". “and lawn with square high ' ' We". high collar, deep lapcls, :3 Jirtrenrt vest aad stylishly cut trous- l"' en made hom imported Engllsh _ Armed and worstodn in stripes, over- 7 checks, browns and mixtures. Reg- 7 ' tt8 5nd 820 tor pri, - Splendid Bargains ‘43? Two-piece Norfolk suits, single and r:'. double breasted, plain and box pleat- d, mile [tom durable tweeds in dark l and medium shades. Italian body E! {32 F,' “Bunting: pants, sizes 24 to 23. itesi- -,g - _.qear, M.str and $4.00 for 'epy't't, t Aw t] k" Fine black meltons and beavers, ‘- heautilully tiaished and lines. They junk-we padded shoulders, high collar {13nd deep lapels. Finest cloths in all ‘1'â€. Regular $12.50 tor ’ My person who wishes t _ SM money. on clothes wal “ vttalliinterctstcd In thew Fri' ‘1‘“! HOW" over the alone we pine priced everything so low that *4" till â€cl at the values oiiered. " is! not Ke in accordance with l', mad business methods to son V3004! this wuy below regular prices tet when the demand for them is Ernst’s M uy the new year bring our old an we" as new patrons an abir dsnea of JOY, HAPPINESS and HEALTH, and may we enjoy your pstroange as freely as we did in the past. - 'ic Friday, the last day In 1 909 In worsted: and tweeds, beautiful-Z Iy tailored, correct in style to the minute, all sizes for all men. Very special values at $12.50 and tf4.00, tor 8.95 'tt to M. for ' Boys' 3 piece suits in double or lingle breasted styles, made from im- ported tweeds and navy blue. Sin-s 28 to M. Reg. price " to $5.50 C will Be marked by a special future Somebody will is lucky and an it b the last one of our CLOCK PRIZE CONTESTS we urgently “you to at" nd the unveiling of the clock sharp, on Friday at 2 80 In, Remember the prize $3.00 to the flrttt and 82.00 to the tecond LI'; ticket holder. Be sure you're here on time. In addition we are 'tttttgr double time checks to our customers this week and will a lo redeem them in trade during the month of January. All tickets no worth one cent, so don't destroy them. ' A Happy New Year . To All M, Organ, orzuwing Machine Wolln, cult}; Mandolin, Banjo, Autoharp, Accordoon Oblumbla Machines a Records A Nimble and much appreciated Chrigtmas gift would be a VOL Bti-No 52 wo Bitt Stores MEN'S OVER-30A TS 'empting FRIDAY BOYS' CLOTHING Every Hat must be cleared out n gudless of price. MEN'S SUITS MEN'S SUITS rs. G. Steuernagel Reg. price " to Millinery Opportunity A. WESELOH & CO KING STREET. WATERLOO. A large stock at Bottom Prices r’s tmt CIA“. "tttty .18!!- II A WT NICO“. Do not miss this" 't2.lio ass, 900 2.95 If} Bargains ! Buys" Solid Leather Box Call {Laced Boots, sizes 1 to 5, regular ‘pricc $2, sale price 7 shirts or drawers, winter weight, double breasted, plain shades, sizes M to 41. These garments contain a small quantity ot cgtton, rendering them umshrinkable. Regular Tic and 5.50 per garment tor _ greatest, but this store is interested only in swing its customers hilly, not taking advantage of conditions that might make for larger prams hut at all times giving those who trade here the full benetit or the ec- v-noniies that result irorn buying and selling in large quantities, Come Saluiday and profit, by prices that Cannot be equalled. Mert's Box Call and Velour Bluchcr u'cry pair Goodyear welt, a few wat- crpmnf soles on this lot, with leath- cr lining, regular $4, sizes b' to 10 gale price Men's Solid Leather Box Calf Blu- cher Boots, extra heavy soles, regu- lar price $3, sizes 6 to 10, sale price . "" Women's Boots, walking style, lav rd and Mueller style, genuine don- gola kid, extension sole, patent toes, well made and comfortable fitting, sizes 3 to 7,, regular $2, sale price 1.50 Misses Fine Box Cali and Dongola Patrnt Tip BIucher, low heels, regu- lar pticc $1.75, sale price BOOTS and SHOES SCOTCH WOOL UNDERWEAR ,. Ernst’s The Store For The People E CHRONiCLE=TELEGRAP " WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 80, I909 2.98 I'Hl 139 50c We Wish Our Many Readers l Happy and Prosperous New Year Locals and 1'vrsouals,-hir. and Mrs. Henry Dimmer spent Christ- mas Day with tvlativcti in llerlm.- Mrs. Shoudler and daughter ot Bush: “in: Doon \1slturs on Christmas, - Mis. Wallace of Hamilton spent a ten Lian-s with her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Weber, in lluun this wrek.--Mr. u. Misti-r of Varsity, Toronto, is spend- ing his holidays at his house In Lxomt.--Mcssrs, N. Cuchrarc. and J. Foot spurt the holidays with the lor- mer's haunts In llarrislon. -- Mr. ti. [lawman and Miss Maudie [lawman were visiting [minds in Chesle) over t'hristmas.--Mr. and Mrs. Oohucard ul Berlin spent thristuras gtllt rela- tives 1n Douu.--Mr. Jack Lang oi Preston spent thristmas day under the parental rooi.--Mr. and Mrs. J. P. [Ernst and daughter, or New llmnburg, spent the holiday with llrs. ll. Uolv.--Mr. ll. Meade and Mr. S. llremrner of Brunliurd wire visiting lritnds in Doon on this? matc--Miss Vera Uttley oi Ht'lllll ipent the holiday visiting Iriouls in Doon.-Mr. W. Foote oi Galt and Miss ll. Foote oi Hamilton paid Doom friends a flying visit on t‘ltrnt- mas Dar-Mrs. Loth of Milverton is risiting her son in been this week.- Miss M. Dahmer at Berlin was the guest ot Deon friends over Sunday.- Mr. A. Foote and Miss F. Wright were visiting relatives in Hamilton over Christmas.-Mr. ll. Hollman ami Mrs. E. Hotlman oi Floradale spent Sunday with their parents in Doon. --Mr. George Matthews ot Galt spent the holidays with his parents in Arsm.rrJ1it.trvfser5 is viaiusq relatives in Orillia tors couple N weaic-Miss Judd or Clinton was the guest of Miss M. Boundy over the holidays-Mr. D. Dahmer and Miss M. Bullock were Berlin visitors on 'ctrristttta-Nr. C. Phoms . the“ Hamilton Normal school in ins his holidays st his home in». n. - Mr. Maurice Huber ot B On is visiting his parents in boon tor a week or ten 'days.--uW1ss P. Schwinn spent the holidays with relatives in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams 1 of Berlin spent Christmas with friends in Daotc--Miss H. Thorns ol the Guelph trenching stall is home tor the holidays-Miss K. Cluthe of Ber- llin is visiting at her home in Dunn (this week.--Mr. w. Munch of Mor- ristoo was visiting friends in- noon over the ttoiidayr--A low at the Deon people attended the hockey match in (lalt on Christmas atternoom--A large number ol the Doon young people celebrated Chrbtrnaa Day skating on the clay-pit, the ice being in first- class shape.-h meeting of the School Board and ratepayers is called to he held on Friday, Dec. 31si.--TIte re gular meeting ot the Bible cuss ol the Methodist church will be held on Thursday evening at the home ol Mr. L. Itinkley. lntcrosting News Items.-. A' Happy rnd Prosperous New Year to all the Chronicle-Telegraph readers.--Mr.1, and Mrs. N. S. Snyder and tamily.l Toronto, are sprndirg a wccu with the latter's parents here-Mr. C. W. _ xzingrim, North Bay, and Miss Fidith Gingrich, Toronto, were home over rNmtss,-.-Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Kilsinger Mr. and Mrs. J. ll. Fiisingpr and mm at Toronto, spent Xmas at -th, "Maple Grove Farm".-W, and Mrs. Moser of l‘nston'spont Xmas at tho home at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Menger. -Mr. Edgar Merger at the G.N.w., Tvlegraph staft at Hamilton, is home for a wcve.--Mr. and Mrs. Edith Schucfrr and family ot llcrlin, S‘Kn' Ymas With friends in town.-- Mr, and Mis, N. K. tht‘r of Wallace aw winding a tew days with thrtrtr- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lm \Vrstwmid, of Flint, Mich,--hrr. anl Mrs. H. Westwood, Waterloo, Mr, and Mrs. Rock of Preston, Miss Sthwslm. Watvriro, Mr, Alex Srhwalm, Pres- ton, werp spending Xmas at homo lwrv --Mr, and Mrc. GerNrarht at Halt and Mr. Feick of Avtnn, spent Xmas at the home of Mr. :nl Mrs. Wriktr.--The Miss s Cclitt aid Irrn? nruttachvr at Borlin, 5,:rnt Xmas at their homo here-Messrs, Char rum! Albert Mir‘l'we of llrrltn wvrn home mar the holidayr-Mr. and Mrs, Wehrr and Miss thrr ntlrndrd the, tum-ml at Mutt Krssmlrinx of near Waterloo nu Turnrtay. Mrs, Walker In a daughter at the late Mm. KM- .r'.ring.--Mr. Jrn llth-r m Mim- itobn, II spending the holidays with til: mother tere.-atr. Norm-n Engzl- 'e? " MOO - - " the yrs»: 9! It. Tri-Ne-ttera' In I “when $hs'attrt." Vim-1'?! RlUlNAl. lJOCt)HEN'l' IS IN VERY t and daughter, " New spent the holiday with Uolv.--Mr. H. Mvadc and BIL-miner of Brautford m ro Irimds In Doon on Christ- s Vera Ulllvy oi “cum ST. JACOBS BOON Xmas Visitors-. Miss Ma Dietin- baclita of WM» Spent the holidays at her home here.--Misa V chln-r oi Ilidgetowu is lwlidayi -at Lei liotne.-- Mn. is. G. Whit“ lioti, Roy, spent the houdq_ in Hamilton. --Mrs. Hamilton of Smash“; viyit- ed her mother last week, who is ill. -Miss Rubbie Suggdei) spent a low days last week ‘at Guelph.--Miss Evelyn Lackner of Elmira and Mr. Will Lackin-r ul Toronto are spending the holidays at their home. -Mr. and Mrs, Nelsun Cunningham and min spent Mums at their respct'» live homes hvrv.--Mr. an Mrs. Aaron Schweitzer spent Xmas at the lat- tcr's home itere.--Mr. \l’inul’etcinm and daughter, Hannah, arelviyiiing with friends at Montrose at pm scmt.-Mrs. Stadelbaucr spent a lw days in Berlin with Iriends and tvttsrruxi home an Monday-Mr, and Mrs. F'. S. Spies spent Monday in F'loradale.-tNite a number of u r people spent Xmas night in St. Ja- mbs and were in attendance at the Srrus entertainmt'nt.-Xtuas Day was spent very quietly in our burg. -11rs. Glover Tanner and family o: Millbank,sptnt Xmas with Mrs. John Tanner. Nominations at fteeve--.rosiah Stauttcr, Fred Sella!- er. Deputy-tmms-Jos. Abra tacc.) Councillors-Wm. Shaw, A. C Ilallman, E. W. Wilsum, August Jan- sen. ' It is understood that Mr. Summer will receive the rccvcship by acclacu- tion as Mr. swam has ox- pressed his intcnt'on of withdrawing. Galt, Dec. 27.-Tlwre “ill be no rlvcliuns in the Township of North Dumlries this year. The ttominatjrrms took place this “(whom It the township hall, and the council, con- sisuLng ut. . move and tour counxil- lots, were Plotted by acclatnatiott as Iollowts:--mNms, Thus. Allison. The C'ounci0ors Waller Oliver, A. H. McPhail, J. U. Dryden and Thus Hall. ' - Orangesulk, Dec. 27.-A.s a rrsull ml coroplaints made by William Pow- on again“ three of the trachers in orangevitle l‘uhlir Sduool. l'rlnclpal Wilson and Misses Davis and I'tumt- hell, assistants. w6re undrr trlal in the Police Court lor three (lava last week, umusod d administering tho strap too lrwly to his boy, The school was Hoard during th' Inquiry. and the (mutt house was wronged with parents nnn children a! the tom! and nurrounding rmntryx Crown Mtorner Mcigy proscrntul, and Burma: A. A. llughsm, rt, fended. While the invrltigltion has now concluded, Police Magnum!» Ptttivl In wi‘lholtll his decision until an" the (mm-m "mm. 'the School Md in [Mu-(d lo mama-w "fl the et. WATERLOO TOWNSHIP TEACHERS CRUEL Kiwnzswue NORTH DI'MFRH-IS Other Points JIt JN0lTloN News Nous.-TIo public school closed lure on the 21nd of [New many vistturts were present at to general examination and unfunn- meut. The pupils in the ' than: Maasett acquiiud meta-elves in I highly trvdstaMtt manner and mm: the entertainment which lollom-d. the singin‘, x Mullm and drills 't2'fi'li'JI'ltJi a must aduunahle muck: lumber it we“ commuted to be one ot the best school entertainments ever held' here.-On Thursday evening the peo- ple at West Montrose and community assembled in the village hall, whim was filled to the utmost capacity. '1 he Farmers" Club asscugolcd in full lurer. An interesting programme was rendered. A presentation win made to Mr. R. Boai, the Principal ot the Public school, ola beautiful and VII- uable clock. This was accompanied by an address of appreciation signed by t'eptestattatocs oi the Purim-15' Hub, by the Public School Board, by the Trustees at the Congregational church and by the [mun Sunday- school. The address; West Mentions, line. 23, 1909. Dear Mr. Baal and F'atuily.-We, the citizens of West Munimsc and vicitti- .y ou the eve ot your departnic (ruin our midst, cannot let this air Iiortunity go without lll wine way expressing our esteem lot your labors in": us tor the general welfare of this toninmiuty. ity. As a (cache! Ill mu" public school fur the past tught years, you hare served us; to the best oi your ability, anda number of our young mm and women, who have had [but early training under you, arc now Llling worthy positions. Whilv not a farmer, you have shown " lively interest in the work at me Farmvrs' Hub, and any enterprise for lint gbueral weliare oi this cotuutun- ity. As a (rather Ill mgr public In the church and Fsutiday-sehoul you have always been ready to re- tteve our pastor, and also to Nerve asa teacher, services which were ul- 1tars helpful and iustructivc. In the cliurrh and you have always been have our pastor, and As a small tuken of our ngmd tot you and your lanuly, plum- accept this clock, with the good wisln-s at this community for your Slll'L’l'SS and welfare in/vor new tield hf labor. Signed in Irchali oi llu' Fa1mcrs' Your family have grown up in our midst and have ('ndcared 1hcntselves to us and we feel that in many ways " will miss you all. Ltic is such that dear associations an: frequently rent asunder, and while your labors, we twlicnc, will he 111-11:- ful to others. and m-w associations will be ittrmed-yct WL' Wish to h. your labors, we twlicnc, will he 111-11:- ful to others. and m-w associations will be ittrmed-yct WL' Wish to h: a link in the chain of your rum-1w brain-cs. . Rory. P. S. Board. Andrew l.ctsnn, U. I). Bowman. _ Cungrvgational (huuh and 3.3. In reply to the address, Mr. it. uoal spoke for sonmlilur, outtiourr, the possibilities of Iughl-r ideals ol Mr, and the s.otial imtctiotts of tlu. Farmers' Club as a strong factor m working out their attainment. A dr- Iightful llinch was then served and this cotwluded an owning long io he rvrnetntrered in the annals of Wm Montrose. Signed in Club. News Nous-Miss Ellie Tye ol Goderich is tho guest of Mrs. H. It. Tyc.-Mr. and Mrs. (ioqrgc Mc, Callum spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs, Allan It. G. h'rmith.- Christ Church, Haysville and Ht. James' Church, Wilmol. held mm annual 1hristuvas trvat In the hall on Wed- n‘rsday atterttoon.-Hvuwt Christmas entertainment was a decided success, The church was crowded. Messrs. Willie Graham, Goodyear and King received a hearty vote ol thanks for ‘t-holr vocal assistance. TRAGEDY AT, Winnipeg, Dec. 28.--A despaich trom Red Deer, Alberta, says a tar- mer nnmrd Johnston, who lived mm Ptstitoid. while driving was run min hy a ttam furiously driven by hm drunken mvn and so badly injnrrd he died soon um. one of the Mln-r mm, an (~x-Mnuniod l’olllnnnn mun ed Wilson, who Mlungod to Rod Ihwr, “Inn he saw what had hap- prm-rl blrw his brains out. "is romranirm, nnmrd Milligln, rsvaprd JOnston wua widower and leaves air rhildrrn. It is said h" Watt on the “luv lo hr Inarnrd whrm hrnu-l his dralh. "WI- Have thr Tetuhrxrs Whipped th . A pawn! d on ot Mm toys whip PM “ya thr lad ant no marv- 1hnn ho deoetvrd--not cnnuxh, min-d . This an In editor ol one ot the pl- iiriN',"iii'iii'A)'ii'L1'ii'ik'iii PHONE " -"' , ' f ' WATBRLOO. WE ST MONTROSI HAYSVILLE Jas. llawlct. N. H. Gingrich, J. IL Woods, mRNBttttt222at2aaaattaaat+taaattatttettttttttattttttttttttttttr iiEtt DEER, ALTA. _, JOHN :ZINN, GENTS FURNISHING DEPT. Men's my Tics, att colors, 4 unlined, 50c. 75c, ti . Men's Cashmere Gloves. Men's, tine Braces, Me and We 20 doz. men's tine Cashmere Box all wool, would w........................" Mugs rlocha aims. and and in hand tics, no, Ho and liook on Tics, {In In W...F...t. " men's only Tweed Overmh. during at. Factory Prices. "l. " Oven-ott- tor o..,......-......." CLOTHING DEPT, Friday Bar FELT' d U LI ETS; WATERLOO tie, 0VerFotcl tor 812 Overcoth tot SM Overooun for 815 .overrtratr tar " teS,1t for, $12 Overt-o; I tor ONE PRICE ONLY. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. " KING NT, BERLIN. UHEA p CASH STORE. A“ 90 King St., East. Dietrich's Block It.. pair of Felt Juliets are most ippropriate gifts to give Father and Mother, Brother:and Sister. When you give a gift to a friend, give them comfort and durability with it. We wish our many patrons and friends a Happy New Year. HALLMAN’S GROCERY, BERLIN 8MYTH BROS. E3TTCiibuAcEt,Ei1 The Farmers‘ Tradlng Plano SHOE SPECIALIST in January. Cheap for cash. A. S. HALLMAN We have a good stock to choose from. “smiled axes TBO, 900 and $1.00 Axes and Saws BUY YOUR 810.00 to.†use " WHOLE Mk. ISC 2tk 50c] SMOKING JACKETS * man. TERMS CASH ONLY AND 0 Mc paws. _ Men's Culi J...".C. Inn’s one with P""i'. , E Men's [my NW Sikh] slut, " toe ......................_ Soc our ppociul Axe for novs' UND mum cons " cost on u We guarantee - RACER Ind LANCE Maple Leaf SAW. Buy the beat and get utilfution. Our prices on m out t?ors vuy from Come to us for your Bot, To 750 Poor We wish you one and all Iee't's MIN" Coll-ll. u cum!- to: ................. so Overcast ttte ............‘..,. “.50 Dutch“ .7 m7 35.50 (hum MR“... " Overcoat tor '""""""". 313 Overcoat lor ..............m Thil I. you chm to “I l Happy New Your $1.00 - , ONTARIO I" n..." r,]