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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Dec 1909, p. 3

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tr? '_": The Mercantile are ti, . 'P" In. "'ir' Carter’s gums Liver Pills. I" Inc! mama Drpcsit “in: the Pt n Erin! Government ...... ...... .. SHIN". All pollclel guaranteml by ”m London I ad Innonhire Insurance Company with Aunts of tuy,isor.friF. ' but!!!“ mu. _ on)”. Wnurloo Kutul Bu Ming King St. _ Business OtBee '249, Home 2119. [Innu- solicited for .fisst (Inn Compsnicr. o.A 130mm . A" Watcrloo.0nt. Sub-armed Capital.. ...... Dtpcsit “in: Ibo I‘m Government ...... ........i All policlel guaranteed by tl, The Misses Eekrunhaeh 23 King St., Berlin, In" "reeivod a exquisite Conan! ln-urunco A g 1 m. The New Astt Hat “in; broad rim for tfrhu Insurance Company F luconroaln‘ln 1875 .m 6ffttttt - Waterloo m: to lukunoush cm Newest, Hattie st, Ne atest "NAUTIC" - miirtyrtrs an} Ibab thus)". 09115 nuiwered day and night one. Kl}: acme w-mloo. Out. jiromit Ihitilih.iq ('g" MOM:- Univnsil). Btw'rrs- (burn Sun-t wsterioo MTul-‘gnph Building, Kirg Hunt Mn. - preparvd l Trio.” Uni-Ina Maw-13w!» "is: A. ll. Bean Miss E. L Bean. bmixx; '1 WA inn is. Alfred Wright. Hu- T. H. Hall. Impala 1e.i/uifl GRtfb' AND ,_“ THEORY ls being turned out daily by the Chronicle -Telegraph _ Mt. Booms ”I SICK WDAGHL “WWI“ W barAll'lrd'll'd=%ka, KCttit Street Hats C. A. BOEHM 0:341qu Ttrovm Crcvorvn '.torr of Hunt. TEACHERS op Give us yo.” m-xt order and bu con- vinced. LOW:- no lawn. ca aux-m. m museum. at mm mu. m manna m um mu. m mammal urge shipment cf l for numinnlinn nt “Hwy " Hunt std ’OOOOOWO Dist rim A gt nt Phone 249. won” Pun run y E753“. 0,th o b lGenérons Contributions oi Goods and Clothing l Greatly Appreciated by the Missionaries I in “awn. To the Reade" ot the chroni_rarh:-- The drain) “not" in Cantu! Turkey this last spring mu least one new.» the!” tin being to make": any Hadjln tannin to (may hundred; who, before that tune Mule mulled that. there was well a pine .. p... A great many oi rod have given a very material wrool that tho name has not only leached your can but that some conception o! the poverty, whoring und need which it lemon-nu has reached your hearts. Re rcler to thc shipment made up " vBriotm persons ot various dettom- ination, in Berlin and surroundings, "tspecially the Ladies' Aid Societies of the diluent churches. These things reached us several w mks ago and now scarcely n gur- im-nt remains with as; but imagine the glad hearts and warm people an a result oi the giving. When we opened the boxes and took out nl1 the thing! and were lur- rounded on all sides wnh high my: " nelson, tskirts, waists, men's and boys' cons and trousers. underwear, mittens, hose, and bedding, our hearts were giaddenvd and It scrum! that the poor of Hadiin ought to kvep qqu warm this winter. _ _ .. A . I . I n A M,_A.. -kA -I..nu -.... w..." ........ -..._ ___-___. We wen: soon met on all hands “uh plutul tales of poverty and pleas for something hum those boxes, “e made a list of the very poorcst- widows with tour and tive rhlldren and other destitute gases, and appointed a day when the things would be given. The news soon spread and there were no less than two hundred people on hand early that morning. Such a crowd, with out-stretched Mods, Auger laces and clautoring "owes, each one afraid their turn might not come. and indeed their tears were realized as there were far too kw gar- ments to go around. The style, color and lit were a secondary matter; tust a glance at the person and a glance at the garment and it was given and the two went home together. " wimp'{hui'iiéajm‘lmout live years hence you will doubtless re mum/(- many at the garments worn In spite ot the numerous ditierent col- ored patches which "vcessaty wxll have placed upon them. ...... "...." F_..._.. -NF_re.ee_ Fetee -_e. .- _ . From hearsay one cannot fully comprehend the poverty which exists hem Poor in Canada. means quite cumlortable in Hadlin. It you could sm- thesv poorly made dingy places with holes for win- duws, and oitcn with ground ttoors, you would hardly consider them wor- thy of the name home, and yet that Is what they are. " you wish to step inside and sm- that a mat tor a bed was about the-limit of their furniture, and dark coarse bread the ftrst and last course ot each meal (“huh are sometimes a day or two apart); it you could also see the “hole family in bare feet and their bodies scarcely covered with oven rags (I now-r saw real rags in America), you could understand better what we XMAS ENTERTAINMENT AT 'r _ ST. JOHN'S CHURCH The schoolroom was packed to the doors Rid-.1 - by the schohn and members of St. John's congrega- tion, to listen to one of the best pro- grammes the Sunday school has ever provided. mum when we say pour. _ Stu-h a collection (ll warm thingsfor thetse who aro_so many thousand miles away from you, was a surpnsc and marvel to us. So we do not nu-an to inter that your gifts were small bat that Iladjin is large and very punt. - k At six o'clock supper was served :0 the children by the teachers ot the school, and ladies. of the congrtk nation. At eight o'clock the pro- gram was begun by the singing of a Christmas carol, and an address by the rector, Rev. Mr. Andrew. . lie spoke oi the wonderlul progress the Sunday school has made during the past two years. Then [allowed an auegisricail play by eight members ot Miss A. Cowan‘s class, which was very well carried out, A beautiful [airy drill by eight. little tots, under the guidance ot Mrs. I. Woelile was the next pleasing feature. A very popular number tol- luweil in the Grandmothers' drill un- der the training of Mrs. Steele. Miss Iii. greatly appreciate your New Mart and wish to express our thank- fulm-ss to you individually. Time would not permit UN lo write to each or you (well if we knew all ot your the editor Wt' hereby thank you all hum.“ - “$511er that it is a source of "0:11 encouragement to us to MM“; that you arc interested. Yours, in behalf ot the "Unitrd Orphandtre and Mission," of Hadjin, Turkey in Asia, . . Nov. 29th. 1909. DOIHNDA BOWMAN. H. Grossman then rendered 3 juve nile sung, and was heartily encored. Tuen [allowed a very popular dialogue by Mother Goose and Santa l'laus, by quill a bevy of little tou, led by Miss A. Cowan and Mr. War- ran. The most intercsung leaturc for some was the distribution or medals, prircs and candies by Santa Hans, and Rrv. Mr. Andrew. This clonal the most succrsstul entertainment the Sunday school ever held, a I ‘w Thus was a man in our Lowr thought he was wonlrm‘ Hr swarr by all the fahlrd tio Iw'd newt adverit'.se. Bill. alas! lle advertised, , Hun-by hangs a tay. His ad. was set in noaparvtl hratlvll "shcrifrs Salt" “IT PAYS TO ADVERTISP _ LEAD-TO CONSUIPTION Cad, In tha mod (imam cl n" [can cl die-1:. Anal-(Meals! M to Broad-In. fe'g',"g"r"t, Pam-ad... "' Cough" an the rem , rf irritated ' didn't; "PsYCHlNE"-mmh, by rcmorrra tr, if,,)',',') pmicles and huh” the iManted m'ttt "one. ll ie I V mit'sk and deurayt the tuberrie gem. mu nlonic that ltrsnthIcm the lump. “I. tieee. and Iona up the ttern. It nah. !,,o:)p.tr.ltthi2l1, "att,',,',?,".':,,':',', hum. kr. Can! I $01"an val appear. 'l'i4"v"8i'Nk'""' 7min wen. mo am... In as cough: A the most . "" kind nnd bred: up I cold in I In! COUGHS & COLDS how V [m fer Free we ”whammug ara., (Mail and oader Journal.) [ was a man in our town tits thought he was wonlrmsuisr N'rtt'e by all the fahlrd tiods ihs tiill FROM TURKEY" TO TWIN-CITY FRIENDS TH l S ORIGINAL DOCUMENT unmo. '0.Nmt :3; Christmas was decidedly the relig- the ions festival among the people ol St. 5e Peter's Ev. Lutheran church. There were some undoubtedly who enjoyed a material 0111514113, and between tur- tt key and plum pu ing, ete., had no . time for the ideal Christmas. On k‘hristmas morning at 9.30 o'clock, Mr. Albert Walschmidt played Christ- mh mas music upon the chimes, and as rise ‘he hells peeled forth "0 du Froeh- that Hebe, 0 tin Sclihe." and other f'hrisUnas songs, the large C0ngrCCa- uni tion gathered and filled the church. The devout congregation sang and mid prayed and listened to the sermon which mu based upon the text Micah 5: l4. Genes, so through tlw kindness of most kindly Irom the depths of our CHRISTMAS Christmas has come and gone and a bright and happy day it was in Berlin. For weeks preparation: had been made in many all the homes in this prosperous (ammun- ity to appropriately observe the day commemorating the birth of Chmist in Bethlehem. Saturday w? an ideal Canadian winter’s d _ . an it will go down "into as a white 'Chrigttmta, dd‘. other earth being coveretv with g fresh coating of the beautiful snow? The family naminns were unwous and judging from the comparatively low people on the streets, the majority ot people spent the greater part of the day around the family cir- ole. There were church services in the German churches in the morning which wou- well attonocd. In the afternoon the skewing rinks and the various picture shows wen- well patronized, and in the awning numerous Sunny School entertain- ments "were held which were attend- ed by large and appreciative audi- ences. -tt l On sunday appropriiU, Christmas services were held in all tto church- es in the town. At the M‘vning servlce which was In English, the musial lawn: predomi- nalnd, The large choir ol mixer) voic- CF; can: several diittcult 'Uhristmaé mullwnw and rendered them in a per- tevt mannrr, so that Pater Ohpr- lapdvr "rpresswlt his 'appreciation and oxiondml the thanks of the rongrt‘ga‘ Mon to the organist and choir "ry Tlvv spa-ml Christmas services in lion Evangelism] churctf were well atlvmk-d and ot an LGGtiitirx chit. actpr. In the morning Kev. L. H. Vin-nu, ul ltngina, Presiding Elder of the.North West District. preached an instrurllvn sormon in. the Ger- man language to In ttre; audwmrx Ite chotve lor In text, "And thou shall. call his map Jesus; lot he shall save his people trom their sins." in the evening the pn- tor, Rev. O. It. Datum. B.l).,prr-arh- ed a spool-I ('hmtw sermon on 1“The Prlnce ot Pace." ‘h nun- ‘h'gwmmumc At an“. & Wow Mtg, " In. Nth, IQ Zion Ev‘mgelicul Church ibdjin, Tutu in Ask. St. Peter's Church IN BERLIN IN VERY POUR CONDITION Mr. Doub- Colqulou, who In been In the do. gt the (HER. u Built, In- my”: palm:- "tth the Conway ln Vuvomu, B, I'o., In It" [a In West on lou- day. He In . gem-n! [Morita in the Twin t'ity uni MI It“: here hope that he may be In?” tusd pros- Ft'mul A. In new home. an noth- er, In. Frodaick Colquhoun. who " in Guelph, tor the winter, 'ritl manly join him in the 89m If. nad In. H, V. mane-I art W1 up spending the Indian vith " motler, Haunt Are. The Ball at .LasseuborougA, who "cc-mu Mir Jana Hubury Wlllhms as Military Sect-tau to his Excei- ttticy', has iett " Canada. The Coun- tess of LaaetsborougA, with their son Lord Neartqqr Butler, and the Ladies Eilml and Betty, Bull", will also come to Fans“. Mitus Eleanor Whitjng " wenioi- ton-'51 spending alew weeks at ln-r home in Berlin. FF, Mr. H. J. Bowman was in Toronto on Wedncsgiay. _ Mr. .raeesGeurtertr of Baden, is g business visitor in Berlin today. “all. Robt. Kiricaid and Geo. (hm), asmuom, who were ialur- od in " ballot expiolloll at Peters- byg mi _ (W. 28th, and wer? taken to the Hr-rlln and Waterloo liopi- tal, have almost recovered “d have rcturntd to their homes in the cus- slc City. _e . -' _ Mr. George R. Harm; or Galt, is a busitietrs visitor in town today. Mrs. L. Lem/ver ls spending the ' holidays with her sister, Mrs. Geo. ' Fairgrieve, St. Marya. [ Mr. Albert Pequegnat, ot Strat- ford, will assist in the musical ser- vices at Trinity Methodlsr" Church on Sunday. T A Mr. G. H. Perky! I.P., and Mrs. Parley .nd daughter. at Ottawa, will spend the Christmas holidays it the home at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rev. W. A. Bradley and (amily will eat their Christms turkey at the home ot Mr. Brtrdley's Quanta»; in. Shakespeare. Bowlby Miss Myrtle 1"an of the Berlin Public school Ital is spending the holiday season at her home in Mit- chell. Mr. Harvey Wilding, of Chicago, is spending the Christmas holidays at his home in Berlin. Miss Josephine Schwartz in spend- ing the Xmas. holidays with her sister, Mrs. Herbert Merner, Allis- ton. T Mr. and Mrs. D. Maude: Bean and family are spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Winter, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. P. Sider and Mr. and Mrs. R. Sider and little daughter will spend Christmas with relatives at New Dundee. Mr. Joseph Lang oi Montreal, is spending the Christmas holidays at his home on Water street. Berlin News Item WcMd Mrs. F. W. Saunders, oi molt. are visiting friends in Berlin. Mr. an ll. W. H. Williams arc Si,i'iiiiii.N Christmas holidays _in llclleville. IA The folio _ . Meats ot the H, WI., attendi "dr, tr, he It pre stat. at home “ _ " holidays:- A. D. MacPhers , Mowman, A K. Whiting, H. ll. Brandt, N. C. net. muth, W. F. Lackner, C. B. Ehy, H K. Huehnergard, E. ll. Raw, L): Rut». F. C. A. Jeannerct, G. F, Glennie, L. o. Brcithaupi. The residence of Mrs. W. H. Bar- low Alexander street, Toronto, was the scene of an interesting event, when the marriage was solemnized of her niece, Margaret Wilpitt Hiscox, Mrs. W. P. Hiscox. it Wingham, Ont., only daughter ot the late Mr. and M rs. W. P. Hiseox, of Wingham, 0nt.. to Mr. Arthurill. Fellman. ot Tor- onto, only son ol Mrs. (Rev.) R. Hobbs, of Enter. The groom is an old Berlin boy and his acquaintances will extend their congratulations. Mr. Louis F. Schwartz. IS spend- ing the holidays with friends _in Detroit and Mount Clemens. m., is renewing Cvitamainmxnms Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Martyn are Christmas visitors in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pugsloy are spend ing the Yuletide with Simcoe friends Mr. and Mrs. ll. Venn, ot Car stairs, Alta., are visiting relatives in Merlin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Urstadt and ta- mily, have gone to Southampton and Itanover tor the holidays. - -Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sweitzor will spend Christmas in Htwkesvlllc. . Mr. D. S. Jnckmul, ot Still Col- logo, Des "ag; _ called on Berlin friends on unday. Mr. It. (“assay and hmiiy will spend Christmas in London and other points. Mr. J. Fromm,r formerly mum-d with Jackson a Cochrane at Berlin, has taken a position as machinist in the Elmira Machine 4: Transmis- The death of Tobias Mayor, an aged resident of Berlin, took place on Sun- day utter a short mum. At the annual S. N. entrrtainment at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening, the pastor, Ree. w. A. Bradley, was presented with s liberal Christmas gift in gold which was mostly npprecisted by the re- tlpient. An excellent programmr was 'rendcred by member: of tho srhool. “is Wornhip Mayor Hahn stands in will with the municipal 01hr null, notwithstanding the tact {but hr has been "on the kit" during his term In the Inger Mtsttlstrate's tun. Cat Vishnu-y they "owed their Manchu! HI. Wonhip's I.” Ad may» iy was» Dr. Thoa.Hope, ol Waukcgon ' 'iarirtGa '1 o " . tandem ndi tg, t Iome ,' _ [ ,cl’hers , Th :tudents ot the H. tttg, ue' at pre- Ite,',', holidays:-- ‘Bowman, A. in . an. an up - il- l» at “y. The t, dumb Ink. by "ruin, tugtted a. "" toe thr when ot "we. - "ated that there would no 10m: be u u- ruu- tor um putting h In - uco when the once. owned in the morning with u whitetail lace. Mr. Join (ammo In “I. It. holidays 7311)qu ut_ruetAEf. _., luvaL. lamina“. P.B., of Re sin, in “in - Chm holl- am with" " anti, in Bonn. In. H. Eby on! Miart Addie Eb, spent Cid-tun Du h out. “I. at In. C. L. W Ive-v. Christmas with rentin- In London. It. w. P. Clem-t. ot Torah Ull- veu ty, In home tor the 'ttttdm. _ in. A. N. Hen, brtmaeteiat,' and Op ' is spending the with" In 2'ltft'u1. 7 Mr. Albert M, Sade! In home tron Btdtalo, to spend the holidays with his family. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Ac. E. Hunt. at Ft. Canning, no I” the holi- days in Bun}. ' tbM riun Conway Bturp.--Etrtgra Signet. Mr. an In. W. Mitchell ot Low don, u. unending the Bomb“ with rahthu in town. Mr. Charks Hnllman spent unchall- day will his brother, Mr. E. H berg?! in nomad, Mich. Mr. W. G. Weidenhamr, principal ot the Euler Public School, culled on Berlin irlends this morning. Mrs. A. fl'it Andrews, and W tor Mariim, eI: Christin: (an: at the home cl Mr. and In. H. Toltmw 20 Mansion Street. . Mr. A. Jamel: and an"; will spend Christmas in Elmira. Mr. H. Ed. Wettlaulcr I: trpen4- ing his Christmas holidays " him home in Walkerton. Miss Mary Winhold, of Tavistock, is visiting friends in Berlin and Strasburg. - - _ _ Miss Ellen Hallman ot Toronto is spendin the holidays with her pur- ents, Riv. and Mrs. H. S. Mailman, Bingeman street. . -Mr. Watt T. Barrie, jr., ig spending the holidays in Detroit. Reeve J. J. Wilkinson, o.' Woolwich Tgt., was: business visitor in Ber- lin on Thursday. Reeve J. F'. Katzcnmricr, ot New Hamburg, was in Berlin on Thurs- day. tir. Albert Snyder of Buralo has returned to Berlin, where he will spend the holidays with his family. Arr. Ted Schlichtcr ol Wheatley, Ont., is spending the holidays at his home in town. Mr. James MacCrossan of Detroit will eat his Christmas dinner at his home on Victoria. St. Mr. and Mrs. P. Y. Smiley have gone to Port Dalhousie to spend the holidays. PRESENTATION TO Chief O‘Neill, or'thv Police de- partment, was agreeably surprised on Christmas Eve when the members of the Ion-o took possession ot his of- fice and presumed him with the toi- lowing address, anda handsome wt'a- thered-oa'i leather upholstered rocker: Gro, O'Neill. Esq., l Chief Constable, l Berlin. At this time-a day inf Eli-heal gladness and good ctwer-the "boys" of your force desire to extend to you a slight to'en of regard and good-will. During the year that is nearing its close, we have all made our mistak- es. We desire to express on" appre- ciation dt your uniform courtesy to every member of the force, and rea- lize that your words ot caution ffiii advice have been of great as- siMattee to us in the diseharge of our duty. We trust the present Nil-wily rela lions will long continue, and WI would ask you lp add to your many other kindnesses, the accept arr of this small Christmas gift. May you and yours enjoy a. very merry holiday season and a prosperous New Year is the wish of luau-of litmus. mania Watches, mnbrethts, Bracelets, Necklaces. Lockets. Hat Pins, Rings, Diumondo. Fancy Stone Bet and; Signet. Prices from $25 to an) and: . . loading am 13 King St. East. Xmas Gifts A. J. Gabe! V _ . . in particular is a choice gift because ot It! A "ordhe'mor Pituttt most excellent qualities, In tone, touch nd durability it surpasses others and themlore is most .lo he desired. Con)! ight along and.see what an easy way we have of supplying you with one. . Berlin, Dec. 25, 1909, "iiijiiiiiriiiiii' Musk: swap: II JE'ELIY CHIEF O‘NEILL rela w l' latch. Int. lunch. me Hoopla, Imp! Cap! Paid U , "tt'ittt8., fighUt . p . tl': P. ,- u-osnunchuin '1"'"tigttaotigthrN'tgr. '"iu'tt A suntan. ammo 30318.3 mum-lo; hrt3keelty Furniture... u,N.P.9.TM??eu-3,peeta1 attantion to m. line of bush-cu. my page we" Sausage Machines and Sausage Stuffers _"_' Br “a. iradii.a'aiiFiF'iTr"r"a"."'"Sb'hllrs) . M- 0-. I. In“ yu- ' an Mu. no u... a. as w...” Mite, o"fl'N.'tsedtii' '77,. li 'iiili. "aggtrt.ftiii.'iedei 3-111; iii v“ 'P"'F iGl= l ttat 11'.rgrgttet bl. iiit7i.hCiiirk't' ca, “v. a! tapt I tere..... P- 'll'a'l= THE MOLSONS' “DWI-yuan The Slmp'son Rota" Furniture Star. KING ST, BERLIN. te." Night pinto 053-. Pianos and Organs “The lar est stock of Pianos in, Waiterloo County. “The on¥y Warerooms in Ontario that keep in stock FIVE different makes of Pianos. ' I“! Wk? Wont Call or write for cam Asrent fort e White.Sewing Machine. Dealer in'.Hardwsre, Pai'nt, Stoves, Tinwam Plumbingfnnd Pipes fibting. King St, Berlin. Phone 141. . sum; Bum mun-Eur THE PIIIGE OF THIS PIANO I8 EASILY WITHIN YOUR IIEAOII As a GIIISTIA. IIMnothing exels a pi while/the person who receives it is delighted rest of the family enjoy it. at * but. In“ M at highest tun-nth“. are being offered " osaaonabliprieets Urd cans also kept in stock. GEO. E. POTTER d9 Queen St., South. The Ilolntzman; M Piano "A thing of bounty'md a joy forever. ' "r." OLD HEINTIHAN a 'd,'g,thel pisno I hive overused.- “uni. Clever ideas will strike the fancy of every perioa. p, lt is by way of preparation for the Christmas sash _:,', on ghat we are makipg this djsp)ay. s] ",': -.. ___-_ "v w" --""'"e, -____ N I I There are many different designs, every one made and finished by true, most original craftsmen. l . . fl "riiiiirGu,', JiJcrcicitui furniture?, just in the nick of time to lay aside for the Xmas present for your friend. ' . hswit Mr ti Sold in Waterloo County F, G. Gardiner Eotahlhhdlll‘la. Over, 4000 isa choice gift because of M Solo Balers In DOMINION BELL & oo. MORRIS WILLIS PIANOS "iierrut,0ntario. a piano [01 ated all th

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