- The death occurred Saturday ill St. Agatha of Sister Primitiva. I Mother Superior of St. Agatha Orph- age and Convent, at the use ot .te _ years, Deceased was taken ill aw three days ago with peritmtites. The tuners] will be held Tuesday} morn-xxx at " o’clock at the St. Agatha It. C. church and cemetery. . T ' r Sister Prinzitivu. was one , or the most widely known members of the Notre Dame Order, and has been Su.. I perior in various stations in on; aria, having been stationed in For-‘- mesa and Walkerton and a number ot other places previous [to com- ing to St. Agatha. During the, brur years has been in charge or thc orphanm she has conducted Mn dt slitution in a most successlul M business-like runner, and woe hum-d ' DEATH OF, SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL an." skip 20 CURLrNa. 7".VV'V'VV‘V‘VVVV SISTER PRIMI'I'IVA ll Wet can hardly Attempt. well n ur- tial dun-bum: hut wo will “want. jun. law this“: and“), to Down of the humid. Dimonleingl from I.“ to m can“ Signet Rh- ..†to O... Pearl Ring- from 2.0 tlt (HI-I‘- Ring- fmm I.†to Bah, King: from 1.. to C! w h h h od u d . Inlay are mung nonmag- ot ms opportunity to “$07.1": t'll'l'li an... td 339% f supply themselves with this season’s fuhionnblo gun-menu " you lnvornhlo com-10ml . great saving in price on every pumhm. "on you a... w. n h rd! cu n _ wllau"A'rl1',1', 'dl', tPat o'U'lh" the†ann? we would duh-o no only visit. ii FURNITURE i If you need anything in u out, or a pins of fur, you no missing a fine, opportunity to new. one a a big aving it you do not visit our Ready-to-Wear [)9le all the second floor It out 1 w. are do we. so: am Euhmted.hmmrotumt-Mr, 'uttttmr-"etautitusLiaGiiGi" - A G. H. Mills Ian's, Rhys? and Youths' Rubbers from " $1 a pair to $8.25 . which will be great money saving: for you as '9 _ only good goods. llht wish to remind you for _, the New Your of the differ. . out departments our . / ' _ basin“: 7 We do nut Rewiring: Kant Itradkuhibttan, mom: 318 f i 1:35} LI M 0 H