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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Dec 1909, p. 5

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. rc.'.-'"""-"--,-,", ill 531583,» “and? the inle y. 55,,“ ot In. and In. sucgersreiter, h l ’5'! mt. f,, W ’ Tb 11W Idem ot Mr. George 1%!!! r, a” street, will regret rah [an M to Mend a paralytw .. ‘m trat w, Ind will be coo- ‘M to Ml . tor some time. ' l A load tAtr Ippeared before Mag- . W Welt on Friday. on charge of , drunk and disorderly conduct. l - $10 and coats. in Waterloo Mum.) Society will “ a,“ their annual New Kent's dance ~:.-,:Ima.m Hall on sunny cvcn- in?“ The Vii-ions members who will l IR Pi in l e Waterloo Council, iiiil, a ste, ater' >L'ight Commission and , ‘ ttiy'iiGaxiiji'iiittifision and the four rc- l i'i'ti,,"2,'rMttes, ol the School Board ", _ era N rr'. i, d by acclamatinn. pri',': 'S'. Sayer]! of those nominated with- - i i _ f" I'm the remaining nominees éfiwk‘ . _ u I sMicient number for b . . w municipal ottices, being Ma, i . ' . 9cm by acclamation. J. =a , Bt ' " the othw nomirwp lot I,". p, . v, 3”. sip retired, om. Suggm a ff," trr1tltltf For the Water and ." " 'RE' ' _ C 'ssion the old momhers " j.;§__ Lg constitute the Commis- _ 't 'it, rs. Dr. Hilliard and P, W. "rr-"trt,,iSltigtt'i',e'ii while the Sewer wkl,'li,".ri; ., . will be composed of . "i','isterS'lt,,'i Hilliafd. Clrason Shaun. 'tft', _ In B, Snyder, Messrs, J. R. ‘“ . _ “and Edgar Fischer retiring. a? Tho-g b jun new members on the 'aTHH?irtt . “I. Jacob Conrad, Jr., . “mind In. It”. Hours. Jas. Scott, -,:;'¥32m’8IMu, ind C. W. F1chiedcl, Jr., .htlrd. Not tor a number of years- have uncut-ell and members of the munkl’ll bodice been elected by C ncclmtlon. . {I} ",ls)l,liiiil"i'i'ii,'i"i'i'i, "trs, I 'dl, '%;m... t' was“ ts chairman and specctws in; were mite by the trustees and others. ' "hers m also a Christmas tree and a} the decorations were appropriate to 5." (he Christmas season. E ttied-At Waterloo, Dec. 28th, Mrs. {Rm-k, Puk street. .3: The third meeting of the Water- "oo Mock Parlianun: will be twld ext Thursday, Dec. 30th, 1905!. The lollowing announvcmcnlt may of interest to the many lriends of ytt' contracting parties: l Mrs. Leah Bingeman and Rev. MhsorglefEiter announce their mar- Giiliik' at Butrato, N. Y., Wednesday, 5, December twenty-sceonii, nineteen w'Jmmlrecl Ind nine. _ '5’}; BORN. . Y - December 26th, to Mr. A, Mrs. Hay (nee May Burt), a gunner. tae, Halmonie Singing Society will MChristmas Ball in their hall . _ ay. December 27th. \E; I. IEVITT. At an}; 111E? January first at col-mt of Walnut and Summit Sts., Hayrisburg, Penn. The closing exercises or School Section No. 9, Waterloo, of which Miss lilda Roos is in charm; hm!” _wsthserdtyatteraioott wereot a highly interesting character. A large 1u.m- Der were in attendance. -The Irro- gramme by the pupils was given very Mindy. Mr. Irvin Mailman ELECTED BY Members, tAc, Waterloo Town Council and Commiss'oners i- Unopposed. Vote on . Two Bylaws. 'l I . V _ 411-." roto fog the market By mgtouoving on!” who_ w) Mu. gunman? "s, . ' mung O'DONNELL ", g. DR. B mum . Run J. ' A008 (Sumo. Jr. F"tr, Bttd built Comm-lov- ,- .tftgt.ttJfllas"" "s. t. ',1.' t maximal: . a: than. r. noun-cue Apousek . m1 GRAYBll,l.. swan-r. he“. N. 111mm: ‘ACCLAMATION - oi Mr. George street, will regret u "tterred I paralytic I, Ind will be con- tor some time. " no the namrs of the will compose nut year's the various Commis- Siam .3 33.1%: l out a my LHAm law GEO. SUGGIT’I‘ J. it. KAUFMAN For Deputy Reeve. C. N. HUEHN elected by acclama- Lion. For Water and Light Cummiuswn. ALUYES BAUER J. CHAS. MUELLER _ JOHN RITZER "it. w. L. HILLIARJ) t'. W. SCUM-JOEL There was a large and represents- live gathering ot the citizens of the [own at, the Waterloo nominations held Monday evening in the Town Hall. The meeting plowed an inter- vsting one, and the rctepayers pres- mt heard statements regarding the work undertaken during the year by? the various municipal bodies. Town 1'lcrk, F. S. Kumpl, artul as chair. man. Five nominations were made for the -position ol Mayor, Mr. Levi Graybil1 being cloned by acclama- tion, the other iour witlHrawing. Mr. C. N. Huehn Wu., dotted Dep- uty Home by acclamatiots, while two nominauans were made for Reeve, live nominations tor the Water and Light Commission. and live for lhr Sewer Commission. The retiring school trustees were elected by ac- clamation. For the council ten can- didates were nominated. Mayor Weidenhammcr reviewed the work ot the Council during 1909 and advocated economy on the part ol the various comrniiasions and Boards. Ile thong Mg, should work togelh> or to legal in expenses. lie did not filer Niirhtg thug rate. Re- ferring to the (agar _ n connection with maintains the Public school and new Ward School, he advised the groom‘s dt economy hcre. The c:- East ward-O. Chas. Mueller South Ward-Louis Feick. North Ward-Wm. Conrad. West Ward-C. W. Schiedcl. poise this year was S0di00,,trld m-xtl year this amount would he increased to about $1'2,000.00. He stated l that sewers had been built where permanent roadways mm? t/iiii) structed. In conclusion h yoMft’tl his removal from town where Art had spent the past 19 yea“ up express~ rd thanks ior the will)!“ Ava? m him in Bis s!t1ctiorr'to ghc variou , municipal amt-cs. ir,ir.ciuayhiftif thought Watertoo.wouid have an n;- lcllent Mayor. live had sservcd the' town faithfully and emcient1y lor Imany years. . _ . Mr. Lev: Grrsyttill, Watcrlm‘sl Mayor for 1910, state?! ht? had served the munirupsili1y for about 30 years,‘ having brctt tl6minated lor the posi- tion ot Mayor on tour or tive. 0CNNk- sions. This year he would stand for the position. He had resided in Wat- vrloo tor the past 40 years and would giw his best charts to the 0mm He had twen a repretentative on the Hospital Board lor ftvc wars, which iustttution, he thought, should re- rciu- a larger grant trom the town, ill-11in having made an additional grant of 3250 our ad nova. ll, regular amount given each ycar. He deprecated the practice of Inl'du'al men in sending the patients to the Hospital which " was obliged tr. maintain tree of charge, in order to make it convenipnt lot the doctor to visit than. i Mr. Chas. Froohlich withdrew in lavor of Mr. Graybill. Mr. Thos, Hilliard also withdrew. Ho .endorsed ilw building of maradamiurd roads, and rcterred to the superior urol- Ilencc M the roads in the Old Country, which he visited recently. The sys- tem there provides tor the appoint- .menl oi an inspector whose duty ii is to see that the road is not in innit-ct condition, each Inspector Uc- ing allotted " contract about (on miles of road to lump in onlvr. Mr. J. 3. "tight-s also withdrew lie mad» reference to tho hospital and pointnd out the necessity ol on 'ttcreased grant. In connection with the c nstruviion of MNN'rtt, he said C.jiil"ii1 in van: not well done. tle “out an oomvono should be up A. WEIDENHAMMER CHAS. PROEHLICII THUS. HILUARD. J. B. HUGHES LEVI GRAYBILL telected by minimum). The first tour withdrew, (Ll-JASON sum-u J. R. KAUFMAN DR. HILLIA'RD MARTIN u. SNYDER EDGAR FISCHER 'd'Mt not. sow-0M should hr up - to look In” such wort, "a w“ than!” h [nor ot the Hy-law Providing tor 'tte eretimt ot the not Met mmn. _ iariikii'roret, For Sewer comruissiou. Mt. 000. Bundle revieiB work ion tn ¢nmtim ‘1 and oHroretytd [thing Elected by acclamauon For School Trustees For Mayor For Reeve For Mayor. 'lMhtes were Nominated at the l Meeting ot Waterloo Electors on Monday Evening. For Rerre 1RAYBILL WILL BE BRLOO’S NEXT MAYOR the ntwayers tor the nomination, and being the only nominee tor the position, was declared eluted by acclamation. He an I brie! state- ment in connection with the Fire Department and stated that the CE- pense in connection therewith this year was 8400 [an than [at year. Mr. w. a. Weichel was trltatod, to' see Mr. Urayblll, Waterloo': nex Mayor, as he had always netted th town most faithfully. Tho two By- laws to be submitted to the _ raw payers were very important ones. There was need lor increased 9000m- modation in connection with w market and the detects in the pres- on! market building as mums poor hglitmg and ventilation would he remedied by the erection ot B new building. There was need ot imme- diate action in this respect in order to iurnish the facilities tor the ever-' mowing market. a; Mr. Thus: O'Donnell indicated-um tvquirements in regard to “regatta, :md trusted that the (yepayers would vote tor the Brit“. Mr. A. E. Sanderson, who was vrluairrttan oi the Town Property t'ommittee during the year, stated that the funds aVaihhle did not ai- low the carrying out at some neces- any improvements which, réquired attention. A new root was required on the Town Hall and there was) ‘nlso some necessary, work to be done at the cemetery. He was ia, favor ml both By-laws. ML Jas. Scott withdrew and Mr. .l.1eob Conrad signified his willing- ness to stand. Messrs. Thos. Ovens, hr. Sterling, Sam. Snider, Jr., Cy- rus Schieilel, and Wm. Kutt were the other nominees tur the council. For Water and Light Commission. Mr. Aloyes Bauer, chairman ot the Commission, reviewed the work done during the year and stated that the year 1909 had been an excellent one. in connection with the water works the revenue was $9,962.90. while for maintenance the sum of $5,681.85 had been expended. lemung a balance oi $1,281.05. He also stated that the sum of $33,191.68 had been paid on to date on the plant. In connection with the gas plant FoxDeputy have. Mr. C. N. Kuhn briear Mod 1n connection with the water works the revenue was $9,962.90, while for maintenance the sum of $5,681.85 had been expended, leaning a balance oi $1,281.05. He also stated that the sum of $33,191.68 had been paid all lo date on the plant. In connection with the gas plant he also reported a good' year and made the welcome announcement that there would be a reduction in the price ot gas of 2t cents per thous- and, and there was every probability of a further reduction of 10 cents 'or the year 1911. There were still arterirr'erriirs" to be made. lie in- dicated that the plant would be an 1sxgssllent revenue producgr. VitTirii. J. Chas. Mueller and John Ititaer, Dr. w. L. Hilliard and Ci, W, Schiedel were also nomina. in? the commission. _ " For Sewer Commission. i Dr. Hilliard, chairman of tho ti - mission. stated that the of -$l76,23,had been spent Mn- 111190 account.j4‘hero W, other rxpenses. Few complaints were heard idLregard to the sewer farm. lie said W was probable that one or two I new se'wer beds would have to he ionstrucled shortly. lie was pleased .10 note the announcement ot the re- idpctlon’ oi 20 cents in the price ot pair. In regard lo»Niagarar power, |he thought there would be a' con? siderable lieieit to lack: for the first New years. The outeir1nomimws for ithe Commission were Cleason Shanta, J. It. Kaufman, Martin B. Snider Fu Edgar Fischer. For School Trustees. l Dr. C. T. Noecker, chairman oi the Board, stated that there had been a "taiance of SMY3 at the beginning oi “909 and ,ndicated the various oven- i"es from which the revenue to main- lain the school was derived. Reply- ing to the criticism ot the Mayor res sardine; the increased expenditure, he thought the money well spent. There -had been an increase in the salaries paid to teachers, which was news- aury in order to obtain a high class with”. He (‘llCll the excellent. rc'cord turnished in the passing of all thc Hntranct' pupils this summer, num- hrriug 2t, and the general efrusicnt'y ‘ or the teaching. An additional Ph'- I pense was also incurred in the maint- enance at two schools, wMvtt re- quired an additional caretaker. lie I thought it was essential that every attention should be directed in .. ti l interests ol education, and he , not think that the school was the - right place to practice economy, when , it might mildch to ineftlciencr in - this department. The -retarins trustees wrrc by atrlamauom FORMER WATERLOO BOY HAD NARROW ESCAPE Mr. Gr'orgr' Va4r, hrorttpr or mt.‘ Arthur “air ot this town, who arriv-' rd lvnmc Saturday [rum 0mm, Hask., was among those who Wm runny” on the tran which was derailco 37 miles west ot (hrplmu. As a We!" ol the ncrittrnt Mr. 1'air gutters Tom a sprain"! buck. The rngincnr notrd the sprradinx M the ram and lmmodintvly apnmrl the emergnry but" whivh s1 'pod ttw ni- io' suddenly (but a... can no vote ll Iron (it _ mt IN For Councillors. HHS UR ICINAL 0ot1NEN'l Vain brother ot Mr 2.90. while I $5,681.85 a balance .atcd that been paid liatd and Cai nominatgd toe 1issia. m. n ot tbs silk " " of L ten- T, pthcf In order - the ever- [ LMM sugarket, 8parers ho was Property stated not al- It neces- réquired required -rc was LO be done in iavor , and Mr. s willing- us. Ovens, Jr., Cy- att were council. “mission. an ot the, work done that the lent one. ter works while lor t IL “ Ttw " In etccted irri‘day, Iteoentttisr' " , --.-L-. _ t id. UffelmanriiE Raisins currants, P eels and Nuts here, you willdhave Ithe best that money can buy which assures a good cwkv. r N Bohlender’s 1lrrliyl,llllllillrlllt'.8 3 Christmas fl Sale..... "tlt; Waterloo’s Live Granary - ' gxtends_to you F ki"'"'; goyo‘] Greetings DEATH OF t Paaseituwayr.irrrurndy Noon Aged 69. Yet“. -- Funeral t: Held'This Afternoon. A large rircle M hit to learn of the (loath Hoftmtrtt, and. ot N Shuh, which took plu Willow Ave., Witt-rim Meg's and Boys' Overcoats, Suits‘ Ladies' and Ghildren'ts Jackets and Fine Furs A large (hole M triemis will rcgrrt to learn at the (hath ot Magdalena Hoffman, all“ of the late John Shuh, which took plucc at her home, Willow Ave., Waterloo, on Hominy alter . lingering illm-ss. De. ceased had been confined to the house “are April lust. Previous to ttO I --r.. sht- had mil lie strokes Fruit Bakes Decewed was A daughter of the late Jacob HMmatt, being ham in Luau." County, Prim. srxtrnirw your: iio. Witerloo, Ont. Phone 388 B. The Rolinl-le Grocery, Phone) WATERLOO. Mrs. Shula In: a consistent and 'nithtul I member ot the Waterloo method!“ Church ml an artirr member.“ tte, Ladies' Aid. A Bright and Happy New Year Three with nmvo: Franklin, two mun north a Tratertoo,' Levi, ut can All liUrr " home; ’he “and ot 00 l.uReta. John j)]',',',?,!,",!,'].?,';;':,'),': bring you muc appii‘lf Aim-55 and prosperity. . " Don't mitlewlhis 4portmritr of securing bargains in llrrnembcr sale closes Friday. December 2 BRUEGEMAH We with our numerous pstrrms and friends Gii'i" it; has no: the t, 1mm MA! we; iii Gilinrniis to the house April lust. Previous to $th mama Item several paraly- If you. buyyour IN VERY MR5. J. sti0ti to think (fyour tit This srllml will yt'ori'1r1 for actual touching nvxl. Mouday l morning at 0 o'clock. Night _ sthnul opens Monday min-mug. CG, 7.15. The Gift of Gifts Bay School and Night School Ila-Open Next Monday ' It in our opinion mango" that; out this year's hot " ions Impala 'inythimt that yet “mun. " ought to he, for we try to brat our pnvihms with 917mm. :We have ”taught and planned aml workrd and bought that we might get your [Mutable common.“ Six months in our day school yin prepare for a good posh t'ie't And it, is wrll known C: at our sludvnix Hi, got prv;i- “ans. Day school, 3 mom, t30; 5 mos., $50. Night tschool per month, $3.50, 3 i mos. $l0. Open to all. We can hardly Attempt won A pir- in1detrtiprrott lut we um "its"! jn-tlfow things upecldly to love" of the bonnulul. DitsmortdtR1e from 3-00 to - Gem]. ngnet Ring: 8.00 to I” Poul Ring: from 1.0 " Glrl'u “Us! from I.” to a My Ring- from 1'. to .1 We would desire an on" vii“. i The College ottice is opctt PV- "cry day iront HI to l, Tltosc tonternplating a course with _ Ls, are invited to call and ,discuss matters mm the pritr- cipal. Six months in our day school will proparc fur a good posh rl JEWELRY All ready for you now BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE' 24th K??? iiiiiiiiiiii,! New Year’s; . on will up"? my prewar“ we have l _ th A Few Sample Prices _ 65o Slipper: for - - u Me Siippon for - V - 130315: 1.00 18i" for - - 1thttTdef.ot re.,',',',",":,',','??,::,':',',":,"::',','."','?,,','.'""",,-: " It Now on"; Come in, we will be planed to show you, " . n; It price “interesting. . T a: , NI Juliet: at i J. letter & Son i , ping days are few, but do not fail to call g on us for F Wfo'n going to do" out. and“ pt our Xan- Slippe- Beiiuue 1.M SH" n lot Regain 1.35 an 60 for t Good Values , in suitable gifts. We wish to extend iii 'our thanks to o (l We do neatRepairing This Store will be closed nfimerous eustoftigi's for their patronage the past year and wish you all a Prosperous and Blh New Year rl/.s", /iPHON Ei388 ZIGK’S, WATERLWA q Before New Year's We take this opportunity of extending to our many friends our thanks for the liberal patronnge with which we have been [nor-ed and to win: you a . Happy New Year This Year's shop- The Leading Funeral Directors, and EmbaimersCCC?, Day HOUSE 270 PHONE '" .56. ”a 730

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