_ and prize, Parlor Table, $1.25, do- , nated by J. Letter & Hon. W. Ljritz. . , 3rd prize, 2 packages Tra. 50c, do- unted by L. Bruegeman. J. Mow- lst prize, Cash, 32,00 donated H. Raitrig. o. A. Latch. ' Beat Land of Wheat Straw "* lit prize, Plow Points, $2.00 tho by Waterloo Mtg. Co. than. The prices lor fowl wore 22 to Mic for, turkey, ducks 15c a 1b., 1 - It and 15c a Ib., and chickens at tte" 12c a 1h. Hutu-r was $7 and Me a 1b. and eggs 30 and 35c. Other produce was disposed of at cur- imt prices, the quality of wood 'atrered was frrst class and sold from " to " per cord. Apples of the. beat variety were also offered. Follow- lng is list ot the successlul exhibi- tttrs:- , A. a result at the prone-Ive en- - a! Mums men ad citi- *. the Waterloo Christm mullet ght. we proved most attractive, val- ' T prizes being adored tar the (he exhlhlte o! produce. Lon; be ', bottom: " opening " o'clock, [’an the general pu_hh'c were admit 1‘“. hundreds 01 buyers and towns- _ people had “tiered and when the 5’ Icon were openod the crowd which W in tiliod the market place in , than order and emphasized the im .ll!l||ucy ot the tsccorrunodatimt and mm the need of a larger mar- t M house to accommodate the ever- tPle"lf, market at Waterloo. M _ I one passed along from table to {Cubic the Iretshness and appetizing ap- purnnce ot the produce shown was a most praiseworthy feature and the, quality was the wry best. A large apply at produce was shown iaclud- ing vegetables, butter, eggs, apples, potatoes, cabbage, celery, cheese, etc.', The display was most creditable ini every way and well exemplified the good name earned by the prosperous 2; rs ot this community who are H progressive and up-to-date and always wrnish the choicest of por lst prize, pair of shoes. $2, donab ed by N. A. Kirk. J. B. Fritz. Atr. J. B. Fritz wan first and see- mtl for wood and J. Voisor1 ob- tained a first prize for best pair at "This chickens and a second, los best Mr. J. F. Meyer of St. Clements who was awarded first prize lor the largest lot ot turkeys, alone ailer- ed eighty turheys one of which weighed over thirty pounds. The price outained was 24 and 25 cents I lb. Mr. Meyer won a first and second prize tor the lrest turlr-y while Mr. J. S. Koehler, who also showed I tine lot ot fowl, secureda second for the largest 101 ot turkeys, a tirst prize for best pair of geese and also tor" the best pair ot ducks tad: third prize for best pair or sprhgchickens. For apples and po- “toes Mr. R. Preiss, of Erbs Nine, secured ftrst prize and also a Hand prize [or celery. iGi, W e" La, "351:5; -k.eiiJrhtif via; Twtrded a first tor cabbage and a third lor lard. _ txhitit of fowl was the best f w' yen- and there was a , supply. A apeclally large _ of ttne turkeys were shown A t r , More a: to grace the table of “no“ fastidious. ' tist prize, Lamp, $3.00, donated by E. K. Roesch. J. F. Meyer, St. “In“. Present Quarters Wore Indiana Uhastmmodatts Largo _ Crowd of People in Attmu-SMf tit prim, pair shoes, $2,50 J. Zinn. J. S. Kochlor bl mu, Judinicrc 31,50 "largest Lot of Turkey; prize, goods, $200, conated by f. Devin. J. F. Meyer. We, Tea, $1.00, donated by A chm. J. Voison. . 9d», mbbl._ o il'i'liii't'i"iiii'ii'iiiii,i'iii,i _ gin-.3 . iiiiiiiii'iiii?ji Best Pair ot Geese Best Best Load of Hay M by Wm. W) J. St. Clements. ‘ _', If sum Bread Trai%c42, FA. G. Heller. J. s. kerb Best Turkey Cord of Wood Strength 6etated donated Flour, don- by M m It: cum†ot [mt-l '1',Wa'",,"grg',t,t uncle roul- cnm 'ry1i.rrtre 3.eybesrttrt,retuuirid 'itiTitit' ‘Mthmhum'm The Hurt Show held In connection with the Waterloo Christmu nuke. on Thursday “tumor: was I can- spicuou: and marked am, in tact It compared most hvmhly with those held in the larger centres. Corn- ment was freely made on its general rxcollcnce in point ot the he guilty nt horses Ibown nnd the Inge num- brr ot ‘entrin and the consensus of opinion unorded it a plan with the best. A from show vu held here three years “a in connection with the nnnunl Phristw uni-tot. but this you eclipscd mamas. A lively interest was ted u shown by the number ot "tut the Inge “tend-nu- ot tar town-people nnd others Intended. Judging took place on the mum manure. which presented n - of activity. Perm! the but exhibit vu In me sing. curl.†hon. that In which were were a: m. The am prime In um can - “and to R. w. Wilma. Mn. SBLENDID “my; _Butter, Eggs, Lard, Cheese-. J. Nichol, J. B. Highs. t _ Pqultry, Mast-Geo. Dubai, Jun; Fischer. 7 _ C i' Hay, Straw, Wood, Hana - facts. Goo. Moore, B. W. lat prize, hat, Fi, donated by Mrs. Steuernagvl. Mrs. P. .lutzl. Special-Vegetables Grown trom Ott- e trio Seed C'o.hs Seeds. Collection ot Seeds worth Ta, On- tario Seed Co. Ist J. W. &hmidt; 2nd. J, Hirties. The following were the iudgetc-- Vegetables, Frtttt--ouo Herold, Mayor Weidmhtumnrr. lst prize, $1, Barber‘s Tickets, do 113th trrP'rn. Prefer. J. Lichty. 2nd prize, cash, Shantz. 3rd prize: cash, tl, donated try Mol- soos Bank. J. W. Schmidt. itt prize, dress, $3.50, danamd by S. B. Bricket at Co. M. Winn. 2nd prize Zenolium, $1.50, donated try A. G. Haehncl. E. Bowman. -3rd prize, cigars, ti, donatcd by (has. II. Scylcr. H. Hzmhn. 2nd prize, gash, $2, tirttttcd by Moi- sons Bait. L. Martin. Special, H. Doering. 2nd urize. box eandy, 81, donated by A. Umtads, R: Prob. SpociAl. M. H“. lst, Cash, $3, donated by Geo. me heh Geo. Mitchell. wspt'cial John Littwillet. . 2nd prize, 100 lbs. salt, 75c, don- ated by C. Knit. Geo. Koch. Isa prize, Corduroy lined coat, $3.50 donated by A. E. Strasser. R. Preuss. md pine, year's subscription to F'cntinel, Donated by J. IIeterom D. Kesselrire. 3rd prize, pipe, donated by C. E Fischer. L. KoNiler. lst prize, roast, ti, donated by J B. Fischer.. R. Pr'uess, Erbsville. Edgirit of Horus. lat prize, 1 year's subscription to Chronicle-Telegraph, counted " D. Bean. Geo. Kuhl lst prize, Reuel. M. and prize, M. Strum. 3rd prize, lst prize, book 81.50, dented by P. I. Weaver & Co. J. Hindu. 2nd prize, rout. $1, don-Mad " Geo. H. Knit. J. Volga. 3rd prize, mush, Sue. M. Homo“. 1m prize, pm pom“. $8, donated by B. Trulller.‘ J. vee. , let "in: mm. chum mm. a». do- nated try H. P. won. J. B. Kath- ler. 3rd prize, bred - $1, mm try A. E. Sudan. W. A. Vgle. "an prize, wash tub. tl, comm by J. Ir. Ziegler: J. Hutu: -- Heat Crook Lard, M less than " [bl m prize, um do“. $3.50. told- ed by M. Devin aterr. J, B. Koch- " D. Built-hr. l. Bowman. "arty-1:33: has. " dented by F, G. Yunghlu‘. J. P. layer. - aid prizé’, cull. Mbe. J. Kathie: Best Three Bends Best Crock Appiehutter Beat Pair ot 3911-; Chicken: Best Atortrncnt Choose Best ' Bunches Celery. Best 10 lbs. Butter Best Assortment Apples Best Bag Potatoes Best 2 Dozen Eggs Best Pslr d M. Ks l Blll6 SUCCESS Hergott. ' " box cigars tl, dented by H. Rah. cull, 56c. H. Doerlng. toast ly, $4 ttr' it: HORSES Frank I. a. X- udby "I: V“! - u u no .1 tom.- in Keele - I at cowl showed littlc snot-d. Me- Laotian. Young and Dusomr did good work for the Waterloo tram. The " - it three ot the regulars. Golan- Codnlé, Pun-M um Cup. McDonald wu tett. They will my, hawevrr. h the 5mm on New Yen‘l my. Dunn! tmd the credit of ortrintt he ttrat goal lor the mum: mm, Waterloo evening up "at more I min- ute Inter. The tllrl goal cu will: atom! try Dim-rt from . uk- 6ot, tqtttoqred by Andaman. who use!!!“ .. m. but". wu rem-1M! [otpqnnllmml amen". _ The first professional hocqu {arm i was played in the Wterloo _ rink on Saturday - evening, _ the mutating team. Hm: Berlin and Waterloo, although the scnrr was one- utM “a who was interesting “mam. The locals had played a {true in the afternoon with the Gait "earn, losing by a scon- ol 8-4 and were evidently not in shape lor anoth- er game in the evening. A hit crowd was in attendance. The recent tn- mu of the rink has inereased .00 .eeitmmodatiors emutioerably and reserved nuts were well men. ship there is no mum to doubt um ability to hold their own with the other teams tomposing the league, The doknm of the Waterer tram also need- trtrtatgttttrrtirtg, Stalker The detenco ot the Berlin tum wu especially good And Lehman in god, trtoeper' my d1Mcrtlt dotn,wuet- lop, lotWarda showed good speed but - combination and tailed to omuch back checking. WATERLOO LOST TO BERLIN; 2nd prize, Strebel. C.. Ist prize, goods t3, donated by R. Kaufman. C. Wahl. 2nd prize, good's tor trousers $2, donated by J. Bruegeman. S. Sch- weltzer. 3rd prize, stock food, tl donated by J. Weaeloh. L. (mybin. Best Single Turn-out owned, by Far- met. lst prize, meat grinder ts, donated; by M. Wcichel nhd Son, S. Schweit- lit prize, when um! socks, dmrat- ed by J. S. Roos Shoe Co. ll. W. Wilson, Berlin. - 2nd isrize, horse shoes, " donated try Ed. Shantz. J..S. Snider. -ard prion, cash, ti, donated by W Wells a Son. D. Kehselring. s.) lst who, wheelbarrow $4, donaood iii Lol Dtetriett. Gordon Scttwert- '"sriTriTe,-iiit -u, denied by S Helm. Amo. Groit. Mike prize, whip " don-M by H M. Wilhelm. E. Snyder. lat prize, cash, $6, donned by A E. Hergott. Noah Snyder. _ 2nd prize, stock load, $3, donated by Conrad Brom, L. Montag. J. In: nut-t a. Interim ttO nu it“ H. mm. at 3 bone - At' “M on ti upland“ sit out new which I‘m it _ II. to be manual not antenna ad warmth“. in no (are! why Nuance “satin-stones»: out um. with don-un- would - I - “has“. .lth‘_ll n Itrt.ot the prim With but" tram work and untrai- a,rdrkd nil an Im- I lat prize, 100 King up". $5.00, “and by P. Rail. J. S. Snyder. Ill "he. 8 " clock $3.25. dow- “by B. J. Boos. “yum, whoehunw. don-ml W, A. N. “like. J. Slaw. In] prize $1.50 can, donated by Hotel Leqritc--Uri" Snyder. orruptiitm. . In "in. and Seaman's “as," 'It, and by J. E. Sagan. N. Zimmerman. _ _ _ u I ‘- li-R. K. Weber, Saur Kraut um 2nd--Crrus Smith,’ Purse. 3rd--Joha Lippert", cash 50c. (B) Best Spring Colt. by Memhrino Star. anneal Purpose Team Single Roadster Horse. Single Carriage Hots: (A) AW 1-w- Fin! ttalt, HHS ORIGINAL UUCUMEN‘I Special Prize. Roadster Team whip 75e, donated by J Wahl 2 Year Old Colts. wheelbul’oi. don-EM " D. Kemltl Cross Cochrane Stalker Young Dusame Manson Mchhlan atttectori, for Montreal board: Wm Cauldwol. WW -__ _.__.- "NK"". I-ckvipr. tfytergtieettte GulTuv'lllul'glSL'l?u - doe. the ml: wk up on food -tr. nemdnhmhhm PtfBAesrt-M-tt_mitkiiri "t1'dhte.t-ttttrtei'ritiiii,ua on table pu him ted to m. Thom-“yelp. The line-up of the [cams was follows:-- Directors tor Toronto board: James G. Cane, J: W. Chlrlea, Alex. Cook, James H. L. Umbets, D. H. Mae. May; George W. Moore, W. R. Mosey, C. J. Euthill, 'J. H. Wild- long. tear., appeared to be lagged while their opponents were continually on the aggressive. Dumart scored the ttrat two goals in short order while followed by three for Berlin. ON" by Seibert and two by Dumart. Young scored tor Waterloo soon alter, while Dumart notched the next two for the visitors in as many mlnutes. Water- loo tolloived with the next, Stalker scoring: and Berlin Bcctvrpd the sun ceeding three, Seihert. Anderson and Frood, each scoring err. ot the visiting tram. Fraser of Galt omciated as referee. human, Stalker and Fraud wen" ruled all for minor ofknves. A stomach that and a: In! in unduly I not. tr been upon-m. Are - 1.tte my " In... .1- ,,, _.._ -v" “mu-u v,uau. The [allowing gentlemen will com- pose the board of management for 1010: President, John Gibson; frrst vice-president, Robert. Gemmill; trea- ‘snrer, E. Fielding. The treaisurer's statement showed receipts tor the year ot $123,817; oi this nmdunt $92,552 went in mortuary beneftts, and 811,275 to the surplus allotment account. Alter general expenses had been met a bal- ance of $45,196 remained to be placed to the permanent reserve. The surplus is now $687,372. During the year the membership was increased by 686, and now totals 5,328. my " You Stomach out Toronto, Dec. 23.-The annual cl - lions ol the Commercial Tran-193’ Asaochtion of Canada, held in St. George‘s Hall to-day, produced only one contest lor a chief executive po- sition, Mr. E. Fielding being re- elected as treasurer, defeating Mr. John.". Kenny. " total tou, will but 767561;; . iii' bun rod dollars; Ind ts covered by hum-moo. Enos" Ian 68 -- mum ms K In. Fleur: and h. two children were sitting In the kitchen at the time. The linoleum coming the Mor bound up nits-17. It mer- ed the children wispletcly ud m- tially protected In. Pronto, and all moped injury. The blowout wa- lollowed by 1 little tire, which was extinguished try the local Minds be, tore any dtuettt. had been done. The a“, Galen mum, a mu. an h the Omen] 'dgtet' hen; Iron turn I In on oagdtteMtt od new“! an In the hon. oi the {armor Ute on (run-mu night. But. while both In no lul- bring coulAIeuIly the“ condition In not named u mum. Thetwo no. “you townto the cell." at m home to M I scuttle at can]. unlock we: Marrying n light. When they been“ the light Metered ud then went out. A Inch was struck, Bad Oh explosion followed immediately. The anthem wall at the building, u rttttgheaat structure, was blown entirely out, doubling up like n Millie. with- out n window being Molten. The other Wnil bulged, but did not give any. but every window in the cell“ was broken. COMMERC -. “on“: Gait New the and Two In Injured. Waterloo The fmat score was new» Ems-q h an In Nit, Dec. M.-- on“. FIRING, I“ and" Ill I None" In- And Save You I World of iM. TRAVELERS MEET goal point cover Fgrwards IN VERY POUR ( "--4 in favor Lrhnmn Scihcrl McNamara, human “Ms "erliq ndrrsim a hood Hamlin “on In I Dunn. Dae.-84.-.. J. h, Farrow collecwrol "and In.“ " Grip!- bu he. may! iiiGaiiN' an Imago: or iusotirtitts MOYER,--At the homo ot Mr. To, Mu Shun " was: Av... “Tobin but. aged " "e. The many friends of Mr. and Mis. Joannis In Waterloo and vicinity will extend to them brst wishes for thtir tuiur.e success and happiness. 'y'C'rlRomirlt.-Ir, llmlin, on liq-c. 23 ACHF',9hN-tivlNGstrN,- On Docent)" 25, 1901', at the mansc, St. Mary's, (MIL, try law W. N. Mardvn, Josey}! A. Acheson, eltV (81 sun of Mr. and Mrs. Acheson, St. Paul's ()nl.. to lid/m Ptutre Liss ings!m, younger daughter or Mr. James Living»... Button, (in. F DIED. Thousands of miles of railroads have been tied up and wire com- munication throughout ther, affected region crippled. mated“ mun Atg,tp persons to-day are known to M in New York alone as the resultgrt the worst storm in two deeming? TO TAKE EDITORIAL CHAIR " New York, N. Y., Dec, 27. - The work ot repairing the damage wrought by the storm of the last two days was taken up to-day in half a dozen States. Mr. II. de Joannis, of “which. Limited, has acquired an interest lil “Domestic Engineering," a H: trade journal published in Chicago, and will leave the Twin-City on .1)â€. 28th. to accept the post of manag- ing editor. He will have two asst-- r-iatc editors lo assist him in the production ot the journaL 'tlu. pub tion" carries with it a. liaanmwsul- ary. Before coming here. he milled "Brick," the well known liadu- pur- nal Mr. de Joannis will also sup†sise the Chicago orirwrs of Dru-h lets, Limited, and through it their American business. & Million: ot .5115}; damage had been done}, the blizzard “a tidal wave that hm dumbed the east"and At- all employes, but announces them tor the" first of the year. other banks make Iago presents, the State Bank setting nsidet15,000 for distribution among its employes. GREAT DAMAGE BY ’* STORM m UNITED suns _ "w rh"'s" ...v creased salacivs and promotions to Stanbard ou lonm-rly Care week- ly bonuses mnount‘mg trom 510 to $1- ooo, hut at th, roqurst of its employ cs changed this [on yearly increase in salary, xrhichjs always announced on the first of thy ypar. Bigger brokerages tirrus give eith- rra month's salary or 10 [lrr rent. " the yearly salary in “Mi years." It is believed they will all ireretrse this amount this rear. What Margin Hat's. J. P. Morgan and (‘mnpauy have in the Past (ham worm-m an a» The larger railroads, too, have born prosper“. and their directors, it is reported, he voted large sums to their workers. we k'onsolmuttd l-Zxrhangl- $3,000, and the curb brokers ahout $1,000, The sales of stock on the titoc's Exchange number 20,000,000 Shams more than last year, nu-an ng a net increase in taatmissions of $2fi00,000 not taking' into consideration commis- sions on wheat, cotton, bonds, or curb securities. A large portion of this $2,500,000. it is reported, is to he gifrn to employes. to Mr. and Mrs. Han N Edward St.. a danghlor. mtrsTNtgR-.rn lim‘lln, l ta Mr. and Mrs. David " David St, a daughicr " MARRIED. The Central Trust Campus], uhich annulment that it has the largest Bur- plus (1 any trust company in the city, and which will soon cut a huge melon for It: 'stoekholders, gave to cult of as employees a thrustmas present whim totaled 50 per ceett. of that employe's salary. This com- pany has always made immcase Christmas preserrta and giits lor ct- fwicnt service. having presented $50,- 000 to the law K. P. Olcott when 000 to the law K. P. Olcott when he rob-Mud as president. For Stock Exchange Entploycs. The members ot the New York Stock Exchange have raised “1.000 to be distributed among Its empluyvs, the L'oetsolidatcd l-Imhangr $3,000, and the curb brokers shout 51,000. JNOlll Tttn will.» Stuc- Steel Corp“ “on! heads tb tut (A Christan“ given: with a $3,000,000 gm. Ot this $1,300,†In nth w†not on â€new." to be given to its ,eln- ptorees. The numb. “0,000 is to be {Iva in Malawi “wk o! the rorporarimt, but the title to that stock will not pass "no the an? ot the Ioclpltnt until he has serve three if.†more continuous senicc with the corporaticn. a mum a boom Were ttae album in Chisinau Put an and [lettuce Wages. 1 M r In; ll. de Joannis, of ARE 6 BORN Ivar, Srlnn ivr, 66 Hm, tIt Ttpr. 2: David Christner per v!†the Christmas markql in mu cl Wrdorsdar the saieatpeorlo pre- saug themnrtrt cterk, Mr, (hula 3m. “a On Address " a hmd‘ some ir. 1% also meets" cl “my a silver lows 'ii'5iiiat'.pii:; M and all F' KW ' A R R ESTS. uEM'Y‘FALL or SNOW. LtLNDuN.-.Considerable snow loll yrslcrday, and Hammer! trom the uvst report the storm as quite hear ly. (‘onductor-Rich, who runs on the London, Huron and Bruce, sunti that thcre was n hcu'y Iait in the: northern districts. ht Wingham out" man had estimated the tall atf Ir/e tert, but Mr. Etch said It was more like three. I Waterloo Branch, J. HoOrman, Hana] CANBORO F "-""""e9r'. y.upwlllUu5 will. on I warn; clo'se. to Canboro. Price $4200 ‘postal or letter, be n One ot the [nest 100 acre farms in station. e z. F " trdorstuatirm apply to i _ Another foo acre [arm close to Cuban); a very nice‘ tarm with y nice trash. Rural telephone ser- rice. was $6,000. A 187 {arm with. about 25 acres ot good bush. The lay of this iarm 2: motion-ally fme; also telephone service in the neat luturc. Price $5300. A vary the farm of about, 150 was with a Cood brick house; a good small hush, drilled well, common One vary good 200 acre larm; about 40 acres ot bush; very rich land; common buildings; a great bar- min at memo. , Another Me 100 acre farm; the lav ot this tarm is splendid; fairly gaggjwamgs, very good land. Price Cree 66 acre tarm close to the main lead newton L'anboro and t'antield, column house; about four acres oft bush, the lay of the tarm is very iitttt. Ptice 81300. Fora quick scalp up he bought tor $400 down. Nrantements have of thts Bank Very nice 100 acre farm close to bush, drilled well; lairly well lencea; buildings common. Price $3000. Carmela station; about ten acres THE CANADIAN" BAN}; f OF COMMERCE' ' , Ctriroroauaca..umneit, " Presto-.011 I M. WEICHEL an sons. - WATERLOQ Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 . Reserve, and; DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTéi A"stria-Hungary Belgium Brazil Bulgaria C nylon China C role Denmark Austria-Hungary Finland Ireland RM 'fe,, Belgium Formosa Italy Sen-vb N g . Bra eil France Japan _ Siam . l 's. Bulgaria tro Cochin-China Java South AM . Ceylon Germany Munch-tin Straits "tbmah' Chum Great Britain Mexico Sweden l Crete Greece Norway Switlefhnd Denmark Holland Persia Turk A Egypt Iceland Phillipine Islands uranium , Farce Islands India Roumania . and m, D DELAY IN ISSUING. FULL PARTICULAR. ON arroiiaval AAAAAAAAAAAJ The sum. of the who]. range u " m. ' outside cut parts are nickel plated, and aim ' are removablo. We fully gamma: mated ' and union of my "Monarch PM“ " ’1'. a bond with each of that ringe- which . .W the buyer. ' "MPcnlmld'hnp 1ayedtutttCih-trtto. Potisudsteel. Wot-portal! " .found i?iiltti'ilii' " n , -1_eamfuiaeuetltiis,t ltb tttettestateetgnt_Utor It hu . up h dark blue In command: an occasimut tub with I dry cloth ttbeep it tmeh and bright. IT NEVER NEEDS BLACKENING. 1t.ttttarhlAttoliqtr--tr6rk in Haldimand County OutmhookldbMt â€3&de with ulna-2b.. tat M mayon- In. eoPrtr_yorstso+ctusgt1serightr- WumnI-o-alnnolm'IIM’M lbw-r. RUN trch Cochin-China Germany Great Britain Greece I lolland Iceland India recently been completed under which are able to Issue Drafts on the prlnclpo In the following countries: In ' n Tul 'tt MW! List of ., MONTREAL-M m‘i Ind WI " m 1 'ht. Tlt'cld q ilil'eTflltll my INDETtRMiNATE LivuL-t'ul. F. w. Mama-en, n11 non (hurt 1'lerk in Woodstock, been appointed Assistant Inspector' Dixision Court Omccs at a Ink ul $1,500 a 311?. V. L. Fri-d! Woodstock, former publisher Mi- Timcs, now dgfu-ct, 's)':",?:)',',')) Maequern as Clerk ot Ihe DH Court there. Jr’- A Druts" frfiiF 555513.: pry m. NEW INSPECTOR. Anyone inGreertot propositions will, on postal or letter, be station. i This district is well supplied q . rural telephone .system, hp trarmportaurn facilities, and; 1" Dunnville market situated at s ' _ main; dishes trom the vtt9r': ,r , Canboro. is one or the m _ V 1, the Province. Canboro torttittii 1; school, three churches, gencnlm chopping mill, saw-mill, and a p; Iaptory with a reputation Inlukt‘b none in Western Ontario. ' â€MI the district between Cantield ud- boro; mod barn, common halve; watered; with extra w’cll; well ed. Price $4000. . . Re hang: a large 'number at farm: tor sale trom 50 acres , acres in size; soil varying trom to clay loam. 225 acre farm; large bunkl beautiful [tame house; large ore very close to Canhom; this tam well adapted to: dairying purl Price $7000. A 130 acre larm, common truth will makea splendid pasture can he bought at the extremely price at $2900. _ IAYOR‘MALA'IY Rank "i', Semi: "".v' l Siam 1. South AM Straits m. Sweden Switaethnd Turk , (v"Jl'/r,,se, " 't,tt',tte),tt'i, r' ities, and; f fd, uated " g _ 'jrs t the viii-v .. .r "'4 the m ' T . if libero can“ #3.?! in “Lg! 't notitrirte up met " Cum