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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Dec 1909, p. 2

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_-" we LATE BON. h. J. GORDON .7 He was the third son ol the Earl ot Aberdeen. This week Jus engagement to Miss Violet Asquith, whom the _ Poe! William Watson accused ot hav- intl'. "the servant's touguc," was to f: - been announced. [km Asquith has been In almost "tttttttec/rifle/l,"' upon her tlance the accident, and was with him when he died. When an attempt was made recent- ly to interview her with regard to Watson's chargrs against her and her mother, who IS the wife of the 'remier, Miss Asquith replied: . “I don‘t care what Mr. Watson ra'it . ‘l have other and deeper iittet- ‘to.cngage my attention now." " was the first intimation the '" had that an engagement bytyrmm the talented young :muwa Gordon. was born in 1881, out belongs to a lamily that has iu- ter-married with various noble hous- 08. His grandlather was Prune Min- 'dg at the time of the Crimean Var, and his lather was Goa - General of t'anarla, and has 1tllilliht held the post of Lord-llieutenant of Ireland. His mother “us the lion. Isabel Marjoribauks, sister oi Lord Twe.edn1N1th, “hose cortrsponderwc with the Germain Emperor led to his resignation oi his plan- Ill the pres- ent Liberal Cabinet. Mr. Gordon's sister, Marjorie, married Capt. John Sinclair, now Lord l'entzilnd, who is Secretary for Scotland in the As- quith Cabinet; and Lord Aberdeen‘s sister, Katherine Eliza, is the wire of Lord llallour oi Burleigh, who was Secretary ior Scotland in the Balfour Cabinet, and whose peerage was restored alter having been at- tained since the invasion of Prince Charlie. "art Aberdeen's son. Hon. A. J. cordon. succumbed on Dec. ttirtt to injuries received in m automobile ac- client. The rent of I'ulmrnInn Ix m receipt of a drspduh from ‘lumm by which pcrmissarm “as glatlltvl I town to pay mm mm! $JJNH‘. I: Mrs. Thomas J, "urns, ttf, purl damages awardvd to hm im I it!!! of her husband, who “m. in“ by " electric shock. Thu town u pay the money in as " IS ahlv do so, as I it is not m a positi 10 pay it all at unl't', Ilnx arrun bent being mutually Ml'lx‘alhlry, Gait, Dec. '?AL--Arter spewing threc weeks in a Rest Ilumv at In "lou In an eltort to I'm-rowr from a m‘nnn breakdown, Miss Nuhrgunx. of Galt, died yvstcrday mummy; “Him” skill could do nothing to build up the worn-out systrnL Deceased, who was“ (Kn-sund‘u'r, had lived with her mutiu-I In Gull for many 3mm. prrd had Hun-d lr.e goodwill and lispt'rt of lln- unmnuw ity. She foruterly n-snlul m Hm, lin. Mrs. Nahrgung, .%tl, m 118 31-415 ot ago. Of true womanly null":- tiat charavivr, thr. durum ed the estcvm of all uh, 'tmrthere arr man} “in gret the that]! of rnv best [funds Two sons of ttw nld lady, and Robert, n-sulv "I lhwuto and they have lwtn Immml u death of their hish'l, The body will Dr Im for interment but gm the turwral hare um fl plated. Plenty of fresh air, sleeping out-doors and a Ain, nourishing diet are all good and helpful, but the' most important of ttart Emulsion It is the standard treat- Mt Prescribed by phy- dduu all over the world for this dread disease. It in, tho ideal food-medi- eh. to had the lung. WINSTON CHURCHILL MUST PAY Ith.WiGrb; a"atiarGirud' if to an wok. “(Indium " Ma. “we tt hcr for ths d, who “4a MIMI i. Thv town “ill Ls It Is ath lo not In a position g'wID. ll u on u, III P, Ill 'luluuln gmulrll ll" ulna“, (Ian tit 31m [HF-all unl.‘ In: :1:In.uul " out! tlwi r ("Ill luhn Ill tlr oi NEW PRISON Toto-to, Dec. tt.--Mter two yams d oouucnuo- we uowmmtlu this amm- decided to Iona: the new an“ 'ttrot' on plopuueu mut- ed anal-nee cast. ot ownm ”MI. seemed me (an: in M uni con-misc parcel. no, C, "' M 133 Mics. quoting 3 = 01 air-nu. lib 'mt' shout-n from among over 100 clued AM in con-Moron Meg! “an every puini uf New. The' “imputation “with. .re unequall- ed. The C.P.R. pasqr6thrmstth no property, and the t2WR. skit“ it. Six trams pass each way ev- y'stvfoti's conivssion of two murders “as mad" lo his spiritual advisors ahout an hour before the ta.xtctttittu. Ill-sitlt's ttw murder of Homo”, HIV-. an ctutitei.sied to murdvring an Icnr,- Iishman ai Terra Haute, Mont. Ile did not give the l-Inglinlxman's mum nor the time of tlte aifair. All he said was that hr- shot the English- man dead in a quarrel. The hanging wits_periormcd by rruiiunvr Radcliffe. your Properties, Comm In A1151; Mm. Hue Been Purchued- cry " hours? " it very close to the criminal cent 0 ol the proice,whicts the 9'overrunent tigures in about 85 miles .wm at Toronto. The drop was made at 8.03 and scn'n minutes later the duvtors in alll'ndam-c declarvd lifl' vxtinct, The '210 and 123 acres at proper- ties contain limestone, which will be utilized tor the building ot the new pllbon and later prisoners will he put to work crushing it tor provin- cial roads. Ttw 130-acrea property contains sand and "rims! In atumd- anon, while the MVacre property is ideal for (arming and dairying. Start at Once. 1'onstructiutt ol the new prison will start almost at once, and the tuuld- my, and enclosure will ctr/er hum l?, to 15 ants, and will he leet I,l76s606, with an entrance to the Lurth. it will he ot tour two-story blocks, at the south ot whit.h are to to armature. A Provision is to be made tor the (Continued Irom page 1.) separation from other prisoners ml those atteeted with Mil-tannin or in- sanity. CONFESSED TO TWO _ MURDERS, THEN HANGED Toronto, Dec. 23.--With the confes- sion that he had murdered two men upon his lips Paval Stefon', convicted :1 the murder of Vani Some“ last April, calmly went to his death in Toronto jail this morning. 7 In all, accommodation will he pro- xided tor “om 450 to 500 prisauers. The present prfson here can hold but It is expccted that in January some In to 15 men will he ant to the site to arrange tor housing 25 or 30 mm to be matt later on to make the vwavations. Toronto, Dru 23.-Mr. l'ni‘uzl H. “haw rim! “NH-uh} at hm ll' id " p, C:Vl Mrl'unl sirvct, at lln' 1:0 of33. Mr had hom ill ior thrve mrm:hs “llll Bright's dist-mm. Mr. Shaw was born in Guelph and bad Iirul in Tumult) ll wars. He has also [l'Sldl'll in Berlin for some mm. lle was cnmarrivd, a I!" . um Catholic, and a piano tuner. The Iurteral will take pla r on Fri. The postal authorities have Ilrgllll a crusade against the people who pre- sist in putting corrvsTondrrrye in m-wspaplrs and parcels. During the past tvw days a large number cl par- rrls have born held up to: "81rrt- ination at Toronto and nearly all have been lound to contain letters. These parcels have been forwarded to the ineprcmr ol the dietsion in “huh thry wore posted, nnd an ia- 1csiigatiort will be held with a view to punishing the parties. The pemst- ty for violating the postal regain- Nuns in this rvspcct is trom $10 to $10. _ The await": sale ol Mr. J. 5'. “mud, um: Prcst6n, on the 21st inst. , was am- ol ihe most largely attend, ed and successful events of this Lind hrld in that section tor somp, time. Good prices were naliz- rd. Auctionrer nllclnell wielded the hammer in his usual aut manner. The premises will not he ready occupancy tor two wars. No Prison Stripes. In the new prison none will wear the regulation prison garb, and they will be put to work all outside la- ter. , The City a! (hwlph will auction ol the Morlock tummy Bite. F'sevrral rhnngvs and improvomrnls are to he and" to thr new Winter Fair Building at Guelph. There I" now nutty-ah humus In thy 0le "an a] Retuge, the jun-6m I: _§.4uumm‘u lay LARGE NUMBER IN REFI‘GI‘) WILL AUCTION OFF SITE G' FITTING A FTER Till-1M WILL MAKE CHANGES “A JBErtT S. S] I A w svemassrl'i. SALE NEAR GUBLPII m1 tor - _..- - ; Mr..A. il. Breithaupt, "Ng"', ot r- the B. U. I, Board, made a ery em- " dun. chairman, and in a neat speech h spoke of ttw great progress ot the 5 sehool, the interest taken by the parents and friends, and also ot the = luyalty ol the ex-students. He m4 '0 a telegram trom the Hon. w. L. M. v King, who regretted that through a west at oaicint dating, he was unable P to be was“. ' r ,. The made!“ the eve-ll; wu sup- F plied by the Collegutera-I surna- man‘s oretumtma. The Tableau " "His old tgieethmrrU," could not 'rttave been improved upon. m. w. ll. Williams took the part, in a very " able manner, or the bachelor about l- io be martini. and who in a remin- Milton, Ont-, Dec. M.--William Hil- .-;nn, who kvpt a boarding-house at the Linwkllns, about two miles from hure, died yesterday as the result, il is rlaimcd, of a foght which took plum in his house last Sunday. lth alleged that the trouble started ova It game of cards among some ot the Istrarrlers, that llilson interfered, and in the fracas which followed was thrown against a wall with such violence. that hr was badly cut about the head and lost a large quantity at blood. It is also alleged that his dvath was hastened by diabetes in an mlvnm‘ml stage. No arrests hare yet bum made. An important witness wanted try the pulico is missing. CLOSING EXERCISES AT --s ' TIIE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE The useme ttali val no.“ last evening by the student: uni [Hands of the school on the occasion at the man! Clam entertain- mepst. In ttre India-I29 can many a the sag-stunts, low attending the varioun' collagen. who were home tor their vacation, and undo their presence Mt by their college yells and songs, - " ll. Williams took the part, in a very able manner, or the bachelor about to be marrird, and who in a remin- scent vein recalls his past loves. All the girls were perfect pictures at the various typrs they were to rcprcéent. They worn as tollows:- Brtue-Miss Hilda Bowman. KBur--Miss Lulu Kreutziger. BUttehe-Mists Emma Huttman. Elizabeth-Miss Nora lloos. Mildred-Miss Eva Devitt. - Cite-Mitts Margaret Erb. Jeitte--Misus Nellie Hodgkin. Helen-Miss Hope Bowman. Tegia, the Widow-Miss Eva Betr.ner Mary, the Bridc--Miss B. Moore. The presentat"m of the many dip- louas. and Certificates, by Mr. BreiV haupt and Mr.. Forsyth, was a very interesting sprrtucle, especially to the parents. As the students went forward they had to endure the good natured sallics of their companions in the roar of the hall. Then followed a very pretty and humorous play, "His Lucky Day," by the students, under the direction of Miss Fisher and Mr. Williams. Miss Lulu Kreutzinger took the part of the Winsome 1Ielcn, the American heiress, in a very happy manner. Robt. Wood played the role of Jack Arnold, the young law student,. and won rounds ot applause tor his var- ious and dimcult parts. Blake Devitt was quite at home as the cafe waiter, masquerading under the title of Count de Rousillon. One oi the most suc- u-sstul entertainments closed with the National Anthem. rormwr. opened an inquest last. night, hut adjourned ib tor a wm-k in order that the cause ot dvath may N. tcscprtairutd by a post-murlvm, and that lurthcr wither trom rye- witnesses at the Muir may he scrur- Tite srhool made an excellent show- ing this year, as the long list ol suc- u-ssful candidates will show. Keeper of a Board‘ng-House Near Milton Dies From Injuries. FATAL ENDING OF CARD GAME large Attendance at Annual Gathering at Which Splendid Programme Was Rendered ('IJISI‘ Hott. Dr. Itvaurm', Minister of Pu1r- lie Works, has annoum-wl that instruc- tions have twit issued to game war- den and inspectors throughout tht- tario to rigidly rnlorce the law pro- hihiling the killing ot iatltldgc. Un- til Srptcmbrr, 1912, a close season is bring obsorvrd on partridges though tlagrat1t violations have re- unlly betrt ‘n pvidtnrre. 'iTI:rllr HHS URIUINAI Dr. II. A. McCall, ot Milton, _thr A pleasing event took place alter- SEA SON FOR I‘ARTRIDG l' "(1133mm DUCUMhN'I - in the dub; room, when mu L. Fisher wu -tstsd ttr the student: with . MN GTiiuirha “a by the "" with u hind-om traeellitts bag. It" Finch“ ex- prmd her deep tenet. at loving so many kind lrienlll, but hoped to (our: back again for I short PJ, In. the ("lot-lug ot the c'oliegiato in uly. The lollowing are a Ii“, " the Imo- u-sslul student.- commercial Diplomas. Junior- Lillie Bristol, Ari-3'39: Devin, 2'"itrr Etry; “01;". to r.'mmerich, . _ .; Gwlahyl (label, Hott.; Viole clsner. Hon.; Rose Moog. 'iliiE?,'? McBrine. Hoa.; \l'illled Pal um, Nop.; William Russell, 11011.; Hattie Russell, “on; Late: Shelley, “on. -h!.- ' Tiaior," without stsoraiihid-- Her. bert V. Bower. " H u "auUr.-iiiiitout Bookkeepipw- Era Bonner. 3' U ”Quick - Walter W. Hott.; Charles Wexchef, Hon.; Harold Roy- uolds. Alice Bucky, Henry Burnett, Karl E. BornhrlJ, Blake Devin, Clayton B. Etsy, Kenneth Jamieson, Olive: Master, Alcxamkr McPherson, Elmer Raw, Vera lt. Sink, Hut-1 Stubler, Nathaniel Stroll, Clarence Thorns, Elva Weber, 1lech K. Whiteman, Edgar Whiting, Arthur Woods, Thus- nclda 7urbrigg. Derwent Kinton in English, Biology and German. E: Jerrine Wells in English, Latin and French. Alice Bradley, Hon.; lllingwonh (Tasscll, Grace Clemens, Annie Glen- nie, llon.; Mary Winnilred Pirie, Vera D. Shirk, Clarence Thorns, Grace Waugh, Hom; Elva. Weber, Florence K. Whitman, Arthur Woods, Thusnclda Zutbrlgg. Junior Leaving. Alexander Eby, Adeline Schmitt, Mabel Slower. / Honor Mattie ion. Harold Brandt i hysics, Biology and Science. v, Sarah P. Hutton, in English, Latin and French. 7mm“ C. Reade in French and German. William H. Schmalz in Mathews. tics, German and French. - H It is 1'gttgl1tg.,',','eerd of One Second- “' Cruiser From Britain. The vessel which will constitutr the nucleus of the Canadian fleet is the taNrond-class twin-screw cruiser Rain- how, which will be purchased out- tight by the tantrum Government and not torrowrd. Ottawa, Der. 23.--The announce- meat that mg Dominion Government Pt plmhuscd a cruiser a! the Apol- lo class lor a trainirrg ship is otliciar. ly cuMrrtwd. T he Rainbow is now-undergoing al- trrations and repairs in one ot the Admiralty duckyanls, and will cross the Atlantic during the early spring or h't.'qttmt'r months, manned by a ('nmplonu-nt at British omcers and a sick-ton "ritiehrrew. Asthc lull cornph'mvnt «I oTicers and mm for the Rainbow is mly 273,’this one vrsscl will not give any wry grut may " the twining u! Canadian wamvn. hut It will be um'gh tor a start. NAVY HAS The Goverrtrncttt is mvotiating for .1 sunnd and larger ship to be salt to ('auada a little later on. and with two training ships in commission it is I'xawclod that It will he Inssiele to turn out Canadian Slam”: at a lair- ly rapid rate to T'.t.rt the vessels of the ('anadian navy as they are com- plrted. The Ralnlow, whcn ronztruclwl will ecu/”Mm. The amount which the t1overtttnettt will my to the Ad- mlralty for the ship has not. been divulged, and will humbly not be announvcd unl-ll the estimate is brought Joan in the Hows:- d Com- "IONS. Some of Ute, details as to the Apol- In class of cruisers In wh'uh the Rain- tow Nlnngs are as mtlows: Tomtare 3,400. Indicated horsepower 7,000. Forred draft, 9,000. Length 380 loot. Bram " Int. mm 16.0. Armor in the gun division H inches Speed 20 "ou. Orr three-pounder. Four torpedo “be! The Rainbow " trtrel. Archie J. Bulgin, Elmer wing JunloI Matriculation. Senior Teachers. Ruby Dover, Oliver Master. Seiiior Leaving, Jean T. Moon. In. W. J Coal supply 7,000 tons. Her Armamtnt. The armament of the Rainlow is Two six-Inch guns. Fix CT guns. High! uivpnllndors IN VERY POUR ( Pharmacy Mutriculauun WILL BESION BEEN QIARTED unior Teachers. t?rtt-,trttrtod of )NDI'I'IUN ONE-THIRD thing with the ”third “If!“ now! Do you want tour a” eduratiogt Minted to bsiid . ' rout? The [ovumnt is the D- yan-“the to m Interests." . Toronto, Doc. M.-- “Du’t think you up mug; , m 7. a Thu Hon. Col. Nathan, Pinh- cm Treasurer, pve m any-tum dele- gates, remnants; twenty Dunno counties ' who waited on the Minis- tet d Public Works ibis making, some "night talk About. “an 'eyasflftl- ity at their m. They want. up to ask that the Government should men-am its contribution o! orc-thint ot the cost to onwhall. Big Demands on l’IoVince. “We are spending uwr a unlliui now on usylums, and they haw to he in- creased," continued ttw treasurer. "The whole of the new country must be surveyed and opened up for railroads. The (:ovcinzmnt is the people's trustee, the representative of all inn-reds. Put yourself in my position as trcasurer. Where shall I get the money" It must come from you us taxes. What does this one-third man? It is atoll, 2,- "00,000 now; a 50-per cent increase Inn-ans two or three millions t‘ll top of that. Aren't you gettinga pretty fair thing in the one-third?" On Thursday afternoon while Mrs. J. A. Hilliard and Master George Martin. son ot Manager Martin, of the House of M3, were driving along King street B-rtinin In. Hil- liard'a sleigh. the mac pony was frightened by a toy pistol which “as accidentally and oil by young Martin. The animal made a sudden jump and threw the occupants out ot the sleigh. Mrs. Hilliard escaped “ith a few bruises but the boy was seriously injured, striking his lace against a put, and was unconscious when he “I bicked up and carried into tho Ions of Mr. P. mea. Dr. “A", Lackner was summoned and It was ne'er-l boar: before he recon-r- ed consciousness Ind was removed to his home. “is [we was hldly swol- Ira, but nolbonea were broken and he restod wily durlng the night. The sleigh was damaged consldvrtOly. .. T"" ,,_ v. ”M, .w. ... “an, C. J. Foy, ot Lauri. W. G. Trem- rwey. of Toronto, Cot. J. E. Farc- well of Whitby,. and several others. They said it was not fair to ex- rect the rural municipalities to but 'tl the cost, and that many ot lhem tiet shggcring under the loads whi J T ma: represrttled. Sov- vrall iii? them "vocatcd the tara tion of "eorporations for the brmmt " roads. A retroaeUve policy tor rinnccr 'corntios in the murmur-M was advocated. Prerontics. th, new. Candy Cold Cure Tahlcts are said by draggists to have tour spatial srpsoiftc advan- tages oVer all other remedies tor a cold. First-They contain no Quinine. nothing harsh or sickening. Sect.“ --They give almost inatant rend. Third-Pleasant to the taste, like Cindy. Forrth-A large box-- " Froztttics--at 25 cents. Also fme for bner'sh children. Sold by all deal- ers ", RUNAWAY " . "You imagint‘ you have a great deal ot monry to spend trom the north. We have not, Expenditures tlierv are running higher than receipts. In the last four years the n-vrnuc [rum Crown lands is lower than in the tour ylars before. " They All Took It Up. "You nvcdn't tell me what they want. It's money," laughed Sir James 11hitney, who Came in to shake hands as thr deputation was just over. He added that the ex- penditures tor the Government on good roads roads would be In- ihirthatrh, if many counties too's up $300,000 schemes, as one ot them had. The Government would do its utmost possible, he asstred the delegatts. The spokesman for the delegates were Reeve Pugsley M Richmond Hill, ll. J. Bowman, CE., Berlin, G. S. Henry, Warden at York, J. P. Beam, "There is nothing heiter to spend money tn than good roads, but " duty is to represent, all interests. We will do everything we can, be sure ot that." Hon. Dr. “name said it was a question of Governnxllt policy which would have to be considered by the (‘al-lnct. It meant a great increase in exprmiiture and the alteration) statutes. HAMLIN fl but V“ w Van-v. r A Souvenir nge makes cooking a fleasure. Thedrafts Ire right. l's easy to keep a uniform fire. The gain work evenly ---8re mar hine {mod and can- not waste fuel. If you want' the best range you’ll buy a Souvenir. Have you read our book entitled "Cooking with the Bother Left on"? A post card will but; " by own up". outtN6, "was A Go.. Luau Rom Doom In, Tomato. KING STREET BERLIN IS THE Lit11'f A very timely Christmas Cheer mange was received by Mr. E. P. Moment, K. C., recording steward of Trinity Methodist Church, trom Rev. H. W. Crews, B.A., ot Guelph, in which he accepts, whit-ct to the usual commons. the unanimous 'cnll to the putorate of the Berlin church at the conclusion ot Rev. B. E. Marshall's fourth year term next June. The ttmetal Board extended the in- vitation early in December and alter considI-ring several other important calls va. Mr. Crews Maiiy accepted the call to Trinity church, the news ol which will be pleasing to' the on- tire congregation. Toronto. Dec. 23.-1Mnry fr, 11ub- ort. ot Cult, was assaulted by hm thugs It. the mouth of a lane in Front street, at 11.10 to-night as he was on hill way to the l'nmn Itrqtot. Hubert says In- noticed two men tte- himt him, and did not pay murh at- tention to them. When he rrnrhrd the lane he says thry jumped on him, and after hitting him snout times with I “hilly" they took his diamond pin valurtt at tM Ind his watch and chain valued " $46. At-. tartmt to the chain was a medal which Hubert won at u “looting route“ at Wen-lid. Hubert v“ bully link-n. There in I it! "In on his chin and Another a his nose. . Rev. Mr. cresyr is a comparatively young man and has been the sue-cess- lul pastor of some oi the largest churches in the London and Hamilton Ponrereneetr, being stationed at Chat- ham, St. Thomas, Zion Tabernacle, Hamilton, and is completing a tour- year term at Norfolk St. Church. Guelph, where Rev, Mr. Marshall was stationed previous to coming to il‘rlin. Rev. Mr. t'rews is highly esteemed in the Royal City. __ The Telegraph is informed that Rev. M. K. Marshall has received a call to an important charge in the Northwest. _ There's no “tannins: like The Edison Phono a h, let u! as“ 'yod "not. ltd-factory we will Mum your money; 'l'l,Tli'/i put one in {our on trial. Come to our “on and no the big assortment of Edison P anal “a records.‘ numbed welcome to hear the latent Records u - W. Alto gun tho bases!) moi-mt in the town, of pan-55m gun. ,yirthtnq imaginable formulation presents. Com in no! a; Mini-'8 mutton- the up-to-dnuB-nkpnnd Stationery. _ i Rick’s Alanna 80mm. _ REV. A". w. mews, B. A., . ACCEPTS CALL John Fischer, Proprietor EDISON The landing lat Market Cured Emmi and hum: '(our an (angina); gnu (payed, always and. In the “no of home-made ran- ngol, such u Bologu, View", Pork San-ago, Bud Chan, Lint Stanza Ind Bummer Snags. Give u . "ill and be ex minced Galen [mummy delivered in lil part! pm you. bu the mutation at supplying in nun-emu: customer- with the choice“ and but of mut- III the py trtyl. - A , In “:01an ot mutt, we In" Euf,_ 3.'.ttrelsiaattrr. Suga- MtiMAiijll'8 BOOKSTORE, WATER GILT MAN ASSUJLTED An Edison Phonograph LE'I YOUR HOLIDAY GIFT " Inwhatodwxvnym 'rtir$itbW'8.Nlllq Ind to comfortably - I'm, o6t+qr “moan: will: Antonina” - to: a. was Phenom or'", Tomahawk)!" arm-mu; tau‘xcrgl. who” records an trAt, 'rt-W' ands, there no: ends, there no: f Ft 2's"i'is?ii).i . _fji8t'ij-'- (itil Mabel 1ch.t,t'att A I/si'-.' Albert Spaldini " any “ 't_1rri,if,r,i,i,-i,' Vesta Tilley Ada Jone! r' 3.1%,} Nat Wills MarshallP. ", There are several {odd M In. Yr F' of these and a hundred others that you i l'" hear at the dealers and m and but in ”3;; own home for a trifle. _ . f ‘1. Kuhn] M “.100 “Amwum Them In Edito- duh" who“. " h in a” and hear the Bdllon J'ttortt?trre in! you: 'ree I “A T Gr, 1riiiraTGarGlinioTaGiut. «an.» - W m iar. and" or trol- u. Bdhon Band-rd Raoul!- . . - dh. Edison Amhrnl Rm m It "rt Baum, “and 0m ttmttte6q . - “hon Phonon-9h . no,» to”. pawl wumam. In. 1rdir, 9mm " “23:33 {LWMLW‘M L-' ' " I Attttt Bow-nu. In... than. ‘fif P. B. Shut. PM "ui F , I “than: may. h. 0*, ' :3: i um. um»... I!” at: WATEBL00 FIRE INSURANCE»! INCORP CRATED ttt Total Assets 3rst Dim $426,808,r& Sanderson's The ol0-rashioaed wny d a wonk stomach or alimuln f llcart or Kidnoyx is all wr T . Khvmp Cs,t, p'xintl‘d out thit.; Thin i: why his proscripl‘l Fihrrop's 1,'rsioraiivv--i,_ directed _ liwly to the muse ot the“ tttvt-ts-- the “oak Inside or ttttrt i in: nmvm, " mm to dimmstt, m S', vs at H correctly. Each lnlldc on} man buy in controlling or Met. ncrre. When there nun-1 mn. M- 1hcno up“ mutt surely 'S',t Than Vin! truth In letting m ”when lo dispel!!! pd N Dr. Show). Res _ _ 1" in”. t“ - - and lung a. “up“? Fancy Bum, Band Bonn, I Fancy Cain. , 'lr. Show, to strength"; I "a Shimzu‘h, Heart or Kldnl'yl, tt n my. tuning Pam. f largo Profits to Artie. nomn. ; mm to; not Annual mi President, "on” I“ J. B. "All, A! A, P. I. 'thi Secret-17 Tte.qt81 Head one. Wlmloo. "auction and tire land are column-d In tho m. Win. an“... mun-ding: "In 3.1.», m. R. 9.0an 801mm. Bot-ll... c. A. “OIHM DNtrtot Ink Wuarloo. mama. a man or minimum. _'...e' "tttys DOMINION LIFE ; “new!" roller 3,; OFTHE 'E 0”qu ' Iat: €733

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