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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Dec 1909, p. 7

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, t “A venison supper was given by a" JF, A. Htsrgott at the City Hotel. , "_ arrt week, when a large number _ oakgsreata enjoyed his hospitality. T _ 1 - Lumbermcn 1tubhers an v" » Sock: at The J. S. Roos Shoo Co. . Rev. Hugh Crozier oi Guelph, con ', inched the services in the Pres "s syrctrterian Church, Watcrioo, Sum ' [k _ dtsy, preaching very able and prac- " ‘5 t., tics! salmon: to good-sized congre 7 T . "tima. ',"c. ftl':r2i,?hmettr my , _ :rtsj:fiiik:ef Int-*0 JI',,'; cr. _ “WWW :- _ _ ats,+atdef t f? >31»,_.v|ttcnll n tho 'k,svcuffit9e ed on} r' ~31 a t T II' Gl F, petitions. ‘. $553.1: -...s"siirt: 3,. 1W” Ft" .- C. to P" iiriti) mum] i pets to y' is! cowl ,7“, 7...... - tii/tfit. conversation with Mr. Walter 'a6rue, who has so vtticierdly con- it W' the upholsicring department if “k past three years oi the Wa- 'it., H.) Fumitun: Company, Ltd., in) 'r?'iry __ to severing his connection FT! V Brett and going into business ' "~ mic“, he replied that he cx- ioetr, to leave the firm shortly ai- 3," “I completing sown arrangements _ Vllh'tllcm whim he cxperts will r" _' M hilhed in, I iew (lays. He is not itr, quit; certain whom he will settle in - future. ----- Ff (7 Bt H Wnterlno in: were agreeably It5 tttty, on Monday when Manager ‘55: announced that the old iavor- " ." homo-brew. Rowley Young, has .1. and. It ind not been Row- ""‘ ,4 I imtlon to play hockey this . er > t he could not resist ’ ', ‘6 at his old friends to "lt " the ma: and yellow. = " In likely the that he will figure . the GI“. Stanley Cup ham. lie ”In! oii. tor practise Monday hum» TttC UWCY. M att. Bout-elm Apothsl o 1h "uminationi' . to: the coming min] elections will he held on M. Dec. Mth. . - " hunts "hum" tht, .vok $3.36 an the J. s. R005 Shoe .Cu. - The annual dance at tlu- Waterloo 36tiMeal Society will be held on Jism (, sum latched and a rin'; mum gun with each pair oi Hockey 'Ae, gt the J. s. Roos Shoe Co. k ,-At Elmira, Wednesday, ' Mr. Fred Kischel, brother Mr. ROM. Kischel, Waterloo, to _ Lem Miner, both of Elmira. gal allies in Xmas Slippers at t J. S. Roos Shoe Co. Jo 'J'W and on! [ado has» kg 'ld,u'l'ltd putt-ITO"! mrtrbeh 'tte Jr. Y.P.A. of the Evangelical Church an recent meeting decided .10 make a donation ot provisions in M unlortuntc man who was "I!“ --so severely near Bridgeport ttee.":'"', the amputation ot his feet and hand. I '" meeting of ttte, Waterloo Mock WM. held Thursday evening -|Irply attended and the pro- flu: were rxcrodingly intern» - "w. t providing tor the consum- d . nllway to Hudsnn's Bay, In the auhjort ot able sprtch- in umber. at both the Gov- {mt Ind opposition. Thr mort- Im an hang well attended ma ' to be highly educative and "art t "on ittutrtttte know.- [ at put-lam" procedure. Mgit Int-3Q can 'stsett?rftd, by n ' in band” htlfar to: me; ”I.“ GIFTS E. M. DEVITT, was my sho have already reg- iged. ttttrobe, winter (mm at the H Bal- College are several 5 Ind Saskatchewan. 127 stu-) MW this term. It pays aware I thoroughly good school Md on business principles. Pt: a the B.B.C. many ob- llolltlons. Winter term opens V ' Bttt - introduced by Manse no“ 'NRLIAMENT‘ “Him-t 0" the spat!" "I" II N with clan “Him. The at!!! grtt) IN” Thr.. magmas" “than ovu- a my now won. til" the Yuletide sca- of the Evangelical the coming the 00V- . A motion “as passed that iwrcat- tn all “taunting lot laying otscw- 5:, gas or water mam.- be Cone am. am- aupuustou of the [Board or) Ls. H was decided to plan: th. I-ilr‘c “I .tt' Light Plant under the surrois ou, on of the Water and Light t‘omnls not). After considerable distusuon, " .hc tlalms for damages made ag- toe must the town by ex-Mayor Fischer md W. hic fot' $60 and 339.50 re- JO ,pcc1ivvly, were ordered to be paid. rn. A' letter was reccwcd [nun Mr. (ins. l tuna asking lur a reduction on the wt tsst-ssmtut on the Eckvrt "lock. No tction was taken. The matter was or , . " out!) next year s council for consld~ nation. BY. r Mayor Weidtaiharutuer bciore ad- Mrr iourrutumt referred to the harmonious to Banner in which the prucevdings hat B. new conducted throughout the year. at Ne Mayor has accepted a position ts inspector of schools in southern by \lunitoha and will leave to assume ki, tis new dutics in January. TH Waterloo Town Council tor we held their and session on “and“ "emu with Mayo! Weidmhamnm in the chair and Mrs. W. u. Weichcl, (in). h'uggltt, C. N. Huchn, w. J. swim. Lavi Gmytull, Thus. owns, fhoor‘O'Donncn present. In presenting the reports, Mr. b'. S. hump! stated that th.s year's Council had reduced their iiattt1tttcti " 8600. iTaxcs 1000 Roll ..w,._r"rr"'_ $18,951.76 ', axes, armors '_.VPr ._ ._eF-W.tfVV. 559.31 Licenses Hotels ..,,....;_.. eV-...... 1308.51 _ Licenses sundry mel-res-r---)""-. 212.75! Fees, rents and nucsm.....-108.12 ‘ Cemetery receipts tr_rmrt.rt.rrrr"r_r. 29.00 Govt. Railway tax ...r....k..r.r. iiriil . Loans repaid '_....-..... "W 3000.00 ' Debenture sales -.NF.. 45,805.04 1 Debenture accrued interest ..vPrt 183.26 . Debenture premiums """t""""' 109.06 I - Park Board receipts W. 219.88 Sewer Commission .m-._l..,..,m..... 115.00 . Water and Light Commission 1301.98 ' r Waterloo County roads V.i....F. 9,300.00 l - Public school 1908 overdrawn The statement ot the town Trea eurvr showed a derwit ot $6150.23. 'the [allowing accounts were passed. Paul Bergman, work on manhole $1.95 Arm. Hogs, coal = wood ttmV.rV _...34.In Int. llngg r.......rr.-r_r". .. -....,..29.3t \. ID. Sanderson, charity m-..t.' 3.8; !as. ileveroo, pig. o.....,,.....-.) Arm. Snider ver.-.... ....rrt.t.rrer-"-e'" 7.0t has. Moogk mrtm..... t.t.ettt--m_rrrrr. . 61.55 i. K. W. Lorenz tm....... .....'.e-m.r-t. .50 kW. J. Sterling .....e....rr-Nrm'...wm-. 4.0L I. H. Fischer, damages _--_r'r..""' 60.0t I. W. Ree. damages .e_.r-r_-.r'".. .39.5( Grntleruem-1 beg herewith to sub- nit my report [or the current year Early in the year there was an epi- Iemic "of whooping cough resulting n me death. of scarlet teser than were tive mild cases. No cases ot tiphtheria, small pox or measles, are repoi ltd. Only one use ot tu oercurosis was reported, although here was a number ot undoubted vases in the town. or typhoid fever, there were several mild cases. The cited statistics for eleven rum! hs were Ell births and 38 deaths. ‘ll these t deaths, 4 were due to cancer, i to pneumonia, one of the latter being a complication of whoop- mg cough and one to tuberculosis. Ac- !as. 1leveroo, pig. ....r_ hrnt. Snider Ver.-.... m....... 2vas. Moogk mrtm..... m..... i. K. W. Lorenz tm....... Ir. W. J. Sterling .m_..e_'. I. It, Fischer, damages I. w. Ree. damages .e. To the Mayor and Council of tln Town of Waterloo. notes .-....t.m...s..r.tsNm """'t'"PP' Waterloo Light Commission Road roller fund ts----"-'- Bank overdraft F....-... e.-__VPF. Dr. W. L. Hilliard, Ifrtccr, submitted his wad as to0owss-- ytotson's Hank overdraft Dec, Mst, was TFe r. TV .rrFV_ " Elation of Councillors t.__te_Vr_ Salaries, allowances, etc. .... .. Printing, ctr. ,, .. .. Vrrr __.. Insurance ,, ,rrr_r. .. , ,, .. ._rtv_ Fire Dept. F.. er rrre .. r. __. Street lighting ,‘ _-r--... ___ ,. Law coats ..,,.'-.rr.__.._.. "rss........ Town property ,, rrrrwere. ..m.t. Board of Works _.. .-... .. H Jateal improvements, cement walks Fe W. 'rF? _ .. ‘... Lou! improvements, King St macadam w.e_.qsr., _ H . _.____. Local improvements, brunch sewers .. ,rr. A ._ " Street sprinkling VT? _ Board of Health rr .. .. _ Chariiy rr P-" .. Ponce awnin- Fr __. T County Rates Public school no. mm Senate whom inn-bur primal Bldg. ac, V Rinking Fund Dvbrnum' principal Fobontnre interest . Bank ittterrrtt _ . Public library Cemetery expenses _ Tax refund tx... p Grunt: , n . n .. Park PIDQIISPS . Tr Sundry cxponnrs _ ' T n.r.et. crooning watchman Rinking Fund 94.80 lk-brMurr principal l0073.01 T‘obrnture interest . _ 8757.73 Bank "not"! . 555.90 Putslic lihvuy 1020.23 Crmetery rxpt‘nm _ . 122.00 Tax refund ts... A .. 40.01 Grants [ _ 't_tr_ 840.00 Park expenses . , .. Mt." Sundry expenses . . _ OHM! G.T.R. crossing watchman .r,. 135.13 and Idler _.'. , .. "-. 3000.00 Hydro Eleckic Power ' ..-.. _ 16621.40 [mm "tr-ttat '__., w..tr w.. our. IM' H93! f" ltr'" (manna: Medical Health omccr's Report AL SESSION Wh1'BRL00 - TOWN COUNCIL x Treasurer Kumpl Presents Report-- Will Sttrervlseyixirtmttittt1s tor Gas, Sewer and Water Mains." itetiqtt was Reduced. Expenditures Receipts Muiical Health report which TREASURE " REPORT $123,368.17 "£13,394 . M - . 33.00 THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT I 209.87 . 450.00 . 300.00 17021.03 l 2,951.80 _ 204.73 023.02 2,017.73 3,721.10 13373.09 488.62 169.23 244.19 _ 9037."! 21mm 9826.23 2075.70 M2S.21 1913.33 417.18 72.10 f,58i.61 204.31 cording to the“ figures the birthratr in “out. " per thousand and sit. death "to a We over 9 pm wow and per mum. The milk mu have been with one exception, very satiahctory. There have been scarcely any complaints about the milk delivered m town In accordance with a vote ut the iatepayci's last January, the construc- tion ot a cottage lot the isolation at mlections diseases has been begun ad will soon be completed.. The cost mill be about 83000. In the opinion ot the Hoard ot Health " was not thoughu expedient to uodvrtake the erection of several eoMtlbss as was the original intention." My personal experience leads, me to )elicre than even in Waterloo many children are sumering trom such phy- sical defeats and a thorough examin- ation would doubtless reveal a sur- grisingly large percentage that could be restored to good health try appro priate treatment. MLthat any med- ical inspector should attempt T is to discover the physical defects, re- port thc same and have the rPspon- sibility tor the proper treatment .lntirely with the parents. 1'ch Pulp tic Health Art ot Ontario specuical- ly authorizes local Boards ot H h to provide tor systemntic Ii;- tion of all school children I :cr deemed advisable. All of which Is respecuully submitted. Wator and Light Commission de- benturcs ..vv...e. .VFt.r .eF ... Sewer Commission "W . Waterloo County re roads Waterloo County Electric Light Drpt. _.F.r.P. ....... WW...” 1 Total current liabilities o".... 31098.85 Liabilities in excess ot asstts, 6150.22 Taxes balance 1909 Roll col- lectnblc P.......) ....r.w. .........$l Taxes arrears .tm...rPP.... .rv...r...ire Water Commission ...r._ I,..,..... 5 Cement walks, local imp., laid in 1909 _'m""_'er'r__. r--..tttr.--.. 204.3] Sewers "._rer9.rV._ u.,.., .errp. ..,... 4273.09 Macadam roadway .... ._rrFrVVFF. 8771.16 Gravel pit, debentures to be is- Overdraft In bank .NttVtF_r_-t School Endowment lund ..Ft_. t'ommuted taxes _ r, F.w.rt.-rrGt. Hal. duo Sewn Commission Bal duo Isolation Hospital... Hal. due Ward school .r.____P_.. Bal. due com-rott- bridges-.., Hal. duo Electric light Dvpt. Total current Liabilities 331.998.!!!) Liabilities in excess oi - £150.22 Total available asset’s Statement ol Assets and Liabilities Available Assets. ' Tans Rents Livonsws . __ T .V Park rrcolpts . .. Bank owrulra", Dec Hank overdraft, Dec. If Sal-lips . V Printing Board ot Works Law costs TTr Charity Drbenture Orin, ”38M! Debenture Int. "MAW, Police service [ _ (F Interest _ . _ w.' ' Home. _ uvrr._., Toot &opcrty .... pr . F"orttdrtq. ....... .rr..r.". , sued Current Liabilities Per. 115th to Dec. 31st, 1909 Yours truly, Hspenditures Receipts W. L. IIILLIA RD, M.ll.0. 31 15, on l?, $128368.” - 3000.00 $25,818.63 . “64,55 Mr. Wm. Schnarr who mi West .. “71.79 “at sun and took up Fri-ml in .. 373,00 1tidl'r'l1u'ehl, ncagmalodys, re- . 1220.00 1mm Mr pveNAt tail will spend ---- tk winter n Waterloo. Me. ”1.998.”, as taken no. oi‘ol two quarter- u 515012 r-riions oi lamb, or 320 acres, and . . bis homestrad is situated in Houthern 'ttrtuuetc \lberia, in what is known as the Snake Valley District. He will have 1909. any access to both the C. P. It. and the n «it Northern railways. The C. P. R. is being surveyed gems: ‘,...$172.M his land and the (Loni Northern TT"". 3.00 also purposes building a line about 10.00 wo miles distant. Just recently . .80 the discovery it been made oi a l2,6!|i.2i oat mine on the Big Bow River, -_--_ low miles distant. and next year 31183038 " is intended to open up the same. The i'limatic conditions well ttettr iii the name by which that scriion 12,,"rr7.01 i the West is known, namely Sunny Iii-3' Alherta. They hare had my mm V “'56 mid weather to date, and have not "3-" s" been Ihlc- to indulge in tlu' _ “-35 plonsum ot nlelghing as is ihe rim- PF 10.5tt here. lie in A thorough heliewr in thr vast possibiliiies of the west, ___ MUt.2it and iniends returning to Alberta in , . "oo he Spring with his ilmily, where _ "S they will make their iuture home. - 17,619.03 585.0" 500.00 1731.i5 21 64.55 . Isjmn , 878.60 1220.00 $1400.00 .. 600.00. 5500.07 6802.05 2190.65 4300.00 1220.00 8172.84 3.00 10.0“ . .80 $468.26 29.00 ".30 . .50 .15 IN VERY POUR ('UNDl'l'lUN Raisin. Currants, Peel: and Nuts here, you will :hnvt- the but that' money can buy which tug-urea a good rr'xkc. Bohlender’s Fruit Bakes The Reliable Grocery, Phone 205. “'ATEBIJOO. A Jolly Time Everyone upsets a. joll time during Xmas ~Good eating in very unusual? to her-d) one in good humor. on. In eu- ed with lt' I V 3nd tu! our M lint. o ' Oliyen and ot er _ titsunntt Dull- cnmel. , . Fruit Select Raisins 3lbs. . . _ .250 Seeded Raisins 3 lbs. ....e. ..26c Extra Cleaned Currants 3 Gs _ for............. .... ....26c (Bice- Rice, 6 lbs. for . ... . . 311‘ We Sell Dhtrlch’s Home lad. Broad Th Inn-l mun; oi the anlon “.0!“ was bid " Wag}.- BACK FROM THE WEST L BRUEGEMAN Its time to think " your Waterloo'. Live Grocery " you buy your [:13 The 1llift of Gifts It in our opinion amigo" (hit. our thin you". hol " inn. ampu- anything that yet. Ibown. " ongbtboho. for we try to bent our pravllom year's climb. We cnn - “tempt well In par- ml dexripllon but we willfully-at Itty' tyw lthinr -peeitt1lr to low-rs "ot the beautiful; Diamond Ring! from I.” to .300 nont'a Sign“ Ring. I.” .00.” Pearl Ring. from It . " Girl‘s Ring. from I... to " Burr Bing- hom 7.. to .I We would dealt. Ill early with. :Wo have thought and planned and worked and bought that we might get your favorable comm-1.1: It’s ’ Just as Reasonable It is just an; oasoualrle to believe that this school will castimu: to assist hundreds 0qu”. ptople to good posi- tinns in business tite as it, is true that it has already as- sislrd hundreds in this "ity. Winter Term [mm Jan. 3. Ask fur catalog ur call at, ptirwipal's ulln‘o at any Hum. JEWELRY All ready for you new BERLIN BUSINESS COL'L PIG E t on will mgr“- 'lip",'. preero P: Incipal , - we hnw SILK WAIST LENGTHS AT Ar.oo - Suggestions For (hihw Gifts Etch one inafnncy bor, and each 2|“th contains cunugh material for a shirlwaist, a lowly gut ior any yum; lady. See them at tile Silk Cuurrter. WASTE BASKETS at 25ykidc A usrlul article needed in New Iuut:omn at the house. Tlttvw un- or- ha'lllrntal as well as uselul, bring made of tititi board and collapsible lmllom; pretty [loyal and convention- .Il dtsigres. TRIMMED HATS AT 2.50 AND $498 Tuo Cables of special valuvs in trimmed millim'ry fur Saturday. Thrw hats are worthdoublv the pike, w" are asking. They'd makr BLACK PAILETTE SILK AT 69c How would a nice Mack silk dress he for a 1'hristmas prosrnt fur your wife or moihcr? " you buy it here on saturday you can save money on your purchase. You'll get $1 valuy for 690, but that's only on Salut- day. cumsTMAg \ largt- number were In tgtt4'tMratttN' ”l the annual (‘hrlstmns vntortain-i um! of the Mrthonist l'hurrh Sun? vLu-srhml hold Tur.sauwevcrting, Yrs orcriaininX progum mmmisin: rc- Obvious, song! duck, and pintto msmtwrs by the mrmhcrs M the F'tttt- dar-ttrho) Tho programme aim» int'ludrd In cllective rrritation by Miss Kirby, who In M, punt“. visit- lng in the Twin-CN, Those tak- im part in the pro‘nmmo utqnlt‘ ted tttr-Ov' moat cndiuhly. 'tte mum-tn M an: Sunday-uhool won new” m we}! MM has: aLi-rtrthgf,tpter. of 1?t St suositrle Christmas gift Raw Fu " Wanted FOUNDRY 8T. Your Xmas shop- ping days are few, but do not fail to call on us for _,," Goqd Values in suitable gifts. Wewmnw i'iiii.i,ll,.illlllll our thanks}~ toil“ Illl, iiumerous eustori'fllt"f,t for their patrottittti(i, tlui, past year wand wish you alla e , Mink, dMuskpat, Skunk and J. Letter ' Son PHONE 388 Berlin Robe & clothing 60. % Merry Christmas 'E'NTERTAINMENT The Leading2Funeral Directors and Embalmers HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR . Mills a Go. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. E. FUR DEPARTMENT In Mind-MIN Coon. LADIES’ MUFFLERslAmzc Our assortmtnt of messed dolls is a big one, and the values are good. You will get a better selection now then if you wait until Bear Christ- mas. Then you have to take what is loft. Prices 25c to $2.50. The him you usually pay 500 each for. We have them in all the lead- ing pupular shades, white, grey, sky. navy, cardinal, black, brown amt champagne. They make a useful gift at a moderate price. [and one mounttd on a nice mat, vnd just the thing to trim with rite hon and make a pretty calendar for 19N, at less than half the price you would ordinarily pay. PICTURES AT " 1-2 AND 15c EIDERDOWN Thvrc's many a man who is puz- zling his brain about what to give his wife lor Christmas. You. are always safe in buying a nice cider- down comiorler. We have them at prices from $6.00 to $12.00 each. DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS The regular meeting at thr, Wntcr- Inn Hoard ot llmllh wds held on F'ridav. len- were present Mum. J. M. Muir in lhv chair, and C. A. llarhnrl, ltr, llilllmo, MIMI, Smi- tary Inspector Flynn, ('lms. Moogl, architect and the Mum. Mr. Moorik reported on the progn‘l' ot thr work at the new [sebum Hou- pilal. ‘hlch will be mstst+ted ll ahout a month. . The Medical Health other: "all“ M: “an! report which amt! II noun: coll-I. It. was and.“ by Dr. Him-g. ne- onded by Mr. llaehnrlptlnt it“ [lonrd' memorialize “a TWIN 'It um "" the 32:: itLtgl BOARD OF HEALTH MEET HOUSE 270 BERLIN, ONT. COMFORTERS

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