t'jiiw, ' WW: u"fiaiiiiiil'ei'r, : 'c1ri'ii'ii'.at'ir'tll. an: NiiiiTa iitagtit In our vi0agtc- 'r , y t iti (traumas day Wk; very Mo-'.-- Mr. l I Lat-ch mac“ his sen-ad I 5' ot (um this last "iiJC-l ', ', It. JIODIJ libel and tamity f 18 “I no Mrs. Hme flask: "' ' on Christmas day.-- Our . it“ ï¬led on Tuesday and will I ,9hbtft.3yrt until January 3rd, 1910. l Mmr, RM mum ot Berlin will l _ " ttittbtt.r.-Miss Clara. Detyreitier 2 Til“ It? Essie Lunch on Christ- ', “, cdii.--Mr. Elias Uippel a , . Mrs: Bock was a “1:11;:anle tlte whoie community loved andy) r.s'pr't"r- , ed. She was an aWctionatrr “m- and fmo’ther and found her grvatt'st vart'r.- . u ‘happiness in her home. ' .Shc early learned to bca follower L.i8 pm: Lbtd,' being tom-rated " kn ' 'ttt,rrar, and during her long No. - wavered in her mm. Her last ' . treing-"mrsus Tale Me," l tuna" 1859 Mrs. Bock jom"d 591% United Brethren church ai Mr 51" tr, meeting house nrarmrrscville , it! their names are In the U. B. "r' “Myra New Dundee. __ ___ hi3? "tters tc'mourn her lass, he: . _ _. slid. tour sfns, rm- daugh- . l " qreutdthildren and fm, grant EDH at Promemce nay, Mani- Dee. " ' 1909, Mary Arr: "ittt ot Benjamin Bock, at “VIM age at 77 years, 6 W1“ 14 days. . inmate] was born in Edgefield County. England, June 4th, 1332. “70135511140 to Canada with her V _. can and Reherea “was. _ in farming near Williamshurg (uni Mrs. Book being the eldest tttit [may remained with her par- .. f as 11m and dutiful daugh- mlr‘mn which home she was ns.ar.'- _ 40. Benjamin Hock, Ami. 31m, M, C pops sind two daughfr'rsarp ' "of Manitoulin, In: St“ V.' _ '5 "pi, pr!- ilau"ghtcr in Kewa- .' 'Cal6s. We tiiutatuis in Altrerta. ' JIMAuq (“my ham the sin- Hockey Match.-The luuxl hockey l $ethi hurneyed to Linwood on ymas; it}. and partieipated in an writing we'di'hockcy with the home tram. l " T mat score wasa th- g--'?.. The vMtt.elir8 heckey served by the locals . .rise4 qrerrtrot.ir " was tha ftrst I , _ omitau't. Inn‘st‘wml oi the iftg," and li',',,','.),',',',","' hurt tho " a were in; ong at the tin- tti Paterwggl guarded tho nets â€halibut style ville J. R. Stump! '.2tit.15t nan] good game at LumL ', _ ,l ' . Ee'o9r.. at tos'eri;oint, a" 'ii " w game by his great _ I88 5; thf was all ttVCI" the in- 'itg " ' 3-bmaking up well meant y a " _ ., ' ills, hinatlcn rushes. His PrP- w, "i I " playing greatly slnnglll- " al tram Leo. Stumpl, moiths before Mrs. Mock's drum " s? . 5:35 . st.-, 01.12.148sz 'W. and Mrs. Bock lived in New": Tnlmv Hunk/Law und “1. ' ttee six. yens. moved to Hrmr thr. ttCirc/ron arc sprnllin‘ alum“ in 1861 and in 1s77, ‘uwh auth mar gram pa , came to Manitoulia, where Mr. ' Fun,†sr-Mr. and Il:, was engaged in farming m Spun-z inim' un' 'iitiuit .0. (‘..x::- Buy an! resided there untll Ct [i-w l the hoitdays.--hliss Num- i-ter. Elias Uippel .1 bait' called It Mr. F. Latsch Sam‘ly (Christmas dart-Take that tho Order Canadian _ . undo. meets on trqvardnr, ttwrast. "IO, an members are nested . to be present. 'ffNMt)eg,"t,t tMt tht ' to whit ttiq l it. Backus-mac- iter tr Int thutre:-<m.ryue knonm-Iare I'len1 mm. ,4 Itorr' "lett., if?“ prrsmI haw“: 11H her‘, vatenrttw.--.ur,. n lull"; . I Brenner, Mrs I'H-‘v I miner and Mr nnd Mr. J. at1rnllrd 1hr- funrm! 'd Mr if†Marlin al Fm'nunu on11tsd-l, .--Misss Mary firtyjth tb l .01. is al New"! â€sum: \th ems trirmds -Mics,r 1iagriuic- out, at 1lcrlin, xiv-m Nnouhol. with her parnms, Mr nu! Mr, _ 'ip. Noct--The lex mm M, mm. Minnie mums anvl Thor- Imemsr of Toronto an- sprnvl- the" holidays at their rrspwuw . tert.--Mr and Mrs Acstin, in, spew Xmas hulldalys‘ with Austin's parrnts, MI. and Mis K. Meyer.--Miss Khnota Vom, 'tr.L'erlir' is sunning in: imll~ 1 he: home herqv-Mr. Hamid I’m Christmas at his ""18 Wd1eiurt-Miss mm- ymmg-mce HA y " "ending twins and New myh'it'm ho"me hon". 1j,s,ir,y Ahe whole com- thcir: sad hereaveiim}. 'lLLE- "iltiist' Neighbors 'l la tout councillor.-- Mr. Adolphe Lerner, altar an absence of thrw We": in the west, is spending th" ‘winter with his lath" here-- Mr. ivred Miller with his wife and tnmlly. to! (iron-d Rapids, Mich ' n here on a visit to his mother-The nomination . proceeding! pissed ot' very quietly lthis year. though there was a good attemiaAce pr ratepayers. All the old [members ot the council were rr-elect- Ied by aecuunistimt.--Mrs. T. S. (“opo- gland ot Salem is spending a tew tweaks with his sister at Willowhurst 'tcottage-A meeting of some of tho FiGi'iit,iiivr: men of this section was held on Tuesday evening to run- isidcr railway matters.-- Mr. J. L. Tidtrman of St. Jacobs"attendeti the (nomination Inn-Ming last Monday and I “but hul- visited our nut-w post oirice iand "xpressed lnmsrlt highly pleased with us arrangement. m. and In. Olivier Sudâ€, of Cuemuy. Say!†are mm»; “I in the was. Just baton leaving In: the east Mr, Snider was elected ', Personals “If: Locah--3ir. C. Dur- Rel) at Tisdale, Sash., and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Durranl and Miss Hentis of Wruterbourne, called on Mrs. Bcrn- lis on F'riday.-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 1Mu\llislur ate thvir Christmas :lurkvy at Guelrlt.--Miss F.thel Ht ti- Iurd, Waterloo, spur: llmnlmaq ul l her home here.--ur. .Uhn Fsttticr' and f)â€. Milton Sum-I HE Hulhwvll, vis- gitui at Mr. cul Mrs. llr-rzzmn Mcys rm --tir. an: Mr-,. l), A â€runs IT To:rmto rum 11120411.“. uili: thc Ir"rmt'r"t um'ftun, Mus. Heme, -3livs' \llluh' Hwinl'n an and ut, less“! rrxiz- Kc 1mm oi Berlin ity? 59m": mg l a few days wtth Ur. and .t.trr. All-- I.eati_--ylr. mm llrilllnlmlx am! I Mr. 1.10 Lauhrr spout Monday with Mr. and lira. Heinltmau lstvre.--Mr. and Mrs. Will Wiegrnt oi Limerick, wâ€) turns: at Mr. :nl Mrs. Wm. Hcdford.-Mr. and Mrs. Alcs Me- \llish‘r and Miss Olive M?AW1strr oi irawkesville," 1isiied at Mr. and Mrs. c. IttstL'ord..--3rr. and .Mrs. Albert RPllmgcr of. Toronto, spent tlreholi- day ai their luhrv. hertte-Miss Mayud IYr-dfmd, Berlin, Snndayml at hm hotne 1s.ere.--Mr. Wm. Human! and Miss Olive Burmrrl ana Miss Gitar- rr stent Christmas at‘St. Thomas. -Miss Hat'hrh'an Spent a few days with friends, at 1yertin.-uMi.' and Mrs. Vanni) Braendlc spent the. holiday at Us ,lattct's ltuttw at FUrnira.- Mr. anglrs. Rodger Geach spent the Mummy at.‘ ListowW--Mr, Clayton Kurehinski spent Sunday at his home at 1?toaiog_trc-- . Mariie'f-1n H m, on Dec. 22nd. by Rev. ll. Sa T ' Mr. Wm. Rod- gl-r (hath Aha Elminn Snyder; bot is place. AtNiitsrti..--A accidtnl happened at the Flour M a went asolast Monday morning 'hm the toamater, fur. Goo. zih'i"f1', Tell bathwards ol the sleigh, ., rising his head cm the hard snPw, causing immediate uncon scioustttrgs: He was carried into the mill onitve and Dr, Hugg of Fusion, was man on the scent- and iw imme- diately had him taken in his home "s5ap,ir'f.if?.'x.' Wodnesday, Dee. 22, hy’IRegl’. r. Jonas Snyder, Mr. Her- buf. (rt.igsman lo Miss ary Ann Al- Inuang, pin). of thiyvga News Notes.-The funeral of the late Mrs. John McNally nt Berlin, was largely attended on Friday last. --Mr. and Mrs Henry McNally of Humillrn have h-rn wishing friends hvre during the Xmas holidays. The Rania Ulaus Cantata which was giv- rn in the sslmnl house cm Wrdnes- day (-vr‘nlng of Irst, wevk under the "tvipites " thes “lair lniun Sun- tlay-sfo'. Wits a drum-(I nut‘u'ss, u!l paris Icing urv ably taloat and mmh mum is tluc to thaw Mm had '"ile,r' and all “L MM; putt, In w'llh in Preston and up to mas time of virions (Tuesday) he has not mtain- tti corcwitrusness, being in that Condi- tion mar eight days. Items of tntcrcst.- Miro, Margarct I Apes of Cuicago in spcndinz ('hnem r mas at Mr home south at the may. ',-hfmcsirs. Hprhert Warner and Pc1mr “Huh-y arr spending the holidays in IL troit.-yhss Harvlay, Ivm‘nrr at the , thnl h.l'l'. has resigned her position :nd rc-turuvrl in her home in (HINDI), pry. sucnsmr, Miss â€mm Haymrr, “I†rommvnn- ln~r rum-s on tue ‘third of the New humr.--hroaira "up Imam, infant “dunghlnr M Mr. L. 1hrthrvMTer, died last Thursday. We imural our sympathy to .the new“ ' ml rarrmtr--Th" Beau-r Literary meets (n the 8th of .lnmuty. c I t'rtl l'u-x'lm nnmrr' IIA' l"\l""l It', " " Inn CON E81000. "U 10.“! NG " ALE 'rwrr WILl.IAMsm'Ili', n, ul ID BLAIR. "gamma: li 'has, m1 --Tm. Lihnnry I' Hml‘ co,vnoi ql M THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CuN01'l'lUN h Nv1ti.rs uud “up Berlin ity? sprn‘ mg Mr. and Mr». All“ Hmnirman and spent Monday with T h trr,rin III " li hind" iuulhr‘l of F.r Us s Lug"! R r" MONICLE-TELEGIAPH, - -v ..---V_. -__ Vvv -----r--""- 'eit, Olga.†Livery ot the Faun", 3 , Pit station spent mangled on 1 M'. '"'""ef.y RSE. tttt our whool Int root-w t Fustortautatent.-A vow "tlorrale , ',t,fa'ttt"dl mm 'dt I entertainment. was held in St. An- ' l ' DIdey torhiq WWI. drew'u Hall (n “Mutiny tuning Chattaaoog. Totut.--W Uh. - 22nd inst., by the Pro-bywinn Sun- iiG is vial . u. mother 1‘ any sthoul under the gums-cc a: . _.-..m I." “$1 a PM , Guleraiurt, Public School teach“. . ' Maittag Mr brother hn__ I: i' program included dialogues, led - . 'rratt ".4 Mr. 'ttt Wrtstt bl" Irons and musi _ many-s an} - Uord spent Christan! at theit i dies wt" usluhultd at tae close, here-Mr. “a Mrs. Alum-b ttev. A. M. tiamiltoa oscupied' 't M: ot (Feminine and their son] chair. . - an“ [ Jonah um! “may of Mia, um, I 1'lusing Exorcism, No " Yictori' Gated mum-s here In". wei-MY. Sthoul had a wry pleasing pro‘ 34' ;.4Btegter ot Winnipeg calltd MM at their timing exercises on w " friends last wee-Mr. 'surl day List 22nd, inst, can '... "ph. Stewart ot PeeLctstied on Et-i dialogues, recitaV and ,cou- _ I I.riendB last , k on his my‘ ducted try Miss Power, was 'i-iii/it/iii'?, the We? Dr. _ Funds} P. A. Snyder presituNi m his i'itsl 'Christmas wi .lriemis in Bat-' happy manner. The Trustees is--.h‘°--!K- 8ettin â€mix“ spent SHIP? tributed uraugrs and candles. . day with trtemfs in Q N1.--Mr. mt, 1turr1war.- What might have beatt a Peed" ysruyLnihaillggtup3.i) P. A. Snyder prrsiwd in his (ttl." happy manner. The Trustees is-. tributed orauKes and eaudies. . Ruruwar- What might have Lem a serious rulaway took pl last, Tuesday 2tst, wifrh 3!"- a'lF'li"i,a, lie “an." "impttiOiirmlir, who driving to Wtuterboatae. Just alter starting the bit broke LIL! away went the horse. “hm opposite Ben. Millard's Conn-r they jumped out all! the hump dashed away umil Ite mum to "tite clnunh sheds “in!†mun-M7}. breaking tue miter. . . "riets.--Mr. Wm. Snidrlj in†fur his nolidays and is Engaged as l’uhli: school leather at' Nt,':,',',').",': the running ywar.--rtrt_. and NHL Hmnlun " Elmira, vrsited at Mr. u, Mtliard'ri and Mr. John A. Dur- I? Ink Tuvsday tist tnsi.-Misis Pow- m, tvac1vt ut No, 3s, La, Lame turn:- lo Drill. Lu 1lirts,'rtrcats lmllrmu» IU. “112mm Rumâ€: of Luluwvl N A husr; h:,' \|~J!-.-I In: a [say days wil. ir, ‘1 It': Mi, Iasvz/iom-- Hausa and I‘rvsvmatmu - l drs lirzhHul crtiertaiumerd was gin-n 1n our local public sthool Oil Wednesday nitrrnnou. Dec. 22, the metnbers of thr. trllslm' board as well as a num- hr" of others brim: proscnt, A Ica- ture ol thr. program was the 1rrreurm- ation. of a beautiful manicure set to Miss H. Bean, the Pmcient tracker M. the junior department. by; the sitmolars' Mame. whole, school. M‘s: [Ir-an has resigned her position here and will commence her duties with the may your as teacher at Ridttp- war, Out., where she assumes thum- of a whole school. . 4. . M.. a "I a “nun: mil-run. . . _ f -, "The Lutheran suiiday :schoél entér- erty9hp'ripi11.ot tafnment was-droid on Xmas Cven- school, has been: ins. Thrrefwas a large attendance ot the an“ and a splendid and interesting pro- an initial salary gram was giretc--Tlus annuai enter- -rNisa, Vrrtptta G tafameat under tho auspices ot .ttte tieim O'Noill,are Baptist Sunnay school was given inâ€? holidays. on Sunday atoning; Dec. 26. " ‘t c M6ttrdiyt rxcellcnt. program was {W ru' tea me“ u a Iain: ousdaopreciaU" . _ P. -- t Pa. M. vb A representative number of? iness night and 11Wrt and farmers from town d vici- arranged.- A _ nity amended the municipal maxim» brand her Hons held,at Baden on ariiuiir, and her fried "ec. 27th, 19o9.-Caritrtqnnq day was saw her a sple observed in the usual quiet marlin-r spent a " plea by our citizens. her. Personals-Mr. and Mrs. J. Wit- mer of Michigan visited relatives in Presentation.-- town on Wednesday of last. week.-- ur, ises ot the Y: Messrs J. llilboi’n ot Blair and A. Wednesday the W. llilborn ol Perlin were visitorito their tcaches, hit: town on Thursday oi last week, - severed her mm" Mr. Lincoln ll. C'assel of the (run, school. with an Huvlph, is spending tht' holidays at tation, cousistio his home near twre.-Mr. and Mrs. .Net. Mr. Claytm J. A. Reinhard of llnwick are spend- the preseatatitm in; a short vacation with relatives Shanty. read the and friends in town and vicinity. - .1)?“ Teacher- Miss Rr'ssii- Master of Mormon La- when you are ah, dies' College., Toronto, is spending WP as your sthol the holidays at her home near here. teacher lor the 1 -yir, N. It. Boyce is spending his have tried in PTe vacation at his home near Chathani. "t our s1ttdies al -.\ir. .l. c, Anderson of Toronto will have lo say was a (‘hristmns visitor to town.-- but wt. writ Cver Mr, N. MOL. Hirrel spent Christmas you are tar awi2 in Toronto.--Mr. and Mrs. K. C. teel we would " â€mums and family were holiday Tis- thing with you iiors to Nvwstead.--Mr. and Mrs. T. love and sympat N. t'urrent ot Brrlin spent Xmas. you Itleast' accepl vulh relatives in town.-- Mr. Lovi small token oi “ Burk of Chatham was a liolidar our work MYTH" \i:.i1ur to towm--lyr, L. Is. sjautidr Imrhor. Wishir sp'trt l'hrisimns at his huim- in War F'hrisimas and " prioo.--MaMvr Hurtnn Shani: ur “Hm" it 5 11.an'rrv In upuvlinq n wimii hunk ----- Hum “UH" o!utive; in 1mm. - Mr, ths; t"oirssr,; l iur.' Mrs. l if. Ibon at ii.i-.\\I|lv, "\I'H‘N‘i i‘vi‘w'" .prn' ("Irl'lllldx at the ht-nu- ul the lut‘ml'. In rah, \ir, and Hm " T'. "allutuir-Vat_ Thin 232mb: oi hii. 'l‘lznnm. I; \gnx‘ling the [Wham-n; al ma ler.to 't '., Hwr.--Mr. Mr] Ur, " T'trcrrvu of Hallin spent Smxda' L, I un'. ttr-rule, Ill toun.-Mr. an?‘ m., “-31er .mll family of st. Thomas arr spcnding the holidaysat tr." hotttc nf tht' Iattvr's parots, Mr. .Iml Mrs, l siolir.-Mt and Mrs. \llan llrivkt-r of "('th spent Xmas. with “Inlnru in town.-- Mr. Irvine Witmpr of mar Ayr was " visitor m toxin (In Sunday Last.- Mr. and Mrs. F'. "anirls and family ot Can- ning spent Christmas with Rev. and Mrs. 1'. W. Baekusc-We are glad to :mlv that Mrs, P. Bumpy is improv- inq .1le a short imtetts.-.Ur. Ivan 1lall of Toronto is rpm-wing acquain- tar-rm in town this week.-. Ive no mrry In ttole that Mrs. Titus Shard ts on Uw sick list. llcr many lrirnds uish her a woody recovery. - Mr, Walter Rice ot the 0.01., Galt, is' uwnding the holidays at his home ',here.--A happy Sts Year to all. Ct IEl's I‘I'Xlil'll‘ and (I'Hix ILA! " prul, It"! on W " ,n . . . Ste ':i','ii'i,il-fi , I 1! eat 'jii'iiii'i': I t his {131 't stms is-- mu.--, " I IIIFN TO. "dV C . - "‘xrr->t‘* ,tdemt _:riiltii,iii,, me“ and out/uh . V 9.;t E. M. Mon Ne of? iness night and Apiosun vn d vici» arranged.- A 341-;th u maxim» brated her , Iyl aEiiurky, and her trio ' _ $it In Any ML. gnw her a spleh l the holi “1' w" _ _' " We -. in; i,liiit,iiii2, Detroit.- n an". iiiiltiiiii; I II' . _ ., . rst y, M ix? no Glennie ol ' . 8 . my spent the holiday: R’I‘ here-Mr. F-red Rum drs . News Notea.-Mr. and Mu. tg-ttel San um $wo children ot Winning maximum tttepmtrr'tiy1eutsr here. iilllril5iirt-EE52P' spent C tmas at lit 0“» Melon E Mr. and Arrs. J. D. Merrter, 2lt'.' Lillign Rogers spent the holds†in Detroit.-- Miss Evelyn -i, Wee vi ' _ d: in m, Mary'sr eldon Werner ot, rsi y, Montreal, and Mr. ', rte Glennie ul Toronto l'niver- [ shy spent the holidays at their homes I here-Mr. Feed Ruppel' ot ' Toronto spent. Satusdav and Sunday at his home here.---'. ',eits? Dunham of the Rose millinery" s 'hh"le'guolu. to "erlin.--Miss Elm-l ur,)iiiu% of FA. Jacobs spent Friday in towtt.--r Mr. Ituirrm thrash-r of Hamilton apt-m Uhris,tr':as tn town.-- Mr. Paul Rumn-l and hmlln-r Will or Galt, \milad their parols iiere our the' I.sriidarsr-Ui. Bert lteisreBs' of Chic-' my: i'. 1u'.'ir4', "t hrs hotne iwrrs..-l ,.-‘n.n..n l ag, DECEMBER new. It“. JP, brbbk..." "PM' -__e" 7 "VJ. . tult, .\Il:w \r1l|4".‘ll. ' ll " V 'V‘I“ VI», P"" B"'" . 9"." -e__- .1410 i', H..:iin;: at hrs hotne heres..- h u ' an Jt (ri',',:,",',',',',',: i,lar_?'iirtiirrsiiioi'irtTeW'iri's"si' mm Ily., \'."I~l| [If tiiie.uierilie-i.'rt _ali.'tt,', it'rCnuoi-sir, (liimr kscehler, Ilcrlin, at, their "rspitire [twill Uis;ty, e-ee 3-490" it j t." .Hus'clli-r of 54.5 J_:vthnwan H “Mm†homvs.-Miss Alla Hahn, Wellesley, Tlto.rv.as aan Mr. alsl 1..l.r:1- t'arl lhm mg†Mr. hm" id,',,r,i/rr.l.rs/Li.' 9nd Infant! Mrs. J. Buckley, wa- Aar.srn af)f"ehildrrm of lili..¢n.lmw, " him “"11“. u: I.:.. Ni .l-s “bk terlco, at the lurmcr's home.- The 'Pont Chtr-Arutas v.tth “hf, \"E‘: T l magma] uni, I.;ulph, "una' homo for MEN‘S Irene and Carrie Boar wile Mr. Halq'md oi iln- “varopnllid‘l‘ [UH-Nina,- tyuv.-Miss Simmh oi Sunday with irimds in Petersburg:" Haul. stan h "hMHIEFHjP gating; '. Slialinrll 1; summit; the inc-Minn at Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Steiss lelt "titt i.1 )Hvefryy-clS' feta' J/l. " his her home 1,ers,r-.-srr." Owen Hamilton lor their home in Toronto arm trpeqt6- Guelph spent Chrtstmas ' Wt L, no; '.ot Ottawa and Mr. Gerald â€mumâ€. mg several weeks with the tormerhs parents h“"‘~':M’sI' "‘(.5' rleh ofâ€; In; The 34's, Toronto. spun part of pimmtsv-Miss Laurette Weiss, Berlin. at“ son and “:1 [aa'"1fJl'il, at l last week at the home nltheir undo. is rnlidaying for sewn“ wct’ss it '.2,'env.Tw'i'tT1 ','l§m.m._ Mr. tlr'aptainMcr'allum.-Miss Belle and Mr. her home.--Mr. John scammed: 'he,",',,',',',' formerly (unplovrd with 7 Wilbur Clemens, who are attending recently bought the. tarm of Illa. . Jackson & Cochran at Behin, has anmntu 1"niversity, are home for the Pry'? and will tage possessmn ot taken a position as machinist .1“ holidays-Mr. Eduard Katatnmeier, " m the near future. the Elmira Machine and Transmls' ism oi out Rare. but lately of Sui-f ' siirtt Company shop, iwlriett is the tle, Washtngton, arru'e_.d home nn_Fri-. . -r-"T'"'"-"Tr'"- n w warm the 'i:'citir'ii%iicyyirltii.v' torspeM;ttrrf,;hrirPy" _hmi/iars:. . l LIVWOOD . , Works co.-Mrk. John Sudan's: with his' part-rm; harm-3W1! "gut 'to-, ' . left last Friday for Port Huron. Ichroniclc the death on Thursday, cw; . u i. man, when she intends to spend ening last, "ot' Marr. Jeanrtte Ropf, Persottal and Loettl.-Mr. “a a . the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Poy.hurr of Mrs. Joscptt "opt, " the Sun Holtclruh spent Chrlltm 'rtuMrkery.-Mr. J, l per, form-gearly age ,olJI’elca' years. The, de- friends in “951,913,. Mr. ttttd _ . erty/pri.airipy.ot tho Elmira rl?e,tilh.eie had be": ill hr 'a long time John' Sehnurr of 5mm, school, has tken'Neirltf'd 'pririeipal with consumption. This family bas Christmas under the "tttt ' . ot the Bowmam’illlz Public. school at ' most unfortunate, this being the --Misses Ella and 113““ iv. . an initial sultry of $1.000 Per P?."' Icnnth funeral inside of twelu- .w‘u Toronto are speridulg a -rNists Vpngua Gtaesar and Miss The funeral took place yesterday. their home here..Lher. Ind Atrw _ tieim osmium home trom 'Guelnh mo uin; nom her' tuutiwr's liming“ Iiott Rogers and son Gomez: ot In“? 'elid?.yycPt Ladies Aid to tho R. C. cetrwterr--Mr. Louis Guelph spent Christmas at 350’ ‘- . t e M6todirt Church wilt hold Molnar M Toledo. Ohio, spent Chrint- sori--yuss Currie Hilkm'ol O . at†mum and unattglmt {fl I mâ€,- with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs was a visitor at her home my . t Pa. M. "tMf"ty Neir Yélrs Oscar Hauler 1tere.-9iss McGill, a few dttyri.-V R. 2r',tdtk night And "p"rotrrmrris being Miss Form]- and Miss- Manchu of Mr. R. Meuaitister wen till arranged.- A .i.-l.srtarttttstttrg ttt the Public svhml touching ietatt are, town on Thursdisr-aEr'. FIId- N; brated her , tput wee spa-dim the holidays Ut their reqlee- buch ot Detroit is a.ehettts ' T and her fried _ 'te" tTI 'ee _ the iiiaiiii 'in (hesley out and Christmas holidays at homer. -i Lr,ai'p h" a splefi rise ttf i Iiranttord.-chiiss Margaret, Grimmer Challenger and Miss Tunis, "ut spent a " pleasant. “mus with :ls on a iisit. to friends in Listcwel. Public strhool star tmd Mime _ C, her. (--asiss Mohay spot the Week end at, Leary .or the gaunt†sqtrook t at-a-t_..'.,... ___ i. n... rahsuiner "no: tame in Miuheil.--Dr. and Mrs. Iylhtir tecfte. tto/ne/et pee, lm’i‘l fVar, »~â€" “Sh-3%!â€o‘l PST. Thomas cud, Mr. and Mrs, ('arl Jansrn adf9shiliirrm of ‘I‘illmmbum ‘pc-n! Chttsrmas wtih Mrs. Vogt. - Mc. Hahn-ml of thc 3fi".ropolrtan Hunk sta6 m running the manager r.1 1mvertrm.-1irF.dcat Otto of Guelph spent Chrtstrnas with his parents t1ertr.-Mrs. J. S. Lingncr and son and Mr. Ira Gmgrlch of the Presentation.-- At the closing pa- cuuises ot the Yatton school last Wednesday the scholars surprised their marker, Muss t'orryit1, who has severed her L'nnm-L'tiun with the school, with an address and presen- tation, consisting of a Me tom-t wt. Mr. Clayton Schcdwitz made the preseutatitm and Mr. ()rvillt- Shanty. read the [allowing address:- «Dear Teactwr.--The time has comp when you are about in [raw us and WP as your scholars and you as our teacher for the past three years have tried in every way to help us in our studies and we are sorry WP will have to say good-bye to you, but Wt' WI" Cver remember you wiwn you are tar away from us. Sn we feel we would like to Iran smmn thing with you to remember our love and sympathy tor you. Will you please accept this present as a small token of our romemhmm-r ml our work togviher at; scholars and Irarhrr. Wishing you a Ilvrry F'hrisimas and a Happy New \I-ar. (linllu- it Hlrahlz, on hrlmll mph "min: hrr Hun-v o'.tcs t,lat, 5:1 :..m! t,iw “unit! always unnmbt‘r Mill-m and Ilu. “Lends err'. lo l Nramm "rrdt took place at ti" home d Mr. and MI... l mum. Park 'aTd"s, on Wrsdorsda1, lhw, lr, “In-u llwi: "vond rlartchtrr, Sula-m1, “as marrwd to "ur Hotfnwl Kil- Mr, and Mrs. tgamAarr of Winni- peg are spending tlw Imlldayw at the home ot her mother. ELMRA. tho" WI. and Mrs F C' Fiver n.9,: , . . uke spent v'tsristmtt-Mrs. tiliiir'ie.i otTo- 0“» Quinlan run'o, w s Te “met end. a. J. D. Memo: I --Mr. 801% ' Stunt! Bum, mil!- )gers spent the ‘el'S. mseit' rlstmas at his home in .-- Miss Evelyn (MitehrlL-Messrs. Frank Ficld,Wil- in St. Mary's ‘tcn and Matthews, ot the Standard anon Werner ot I Bank spent thristmas at their re-, Montreal, and Mr. :spcctiw homes in Uxbridgv, Brussels, Toronto [Yniver- Had Titlsrrtnhurg.-Mr. ani Mrs. Hols-, “5'5 " their homes meier at Hanover were visitors in i ppel' ot . T?ret.o mun n't'r thristmas.-Mr. and Mrs. t Sunday at his Jacob Morlcy arie1t9rsinx a holiday QI,? 'hh'teg of xisit at Hamilton, Gall. and BunBio. S 'iyt,titiiiiiii.itiij, than of (mirage arrived ,?..v,1, "tyr"' " or home last week to spend his menial: Priday Mt toy--- [ at the home of his mother. Mrs. Hy. “T ot ',erfd',f _ Heam--Mjss Hotww vnd Miss Adams of I',,'.),'?)- y" 2l'l Thr: mo an guests at lnv'homo of L211“. 02†"I':. 1 Mr. John 1!tssmr.--.Wss Him-ma _ . . , ir.-' "opp of Toronto I'., tlr, guest of {3““331 01:31: I hrr an", Mrs. [gnu-4|}. "nd, My? .I.» "itrctr.rai' “WT! of hxvndshlp math Imam Mrs. Far! Ti1r.,oursurg Irs. Vogt. - Mot mpuman New Yrar. on lat-hall M srhoiarn Irr-llml and Lac-l All "a“ E- ter, null". Louis Pei-I sum Inn-u by with - In unlaplr. and In, J. I. In“ and-Ill- - Emu an In te, our Christan; the giant.- ot " . w. that: am tMA/ Clan On! My my Tom-to. -Mr. out In. W. K. Clit':,?,?,". dun no _ the 't In- koiidars “It. Kerk than - ---v - vvvâ€" - - . V _ the " ol Mr. . w. wir Toronto. at an“!!! _etitt, that: . on. tMA/ Clan in" under the ntu?tl†Q". 3. My ling.“ Tomato. rd $errtThrt. suml ad It. I. -Mr. at In. W. K. [In Salk any! spun In» by In Id dun " _ the ')'aait"ai' " the has ot was Hum I andâ€: gun. Ker M; ', than: Bteaget.--Mr. A. T. I In. N Islam’s. It. and born of Toronto um Xan- at Its. m Mu- mama to home -ol an uncle no. a... ' the" home la Tomato. 12"]. 'rg; harm-Hus Bum mung; Clan-um: at the home at In. 'dtea,tt " “It. I!“ ale Bush.--Mr. ml In. M. I? . I tr.-.aer. “on: Hilton 1 and children. of Toronto and, . a it mm- loud“! Rom. and Jack Pug?“ “Ayn“! V down 3 Mn 1 you tits (was or _ ml B. Pun-n. I lulu; tor" mm which he no:- ‘gomhe over Ctqtstmaic-l3r. Idl-‘mi hue o and 1: “Mid: of the C to Mint. "at Hy wilt T Benin 'il, Tue-I l, Parlhili, and . Ed. Rate a! th. -Mr. _ N u lstudazd Ban'i._ um, bjietTr. out And will move than any 'isitors at . a 'tot -The my (new: of Mrs. Ha and Mrs. Rath- _ d to.lr Tatum will be sorry to loan ot flin‘ tumulnp at 11t 'he to'.bi6.rrt, itein; I 'mi;sir- Ih‘l'tl‘. Mann] .unul .'nofttto, Pr I.I.i-..~,sh'n anl Hr 'illru . Wel'y I'Irh, P lh-rg and A. .31 Ian n "ninativns us 1trevp, Mr. J. F. K ('mmrillrn. Mrssrs. .1 “mg. F. Debus, I 'tr9tittpeio' hi" 3 Berlin, I P. Hot or returned to thvir home in Toronto, having spent scwral days at the home of Mrs. necirer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Honruc.--.srric- es were held in all of our Churches un amily, an-L'Il d the rt-Hnr, llc. RM: Father Kloepfvr with a purse " "old a rmnnanicd by an address;.- The exhibition hoekey match at the rim hvre on Christmas day betwrtm I-?,. Mr. E. R. linger acted as rvfvri-.Thv mortihlr social of St. Gotrge's, Emmi: will In- held in the Wr:. Till llall on Thursdny evening lo which all Cne memhrts “I thccoty EW‘znlit-n are in "ttcd. There WI†ISI- " 1m;l.mu:'.t- an! tvt' , " N. 'ulmix- 's- u x: 1'“.sz [mm-9 ho In? Ilnh \u-z'u hI-nhn by â€I" Itvrlio Atmiols by n * Mr oi' Z ',--lt 2-! “HP"! xi "ieht. Trustees --Mvssrs ll inn furti.) . "sttttd--"Artd, pi, is there always Miss new Muri- otuttmettti mm in the stock market?" ',was I visitor at Mn. WW Pa--"). my son." 'tor Chrittt,matc--The ltlandl " m. "stettd--"Itut hum do you know‘and Mrs. tl. 0. Mann VIII In,†mt?" " to hear cm Jetty, their nub Pa-"oh, berttuse lhm: is “ways girl, who In: Ind . \Id attae* " somr one taking: plunge there." pneumonia. ia “Prom [ it. Mm N“ W- HIGH DIVER Toronto and," ( a " triad: te .aeiat 3 In?“ 'tttAre/d . V low- I hm or " U). a. Pun-n. I but»; tor" mm which he nag Ctqtstmai.-,Mr. lau- 1‘13! _ Jun- 0 and to mltuusm u, will Benin 1,iiiit Ed. Ra a! th. -Mr. T pu IElan, te m". out and will move my u ',. a to: 4m my (new: of Mm. H ".a"i'9i'i'i.9tt)'t,,'?, Tatum will be sorry w loan d3 eralrrumt In. John presyrt tilrietrs.-Mrs. Tretton - r1“ up lo incp the rs. .canrcN Ca.ss 1 'puty Row-z Jun. TV 1tuticr, l'an- [ A. I'. Hellman, . anih. Tho vil- 1livd as Follows--- .nl/rnmric-r larch) F. J, llanmnn, Woltrr and (Stan. "an. Ems! Am} BIZ? was ttttt III-u nature a} 'ririi, -The my Hindu or Mm. H Tatum will be sorry to loan ot present theat-Mrs. Trettmt chillm of Dresden, momma It. Tretton on his return. Mr. TIC!†is toteman ot the looting gang the Hydro-Electric Power Co. - aim al Sunday school enurta'ameTt the Fauna <'ongregt1tiortal cturcti. A It“!!! invualhn is exttnded to all. t ' News aNotesv-'The Xmas [stink hull] itcrc in the chunhes proved all“ a success. The weather wu ant“ {moraine and a large crowd attend“ tom chcrches.-The annual $311051 uwcting was ttrid here on Pt',r,tt Iorertooa.--Among the Xmas visitor WERE-Rilepnd Mrs. H. Hahn, Tub. took and It. and Mrs. John Stem, Berlin at Pttterhome u! Mn. A. .cteissv-Mr. Theo. 1'ollmartt the 13:14: ot, ,nis â€magma mug Personal and Loett1.-Mr. and " . Sun Holtclruh spent Christan; friends in Ilcspelery-Mr‘ And . John Schnurr ot Mutiny Christmas under the in!“ r . --Misses Ella and Laura thc _ Toronto are spending a whit their home here..-htr. and an: _ Iiott Rogers and son Golder ot Guelph spent Chrisunas at the: l sonagee-Yuss Curie Httutt'ttt O . was a visitor at her home bttt . a few dttys'.-Nr.' R. New _ Mr. R. Mct‘allister were viii town on Thursdays-Mt. PM. N; buch of Detroit is mending ' Christmas holidays at home. -T . Challenger and Miss Hon!“ .01 " Public school star and Ml“: _ 4 Leary of the Separate school. t ior their respective homes at M . ' Guelph and Stratlord last walk Miss Phebe Sutton MI spending. 1“ holidays with friends in Berlin.-. Mt. W. .l. Lytle at Ottawa was a vial- tor in town on Friday-Miss Rana: who has been in charge of the nil m-ry department at Mr. F. . H. Wmt-r‘s, returned to her home in hesley last week.-Am Christmas at. ternoon an mlvrrsling game of hoc- My was played here between St. Clements and Linwood. The result mmwcl spent Christmas at " _htmte.---Mr. Gilbert Smith and w an" Florence are upending u to. 'ttrt with Manda at band»! " A-hc-Miss K. A. War6 of Tomb ls, visiting for 3 few days " tl hmthor's. Mr, E. G. Wurl'l.- I A [New of Waterloo w" . 'laitor II town tor a tew IT Inst weak. Ar Miss Violet Mn a otuthettt. :wns I viuitnr " Mrs, W'- 'tor Chrittt,matt.--'rtte Mandi 0' '8. I W. Humh nl Toronto is mm†.‘nomls Ht towm-Mrs. J. Butthy "I a utilvr "mil-W1â€! her dug!- (Pr, um. Drattlamm.-- Mr. In! In. Edward Paker of Listowel up.“ Christmas uitder tbe Inn-nu! Fr Mrs'. Hubbard of Chicago ' l'hrls1mas with h" sister, Mrs. I . Corrorhan.--Miss Florence Biker of "FlllrF.LO".R0. w any: It l. Ward".-. lg “I I vhitor Q. n I lest M. - L of unma- Mrs, Cumulat- . [Hand- " , p Nr. and I . mama Mr. and " Many 'tit. "ten r . In an at, a whit 3nd 1133. Gordon ot ttt at he: ‘~ lilkm‘blo . home my . 2,'1tftie T.',?,'.? Y. _ “will: M; Bonn --i' . ' Innlu .01 _ and my: _ a le, school. t was at! . ' last. week. ca..