I Cutti of Dy]; w. to 31m im/il/ip:?, i . me. A. WinninCalifornia. T " _,"l,tt,"ll _"'_r. riiiiiii itif 'iriiiiiiwtrsviiiir iijiiiii'i'","rr'"" s' _ KILLED IN, WATER FWD hiding- "iiiiiutotdi. 'This famous mmtieitm for \Vnmvn has for thirty years proved to Ire tl.is most valuable tunic and murmur n: the female organism. Women "will. Ing In almost every city and town III the United states bear willing tom. [1101in the TT/tthr,,""?,',' ct Lydia. E. lnklmm'l Van 1e Compound. It cures fr-maln Illa; and "males mm- ant, buoyant famnla health. If Cd no Ill. for your own slim as wel as was "3.103? give it ayiaL - -iitaustiiktiiiik, iiiifrih, Mam. Invite. gbtt nick women to write _otfor “viget Mer advice ta freq, ANOTHER WOMAN . Calif) TNo woinan should submit to a run-pi. cal operation, which may mum! death, ppm shah†given Lydia fi. Pintham s Végéi's'x'iilé"370'}§{p3ixï¬d.“i{ia‘&7e'e}3iHR} Ir.t.rtyn fonts {and llelhfs, , {air Irial. gloves. By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound months' use of Weiiif=i;i/ si, WILLIAMS, R. F. ay. No. It, Box Ggydlner. Me, U A ., Swesiters have lm-r.nw ar; much a part of the wardrobe an llw hat and Gardiner, Maine---", have been a great mlferer from organic troubles - Mall. "SBI - andascwrc female Kla . . f_ ‘93; weakness. T I; " '" > " “‘ doctorsaidl would . MI Lmveutol so“ to Ho ‘ - osp a or an “3 operation, but I " could not bear t _ fe,. " think of it. I dv E,am cidod to try Lynn r.' I ‘E. Pinirham's Ve,':. 1rs7',?', I Mable Cmn‘uwwl Ctr/cc" V t, w', LiiiiwitivVAv/i, ' ,2; _'.". "'v --sttqtwrsrntirely - _ 7 _ rural nftcy thrre RT. HON. A. J. HALFUL'R'S ma- jority of 13,000 in London looks pretty big (-vrn compared with the majorities given for some Canadian M. P38. si'. $1 _iiii,iE')y.1s1rstcli', _ N", c, x _ a)"; _.:'; o'sC."iai- ", l,“ . _ , _ 'ii'?' _ an.» Eitifrl JERt N.': ..M I J I ’ ' K MR. PHILIP SXUWDEN, the Sm cialist elcclml it; Biutkbum, is lhe husband of Mrs. Knowdcn who rc- cently lecturml here on 1tcnrav.'.s suffrage. . _ MR. WILL CROOKS, the hint man. who was here last autumn and addressed the Canadian Club, and a mass meeting of workingnmn, was dr, trated, but only by 300 votes. Mr. Crooks was not in England during the greater part of ,the campaign. sm JOHN 1uoIiscr,' an ex-Unis- ter, was among the (until. sm \VILLHM Bl'LI.-ll.\N.\'(i.\'. who, during the campaign Irma tight with a hecklcr, retained his seat with a greater majority. _ ‘MR. QHIOZZA MONEY, one ot': the mostHamous Liberal stumpcrs,‘ could not save his own political soul? in Paddington. I LORD HAMILTON, who carried the South Kensington district, insin- uated during the campaign that his opponent, was biclred by a rich Am- erican. He Irma-d to apologize for. the statement. rant. When Winn found thisnmnr ing that his dyke was cut he left his house lor the scene sonn- hundred yards trom his home. (Hemmer. who was standing on his line, ran to his house on Winn’s apprvach. He reappeared with a rifle and went o.'- er mar Winn. Words “used between.) them and Overae'ser suddeniy aim-1| his rifie at Winn wl.o started to FAIL: Overackor fami, the shot supposedly. entering Winn's right arm. A 'ii- cnd shot at the tieeing man brought him to his knees. Struggling to his feet Winn resumed his Inn tor 1510,: hut a third shat from behind ode/il his futile stygglrs, and in sight all Bad blood had (“and for sum:- tima betwmn the two mm mm‘ wat- er matters, but the ituntediateCau:w of the shooting was the cuttiffir, of a dyke on Winn’s land by ttvrracker. Winn's dyke was along the [with mix at the place and deflected the “RAP! into the road skirting Overaekvr's w, "s (allowing particurats ('Onkt‘ill- " the tragic death at Gustavus A. Vin ot California, brother oi Mr. b'.. G. Win ot Hawksiille, are taken from the Herald, Santa Ana; Califor- lit, dated Jan. 13th:- Fiting three shots uith a ts"e, meh the of which took eticct, Sylv- ester u. Overacker killrd his migh- bor, Gustavus A. Winn, this morning " the latter “as standing an hit; own ranch near Neahupr, tice tuilts south ot Santa Ann; I Pickings From The British Elections w. BROTHER or mm; c. idik, or ,hiatimur/rii,';irl'i/', 30x iv, ItoriTrrN_--thu, of the rcsuHs of 'hr. rum: usut lmrr of the Canadian Mmistvt of Labor, Iron, W. L. Mac. Iwnlir lung. Is a hill tor 1hr adop. Man orthe Canadian labor law in tiw \viilvnwni of displltvs, whim “as Intrmlucvd In tlw [.ogislalnro to, dzn Tho mmsurr replaces the prvs- rm "mm! of Conciliation Ind Arm tration in a Stale Bond ot L-hnr, 1',Fu'vLTN.-Fritnds of the Kaiser ate authority for the statcmmt that the German ruler is z‘rmtly disap puma! war Col. Roosmell's de trrmir:ation to visit Berlin strictly a' a pri a'p nth-0n, and to arcrpi ttrn' " In" Sutc horrors that it Wi" phmnvd lo hid in his honor. 1u'TTAWA.-- The Ontario Govern- nu-nt has ttotifwd the department ol militia that it will take up the ques- tion ot military training in schools under the terms of the Strathcona trust. This will bring two provinces, “Mario and Nova Scotia, into rc- lations with the trust. DR!" \l)\l)l'(illTS Sun the "ritistt Hptllr Ship! at th Illustrated LorhmVIn Ht. Amfrrw' ‘Iumh Friday night, Jan. 2Mh. tTTAWA.--The immitra%,n into i'cnaria Eur â€member was arm, as ummzmd with 4,9150 for December. I908. 'HL- total immigration Iur fut nine monim ot the [5:111 vrnr, Ami; t. Ihcem'uvr, wa'; 1514,9211, an [Ull- lured with 121,556 tor the 3mm [Mind of In“ ytar. an inrrvase ol 3l ret' (out. For the calendar yur I!!!†the inmiig!ation was 184,281 and fur llu- caitv.dar yt'ar 11:08 it 22:15 128,700, Th:. irnmigratitn from th, l'mtnd F.taos during ths; pvr ind “in 90,996, as compared wier 57.121. I LORI) HUWICK, son of Earl Grey, Governor-General 01 Canada, running ip; Unionist Candidate in Bradioyd was. defeated by 2,200 majority. “It, A. MUND, the Liberal elected in Swansea, is a member of the llnnzl family, who have large inter- ev'h; in Sudhury nickel mines. i IIT. HON. JOHN BURNS won in ',Pctttersea against Mr. Shirley Benn, 'a former Canadian. It is a typical vanrkman's constituency. I LORD CHARLES BERESFORD'S gt-lvclion in Portsmouth was received "Willi great enthusiasm by Unionists land C'otrservatives cverywhere. An 'immense crowd gathered in Trafalgar, [Square and cheered uildly for “Con-1 dot Charlie." l LORI) ROBERT CECIL, third son of Lord Salisbury, was defeated in P.lcv'sburn by Sir T. Barclay, Lib- tr, r, by a majority of 3,300. ma. COSTELLO, Liberal candidat‘c! '.'elrti'uyresss in the Strand district, was d_er.etedil,tlei.ti? ..VV-Vet in spite of the fact that he tried j'Cr.'i,'r",,i,',1,'i" on De ur-wplnn, having as his agent a wo- '. Aeerued In"? 4 mun, Miss Peacock She was not a Int. on Savings 'ituTragctte, bat she failed to , pro-l Hut the Lhionist from securing al bum" majority than beiorq. I --. - TRIM TE To I,l~'..\lll')1'X ACT Thi, [Mural ot Winn will be In): to-morrow from the undertaking par- lors of Smith N Son of this city. G. A. Winn who was ytsterdaykillod at Newhupe near Santa Ana by one of his mighburs, R. H. ()voraclci, resulted itra verdict that Winn came to his death tron; a gun shot wound Iron) a gin rm?et'risy (Moravian with murderots intent. Winn's wife and daughters were among the witnesas examined. l ("cracker was arraigned this morn- ing before Justice Swithwick, and his preliminary examination, was set to, Monday, 2-1111. He is in jail with- oct bonds. He will te defended by Laugh’y & Thomas of Santa Ana. K A I50Ht IS DISAPPOINTD Santa Ana, Jan. 1i.--'I'rte town 1's; inquest held to-day over the body ot The murdered man was born in Wellesley Tomtsltip and was a saw " the late Joshua Winn ol Hawks- xille and a brother ol H. G. Winn a! that place. His ntuther was bunt-d the day he was shot. ( FLUVEQIXG TO CAN Winn was " years old and leaves a wile and children. He was a wit- nt-ss against (“cracker in a water suit and there has been enmity be- tween them ever sinee. The murderer) a man over sixty years old.. He has a 'tunity consist, ingot a wife and daughter and Lou. cr/i.' oiGiirr'idiiTGiii'uT,iG'i,'! The sum honoréi Jiiririu old- “ay to Santa Aan to give unwell lesg a“ most active members by up- up. I BITE-ling yr. William Root ff Chi:- l" _ bum In the lowly-Imam ' j'.-t _. lien, Mann. Rooa, Aims n his wite Ind daughter Winn tin m. the mm tiiiing out the dead. Three mun witnessed the nun-l 'e' term Pt, Mr. K. Mueller. ONTARIO A CCHPTS that he tried a his agent a wo- Shc was not a failed to , pre- l “A TFmMF1:--Trrt per rent. of the arming prirv to br paid at thts lime ot nate, and the balance within tawny days therein". . For further intorrnaUon apply to There is upon the property a Hum-- starry lartory building, 56x62 Ieet, 'rquipped with steam heating, and a nnv-ston-v storehouse, 25x57 feet, Ill recently occupied by the Elmira 1'pholstcring Company, Limited. ," at which all tic M'nk m cat, has“. w. Roan, D. Hit-u, C- "u. Iilu,_o_3. 5:31am, H. E. Atr. Under and by virtue ot the powers contained in a certain mortgage, whiclelll be produced at the time of sale, there wilt-tre altered tor sale try Public Auction, at the Zilliax House, in the Village of Elmira, on Monday, the 7th day of February, 1910, at eleven o'clock in the lore- noon, by George ll. Class, Auction- "er, the following property in the Village of Famira:-Lot number fit- leen and the easterly thirty-one links of lot number lourte'en on the south side ot Erb street. according to plac registered in the Registry (mice tor the Cotmty of Waterloo as Plan No. 17. The property has an "outage on Firb street of about ninety leet by a drpth of one hundred and thirty-tw, 'eet, and is ronVr-nirnt to Grand Trunk Railway Station The side tastenings to the coat will be prominently featured this spring. 'Promium on Debentures 41.10 llArz-rued Int. on Deb. 39.45 jlnt. on Savings Bank-ac. 20.32 Printing, stationery and postage _.,....'. ..PP_.... Pt' Insurance 'v...' .._ .t.F.tvr_ Sundries .r...er.V ._. m-r...... Water street iate ._.. _ Park improvements under new debenture issue Mortgage Sale of Factory Property (Labor and teaming _..... 7 'Pred Erase, salary .-r.w. 4 Iteerlin Light Com, ..t.._ 1 Berlin Water Com. mer. Feed, etc. ""._'rrrt '.._..,... '? Repairs and supplies ... 2 Flower, and seeds _........ Tara's and shrubs ..r.r. ... l Flags, cte. w..-.. _.. ....-. d Painting 'Pe'...-. .._ "'Pt*.... I Tiles, Allan Shoemalnr & C., Ac. 1908 Chairs P_.. '._. .. Printing. stati Debentures Ftr _..-.. ._r... $337.45 Interest on Debentures 821.17 Town Treasurer, Munici- pat Assessment _.Frtrtm. Dated mm .vannaiyfmm Ice privileges Land sold "-.. Sundries wr.-... games "'mmrrr. ... P..... Pavilion 3.. ..m.t. 'mmrrrrw. Refreshment privileges Band concerts ..t... .t.rt. Rentals:- Use of grounds tor Architect Knechtel was instructed to prep; rc teeifications for a ter- mam floor tif be laid in the public Mormon station and tenders be asked for, to be in by Feb. 11th. . Mr. G. M. DeBus was reappointed Secretary ot the Board., Auditor's Report. The financial report tor l909 was submitted by Auditor Scully as fol- lows:- I The tenuer of James Robertson Co., of T'otonto, for all the marble ‘wurk in the public comfort station at the page Jor $525 was accepted. This is tttii'dame firm Which is sup- plying the plumbing tixttrrea. Town Engineer Davis was instruct- ed to make a settlement of the an. lerenres between the Jenkes Machine Co. at St. Catharines and the Board as to the cost (it the ttood-gate. man lot the ensuing yen. Mr. Roos has been). member of the Board con- tinuousl: Mace 1899 and white he has lrequently been elated the position he has modestly declined. He in the only member ot the Bond who has held otrtee since its orgtutization ltr years ago, and _ his most populu tin-men! rotteprsatlon with his ao- 'quuintaure.s is Berlin‘s heautilul Park. Mr. Boos thanked the mem- bers for the honor and promised he would endeavor to make the Park more popular than ever. ms, G. M. Dean: and Mayor Hum. The team] actuation olnce vote tadea by the 'fdtl,"d"aLtll man- im. Mum. Rom. Alums ad Holl- JAMES C. HAIOHT, Disbursements, Wttterloo, Ontario, Mortgagre's Solirltnr Iwrgmumm Receipts. Jan. 22, 20, Feh , 310000.00 752.96 401.53 104.75 16.77 ?26.18 258.15 90.04 112.00 40.00 73.49 100.93 10.50 LI' 1.3-5 $200.00 30.50 06.00 58.70 30.00 30.23 68.40 9.75 313890.47 40100.77 5389.91 2294.67 210.60 $2995.75 1158.62 $793.95 $385.70 100.00 250.00 58.25 Gait, Jan. 25.-A meeting of the Ontario Professional Hockey League will be held here Thursday, when a deposil. of $300 will be made by each tram, and arrangements will be made to have the league incorporated. '! he appeal seems genuine, and it. it i5: nut, the tact remains that there is nun? a man in our own Northwrs: who is nit-grind of the dppatnnity «I meeting girls from whom he would care to select a wife. l With girls in the East wanting hus- ‘hands and men in the West wanting wives-what steps should be when to bring them together? That is the gist of the' letter I hase remind ttont a man oat west, who protests against the gown] belief thxt it isa mistake for a girl to promise to mar- ry a man whom she has never wen. "There are lots of us out here," he writes, "who have good prospects an!) comfortable homes, hut have no _rltrtt.to go [fast looking tor {vivosu 'de are lonely ant peed companion-1 _ hm. Can't something he done tel min; us in touch with tin-“girls! who, really want homes of their mm :ndvyllo are willing to gisat:,ue I, snmvthing in the way of luxury?" I _ _ -. .. "'"e, - '"k " of most ttcccusities since 1:435 wanna hare hccn prepared. Here the economic factors entering' into the (use have been fully considered, every" {base of the case being treatcd fully and yet concisely. By this mornxnt h.u:'nnds' of mm are aiteeUd Loin in Canada and the United Sta Cz. The (ernands in all cases, in Canada crd the United States, are the same, To irolt tic. indie: of their de: unt's ard the ne- crssity o? having ti.cm crmplied with, L careful statemrnt o' tiie great in- PM??? in, th. in l cf lining and the The vnirorm sealer ed wages" now I being asked for by the men mail 1Mound at the meeting of the Eur ttterhood'in Bostm on Oct. 19 last? The schedule was there drawn up in'; aplr'm'td. It was thrn decider! that Lime delegntrn For: mrh road visit the nunlgemcat tp. /trt. 20 and put forth the (hazards: a the men. So that, outside rf Montrrat, there are reprpsentattirs of th? Brothethocd 'alling upon the matia uncut. of all the, lines norttr ct the Chesapeake and (mm and (as: of all: Mississip- Brotherhood Men All Intereiratd. Not gulf are the trainmun 1131ch by' 'this conference, but all yard men are also vitally interested; in k tact, 1ll mm telongin; to the Brotherhood or any of the aT0iatcd societies. /,v.Nr:usr, VIF.W OF THE C. P P. SP.\\ISH RIVER "RIDGE, Tm: WRFA'K CAN' THE FAtt SIDE OF THE "R H'Hl'l, AND THF, Iurr CRANE-Q AT WORK. Even mare irroortant to the rail- way man is the demand that pay on alt lines he unilorm. This means that 'a.eomiuctor on a given line, doing the same work as a ccnductor (n another line, will be given the _ same pay. This 1330 apply to I trahimen on all passenggr and freight trains, and lsa relotm than; the men are moat anxious to have put in op- eration. This will mean that the man on a small line will receive the same pay as ti man doing similar work on one of the targe trunk, tin- es. - ' /. ' delegates arrived here on Tuesday and have “ready had actual comm-tux: Wm: the nilwuy new. Tteirtms- but! here will protnmy be concluded shout the lint ttt, next week. Although the increuu “Fed tor In not on I pereerttags huh.“ may be said in 3 general \ny that they my trom 10 to "tr cont we: the present was“. tht may a! ,the nus the increase sought is as high ak 20 per cent hut the majority ot use: (To not come up to that. INCURPDRA TE LEAG UPI. (Toronto Saturday Night.) rm:- this on, was. the We tentative: ol the man and the - 1; my“! me diam-t systems. Every animus In! in “wa al- {acted by the outcome at this cowl ter . Every tmad in Cunt berotwhog men are emplondg "9tett!y,r,t, Iur, WANT WIVES a ham-3 G. Jiieai. L"i iny p:o:cr provisions to to in a rosil‘on lo tite this class ot help. Married mu: a r ‘n le, heartily re- tormv,rrdyu' rs :1:.~'zixg the most per- man,nt settlers. heirg anxious to rcate horns ior their families in this ( mm: ry. Notwithstanding tho, great. Cow ot immigration. to Canada during the fast few years the need ot tarm help . seems to be as great art-vet, and in [order to meet the demand. the Sal- Tation Army has had an. experienced Canadian represtiaiives in Great mi- (tain during the part thiee months, se- glecling a good class of able-bodied l mm and women. “hose emigration' v,'ill to arranged this spring.' As the "haip,ration Department oi the Army has done e:insive advertising in lhy rural districts of Great Britain it is expected that they will he suc-f ttssrtil in bringing a class of no)!“ to this col nlry who will readily adapt., themselves to Canadian larming. Married Men as Permanent Settlers. There is a' great desire cn the Fart pl marrird mm with. families to cal grate to Canada for farm work, and it is gratifying no oUserve that farm- rrs are :c:~ing the advantage of mis- Salvation. Army is to Bring a sirahle Class of Pco.de us the Dominion. he]! infurzmlliun and Application FARM HAN A Message of Gooikjiriigi" worn: atom on. om“: SIDS FOR ONTARIO We CITY MILLS BERLIN ""7747" ' f m ls contained In every sack of The r/ 'elilBlMlI â€-54.3? a; I 1.4 mm' .9. FUN" ttour. It says that It: liner 'Ill is sure of better bread, better cake, s", _ ‘ better appreciation ot her skill as a @3531]: baker. The message is tor you In 1‘3“ I‘m _' _ \MM xrtsii'i'-i)_'r,,?i" s", . _ 1; I, wall as anybody else. Have it come (ii 'ii)),:), §\ to you in one of the sack: of The 0’ 1US','s,itN ‘ . Lt b' 2, -d, KING dour this week. It will " [ ihii'iitiv: ways be welcome thereafter. , aSrln‘er orders Promptly'. I“; ESTABLISHED 1858. my 1.006. .1 g HOWELL. TORONTO m mmmnn " was given, or there was too much de- lay in beginning it. The total num- ler ct deaths from hydrophobia in the l’nitcd States in 1908 was 82; in the years 1001-5 the average wan no Did the reader ever consider what an extraorcinary thing it is thatnot a single case (i hydrophobia he) ever been known to occur on the Pa- cific Coast? The disease is yum; becoming more troublesome in the East. ht New York, in 1908, (no; 1,000 persons were treated for hydro- phobia. The number ot deaths was 20, and in these cases no treatment It is cxpectcd that parties ot men for him work will arrive during the months of March, April, May, June and July, under the supervisionoi the Army's duly appointed conduct, ms, and will be sent from roit ot landing direct no situations through- out the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. - - -. --- "'""""ee"'_ Vulwl. James ‘anu Albert streets, Toronto. cr Stall-Captain Williams, Clarence Strut, London. Perm will be furnished by Lieut Cot- our! Howell Immigration 0mm. NO MAD DOGS ON COAST, perfect whoiesomeness- dough yon thinirit's, worth while insisting on â€Crown Brand Syrup?" Your dame} has it for you In :._5_. 133nd_291b. air-tight mu It is prepared in a prefect manner from absolutely pure ingredients. It is far ahead of all other kinds in deliciousness of flavor and (Victoria Times MU? itid n F, S F. F CN ON t's N